Lil Buddy


Published on Oct 9, 2001



Lil' Buddy

Chapter one

First of all, understand that I am nothing spectacular, just a regular guy named Sam. Think of that man in the apartment two doors down in your apartment complex, or the daddy next door in your neighborhood with a wife and two kids. Kinda like that, only I'm six feet tall with an average build, and I'm gay. I'm muscular from years of working in a chemical plant. Oh, and I'm bald, have a goatee, and am hairy mostly all over. A mans' man. I just kind of fit in with the other guys at the plant, and anywhere else for that matter. Except I'm gay. Not waving the flag Homo, but I'll stand my ground if you question me about it. I guess no one ever does question me cause I'm kind of a lot of muscle to argue with.

Anyway, this story is about a guy who came to work on the night shift with me last year. Luke is bigger than me, and not fat, but built thicker. He stands six feet eight inches tall, has black hair, a thick mustache and dark brown eyes. I think of him as a gentle giant. We clicked from the moment we met, which is good, cause he and I work together as a team on nights. Just the two of us in this big plant all night, so we had to really trust each other to be there! Somehow, spending all that time together, we got to be good friends. God the man has big feet! He laughed when I asked him how big those monsters are.

"Well they're size 14 wide, and you know what else you can tell from a man's feet!" he came back with an impish grin.

What a hunk of man. Not beautiful or anything, but I like his looks just fine. Luke has big hands too, with really thick fingers. I guess he's just big all over. But when you're that tall, everything is just bigger. I always wondered about the other though, you know, about his dick and balls and how big they were. At least I wondered until that night about eight months into our friendship. After that I kind of knew about his equipment, but that is the story, so here goes.

We always work our asses off for the first four hours of the shift, and then coast for the last six while everything is cooking and mixing. That gives us time to laugh and talk and kid around. Luke has been married about five years and at 38 years old his wife just had their first kid, a girl named Amy. Real cute too. I do know that nine months his wife was pregnant almost killed him though, cause he's not getting any regular sex outlet except "a five fingered massage," as he puts it. His wife had a real hard time carrying their daughter, so sex was just off limits. So there we were on Thursday night after getting all sweaty and dirty, taking a break and something cold to drink. Luke always is a relaxed guy, at least around me, so he was sitting next to me with his big feet up on a chair in front of him. We were just shooting the shit, cause it was slow even for our shift and we probably wouldn't have to do much else for the next six hours but check on temperatures and take samples. Of course talk just kind of wandered into a discussion of sex, cause Luke is kind of hard up and I guess it's on his mind a lot. He was telling me about his sex life.

"I always got head from Sandra before we got married, and even up until she got knocked up I would screw her brains out at least three times a week. God, she loved having me shove it to her long and hard. Personally, I prefer to lay back and just let her do the work with her mouth sometimes, but I never could get her to blow me after we were married, cause she says it's too difficult and it seems dirty to her now."

At this point you've got to know that Luke had my undivided attention. I didn't know where this was going, but I always let him get things off his chest. Just listen real good and pay attention to what's behind his words, that's what I do. He went on with the story.

" I got along OK because of those five-finger massages though. At least twice a day I stroke this thing good and get some relief." (Here he squeezed his bulge for emphasis). "But now, I don't get any attention at all from the wife, cause she says "mother" should be her first and only job. I guess I'll get an occasional birthday or anniversary fuck with her out of duty to me, but her heart isn't in it. She says it doesn't thrill her anymore, and she would just a soon do without."

I can't imagine what my face must have looked like, but Luke stopped speaking and said "what?!" My mind was blown! I said, "You're tell'n you would just do without? I mean, there must be something out there better than your hand for the rest of your married life."

"Well," he said, "I did promise my wife "until death do us part" and all that. It would just feel wrong going to a whore, or taking a chance on knocking up some gal who works at the office who suddenly gets jealous and comes after me with a knife or something. Besides, Sandra would divorce me and take the kid in a heart beat. I don't know what choice I have! I guess I'm just another pussy whipped married guy who is learning how to live without good sex."

