Lessons in the Hotel Room

By Sam Joseph

Published on Jul 13, 2022



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Lessons in the Hotel Room is a fictional erotic story for adult readers. It is an unplanned sequel to Lessons at the Health Club which can be found on Nifty: www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/athletics/lessons-at-the-health-club

I'm still new to writing and I welcome email feedback and constructive criticism to thenextdoorpornographer@gmail.com. You can check out https://linktr.ee/yvr_sam for other ways to connect with me, and for a listing of other works published here or elsewhere.

I gasped and threw my head back as I broke the water's surface, emerging after pushing my lungs to the brink on the bottom of the lap pool. I eased back and floated, staring straight up at the ceiling as I listened to my heart thrum in my chest. Slowly my breathing and heart rate settled and I was able to take in the stillness of the otherwise empty health club pool.

It was midsummer now and the impending stress of leaving for university in just a few weeks was starting to build. Between lifeguarding at the outdoor pools most days and evenings, on top of teaching early morning lessons, and trying to make memories with friends before we all went off to different cities, I had barely had a moment to myself. I'm an introvert by nature and the sheer number of people I had to interact with in a given day was exhausting.

But here, in the last hour of the local health club pool, things were always still. I had never been a regular here, always preferring the local Y or the outdoor pools I now worked at, but after taking my own lessons here earlier in the year--not to mention my encounter with Chuck--I'd come to find this place quiet and soothing.

There were no screeching kids here, no blistering sun, and very few people used the pool. Being attached to one of the larger local hotels, the club was used more regularly by traveling business folks, and few of them ever brought their swimsuits. Still, on occasion I'd have to share a lane.

It was much more common to share a glance in the changeroom. Sure when the cat's away, the mice will play -- but when the Tom cat's out he might as well get some play, too...

Not that they ever played with me. As much as I swam and walked everywhere and baked my skin in the summer sun during work, I was still a doughy local 18 year old with shaggy straight brown hair and the whisps of a beard; not exactly every traveling man's fantasy lay.

I think that was something else that was getting to me: my summer had started off with such exhilarating promise with my encounter with Chuck, a torrid, fleeting, fantastical fuck that had been my bate fuel for days afterwards; and then there was my night with Hank, soft, round, firm, blue-eyed Hank who I could almost still feel pressed against my thighs... but that'd been it. Between how Hank had acted afterwards and how busy and stressed I'd been since, I just didn't have it in me to even beat off, let alone entice some traveling businessman into a locker room quickie.

I sighed heavily as I considered my two-week dry spell and shrugged before plunging under the water again. I'd gone 18 years without a fuck, surely I could go a little longer.

If it was quiet and still above the water, below was positively inert. With the water dampening all other sound I was lost in a world of my own. A world that was suddenly cracked open by a splash as someone jumped into the pool.

I surfaced quickly, not wanting to be seen weirdly lounging on the bottom of the pool, and flipped my hair back out of my eyes. As I blinked away the chlorine, the blurry figure of a man bobbing a few feet off became clearer, and as it did, my little world of solitude faded from view entirely.

"Chuck?" I was incredulous. Our first meeting had been the definition of getting lucky in every way, but meeting him a second time was entirely unbelievable.

His salt and pepper stubble parted as he smiled and nodded.

"I wondered if that was you, boy," he bounced a little closer. Whether it was being caught in his sights again, or the way he called me 'boy' or I was suddenly aware of the chill air outside the water I didn't know, but something made me shudder.

Chuck stopped a few inches from me and raised his arm up across the lip of the deck, practically placing his armpit against my head. All I could smell was chlorine at that point, but it didn't matter, just being close to him was making my swim trunks tent beneath the surface. Flashes of our last encounter rushed through my mind: my hands against his back, the soap running between the globes of his ass, the feel of his cock inside me...

Chuck summoned me back with a light flick of water in my face and he smirked as I scowled in surprise.

"You look like you're somewhere else, boy," he grinned wickedly. "What have you been up to? Did you finish your lessons?"

"I did," I said, working hard to make conversation when all I wanted to do was to beg him to pound me out in the showers again. "I'm a swimming instructor now--and a lifeguard."

"Atta boy," he rubbed my head vigorously and I felt an odd surge of pride. How this man had such a hold on me I didn't know, nor did I really care.

"So how's my stroke," he asked, pushing back from the wall and splashing into a back paddle. I gulped hard as I locked eyes on the obvious bulge in his trunks. I was filled with a mix of horniness and relief knowing he felt the same way I did. That attention was a hell of a drug, and I was flying high.

"Let me show you," I called when he reached the far side. "You need to let your body roll more with each stroke." I paddled my way across to him in turn, rolling gently with each backstroke. When I reached him, Chuck was all smiles.

