Justin's Boy

By Rhyuan Janssen

Published on Apr 24, 2002



This is my first attempt at writing a story like this but I think I did pretty well. Any comments are welcomed (tergiversation@cfu.net) This story is purely fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

Ever since my best friend Ehryn told me that she had gotten tickets to the Nsync concert I went into Nsync hyper-drive. I wouldn't have been that excited really except that she had stayed outside the ticket place for a day and a half to make sure that her and I would have front row seats. I really didn't know if my heart could take being that close to Justin and the rest of the gang. I loved them all by my real obsession belonged to Justin.

Justin had to be the most gorgeous man that ever walked or ever will walk the planet. I must admit he looked sexier with his little curly hair then his shaved look, but it's begging to grow on me. Everything about him made me weak at the knees. His voice was so incredible sometimes I couldn't even sing along with him I was so amazed at what he could do. Singing had always been a large part of my life and now having turned twenty recently I knew it's what I wanted for myself. I'm not even asking to be as big as Nsync. I just wanted to be out there. To have the fans call out my name. Girls rushing the stage to bring me flowers and I of course, would have to pretend I was straight but it would be a small price to pay.

There were also the obvious things about Justin that I liked. The same thing everyone else liked; his incredibly hot body. Who else had a body like his with the most adorable face and sexy eyes? I've tried to think of someone else but no one can compare to him. The first time I ever saw him in a wifebeater I almost fainted. I seriously had to avert my eyes from the screen to keep from going blind from his beauty.

Myself, I wouldn't say I was in the 'hottie' category but I could hold my own. I was around 6'4", incredibly blond hair (which is natural at that), cat green eyes, and a pretty good body. It wasn't nearly as muscular as Justin's was but I wasn't hideous.

The day before the concert I didn't eat anything for fear that I would come down with food poisoning and miss my big day. I started getting ready three hours before the concert to make sure that I looked my best. I put on my favourite cologne from Bath and Body works. I don't even know what the fragrance is called since the front of the bottle was worn off from being thrown around in my car. The concert started at eight but Ehryn told me she'd be at my place around six- thirty. Before I knew it the doorbell rang and there she was standing there just looking at me.

"Don't I look ravishing?" she said. She walked across the room and sat down on the sofa. She was wearing a completely black dress with silver shining moons and stars all over the place. I wondered what people would think at the concert when the lights went down and all they saw were little tiny moons and stars floating around. I went over to the couch and sat beside her.

"You look wonderful, hun. Now lets get into the bathroom and make sure my hair looks good."

After what seemed hours of tedious work with her hands in my hair she finally decided it looked good enough for Justin to come over and fall into my arms. A few quick glances in the mirror from each of us and we were out the door.

The concert wasn't too far away from my house. About ten or fifteen minute drive. The closer we got the more and more traffic we ran into.

"Well, I guess leaving an hour before the concert started wasn't enough time to avoid the rush," I said.

She looked over to me with a certain ' I guess not' look and we kept on driving. I finally found a parking place about a mile from the entrance to the concert hall.

"You have our tickets right Rhyuan?"

I reached down into my pocket and felt the tickets. Our wonderful, glorious front row tickets.

"Yeah I have them right here."

I pulled them out of my pocket and waved them in her face. We kept walking and walking for ages before we got to the front door. Rather the line to get into the front door. There had to be about 200 people in front of us waiting to get in. The whole time I heard Ehyrn complaining in the background about how her feet hurt. I really wanted to say "what kind of a person wears high heals to a concert in the first place?" but I didn't say anything to her.

We finally reached the front door where a rather attractive guy probably around my age started to pat me down. What did they really think we were going to bring in here, a bazooka or something? I had hid Ehryn's camera under my coat and didn't think they would ever pat us down like common criminals. When the man started to pat me down I just said "sorry Ehyrn" and handed her camera back to her. She took the film out of the camera and threw it away and we started to go in.

"Wait a minute," came from the lady that patted Ehryn down.

"What?" we asked.

"You can't bring that camera in here."

