Lie to me

By Caipirinha

Published on May 24, 2005



Disclaimer: We all know the rules here, so this shouldn't come as surprise to any of you, but let me go over them just in case. If it is illegal for you to be reading this (i.e. it is illegal where you live or you are under the ages of 18 or 21 depending on your location) WHY ARE YOU HERE? Turn back now before God himself smites you for breaking the law.

I would also like to make the point that I do not know any celebrities never mind the ones I write about. Whatever I write about the celebrities who are mentioned is the sole work of my crazy little imagination. Their sexual orientation is their business not mine and therefore I have no idea how any of them swing.

I would like to just point before anyone gets too confused, I'm telling the story though different points of view as I go along. I am inserting a break in between so you should be able to tell when the point of view changes. I didn't want to ruin the flow of the story by actually pointing out that the point of view changes from one character to another. I don't it's that confusing, but then again I am writing the story.

I appreciate feedback, unless it's meant to be malicious. I have more important things than flames to read -- like more gay text porn on nifty. However if you would like to leave me feedback you can at Thank you for reading and enjoy.

"Lie to me then," he pleaded, the tears in his voice, the anguish in his words, shredding every last bit of my heart. "I love you," I barely whispered as I clicked off the phone.

"So you met someone then?"

"Aye," he said, keeping to his own business, almost ignoring his mate completely.



"Aw, come on Danny boy; give me something to sink my teeth into!"

He just laughed to himself and went on picking out a shirt, "I'm telling you, there's not story to be had. I just met him for everything's sake."

"Sure, sure." He just rolled his eyes at me. He slid the shirt he was wearing off and gave himself a quick once over in the mirror before sliding the new one on and turning to me for approval. "You're glowing," I smiled and laughed when the traces of a blush crept into his cheeks. "And aside from that the shirt looks good."

"Alright then, I'm off."

I grabbed him by the elbow as he was walking through the threshold of his room. "Hey, I just wanted you to know that, you know, I'm here to talk to okay?"

"Thanks Harry," he said, genuinely thankful that he knew he had someone to talk to.

"Now go have fun before this mate thinks you're standing him up."

He flashed me a smile and said a last goodbye before running out the door. I smiled to myself as I heard the door click shut. As much as I loved the boys, and I did, it was nice to have a moment's peace in the house alone. I threw myself onto the couch and just let the quiet sink in.