"Happy to see me, teacher?" He nodded down into the water and I blushed.

"Your turn," I said, cocking my head for him to swim. "Let's see what you've got."

"I think you already know," he said with a wink. He relaxed back into the water and his erection breached the surface, straining against his wet swim trunks.

I smirked, but didn't otherwise reply. As much as I enjoyed seeing the playful side of the man who'd made me his boy, I always have a serious streak when it comes to teaching.

And Chuck needed lessons. His form was a bit sloppy and his strokes splashy, and he kept sinking in the middle. That's where I decided to start.

I swam up and reached under Chuck, propping up his ass to keep him from sagging and taking the opportunity to give it an appreciative squeeze.

"Oh hey there," he yelped in surprise.

"Just relax," I said. "Let me help." Chuck eased back and kept swimming while I slipped another hand under and held each cheek. By the time we reached the wall, we were both at full mast. Chuck hadn't gotten any better, but it was clear the lesson was over.

Chuck cleared his throat then said, "Get your stuff and come to my room." He hoisted himself up and out of the water, quickly adjusting his thick, boned up cock, before wrapping himself in a hotel bathrobe.

"Room 1210, end of the hall," he winked. "I've got something to show you."

I was still dripping a bit as I hurried to pull on a shirt and shoes while I emptied the rest of my locker into my swim bag. I slipped through the health club halls to the hotel lobby elevators in a haze; everything was a blur of excitement and hormones and anxiety and raw lust. The elevator ride felt like forever, but the hotel hall seemed to just drift past.

And then I was at his door.

My mouth went dry, my pulse raced, my head swam. What was I doing? The first time had been practically an out of body experience, an ecstatic and orgasmic one, but a moment so far off the trail of my life to that point that I scarcely recognized the young man who had moaned for more in that stall.

I had crossed a figurative threshold then and only now, standing before another very real one, did I suddenly hesitate and wonder what that meant.

My hand moved like it belonged to someone else and I watched it knock at the hotel door. There was a pause. An agonizing one... two... three thumping heartbeats, each one echoched in a needy twitch from my cock.

"C'mon in...boy," I froze. My hole shuddered when he called me.

I turned the handle and stepped inside.

Chuck was naked in the middle of his hotel room, drying his hair with a white cotton towel. I cast about suddenly nervous and trying to look anywhere but at him.

Maybe this was a mistake. What if I wasn't what he wanted? What if it was a trick? What if he was just some guy in a three star hotel room who liked to lure townies like me with false words and robes cast aside on cheap navy carpeting.

"C'mere, boy," he said, firmer this time. I shuddered and obeyed. My fears slipped from my mind as easily as my swim bag slipped from my shoulder, discarded at the door seemingly kilometers behind me.

When I got within reach, Chucked pulled me in, his manly meaty hand holding the back of my head firm as he pressed our lips together. He kissed me twice, softly but urgently, before he slid his tongue into my mouth on the third.

I moaned openly in response and eagerly sucked on it; I wanted any part of him and all of him inside me. I felt Chuck's lips thin and spread into a smile at that and he retracted his tongue as he eased my head back.

"Someone's eager,"

"It's been... a while," I looked away, embarrassed, and caught sight of us in the wide mirror set above the three drawer dresser.

I was tall at six-foot-four, and Chuck nearly matched me, but standing there in a shirt spotted with growing damp spots and my wet, clinging swimsuit, I seemed so much smaller. In contrast, Chuck's middle-aged body stood firm and confident, his eyes watching me with curiosity and patience as his hand gently stroked the back of my head. He was patronly, with his head-to-toe salt and pepper hair and softened features. I almost thought we could be opposite ends of a spectrum, both of us had some muscles hidden beneath our doughy forms, but where I was working to build mine out, Chuck's had been hidden with age and life behind a desk or the wheel.

I could have stayed there comparing our bodies all night, but Chuck's hand slid from my neck to my shoulder and pressed down firmly. I looked back at him and he smiled as I sank to my knees, eventually resting back on my haunches. Chuck guided my head downward too, and I reluctantly broke eye contact with him.

Reluctantly that is, until I made eye contact with his penis. I'm sure Chuck felt my shoulders slump in relaxation as I came face to face with his magnificent package. Even soft, his penis appeared thick, a true man's cock resting beneath a thick but maintained patch of pubic hair. To either side, beautiful balls, dappled in hair and hanging oh so tantalizingly within reach.

I sighed as I took in every bit of the soft folds of skin along his shaft. It gathered at the edge of his pink cock head which even now appeared bulbous. He wasn't intact, but it looked to be a loose cut, a fact made all the more obvious as it began to engorge and extend as if I was breathing life into it with each approving sigh.

"See something you like, boy?" I shuddered and sighed, dreamily.

