Loves and Pains of War 01-03 of ??

By moc.tentam@nohpyrg-kcalb

Published on Jul 16, 2002



Loves and Pains of War (Chapters 01-03)

c 2002 - Christopher W Prahl

Permission is granted for archival in Nifty Archives and on individual's computer. Posting to newsgroups or other websites, either unedited or edited, is not authorized. Individual my make a printed copy for own use.

Author's Note: For those of you that know, most people are addressed by their last names in the military. However, considering the potential for mixing things up, I have, in nearly all situations, used first names. (It's especially easier to come up with generic first names, but much more difficult to use last names).

Secondly, some of the information used in this story comes from my actual experiences while in the US Navy. Those these things are used, I did take some liberties, considering the fact that I have been out of the Navy for over seven years and that I wanted to make this story more relevant to things happening in the world today. (Example: The ship I was on before the transfer was decommissioned a couple years after leaving the service. I never made it to Bangor, WA and have no idea what the place looks like, nor have I ever been to Camp Pendleton, where this story will eventually end up and my time in Hawaii was limited to the docks when we pulled in for a day.)

See Appendix A for real time line of the events that are real. (not yet completed)

Also, the Marine (you'll know which one) is based on a real person, one who had offered to move to the west coast with me when I was transferred from Charleston, SC. That is his real name and unfortunately, my attempts to find him since have been unsuccessful. He left the MC somewhere between Aug-Oct of 1991. I was the Navy guy that drove him from Atlanta, GA to his home in Merryville, Mississippi. If anybody knows Darrel, I would appreciate being put in touch with him. I know this is very much a long shot, but I have never forgotten him and will always wonder.what if.what if I had brought him with me, introducing him to my parents on the way. I have always dreamt that we stayed together and remained happy with one another.

For those military types or those that read stories like that: I never had contact with the kind of people that I am writing about, so I am using some of the vague terminology I have heard in movies and read in some books. This story is in no way meant to describe actual military tactics, terminology, or information. If however you can refrain from attacking and instead give me constructive input for increasing the realism, then please do.

Now.onto the story.

Joining the Team - Improving the Team

------------------------------------------------------------------- {Chapter One - Preface} -------------------------------------------------------------------

It was just yesterday that I decided to write down what happened, in the off chance that I might forget or that my memory may become fuzzy with the passage of time.

Difficult as it may seem, it has only been seven weeks since my life took a strange turn. Just six weeks since my life took a radical change, going off at a tangent compared to the normal world. I say normal world, because what I have become and may become, is no longer part of the normal, ordered part of the world.

It is said that NAVY stands for Never Again Volunteer Yourself. Well, I was never one to follow along with a group, I always did what I wanted, even if it meant I was harassed, beat up or ignored. Just because someone jumped off the bridge doesn't mean I was going to as well.

Yes, I was getting ready to transfer, but looking back, that didn't matter. What mattered is that I had a chance to do something.though it will turn out to be something real big. I wanted.needed, to me more than I was and I wanted to travel, test my skills, see if I really had the willpower I thought I did.

What I got is nothing I had ever expected, not even in my wildest, well maybe wildest, but not ever in any normal dream. Even now, the doctors and scientists have no idea the how or why of what happened to me. Suffice it to say, I have become a very important part of the military and intelligence organizations of the United States.along with my surviving teammates and the new ones I have or will pick-up.

Now.let's go back in time to around January of this year.

Oh yes, one more thing.this information is highly classified. My existence and that of my team is Highly Restricted: Secret - Need to Know. Not to be disseminated to any non-born American or any person not at least a third generation American, regardless of security clearance.

------------------------------------------------------------------- {Chapter Two - Volunteering - Part 1} ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1230 hours - 13 January 2002

".very good sir. Your personal property is in good hands and should arrive in Bremerton in about two weeks."

I shook the hand of the shipping company's driver, "Thank you. That will put it just a day or so before I plan on arriving, and should still give me sufficient time to find a place and move into it before I have to report for duty."

"Excellent, I'm glad the timing is working out for you," the driver responded, then pointed out something on the receipt, "right there.that's the number you can call when you get in town. From there you can make arrangement to have your belongings brought to you. Once in situ, we have a one day turn around."

"Okay.again, thanks for making this so easy," I replied, releasing my grip of the driver's hand and stepping back. I stood there and watched as he swung close the trailer doors and locked them in place.

Because I was going home for my leave and didn't want to use most of my leave driving, I was having my truck and personal property shipped to my new duty station instead of doing it all my self. I would have spent over half my leave just driving, going from here in San Diego up to Alaska, and then back down to Bremerton.

