Karma: Cause and Effect

By Mike K

Published on Jan 4, 2006



Insert your standard disclaimer here - this is a work of pure fiction, you've gotta be old enough to read this, this contains acts of sex between two guys, you can't post this anywhere else, you know - blah blah, blah blah, blah blah, whatever. There's nothin' to see here people, move along...

...oh, but I want to make this much crystal clear: Any resemblances to anyone or anything are purely coincidental.

Unlike my previous story "A New Sensation", this will have quite a bit of sex in it. However, this story will not be merely one sex scene after another from beginning to end. There IS a backstory behind it all, which will be centered around an unfortunate incident that will ultimately get turned around, and more. The whole thing has to be read in order to get the proper perspective of it. Hope you enjoy.

Karma: Cause And Effect By Mike K. mike_k20@hotmail.com

Sixteen-year-old Eric and seventeen-year-old Bryan lay in Eric's bed...sort of. Bryan was making love to Eric, and had his seven inches inside of him.

Eric and Bryan had been together for many years, but it was only for six months now that they had been in love with each other. Each came out to the other in the same moment, as both gradually couldn't hide how they felt for one another any longer. Only their real friends knew, and it so happened that another two of them were involved with each other. Now, it was a Friday evening, and Eric and Bryan were having only their second anal encounter with each other. The first had been only a couple of weeks ago, when Eric had spent the night at Bryan's house. For them, that night was the best night they'd ever had, as each took what remained of one's virginity - with the blow jobs each had had considered - away from the other. Whenever they had any kind of intercourse or anything even close, they were always very careful to not let themselves get caught by anyone aside from maybe their friends who knew about them. However, perhaps they should have decided not to "do it" at Eric's house on this night, as for a time, it would come back to haunt them. Unfortunately, Eric did not yet have a lock on his door, so having it shut would not be enough if it came down to it, and on that night, it did.

Twenty minutes passed before Bryan had reached his limit and shot his load into Eric. The next few minutes were spent retreating from orgasm, until Bryan spoke.

"You want to switch places and keep going?"

Eric answered with a kiss. He then assumed the position of being on top, and gradually slid his six inches into Bryan. This didn't last very long, as within only a few minutes, Eric shot his load. He moaned very loudly as he shot, a mistake that he and Bryan would soon be paying for.

At that exact instant...

At that exact instant, Eric's older brother Vinny walked into the house, along with his friends Keith (Bryan's brother), Peter, Tom, and Randy. All could hear Eric's loud moan.

"What the fuck?" He asked.

"Hey, Vinny, didn't you say your mom didn't want any girls in the house?" Keith asked.


"Then how do you explain that?"

"I don't know...come on guys, let's go find out." And with that, all five headed up the stairs towards Eric's room. Fortunately for them, the house had a carpeted hallway, so even in their rush, their footsteps could barely be heard - certainly not heard above Eric's moaning. Without consideration, Vinny threw open the door to find Eric on top of Bryan.

Cause: Eric's loud moaning that could be heard throughout the house.

Effect: Being busted - in two ways - by his older brother Vinny and Vinny's friends.

Now, unbeknownst to Eric and Bryan, their older brothers were involved with one another as well. The difference was, only those two knew about it. So the look of shock on his and Keith's own faces was from the fact that their brothers were gay equally as much as the fact that they'd been having sex, though it was the latter seemed more apparent to them at the moment. and apparently involved, but from the simple fact of being caught in the act. Eric and Bryan were scared shitless as the door flew open and the intruders stood there.

"WHAT THE...?" was all Vinny could say. Eric and Bryan were to frightened to say anything.

"You mind telling me what this is right here?"


"What it looks like is you and Bryan...having sex with each other? What's mom and dad gonna say when I tell them about this when they get back from that cruise?"

"Vinny...y-you can't tell them."

"And why not?"

"I-I'll do anything..."

"Anything? Hmmm...lemme ponder that for a moment." Vinny and his friends stepped outside to discuss it among themselves quietly while the situation sunk in in Eric's room.

"Wh-what do you think they'll say?"

"I don't know, babe."

They sat there on Eric's bed for just under a minute until Vinny - and his friends - walked in.

"I talked it over with the guys, and...I've decided that I won't say anything, on one condition. We've all decided that seeing as how we're all so horny, that we want to fuck the both of you."

Cause: Being caught in two ways at once

Effect: Blackmail

"What?? You can't be serious, dude."

"Oh, I'm VERY serious. It's your choice - but I'm thinking that taking it from me and the guys would be a lot less hard than having to deal with mom and dad." His friends nodded, but it wasn't in agreement.

"I don't care, you're not gonna do that to us." Bryan nodded in agreement.

Frustrated, Vinny turned around for a second. Then suddenly, he and Keith lunged forward, and slammed Eric's and Bryan's heads against the wall. That knocked them both out.

Cause: Refusing to let themselves be fucked by Vinny and Vinny's friends

Effect: Ultimately having no choice in the matter

"Tsk, tsk, tsk...guess we're gonna have to do things the hard way. Tom, get the duct tape and scissors. The rest of you, help me move the bed to give us a little room to move in here."

Within five minutes, the bed was moved, Eric and Bryan were taped to the bed face down, and Vinny and company had undressed - not completely, but enough. All except for Peter - he wanted to make a quick call, so he ran down the hall to do so.