"We took out the film we have no more what are we supposed to do with the camera," I asked.

"You'll have to take it back to your car or throw it away."

Well throwing the camera away just wasn't an option. It was Ehryns parents' camera and it was expensive to say the least.

I took the camera from Ehryn, gave her ticket to her and started back to the car. She didn't like the idea of me missing the opening act but I calmly reminded her that the opening act wasn't what I was here for. She went past the 'guards' that had patted us down and she disappeared in to the crowd.

It took me about a third of the time to get back to the car as it had to walk to the concert hall as I was running at full tilt. By the time I got to the car I was covered in sweat from the heat of my winter coat. I was positive all the time we had spent on my hair was to no avail now. I was sucking the cold air in so fast that I started coughing up a storm. To make matters worse I heard a huge explosion and all of the lights in the parking lot where the car was in had gone off. I hoped the concert hall still had electricity. I thought I was going to hack up a lung before someone came behind me and started patting me on the back.

"Are you ok?" the voice asked.

"Yeah I think I'm going to be alright. If I just make it back to the concert in time."

"I know what you mean I'm late too. So are you excited about the concert um..."

"Rhyuan my name is Rhyuan. It's not spelled the regular way. I had it changed to be more outstanding I guess."

"Well that's cool. My name is Q"

"As in the letter Q?" I asked

"Well no, not exactly but that's what all my friends call me and since I did come pat you on the back and stopped you from having a seizure I think I can call you a friend now," he laughed.

We started walking back towards the door and I really wished to God that the lights weren't out. This guy sounded extremely hot. Just had one of those voices. It even sounded familiar but I couldn't place it at the time.

"To answer your question, Q, I actually am really excited about the concert tonight. My best friend got us front row seats which is why I was really perturbed about this whole camera thing. What does Nsync think we are going to do? Bring in a bomb the size of a camera I mean come on! When I get big enough to have my own concerts I'm going to let them bring cameras."

"Well Rhyuan a lot of singers don't want pictures taken at their concerts for different reasons. Some don't want pictures out there that aren't touched up. Some don't want pictures that they haven't posed for and so on. If it were up to me I would allow them at this concert. Hey, have you ever seen a concert from backstage?"

"No I haven't. I think it would be kind of different though. Seeing all the stuff that goes on that the public really never knows happens. I've always wondered how they change clothes so fast? Like twenty seconds and they have on completely new outfits and they still always look gorgeous."

"How would you like to see this concert from backstage?" he asked.

" It would be the most awesome thing I've ever experienced up till now. But I don't get lucky enough. I'm just happy my friend got me these tickets."

"I actually was serious about the backstage thing Rhyuan, I mean only if you want. I don't offer that to many people."

"What do you mean YOU don't offer that to many people? Who do you think you are? The backstage police?"

Just as I had said that we got close enough to a light that I could see just who it was I was talking to. Right then and there I wanted to die. For two reasons actually: one because I had just made a complete fool of myself for talking that way, and two because I was talking to Justin himself!

I wasn't able to say anything for about two minutes as it all raced around in my head. I had just talked to Justin Timberlake like he was a nobody and he's everybody to me. He's the sun which I revolve around. He just stared at me with his beautiful eyes and that gorgeous smile.

"Oh, Oh, oh my God. Oh my God I'm so sorry Mr. Timberlake. I... I didn't mean...um...uh," I stammered out. Justin just started to laugh. He looked at me and shook his head.

"We'll have none of that formal Mr. Timberlake crap. Q is fine or now that you know who I am you can call me Justin," he said.

"Yes, Mr. Ti... I mean Justin. So were you really serious about letting me see the concert from backstage? My friend would just die of envy."

"Well we could grab your friend as well if she wasn't already seated inside. It sounds like the opening act has started already and I'm not even dressed yet. Just follow me and stick close because we have to go thru some back doors to get to where we need to go as fast as I need to get there."

I followed him down and around a hill that was just off to our left. Behind the hill all the equipment busses and their tour bus was there. About thirty or forty people were scrambling about some of them running at almost a sprint speed. They were probably wondering what Justin was doing and where he was this close to the time of the concert.