"So you're Italian then?" he asked, smiling at me from across the table. "Yeah, both my parent's immigrated when they were around 18. My mother's side still lives in a little mountain town about an hour south of Napoli." "Do you speak Italian?" "What kind of half assed Guinea would I be if I didn't?" "I'm sorry, Guinea?" "Must be an American thing, it's supposed to be a derogatory term for Italians, but most of us just fool around and use it to describe other Italians in a non-offensive way." He laughed, "Sounds interesting." "So what about you," I asked, "Tell me about this band thing you're in." "Actually," he stated with a devious grin, "I'm offended you've never heard of it." "Sorry." "But, I'm also a little relieved." "Relieved?" "Yeah." He paused to take a sip of his water. "It's hard to meet people you know. Most people I meet are just obsessed fans, so when I met you and you took a fancy to me and just plain me not Danny from McFly, I was literally delighted." "How famous exactly are you?" I saw his face fall a little. "Sensitive subject? If you don't want to answer it's okay." "No, no, I guess you have the right to know^Å" he trailed off as the waiter arrived with our food. "Oh Dougie is going to love you," he mentioned looking down at my plate of Moussaka. "Anyway back to the point at hand. We're pretty famous I guess. We've had a couple of number one singles, our album went platinum twice. We're doing a tour." "Wow." I hadn't really expected for the cute boy who walked into me at the bakery to turn out to be a celebrity. It was a bit to take in. "You're sure you're okay with this then?" he asked looking a little concerned. "Do you want the smooth answer or the honest one?" "I'm afraid I'd rather hear the smooth one, but let's give the honest one a whirl." I looked across the table at him. He was wearing a strained grin. He was trying like hell to keep his composure. "It's just a lot to take in I guess," I said with a weak laugh. "I mean if I had known that the cute boy who bumps into people at the bakery was a celebrity, I probably wouldn't have given him my number." His grin had disappeared. `That probably wasn't the best thing to say,' I thought to myself. "I see," he said quietly. "No, no, you took that the wrong way," I said. He had his eyes glued to his plate. "Hey," I said gently, "look at me." He hesitated but lifted his hurt eyes towards mine. "It's not that I wouldn't give you my number because I don't want to date a celebrity. I wouldn't have given it to you because why would someone so famous want to go on a date with little old me?" His entire face lit up, "So you're okay with it then?" I laughed, "I guess." "Well alright then!" He was too cute for words when he was excited. Dinner was exceptional that night, though I'm not sure if it was thanks to the food or thanks to the company. Either way I could have stayed in that uncomfortable little booth for the rest of my stay in the UK. He tried to pay for the both of us, but I denied him the privilege. It may sound old fashioned, but I was the one who had asked to take him out, so I was going to take him out. "So what now?" he asked as we walked up a dimly lit side street. "Well we could go out somewhere for coffee or something." "I suppose." Neither of us particularly wanted the night to end. "How about dessert somewhere?" I suggested. "Sounds good to me, what shall we have?" "Last time I was here I had this amazing waffle thing, I don't know what it's called, but it was awesome." "A waffle? For Dessert?" "Yeah it was awesome." "How would you order it though?" he laughed, "Yes I'd like a waffle please." I couldn't help but laugh along with him, "I guess. Of course I'm sure I could make it!" I said enthusiastically. "We could make a Stop and Shop run, go back to your place and I could make them for us." "The hell is a stop and shop?" I had to laugh at myself, "God I'm so American. Grocery Store. Market." "Ahh." "So?" "So what?" "Are you going to bring me up to your place for dessert," I said with a wink and devilish grin. His eyes were suddenly uncomfortable. I had meant to make him squirm but not give the poor guy a panic attack. "I meant literal dessert," I said trying to reassure him, "I was just goofing off like that, I don't expect anything if that's what you're worried about." "No, it's not that. It's just, could we do it at your place?" He almost pleaded. "I don't have a kitchen. Look, really it's cool if you don't want me to come up^Å" "No, I do!" He turned away as he started to blush. I smiled and assumed he hadn't meant to say it so enthusiastically. "It's just, see I live with the guys^Å" "Oh," I said, the light starting to click on. "They don't know you're gay then?" "Don't be ridiculous, of course they know, it's just, you know, this is new. It's only our first date. Plus Harry is the only one who even knows where I am tonight." "Oh, ha I feel like an ass for assuming the worst." "Don't." "Look like I said, it's cool if you don't want to." "I do though. Here let me call and see who is around, maybe we'll get lucky and the place will be empty." He pulled his cell phone out and quickly dialed. "Hello? Harry? No, calm down I'm fine. No. Yeah, it was wonderful. Listen Harry, who's home? Do you know when they'll be back? Terrific! Would you mind terribly if I brought my date home for dessert. Not that you wanker! Alright, well we're going to the market first, we'll be home shortly. Alright then." He looked at me with a smile. "Tom and Dougie are staying out for the night and Harry promised to stay in his bedroom." "Why are you afraid he'll scare me off?" I said with a smile. He laughed and excitedly led the way to the nearest market that was open at this time of night. He insisted on paying for dessert, and frankly I hadn't the heart to argue with him. We were out of the market in record speed and on the way to his home, which he assured me wasn't far. And true to this promise it was only a few blocks over. "You're house is awesome," I said walking through the door, "I love it." "Thank you," he said coyly. "Alright, now dessert, I want to know what the bloody hell you're going to make me." "Something good I promise." "Hello there!" A voice boomed from across the room. "Oh Lord," Danny winced. "Harry?" "Yes," he sighed, "Harry you promised you'd stay in your room." "Am in my room! I never promised I would close the door or leave you alone!" I had to laugh, "Well, He's got you there." "Is that you're date then?" "No!" "Yes." I answered much to his dismay. "Well, come here, let me get a look at you then!" Again I couldn't but laugh. "Harry please!" He turned to me, "I'm so sorry" "It's okay. Really." "Well are you going to let me have a look at him or not. I can't have my little Danny boy dating just anyone!" "I think he's waiting for me," I laughed. Danny sighed, "Through there," he pointed, "I'm sure he'll be waiting in the door, so I don't need to tell you which one is his." Sure enough as I walked through, there was another young man standing in the doorway with wildly excited eyes. "Well then!" he boomed, "Look at you. I'm Harry, It is a pleasure, no no, an honor to meet you." "Luigi, nice to meet you too." I shook his extended hand. "What a name!" He gushed. "Right then, you've met him, goodnight," Danny said, walking up from behind, jamming him into his room, and shutting the door. "Dessert then," he said with a smile leading me away from his band mate's room. "Sure." We wandered back into the kitchen and chatted as I put together the concoction I had been craving all night long; a warm waffle topped with vanilla ice cream, chopped walnuts, and caramel syrup. "This is fantastic," he said between bites. "I'm glad you like it." "I really do." He finished his bite and smiled at me. I was about to compliment him when my watch beeped. I looked down and realized it was already midnight. "God, I hate to eat and run," I said starting to clean up the mess I had made, "but I really need to get back. I have a million appointments tomorrow." I threw the last few dishes into the sink. "I'll take care of that," he said, standing up. "Do you really have to leave? We're having such a good time." "I know, I don't really want to say goodbye either." He looked down and jammed his hands into his pockets briefly. "I hope I'm not being brash but, you could^Åyou know^Åstay here tonight." "No he can't!" Harry yelled sternly from behind his closed door. Once again I laughed as Danny winced. "No," I said agreeing with Harry, "he's right, I can't." "Well then would I be rude to invite myself to your place?" "Yes you would!" "Shut up Harry!" I pulled him into a hug, "I'm sorry, I don't want tonight to end either. I had a wonderful time, and I hope I can see you again before I leave. But I'm not that kind of man," I said to him with a grin. "Well I didn't mean that," he blushed. "Yes you did!" "SHUT UP HARRY!" I gave him one last quick hug and walked towards the door. "Well let me at least walk you down," he offered. "Goodnight," I said, as we reached the front door, "Call me." "I will," he said with a smile. I hesitated to go out the door, and he didn't seem to be in any hurry to go back upstairs. "Alright then," he laughed, "you need to go." "Right," I smiled. I turned and had my hand on the knob, before a sudden impulse too over and I turned back around. It was like he was cosmically in sync with me because I hadn't even entertained the thought of turning around to kiss him, I just did, and he just happened to fall right into my arms as I turned. "Right then," he laughed as we parted. "Okay I'm really leaving this time. Please call me; I want to see you again." "No worries mate," he said, slipping in one more quick kiss, "You will." I slipped out the door into the quiet street, and while it was my intention to walk back to my apartment, I failed. I more or less floated.