He looked like a hurt puppy at that point, and I just wanted to get up and give him a big hug. Instead, I took my balls in my hand, so to speak, and asked him the first hard question I had ever asked a married guy. "Luke, you're kind of young to be put out to pasture, not to mention being a healthy, good-looking stud. Don't you think if you relax a little and think outside the box, there might be another solution to your problem?" His eyebrows knitted up and he looked at me very intently. Kind of like that same puppy who thinks you might have something he wants, but isn't sure what it is.

"Sam," he says, leaning forward and putting his feet down, "If you got something to say that might help me out, for Pete's sake don't hold out on me, I'm really hurt'n." He kind of squirmed around in his seat just a little and grabbed his package for emphasis and just squeezed it.

"Well," I managed to say after I got my breath back. "You know women aren't the only ones with mouths. You could make some gay guy really happy by letting him chow down on your tool. In fact, I bet he would drool all over your bod as long and as often as you want with no strings attached. Real discrete like." Now that the words had come out of my mouth, I kinda got scared and broke out in a real intense sweat under my arms. Luke sat there for a minute like he was trying to understand the sentence that I had just put together. When he spoke, he sounded real unsure of what I was getting at.

"You mean if I let some guy I don't know, who likes dick instead of pussy, suck on my tool and give me relief, it wouldn't be like cheating on Sandra. Just bending the rules to make life more bearable?!"

Now I really had my oysters knotted up, and I needed to answer this question honestly if I was to be of any help to Luke at all. I paused a moment and then answered, "not just some guy you don't know! How could you be sure this guy is on the level? It should be someone you like a lot. Someone who you trust. A buddy." Well, the storm clouds were still there at that point but Luke's face told me he got my meaning.

"You mean some guy like you?," he asked.

He was on track there cause I had never mentioned a girl in all our time working together. I live alone and I'm 50 years old (though all my friends swear I look more like 43). Luke put his head in his hands for a minute before speaking again.

"I don't know if I can do that, lil buddy. I never even thought about this before and I'm having a hard time with the "other guy part" of this thing your suggesting."

At that point I thought I might have lost him for good. He always looked me in the eye when he talked to me, and this was the first time I couldn't say that. Now I was getting sick to my stomach about what I had said to him. I never thought about the possibility of loosing his friendship.

And to make matters worse, he suddenly got up.

"I got to think about this for a while, OK? I'm gonna go check on the SMO we got cooking in M4."

I followed right behind him, and took another route to check on my own batch and get the sample I would be needing. But the whole time, I was kicking myself for being such an ass. Why did I say that to Luke? I had never in all my life offered sex to a married, straight man. Why fuck up a friendship with someone I liked as much as Luke? Not to mention the trouble it could cause me in my job. God, I had been working at this plant for 18 years, and looking for another job would be hell. I got my sample back to the lab and returned to the lunch room, not really sure what it was I was going to find. I came through the door and Luke was sitting there with his back to me and his chin on his knuckles. I just stood there for a minute, entirely unsure what my next move should be. I was really getting paranoid now, because I though I knew Luke better than this. He was always such an upbeat kind of a guy, taking everything in stride and all. I decided I might as well face the music now and get to the bottom of what I would have to deal with, rather than hide from Luke. So I walked over to him and sat down across the table and asked "you want to talk about it big guy?" He turned and looked at me with a more serious expression than I think I have ever seen on his face.

"I got a couple of questions about this stuff and I'd appreciate it if you would be up front with me, deal?"

I said "sure Luke, you know I'm always gonna give you an honest answer as far as I know it."

He leaned forward to ask these two questions. "Since it's you and me we're talking about, I want to know if I can trust you absolutely not to tell anyone about the stuff we do. That's first. Then I want to know how this works. Is it gonna change everything and make it kinda weird to be together when we aren't doing stuff? Like you're gonna get all sappy with me or, I don't know, just different than how we are now."