Then I myself began to wonder what Justin was doing out in the middle of nowhere practically in a completely dark parking lot? I decided to ask him.

"Justin, I was just wondering what were you doing out there in that dark parking lot all by yourself when you should have been with the rest of the guys getting ready?"

" I was just waiting for someone and then you came along and started to die from coughing in the parking lot and I just thought I couldn't let a fan die while I was there watching him hack himself."

We kept on walking and got about ten feet from the equipment bus when I heard someone shout, "Here he is!"

"Hurry, tell him to get into makeup!"

"Justin where do you want me to go?" I asked.

"Just stay close to me and I'll tell everyone who you are and that you are going to watch from behind stage. They won't mind."

I could not believe that this was happening to me. I thought about pinching myself to see if I was dreaming but thought better of it just in case it was a dream I wouldn't want to wake up now!

Justin was practically running thru hallways with people yelling at him to get ready and get into make up. I've never seen such pandemonium! We finally got to an opening where I could see the stage from the side but was hidden from view of the crowd.

"Here is where you can watch us perform tonight. You don't have a V.I.P. pass so you'll have to take mine. I think that people know well enough who I am. When the concert is over I'll come get you and you can meet the rest of the guys. Wish me luck!"

Surprisingly enough he gave me a hug and then he was gone. I still was wondering if this was all some hallucination I was having. Maybe I was still in the parking lot having truly coughed up a lung and now I was just lying there. Slowly dying from exposure to the cold and no air. Ehryn would come back after wondering where I was the entire concert to find my stiff cold body lying there clutching to her camera.

I was jolted out of my daydream by a huge roaring crowd. The lights had been dimmed and it was time for Nsync to come out on stage. Still I couldn't fathom being backstage watching Justin and the rest of the guys perform. I hoped that Ehryn wasn't freaking out about where I was. In all the rushing I had forgotten about her out there. I had to let her know I was back here somehow. Then I remembered that she was in the very front row. If somehow I could maneuver myself around to the back of the stage she might be able to see me.

I followed the large black curtain that I was partially hidden by back to the backside of the stage. The curtain wasn't all one big piece of fabric and there were slits large enough for me to see out into the crowd. I searched and searched for her. It was hard trying to find her with all the movement of the guys on stage. I must admit a few times my gaze landed on Justin's perfect butt as it was bouncing all over the floor as he sang out. After a few more minutes of searching out in the crowd I finally did find Ehryn. She didn't really look too concerned that her best friend wasn't there beside her gawking at the studs that were only a few feet from her. It only took a few moments before she caught my eyes in the curtain. Her mouth dropped clear to the floor and she signed to me 'what are you doing?'. I signed back it was a long story and I would explain it when the concert was over. At that moment I was never so glad that she had taught me sign language right after high school.

I went back to where Justin had left me and watched the rest of the concert. It was completely awesome. Nothing I had ever seen could compare to it. A few times Justin got close enough to the side of the stage I was on to look at me. One time he even smiled and winked at me, which made me laugh.

After the concert was over I waited for almost fifteen minutes before I saw him bounce over to me.

"That was awesome Justin!"

The sweat was still running down his face and his clothes were stuck to his body. It was extremely erotic to me but I tried to pretend that he was just another guy. It was hard though to not rip off all of his clothes and lick him clean.

"You think so Rhy? OH can I call you Rhy?"

I wanted to say you can call me anything you want but I simply replied with "Of course Q all my friends do."

"So you want to go back and meet the rest of the guys now? After our first set I told them that I had a friend right behind right stage watching us and that I would bring you back to meet them after the concert."

I agreed and we went thru more hallways and corridors than I could count. How no one ever got lost in this place was beyond me. I remembered one time when I was seven I had been here with my parents for a musical of some sort and I had wandered off to go to the bathroom. I had gotten so lost that someone working back stage had to find my parents for me.