Six-and-a-half's taken me this long to finally get transferred to where I wanted. I was luck enough over two years ago to have gotten a split-tour. Instead of spending four years on the sub, which is now a nuclear training platform, I spent two years, went to the Navy's Radiological Controls Maintenance School and got a billet on a Destroyer tender stationed out of San Diego.

Waiting until the truck disappeared around the corner, I walked back to my friend Ray's waiting car. A real nice guy I met while here in San Diego, and though he is gay, his wife Wendy is much more than a convenience, a real nice lady who helps support Ray through his trials with being HIV+.

Anyway, we are on our way back to his condo on Coronado Island.

"Hey Chris, you've got a few hours before your MAC flight, how about a slight detour?"

"Sure, I don't see a problem. What I left behind at your place is already packed and I am dressed for the flight."

"You don't have to be in uniform?"

"No.I'm on leave and a uniform isn't required," I replied, adding, "Good thing too.they are in the moving truck."

"Okay then," He says, giving me a smile before returning his attention to the road.

I sit there wondering what he is up to. Through all the traffic, red lights and finally onto the highway, he stays silent as to his `detour'. Finally we are crossing the Coronado Bridge; it is as much a piece of artwork as it is functional. Even having been stationed in San Diego for two years now, the bridge still makes me stare with awe.

Anyways, down the main drag through the eyes are roving up and down the street. Searching.seeking, and occasionally finding a good-looking guy, out and about, preferably in just shorts. However my reverie is short lived as I hear the unmistakable clicking of the turn signal.

Glancing at the dash, I see the blinking green light.Left. Looking up and out the window, Ray is turning into the base.

"Why are we coming here?"

"Well," he says, pausing long enough to show his ID to the gate- guard and driving through. "One of my friends told me that there is a training exercise going started about fifteen minutes ago."

"Training? What kind of training?"

"You know.the normal stuff," he replied, being coy and as postponing as possible, at which time he came to a stop.

"How's that?"

I looked out the front window and about as fast as my jaw hits the dash, and my dick was twitching in my pants.

Before my very eyes.every damn fine looking Navy and Marine must be out on the fields right now. Whole groups of them, probably fifteen to twenty per group and there must be at least twenty groups, and each group doing some portion of the exercise drill.

"Oh My," I commented, "Look at all that fine male flesh," I said to Ray, my eyes roaming over the field.

"Yeah.I thought this might give you something to fantasize about during your flight back to Alaska."

"I think it might last longer than that," I said, giving him a smile before returning my attention to the field of men.

Finally finding a parking spot, I commented about how perfect it was.couldn't have asked for a better spot. Centered on the field and within feet of the track that encircled the exercise field. So not only did I get a nice few of them on the field, but also I got a good look at them as each group ran by.

"I just love those flimsy running shorts the Marines have," I said, nodding my head towards the squad of them coming towards us right now.

"Oh," Ray sighed, "Oh my.and they're even shirtless."

Now my eyes were riveted, and I knew exactly what he was getting at. It was a rarity to see the guys without shirts in a drill like this. The Navy says it is about safety, not wanting government `property' to get damaged by getting sunburn. For some reason they forget to think about sunscreen and they don't want to acknowledge the vanity factor.every good looking guy wants a good tan and out exercising is a perfect way to do it.

Ray's windows and sunroof were open, so I was able to hear the Marine leaders voice as they approached.

"Fall in," he hollered and it must have covered the whole field.

The leaders back was towards me, but that meant the forming Marines were facing me. At that moment my heart stopped beating, I stopped breathing and my mouth fell open.

"Oh my god," I moaned as I took in the sight of the most perfect looking guy I have ever seen.

"Which one?" Ray asked, curious as to what had my attention.

"Oh.front row.second from the right," I said, looking straight ahead.

Shorter than me, probably five-eight or five-ten, I looked over his sweating body, the sunlight shimmering off of the sweat trickling down across his smooth chest.

With the bright overhead sun beating down on his short cropped hair, it looked almost white, but I am sure out of the sun he would be a sandy or ash blond. Everything about him was perfect.and unlike a lot of Marines I have known, he wasn't over muscled.

No, this one.he had more of the gymnast or swimmers build. He isn't soft looking, but he doesn't have the hard, stone-like definition of the guys surrounding him. For his height and build, the size of his arms, legs, even his chest, everything seems to be in perfect proportion; no one thing looking over worked or out of balance.