Vinny and Keith positioned themselves behind their brothers, while Tom went in front of Eric, and Randy in front of Bryan. Then, all at once, the four forced their hardened dicks in.

"Hey guys, if you feel like you're gonna blow, stop until it dies down, then keep going. I wanna give these guys a nice surprise for when they start to wake up," Vinny said. His friends complied.

Twenty minutes later...

Twenty minutes later, Eric and Bryan began to wake up. Immediately, each felt the sharp pain in their asses. They also felt tape on their wrists, ankles, and across the middle of their backs. They tried lifting up, but found that they were taped down tight - Vinny had had the foresight to secure each end of the piece of tape that covered a body part with another piece of tape (think like a -|---|- shape). Their efforts to move would be ended by the pain suddenly becoming hot, as Vinny and Keith began to shoot their loads. They were followed by Tom and Randy's releases. By now, Peter had returned, and had stripped as well, eager to join in.

When he had a breath, Vinny spoke. "About time you two came around. So how do you and Bryan like the little present we're all giving you? sigh You just had to have it this way, didn't you..."

Eric was rather pissed off at his sudden predicament, but couldn't think to form words. The only sounds Eric could make were muffled by Tom's dick in his mouth.

Peter spoke. "Hey, Vinny, you guys wanna go out clubbin' later?"

"Sure, when?"

"Well, I just talked to Jack. He'll be there in about a half hour."

"Alright, let's just take care of business here first." With that, he and the others pulled themselves out, wanting to switch and keep going. As soon as they'd pulled out, both Eric and Bryan tried again desperately to get up, only to be held down by strong hands.

"Oh, you two aren't getting off that easy. Especially you, Eric. Now come on guys, we've gotta move." Vinny moved to in front of Eric, Keith to in front of Bryan, Tom off to the side for the moment, Randy to behind Eric, and Peter to behind Bryan. They pushed themselves in, screams muffled. But before starting a rhythm, Vinny spoke.

"Hey, Tom, why don't you join Randy here behind Eric?"

Despite the situation, Tom - as well as Keith, Randy, and Peter - were all very surprised at Vinny's request. "You mean like double fuck him? Are you sure?"


"Damn, dude...that's gonna really hurt him."

"Aw, he'll live. Now, come on."

Tom shrugged, moved up next to Randy, and pushed his nine inches in. Eric was screaming - the pain was to an extent that he'd never felt before. Except for opening his mouth wider to scream, it was muffled by Keith. After a minute, Vinny couldn't take the noise anymore, and brought a fist down on Eric's back.

"Alright, enough!"

Cause: Two dicks in Eric's ass

Effect: Indescribable pain

The next ten minutes went by with only the rhythm of fucking and the noises that resulted. Then, they all shot their loads at once before pulling out. Then they finally moved the bed back to where it was and untapped Eric and Bryan. The two lay still as Vinny and his friends cleaned up and pulled their pants back on. Vinny spoke again.

"Now, neither of you are gonna say a word about this, is that clear? Because if you do then I expose the two of you. Got it? Let's go, guys." As they walked away, Bryan turned his head to them for a split second, and could see one of them turning his head back to face where he was going. Still, Bryan thought, at least one of them's gotta be regretting what just happened here.

Within seconds, Vinny and his friends had left. Eric was hurting so bad that he was in tears.

"I'll go get something for your ass, man," Bryan said. As he walked to the bathroom, it was clear that he too had an obvious limp from his own pain. A minute later, he returned, and rubbed in some cream to try to heal the pain. The tears had stopped for a moment by the time Bryan was done.

"Dammit...w-why'd they have to do that?" Eric asked angrily.

"They're assholes. But...I can't believe Keith went along with it so willingly."

Eric began to fight tears again. sniff "Man, I don't even want to move right now, but...sniff, sniff I don't wanna stay here like this. I mean, this could be the first of many times, and who knows, they might come back and want it again!"

"You know what, we should just go to sleep right now. I mean, it's almost 9 anyway. I'll pull the drawer in front of the door so they can't get in."

sniff, sniff "OK." After securing the door, Bryan snuggled up next to Eric as best he could without causing any more pain. He was able to lay Eric's head on his chest as he held him close. Eric was crying once again, and he ended up crying himself to sleep. Seeing Eric this way caused a few tears to fall from Bryan as well.

That night, as he and Bryan were drifting off to sleep, a deep desire to get Vinny back for what he and his friends had done grew in Eric. He ended up having a dream about it, but an exact method of doing it - as well as the opportunity - would be lost on him for a while.

Cause: Forcibly being fucked by Vinny and company

Effects: Hatred for the lot of them by Eric and Bryan, and Eric's desire for revenge

The next day...

The next day, as much as Bryan would've liked to stay, he had to leave to go home right after lunch. After goodbyes were said, Eric once again pulled his drawer in front of the door to keep it shut, and went to sleep for a while. Once Bryan got home, he decided to confront Keith about last night. Contrary to most brother relationships, Bryan and Keith's had been rather good up to this point. Now, of course, Bryan was very angry at him. He marched up to Keith's room. He found the door open, and Keith sitting on his bed, as if lost in thought. Bryan walked right up and gave his brother a hard right shot to the jaw. Taken by surprise, Keith fell off the bed onto the floor. Bryan pounced, sitting right on Keith's chest, and grabbing his neck with both hands.


