Little Bro Grown Up

By Isaac Cox

Published on Jan 4, 2023



This story contains graphic sexual scenes between males under and over 18. If material of this nature offends you then you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in most countries you are not allowed to read this story by law. The author claims all copyrights to this story and no duplication or publication of this story is allowed, except by the websites to which it has been posted, without the consent of the author. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

This story was written as a commission! If you'd like to commission me, the details are below at the end of the story.


"Hey Luke! Thank you so much for this, you're a lifesaver."

I stand on the front porch of the Maturo household, smiling at Auggie's parents. They'd called me yesterday night, asking if I could watch him for the weekend for their anniversary, his sitter's out of town and his brother's spending it at a friend's and he needs to go to a shoot on Saturday and they trust me so they thought they'd at least ask.

"Of course, don't mention it," I say to his mother, "you guys go have fun on your getaway."

"Thank you again, this really means a lot to us," his father says as he packs the last of their suitcases into their car. A few minutes later I'm shaking their hands and waving goodbye as they speed away to the airport. Key to their house in hand, I walk inside and lock the door, checking the time and seeing it's about three o'clock. I go up the stairs to August's room and knock on the door. "Hey Auggie? It's Luke!"

Hurried steps from inside the room and suddenly the door opens and I see him, my little Auggie all grown up. His curly hair bouncing and that dazzling smile that got him so many roles in film and TV looking up at me. "Luke!" he exclaims, taking the headphones off his head and hanging them around his neck, "Dude, it's been a while!"

"Hey Auggie! C'mere!" I hold out my arms and we hug, his soft arms wrapping around my body. I bury my face in his hair, smelling it without meaning to and reliving all the memories we'd had when we were younger, when I was his Big Brother and he was my Little, paired together so he wouldn't lose sight of his childhood even through all the sets and lights and red carpets, remembering the way he'd look up at me, the way he did just now, as if I was the greatest superhero in the world. God I loved him so much. Hell, I still do. The hug is long but still feels too short when he pulls away. "Lemme get a good look at you," I say, holding him at arms length by his shoulders as I examine his face.

"Aw, c'mon, it's not like it's been that long," he giggles, "it's only been a few months."

"Still! I missed you man! When your parents called me I jumped at the opportunity to see my Little Brother again. So, how've you been?"

"I've been good! I missed you too by the way," he says, beginning to walk past me and down the stairs. I follow him to the kitchen where he opens the pantry and grabs a bag of chips, putting it on the counter and sitting down on a stool, beginning to eat. "I've had a few good shoots, and I've been doing well in school and stuff. How about you?"

"That's great!" I say, trying to contain my enthusiasm, "And I've been good! College has been treating me well, fortunately." I sit down beside him and start eating some chips as well, getting comfortable for what feels like is gonna be a long talk. And it is! We sit there for like an hour, just talking, shooting the shit and joking around. It feels just like old times, when I'd hang out with him after school or on the weekends, making sure he was doing good, being there for him. We used to have these deep long talks about anything and everything, laying in his room or sitting in the park. We even used to cuddle sometimes. Those were the best. I could feel his warmth, his body heat, the soft feel of his skin, his small frame in my arms, the smell of his long curly hair. His breathing when he'd fall asleep, rising and falling. I felt such strong love for the boy, love I wasn't sure was brotherly or romantic. I'd tried to push it down, slightly in denial, but I wasn't anymore. I see the way he looks at me, with a particular shine in his eyes that I'd tried to figure out hundreds of times before. But I know I love him, more than a brother. I jumped at this opportunity to see him because I missed him so much, and I'm so glad we're here, like old times.

After a while, we realize we're worked up with energy and decide to go out to his driveway and play some basketball with a hoop he has. We decide to play HORSE and we start, dribbling the ball, shooting the shots, trying to match what the other does. It doesn't help that it's a hot day, and ten minutes in we're sweating freely. Without a word, I take off my shirt, stretching out and throwing it somewhere. Out of the corner of my eye I can see August pause for a second, looking at me, a faraway expression in his eyes. It's gone as quickly as it showed up though, and then we're playing again. I do see him begin faltering slightly, perhaps a little distracted.

Finally, I say, "Dude, if you wanna take your shirt off too you can, I don't mind. It's pretty hot." I chuckle and run my hands through my hair, already sweaty.