We got to where the rest of the guys were supposed to be but when Justin opened the door no one was there. He stepped in the doorway and looked around but no one was to be found. Just then a short stubby man came up to us.

"Justin," he said, "the rest of the gang went to the after party without you. They said that you should come and to bring Rhyuan if you want as well. One of the limos is waiting out front for you."

" Thanks Clint." Well I guess it's off to the after party for us. Unless you don't want to come."

"Don't want to come? Are you insane?"

He just laughed again and flashed that sexy smile. We went thru a ton of corridors once again and finally we were outside. The second Justin stepped out thousands of cameras and screaming girls went off. He gave them a little wave and a kiss to the crowd and told me to get in the limo. I got in and he immediately followed and slammed the door.

He put his hands in his face and just let out a huge sigh. I looked at him and wanted to console him or hug him. Let him know that I really was there for him if he needed someone to talk to.

"Justin are you ok?" I asked

"Yeah, yeah I'm fine. It's just all those people get to me sometimes. I'm only one guy. I'm no different than they are. I just got blessed with a voice and now all those girls think I'm God or something. Sometimes Rhyuan I really just wanna throw in the towel and say to hell with it."

I moved a little closer to him on the big oversized limo seat. The car still smelled of new rubber and I couldn't help wonder if this limo was made just for this ride?

"Justin you could never quit singing. I've always wanted to be a singer from the moment I knew what the word was. You've been given something special and you should use it. Just because other people adore you for it doesn't mean that's a reason for you to quit. You have the most amazing voice in the world. Sometimes when I'm at home and some video of yours comes on I just stop what I'm doing and I sit there in amazement at the talent God gave you. Now He's given you the opportunity to share that gift and you have to do it."

He looked at me and didn't say anything for a minute. He appeared so innocent and fragile. I feared that if I touched him he would break in my hands like a china dish carelessly handled and dropped to the floor.

"You really like my voice that much Rhyuan?" he asked.

" I love your voice. I love everything about your voice. That little thing you do with it, I can't describe it. I don't know if it has a name or maybe it's just something I haven't learned to do yet. Whatever thing that is you do is just awesome."

"What little thing I do? What are you talking about Rhy?"

"Ok you know in 'It's gonna be me" how you say... MEEAHE?"

I tried to do the best adaptation of it that I could but I got the point across.

"Oh you mean that thing," he laughed.

"Yeah that thing, I really love it."

"Well maybe I'll have to give you a little song of your own later tonight. I wonder what your friend thought of the concert?"

"Crap, I have to let her know where I am."

" You can use the car phone if you want to."

He reached across my lap and brushed my leg as he took the phone off the receiver. He handed it to me and I began to dial Ehryn's number.

"Hello," I heard her answer.

"Hey Ehryn, it's me."

"Where in the hell are you and what were you doing back stage you could have been caught. I was worried sick till I saw you behind that black curtain."

"Well right now you probably won't believe where I'm at but I'm in the back of a limo with Justin going to the after party."

"Oh yeah right and I'm the Queen of Sheba Rhyuan. Now really where are you at?" she asked.

"Seriously Ehryn that's where I'm at. I wouldn't joke about something like that!"

"What she doesn't believe you?" Justin asked.

"No, Justin she doesn't believe me," I replied.

Justin grabbed the phone out of my hands and said hello. That very instant he had to pull the phone away from his ear about as far as his arms could reach. The screams that came out of the phone were painfully shrill. Justin handed the phone back to me.

"So you believe me now," I asked her.

"Rhyuan, oh my God, I cannot believe you are in the back of Justin's limo. Is it just the two of you?"


"Oh, so what's going on? Are you gonna make a pass at him. You really should Rhyuan. How many people get this chance? In the back of his limo! Oh my god."

"I would never do that and you know it. But now you know where I am and I have to go. Will you call my parents? I doubt they will believe you but it's worth a try. Tell them I'll get home whenever."

"Ok will do. Have fun you lucky boy you."

"Don't you worry I plan on it, bye hun," I said.