Keith gave Bryan a hard shove, which was enough to get him off. He got up, and raised a fist when he saw Bryan advancing again. Bryan stopped in his tracks, anxiously awaiting Keith's answer.

"Hey, back off, alright? We didn't mean to hurt you guys like that."

"LIAR! Eric's at home right now in probably the worst pain of his life!"

"Oh, really? And yet here you are, not with him."

"You and I both know why that is. Point is, you guys hurt him real bad, and you deserve to PAY FOR IT!" He lunged toward Keith again.

Keith grasped Bryan's shoulders tightly, stopping him. "Look you, I'm sorry for what happened to you and to Eric, but you need to know something." He paused for a second. "Vinny wanted what happened to Eric done to you as well." That drew a look of shock from Bryan. "Just after we started up again with both Tom and Randy in Eric's ass, I saw Vinny look over at your ass with Peter's dick in it, and he got this evil grin. I knew that meant he wanted either me to join him or he'd do it himself, so I looked over at him like this" - he shook his head slightly from side to side - "to tell him like, no.' He turned to look at me, and he was insistent, so I gave him this real intense stare, like, NO.' There was no way I was gonna let him do that to you, too." Keith then released his grip.

"And yet you weren't willing to do that for Eric."

"Bryan, I..."

Bryan turned to leave, putting a hand up behind him. "No, you know what, save it. I don't wanna talk anymore about it right now, and I don't wanna talk anymore to you right now. You said you were sorry...I'm not sure if you truly mean it, but I'll accept your apology. But you've gotta think about what you and all of them did to him, man." Then, he remembered seeing someone look back briefly before leaving yesterday, and it jogged his memory. He turned around. "Actually...now that I think of it...I remember something else from yesterday. Were you the one I saw looking back at us just before you guys left?"

"Yeah. I didn't even want to leave, but Vinny insisted. He said that going out that night would take my mind off what had happened. We did have a good time, but he was wrong - I haven't been able to totally take my mind off it."

"Oh, wow. I...I don't know what to say."

"I don't expect you to forgive me, at least not yet. But I'm really sorry for what happened to you guys."

"You're right, I don't forgive you right now. You could've done more to stop what happened, and you should have." His tone then softened. "But, I do appreciate the fact that you're showing at least some concern, and that you were able to spare me the same treatment. Like I said, I accept your apology. Right now, I'm goin' to my room to rest for a little while."


"And Keith...do me a favor. Talk to Vinny about this - he needs to know what a jerk he is." And then he left for his room. Keith immediately called Vinny up, but as it turned out, he'd had bad timing. Vinny had decided to sleep in, and Keith's call woke him up. Keith would end up having no effect on the cranky Vinny. Eric did tell Vinny how much it hurt later that day, but Vinny showed no remorse. Still, paranoid over infecting them both with a disease, he did promise it wouldn't happen again. Within a few days, Bryan had forgiven Keith.

Causes: Bryan's anger and Eric's pain

Effects: Straining Keith's relationships with Bryan and Vinny, and souring Eric's with Vinny

Over the next few weeks...

Over the next few weeks, Eric and Bryan's intimacy was very limited. Eric was reeling from the incident, and wasn't sure if he wanted anything in his ass ever again, at least not in the near future. They stuck by each other more than before, but sex was diminished. They did tell their friends Aaron, Chris, and David - who happened to be Tom's, Randy's, and Peter's brothers, respectively - what had happened, with a promise not to speak up further about it. They didn't want to deal with repercussions of that, but Eric did share his desire to pay them back for it, at least Vinny anyway. Vinny and his friends did keep their promise not to fuck them again, but ultimately, it did little to relieve the anger Eric had for him. After the bad phone call, Vinny and Keith barely spoke for a week, before deciding to just drop the issue. Tom, Randy, and Peter were feeling somewhat guilty as well, but did nothing other than express their guilt to Vinny. When his parents returned, Eric ask to have a lock installed on his door, which he got.

Then, one Saturday, fate dealt Eric all the cards he could have needed to carry out his wish for revenge.

It was around four in the afternoon - Eric was alone in his room laying on his bed, bored. Vinny and Keith were in Vinny's room, and they were about to go at it. Eric and Vinny's mom and dad were out shopping, and planned to follow that up by going out for the night. Eric got up to turn on the radio, and as soon as he did, he heard these words:

"What goes around, comes around What goes up, must come down... It's called Karma, baby - and it goes around..."

(Alicia Keys, "Karma")

When Eric heard those words, he immediately thought of the way he could make Vinny pay for what he'd done, and a sly grin formed on his face.

Cause: Hearing the last words to "Karma"

Effect: Forming a concrete revenge plan

Eric knew Keith was over at the house, and, curious to what Vinny was doing at the moment, he tiptoed down the hall to his room, guessing he might be there. The door was slightly ajar, just enough to see inside. Eric was surprised to see Keith putting his mouth on Vinny's dick, and tiptoed back the way he came and downstairs to process his find.

To himself, he thought, so he's involved with Bryan's brother, too, huh? And they're going at it with each other right now? Hmmm... He would've thought Vinny smarter than this, but then he reminded himself of the times between himself and Bryan that had been impromptu. Thinking of Bryan jarred his memory, and he rushed outside to call him.

Cause: Finding Vinny and Keith "in the act"

Effect: Opportunity!

"Hey, babe, what's up?"

"Hey, Bryan...how would you like the chance to pay back our brothers?"

"Say what?"