"Okay, sure," he smiles and takes off his shirt. I stop. Holy shit. My breath is taken away at the sight of his body, fair and small and toned. Fuck, he's been working out hasn't he. For a moment I forget all about what we're doing or where we are and I just want to pin him to the nearest wall and... I stare for a few seconds too long before shaking my head and taking my eyes away.

"Have you been working out?" I say nonchalantly.

He beams. "Yeah! Does it show?"

I chuckle. "Definitely dude, good job! Keep at it and you'll be swole in no time!"

"I...kinda wanna look like you," he says. I see him blushing slightly and that overwhelming sense of love and lust comes back to me. "When I get older I mean," he finishes.

"Woah, thanks! I didn't get like this until I was older and worked out way more though," I say, blushing too. He wants to be like me. He looks up to me. I'm honored.

"Well looks like I got a jump on it then," he giggles and shoots the ball, landing a good shot. We continue playing for a while, shooting hoops and smack talking, until we're both tired and sweaty. I look over at him, panting, lithe body shining with sweat under the low afternoon sun. Fuck, he's sexy. I wish I could I catch myself and look away, lifting my arms up behind my head to air myself out. But out of the corner of my eye I see Auggie looking at me, up and down, his eyes wide, blushing and biting his lip slightly. Holy shit. He's checking me out too. I smirk to myself and pretend to yawn, lifting my arms high over my head in a stretch and then bringing them back down. He gasps quietly and catches himself, then yawns too.

"I'm tired," I say as I finish yawning, "I think I'm gonna go wash up." I smile at Auggie one last time before grabbing my shirt and going into the house.

In the shower, I think of Auggie. With my eyes closed, the water rushing over me, down my body, my mind wanders to him and I think of how much he's grown. He's not that ten-year-old kid I met after school five years ago. He's on his way to becoming a man. He's taller, stronger, fuller. He's even been working out! And apparently...well apparently he's been doing it with me on his mind. He looks up to me, he wants to be like me when he grows up. The big actor kid working on TV shows and movies wants to be like me. No, he's not only that. He's Auggie. My Auggie. The one I've known all these years. The one I've loved all these years. Fuck, and his body...he's really graduated from that skinny figure, really filled out his adolescent muscles nicely. And today, in his front yard, with the basketball, he looked all sweaty and tired, panting...fuck, I wish I could make him...sweaty, and tired...and hear him pant like that in my...

Before I know it I have a not-so-little problem on my hands. At half-mast I'm not exactly inconspicuous, and a towel doesn't do much. I face a dilemma. Finish myself off or get myself down. I've been in the shower a bit too long already, and Auggie is next. Suddenly, I hear at the bathroom door, "Hey! You mind if I use the toilet? Just keep the curtain closed!" The bathroom door opens and in walks Auggie, lifting up the toilet bowl. I hear the quiet rustle of clothing and then a steady stream. Fuck, he's right here, I can't jerk off! But he's right here, and I'm naked, and it's making me...fuck! Now I have a bigger problem.

"Hey, I'm starting to feel this sweat now, you mind if I go now?" Auggie asks as he finishes up. Welp, no time.

"Sure, just let me get a towel." I reach from the side of the curtain to the towel rack, grabbing one and wrapping it around my waist. A small tent forms, but nothing too large. The nervousness made me go down a bit, thankfully. I open up the shower curtain once I'm sure he's put his pants on again and step out. His eyes widen for a moment and his face flushes as he sees me, eliciting a smirk to form on my lips, but he quickly turns away and lets me pass, mumbling a quick `thanks'. I step out of the bathroom and close the door, sighing in relief. My towel falls away for a moment before I catch it, and now I'm nude in his house. I hear the shower start and figure I have like ten or fifteen minutes. I go up to my room (AKA the guest bedroom), and lay down. I think about playing with myself but decide against it. I sigh and try to think about nothing, but my mind keeps drifting to Auggie. Auggie shirtless, sweating in the sun. Auggie in my arms, struggling and laughing. Auggie in the shower...shit.

I dry myself off and get dressed, leaving the towel on the dresser, and sit down. It's almost six o'clock now and I'm beginning to think of dinner. Pizza will probably do it for him, so I grab my phone and look up the local pizza place number. Suddenly I hear a knock at the door.

