Lonely Summer

By Chained Soul

Published on Apr 16, 2001



Ok. This is my first attempt at a Hanson/Moffatts story. I don't know them and this isn't true. Ok? Hope you like it. ____________________________________________________________________________ ** Prologue **

Two men walked along a lonely beach after midnight, remembering a better time. An easier time. An innocent time. A time when anything could happen, and everything did. A time when they were accepted but for all the wrong reasons. A time when they knew what to think. But now their lives were confusing and painful. They felt as if something was tearing them apart. Whatever happened to the undying love that they shared? Was it buried beneath the waves of the ocean, or did it simply no longer exist? If only they could see the obviousness of the truth.

Chapter One- Tay's story

Taylor Hanson sat alone on a small cliff overlooking an ocean. This was his place. He came here to think. It was like he had his own secret world. Taylor loved the cliff. It was a gorgeous place to be. Lately, Taylor had made many trips to the cliff, needing to think things through. Confused about his sexual orientation and about his lifestyle, Taylor cried himself to sleep each night. Worried that his parents wouldn't accept him if they knew the truth, Taylor beat himself up emotionally each day. And frightened his fans would hate him, Taylor kept quite about how he felt. But now poor Taylor didn't know what to do. He was almost positive he was homosexual. He wouldn't be able to hide it forever. But he was far too scared to speak up. What would his family say?

"Tay, whats wrong?" came a voice from behind Taylor.

It was Zac. Taylor's little brother. He had followed Taylor a week earlier, trying to figure out where he dissappeared to for so long every few days.

"There's nothing wrong, Zac." Taylor told him, in a tone that said "leave me alone."

Zac ignored the acid in Taylor's voice.

"Tay, I know you're upset about something. Talk to me." Zac begged. " We used to be so close."

"If only you knew, Zac. If only you knew."

Chapter Two- Bob's Story

Bob Moffatt's voice rang loud in the cold, quiet night. His squeak sounding like a scream. His mind running wild. Running out the door of a tree house that was no more than a year old. Bob had built the tree house by himself only 10 months earlier when he felt that it was the only way for him to get some privacy. Now, while he sat alone thinking about his life and who he was, he cried. A simple squeak slipped past his lips. A squeak that sounded like that of a wounded animal. A squeak that said, "Please help me, someone. Please understand." Bob began to shiver from the cold breeze. An odd comfort took over him and soon Bob was asleep. But it was anything and everything but a calm sleep. His dreams were filled with pain. Anything but a serene night.

Chapter Three- Musical Mayhem

"C'mon, Tay! We're gonna be late! Hurry up!" Isaac Hanson screamed into his brother's dressing room.

Taylor silently cursed at his brother. "What a day." He thought.

"Be right there, Ike!" Tay yelled through gritted teeth.

Taylor Hanson was once again being pushed by his family to do something that they thought he loved. But music was now getting to be a hinderance to him. It was getting old and annoying. He didn't want to go to the concert that night. It was just a waste of his time. He had grown to hate the stage and the cameras. He had grown to hate his world. Soon, he prayed, he would meet someone who could take away all his pain. He couldn't know how soon that would be. ________________________________________________ Bob Moffatt sat around a large circular table. His family surrounded him on either side.

"Now, what are you trying to tell us, Bob?" his father asked.

"Dad, I told you." Bob replied with a cold voice. " I said it once and I'll say it again. And I wish you'd listen. I am gay. You probably don't accept it. You can kick me out. I don't care. But please stop asking me to repeat it. I feel I only need to say it once."

"Bob, you're not gay. It's just a bad bit of puberty."

"Dad, would a "bad bit of puberty" last for four years? Believe me. I am. Why do you think that I've turned down every girl that's asked me out? Why do you think that that one girl that Scott tried to hook me up with that was putting her hands all over me and shit, why do you think I slapped her? I am gay, Dad." Bob stated.

"Robert, perhaps you are but think about what this will do to the band. If it ever gets out about you, we'd have a serious problem."

"Dad, our true fans won't leave just because one of us isn't straight. I mean I..."

"Two of us." Scott cut in.

"Two? Scott, you always teased me. Always said I was messed up. All the girls? The taunts?" Bob asked near tears now.

"Bob, I'm not gay but I'm not exactly straight either."

"You're bi, aren't you, Scott?"

"Mmm hmm." Scott replied meekly.