"Well, they don't know that I know this, but...it looks like they're also together. Either that or they're just messing around - anyway, right now they're in Vinny's room...guess what they're doing."

"Oh...so, what, you were thinking of doing to them what they did to us, or something like that?"


"Well, how about having Aaron, Chris and David join us? I mean it'd only make sense to me, and I just started talking to Aaron and David online."

"Sure. Talk to them about it, and I'll call Chris."

"Oh, but Eric?"


"Let's try and go easy on Keith, man. He and I talked after what happened to us, and he ended up apologizing for it all. I don't want to throw all that away."

"I suppose you're right. He's not who we're really after anyway - it's Vinny who deserves every little bit of it."

"No doubt."

"But yeah, I'd like to have everyone meet here at my house within a half hour, but really, get here as quickly as you all can. Take your bikes if you have to."

"You got it. See you in a few."

"Oh, and Bryan?"


"Bring enough thick rope. I don't think duct tape's gonna be enough."

"Can do."

"Alright, bye."


And with that, the plan was in motion. Aaron, Chris, and David readily agreed to the idea. Eric went to grab a gag and his camera, and set them on the kitchen table. He was careful to be as quiet as he could, although by this point, Vinny and Keith weren't planning on coming out of Vinny's room anytime soon. Then, he went out to the garage to grab gardening shears to use in cutting long enough sections of rope, and brought them in as well. Finally, he grabbed his Sony PSP and went outside with it to wait for his friends to arrive. His wait only lasted ten minutes. Eric quickly cautioned them about being as quiet as they could be, and then they walked into the house. Bryan set the rope he'd brought down on the table.

"Your camera?" Chris asked when he saw the table with stuff on it.

"I figure this is worth getting some pictures of," Eric said slyly. That brought snickers from the rest.

"OK guys, let's go, and remember...quiet," Eric said.

And with that, they tiptoed their way up to Vinny's room. Unlike his brother before, Vinny was wise enough to keep it down during sex. But that wasn't about to save him from Eric's revenge. Eric had the others wait just before the door, while he stood in front, out of any potential line of sight. He could hear the hushed moans of Vinny and Keith, which grew suddenly a bit louder after a minute. Eric could tell that meant Vinny was shooting into Keith, and turned to nod at his friends, as a signal.

As soon as the moans stopped, Eric said, "Show time."

Even though that alerted Vinny and Keith to the presence of unwanted visitors, they had no time to react. Eric burst through the door and ran to Vinny's bed. He grabbed Vinny's head and slammed it against Keith's. That was barely not enough to put them out, so he did it again. The second time was enough.

"Alright, now let's move," Eric said. "Bryan, you grab the rope. Chris, you grab the garden shears. David, you grab my camera. Aaron, go to my room and get my sleeping bag. I'll get out Vinny's."

"Sleeping bag? What for?" Aaron asked.

"You don't think this bed will be enough to lay both out on, do you? But now that I think of it, one of you guys grab duct tape while you're down there - we're gonna have to tape the rope to the floor."

"Alright." And they set to work. When Eric set down the sleeping bag from Vinny's room, he could see Keith starting to move. He rushed up to him and knelt down so he could whisper in his ear.

"Hey...me and the guys are gonna get back Vinny for what happened a few weeks ago. Now, we're gonna have to get you, too, but Bryan said we should take it easy on you, so that's what we're gonna do. We just need to make it look convincing. Just play along, OK?"

Keith agreed, and couldn't help but smile a little bit before falling back asleep.

Cause: Keith having owned up to the rape

Effect: Reduced punishment (or perhaps none at all)

As if on cue, the others began filing back into the room. Eric pulled Bryan aside for a quick moment.

"Hey, I told Keith what was going on, and he's agreed to play along with it, alright?" he whispered.


And they set to work. They opened up both sleeping bags next to Vinny's bed. Then they eased Vinny off of Keith, and had to scramble to set Keith down so he wouldn't hit the floor hard. Then they tied both up. While the others in pulled their pants down, Eric rushed back to his room to grab his lube and a handkerchief to be used as a gag. He instructed whoever would be behind Keith to lube himself before going in. Bryan positioned himself in front of Keith, and Chris behind. Aaron positioned himself behind Vinny, and David in front. David had to kneel down on the bed, but they had made sure to put Vinny in a spot where there'd be enough room, as there was no way they could've moved the bed like Vinny and his friends had done before. Eric just stood at the other end of the room, watching, and holding his camera. His camera was the kind where the pictures would develop instantly, and he intended to get as many shots of this as he could. Most of them would be of Vinny, but he realized that he had to get a few of Keith for good measure. And, over the next ten minutes, he took twenty pictures while his friends fucked. He also remembered how it had suddenly been hot just as he and Bryan woke up that day, and thus he instructed his friends to do the same. Keith woke up sooner, and pretended to tug at his bonds to try to free himself, in case Vinny was already awake - which he wasn't. Surprised that his bonds were in fact strong, he put in a decent effort - but no dice. Eric noticed, but knew that Keith was merely doing his part to make things convincing, so he did nothing.

After the ten minutes had elapsed, Vinny began to come around. When Eric noticed, he immediately rushed to the front of the bed, next to where David was fucking his mouth. He saw Vinny try to bite down on David's dick.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you, or you'll regret it."

Vinny happened to notice the garden shears in a corner of the room, and in the instant of sudden panic, relented.