"Hey Luke? I think you took the only towel..." Auggie says from behind. I look at the towel on my dresser and realize there hadn't been any others on the rack.

"Shit, sorry dude!" I say, getting up and grabbing the towel. I open the door a bit and catch a glimpse of him in the hallway, dripping water and...fuck, he's almost nude. He has a small towel around his waist, presumably the hand towel. I close my eyes and hold out the towel for him, which he gratefully accepts. I hear him run off to his bedroom and close the door. Jesus, this kid is gonna kill me.

Another while later, Auggie proposed we play on his PlayStation. He got the new one for his birthday and even the new Call of Duty, so now we're in his room, sitting down on the floor in front of the TV, controllers in hand, rushing some poor guys on the other side of the battlefield. We're kinda close, our knees are touching, and I'm vaguely aware that we're slowly scooching together. We pause for a moment, putting our controllers down to think of a different game, and I put my arm around his shoulders. He tenses up for a moment before relaxing, glancing at me and smiling. I start leaning into him a bit, and he does the same, when the doorbell rings, startling us both apart.

"Must be the pizza, I'll get it," I say, standing up. He nods and I make my way downstairs, making sure my wallet is in my pocket. I get the pizza, pay, thank and tip the delivery guy and make my way back upstairs. I set the pizza down in front of us - pepperoni, as always - and we dig in, deciding to put on a bad horror movie. We sit together, eating and talking and laughing at the movie, before we finish the pizza and sit on the bed. I sigh, sitting back on the headboard, and Auggie does the same. We sit in silence for a few seconds before Auggie asks, " you have a girlfriend?"

I look at him, a bit surprised, and say, "Nah, not right now. Why? You want tips?" I chuckle lightly and tousle his hair. He smiles and looks up at me. God, this kid.

"Maybe," he giggles, "I've just...been thinking about that. I mean I've had a couple girlfriends-"

"A couple? Woah, Auggie gets around!" I joke.

"Shut up," he chuckles, then continues, "as I said, I've had a couple, but they haven't like...lasted too long. Ya know?"

I look at him for a moment, thinking how anyone could give up a guy like him, and say, "Yeah, I guess."

"I've just...sometimes I feel like something's missing," he says, now looking down at his hands, fidgeting with his nails.

"Ah." I take a breath, preparing myself for a deep convo. "I guess I get what you mean...what do you think that missing thing is?"

"Well...I..." his voice wavers a bit, and he clears his throat, "I'm not too sure, but I think I have an idea of what it...what it might be..."

I nod, nonverbally urging him to tell me. When he doesn't, I finally ask, "Well...what would that be?"

He takes a breath and whispers, "I...I think I'm bi..."

The silence hangs in the air for a moment, both of us trying to process. I sigh deeply, then say, " that all it is?"

"Well...kinda..." he says quietly.

"Okay!" I say with a small smile, "I'm glad you trust me enough to tell me."

"I mean...I've only really gone as far pegging-

My eyes widen in shock. Pegging? He's been...he's been fucked? My pants tighten slightly, my mind flashing with images of him on his hands and knees, on his back, taking some girl's strap, moaning and sweating. I gulp. "O-oh..."

"Y-yeah," he sighs, then whispers, "fuck it." He looks at me and says, "I think I want the first guy I'm with to be you, Luke."

Well...fuck. That sure does it. I stay silent for a moment, looking down between us, taking the thought in. He wants it to be me...he wants me...he wants...he wants to fuck me... I take both his hands in mine and squeeze them softly.

"I...I'm bi too..." I say quietly, "and...Auggie, I wanna be with you too."

I look back up at him and he beams. "You do?"

"Yes," I say, "but..." His smile falters. "But we can't, Auggie. It's...if anyone found out, it would be bad. You know that, right?"

He looks into my eyes, then sighs and nods. "Yeah, I do."

"S-so, let's just...keep this to ourselves for now, okay?"

"Yeah, okay." He nods. I still have his hands in mine, and now we're both facing each other on his bed, looking into each other's eyes, holding hands. I have the small impression that he's leaning in, but don't fully register it until his face is inches from mine and still don't pull away and suddenly he's kissing me and I'm kissing him back. His lips feel so delicate against my own, his hands creeping up my body and onto my cheeks so tender, and his hair in my hands so soft.

I don't realize what we're doing until we're in too deep. I pull away for a moment, looking at his beautiful face in my hands. "Auggie...we...we can't..."

