Life As We Know It

By Joe Stevens

Published on Jan 26, 2005



OFFICIAL DISCLAIMER: This story is TOTAL FICTION and in NO WAY reflects the sexuality of any of the actors or characters portrayed involved. The author has no knowledge of the actors' sexuality and this is purely a work of fiction. LAWKI is produced by by Stu Bloomberg, Francie Calfo, Gabe Sachs, Jeff Judah.

This story picks up after the Jan.20th episode: `You Must Be Trippin'. This is my first installment of this series, so please bear with me! Let me know what you think, and if I should continue. I love feedback! ...Enjoy!



"Sorry, Dino! See you Monday?" Jackie offered.

"Yeah", Dino answered disappointed. "See you Monday!"

Dino was frustrated. They had only just arrived at the ski lodge for the sophomore class trip, and already the weekend had turned into a disaster. They had all been looking forward to this trip since freshman year--their first weekend away from home as a group. They were all supposed to be there together...Jonathon and his girlfriend, Deborah; Ben and his girlfriend, Sue; and of course Dino and Jackie. Although they had broken up just a few months ago, Dino and Jackie had remained friends. And Dino couldn't help but think that maybe, just maybe, Jackie would take him back.

Now, everything was ruined. Deborah, having caught Jonathon trying to make out with her cousin, decided not to go on the trip at all. Sue's father, who had forbidden her to date Ben, decided to sign-up as a last-minute chaperone; and, despite their best efforts to hide from him, they were caught just a few hours into the trip. So, Sue and her father were now leaving the lodge and heading home, and Jackie decided to leave with them.

So now, here Ben and Dino stood, watching their girlfriends leave. The boys were on their own for the whole weekend. Dino pouted to see Jackie leave. What would he do here without her?

"Dude!" Ben exclaimed, trying to cheer his friend up. "We're on the sophomore class ski trip!! We're gonna have to go out of our way not to have fun!!"

"You're right!" smirked Dino. "Lets go hit this mountain!!"

"Lets do it!"

Ben and Dino hurried to find Jonathon, hoping to catch a few hours of night skiing before curfew. Jonathon took charge of getting the tickets, while the other two boys collected their ski gear.

The sparkling, white snow glowed in the moonlight on the mountain. It was a perfect and peaceful night to ski. The boys almost felt as though they were the only ones there.

Although the three best friends were having a great time, Dino was still upset. He just couldn't get his mind off Jackie. He had really thought this weekend would reforge their relationship. It wasn't that Dino minded being single. After all, he had no problem finding girls who were eager to make out with him. The problem was what happened when he tried to make out with them--or rather, what didn't happen!!!

For some reason, whenever Dino got close to a girl, he couldn't pop a boner if his life depended on it. He had tried everything--even some Viagra he had stolen from Jonathon's dad's medicine cabinet. Nothing worked!

Dino decided that the reason he was unable to get an erection must have been that he was subconsciously still in love with Jackie. She was the answer to this riddle. If only he could get Jackie to make out with him, Dino would finally know for sure.

This weekend should have been his opportunity, but now she was gone, and all hope was lost.

The boys skied for several hours, until one of their chaperones called them in for curfew. When they returned to the lodge, they were informed that since they had been the only students to go skiing that night, they were the last ones to receive a room assignment. Therefore, they would have to share the last room available.

Exhausted from the long trip and the past few hours of skiing, they didn't have the energy to protest. Ben grabbed the room key and led the way to the elevator.

When they entered the room, the boys paused and looked at one another uncomfortably. The last room available held only one king-sized bed for the three of them to share.

Again, too exhausted to complain, Dino followed the other boys' lead as he pulled off his ski gear and collapsed onto the bed. The boys quickly drifted to sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow.

Abrubtly that morning, Dino was awakened by the hotel phone ringing on the bedside table beside him.

"Hello?" Dino croaked, still half-asleep.

It was Mr. Moore, one of the trip chaperones, calling to remind the students that breakfast would be served promptly at 8am. And if the boys expected breakfast, they had better be there on time.

Dino prodded awake Jonathon, who was sleeping next to him, and relayed the message. Jonathon yawned loudly as Dino arose from the communal bed and made his way toward the bathroom to take a piss.

The bathroom was impressive, Dino thought to himself as he relieved his straining dick and looked around the room. Above the marble sink was a massive mirror which ran the length of the wall. Opposite the mirror was a huge open shower stall. Dino was amazed, he had never seen a shower without a curtain or door covering it. A bit narcissistic, Dino thought it must be fun to take a shower, while being able to check yourself out in the mirror at the same time! As Dino shook the last few drops of piss from his dick, the bathroom door pushed open and Jonathon walked in.

