Love find a way...

By Stephen Johnson

Published on Jun 18, 2012



Standard disclaimer .. My story, not yours, respect that. Underage kids who eventually become adults and their sexual exploits. If this offends you or is illegal, then you should be somewhere else. This story is 100 percent true.

This is the story of a young gay Christian who discovered his sexual orientation after having a sexual encounter with his best friend only to be separated from him for 20 years until they are reunited and rekindle their love despite all the obstacles.

I was raised in Southern California. My mother was a fundamental Christian, my father was an undercover vice cop who had very little time for me. I had already come to the conclusion that I liked boys. I had seen a few of my classmates flashing there little penises in the bathroom and I was very interested. It was difficult being gay and being raised in a religion that was so adamantly opposed to homosexuality, while I didn't know that I was called "gay", I just knew that I wanted to see more penises, and that quest was quickly fulfilled.

It started off when I was nine, my friend Lucas, who was 12, was over at the house while my parents were gone. I wasn't allowed to have "worldly" friends over so I always had to wait until they were gone to play with my friends. I was complaining to Lucas that my older brother had pants me a couple of days earlier and how embarrassed I was over the incident. He kept telling me not to worry about it and when I wouldn't stop he finally said "Look, just pants me right now, and you can see that it's not that big a deal".. So I walked over to him, and yanked his shorts down, but I had wrapped my thumbs into his underwear as well, so there he stood shorts and underwear around his ankles. It took him a minute to realize that had had happened and he yelped a bit while scrambling to get his shorts back up. I stepped on them with my foot and stepped around him so I could see his front.

Lucas, unlike myself, was uncircumcised which I immediately noticed and wanted to examine more since I had never seen anything like that. While he was trying to get his shorts up he noticed that I was staring and asked very defensively what was wrong. I said "Nothing, I've just never seen a penis like yours".

At this point, Lucas had given up trying to get his shorts back on, and seemed to be enjoying the attention I was paying to his dick. His eyebrow popped up a bit and said, "well, since you've seen mine it's only fair that I get to see yours, right?" That made sense to me, so I stepped back a bit and was trying to get the nerve up to pull my own shorts down. He stopped me. "uh-uh.. I get to.. you pulled mine down, so I get to pull yours down". Then, without waiting for a response, he dropped to his knees and yanked my shorts and underwear down.

I gasped a bit, and so did he. I had gotten quite an erection staring at Lucas's dick. Mine wasn't nearly as big as his, since he was a few years older then me, but he had never seen a circumcised dick so we both had a bit of a learning experience that day.

There was a minute or so of awkward silence while he was on his knees staring at my erect cock. He looked up at me and asked "If I let you touch mine, can I touch yours?" I was very nervous about that, since I had never had anyone else touch my penis, and when I went to the JW meetings it was made pretty obvious that that was not acceptable, but at that moment, all I wanted in the world was to see what his penis felt like. So I agreed.

He reached out, and gently rubbed the head of my penis, feeling the back of the glans and commented on how weird it seemed to him that there was nothing there like there was for him. My head had involuntarily gone back and I was moaning with pleasure.. Nothing that I had ever experienced compared to what I was feeling at that moment. Then he stopped. He stood up and said "So you want to feel mine?". I sighed heavily not realizing that I had missed out on anything, only realizing that the last few minutes felt better then anything ever. I giggled a bit and said, "Yeah, but let's go up to my room so no one sees us."

Up in my room, I had Lucas take off the rest of his clothes, lay down on the bed, and I slowly started tracing the outline of his now fully erect penis. I tugged at his foreskin a bit, which he didn't like, so I stopped.

I wanted to get a better angle so I climbed up on the bed and was going to straddle his leg while I played with his penis, but I lost my balance and my face landed square on his penis, which we thought was hilarious. While I was giggling my lips ran along his penis and he stopped laughing mid chuckle and gasped very loudly. So I ran my lips down the length of his shaft and when I got to his balls, I put one in my mouth, but not realizing it would hurt, kind of bit down a little. He yelped loudly, and I jumped up to tell him to shush.

He said, "just rub it some more like I did yours" .. I had been enjoying the texture and feel of his balls, so I kept one hand rubbing his balls while I stroked his shaft ... he was squirming and making the same noises that I was making downstairs while he was doing the same to me. The only difference was that he bucked his hips and exploded cum all over my hand and in my face. At first I got scared that he peed on me, but then I thought maybe he was hurt or something... so I wasn't upset about the mess all over my face. He just kind of laughed when he looked at me, and said "Sorry, let me grab you a towel".

I looked at him and asked what had happened. Lucas handed me the towel and explained that when I was older that my penis would do the same thing and that it felt really good when it happened. He asked me if I felt a tingly sensation when he was rubbing my penis. I said I honestly didn't know, but that it had felt really good. He smirked a bit and said if I had felt it, I would have known it and to lay down on the bed.

I pulled off the rest of my clothes and got on the bed. Lucas wrapped his fingers around my throbbing cock and slowly stroked it and started rubbing my belly... the amazing feeling came back right away, and since I had been playing with Lucas I was so ready that it only took a minute for me to explode internally. Nothing came out of course, but Lucas was right, I knew what had happened and wanted it to happen a lot more often.

Lucas came by a lot of the next few years, until we moved.

When I was 13, my parents moved us from California out to Wisconsin.. The transition was obviously difficult to deal with. It was the mid 80's, and going from a ethnically diverse surfer crowd to a sea of white farmer kids was culture shock to the nth degree. Add to that, one of the families in the new congregation had started a campaign to get the parents to not let their kids associate with me since I was from California, and therefore obviously a threat to the morality and sanity of all there perfect little angels.