"Shut up," he says with a smile, "no one tells us what we can and can't do, right?. So just shut the fuck up and let's do this." He doesn't wait for an answer before kissing me again, his hands searching down for my shirt and suddenly pulling it up and over my head, breaking the kiss for a moment to take it off before kissing me again, now more passionately and desperately. I can feel his desire, his wanton, and not only from his crotch grinding against mine. I decide `fuck it' too, not that I have much of a choice, and take his shirt off as well. My hands run through his hair, smooth curls going past my fingers. We're both on our knees and our hands are now exploring each other's bodies, going over every inch, seemingly trying to memorize it by touch. His smooth skin and lithe body feels amazing under my large hands, and finally I find his ass. I grip it and squeeze it gently, kneading his plush cheeks and groaning into our kiss. We continue kissing, but I begin making my way down, kissing his cheek, his neck, his chest. He continues exploring my body with his hands as I explore his with my mouth. I kiss my way down his chest, stopping at his nipples for a few extra seconds to tease them, before going down his stomach and onto his navel, where those pesky pants got in the way.

I sit back up straight, admiring his body, then begin fumbling at his pants. He helps me and in no time I'm sliding off his jeans to find a tented pair of boxers beneath. I grab him through his underwear and he moans softly as I begin stroking him, mouthing him through them. Suddenly he's sliding off the bed, standing up and getting me at perfect crotch level. Impatiently, he pulls his boxers down, and the most gorgeous dick I've ever seen pops out. Six inches and cut, smooth shaft, perfect head. Fucking hell. I waste no time and begin lapping at his cock, stroking it and licking its underside before taking the head into my mouth, all the while hearing the moans I'm causing from above me, encouraging me further. I lick and slurp and take his member deeper into my mouth. I'm halfway down before I realize it and his hands are in my hair, tangling themselves in it and gripping me as he humps my face, making me take his whole dick now. I keep sucking him off for a bit, feeling him get close but holding off, before his hands find their way to my shoulders and he's pushing me down on the bed and flipping me over with surprising strength. He pulls my pants and underwear off and kneads my ass.

"Fuck Luke, you're so fucking hot," he says, smacking my ass and looking me over.

"You too Auggie," I say, "fuck I want you so bad. Just...just fuck me already!"

"You don't have to tell me twice," he says, then spreads my cheeks and spits on my hole, rubbing it in and slipping one or two fingers inside to prepare me, making me moan. Finally, I feel something bigger and thicker slapping on my ass: Auggie's cock. I move my ass from side to side a bit, teasing him, and he smacks my ass softly. "Ready?"

"Yes!" I say, almost desperately, and he pushes inside me, slowly going in, making me grip my sheets until I feel his balls come to rest on my taint. "Fuuuuck, Auggie~!" I moan, "F-fuck me! Please!"

Smiling, he slowly pulls out, and then thrusts back in, eliciting moans from both of us, and then he does it again, and again, and again, going faster each time, beginning to fuck me at a regular rhythm. I feel his hands on my hips, gripping me with force as he fucks me. His cock is the perfect length, going in and out of me and hitting the perfect spots. I look back at him with lust, panting, and see him doing the same. We lock eyes and I moan, feeling him hit my sweet spot. I'm hard as a rock and leaking precum onto the sheets. He grips my hips harder and smacks my ass again. "Fuck, you love my cock don't you."

"Y-yes!" is all I can say. He's clearly had some past practice, and in no time I'm getting closer to orgasm. He begins pounding me hard, his hands now on my back as he leans into it, groaning and dirty talking, talking about my tight ass and how good I feel around him and how he's gonna fuck me good and then how he's gonna fucking cum fuck! He slams in hard one, two, three more times before I feel that delicious familiar warmth filling me. He pants hard and lays on top of me, basking in his post-coital glow, except we're not done yet. I look back at him with a smile still filled with lust and he sees me and understands. "Fuck Auggie, you fuck like a beast...but I bet you'd love for me to fuck you huh~?"