"Yes, Sir,"

Chuck snorted then ruffled my hair. The way my hole twitched he may as well have been ruffling my soul. His hand tensed and became firm on the top of my head as he slowly pushed his hips forward. The tip of his cock inched closer and closer, teasingly grazing my lips.

In an impulsive flash my tongue darted forward to catch a taste of his drooling cock head. He pulled back a moment too slow and left a thin trail of pre-cum running from my lip.

"Hmm, you are eager tonight," he said before tightening his grip to hold my head still. He reached down and gently milked another glistening pearl of precum from his dick. "Now be good."

Chucked eased forward again. I understood my place and tried to hold still. I had never tasted cock before tonight, but that brief lick was like a taste of nectar. I needed it now, deeply and madly.

Chuck held me steady as he used the slick tip of his cock to trace a circle around my mouth, leaving a trail of precum. He sucked in his breath and growled deeply as he grazed his frenulum along the short mustache hairs I'd grown, but he didn't stop.

He traced the ring twice, making sure my mouth was well coated before easing back to admire his work.

"Fuck," he sighed. I looked up to meet his gaze and saw my hunger reflected in his eyes. "You're such a good boy." My dick and hole both twitched excitedly at that compliment but it was what happened next that made me finally tip over the edge.

"Clean up," he said. I complied immediately. Hungrily and needily I lapped around my mouth. It was almost salty, and almost sweet, and it was his. That part was all I really cared about in the moment; it was Chuck's precum.

That thought made me moan.

"Good," Chuck said. He tilted my head down again and I stared into his cock slit, eager for more. "Open up, boy." My mouth fell open and like a salivating pup my tongue lolled out, eager to taste him.

And taste him I did. Chucked pressed his cock forward, slowly at first, then more urgently, caressing my tongue before moving to fuck my lips. Instinctively, I closed my mouth around the shafted and sucked, eager to drain every drop I could from my Sir's tap.

Chuck groaned and growled in approval. He removed his hands from my head to tweak his nipples briefly, groaning louder as he gripped and twisted them.

I followed his lead, having learned during my own bating sessions that I enjoyed working my nipples. I pawed at them somewhat ineffectively as my damp t-shirt reduced their sensitivity, and I found myself only sucking more desperately to chase my need for contact and pleasure.

Chuck looked down at me with a mix of lust and pity, then withdrew his cock. I went to follow it with my mouth, but he stopped me.

"In good time boy," he helped me to my feet. "I have something else to teach you." I shivered a little as Chuck peeled my shirt off and playfully rubbed my hardened nipples. Next he knelt down and tugged off my damp swimsuit, shimmying it down as it clung to my thighs and butt.

I steadied myself on his shoulders as I stepped out of the suit, and he looked up at me with kind, but hungry, eyes. He ran his fingers first through my matted pubes, fluffing them playfully, then slipped down and under, kneading my taint and hole. I gasped and bit my lip at the sudden intrusion and Chuck smiled and laughed.

"C'mere," he said, standing suddenly and taking up his towel. "You're still a little wet and I want you dry before you get on the bed." He tussled my hair with the towel then vigorously rubbed my ass and crack. I moaned as the terrycloth grazed my past my hole, at once soft and rough, then slipped between my legs and massaged my taint. The fabric swooped up and made my knees buckle as it rubbed against my balls, but Chuck was there with a firm hand on my lower back.

"Let's lay you down, boy."

Chuck didn't need to tell me twice. Under his guiding hand I made my way to the queen bed and lay down. He made me roll over and turn until my head was dangling just off the side.

"Ready?" He asked, peering down at me upside down. I nodded and smiled enthusiastically. I didn't know what to expect, and at that moment I didn't care. I wanted Chuck, however he would give himself to me. "Open up."

Chuck's knees bent slightly to lower his penis closer and closer to my face. As the tip moved past my line of sight instinct took over. My mouth opened wide and my tongue reached to meet him. I was doubly rewarded for my patience: my tongue lapped up delicious drops of precum while my eyes feasted on a close up view of Chuck's balls.

Slow and steady at first, Chuck and I built a rhythm. Each thrust drove him into my warm, eager mouth, and pressed his balls against my face. I sucked and slurped as he did, loving the feeling of him inside me, wanting to keep his cock as deep as I could. I loved the feeling of his balls on my face, too, at once warm and soft and yet a little rough as the hair grazed across my nose and forehead.

Chuck's desperation increased and he picked up speed. I moaned in response to each thrust as pleasure shivered through my body. I was in heaven; I loved serving Chuck like this, his panting and relentless pace its own reward. Sweaty balls pressed and rubbed against my face, mixing with spit that frothed its way out of my well-used lips. I was wet and sloppy and hungry for more.