I watched as he went through the ordered calisthenics, and even though he looked less powerful than the rest of the guys, he kept right up with them, moving through the routine as if it was second- hand. Compared to the guy in the original Soloflex poster, this guy made him look second-rate, and I have drooled over that guy for a very long time. Well that poster is going to lose a place on my wall.instead it is going to be a mental image of this guy.

How else can I compare or describe him and without a picture? Maybe the guy from the Soloflex poster, mixed with a bit of Alexi Nemov (the Russian gymnast) and a bit of River Phoenix.

Back to the image of perfection, my eyes gazed down at the guys crotch; instinct or reflex, I don't know; He is on the ground, legs spread apart as they do stretches and my eyes bug out of my head a gain.the liner to his shorts are either out of place or removed, because I can see a bit of his scrotum, and I think it was the head of his cock.

I looked again, but it was too late, as he was getting up with the rest of them. Just as they were about to turn and commence running again, he looked.looked right towards me, and.winked.

I just held my breath as I smiled back and watched him take off with the rest of his squad. They went around the track three more times before exiting the field. Yet each time he passed us, he looked my way and either smiled or winked.

Everybody talks about the `Gaydar', but I have never been one to believe in or should I say adhere to the belief. Yes, I can look at a guy, observe for a few minutes and come so some decision as to his orientation. But I have never acted on it for fear of being wrong, especially with military guys.

Hell, why would I? I had been working at a gay bar for two weeks when they asked me if I was straight. How does that measure up `Gaydar'? If I can pass as straight in a bar of gay guys, and have passed through detection for seven years in the navy, I would have to assume that other military guys are just as good and I am.

Yet even with those reservations.I think, no.I know, I would find an opportunity to come up to that guy.

"Damn it," I yelled, looking at Ray, "Why does this always happen to me?"

"What are you talking about?"

"Why is it that when I am in the process of being transferred to I find somebody that I might be compatible with?"

" mean.he was a Marine."

"Yeah.and your point? How many marines have you been with? There was something there Ray.I felt it. It is only something I have felt two other times. Both of those times I had a chance to at least to know the person, there was instant rapport. Only each time, it was within two or three weeks of my or his transfer. This time.I won't even get a chance to know him."

" are serious.aren't you?"

"Yes. Didn't you see him Ray? Even before he winked at me."

"He winked at you?" Ray asked, he voice full of curiosity and mirth.

"Yes.just before they started running again and twice more when they passed by, not to mention a couple of smiles."

"Oh.I didn't know."

"As I was saying though.even before he winked at me, there was eye- contact."

"Oh.oh." Ray said, "I know you and your eye contact.and that it is the reason you look very few guys in the eyes. You are afraid of've never said what, but I have known."

"I am not about to tell you now either. Now I will never know.I'm off to Alaska for a month before going on to Bremerton. I'll never have a chance to see's just fucking not fair."

"I'm sorry."

"No," I replied, calming down, "It's alright and I'm sorry for getting upset. You know.I really do love my job, but I hate the secrecy I have to keep. Hell, even if I did get to meet the guy and if we got together, we might both lose our jobs."

"Well, maybe you will get lucky and meet someone in Washington," Ray replied, giving me a pat on the back, "now lets get you to my place to gather your bags and get you to the MAC terminal."

------------------------------------------------------------------- {Chapter Two - Volunteering - Part 2} ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1547 hours - 13 January 2002

I shook hands with Ray and hugged Wendy just before walking through the security gate. We had waited for twenty minutes just to see if there was going to be room for me to make the flight. Even though I was `pre-approved', changes in orders could always force me to be bumped off. Luckily I made the flight.

Getting my bags in the overhead, I grabbed my window seat and opened up my magazine. It turned out to be a full flight and I got one of the very few seats available. It was at this time that I found out that the flight I am on is not going to Alameda as was previously informed.

Instead this one is being used to go over to Afghanistan, after a layover in Honolulu, which is about all I was told. The tone in the person's voice (I won't call him a steward, as he is in the Navy, but the position is the same) alluded to the fact that there was much more going on and that he either couldn't talk about it or didn't know. I leaned towards "didn't know" side.

About halfway through my magazine, I stopped to look at my watch. Not engrossed in my reading now, I overheard my seatmate talking, who just happened to be a Marine Captain, and heard a bit of his conversation.

".short. We are missing out radiation expert."

I listened a bit closer and after a few minutes, I determined that he is part of the group on their way to Afghanistan and their rad- man is missing, something about being in the hospital or something to that effect.

