By Jim Adams

Published on Jan 11, 2001





It was Labor Day morning, long before dawn on the beaches of North Carolina.

I had left my wife and son asleep and gone down to the beach in the wee hours - still dark - because I could not sleep at all. There was no one down there and the air was cool and the waves sounded a beautiful song along the beach shores. Sand crabs scattered everywhere and danced across the beach in intervals, then disappeared.

I had sat there probably 30-45 minutes when I heard noise behind me and looked around to see a nice looking, well tanned guy with a beer in hand coming my way. My eyes went straight to his chest which was covered in thin black curl at the pecs and then swam downward into a mass at his navel. My mind, which had been on other events of the day, suddenly was fastened on this six-foot stranger.

I was glad for some company and figured he would not stay long. We small talked - his name was Paden - and he was a dispatcher for some big bread company. Married, his wife was back in their room sleeping and he, like me, could not sleep. He said he had seen me come down to the beach.

I told him I was a writer and he asked what I wrote. I found myself saying "mostly porn... sexual stuff for some pretty hot magazines".

He was immediately interested and later I figure that is where he took his cue.

We had talked about the condos and he was in one that his wife's friend "loaned" them for a week. I looked at his mustached face and asked "How big is it?" I meant the condo... we had discussed that the prices were high and one could get a one room or larger.

Not missing a beat, he stared into my eyes and said "Little more than eight inches."

I may have even blushed right then. The can of worms was open.

I let my eyes go from his face, downward over his bare chest and back up. I was off guard for the first time in ages.

I am sure I stammered, "Really? Love to see it sometime; you know, get a feel -- a taste maybe of how it would be to have one." Just in case he was still on the condo and had made a mistake. I gotta admit, my heart was in my throat.

He motioned with his beer can to his right. He said we could go down the beach into the dark section and I could "feel ... taste... do whatever you like."

I hem-hawed about people seeing but he made assurances that such would not be the case. It was too dark and, looking around, he pointed out that there were very few lights even on in the condos facing the beach.

It was after all, in the wee hours.

We made our way to the lifeguard stand about 300 yards down the beach and well into the darkest section of beach. Once there, Paden settled back against the stand and groped his crotch, inviting me with his eyes.

He placed his beer car on the sand and leaned back against the railing. I gotta admit that, in the slight moonlight, he looked like a Greek god out of some muscle magazine (but then that was probably the lustful intoxication that was taking over).

I went down on my knees before him and I allowed myself the pleasure of running my hands up his legs and then over his hairy belly and then to his pecs. He did feel good; or maybe it just had been so long since I had touched another man in this manner. He had told me he was 43, but his body was taunt and hard - not an Adonis so much, but a well put together machine anyway.

I did not realize HOW well until I slid my fingers into the waistband of his trunks and pulled slowly downward to reveal about half of his semi-hard cockshaft. It was very thick, and though I had revealed only half, I leaned forward and let my tongue slide over the firm fleshy lower shaft. Paden moaned low and I felt the thick shaft throb as he pushed forward just a little with his hips.

I slid one hand up under the trunk leg and got my first introduction to his massive, very hairy, balls. I remember wondering why in the world a wife would let this hunk out of her bed? I cupped his balls which felt like two boiled eggs in a flesh sac...and kneaded them gently as he spread his legs a little wider to allow me leverage.

I could feel his warm cockhead against my hand and I could not wait any longer to see the full object of this building lust. I let go of his balls and slid his suit downward to his knees. His cock sprang upward like a trap door and slapped me on the chin, making us both snicker for a second... then matters got serious again.

I laced my fingers around the throbbing manhood just inches from my face and looked at the massive tool. He had not lied; for sure, this cock had to be eight and more... and the thickness was almost akin to that beer can he had set down on the beach. My fingers barely met around the piston-like flesh.

Paden was verbal.

"Damn, that feels good...stroke that cock...suck it for me..."

I WANTED to tease, to play awhile; but I was far beyond my own breaking point. It had been so long (what, three years?) and I had tried so hard to get away from all this; but, with this tanned powerful man standing over me with an engorged cock only inches from my waiting lips, I shivered in the night air, closed my eyes and leaned forward.

