Justin Timberlake's Destiny 1-2/?

By moc.loa@ettesucilegnA

Published on Jan 24, 2001



Part: Doom is sometimes not that bad By: Candy Dedication: Cody.. Somehow You inspierd this. So its ALL YOUR FAULT

Disclaimer: CHECK THIS OUT: It's not REAL, as in its FAKE. I don't know the guys sexual prefrance, I don't know the guys... No one in this story is real.. well.. They are real, but they don't act like this in real life that I know of. And PLEASE don't blame me if you are close-minded....

NOTE: I was a JC obbseser when he was in MMC, I don't remember much of anyone else... JC was my GOD, everyone else just pailed in comparison to me back then.. thats why some stuff about MMC in this story is Made-up or stuff I found on the net.. If you see something that's wrong, sorry... but you know how that goes..

ALSO: I know it's short, but I'm getting out of my writers block, slowly and but surly...

ARCHIVIST/READERS/EVERYONE ELSE: I used to be Angelusette@webtv.net got AOL and Life is good now.... well.. Kinda... The other stories I have writen are "Flabbergasted", "Singing Madman" and "Wishful Thinking" as well as many short stories...

Summery: Justin Timebrlake faces his destany (Ohh Origanal...), with the help of the ones he loves.

A little boy -- not more than 12 - stood close to his mother, practically behind her as if she could hide him from his doom... The Mickey Mouse Club.

Okay, so he had begged and pleaded with his Mom to let him try out. He thought it would be cool if he made it. He was never popular in school and he thought that if he was on TV the kids at school would look at him and say "Hey, that's Justin Timberlake. He is on the TV show. He is so cool." But now, he was rethinking this whole thing.

This was a bad idea. He didn't want to be here. He wanted to be at home, not here. He didn't want to work with people who called him "Shorty", "Curly", "Kid", and "Son".

A frown crossed his young face. I'm not short. I'm not a Kid' and none of these people are my parents - and My real once call me Justin.

That's why my mom named me JUSTIN. So people would call me JUSTIN.'

He so didn't want to be here.

"Justin, honey," his mother said to him, "Follow this nice lady. She is going to get you sized up so they know what size clothes that you wear then you will go to rehearsal. You did study your lines right?"

Justin nodded. 'You were there Mom,' he thought ruefully. She smiled "You are such a good boy. I am so proud of you."

"Yeah." `I guess now is a bad time to tell you that I don't want to do this.'

Justin watched in slow motion as his mother moved aside and allowed the woman she was talking to earlier lead the way Justin was to go. Much to Justin's distaste the woman wore way too much make-up and smelled like harsh perfume and hair spray. He wrinkled up his nose at the smell but followed her down a hallway anyways keeping his eyes downcast at all times.

"Here we are," the woman said as they walked into a doorway. The room held various colors of clothing in several different ales "This is Mary." Justin looked up to see a woman in a red silk blouse and purple leggings.

"She is the costume coordinator."

Justin bit his lip to keep from laughing or groaning, he wasn't sure.

Something seemed ironic about this situation - that is, if he know what ironic mean. He had heard his mom use it and it seemed to fit.

Justin looked around at his surroundings. It looked like a larger version of his mom's closet but this one had ales - 10 of them from what Justin counted. `Mom's dream closet'. He mused as he wandered away from the two women.

"No, I won't wear it!"

"JC Just put it on. It's not as bad as you think...."

Justin turned the corner to see, yet another, woman holding up a tie-dye shirt.

"Please, it's TIE-DIE. Man, it's one thing to make me play a dumb-surfer, but to make me DRESS like one.. NO WAY."


Justin couldn't suppress his giggle. The JC had his arms crossed over his chest and was shaking his head.

"FINE," She said as she stomped off.

A small smile crossed JC's face. Justin studied JC intently, as if he had to learn his face to survive. He was everything that Justin had come to believe was beautiful and so much more. He felt a pang of something in his heart but dismissed it off as admiration.

"Hey! You.. KID... HELLO!" Suddenly Justin realized that he was talking to him.


"What's your name?"


"I'm JC."

"Oh.. Um Hi.."

"Your one of the new one's right?


"How old are you? 10?

"No! I'm 13 thank-you-very-much." Justin said slightly too loud.

JC chuckled, "Sorry. 13.. Right... Well I`ll see you around.. whenever." JC Waved his hand in a dismissive manor. Justin watched is disappointment as he started to walk off.

"Wait!" Justin yelled. causing JC to turn back around. "What does `ironic' mean?

JC found himself laughing again. "It means.. like.. if something turns out one way but is the opposite of what you would expect."

Justin struggled with JC's answer but by the time he figured it out JC had walked off.

He smiled. Maybe this wont be so bad.


Title: Justin Timberlake's Destiny Part: Only One Way To Find Out By: Candy

"I hate girls. Why do girl's have to be so... Girly?" Justin asked as he looked at his textbook, "I hate them about as much as I hate math."

"I don't think they are all that bad. Some of them are kind of cute, "TJ said as he looked across the room to the giggling girls. Justin looked up. "No, you are just weird."

"I'm not the one that doesn't like girls. Besides, JC likes girls, I think, and you don't think he is gross."

"I said weird' not gross'."

"What is that supposed to mean?" TJ asked indigently.

Justin rolled his eyes. "Please! Come on, both me and Nikki saw you come out of the cleaning closet with Christina all read faced and dreamy eyed."


Justin couldn't stop his laughter. "You heard me. Besides, not every girl is bad. Keri and Nikki are cool but Britney and Christina are gross.

They giggle too

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