I thought about it for a moment, probably not long enough, but when the opportunity presented itself, I addressed the officer.

Waiting until his conversation with the other officer stopped, "Excuse me sir?"

Leaving the page displayed on his laptop, the officer looked towards me, "Yes, can I help you?"

I stopped for a moment, because for being a marine captain, I was surprised at how young the man was. Except for the Navy, where advancement is the fasted of any of the branches, it usually takes a good six to ten years to make O-3. Put that on top of four years of college and you have got somebody that is between twenty-eight and thirty-two; this guy is maybe twenty-five.

"Sorry.I couldn't help but overhear part of your conversation. Wasn't doing it on purpose, but I do listen to and watch what is going on around me," I said, not wanting him to think I was eavesdropping or something.

"Anyway.I seem to understand that you are missing a member of your team.someone that is versed in radiation and such?"

He looked at me, thinking for a moment, before making some apparent assumption, "Not that it is of any concern of yours, but yes. You think you could take his place or something? Not likely!"

"No, I am not saying I could replace somebody from your team that you have trained with and trust," I replied and still without thinking it through any further, went on, " but I gather your timetable is leaving you without a chance to replace him. Well, I am versed in radioactive sources."

Something changed then, not sure what or why, but his tone of voice changed a bit.


"Yes sir."

"What is your rank and designation?"

"First Class Petty Officer, Machinist's Mate, Radiological Controls Maintenance Supervisor, and Engineering Laboratory Technician."

", where are you headed now?"

"Right now I am on leave before reporting to my new duty station at Bremerton, Washington. I am to report in by February first, to the Radiological Repair Facility."

"On leave.what other skills do you have? I don't suppose you know anything about disarming bombs too?"

" But I have built them before. No.not what you may be thinking. I made a couple training devices for my last two Captains. In each case, the only thing that made it a training device is that I used a combination of a recording and firecrackers instead of an actual explosive. Had I used a detonator and C-4, it would have been the real thing."

"Yeah.and how long did it take the EOD team to disarm it," He asked, the superiority tone back in his voice.

"Actually.I blew up a total of eight teams, four for each bomb. In the end, they asked to use my bomb and designs for their own training. You can check with either Charleston Naval Ship Yard or the Captain from the USS Samuel Gompers."

Another change in attitude.again for the better.

"Well.that surprises being a squid and all that." He pauses for a moment, "Sorry about that.habit."

"No problem Sir. I've been called worse and I am sure it will happen again; besides, we in the Navy still call marine jarheads. Anyways, I also have two Navy achievement medals, earned Expert Rifle and Expert Pistol Shot Ribbons, and one Good Conduct Award. I have hazardous material training and experience."

"Now you really surprise me.. what's your name sailor?"

"Chris Weston sir."

"'re an okay guy and you're on leave," he says and sticks out his hand, "I'm Jacob Penland, go ahead and drop the sir bit."

"Yes sir.I mean Jacob. How have I surprised you?"

"First, you are a quick thinker.where I called you a squid, you didn't retort by calling me a jarhead. Secondly, you obviously have some experience with tactics, since you `blew up' so many EOD teams, and you have weapons skills. Just where are you from?"

"Alaska. I was returning for a few weeks, flying up instead of driving."

"Well, that would explain the weapons proficiency. If you don't mind me asking.what guns are you good at and what is your preference?"

"I qualified for my Expert Rifle Ribbon with the 30-06, M-14 and M- 16 rifles, the latter two in automatic or semi-automatic modes. I qualified for the Pistol on the standard issue 45, but my preference is the Glock 45.of which I own three."

"Wow.I mean okay. I almost hate asking, but any other weapon skills?"

"I dabble with the compound-bow and cross-bow, swords and throwing knives."

"Dabble?" Jacob says, cocking an eyebrow.

"Alright.I came in second place in the last tournament I was in for the bows. My sword use was only from a high school friend you was learning sword fighting and so I helped him practice."

"How could you help him with sword practice if he was the one being trained?"

"Because I have a sort of natural instinct.I guess, when it comes to the martial arts. I've had no formal training, but I can usually give as good as I get.especially when I feel threatened."

" so?"

"I found out when I was twelve. A guy from school came over to my house, sort of a friend. Well, he tried something, pissed me right off. The next thing I knew, he was flying through my living room and slamming against the wall before landing on the couch. I didn't seriously hurt him, but I was scared shitless by it. I learnt then that I half to control my reactions or I might hurt somebody who doesn't deserve it."

