Kinda Get Me Go Crazy

By Rich Henderson

Published on Feb 10, 2000



Kinda Get Me Go Crazy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Legal Stuff

Ok, you all know how this works, but I gotta put it up anyways for legal reasons. This story absolutley in no way implies that ANY of the backstreet boys is or may be gay or bisexual in any way, shape, or form. In fact, this story is complete fiction and contains only minimal facts that most people should already know. Also, other characters are made up in this story and they do not necessarily have any relationship with the bsb and do not necessarily depict real life people.

AND - DONT READ THIS IF YOU ARE UNDER 18 OR 21 DEPENDING ON YOUR LOCAL LAWS!!! Thank you! __________ P.S. - Thanks to the people who supported my previous story, Tell Me Why. I hope you'll like this one although I can safetly say its nothing like my other one. Thats all! :) __________ "Cut it out faggot!", Brian was hopelessly trying to get some sleep in on the tour bus as it rolled on through the night. Oblivious to the fact, Nick was trying his best to 'get some'. "Oh come on. I haven't gotten off in days. You used to love bucking hips with me." He continued roaming his hands over Brians squirming body. "Yeah, well, You got it right the first time. Used to Nick. Used to! Face it bud. Your conquered territory." He swatted away Nicks hands and rolled to the side. "Conquered? You haven't conquered me bitch. I'm just looking to have a good time." "Whatever. Just do me a favor and fuck off." He pushed Nick away and pulled the blankets over his head. Brian was just a tad bit cranky. Aj had sexed him out in the bathroom just thirty minutes ago. That man had skills, and stanima. But he also didn't know when to quit. Brian was aching everywhere. Nick, guided by his mammoth erection, which left nothing to the imagination under his short, tight, silk boxers, plopped onto Aj's bunk. He knew he could get it on with Aj, but he didn't want to have to go there. Everyone in the group, besides Kevin, had felt the pleasures as well as the pains of Aj's lust. Even Howie, who claims to be strait. Realizing the pressence of his intruder, Aj sat up. "Nick? What is it bro?" He rubbed his eyes groggily. "Umm..." He looked up at Aj, but realized Aj had his eyes elsewhere. Elsewhere being Nicks erection. "Damn bro! I hope those aren't my boxers, cuz they're about to bust." He cupped Nick's crotch in his hand. Nick let out a gasp. He wasn't new to the touches of man, but it still had been awhile. "Could you two Keep it down?" The voice of reason. Kevin yelled to them in his most parental voice. "Oh, shove it cuz. At least Nicks occupied." Brian piped out from his bunk corner. "Ugh...Well..Just be a little less obvious. The wall between us and the bus driver isn't all that thick." Kevin gave up and turned away from them. Although he was supposed to be the unspoken leader/director of the group, his 'friends' had taken to ignoring him when he wasn't needed. Even Brian who had stuck by him in his most difficult of times, had joined them. Not just in the exclusion of Kevin, but also in the sex-capade that encirled the others. Brian, Aj, Howie, and nineteen year old Nick, were all the king players in a game of bullshit and fucking. Not just with each other, but with muliple innocent others. Others whom they could manipulate and play with just as pawns in chess. It was sick to Kevin, but he stuck with the group. After all, this was his life. He couldn't make it on his own. He placed a pillow over his head to drown out the orgasmic moaning that escaped Nicks mouth. He felt sick to his stomach. After hearing the final yelp of climax, and the aftermath of deep and endless panting, He took the pillow off his head and tried his best to sleep. Hopefully he could have a dream. Usually his dreams were peaceful and calm. Although any dream that took him away from reality was a good one. "Up and at 'em Kev! We're at the hotel! Get up! All the other guys are inside. Oh, and could you be a babe and bring in my bags? I only have two, thanks!", In an instant, a chipper Howie raced out the bus door slamming it behind him. Kevin got up and stretched. At least he had a moment of peace before another day of incessant treachery. Already he had been taken advantage of. Altough Howie was truthful in that fact that he did have only two bags. They were two extra large duffle bags. And that was on top of the luggage that Kevin had for himself. Just as usual, he was everyone elses mule. "I might as well get Howie's bags out of the way before he gets out of his good mood.", He thought to himself as he lifted the massive bags, one in each hand. Yes, he was strong, but it was still work for two men. He managed to open the door with his foot and jumble down the steps like a baby taking his first steps. He struggled with the weight as he turned around and crashed into somebody. Both of them managed to avoid a harsh fall, although the duffle bags had dropped and spilled some of