"So...does this seem oddly familiar to you, Vinny? Well, it should - just a few weeks ago me and Bryan were the ones getting it from you and your gang of thugs. They say what goes around, comes around, `BIG BRO,' and now it's YOUR turn to see how just how it feels." Just as Eric finished speaking, his friends all shot their loads into Vinny and Keith. Vinny had been trying to break free, but the thick rope, combined with the blows he'd taken, proved too much for him.

"Alright, guys, let's move around a little. Take your pick," Eric said. Bryan moved from in front of Keith to behind him - but was quietly told not to lube himself lest Vinny hear and get suspicious. (Although, he probably wouldn't have needed to anyway.) Chris moved from behind Keith to behind Vinny, and Aaron moved from behind Vinny to in front of Keith. Eric planned to move in front of Vinny - at least for a moment. This prompted David to head off to the side to watch, but Eric had other ideas.

"Why don't you join Chris behind Vinny? I figure he's due for a double here."

"You sure? You'll be in front, and if he tries to put the bite on you..."

"Oh, he won't - WILL YOU NOW, Vinny?" Eric then put his hands together and brought them down on Vinny's back to deliver a sledgehammer-like blow. Vinny had been about to say something, but the blow silenced him. David waited for Eric to position himself, then moved in alongside Chris. Vinny screamed for a split second before Eric forced his mouth closed other than to accommodate for his dick. Then, the fucking resumed for a minute before Eric suddenly pulled out. Apparently, he had something else in store.

"Chris, David, move apart as much as you can, with your dicks still in him."

"Y-you don't mean..." Chris said in disbelief.

"Oh, I do. Bryan, toss me the handkerchief." Eric set it down on the floor right next to the bed before climbing on top of Vinny. Vinny was in too much pain to speak at the moment. Eric lifted up, his dick right above Vinny's hole, with Chris's and David's inside. There was a narrow opening between the two, and Eric thrust downward into the opening.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGG GGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHH!!!!" Vinny screamed. Fortunately for him, the three couldn't hold this position. So, Eric first pulled out, followed by David. Then Eric assumed David's place and they kept going. David was instructed to gag Vinny's mouth to muffle his screams.

"Now you know how it feels to have just that kind of great pain...isn't it JUST PEACHY?" Eric asked Vinny. Vinny's only answer was his muffled screams.

All this time, Keith had occasionally yelled or screamed, but that was only to keep his cover. As he and Chris were working over Vinny, Eric could hear David jerking himself off behind them.

"Hey, good thinking, David. Just save your load for when I tell you."


Eric's answer was to point down at Vinny's hole. They went five minutes before Eric suddenly moved over to his left.

"David, are you close?"


"Well, move back in here then - Chris and I might only have a few sec-onds..." Eric was losing it, and when David slid back in, he began to shoot hard. That threw Chris into a frenzy, and David's began right as he was sliding in. The loud groans from cumming threw Bryan and Aaron into their own cumming frenzies. After they'd come down, they cleaned themselves off as best they could before untying Vinny and Keith. Eric saw that Vinny, despite his obvious great pain, was trying to move, so he rested one arm down hard on Vinny's back.

"I think you know not to say anything about this, because if you do, then your little attack will be exposed as well, and probably more besides that as well" - Eric was referring to his and Vinny's relationships with Bryan and Keith. "So you stay quiet now, you hear?" Eric then delivered two more sledgehammer blows to Vinny. He and the others all pulled their pants back up before he knelt down to whisper to Keith.

Causes: Eric's and Bryan's rapings and Vinny's handling of the aftermath

Effect: Vinny's brutal punishment

"Hey...I know it might've seemed like we were real harsh on him, but he had it coming."

"Yeah, I know. I understand," Keith whispered back.

"Look, uh, me, Bryan, and the others have gotta get out of here."

"Right. I'll make sure he doesn't try to come after you or have someone else do it."

"Thanks. Just make sure a good enough cover's in place for when my parents get home. Tell them Vinny got tired and fell asleep and that me and Bryan went out for pizza."

"Sure, no problem."

Eric and his friends then wasted no time in gathering all the stuff they needed to get rid of and hightailed it. Upon discussion, pizza did sound like a good idea, so then went for it. Meanwhile, Keith got up and went for some cream for Vinny's ass. Once he was done rubbing it in, Vinny again tried to get up.

"Oh, wait till I get my hands on all of them..."

Cause: Vinny having the tables turned on him

Effect: Anger. What'd you expect?

"You're not going anywhere - not in your condition."

"They don't think they can just get away with this, do they? I'll make what we did before seem like a walk in the park compared to what'll happen."


"WHAT?? What do you mean, you don't think so?"

"You're not doing that again, not if I have anything to say about it."

"Oh, really? Don't tell me you actually enjoyed all this."

"Vinny, you SHUT THE FUCK UP RIGHT NOW, and listen to what I have to say. I can't believe you've been so callous over all of this. You know I didn't want to just leave them like that that day, but no - you said, `relax...they'll get over it. It's not like it'll kill them.' Well, guess what? You were wrong - they didn't get over it, and now look at you. Lying, on your bed, the victim of the same treatment. And all because YOU didn't take responsibility for your actions - unlike me. Bryan confronted me the very next day, and let me tell you, he was PISSED OFF. I told him how I felt about it, and even apologized right there. It took him a few days, but he forgave me. I tried to talk some sense into you. But you...like an idiot, refused to hear any of it. You said you didn't want to keep dwelling on it, and I was willing to give you the benefit of the doubt. I even thought, maybe it WOULD all just go away. And yet here I am letting you have it for your refusal to do what I did. And let's not forget, you wanted done to Bryan what was done to Eric, but I didn't allow it - and it was a good thing that I didn't. You know why? They took it easy on me, and all because I spared Bryan, and owned up to what we'd done afterwards. Now what have you got to say for yourself?"