"Okay Chris, I'll be upfront with you. My team is in route to Afghanistan and we are short a body, and right now, you seem the best equipped to take it. Are you sure you want to do this? We maybe only doing `clean up', but I won't kid you, it is dangerous."

I sat there for only a brief moment before replying, "Yes, I think I do. I know it is dangerous, but it also sounds exciting, and."

"And," Jacobs questions.

"It may sound crazy.but it `feels' right. Besides, it will be better than basically doing nothing back home. No matter how much I like my job, sitting in a lab or cooking in a cramped ship is not exactly exciting."

Jacob removes his seatbelt and stand up, "Follow me Chris."

I remove my own seatbelt and follow Jacob as he moves towards the back of the plane. Passing through a doorway, we enter a larger room. A bank of tables line either side of the plane, all equipped with computer terminals and phones. It also contains several other officers and enlisted personnel.

Walking up to a Marine sitting at a terminal, " BUPERS concerning Christopher Weston, social security number."

I spit my number out, Frank typing it into the machine.

"Get his file, contact the Colonel and let him know that we have a possible replacement and to see if we can get him released to my team temporarily."

I then proceeded to give Frank the names of my previous commands, immediate supervisors. I also gave him a copy of my official orders.

"Okay Chris, lets go meet some of the team and see how they take to you. That will give Frank the time he needs to make all the connections to see if we can even have you. I can't promise you anything.and I'll be honest. Even if command says it is okay, it depends on how the rest of the team feels. If they don't `feel' right about you, it won't happen."

"I understand would be hard to accept a new person, especially going into a combat situation if you didn't have confidence in your teammates."

"You do understand," he commented, giving me a pat on the back, "So lets get moving."

Back beyond the room I was currently in, is another large space, and in here is where most of the team sits. I look around, surprised to see both Navy and Marine uniforms, having though that they did their missions separately.

"Okay men.let me have your attention."

They put down whatever it was they were doing, most of them cleaning their guns, and gave their attention to the Captain. That is when I saw him.

Even in cameos he looked was the marine I saw on the field earlier in the day. Looking past the Captain, he looked right at me.

He must have read it from my face, for I read it from his.instant recognition. I held in my breath again, blinking several times to see if it was just a dream, but he still sat there. Then he winked, just before returning his attention to the Captain.

"This here is Petty Officer First Class Christopher Weston. There is a chance that he may be able to fill the hole created when Cisco went into the hospital. I still need to get authorization from DC, test his skills and such, but I also need you input."

"What's the squid going to do over there.there isn't a ship to row," a marine said from the sidelines, while a navy guy replied, "hey, watch it there jarhead."

Jacob looked at me, "as you can see, even though we are a mixed branch team, have been for a while, there is still the inter-branch taunts."

"Listen up now. Though he may not have the experience of Cisco, I believe his knowledge, experience and skills will be more than adequate. Besides, I have the feeling that he can out-shoot most of you here."

That last comment got a lot of boos and hisses from the crowd, which Jacob turned to silence when he told them of my arms qualifications and ribbons.

"Now I am going to leave him here and you can all talk with and ask him questions. Make sure you feel comfortable with his abilities, even take the time to explain what Cisco did and begin giving him the information he may not know."

"Yes sir," they said in unison, all giving him a snappy salute.

"Okay Chris," He told me, "If you can impress them even half as much as you did me, then this hurdle will be over."

Jacob then turned and left the room, leaving me alone with all these fine specimens of male flesh.

Over the next eighty or ninety minutes, I got bombarded with questions form all sides.

I got the questions concerning my experience with CBR, letting them know I was mostly acquainted with the radiological part, and had just cursory knowledge of the Chemical and biological aspects of warfare. Mostly what you get from indoctrination courses and books.

I seemed to have impressed them with my weapons skills and whether I had the chance to join the team or not, there were several offer made to challenge me on the firing range. In the process of weaponry questions, they had me breakdown, inspect and reassemble one of their M-16 rifles. I didn't do it as fast as they did, but I was through and complete; which gave me another brownie point.

What really surprised me though are the questions concerning my physical abilities. It seemed that my weapons and CBR skills took second place to my physical ability. Would I be able to physically keep up with them, especially when the going got tough?

"No, I probably can't physically keep up with you. Unfortunately in my field, physical abilities come second to mental abilities. I don't workout and exercise everyday, not because I don't want to, but because there usually isn't enough time. But I will tell you this.I am very stubborn and don't give up easily."