I turned and leaned up against the door. His kiss had made me feel like I was on the verge of an orgasm. It was fantastic. And he likes me! Me the person, not me the celebrity. I couldn't possibly have been happier. I climbed back to find Harry waiting for me in the kitchen.

"Right then! Tell me everything!"

"There's nothing really to tell," I smiled. "I like him. A lot."

"And you're sure he's not a gold digger."

"If he is, he's doing a fine job at hiding it. He doesn't even know who we are."

"Well I guess that does make sense. Especially since he's a yank, I don't imagine they play us on American radio."

"I imagine not," I breathed out, going about cleaning the last bit of mess we had left behind.

"And he's decent?"

"Is he ever. He paid for everything. I had to insist that I pay for dessert, and even then he was reluctant. He said he invited me out, he should have paid."

"Well, he does make a point."

"I suppose. But he was perfectly gentlemanly about everything."

"Good, or I'd have gone after the bugger."

"Harry," I scolded.

"And he's handsome no?"

"Isn't he though. I think he's right fit." Harry just laughed at me, "Listen to me go on like a school girl."

"Danny my boy, you've got it."

"What, the love bug?" I laughed.

"Well I wouldn't say love. It's early for that still. But I definitely think you have the infatuation bug."

I sighed, "I think so too."

"I would say you, offering to spend the night with him on your first date."

"As if you haven't done the same!"

"I'd at least snog the girl first!"

"And who says I didn't?" I asked heading towards my own bedroom.

"You didn't!" He gasped in astonished amusement.

"Didn't I?" The last thing I saw before closing the door was Harry's jaw drop to the floor.

I'd never had such pleasant dreams.

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