Keith's words shook Vinny to his very core. "Keith, I...I...I don't know what to say..."

"Well, I hope you understand just how angry I am at you right now. But all this aside, I will stay here, make sure you don't do anything rash, and do what I can to ease the pain down there. Somebody needs to needs to put a cover in place anyway for when your folks get home. But you'd better talk to Eric, and own up to what you did to him, and you'd better do it soon...or else you and I are through." Vinny pledged to Keith that he would, and after Keith's tirade, decided that maybe it was best if he just got some rest so he could think everything over.

Cause: Vinny's refusal at an apology

Effects: His own brutal raping, and being on the verge of a break-up with

Keith (a double whammy!)

Eric and his friends decided to go to the mini-Domino's in the mall. As luck would have it, they ran into his parents as they were leaving to go home. Eric asked to spend the night over at Bryan's, and they said yes. Keith's cover story of Vinny being tired and wanting to sleep held, even when Vinny's mom and dad checked on him just before leaving for their night out.

The next day...

The next day, Eric invited Bryan over to his house to hang out. They were shooting a game of pool downstairs in the basement when they saw Vinny coming down the stairs, approaching them. Their reaction was to grab an extra pool stick each to attempt to defend themselves, not knowing what Vinny wanted.

"Hey, hey...I'm only hear to talk to you, Eric."

"Well, what do you want? You deserved what you got yesterday."

"That's...what I'm here to talk about, and about three weeks ago."


"I wanted to say I'm real sorry for putting you through all that pain, Eric. I got caught up in what we were doing, and didn't stop to think that it'd hurt you so bad." He paused for a moment before continuing. "I suppose that's why you felt like you had to do it back to me, right?"

"Uh, duh."

"Well, Keith told me everything yesterday - about how you went easy on him, and because he owned up sooner than I did. He was real pissed at me for me not doing the same sooner. He also told me about how he convinced me to spare you, Bryan, from getting the same as Eric. Now, Bryan, for that I think I should say..."

"I-I get it, but you only really need to apologize to Eric. That'll be enough for me."

"Yeah, well, like I said, Eric...I'm really sorry about the whole thing, and I don't blame you for doing what you did yesterday."

"That's fine, Vinny, but I'm not sure I totally forgive you just yet. I feel like you were persuaded into saying you're sorry - and I wouldn't be surprised if Keith either broke up with you or wants to. If you want me to forgive you, you need to apologize to me when your heart's in the right place."

Vinny didn't say anything, but couldn't help but think Eric was right.

"Now, if you don't mind, Bryan and I would like to finish our game here, so if you could leave us alone now..." And he did.

Two months later...

Two months later, all appeared to be back to normal, except for a few loose ends. Vinny told Keith that he apologized the very next day, and how Eric had felt like Vinny was persuaded into doing it, and not forgiven him yet. Keith thought it was best not to push the issue for a little while, but was glad that some sense had finally gotten into Vinny, and whatever cracks may have formed in their relationship vanished. For Eric and Bryan, things continued as though that Saturday had never happened, though there was still one crack in their relationship that remained left to be filled.

One night, Bryan was staying over at Eric's house. He and Eric were in Eric's room, engaging in romance. They had picked up on the need to keep quieter, but even with the door locked - which it was - on this particular night, it wouldn't have mattered. Vinny was walking by Eric's room, when he heard a shout. Thinking that the door would be locked, he instead chose to put his ear to the door to listen in.

Eric and Bryan had just separated, and Bryan had stood up to go for the place where Eric kept his lube. Eric was lying face up on his bed. But when he saw Bryan with the lube in his hand, he immediately began to remember that horrifying day where he felt pain like never before. He began to space out, and it was as though he was having an instant nightmare - that pain, over, and over, and over again.

Bryan saw the distant look in Eric's eyes and asked, "You okay?"

"AAAAAHHHHH! NOOOOO!! AAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!" These were the shouts that had draw Vinny's attention outside.

"ERIC! ERIC!!" Bryan shook him, which brought him out of it.

"Ahhh! Oh...ugh..." Remembering that day brought back Eric's fear of experiencing that pain all over again, and where it had come from.

"Oh, Bryan...wh-when I saw you pick up the lube, I remembered what h-happened to us that day."

"Baby, it's okay...that was three months ago." Then Bryan went back to trying to use the lube once again.

"NO!" Bryan looked at him with a mixture of concern and confusion. "I-I can't..."

"Can't what? Let me make love to you?"

"I-I just can't bear to feel that pain ever again..."

"Well, hey, I'll be on the bottom then."

"No. Even that makes me think about the pain, and it still feels like it had just happened." Feeling shame, Eric began to cry.

"Eric...what's the matter?"

"Oh, baby, look at me...look at what I've become. sniff, sniff I can't even have sex with you anymore because I'm such a wuss who can't deal with pain."