I looked at him just as serious as I knew how and gave him my answer. "Luke, I'm just your buddy. I'm the same guy I've always been with you, honest and straight forward about life. I would never say anything to anyone about what we might do, cause I'm my own man, and I respect you too much to do that to your personal business. As far as things changing between us, I think it should be better than before because we can be totally honest with one another. If you are ever uncomfortable with what we do, just say so and I'll go with that and we can forget the whole thing ever happened. But if we do anything at all, let's be honest about how good it feels and just be buddies together having a good time." Luke took a deep breath before replying. "I gotta think this over some more, so let's talk about it tomorrow, OK?"

"OK with me," I said, "Now how about we get back to work and finish this shift so I can go home and get some sleep?" Luke smiled broadly and clapped a big hand on my shoulder like he always did, and we just got up and went back to finish the day.

I was so relieved that Luke was back to his normal self that I found myself grinning at nothing for the rest of the night. I was majorly relieved. No matter what happened, I wanted to keep Luke's friendship. Well the day went so fast after work that I was in bed drifting off before I had much time to think about the events of the night before. I did get up with it on my mind, and I had a big stiff dick to back up the thoughts I was having. Friday is laundry day, and I had to rock and roll to get everything done before work that night, so I decided to keep my load of spunk for another time. I arrived at work, and was greeted by Luke in rare form. He was especially physical, with all the usual slapping on the back and squeezing the back of my neck, but it felt good to me cause that's how Luke and I always were together. We got to work as the other crew left, and as usual packed about 7 hours work into the first five hours, and before I knew it we were in the break room again. Same positions as yesterday and everything. But for some reason, I got a whiff of Luke's sweat and popped a boner just looking at him. He smiled, and leaned back into his chair looking me right in the eyes. Then he clasped his hands behind his head with an adorable grin.

"I think you made me an offer I can't refuse, lil buddy!"

That was his pet name for me. I was his "little buddy". Boy, I could just eat the man whole the way he looked right at that moment. Luke nudged me with his foot and sort of left it there resting on my thigh,

"Wake up," he said with a wink. "Earth to Sam! How about it? You want to help out with this problem I got don't you?

Again he squeezed his bulge, just so we both knew what he was talk'n about. Now I had never considered his response might be so quick or positive and I was kinda skeptical. "What? Right here?," I asked. Luke got more serious.

"Well, to tell you the truth lil buddy, I don't know how this is gonna work, but I'm think'n maybe we should go in the locker room, just on the outside chance somebody might stop in to see us."

So off we went to the locker room, with me sweating bullets and Luke moving at a pretty good clip. We got there and Luke made for the back shower and toilet area, kinda remote and with at least two doors somebody would have to open to get there. When he turned around and faced me, he looked kinda sheepish, I guess cause now that we were here, he just didn't know how to go about getting a blow job from your best buddy. I could see the stiff log down his pant leg though, so I knew he was hot to trot and not at all shy about what his dick was tell'n him.