Then I added, "You can ask Team is an Alaska survivalist group. I was in a paint-ball war game with them last year, on the opposing team. Almost all of my teammates were captured or `killed'. It came down to me against thirteen of them. I left three alive, but I also captured their command flag."

"Hey.aren't they the team that won first place in the national contest last month," one of the guys asked.

"Yes. Believe it or not, they called me to find out if I was available to participate on their team."

"Like I said.I don't give up easily." I got interrupted before I could say more.

"Okay guys," Jacob said, showing off a couple pieces of paper, "It is authorized."

Then looking at me, "Both your new command and BUPERS have given their authorization for you to be assigned to our team, pending of course the teams acceptance of you. Secondly though.I also got the results of a board hearing."

"Board?" I asked, not sure what he was talking about.

"You not only passed your Chief's board, but you made the first cut. You can officially wear the rank of Chief Petty Officer and it will be about three months before you started getting paid for it."

"'re kidding," I said, "It's not possible." It was possible, but highly unlikely. I had just barely met the minimum time requirements and there were so few slots for early advances.

"Right here," he said, pushing the piece of paper into my hand.

"I actually talked to one of the board members. No other early candidate for Chief scored as high as you did. There was also the chance, until this came up, that you would never have gotten to Bremerton anyways. They were getting ready to transfer you to a Nuclear Inspection team.they were that impressed with your background. You didn't tell me your were also qualified both submarines and surface?"

"Sorry sir.I didn't think it was relevant."

"Excuse me sir."

I looked up and it was him.

"Yes Sergeant Jason Phoenix?"

"I.I mean we, the team.we've decided. He can join the squad."

Jacob looked at Jason for a moment, cocked his head then looked at the other marines and Navy personnel, "Is that right?"

"Yes sir. We got a chance to talk with him, question his knowledge and such. We think he will be a fine addition and asset to the squad."

"Very well then.I'll get a message off to command and let them know."

"Hey long before landing?"

"We should be touching down in about forty minutes," Jacob replied before turning around and leaving once more."

"Why don't you come over and join me Chris while I my own rifle back together," Jason said, leading me towards his seat, only to turn around and stick his hand out, "Welcome to the team."

I shook his hand and before I knew it, everybody else was up, clapping me on the back, shaking my hand, introducing themselves, and welcoming me to their team. There is a total of fourteen enlisted members, plus the Captain and the First Lieutenant, who we will be meeting in Honolulu.

After all the introductions and a few inquiries about Alaska, I finally got to sit next to Jason. As I watched him put his rifle back together and chatted about inconsequential things, I had the distinct impression that we were slowly getting closer together.

It was as he picked up and looked down the barrel of his rifle.his leg was pressing against mine, and it definitely wasn't by accident. I say that because I offered a bit of resistance and he pressed a bit more. Needless to say, I was fully hard by now. Even though I was excited by the obvious signals and felt some loss when he got up to stow his rifle, there is some reservation; I did not want anything to be seen by the others, especially my aroused state, and to ruin my chances here.

The voice boomed over the idle chatter and the noise of the engines, "Attention men." Jacob walked into the center of the group, all of us now standing straight up.

"First, I would like it to be known that it is official. Chief Weston is a member of our little family and he now has the right to call me Jake."

There was another round of applause at the announcement, which was brought to a halt by Jake speaking up again.

"We land in ten minutes. Make sure everything is stowed for landing. The only thing you need to take with you is your day-gear packs. Berthing arrangements have been made and we have the exercise field, rifle range and VRT reserved for our use for the three days we will be on the island."


With that last order, everybody broke apart and quickly began putting things away.

"Excuse me sir," I said, walking towards Jake.

"Yes Chris.and when in private or around team members, you can call me Jake. What is it?"

"A much pull do you have?"

"A bit vague.could you be a bit more specific?"

"If it is possible, I could have my father get my personal gear together, my special ammo and have it to Elmendorf Air Force base in a couple hours. If there is a way he could hand it over to a person waiting for him and it could get out on an immediate flight, it could be here in time for training tomorrow."

"You mean.your gear is not on the way to Bremerton now?"

"No sir.I had it shipped up to my dad about a month ago. I wasn't about to ship it via the movers and I knew I wouldn't be able to take it with me on this flight."

"Give me an idea of what you would have sent."

"My modified M-16, three modified Glock 45s, some special ammo I have made, and probably my custom body armor."

"You've got your own M-16?" Jake asked, louder than I had expected and full of surprise. It even got the attention of the other guys and they stopped what they were doing to move in closer and listen.