"No, no, it's not that...you just still need more time to let it go."

sniff, sniff "That's what you said the week after it happened, right when I bottled up like this. You should go be with someone who doesn't have this kind of problem."

"Baby, I wouldn't do that - I care about you. I don't care how long it takes, I'll be right here with you."

By now, Eric was crying so hard, he could no longer speak. Bryan lay down next to him and pulled him close, resting Eric's head on his chest. Bryan tried to comfort him as much as he could, but Eric ultimately cried himself to sleep.

Cause: The brutal pain Eric was put through in his being raped

Effect: A fear to have anal sex

Vinny heard the whole thing. His face had turned chalk white. Mouth open in shock, he slowly walked to his room. He thought, oh...my God...is that what I've done to him? I had him put through so much pain, that it's made him afraid to have sex? I-I can't believe this. I never meant to do THAT to him. Poor little guy...this must be why he didn't forgive me. I've gotta do something to make it up to him - to show him that that kind of sex isn't always meant to hurt that bad.

It was a miracle that their parents didn't hear Eric crying in his room. Vinny decided that the time would be right when Eric was in his room alone and he had the opportunity. But he felt a need to get Bryan's approval first, which he vowed to do the next day.

Cause: Hearing of Eric's fear

Effect: Vinny's desire to personally erase that fear

The next day...

The next day, at around three, Vinny decided to call Bryan and talk to him about what he'd heard last night. He wanted to be able to show Eric that sex wasn't meant to hurt so bad, but he also didn't want to cause a relationship problem.


"Hey, Bryan, it's Vinny."

sigh "What do you want?"

"I heard everything last night right before you two went to sleep."

"Oh, what, you want to rub it in?"

"No. Being as though I'm responsible for the whole thing, I feel like I should fix things with Eric."

"And how do you propose to do that?"

"There's only one way I can do that. I need to have sex with him in a way that doesn't leave him hurting and makes him feel better."

"What? Eric's never gonna agree to that, and you know it."

"I know, which is why I'd probably have to sneak up on him. But I've gotta do this - I can't stand to have him so afraid like this. For all we know, it could stick with him for the rest of his life."

Bryan conceded the point, and paused to think for a moment. "You still there?"



sigh..."You're right, he needs to know once again that it doesn't hurt. But, Vinny...if this backfires, I swear you'll regret it."


"Look, I've gotta go, and I won't talk to him about what you've got planned, but if you want to do this, you should do it A.S.A.P."

"Right, well, I'll talk to you later."

"Alright, goodbye."


A.S.A.P. would become that very night...

That night, Vinny sat in only his boxers on his bed in his dark room, waiting for his parents to go to bed. Taking no chances, he went to their room just to make sure. He found the door locked, and made up an excuse when they asked what he wanted. The locked door told him they probably wanted their own private time, which was correct. That left him available to make his move.

Even though Eric had a lock installed on his door after being raped, he preferred to sleep with his door open, and tonight was no exception. Vinny, with lube in hand, tiptoed to Eric's room, and found him face down, asleep. He noticed Eric's clothes off to the side of the room, so he assumed that Eric must be sleeping naked. He crept up and pulled back the bed sheets quickly. That woke Eric up, which caused Vinny to put a hand down on Eric's back. The sudden restriction in movement prompted Eric to try to call out, but Vinny put his other hand over Eric's mouth to muffle him.

"Sh-sh-sh-shhh...it's me, Vinny," Vinny whispered, and uncovered Eric's mouth.

"Vinny? You pr-mmmmm..." Vinny had to re-muffle him.

"Yeah, I know, but that's not why I'm here. I found out that what I did to you has made you afraid to have sex, and I need to make you see that it doesn't in fact hurt like that." Vinny then removed his hand once again.

"You're not gonna..."

"Shhh...keep it down."

"You're not gonna fuck me again, no way!" Eric whispered.

"Eric...I promise that I won't hurt you. But I can't just let you go on being afraid like this. I need to show you how good it feels, that it doesn't always hurt so bad. I'm responsible for all this, so I need to be the one to fix it."

"Vinny, I won't let you do this. M-Mom or dad could catch us."

"No, they won't - they're too busy with each other right now. Now, I just need you to relax. I promise...I won't try to hurt you."

Eric had given up trying to fight it, but he was still apprehensive. A sense of uncertainty had overruled his ability to remember the bad day at the moment, but Eric could still picture a glimpse of that. Vinny lubed two fingers, and had them raised above Eric's hole.

"I need to stretch you a little bit to make it easier on you. OK?" Vinny whispered. Eric nodded slightly.

Eric whimpered when he felt the cold lube. It seemed like he was trying to fool himself into believing that any sensation down there would be pain. Vinny slid his boxers off, lubed his 8-inch dick, and knelt just above Eric on the bed.

"I'm gonna go real slow, OK bro? If it hurts, tell me," Vinny whispered. Eric nodded.

Vinny started by putting the tip of his dick at Eric's hole. Eric moved slightly at the touch, but made no attempt to resist. Vinny waited about ten seconds, then pushed only his cockhead in. Eric whimpered a bit. Several seconds later, Vinny pushed in another inch. Eric whimpered a little more. Vinny decided he'd better do something quickly to make Eric ignore any possible pain, or his efforts would all be for naught. So, he placed his hands on Eric's back, right below his shoulders. Then, he began to rub the shoulder blades very gently. He could hear Eric's whimpering giving way to enjoyment a little bit, and so he pushed his dick in another inch. Eric did whimper again, but only for a split second, as the feeling of Vinny's back rub was beginning to sink in, and he did want that to continue.