"Dude!" Dino exclaimed as he popped his dick back into his crisp, white boxer-briefs. "Do you mind! How about a little privacy!!"

Jonathon chuckled. "Dude, what's your problem? We're all guys here!"

As Dino walked toward the sink to wash his hands, Jonathon moved to take his place at the toilet and drain his own dick.

Dino grabbed his toothbrush and began to brush his teeth.

"Yo, Dino!" Jonathon called. "Are you gonna shower before breakfast?"

"Nah." He answered. "Probably afterward. We don't have much time if we want to get there by eight."

"Well I am!" Jonathon replied as he stepped toward the shower. "I can't function if I haven't taken a shower first thing." Jonathon turned the shower faucet on and began to pull of his t-shirt.

Standing at the sink, Dino could clearly see Jonathon's reflection in the mirror. "Dude?!" Dino shrieked. "If you give me a second to finish brushing, I'll get out of here!"

"What the fuck, Dino?" Jonathon laughed, "Don't be such a prude!"

With that, Jonathon turned his back to Dino, and casually let his boxers fall to the floor. Stepping out of them, he kicked them to the side.

Dino gasped inaudibly at the sight. He couldn't pull his eyes away from the now naked form of his oldest and best friend.

Dino had never seen either of his best friends naked before. Come to think of it, he had never been in the presence of any guy fully-naked.

Jonathon had always been the more artsy of the three boys. He had never been as athletic as Dino, but the hours he had been putting in at the gym were really paying off. Dino watched as the water cascaded over Jonathon's shoulders, which were strong and broad for such a young man. The soapy water trickled over his smooth hairless back, down his v-shaped torso, until reaching his ass...his ass! Dino could not take his eyes off of it. Jonathon's young, teenage ass was round and full. In the light, Dino could see that it was covered in a dusting of peach-fuzz. He watched the cheeks rise and fall as Jonathon shifted his weight from one leg to the other.

"Awh!" Dino suddenly exclaimed. Without warning, his own young cock had sprung to life. As his boner stiffened, it had forcefully knocked against the marble counter with a thud!

"You alright?" Jonathon called from the shower, gazing over his shoulder.

Quickly, Dino tore his eyes away from Jonathon's hot ass. He gazed at his own reflection in the mirror. His face was flushed red, his body was trembling.

"Ah...Yeah." Dino called back quickly. "I, just...ah...I think I might have pulled a muscle from skiing last night." He pretended to massage his thigh.

Dino was panicking. What was happening?!

He had had so many opportunities to make out with really hot girls, but his dick would never respond. But now, looking at the bare-ass of his friend...he had never had an erection so hard and full!!

His young erection throbbed as he began to watch Jonathon soaping up his body. Dino was struggling with an internal conflict. His mind was telling him to look away, but every fiber of his being was transfixed by the hot young stud showering just a fews steps away. He wanted to see more. He needed to see Jonathon's manhood. His hormone fuled body seemed to be trying to mentally compel Jonathon to turn around.

Dino could barely think straight. All he knew was that he had to get out of there. He knew it was already looking suspicious that he had been "brushing his teeth" for so long.

Taking advantage of Jonathon's turned back, Dino moved quickly toward the door and back into the bedroom.

Phew, he was safe...

"WHOA, DINO!! Someone missed their morning whack-off, didn't they??!!" Ben joked eyeing the massive hard-on popping out of Dino's boxer-briefs.

"AW FUCK!!" Dino shouted as his face turned even redder. He had completely forgotten about Ben! Dino was mortified. He bent over, covering his crotch with his hands, trying to hide his excitement from Ben, who was still lying in bed.

"Don't be embarrassed, pal!" Ben mused. "You're not the only one!"

With that, Ben kicked off the blankets on the bed, revealing a substantial tent in his underwear. He reached down and grabbed hold of his cock through the fabric of his blue striped boxers, emphasizing his point.

Dino smiled awkwardly. He was quite relieved that he wasn't the only one to be caught with a boner; but at the same time, he was confused. His erection had begun to subside once he had been caught, but seeing the tent in Ben's boxers had aroused him once again.

"Whad'ya say we take care of these?!" Ben asked rhetorically as he got up from the bed.

"Huh?" asked Dino, stunned.

Ben walked over to his duffel bag and pulled out a worn copy of Playboy. He held the porn mag up for Dino to see and winked at him.

Dino smirked, but stood immobile.

Ben walked over to Dino and clapped him on the shoulder. "Come on," he said, "We can't very well go down to breakfast like this, can we?"

As Ben said this, he gestured toward the sizable tents in both of their underwear.