Just when I thought he would shoot his load, Chuck pulled out suddenly. I gasped for air as much as in confusion but when I met his lusty, proud gaze, I knew he had more in store for me.

"Good boy," he cooed from up above. He beamed down at me past his dick which bounced approvingly at my spit-slicked face. "Time for your next lesson."

Chuck turned around, and began to lower his hairy ass towards me, filling my vision with his meaty cheeks. He parted gradually as he pressed into my face and I eagerly began worming my tongue through his fur-covered flesh. Chuck gasped as the tip of my tongue first poked tentatively at his puckered hole, increasing with force and speed as my need grew.

I could barely hear him growl in pleasure from beyond the ass meat that encompassed my face, but it was enough to spur me on. I lapped and sucked at his hole, desperate to taste him, to pleasure him, to be engulfed by him in a way I had never known I wanted but now couldn't bear to be without. Chuck's desperation seemed to match mine as he began to grind his hole against my face. I was distantly aware of wet sloppy noises as he beat his dick with a rising fury.

My tongue worked to match him. Through spit slicked gasps I licked on as if my dick had been transported to my mouth. I fucked Chuck's hole as much as it fucked my mouth, both of us panting and growing ever wetter. My cheeks were smeared with equal parts spit and sweat, and Chuck's ass and thighs slid back and forth on my face in our own man-made lube.

Without warning, Chuck spun around and I caught a brief glimpse of his pulsing cock. The head was flared and dark and seemed on the very cusp of bursting. Chuck's face was red and snarling. The gentle and firm fatherly figure was replaced by a wild and hungry beast of a man. Then he plunged forward, burying his cock in my throat. Chuck's full weight collapsed over me and our sweaty bodies seemed to melt into one.

I moaned, deep and beastial. I was lost in lust. Beyond, Chuck growled as he humped his dick into my mouth. "Good boy," his voice penetrated my mind as much as he penetrated my body. "Good, fucking, boy!" I fell deep and dark, my mind was blank now: I was in a place of pure pleasure servicing Chuck's meat, all other thoughts fucked from my head. His sodden pubes were matted against my chin, his dark leg hair rubbed against my face and in a moment I knew I would do anything to hold on to this feeling, to be his good service boy.

Just as I thought I couldn't fall further, a mouth wrapped around my cock. In a lusty mind's eye view I could imagine Chuck, this older man who had shown me so many unknown pleasures, now entwined with me in a sixty-nine. Our penises sucked deep into each other's mouths in a continual exchange of lust and pleasure and hunger. Such deep hunger. It spurred me on. I threw my arms around him, pulling his ass close and pushing his cock as deep as possible into my throat. Chuck responded by kneading my ass with his meaty hands, probing my twitching hole with his rough digits. I couldn't help but gyrate and squirm in pleasure and I moaned pleadingly each time the rough stubble of his face grazed against my sensitive, full balls.

I needed all of him in me. My tongue wound about his cock and traced the crown of the swollen head. I rubbed the frenulum and teased his piss slit and with each of his approving groans I sucked harder. My mouth was a sex organ now and I used it as much for my pleasure as his.

And then we burst. Great waves of pleasure and cum washed through me. Chuck growled a deep and gutteral sound from around my cock as he erupted inside my mouth. The first taste of him triggered my own orgasm, and without warning I came hard, flooding my Sir's mouth with my boy juice. Neither of us could stop sucking or cumming, as if we needed to replenish ourselves from the other's semen. New tremors of delight rippled over each of us as we continued to nurse the cocks in our mouths. I swallowed everything Chuck had to give.

Gradually, our orgasms receded and Chuck rolled off me. We both sighed contentedly.

"You really are a good boy," Chuck said at length, one hand gently stroking my thigh. "I enjoy you very much, as much as I enjoy our time together." His tone was softer than usual, not quite the patronly figure as before, almost verging on that of a lover.

"Thank you," I managed. I didn't know what else to say. Chuck had awoken something in me, a need that ruffled and riled everything I had known before we met and though I wanted to be able to give in to that something, my upbringing still nagged at my thoughts.

And then there was Hank.

Blissfully, I didn't have to sort any of it out now. Chuck repositioned on the bed and bade me join him, and I took solace in the way he wrapped me in his arms. Despite being the taller of us, I rested my head on his soft chest. Upclose and in the afterglow of sex, Chuck's age showed, but in a way that suited him. Curls of silver-gray hair seemed to push back against the remaining dark ones on his chest, and the sag of his breasts and stomach was more pronounced. His face was still handsome, and the dominance of his personality was ever present in the corners of his eyes, even when I looked up at them from this low angle. We didn't speak, Chuck just laid a hand on my back and stroked it gently.

I drifted off to sleep in his arms.

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