"Nnnnnnn, mmmmmmhmhmm, mmmmmmmmmmmm..." Eric moaned softly. It was as though his resistance was being subdued.

"How's that - you alright?" Vinny whispered.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmm..." was Eric's answer.

Vinny took that to mean that what he was doing was now having an effect, and so he pushed in another inch. When there was no change in Eric's steady soft moans, Vinny slid the rest of his dick in slowly. That was answered by a single long soft moan from Eric. Vinny kept himself all the way in Eric for a moment, as he moved his hands down to rub Eric's lower back. The massage, combined with Vinny insided of him, was beginning to make Eric feel very light, like he was floating on air. Vinny began to move in and out of Eric's ass very slowly, setting a slow tempo to keep with his massage. After several minutes, Vinny could feel the beginning of an orgasm possibly approaching, so he stopped his massage and settled his dick back all the way in so he could pause.

"How you feeling?" Vinny whispered.

"Mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, oh, man..." was all Eric could answer. By now, Eric thought he was in heaven.

A minute later, Vinny resumed. After a few more minutes, the orgasm began to return, so Vinny thought he should try to speed things up if he could.

"Hey, I'm starting to get close, so I'm gonna speed up now a little bit, alright?" Vinny whispered.


And so, Vinny sped up. He kept his massage going a little longer to keep up the tempo, but soon he was to the point where he had to end that. Vinny warned Eric just before he was about to cum, but Eric didn't seem to care - in fact, the feeling was causing his moans to grow louder. Vinny quickly muffled Eric once again to quiet the moans Eric couldn't control, even though he had to shut his own mouth hard to keep his own in. Vinny removed his hand once Eric had quieted down, and they spent the next minute catching their breath before Vinny finally slowly pulled out of Eric.

Cause: Vinny's tactic of combining sex with a massage

Effect: Possible (more like probable) success in his plan to remove Eric's fear

Vinny went to the bathroom to clean himself off and returned a couple minutes later. He knelt down next to the side of the bed.

"You feel better, little bro?" Vinny whispered.

"Mmmhmm. I don't think I've ever felt better than that," Eric whispered.

"Well, that's what I wanted. To show you that you sex can feel so good once again."

"Mmmmm...I'm glad you did. I think I feel all better now, I'm not gonna worry about it anymore."

"Well, that's good. You finally forgive me now?"

"Yeah." Eric reached out with his arm to pull Vinny closer, and they hugged.

"Well, good night, little bro."

"Hey...you wanna sleep here tonight?"

Vinny was surprised at that. "You mean that?"

"Yeah. I wanna fall asleep knowing you're right here next to me."

"Ohhhh...thanks." Vinny climbed up between the bedroom wall and Eric. He used his closer arm to pull Eric in next to him, and Eric responded in kind.

"Does Bryan know you did this?"

"Not this exactly. I told him I needed to have sex with you to feel better, but even I didn't know it'd come with the massage."

"What'd he say?"

"I don't know if he was too too happy about it, but he said it was OK."

"Oh." Eric planned to give Bryan the details as soon as he could tomorrow, and to remember Vinny's tactic of combining intercourse with a massage.

"Well, sweet dreams, little bro."

"You too, Vinny." And they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, Eric still bathing in all his pleasure. Eric ended up leaking pre-cum for a while, as the memory of what he felt was the best sex he'd ever had remained fresh in his mind. Vinny could feel a bit of it, but made no response. That night, Eric dreamed that he was experiencing the sex over again, only this time he was getting it from his boyfriend Bryan. In his dream, he ended up feeling so good that it caused him to shoot his own load at the same time that Bryan shot his - except that him shooting his load also took place outside of his dream. He awoke from his dream to find what had happened, and realized he'd have to explain it to Vinny in the morning, but he figured Vinny would understand.

When Eric talked to Bryan the next day, Bryan was overjoyed to hear that Vinny had succeeded in eliminating Eric's fear of pain in anal sex. They didn't get a chance to celebrate until two days later, when Bryan duplicated Eric's dream almost exactly.

Within the next few years, Eric and Bryan decided to engage in a few group sessions with Vinny and Keith. Both couples stayed together through the years, and when Eric and Bryan were ready to finish college, they asked Vinny and Keith about the possibility of the four of them sharing a house together. They agreed, and when all of them decided to use the occasion to finally come out to their parents, their parents didn't seem to mind the fact that they were all gay - their kids living together was good enough for them. To this day, they still remember the events that ended up bringing them all together. The rapes are looked at with regret, but they feel that they ultimately pale in comparison to the times that followed. Oh, and the pictures Eric took from his payback? He destroyed them the day after his fear dissolved.

Cause: The events of those few months

Effects: The bonds between Eric and Vinny and Eric and Bryan made stronger than before (though it's not as though that wouldn't have happened without the rapes)

And there you have it. I wrote this story because I grew sick of reading ones where someone young would be raped by an older person, often not much older. I felt like the shoe ought to be put on the other foot for once, although as you can tell, there was even a little more to this story besides that.

For my final thought, I would like to say SHAME ON YOU to all you rapists or would-be rapists out there. Hopefully this story will make you think about the consequences of your actions (though I don't know how likely that would be).

Thank you all for reading.

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