One of the boys, Dennis, was a year and a half younger then me and had a bit of a feminine side to him, so he was a bit ostracized as well, so his mother was more then happy to have someone who accepted him. Dennis and I hung together as much as possible, but since I was now living out in the country and had no car, it was just the occasional sleep over. I was too nervous to try anything for a long time, since all my encounters with people in the MidWest were very extreme. One mistake and you were out. We had seen each other naked quite a few times but I had never tried to touch him or anything.

Soon I was 16, Dennis had just turned 15. I had gotten baptized in the religion, graduated high school ( a year early ) , and had a car .. which facilitated Dennis and I seeing each other more often. One night he was staying over at the house, and we stayed up late watching movies, when we finally decided to go to bed, he stripped down to his underwear and climbed into bed. An idea sparked in my head to facilitate an encounter that could be played off if it went sour.

I looked over at Dennis as I was undressing and announced "BTW, since I graduated High School I sleep naked now, I hope that isn't going to make you uncomfortable." He had slid into bed and faced away from me, but now he turned over on his other side and was facing me. He shrugged, and said "It's your bed, do what makes you happy".

So, he stayed facing me, and took off the rest of my clothes. He made a joke about me being naked and made a cat call. I could tell his was just joking but I could feel my dick responding to the attention, so I hurried up and jumped in bed.

We laid in bed for a few minutes talking, and then he rolled over and said good night. It was still early enough in the year that the weather was cold, and my room was in the basement of the house, so I made a comment about the room being cold and sidled up to him and started spooning him.

He didn't push away, or say anything so I wrapped my arm around him. His breathing was methodical and I wondered if maybe he was asleep. I slowly moved my arm down his side and as I got to the waistband of his underwear, I slid my fingers underneath them and let them sit there a minute. He didn't object, so I slid my hand down his back and had them against his butt in his underwear. He perked up a bit and said

"What are you doing?"

"My hands were cold, sorry is this bothering you?"

"Can't you put your hands in your own underwear?"

"I'm not wearing any, remember?"

"Oh yeah" He paused for a minute "Your hands are kind of cold, I guess it's fine".

So I got a bit braver, I kept one hand on his nice firm butt, and placed the other on his hip under the cloth of his underwear. Then I slowly moved it forward, and then a little more, and a little more. I could feel his breathing going more shallow and an occasional gasp would come out.

Then I finally took the leap and rested my hand on his hard throbbing cock.

He let out an audible moan as I gently rubbed him. I didn't notice it immediately at the time, but he had cum almost instantly when my hand hit his penis. I felt his body shift a little as he rolled into me a bit.

Then I felt his hand creep down my belly and grab a hold of my extremely hard cock and stroke it a couple times.. that was all it took. I exploded all over his hand, his back and my chest.

I had had many orgasms in my young life at that point, and nothing had felt quite like that before.

I sighed and cuddled in with him and we drifted off to sleep.

The next night Dennis was still staying over. We hadn't spoke of the experience from the night before at all that whole day. I wasn't sure how he as feeling about it, and was concerned that he was feeling guilty about it. While I obsessed that, the movie ended and Dennis said "let's go to bed". As soon as we got into the room, he stripped completely naked and climbed into bed. He looked over at me, and said "Now you won't have anywhere to keep your hands warm."

I laughed a bit and said "I guess I'll have to find some other way to keep warm".

He just giggled and I climbed in bed.

That night we got more adventurous, I had Dennis lie on his back and I straddled his legs while I rubbed his chest and gave him the best massage I knew how. He seemed to be enjoying it and I couldn't take my eyes of his gorgeous cock. When I finally got to his throbbing member I slowly kneaded his balls, while stroked his shaft. He writhed and moaned and I had to remind him that my parents were sleeping above us. He just kept bucking until he exploded all over his stomach and chest.

I got off him and laid back down on the bed as he rolled over and put his head on my chest. I could tell he was exhausted, so I didn't mind that he was just rubbing a circle on my belly. He got a kick out of the fact that I was a bit overweight. He eventually made his way to my cock which was ready for his hand. He stroked it and stroked it while I struggled to not blow my load. I wanted it to last forever. It didn't. Soon we were cleaning up and fell asleep.

A week went by, and we hung out a few times with some of our other friends and nothing was ever said about any of the encounters we had enjoyed. It tore me up that he didn't even seem to remember and I was beginning to think it was all in my dreams. Unfortunately, everything was about to change.

The religious indoctrination was beginning to get to me, all my friends were becoming very zealous towards the religion, and the guilt began to overwhelm me. Finally, I couldn't take it anymore and I called Dennis telling him that we needed to go and discuss what had happened with the elders. He didn't agree, and I wish I had listened, but I didn't. We were both hauled in to a "judicial" meeting and religiously punished for our "abominable" behavior and publicly shamed. Dennis and I never spoke again.

A year and a half later, I was married. I spent the next 18 years pretending to be happily married Christian until about 2 years ago when I finally came out to my wife. We separated and eventually divorced. She was thrilled that the problem we had in our marriage finally had an explanation and we remain good friends.

Then, after 22 years, I saw Dennis on Facebook. He was a mutual friend with someone who I was friends with back in the MidWest. I struggled for over a month about whether to "friend" him or not. I finally did, and he accepted. It was one of the greatest days of my life. We talked for hours over text message. He said he had fond memories of our encounter, and never held me responsible for what had happened. it was like 22 years of weight just lifted off my chest.

We have continued to text, and occasionally "sext" each other, and in a couple of months we are meeting up for the weekend to start up where we left off so many years ago. I'll let you know how that turns out.

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