their clothing contents. "Oh my god...I am sooooo sorry Mr. Richardson...I..I wasn't looking." Kevin looked up at the nervous youth. He was taken away by the sheer beauty of his clumsy new aquaintance. He had dusty blonde hair and like Kevin, was white without a tan. He also seemed to be very well built under his preppy sweater. "Umm..Its ok. I wasn't really paying attention either. Umm..Do I know you?", It felt nice to come in contact with the outside world once again. And its not so bad that this outside world has a butt you could bounce a quarter off of. "Oh, ya, I think I talked to you on the phone the other day. I'm Calvin Licharde.", Calvin reached out his hand. "Calvin...Calvin.......Oh ya! Your our opening act right?", He shook Calvins hand and smiled, "Its nice to match a face to a voice. "Yeah. So...The guys told me that you could give me the schedule." "Schedule? Uh...I dont really have a written schedule, but I'll be sure not to inform you when you're needed." He bent back down and started stuffing Howie's stuff into the bags. "Oh..Ok..Thats cool. Could you tell me when we leave tommorow?" Calvin bent down opposite him and helped clean up their mess. Kevin looked up and smiled. It was going to be fun hanging around somebody normal and nice for a change. "Hmmm....Well, I guess sometime in the afternoon. Let me think.....Dress rehearsal at six I think, then some of the guys have recording to do. You can do whatever you want after rehearsal.", He zipped up the first bag. "Ok. Thanks.", Calvin zipped up the second bag and lifted it up. "Its ok Calvin, I got it." "No, Its fine. I take the oppurtunity to get any excercise in whenever I can Mr. Richardson." Kevin lifted the other bag. "Ok. But you can drop the Mr. Richardson thing and call me Kevin. Unless you think of me as your elder or something." "Oh, no! Not at all. I just.... Well... I'm horrible with names...", They walked together into the hotel. "You didn't know my first name?" "I'm sorry, I'm just..." "Not a big fan?" "No, what I've heard of your music is really good." "What've you heard?" "Umm...I'm soo sorry...But I dont think I can place the names of the songs." Kevin laughed. "How on earth did you manage to get a deal as our opening act without knowing anything about us?" "Its one of those deals that starts with, a friend of a friend of a friend knows somebody who knows somebody and it just goes on forever. But dont think of me as totally ignorant. We just dont hear much of you where I'm from." "Really? Where are you from?" "Are you a reporter or something?" Kevin shook his head. "No, I'm just trying to get to know you. After all, we are spending around two months together." "Oh, its fine. Well....I can tell you a bit about myself. I'm a twenty two year old college graduate. I weigh one hundred and ninety one pounds, eight percent of that being body fat. Hmmm....I'm 5'11 but I'm always wearing thick shoes. I like long walks along the beach..Oh, and to answer your question, I'm from Siena." "Siena Italy!? Thats so cool. I have relatives near there in San Gimignano." "I've been there before." "Ever been to Venice?" "My mother has a summer house there. Its the most beautiful place in the world." "Ya it is. I managed to get some time off on our European tour to visit. I've been looking forward to finding the time to head back ever since." "Oh? Maybe you could go with me. After this tour I'm taking some time to spend with my family there and maybe shoot a video." "You must have a pretty cool life." "What does that mean?" "Nothing..Just..Man, you've got it made.", Kevin was sincere in that. He was even starting to feel envious toward the guy. Not because he was rich, or because he had a summer house in Venice, or because he seemed to have loving contact with his family. But, because here was somebody who was generally happy chatting no differently to a person down in the dumps. It was demoralizing. But still he held no contempt toward Calvin. In fact, he was thrilled to have somebody he could talk to on the tour. Really talk to and not just lecture and fight with. Well, that was provided Calvin was strong enough to withstand the game. God he hoped the other four wouldn't break Calvin. "Well, please dont think of me as spoiled rich kid. Not that I'm not spoiled..And not that I'm not significantly wealthy. But I dont like the steriotype that goes along with that." "I can understand that. If you knew a bit more about our band, you'd know we suffer a lot of steriotypes, and biased opinions." "Fill me in." Calvin pushed the button for the elevator. "Well, for one thing. The girls who listen to our music think of us as just perfect romantics who have no ability do anything remotely immoral. And the guys figure us out to be just flaming fruits." Calvin flinched at those last lines. "Oh..Ya..I wouldn't want anyone thinking I was a flaming fruit.", There was a slight annoyance in his voice unbeknownst to Kevin who seemingly figured Calvin to be a strait guy who didn't like gay people. "You dont