"Yes. I have a federal license to own automatic weapons, plus my federal firearms license, States of Alaska and California Concealed Weapons permits."

After making that declaration, I heard a lot of mumbles and chatter in the background. Obviously it bumped me up in their level of respect.

"Fuck.if you've got those things, I'm not even going to ask about the weapons. You make the call to your dad and I'll make the call to the base. I am doing this not only because I prefer my men to be comfortable with their weapons, but I am curious as hell what your modifications are."

Jake led me back into the communications room and got me hooked up with a connection.

"Hey dad, it's me. First, I won't be coming up for my vacation as planned. There has been a radical shift in plans and orders, of which I can't be more specific, but I need you to do something for me."

"Go to the vault and put together a pack for me. Put in the M, my three Glocks and all the special clips; Toss in the silencing kits too. Next.put in my special armor. While you're at it, toss in the slayer, it just might come in handy. Lastly, though it won't fit in the pack, bring the mini-artillery case. It is already packed with exactly what I want."

"No.I can't tell you. Sorry, I won't tell you not to worry, but I am doing this because of a feeling. Yes I volunteered, not that it would have made a difference. It seems I passed my Chiefs' board and my orders to Bremerton were going to be canceled anyways. It seems they wanted me on the Operation reactors Safeguards Examination team. Now I am not doing any of that.just a moment."

I put a hand over the mike, "Yes Sir?"

"Tell your father to use the Boniface gate. There will be a Marine guard waiting for him. He will be able to give your things to him and they will be on a flight in about twenty to thirty minutes."

"Okay, I'm back. Use the Boniface gate. There will be a Marine guard there to accept my stuff. No, there won't be any inspection and you won't have to declare the contents. He will seal the bag and box and they will be out on a secure flight before you even get home."

"Yes.I love you too, tell mom Love.I will call you when I get a chance.bye."

"All done sir.he will be at the gate in about two to two-and-a-half hours."

"Excellent, and that's for keeping quiet about what you are doing and where you are going. I am impressed."

We walked back into the room, finding that everybody was just wrapping up.

"Okay.sometime tomorrow, we will get you your new uniforms. Do you have any work-out gear?"

"Yes.I have a pair of running shorts and a couple t-shirts, plus the shoes I have on."

"Good. Now I need to mention something else. With your promotion, this will make you nearly the most senior person in the family, with the exception of myself, the first, and Gunny of course. However, you are also the most junior member of the team and have never had any combat experience, so until you do, you will need to follow the lead of the other guys."

"No.I understand Jake. I am quite familiar with the concept of positional authority. At my last command, though I was just a PO1, I had authority of chiefs and even some officers. I also presume that your men are also fair and don't abuse that, as I didn't."

"No they won't.and if I find out that they have.well don't worry, I'll take care of it if it does happen. Now why don't you go get your carry on and come on back here. Jason will show you where you can stow it and you can get belted in for landing.

"Yes sir," I replied, taking off.

------------------------------------------------------------------- {Chapter Three - First Engagement} ------------------------------------------------------------------- 1900 hours - 13 January 2002

"Okay," Jake said, addressing us at the table after finishing our dinner, "I've got your room assignments. If it wasn't for the fact that it has been a long day and we need to get an early start tomorrow, I would let you guys go out on the town. This mission is important and I want to make sure you are all rested, trained and hale. So get to your assigned spaces, relax, watch a bit of TV then off to bed."

I hadn't known what to expect, so I wasn't disappointed. Surprisingly, neither were any of the others. So as we gathered up our trays, we grabbed room assignments from Jake and we made our way to the barracks.

Things just keep getting more and more.surprising. It seems Jason and I have the same two-man room. Matter-of-fact, we all got two- man rooms, all in the same wing and on the same floor.not that the latter is too unusual. It is common for transient barracks to keep groups of rooms open for such occasions as this. Kind of like when the gold crew I was on was flown over to Scotland to meet the submarine and the entire crew got the same wing, though spread over two floors.

All going off to our rooms, I shut the door after Jason entered the room. I picked the bed and dresser on the right, while he took the left side. Quite impressed I was.the barracks we were assigned too are set up more like a hotel, even the rooms remind me of a hotel.

"I don't know about you, but I'm taking a shower," Jason announced.

The next thing I know, clothes are landing on his bed and I am try not to stare as he bares his body before my very eyes. Before I was thirty or so feet away. I'm just a few steps away now. I have to stifle a rapid intake of air as he lowers his briefs.

