
By moc.loa@AziLohcysP

Published on Oct 29, 2002



I have always wondered what it would be like to be with a girl, you know. Often I will find myself looking around and comparing girls to myself. It all happened this one time she slept over.

I have this friend named Tiffany. She is 18, 5'5 with dark dyed red hair and piercing green eyes. She's about 130 lbs and a 34C. She is so hot with peircings all through her ears and dark makeup. Everyone knows she's a lesbian. Me, Liz, I'm 17,5'8 with long blonde hair and blue eyes. I am 135 lbs and have 34DD boobs. I've never been with a girl before.

Our night started with going to play pool at the local billiard hall. It was a friday night and the place was deserted. It was very odd. Tiffany is always suggestive with me sexually, usually in a kidding manner, but for some reason I was interested this time. The guys in the Billiard hall(the ones that worked there) were really open and let us play whatever we wanted on the jukebox, in the hope they'd get some lesbian action. While we were playing both of us got horny, I could tell. But I knew she wouldn't make the first move because she didnt know if i wanted her to. After the game was over, I got into the drivers side of the car. She, in the passengers. I turned and deeply kissed her. She was sort of shocked and excited at the same time. I could feel myself getting wet. The first thing she did when i let her lips loose was go for my breasts. She has mentioned many times before how sexy she though they were and how she would love to suck on them. The drive home she sucked on my right boob, and her hand mechanically unbuttoned my pants and probed my slit. Oh My God! I'd never had a guy to do it like she did. I wanted her to lick me and make me orgasm, I was getting so horny the entire drive. When we got home she released my boob and i realized my pants were wet. It had never happened before. We stumbled into my room and she ripped my pants of and flung me into my bed. Luckily my parents were on the other side of the house and sound asleep. She went straight for my pussy and inserted 3 fingers! 3 Fingers! I'd been tight with 2 before, but this time I was so loose she said. There was something about they way she fingered me, she played with my g-spot, twitching her fingers violently, instead of most guys who just thrust in and out. Then she went for my clit, she licked it a way I have never felt before. After about 5 seconds I orgasmed. She wouldn't stop. She promised me another one. On and on she kept moving and sucking until all my muscles tensed up and uhhh..... oh...oh my god.... i fucking love you.... you are are so sexy.. harder.. .and I went again. After this i begged to return the favor. she wouldn't let me. so I grabbed her arms and kissed her passionately, slowly moving lower and lower, sucking on her nipples and then her belly button, and by the time I got to her kitty, i told her, "you dont want me to?" and she was moaning 'please, please, you make me want you". so i started slowly licking around, probing each inch of her swollen pussy. her moaning for more. I got 2 fingers in and tried to imitate what she was doing and she started moaning louder and louder, making me want her more. I then went for her clit licking it, and she got tighter and tighter and started squirming in my mouth telling me she loves me. and she orgasmed. it was so wet and yummy, her flavor so sweet, i licked it all up. For a while we rolled in bed naked telling eachother how nice it would be to do this more often, and later that night we did it again in my pool, in my car, in my tree, on my roof, and in my bath. I love that fucking girl.

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