It was true what Bob had said. Scott had never left him alone. He'd teased him. Mocked him about being too feminine. He never accepted his brother's homosexuality. He'd have to learn to accept it now.

Chapter 4 - The Beginning

" Tay, have you seen my boots?!?" Zac Hanson yelled up the stairs of his family's house.

"No!" Taylor Hanson yelled back, muttering under his breath, "leave me alone".

He was just about to fall asleep when a knock on the door sounded his wake up call. "What now?!?" he thought as his anger with his world grew silently. He got out of his bed and walked to the door. He opened it to his brother, Ike.

"What?" Taylor asked. "A guy from management called. We're gonna be recording a song with another brother group. I forget their names. The Ma... Me... whatever, I don't know. They're from Canada. Tomorrow we have to meet them at the Radisson on 23rd and Main. Ok?"

Taylor Hanson's heart skipped a beat. Surely, his brother couldn't be muttering about the Moffatts. No way. Right?

"Um...Tay? Hello? Earth to Tay! Are you ok with it?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Sure, sure." Tay answered dazedly as he closed and locked his bedroom door. He lay back on his bed and was soon fast asleep. Dreaming beautiful dreams of his favorite band. The Moffatts. He didn't bother asking Ike if that's who he meant. The description fit. It had to be. For the first time in almost a year, Taylor smiled.

Chapter 5 - Two Angels.

Outside the hotel room of Bob Moffatt, a car horn honked. A knock on the door sounded only moments later.

" Time to go." Clint said as soon as the door opened.

"Why bother?"

"We have to record."

"What for? No one cares anymore. We're done."

"That isn't true. Besides, it's not for an album by us. It's for another band. We're gonna record a song with them."

"Who is it this time?"

"You'll see when we get to the hotel."

Bob sighed

"Fine. But give me a few minutes to get ready."

"Deal. But hurry."

Once everyone was ready to go, the Moffatt's along with their father, Frank, got into a limo and headed off toward the Radisson Hotel where they were to meet up with yet another band for a colaboration on yet another song. The two bands would then leave from the hotel and go to a resturant for some lunch. During which time, they'd already been instructed to get to know each other. Bob prayed that this went well. He was getting sick of feeling hated. He only wanted to be loved. Had he known what waited for him at the Radisson, he would have been in more of a rush to get there. _____________________________________________________________________________ "Fashionably late as usual." Isaac Hanson complained to no one in particular. Taylor was running behind. He hadn't set his alarm the night before and woke up an hour behind schedule. He had to shower, shave, and get dressed in a period of only twenty minutes. Normally, his shower alone took him a half hour. To say he was rushed would have been an understatment.

Taylor hopped out of the shower and ran to his bedroom totally nude. He pulled a pair of boxers out of his dresser drawer, ran to his closet and grabbed a form hugging, white T-shirt, then pulled his tight, black leather pants out from under his matress where he had kept them hidden ever since his mom had threatened to throw them out (she said that they were too small on him. Taylor's reply, "Mom, I like tight stuff.). He dressed quickly. Then ran a brush through his recently towel dried, thick, blond hair. He pulled a pair of socks out of the top right drawer of his dresser then went on a search for his black boots. Once he'd managed to find them (tucked in the back of his closet) he put them on and tied them as fast as he could. He grabbed his Nike duffle bag (which held his cd player and his favorite cds. Including his treasured Moffatts cds.) then rushed to the living room, where his family was waiting.

"Took you long enough." Zac stated with his unmatched sarcasm.

"Sorry. Anyways, can we go now?" Taylor asked eagerly.

"Tay, you're smiling." Ike pointed out.


"Chill, Ike. He's probably just glad to be getting back into the studio. It's been almost a year now. Right, Tay?" Zac inquired.

"Huh?" Tay asked, startled out of his daydream. "Uh yeah. Right. Sure."

"Whatever. It's nice to have the old Taylor back. You were getting depressing. Now lets get going. We're all ready late."

The Hanson's loaded into their travel bus and started on their fourty-five minute drive to the hotel. Ike slept the whole way. Zac played his game boy and Taylor listened to his cd player while daydreaming about what was to come next. ___________________________________________________________________________


I hope you like this story so far. I know it starts out slow but the two main characters meet soon. Like in the next chapter. So anyways, if you like the stoay feel free to write me. soul_of_the_night@hotmail.com

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