Pulling off his tank under-shirt, Ben returned to the bed. He laid down on one-side of the mattress, propping himself up on one elbow. He tossed magaine down in the center of the mattress, and began to flip through the pages. He gestured to Dino to make himself comfortable on the other side of the mattress.

Trying to steady his breath, Dino trembled as he took his place opposite Ben on the bed. As he did so, Ben placed the open magazine between them.

As Ben scoured the many photos of big-breasted naked women, Dino's eyes took in the smooth, bare chest of the sexy young man beside him. Ben was the tallest of the three friends, with an athletic swimmer's build. His pecs, while underdeveloped, did have impressive definition. His torso and arms were virtually hairless, although Dino could see some hair in the young man's armpits. There was not an ounce of fat on Ben's toned body, which emphasized the slight indication of washboard abs across his stomach.

As Dino began to relax, he pulled off his tight, white undershirt. He shivered as his newly, bared chest felt the cool air.

"Whoa, check her out!" Ben prodded quietly. "What I wouldn't do to her!"

As he said this, Dino watched as Ben's free hand rubbed his own abdomen, lingering there momentarily before sliding below the waistband of his boxers.

"Yeah." Dino replied, having no clue which model his friend was talking about. Focusing on Ben's now hidden hand as it stroked, Dino allowed his own hand to do the same. He began to find his own boxer-briefs too confining for the task at hand.

Suddenly, Dino felt Ben's eyes looking at him. Blushing, he returned his friend's gaze.

"Dude," Ben said softly, "do you mind if I make myself a little more comfortable?"

Dino gulped hard. His voice wavering, he replied, "No...go for it, dude."

Adjusting himself onto his backside, Ben slipped his thumbs under the waistband of his blue, striped boxers. Rolling onto his lower back, Ben pulled the underwear off his ass; then, pausing momentarily, he continued to pull them down over his thighs to his akles, finally kicking them to the foot of the bed.

Dino tried hard to steady his breath. Ben's young manhood was the most fantastic thing he had ever seen.

Ben's cut cock looked to be about 8" in length. The shaft was long and slender, emerging from a small tuft of brown pubes and culminating in an oversized, helmet-shaped head. Below his cock hung his nearly hairless pink sac, which held two avaerage-sized, oval shaped nuts.

Ben's rock hard cock was so close that Dino could easily touch it...if he dared!

Hardly able to comprehend his own boldness, Dino adjusted himself to remove his confining boxer-briefs...wondering how his own cock would size-up against his friend's.

As Dino pulled his tight underwear down to his ankles, he could feel Ben's eyes on him. A thrill of excitement rushed through Dino's body. At least he wasn't the only one who was curious!

Tossing the briefs alongside Ben's discarded underwear, Dino repositioned himself opposite Ben, who's hand had already began slowly stroking his rigid member. As he continued to feel Ben's eyes upon him, Dino took a moment to appreciate his own exposed manhood. At 7", Dino's cut cock was slightly shorter than his friend's. He was proud to recognize, however, that his own cock was thicker than Ben's, particularly at the base. While Ben's dick was smooth and straight, Dino's cock curved slightly upward---a feature he had always appreciated about himself. He felt it gave his cock some character!

While Dino's chest was also smooth and hairless, he observed that around his manhood, he was significantly hairier than Ben. He had the slight indication of a happy trail which progressed downward to a thick mass of dark pubes.

Out of the corner of his eye, Dino could tell that Ben had lost all interest in the girly mag lying between their young naked bodies. Dino began to rub and caress his boy-cock, letting his eyes wander back toward the young stud lying beside him.

Dino's eyes returned to Ben's smooth, defined chest. He watched mesmerized as Ben's bicep and forearm muscles expanded and contracted as the boy furiously pumped his meat. Dino's own pace quickened steadily as his gaze drifted over the young stud's rippled stomach. Finally, he fixed his eyes on the engorged rod between his friend's legs...Dino couldn't believe how long that dick was. He wondered how it might feel in his hands.

By now, the boys gave up on hiding the fact that they were looking at one another. Dino watched as Ben brought his hand to his mouth, spitting twice in his palm. Ben then lowered his hand back to his dick, lubing it up with his saliva.

Dino gulped. "You use spit?" he asked softly.

"Yeah," Ben moaned. "It feels really good when it's wet. Try it."

Again, Dino gulped with desire. Both of the boy's faces were flushed red. Dino brought his own hand to his mouth and tried to spit, but his mouth was dry. His body was so overcome with nervousness, excitement, and adrenaline, that he couldn't manage to work up any spit.

"I can't," Dino explained with embarrassment. "My mouth's too spit."