I put the phone back on the receiver still at awe as to where I was. I looked up and saw the sunroof. I had the immediate urge to open it and have Justin and I stick our heads out and start hollering and yelling at the passersby but my social conscience got the best of me and I didn't mention it.

"You know Rhy, I've been thinking. Why don't we ditch the after party and go back to the hotel. It will be so much quieter there and we can talk about what you want to do about your career in singing. I might be able to help. I do have connections ya know."

We both laughed and I agreed that going back to the hotel would be a better idea. I also thought to myself this would be a very good opportunity to just be with him by myself with no one else around at all.

We drove for about another twenty minutes before pulling up to the hotel. It was the biggest hotel we had in my town. Probably not as good as if you were in New York but I'm sure they could accommodate for stars like Nsync. The lobby of the hotel was thankfully empty and all in all it was a pretty uneventful trip to the fifth floor where Justin's room was. He took out his key and unlocked the door. The lights came on automatically as we entered into the biggest hotel room I've ever seen.

The room had to be at least the size of the first floor of my house. There were two television sets, a hot tub in one of the corners, a fridge, microwave, and even a stove; I did notice however that there was only one bed?

"Where do the rest of the guys sleep?" I asked.

"We all have our own rooms. That way we can do what we want and be by ourselves during the day. Sometimes we just see enough of each other when we rehearse that it's nice not to see them at nights when we want to unwind. Usually I have a good massage when I get done with a concert to keep me from cramping up from all the moves I do on stage but it's way to late for that now and besides you're here."

"I could give you a backrub. I used to give them to my friends all the time. They say I'm the best for fifty miles."

I couldn't help but laugh and Justin laughed right along with me. He was still in his performance clothes and I was sure he probably could use a back rub.

"You know Rhy, I think I might just take you up on that offer."

"Sure," I managed to squeak out.

Justin took off his shoes and layed down on the bed with his back to me. He looked perfect lying there. The nape of his neck was just begging to be kissed. His shoulders rising and falling with his breath. His back dipping down till it got to his waist and then his perfect bubble butt rising into the air. It was all I could do from splitting the front of my pants.

Somehow I managed to straddle him and get my hands limbered up for the task ahead of me. If I had to rub and squeeze till my hands bled I would make sure this was the best damn back rub I ever gave. Being as this was the first time I touched him I was a little timid at first. How I wished I could tear his shirt off and feel his warm smooth skin against my palms. I started on each side of his shoulder blades facing the inside toward his spine. He let out a little grown as I applied more pressure to his back. I moved down to the small of his back and squeezed and pushed on it.

"You know Rhy, this shirt is scratching me with you rubbing me thru it. Let me take it off."

I couldn't believe my ears. Let me take it off he had said? Here I was a regular Joe off the streets who happened to get caught with a camera and all of that has led me to Justin Timberlake's room to where he is now taking his shirt off because I'm giving him a back rub. He got off the bed and took his shirt off with his back towards me. I prayed that I wouldn't faint from the sight my eyes were drinking in. His smooth flawless back with that little inward curve to his waste and then back out again to form that those two perfect round globes was even more intoxicating without clothes. He turned around to come back to the bed and I let out a little sigh. If I thought the sight I had just saw was heaven on earth I was wrong.

Seeing Justin from the front was even more heavenly. His pecs were just jutting out a little past the rest of him as he started walking to the bed. My eyes lingered over to his perfect nipples that my tongue has dreamt of licking and my lips have longed to brush over. His tight abs were by far the best asset to him physically. That gorgeous six pack that he had with every muscle tight and defined was almost enough to make me black out. Somehow I managed to tear my eyes away from his heavenly form and back to his eyes. He just shot me that devilish smile again and got back on the bed.

"Now where were we?" he asked

As soon as he was back on the bed I was back to my task. But this time I was much gentler and slower. I didn't want to ruin this. How many times would I really have to give Justin Timberlake a back rub in his hotel room? His smooth skin felt like silk under my fingertips. The warmth coming from him was as good as having my hands under warm water. I closed my eyes and kept on rubbing and squeezing his perfect form. Before I knew it I had an incredible hard on in my pants. I was almost sure that Justin could feel it as I was still squatting over him sitting on my knees. But he didn't say anything and I thought that I was home free until he spoke.