"Fuck yes," he gasps, pulling out of me gently and letting me flip over. My hard seven inch uncut cock sticks straight up from my crotch and Auggie doesn't hesitate. He grabs my meaty member and strokes it, admiring my foreskin. "I've never seen anyone uncut in person..." he says, then takes a good lick up my shaft, making me groan. His tongue feels amazing on me. I need his mouth, now. He laps at my dick a few times before taking the head in my mouth, sucking on it slightly and teasing it with his tongue. It finds its way under my foreskin and I gasp, leaking precum into the boy's mouth. He smirks and takes me deeper while my hands tangle in his hair, gently guiding him down. He reaches the halfway point but doesn't gag, making me think he did a couple more things with that strap. After a couple minutes I can tell he's as eager as me, so I pull him off. "Auggie you're great at that, but I need to fuck you," I say, pushing his hair from his face. He moans softly and smiles, then gets back on the bed and on all fours.

I step up behind him, slapping my cock onto his hole a few times and spitting on it for extra lube. I poke in a finger, which goes in rather easily, then another, which also does, and I know he's ready. I pull out and slowly push myself inside him. He gasps and moans, his grip on his sheets tightening. I stop for a second but then continue, still going inside. Finally I bury myself to the hilt inside him, groaning at the tight velvety feeling wrapping around my cock. I wait for a few seconds and Auggie gives me a nod before I pull out slowly and then thrust slowly in again. I repeat what he did to me, going slow but building up speed, until I'm fucking him at a good rhythm. Goddamn, the sounds rising from his throat. Cute little whimpers and moans, cursing under his breath from the pleasure. "Fuck Auggie, you're so fucking tight, shit."

"Ahhhh~ Haaah! Fuck~" he moans, "Luuuuke...fuck mee~ h-harder! P-please!"

"Fuck, you want it harder?" I smirk, "I'm gonna pound your fuckin boyhole so good..."

With that, I let myself go. I grip his hips hard and begin pounding into him, rocking the bed back and forth and making the headboard thump on the wall. The sounds of skin clapping on skin and moans and groans fill the room, as well as the intoxicating sweaty smell of sex. It's so fucking good, so fucking perfect. My fantasies coming true. I feel his ass with my hand as I pound him, squeezing it and kneading it. It's so soft, I give it a smack. Auggie moans, and I spank him again. He likes that, I can tell. But soon, too soon, I begin getting close again. So I stop for a second and ask, "How about we change things up a bit?"

Auggie whimpers at the sudden stop, but looks back at me and nods. I pull out of him gently, briefly admiring the small gape I leave on his delicious boyhole, and get Auggie to lay down on his side. I lay down behind him in a spooning position and grab his ankle, lifting it up high. He moans softly, whispering, "That feels so fucking sexy Luke. Please, keep fucking me. And don't. Fucking. Stop."

I line my cock up with his hole and push in again, wrapping one hand around him and the other supporting his leg. With that I resume fucking him, pounding him from the side. I kiss and lick the side of his face, nibbling on his ear, making him moan, "Fuck Luke I love your cock so much! Oh god it feels so good~!"

I angle my cock up and thrust hard, now really pounding him. I can tell I've hit his prostate when he gasps and moans louder than before, reaching back and grabbing onto my hip. Suddenly he begins pushing back on my dick, moving his hips and squeezing his ass in such a sickeningly delicious way, making me groan and pound him harder.

"Auggie...fuck I'm so close," I breathe into his ear as I feel my orgasm coming. I know I won't be able to stop it this time, so I keep pounding him.

"F-fuck yes! Oh Luke please fill me up!" Auggie begs, "Please, I want you to f-fucking cum in me, I wanna be your cumdump, fuck! Oh god don't stop, I'm so close~!"

Such dirty talk from him is music to my ears. I grab him harder and fuck him faster, angling my cock the way he likes it. In a few seconds, I thrust inside him forcefully and finally creampie his ass, filling up his boyhole with my seed. At the same time, I hear Auggie moan loudly and feel his ass twitch and squeeze around me; he's cumming at the same time, shooting onto the bed, all handsfree. As both our orgasms subside, I let his leg go and we both relax, panting and taking in what we just did.

"That was...that was amazing," he says. I kiss him on the cheek and say, "It really was."

We continue to lay there for I don't know how long, and we must've fallen asleep because the next thing I know I'm opening my eyes and sunlight is streaming into the room. My arms are wrapped around his body and he's sleeping soundly. I kiss the back of his neck softly and he twitches slightly, then whispers, "Good morning..."

"Good morning Auggie," I whisper back with a smile, "how are you feeling?"