Ben smirked. "Here^Å" he answered as he again brought his hand to his mouth. Again, he spat twice. Reaching out, his hand approached Dino's stiff cock, pausing briefly.

Both of the boys were visibly trembling now.

Dino allowed his own hand to fall away from his dick, unsure of what was going to happen.

After a slight pause, the boys took a simultaneous deep breath, and Ben wrapped his hand around Dino's rock-hard boy-meat. Gently...slowly...he began to stroke it.

"AW FUCK, DUDE!" Dino called out^Åhis body shaking now.

With that, Ben began to stroke faster...harder. His own cock twitched and slapped against his abdomen. His eyes were fixed on the task at hand, but he could feel the precum dripping down the shaft of his own neglected cock.

Dino could not believe what was happening. Not only had he never dreamed of fooling around with a guy, he was even more surprised to realize how good it much he was enjoying it.

While Ben persistently worshipped his manhood, Dino's hand caressed his own firm, well-developed boy-chest.

As Ben moved his body closer, Dino's other hand had moved instinctively to caress Ben's back.

Ben's pace quickened, faster and faster, as Dino's sac tightened and pulled itself up against his body. Dino didn't know how much longer he could hold out.

"Dude," Dino managed to gasp, "I'm getting close...I'm gonna cum!"

Dino expected that Ben would want to pull away...but he was pleasantly surprised when he didn't.

Ben was determined, and his pace only quickened. Dino was overcome by the look of desire he observed on his friend's face.

Dino's feet and legs twitched at the peak of tension within his body. The hand that had been caressing Ben's back, now held on tightly to the boy that was so intensely servicing him.

"FUCK, DUDE! This feels so fucking GOOD!!" Dino called out.

With a gasp, he bit his lip hard as his throbbing cock pulsed and his balls tightened. Violently, he shot spurt, after spurt of boyjuice from the head of his cock. His cum landed everywhere...some hit his chest, some hit his thighs, some even shot so far that it landed on his chin.

"Aw yeah..." Ben cheered on, "That's it, dude...fucking HOT!"

As his orgasm subsided, Dino's exhausted body collapsed flat onto the mattress. And as Ben squeezed the last few drops of cum from Dino's boy-cock, he realized from the tension in Ben's body that another impending orgasm was eminent.

Quickly, Ben pulled his hand, which was soaked with Dino's cum, to his own dick. Rising from the mattress and supporting himself with one hand and on one knee, Ben positioned himself over Dino's outstretched body.

Using Dino's come to lube up his cock, Ben furiously worked his meat. His body was flushed and tense. His balls, at first flapping in the air, suddenly pulled themselves taught up toward his body.

All that Dino could do was watch, squeezing Ben's thigh to show his support.

"Yeah," Dino encouraged, " it man...I wanna see you cum."

With that, Ben's body abrubtly stiffened, while he pumped harder and faster.

"AHHH!!" Ben moaned. "I'm gonna cum...I'm gonna cum, dude."

Ben's body convulsed as streams of giz erupted from Ben's long shaft, landing on Dino's chest and abs.

"AW, FUCK!!" Dino reiterated.

Ben drained the last of remaining drops of cum from his dick. He could not help but chuckle as he looked at the cum-covered body of Dino lying below him.

Dino laughed as well, realizing how ridiculous he must look.

But suddenly an awkward silence fell over the boys as they realized what had just happened.

Just then, they heard the familiar squeak of a faucet shutting off. Remembering that Jonathon was only in the shower, the boys quickly grabbed a pair of underwear from the foot of the bed.

Their still semi-hard dicks bounced and slapped against their thighs as they haphazardly danced to pull them on. Ben was in the clear, but Dino was covered in boyjuice...what was he going to do?

Just as they heard the bathroom door opening, Ben dove back into bed, pretending to still be asleep. Dino simultaneously grabbed his old t-shirt and held it over his chest, attempting to hide his drenched torso.

Just then, Jonathon came into view. He was visibly startled to see Dino, his skin flushed, apparently out of breath, covering himself with a t-shirt.

"Ah, Dino?" Jonathon questioned. "Is everything alright?"

"Yeah, Dude." Dino gasped. "But you know what? I think I might take that shower after all!"

Wasting no time, Dino rushed into the bathroom, shut the door, and this time remembered to lock it.

As he turned on the shower faucet, he looked at himself in the mirror. He was a sight. His skin wasa bright pink, his cheeks were red, his torso was covered in boy-cum...and just then, Dino was horror struck.

His eyes had fixed themselves on his striped boxers. He was wearing the wrong underwear! In their panic and haste, Dino and Ben had grabbed the other's underwear.

Dino's eyes shot back to the closed bathroom door.

Had Jonathon noticed???....


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