I had forgotten how pleasurable the feel of a man could be. I slid the first half of Paden's swollen prick into my mouth, then pulled back and returned for more. I kept my fist around the lower shaft and could feel it pulse each time he squeezed his ass muscles in anticipation. The other hand found his heavy balls again.

I opened my eyes and looked upward for a moment. His head was thrown back and his arms were out to his side; a powerful sight as I slowly rode half of his shaft in and almost out of my mouth. My tongue circled the smoothness of his cockhead and I was lost in the wonder of the moment we were sharing. His low moans were spearing me on.

Several times I let go of his balls and ran my hands over his hairy upper torso. He did not have a six-pack, but his belly was taunt and hard, hardly any paunch at all. How I envied - and admired - that! He seemed to enjoy that almost as much as I did. Once he even took my hand and rubbed it over his chest and belly.

Then, I let go of his cockshaft with the other hand and let another inch or two slide downward. I admit I gagged a little because it has been so long since...well, since! I don't think he even noticed though.

But, when I took more of him, I felt his strong hands on the back of my head and he was pulling me toward him. His cock was fully hard now and stiff as a ball bat. I slid my hands around to cup his ass cheeks and he took that as motive to go forward and, when he shoved, I almost choked!

He let up and then thrust hard again. I could feel the cockhead trying to push into my throat and did not have time to prepare and gagged again. This time he noticed and apologized. Not to ruin the pace, I just told him that he was such a hunk and that his cock was one of the biggest I had ever seen, let alone sucked... (okay, so I used the feminine technique here).

He proudly then lifted his cock and placed the head on my lower lip. He smiled down at me and asked if I thought maybe I couldn't handle it all.

I looked around us, again checking to make sure we were not being watched or that someone might be coming. That was making me nervous.

I did not say anything, but opened my mouth to receive the spittle wet cock again. His hands spread around the back of my head again and he slowly - inch by inch - let me take it. I knew if I could take Herb's 11 incher, this was going to be okay.

About three strokes and I had him all the way to his balls and he was staring down at me. I could feel his legs trembling.

"Shit! Ain't nobody ever took it all ...not even my fuckin' old lady."

A few more encouraging dirty words and I knew he was about to explode.

I rode it to his balls several more times, then concentrated on the bulbous head until he gripped the boards behind him and let go. His stomach began to tighten and his legs stiffened.

"Fuck...I'm gonna cuuuuum.."

I gently kneaded his exploding balls as he emptied his lovemilk into my throat over and over, grunting and moaning as each spasm hit his body. I remained impaled on the thick muscle as he completed his unloading session, my eyes taking in his thrashing body in the throes of cumming - his hands atop my head, not knowing whether to push me away or pull me to him.

His cock remained almost as hard as it was at the beginning as he took a half step back and pulled the eight inches of spent cock from my lips. inch by inch...watching me as he did.

I stood, my legs aching now and back really hurting... and squeezed the still erect cock between us. He slid his hands into my jogging shorts and satisfied himself that I was on a hard myself by grasping my cock and gently but firmly squeezing it.

We bearhugged and let go of one another, he pulled his trunks up and we walked back to our former meeting place. I was sure he would go to his room, but he remained and we sat back down together and he smoked a cigarette as he told me all those silly things we men say when we are well satiated.

All of his talk about the session we had just had and how good it was kept my prick at attention. Paden kept rubbing his crotch and going on and on about how much he loved "getting head" and I even asked him to tell me about some of his experiences. He did, and that only made the inevitable clearer.

Out of the blue, he took my hand and moved it to his crotch, revealing to me that he was still erect.

"How's about another good time?" he questioned. "You still want some of this?"

What do you say? It was evident that he wanted, maybe even needed, to get off again - and I could not get the first session out of my brain either.

We headed back down the beach to the lifeguard stand.

as still a bit fearsome that someone would see us or show up, so I begged off.

There seemed to be no nervousness about Paden now. He turned from me, slid his trunks off and kicked them aside; then stood up on the bottom rung of the lifeguard ladder... which, with me standing, put his mid section in my face again. I didn't say it, but I sure felt glad that I could stand this time.