"Sleepy," he answers. "And...sore. But a good sore." He pauses for a moment and then says, "Wait, are you...still inside me?"

I chuckle as I realize, "I think I am buddy." Gently, I shuffle back slightly and slip out of him with a quiet wet sound. He gasps and groans softly, then sits up. He looks around the room, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes, then slides out of bed and goes over to the full-length mirror in the corner of his room. I stay where I am, moving to my back and watching him. I don't see it at first, but then realize my cum is running down the back of his thighs. He touches his ass slightly, wincing as he feels his hole, and then turning to examine himself.

"Was it good, Auggie?" I ask from the bed.

"Yes," he says, "it was amazing Luke. I mean, I'd been pegged before and it felt good, but this...fuck you really know how to use that thing huh?" He looks at me through the mirror right as my cock begins bouncing back into morning wood. I chuckle and reach down, playing with my hardening member, looking at him as I do. "You look so fucking sexy," I say quietly.

"Well thank you," he giggles, "I feel it too...and you're hot too." He bends over a bit, looking at his face, exposing his cum-covered hole, and then I can't stand it anymore. I stand up from the bed and walk over to him, pressing myself to his back and sliding my hands down his chest. He puts his hands over mine, still looking at himself in the mirror. "You're hotter," I say, "especially when you're being fucked."

He leans his head back against me, his curls getting in my face. I breathe them in and then say, "I wanna show you how hot you are when I'm inside you."

"Please," he says, leaning forward and bracing his hands on the sides of the mirror, and without another word I reach down, taking my dick in my hand and lining it up with his slick hole, then pushing inside. He winces slightly, then moans as I bury myself deep inside him. Without wasting a second, I begin slowly thrusting in and out, fucking him and making him watch. "Do you enjoy being fucked like this?" I ask, kissing his neck and wrapping my arms around him, looking at him in the mirror, his facial expressions, the deep blush in his cheeks.

"Yes~" he moans out, clearly watching himself in the mirror.

"Do you like me inside your boy pussy Auggie~?"

"Y-yes!" he moans louder. His back is pressed to my chest and I can feel every shiver and sweat I pull from him as I fuck him. "I love your cock in my- my boypussy~!"

"Good boy~" I growl into his ear, then reach down and start stroking his cock in time with my thrusts. He moans again, and I can feel him leaking onto my hand, lubing up my stroking and making him feel even better.

"F-fuck, your cock is so good Luke~" he pants, "I wish yours was my first..."

"Mmm, right, you've been fucked before haven't you?" I say into his ear, still kissing at the side of his face, "What was that like?"

"Oh, it was good~" he says, panting slightly as my cock gives a hard thrust, "the strap was smaller than yours though...and she didn't know to handle it well."

I begin fucking him a bit harder, angling myself to hit his prostate. He moans and drops his head, then quickly moves it back up to keep watching himself. I stroke his dick faster as I fuck him, wanting him to cum again. "I wish that had been me~"

"I do too! Fuck!" he moans, "Fuck Luke I'm close~!"

"Tell me her name," I whisper, fucking him hard.

"Wh...what?" he pants, slightly out of it.

"Tell me the name of the girl who fucked you," I repeat myself.

"W-why? Oh~! Oh fuck!" he moans as I hit his prostate again, feeling him spurt out some more precum into my hand, "Oh fuck, Luke, please cum in me!"

"Tell me who it was and I will," I persist, determined to know her name.

"P-please~! I need you to fill me up!"

"Tell me her name!"

"Ah~! Ava!" he finally says, "Her name was Ava!"

"Good boy~" I say, and thrust inside him a final time, filling his ass up again. He moans, his member twitching in my hand, and I stroke him even faster, my fist a blur, aiming so his load goes across the glass. I grip his side tighter and suddenly his legs are shaking and he's shooting onto the mirror, splattering the surface with his cum.

"Fuuuck...oh fuck, thank you..." he pants. We both stay standing like that for a bit, catching our breath, before I pull out of him. More cum spills out of his hole as I do, making me want to fuck him more, but all I do is spin him around and kiss him. I slip my tongue inside and he meets it, both of us kissing each other hard before pulling away. We pant and smile at each other as we look each other in the eyes. I feel like this is the start of an amazing new chapter in our relationship, and I can't wait to explore it more.

The End...?

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