"I think you're enjoying this as much as I am," he said softly.

"Of course Justin I love to give back rubs," I said back

"No, that's not what I was talking about. I was talking about what's poking me just above my ass."

"Oh, that. I'm sorry Justin. I didn't mean to. I just can't help it. You are so gorgeous and here I am rubbing your naked flesh I guess my dick's got a mind of it's own. I'll leave now so you don't have to put up with me anymore." I got up to leave and I felt his hand grab my arm.

"Rhy, please don't go. There are some things I need to explain to you. Some things you need to know."

I sat back down on the bed this time we were facing each other. Our faces were only inches apart from one another and I could feel his warm breath on my lips.

"Rhy, the reason I was out in that parking lot all by myself is that my ex boyfriend used to meet me right before my concerts all the time to give me my good luck kiss. It's been over a year now that we have been apart but I always go out somewhere right before the concert and sit and think about things. About what I did wrong and why he left me with no reason. Then you came along with your friends camera back to your car and I looked at you and saw what I've been missing the past year. All the fans that love me. All of them that would let me into their life if I just let them be. Then you started coughing up a storm and I went over to you. At that point I had no intention of this turning into anything else then just us walking back to the concert but then we got to talking. You sounded so cute and so adorable. Then you made mention of having front row tickets and I just had to invite you back stage. I didn't know if you were gay at the time but I was hoping. I hadn't felt feelings like I was feeling at that point in almost over a year. And I knew that I couldn't let you get away without at least getting to know you better. If you want to be with me I'm willing to try and love someone again. I don't want you to be a one-night fuck. I know I've only known you for a few hours but I hope that you would consider being my boy."

That time I really did faint. All I remembered was everything turning very dark and then seeing the ceiling of Justin's room before I completely went out. The next thing I knew I was woke up by sunlight streaming in to my face. I bolted up in bed and it took me a minute to realize where I was. But where was Justin at. Then I heard him singing in the shower. He was doing that thing he does when he sings and I felt light headed again. I put my head down on my pillow for just an instant to gather my thoughts and then got out of bed. If memory served me correctly Justin had asked me to be his boy last night. Suddenly I felt like a dumb ass for fainting after he asked me. What kind of a boyfriend would faint at a question like that? I had to redeem myself. I got up, threw my clothes off and went into the bathroom. He was singing and had no clue I was even there.

I opened the shower door to see Justin, my boyfriend, in all his naked glory. His back was to me and he was rinsing his hair. He still had no indication that I was now in the shower with him. Some of the soap from his hair had run down his back and left a stream straight down the middle. The soap stream kept on going and went down between the two plump mounds of flesh that made his round ass. I was instantly rock hard and went up to him. I put my arms around the middle of his body to feel his smooth abs and my cock nestled straight up between his beautiful ass cheeks.

"Mmm, good morning baby," he said and pushed back with his ass.

"I'm so sorry I blacked out last night but you have to put yourself in my position.

"What position? The position that you're in now with your cock inches from sliding deep into me?"

I tweaked both of his nipples and ran my hands down his abs to his stiffening cock. He moaned and told me to let him get out of the shower. As he got out I caught just a glimpse of his cock. It was very impressive. Not even at half mast it was over six inches easy and growing fast. He led me to the bed and lay down on his back.

"You know what I told you last night Rhyuan and I meant every word of it. Since you blacked out I had to wait until morning to ask you to make love to me. So I'm asking you now baby, please make love to me."

With that he grabbed me around my waist and pulled me down for our first kiss. I could have died a totally fulfilled man at that instant but surprisingly enough my heart kept beating. His kiss was like none I've ever had or ever imagined it could be. Everything about it was perfect. His lips were like strands of silk against mine. I felt his tongue come out and lick my lips asking them to part for it. I obeyed his orders and let his tongue dance with mine. The way his mouth and tongue eagerly sucked and licked and tickled my mouth was unbelievable. My cock was instantly hard and was softly rubbing against Justin's tight smooth hairless abs.