He turned around to once again reveal his body...naked...the cool breeze not even bothering an erection that stood almost straight out from his loins. Then, he decided to move to one side of the stand where he could sort of "swing".... h lifted his arms above his head and caught onto the board below the lifeguard's chair and placed his feet on the bottom board, forming a human "X"...

"Now, I can fuck your hairy face," he commented. "Damned if you didn't look like a salty ol' sea captain going at my cock while ago...take it again, man."

With one hand then, he surrounded his cock and offered it to me. My hand replaced his, he caught onto the top board again with both hands. I dipped beneath the waving cock and sucked first one ball, then the other, into my mouth and tongued them until he was moaning too loudly.

I let the hairy sac fall from my mouth and told him to be quiet, and he apologized and added, "It's just so damned good". Well, of course it was good, I remember thinking... you're getting your balls sucked!

From my vantage point, I could see his entire upper torso stretched on that "rack", and it was driving me up the wall. He was, as I said, not an Adonis, but in this light and in that "pose", he looked every bit the part.

I thought of pinching myself, but I was afraid I would wake up!

"Lemme face fuck ya." he whispered into the night air.

With that, he offered me his cockhead and I took it obligingly, going down all the way to his balls several times to give him pause to enjoy the thrusting of my head up and down... then, he let go with one hand and placed it behind my had. He held my head still and he began to thrust back and forth slowly, sinking his warm, smooth meaty cock into and almost out of my mouth again and again and again. He was more gentle this time, and soon we had the sway just right and it seemed a perfect dance on the cool breeze off the ocean.

In this fashion as well, my hands were free to roam over his legs and ass, upwards over his belly and sides so that I had a virtual; muscular and hairy manfeast hanging before me. This time, however, we were not in such a hurry to make it happen... and I allowed myself time to feel this man's body, to touch and caress his cock and balls... to admire his lithe hairy body.

I would suck his cock a while, then when he was breathing hard and close to cumming, I would back off and just run my hands over his legs and ass. His ass, by the way, was taunt and muscular like a younger man. He had told me that he was a runner and his legs and ass were proof that it was true. Firm. Strong. Hard. I recalled that, at 42, I was a runner and how strong my legs had become.

"Ahhh, gotta take my load, man... I'm dying here."

I tipped my hat, then threw it to the ground and received his cock the final time (I thought). I rode it slowly at first, then faster as I felt his thighs begin to buc some and his legs quiver. His balls bunched up in anticipation as I rode his cock into my throat over and over...

He let out several expletives when he shot this time. I had backed off and let the cockhead slip from my lips just as he came - not on purpose, but it just happened - and he shot his load onto my chin and beard and chest. I caught his cock and placed my lips around the spurting meat, but not before a good amount of his load of jism coated my beard.

I sucked him then until, for the first time, his cock began to ease downward like a sleepy snake, the head still glistening with my spittle and his cum.

I licked the shaft of his cock and then his balls.

I felt him tugging at me and I looked up. He eased downward until we were face to face and then he did the unexpected. He pulled me to him and began licking his cum off my heard and mustache...and then he French-kissed me deep and hard. I could taste his cum mixed with the smell of tobacco from his cigarette earlier. When we came up for air, I quickly looked around to be sure we were still in the dark and hidden. It made me nervous at first... but, again, I needed the intimacy, the touch...almost as much as he did if not more, I guess.

I slid down his naked body, licking and kissing his chest, belly, legs and... his cock ... as I went, and then just fell back on the sand.

We both laughed. He grabbed his trunks and slid them back on, then came and sat down beside me on the sand. We talked again of sex and other things... he smoked another cigarette and got up to get his beer which had to be warm by now.

Several times he put his hand on my leg as we talked, and I was getting aroused of all things. I thought of someone special and how she would love to be with us here on this sandy mattress, gazing at a rather good looking man bent on talking -- and doing - sex.

Paden finished his warm beer and cigarette and lay down beside me, his head at my feet. He surprised me by snaking his hand into the leg of my shorts and grasping my erect cock and slowly jacking it; then gathering my balls into his hand, he was gentle as he rubbed them.

It felt good having his hands there as he talked. Then, he moved his thighs closer to me and brazenly moved the leg of his trunks over his - yes - newly erect cock! There we were in a 69 position on the beach and this hunky fellow had his hands in my pants! I found it sorta funny, but Paden was dead serious again.