like gay people?" "Umm...I..", Calvin dropped the duffle bag. He didn't think this subject would come up. He was rather unprepared. Figuring the obvious Kevin quickly made good on his mistake. "I'm so sorry. I just didn't figure you to be a--" "--Flaming fruit?" "I'm sorry." "Forget it. Can we just forget this never happened?" Calvin picked the bag up again. Unprepared with the words to say Kevin left it at that. He would have to make this up to Calvin later when he could think clearer. He could start off by saying that he also was gay. But could he do that? Nobody knew. He could have came out when Aj, Brian, and Nick did, but he was always shy about things like that. Anyways, it was a blessing in disguise. If they didn't know he was gay, they wouldn't try anything. Yes, that definantly was a blessing. The elevator door opened and Kevin stepped inside. Calvin was hessitant, but after a mild pull from Kevin he stepped in too. "So, what are you doing tonight?" "Nothing." "Really? You could hang out with me, maybe catch a movie or something--" "NO. Really, its ok.", Kevin was hurt. He really messed up this time. He wasn't used to being on the delivering side of the sword. He would have to make it up to Calvin. "I insist though. And trust me, you dont wanna be hanging around with the other guys..." "Why? Are they like you?", Ouch, Below the belt. It felt bad to be compared to the other four. "No..Just trust me." "Whatever." "Come on...Stop hating me." "I dont hate you." "Yes you do." "So what if I do?" "Look. You have no reason to hate me. I made a mistake, but thats not who I am.", The elevator door opened and Calvin was the first to step out. He turned around and lifted the duffle bag. "Where do I put this?" "In front of Howie's door." He pointed to a room. Calvin dropped the bag down and headed back toward the elevator. Just as the doors began to close, Kevin slipped a hand around the side and opened the doors. "What are you doing?", Calvin was getting to be fed up with this guy. "Where are you going?" "Back to my hotel." "You're not staying here?" "Ok...If I'm going back to 'my' hotel, how can I be staying here?" "Ok ok....", If he didn't make it up to Calvin now, he probably never would. "So, if you wouldn't mind letting the doors close." "Not at all." Kevin released his hold and stepped inside the elevator. "What are you doing?" "Getting the rest of my bags." "Can't you use a different elevator?" "Can't you relax? Jesus." "Jesus? I'm not sure if us fags have a Jesus, but hey, anythings possible." "Do you have to take everything I say so seriously?" "Do you have to follow me around and talk to me?" "Is it just so hard for me to say I'm sorry and have you say its ok?" "Why do you care so much?", The truth of the matter was Kevin didn't want to lose this person whom could turn out to be a great friend, and with this new factor, maybe even a boyfriend. But he was looking for an answer less complicated and far less creepy. "I care because...I've been in your shoes before." "I dont see that happening." "I.....I'm gay." "What?", Calvin was taken back by this blurted anwer. "I'm just as gay as you are." "If your playing a joke on me, its a really mean one." "I'm not playing a joke on you." The elevator doors opened. Kevin held out his hand for Calvin to stop. "Ok....I'm just really confused. I need to just lay down in bed and relax." "Can I come?", He just realized how perverted that sounded. "Just because we're both gay doesn't mean--" "--I know, I didn't mean that. And...For heavens sake, please pipe it down a little. Its not something the public has to know. "Sorry....So..What did you mean?" "I meant, can I just go over with you to your hotel, just hang out. Not sleep with you." "Umm....Sure...Why not?", Calvin couldn't think of a reason. Truth betold, he was getting fond of his new friend. He demonstrated compassion, understanding, and imperfection. Not to mention he was a cuty with a booty. Unnoticed by anyone, the two made the brief walk across the street and over a corner to the other hotel. "This is a hotel? Looks more like--" "Ya, I know. Its not a hotel, its more of an apartment. But I'm just renting it." "We're not going to be here so long. Why bother?" "I dont know. Its just something I've always done. I like my own personal space." "Its worth the hassle of finding an apartment in New York City for just a week?" "I'm not sure it is. But, the hassle wasn't mine." "Oh ya. You probably have people who do that for you." "Well, yeah, but I pay well." "Thats good." He smiled at Calvin. They both made the trip from the entrance up to Calvins door. "Well, here it is.", He turned the key in the keyhole and opened the door.


Well, thats it for now. I guess I'll just wait to see what people think of this new story line before I get really into it. Thanks for reading and feel free to please email me at with positive and/or negative feedback. Both would be greatly appreciated.

Peace Always Rich

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