We stayed like that, on top of one another for a few minutes just enjoying our first kiss. I felt his cock grow under mine and I just had to see it. Like the rest of him his cock was perfect as well. At almost nine inches and very thick it was throbbing with the need to be released. I licked my lips and took the fat mushroom head into my mouth. Justin let out a small moan as I teased the tip of his cock with my tongue. I stroked his thick shaft with my other hand until I dove down on it taking all but a few inches into my wet mouth. He moaned again and put his hand against my head and started playing with my hair, stroking it. It wasn't long before I had every last inch of his rock hard cock deep in my throat. I was taking long deep strokes with it. Bringing all but just the very tip out of my mouth and then sucking back in every inch to his soft curly hair and into my wet warm mouth. I could feel him tense up and I didn't want this to be over yet so I let off his cock and turned my attention to the gorgeous pair of nuts that hung very low beneath. Each of his balls was about the size of a medium peach and had just about as much fuzz as one. I sucked in the right nut first rolling it around in my mouth and letting my tongue taste him, and then the left one just the same.

Justin pulled me off his balls and pushed me on the bed. He took my throbbing 8 inches in his hand and then leaned down and took my mushroom head into his mouth. The way his tongue was flicking against my head and under it was almost more than I could take. I kept my eyes open though. The sight of him sucking on my cock like his life depended on it was the most erotic thing I'd ever seen. Soon enough he was working like a piston on my shaft. My cock would be enveloped by his warm sucking mouth and then let back out into the cold air again. I felt my nuts start to rise and I almost lost it right as he took his mouth away.

I had tasted his cock, now I wanted to taste that sweet ass. I moved him so that he's head was against the bed and his round firm bubble ass was high in the air. I first kissed the left cheek and then the right before finding my way to his tight pucker. I spread his cheeks open and found his hole pulsating, begging for me to fill it. I heard Justin moan as I worked my tongue into that tight hole of his. His sphincter clenched onto my tongue as I tried to loosen him up as well as lube him for my thick cock.

"I need to feel you inside me, Rhyuan."

That's all I needed to hear. I guided my head to his tight hole and started to softly push in. Slowly, ever so slowly my head went into his tight moist ass. I started to sink inch by inch into his hot hole as Justin moaned and let out a little whimper. I stayed still for a while so he could get used to my cock being deep in him. Then I started to pump. His ass was so tight and so warm. I knew I couldn't last long inside him. I reached around to find his cock and grabbed onto it. Every time I thrust into him, he thrust into my hand. We were both moaning and groaning now.

"You're cock is so thick Rhy, it feels so good. Fuck your Justin's ass, yeah gimme that big hard cock. It feels so good so deep in me."

I was taking long deep strokes now. All the way out and slamming my eight thick inches back into him. It was all I could do from keep busting deep in him.

"Rhy, I gotta ride your cock. Let me ride it." We turned over with me on my back and he slid his tight hole right back onto my waiting throbbing cock. I couldn't believe how hot it was to see his abs work as he slid down and then back up on my cock. With the faces he was making he must have been in extreme pleasure. Finally I couldn't take it anymore. The sight of his ass riding my cock like no tomorrow was all I could handle.

"Justin, I'm gonna cum baby."

"Come on, fill me with your cum, give me that white milky cum deep in my ass." I had the most powerful orgasm I had ever had. Deep in Justin's ass I unleashed wave after wave of cum. In the middle of my orgasm Justin came too, all over my chest and even on my face. His cum flew everywhere. His cumming sent his ass into convulsions that milked my cock even more. I kept cumming and cumming inside him. After ten or eleven waves of cum deep in Justin's ass my cock finally quit.

I slid out of him and then he put his strong arms around me and that's how we spent the next few hours. Face to face with him on top of me, kissing most of the time lying in bed in each other's arms.

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