OK, I thought, just start slow and let the man know how good you are gonna treat him. I reached out and put my left hand on that hard lump, squeezing just a little before moving down to cup his balls. I felt him relax and spread his legs just a little, to give me more access. I looked up at Luke's face real quick to gage his reaction. He had his head back and a broad smile from ear to ear. He leaned against the wall and just let me have the room I needed. He was a big boy, and I began to wonder if I would be able to really do him justice. I don't know if my lust won out, or I just realized how much I wanted to be closer to Luke, but I moved down to my knees and put my mouth on the rod pokin out from his crotch and just breathed hot air on it through the cloth. The sound I heard then gave my worries a big heave ho, cause Luke moaned real soft like and slid a little lower so I had full access to his groin. I realized what a problem faced me when I caught a whiff of him. Boy he was hot, and I'd better move to get into those pants cause he was not going to help with the snap or zipper. Sinking to my knees, I grabbed his waistband and got through both snap and zipper to give me room to pull down his pants a little. Now his dick was fully erect and fighting to get out of the confines of his boxer shorts, and I was more than glad to help. Well, I pulled his dick out and just looked and slid my hand up and down it a few times real soft like. Luke was uncut and thick, about 9 or 10 inches and he smelled so good it made my head swim. I looked up and met his eyes locked right on mine. He no longer looked relaxed and the smile was replaced with an expression I had never seen before. The man was hungry for sex, and I was his target. I pulled his balls out, which took a little doing cause they are bigger than I expected even for him, and put my face down to smell him and take my first taste of the big guy. I sure hoped this wouldn't be a one time thing, because I was hard as a rock and hungry for more than just a load of spunk. I wanted to spend some quality time with this man and explore all the possibilities our friendship offered up. For now I started licking his balls, tasting the salt and getting his musk in my nose really good. Luke's balls smelled better than any man I've ever had the pleasure of stick'n my nose up under. After a while I got off his balls and worked my way up the shaft to his covered head, which was now leaking that glorious man juice. Taking hold of the shaft and pulling back from his belly, I kissed the tip and slid him into my mouth moving my tongue around to swab and taste his juice and reach up under the foreskin. Then I felt his hands on my head, kinda guiding me up and down like he wanted. He was so thick that my eyes watered whenever he hit the back of my throat, but not for long cause he was panting and making noises something between a growl and moan. For a guy who was so hard up Luke sure had some staying power, and he was enjoying my mouth purely for his own benefit. I was too turned on to even think about my own dick. I was feeling his legs and slipping my hands up his shorts to feel his butt while he swabbed my throat out good. Then he shoved me all the way down on his throbbing cock and went stiff as a board holding my head still while he roared and shot off a load that should have choked me, except it all went right down my throat into my belly without even a taste of his jizz. He stood there panting and sweating like a pig, with me holding him in my mouth and his hand resting on the top of my head. I know how sensitive some men are after they shoot, and I wanted this to be the best for Luke (I also wasn't ready to give him up just yet).

Most of you reading this story probably know something about the minute or two that followed. I found myself disengaging from his dick and pulling myself back up into a standing position. What would it be like between us now that I had become a dick sucking gay buddy that he had to work with everyday of the week. I was watching his face for the aftermath of our encounter when he opened his eyes wide and gave me my answer.

"Holy shit! That was fuckin unbelievable!" he whispered. "Where did you ever learn to do that stuff to a guy's dick? Your mouth must be sore from taking it all at once."

I almost laughed out loud at that! Here he had just gotten his first knob job from another guy and he was concerned about me havin a good time. It was at that moment that I myself realized I had cum in my shorts sometime during his orgasm. "Don't give it another thought," I confessed. "I have a load soaking my shorts now too cause I really dug that."

Now this may seem unreal to you, having never been around Luke, but he reached out to pull me into a bear hug. So there I was with my pal Luke in a full body embrace and he was thanking me and telling me how good he felt now and what a relief it was to get a blow job from a good buddy he could trust.

"It's just like you said," he pulled back arms length to tell me. "I don't feel bad about the wife and kid at all. I'm just happy that it was you I did it with."

He began tucking his stuff away and getting himself back together, cause we both knew we had batches to check on and work that needed to get finished. As we started out the door of the break room he grabbed my arm and stopped me to ask me a question.

"Hey lil' buddy, what are you up to after work today? I've never seen where you live, and I think I could stop by and shoot the shit before heading home."

He winked at me, and I had to laugh while agreeing that I would like that very much. Luke had a smile on his face and his big warm hand was massaging the back of my neck.

"Besides", he whispered into my ear, "you have to teach me what else two guys can do together that I might need to learn. I'm kind of new to this stuff."

I shook my head yes, and we headed out to finish our work thing. It began to dawn on me that something had began which I was kinda unprepared for. I was fucking a married man! But I was excited as hell about getting naked with my buddy Luke and living out some serious fantasies of mine. This was gonna be real good!

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