Love know's no words

Published on Jan 8, 2001



Disclaimer: I don't know Nsync and in no way am i implying that they are gay. This story is completely fiction.. that means it is not real! If you think it is then get some help LOL

He drove through the dark streets on his way home, thoughts kept popping up in his mind and he couldn't seem to let go of the past two days. He knew that she was in a better place but in his heart he missed her terribly. She had kept him sane when the world had gotten to be too much for him to handle and now he was feelling all alone and the fight he had with the others hadn't helped either.

His phone began ringing nonstop since he had left Lance's house and he was afraid to answer for fear of finally losing it and letting his emotions get the better of him. He wanted to show that he was strong but he knew that eventually everything would come back on him. Arriving at his house he parked the car and walked up the front steps to unlock his door when he noticed someone waiting for him. He let out a groan as he realized it was Joey who was standing there looking at him. He was not in the mood to fight anymore so he unlocked his front door and left it open for his friend to follow him in.

" Chris... man where in the hell have you been?" "We have been calling you for the last hour to talk to you." Joey was pissed about the fact that Chris walked out and didn't even tell them where he was going but mumbled that he needed to think. He followed his friend in and shut the door before joining Chris on the couch. He noticed his friend's pale complexion and bloodshot eyes and he was worried about him after the fight. "Man you know i am here if you need to talk about anything.. just tell me" Chris looked at his friend and noticed the worry lines on his face and sighed. "Joey all i really want right now is for someone to hold me for a bit and to take a break from reality" He looked down at the floor while waiting for his friend to say something but instead he felt two arms wrap around him and pull him close while words were whispered quietly in his ear.

Joey gently ran his fingers through his friends soft hair while holding him against his chest and mumuring words of comfort to him. Chris was relaxed and realized that this felt right being in his friends arms and the love and warmth of the other man around him somehow felt right to him. He sighed agian and began to talk to the younger man about his problems and the pain he felt inside of him.

"Joe do you remember the funeral that i went to two days ago?" Joey thought for a minute then nodded his head before replying. "yea... you said it was a funeral of someone very close to you" "yea... it was my best friends funeral and the reason i have been going crazy is because i miss her joe" "oh chris why didn't you tell us know we would have been there for you" "I know joe but i wanted to say goodbye to her alone that is why i didn't tell anyone" "Oh man chris i am so sorry for your loss man" Joey felt chris shaking and tightened his hold on him while the older man cried softly against his chest. He could feel the tears on his cheeks and realized he was crying for the other man.

After an eternity passed the crying turned into sniffles and residual hiccups as both men relaxed into the embrace that joe and chris were in. "thanks man... i really needed to do that and besides you make a great teddy bear" Chris said mischieviously. "really do you think so?" Joey asked with his eyes twinkling." oh definatly... especially when i do this" Chris begins to tickle Joey merciously while yelling 'who's the man'

Joey twisted and squirmed while trying to get away form chris and his tickling fingers while laughing hard. "No man... you aint the man i am" Joey said " you are so wrong Joe... i am the man and i am gonna show ya" Joey and chris wrestled around before the both fell off the couch and Chris hit the coffee table. "ouch!!!" he yelled out before joey could help him. "Chris man are you okay... are you hurt?" he asked his friend. Chris shook his head and lay back on the floor "no man i am okay i just hit the coffee table is all"

"okay bro... but next time avoid it 'kay?" "Sure smartass... i'll try but in the mean time i wanna go to bed and sleep" "cool... well i'll go unless you want me to stay with you" Chris laid there and smiled softly for a minute then shyly asked his friend to stay. " Joe would you mind staying ... i don't wanna be alone tonight" " sure chris, i'll stay but let me call Lance and let him know your alright" Joey called lance and told him that he was at chris' and that they both were okay and that he was staying the night. After a few minutes he hung up and walked back into the living room to find chris asleep on the couch.

"Awwww.... man he must have been tired" Joey said to himself while looking at the older man. He walked over to the couch and knelt down before his friend and ran his fingers through chris' hair while trying to get him to wake up. Chris shifted slightly and opened his eyes to look at his friend. " did you have to wake me up?" " yep i did cause your gonna sleep in your bed and you might be more comfortable" " thanks joe... i owe ya one" " no problem... thanks me later"

Chris got up and headed to his room while joey shut off the lights and locked the door. Following his friend to his room he said goodnight then went to the guest room. He climbed into bed and fell asleep immediatly but sometime in the middle of the night his friend climbed into his bed and curled up beside him. Joey pulled him closer to him and held him while he slept while keeping the nightmares at bay for the rest of the night. Their love for each other kept them warm and safe because there love knew no words.

Written by Angel_22 December 14, 2000 feedback is welcome and i may write a new story if ya want me too.

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