Justin's Dare

By Jon Moore

Published on Jul 16, 2000



Justin's Dare

By Jonathon Moore

This story is about a fictional character, and Justin Timberlake of NSync. There are homosexual acts in this story. I do not know own or am in contact with Justin. I am but a simple worshipper. I except positive and negative criticism. Email me at slashjon@hotmail.com

" You guys this game is gettin' boring!"said Justin, running a hand through his moppy curls. he yawns deeply, stretching his tanned arms above his head.

"Its just getting exciting Just. Because I have a dare for you."Joey says, meancingly

"Oh, what is it?" Justin asked, now intrigued.

"You have to sleep with him." he responds, holding up a magazine.

What? " Justin asked flustered.

Joey picks up the magazine and flips through it.

"Jonathan Caldwell. Son of Director Frank Caldwell .19 years old. Goes to Harvard. Majoring in business."

"Why him?" Justin halfsaid, half-stuttered in nervousness

"Because, I wanna see if u can do it. You're are good at everything else. Justin scowled deeply at Joey. "How do we know if hes even gay?"

"Now that is for u to find out Justin"

Joey smiles brightly."Now that is for u to find out Justin"

"How are we even going to pull this off?"

Well catch the movie premier and bump into Jon and get to talking to him

He had to admit , Jon was very attractive. With short black hair, pale skin , green eyes and a toned and muscled body, he could probably pass for gorgeous. ********************** in another part of LA :

This I Promise You was softly coming through speakers as Jon once again was stuck at home.He was supposed to go to a party but as things do, it got canceled.

"I can't believe this shit every night this week I end up stuck at home"Jon said as he got up to get a cold drink from the fridge.

He goes to the couch and picks up the daily paper there on the front page is the headline "NSYNC Concert SOLD OUT"

"Damn late again"

******************* As Jon sat at the bar , he saw something almost unbeleivable.He had to blink twice to make sure it was not his imagination, but there standing in a corner, was Justin Timberlake!!

The guys are all sitting in the corner chatting, Justin feeling like someone was watching him turns his head startiling Jon making him turn his head away.

Jon jerked his head away in embarassment, turning 3 shades of red.

Justin timidly walks to the bar, putting on his best smile, as he sat next to Jon.

"Hi. I'm Justin." wow its..him oh god those eyes.."Hi I'm Jon * jonslash82 shakes Jon's trembling hand vigorously " Nice to meet ya." "Same here" " What brings Justin Timberlake to L.A. other than the concert?" " Just hanging out, taking a break from the lime light..." "That's cool." "Me, I am here on break from school." "You know you look familiar.." " God he is so cute...I gotta quit thinking like that he is even that way" Jon thinks "I do huh, hmmm" Jon says while flashing his smile "Yeah, but I dont know where from." " Cant put my finger on it..." "I am sure you'll remember." "Well you may have seen me with my dad." "Who is he?" "He's not my agent or anything is he?" "He's a movie director "His name is Frank Caldwell. I am Jon Caldwell his son." "Wow! I love his movies!" " Kewl." "He has a new one that premieres later this month." "It is called Fatal Passion." "So you like movies?" "Yeah, love 'em." "The rest of the guys must think you're gonna try and kiss me or something the way they are staring." "Would you like to go for a walk?" "Yeah! Lets bust this place. I am tired of it anyway." Justin starts heading heading out, and as he walks past them he glares angrily at the other members of NSYNC. They leave to club and head out into the night with a full moon to guide them. "You know with my dad so famous its hard to find that one person who cares for you and not the fame." "You know what i mean?" "Yeah, I have the same problem." Jon turns to look at him and i find his eyes are beautiful with the moon shining in them " Oh sorry." Jon turns red Justin feels a shot of electricity shoot through his body at the closeness "Hey, there's a park just down this way. Lets go over there and walk." "I point down street we are just passing." "Okay." "Its times like this that i cherish the most in life...." "Not getting mobbed and all." " Have...have..you ever been attracted to some one but know its wrong?" Justin takes his hand and rests it on Jon's cold cheek " Yeah I think I have" Jon begins to pull away but feels he can't move "To wonder...if that person likes you back?" Justin locks Jon in a passionate kiss " Does that answer your question?" "Wow...yeah" Justin continues the kiss, nibbling lightly on jons bottom lip "It is getting a bit chilly. You wanna go back to my place and talk a bit?"

Jon hates to see the saddness in justin's eyes as i pulled back "Yeah" justin replies, sullenly. " It's not far just down this way." Jon points down another street Okay, justin replies, gripping firmly to jons hand Reaching the front door he opens the door and grabs justins hand to lead him in. Jon unlocks hi appt. and lets justin in first Justin feels his body temble at Jon's touch Jon feels this connection with Justin " Welcome to my humble abode." Justin rubs his thumb back and forth along Jons hand "It's not much but its mine" Jon says, laughing at his joke "Nice.." Jon turns to Justin and stares right into his eyes Justin continues the rubbing, hoping to get a response from him "Do u believe in love at first sight ?"Jon asks as he leans closer to justin " Yes." Justin whispers. Jon pulls Justin's hand to his lips and kisses it and then leans in to kiss Justin's lips. Justin wraps his arms around jons neck, pulling them even closer... Jon rubs his hands up justins back Jon begins to kiss down justins neck, but Justin abruptly stops him and whispers in his ear, "Let's go to the bedroom." Jon smiles brightly, leading Justin by the hand.

______________________________ Alright! Thats part one. And yeah, I know this is a teaser, but i want to make this into a series. The continuation of this story depends on your feedback, so if you like it, write me.

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