I took his cock in hand and let my thumb roll over the now-familiar head and wiped away a dew drop from the gaping eye. He moaned his pleasure and said something about wanting to take me home with him. (At this point, I might have gone!) I moved my hand, and he slid his trunks over his swollen cock and set it free.

He continued to toy with my balls as he rolled onto his back. His cock slipped from my hand and fell back against his hairy belly...long, thick, smooth... inviting again. It was not as hard as the first two times we were "together" - just firm and warm to the touch.

I eased closer to him and ran my hand over his chest and bragged on his build - which again I felt was pretty good for a 43 year old man. No, I didn't say it like that to him; just thought it. Lying on his back, his belly was flat and relaxed, and his ribcage was defined by the moonlight. I leaned down and just let my tongue ease along the full length of his cock, along the strutting blue vein which pulsed with his readiness again. I moved upward and suck one brown flat nipple until it formed a peak. Then, I moved back down.

With my one free hand, I ran my hand from his balls down his leg as I reached the head of his cock and let it slide between my lips - just the head - and my tongue circled it slowly. I remember the guilt that had come for a moment and wondered which of us was the most insatiable in this little beach tryst. I knew he wanted me to suck him off again, but I knew, too, that at the moment anyway, I was eager to do just that.

"Take it all for me again, Harry," Paden grinned down at me and squeezed my balls. "I wanna see you do that again."

I lifted his cock and looked at the full length of it, the vein throbbing and the head like a smooth plum. I stroked upward on the shaft and licked away a drop of pre-cum that appeared. I realized that this was my first real look at his cock ... the other times had been so fast and furious. Women pay no particular attention, I guess, but men do. His cock was heavy, well proportioned - both thick and long with a smooth head. All strutting up from black curls and what seemed a bucket of balls!

I took the shaft into my mouth and began sliding my lips up and down its fullness, rotating my head slowly as he moaned and kept whispering, "Shit... ohhhh shit... that feels so damned good... do it, Harry...." etc. over and over. His legs would alternately rise and fall as if he were riding a bicycle. He never let go of my nuts, so I caressed his globes as I sucked.

Then, I deep throated that pulsing prick. His balls pushed against my chin and I let my tongue ease out and roll over them. Then I slid back up to the head and down again and again... but slowly.. not like the lustful romps of before, but taking him inch by inch over and over. My hand had a field day roaming over his chest as I sucked his cock. I gently pinched his hardened nipples and even dipped my tongue into his hairy navel several times between sucking strokes.

I could not help but grin inwardly as Paden kept telling me how this was the best head he ever had and how much he would like to have me living close enough to be his "main dude". All the while, his hips were beginning to rise to meet my downward move, pushing his warm cockhead into my throat as far as he could.

With me above him, it was easier to control and soon he began the fast breathing and louder groans signaling his cumming.

Rather than take his load this time, I wanted to watch him cum. I backed off - reluctantly - and allowed my hand to encircle the hard meat. I began a stroking up and down and he bucked upwards and the first spurt of lustcream took to the air and pooled on his lower chest. Another oozed down my hand. He let go of my balls (thankfully) and was thrashing a bit, so I took his spurting cock into my mouth again and took the remainder of his load. I smoothed the cum into his hairy belly and rubbed his chest, holding his spent cock in my mouth until his breathing calmed.

He lay still for what seemed like an hour, but was only a few minutes. I just watched him breath; my chest fetish being fed big time. I kept running my hands over his chest and belly as he recuperated.

Finally, he tugged at his balls then lifted his hips and pulled his trunks up and sat up. He grinned at me and rumpled my hair, reminding me not to forget my cap. He asked if I was sure I had to go home today and I assured him I did.

We sat and looked at the rolling waves for a few minutes, not speaking; then got up and walked together back to the lighted section. I sat back on the walkway and he told me to look for him if I ever get back that way, thanked me for a "great time" and was gone.

I stayed maybe 20 minutes and went over the events of the morning. Guilt was heavy, but so was the pleasurable memory of a "fun" event which I wanted so much to share with my friend back at the motel.


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