Everything is perfect.the glow of the overhead light, accentuates his lithe form, without being overpowering like the sun was this afternoon. I couldn't tell before, but with the shorts out of the way, he is nicely tanned.shaped just like the running shorts he was wearing earlier.

Chest is completely smooth; arms mostly covered with light, peach fuzz-like hair, legs covered in a light covering of blonde hair, sun-bleached nearly invisible. Then there is his groin.darker than the blond hair on his head, a nicely trimmed patch of hair is above his dangling cock, and without out being obvious, it almost looks like his balls are smooth.

"I'll try not to use all the hot water," Jason says, breaking me out of my reverie as he slaps my ass as he walks past, entering the bathroom.

Passing me, I turn and catch a glimpse of his ass.smooth and nicely rounded, forming dimples in his cheeks as he walks.god I love that. he doesn't even bother closing the door and I hear the water running, shortly followed by the curtain closing.

Dropping onto the bed, I close my eyes and listen as the water splashed against his body and I try to imagine what he looks like, body all glistening from the water on his smooth flesh.

"Hey.wake up," I hear, followed by a snap of the towel, "you going to take one?"

Snapping my head around, my eyes fluttering open, "Uh.yeah," I stammer, not having realized I fantasized the whole time he was in the shower.

It was then that I became aware of the stress of my jeans.I have a raging hard-on and now I've committed to taking a shower. No real good way for backing out now, I kept my back towards Jason as I undressed, trying to will my dick soft and managing horribly. I think I made it to the bathroom without being `caught.'

Quickly getting the water flowing, I immediately stepped into the water spray, letting out a slight yelp as the cold water hit my skin.

"Did I use all the cold water," Jason asked from the other room.

"No.I.I just haven't gotten it adjusted''s fine now," I answered back.

It wasn't the truth.I still had the cold water spraying against me and it took longer than expected, but it worked. Soon my cock was deflating and I looked a bit more respectable now and felt safe in turning up the temperature.of the water.

It didn't take long to relax.the water is nice and hot and there is lots of pressure.exactly the way I like it.

"Mind if I help?"

My head must have hit the ceiling when I heard the voice, followed by the shower curtain opening. Dropping the bar of soap, my feet landed back in the tub and my hands pressed against the wall. I stayed still as a statue as he continued.

"Here.let me get that."

Next thing I know, I feel the bar of soap sliding up my right leg, over my thigh.past my waist. I was trembling slightly as I felt his hand move the soap towards my stomach.only to slowly move down.

"I hope I'm not intruding," the soft alluring voice asked.

"I...I can't.can't believe this," I stammered. It wasn't possible.only in my wildest fantasies could this happen.

"You want me to stop," he asked, and I felt his other hand sliding around and joining the one already resting in my groin.

"I.I," and I finally blurted it out, "no!"

I couldn't help it.letting out a moan as he pressed his body against mine. His wet chest pressing against my back, feeling hotter than the water spraying down on the two of us. The bar of soap dropped and fingers feeling my stiffening member.

Moaning again.not from his manipulation of my hard cock and balls, but from the feel of his own cock, hardening between my legs and lifting up against my ass and balls. It was the most erotic thing I had ever least up to now.

Whispering he asked "You're not upset," following it up with a blow to my ear. Eliciting another moan and making me squirm against his body. "I'll take that as a no," he replies, blowing in my ear again as he nibbles on it.

"Oh.god.I never dreamed this was possible," I moaned, succumbing to the feeling and hoping that it never ends. I finally managed to ask, my voice labored, "How?"

"You need to ask that after everything I did?"

" mean.ohhhh."

I moaned in delight as he pulled back and I felt his stiff cock slide up between my ass cheeks. More moans as I pressed backwards, feeling his cock work its way in deeper.

"I.I never.never thought I would."

"See me again after seeing me on the field this afternoon. I know.I felt it too, and I thought the same thing," Jason said.

Thrusting against me again and hugging our bodies closer, "you have no idea how surprised I was to see the Captain bring you back to us.even more so when it looked like you might join out little family."

His cock twitched against my ass and I felt him thrust again, "May I?"

"Yes," I moaned, and then added, "Please.slowly."

I wasn't sure how big he was or how much lather remained.but I wanted him like I've never wanted anyone.

A hand pulled away from my leaking cock and I felt his hardness vacate my crack and I moaned from the loss of the contact. A couple seconds later I felt something.

"Ohhhh.yesss," I cried as I felt his fingers probing at my hole. It became obvious that he came prepared; for that was lube his expert fingers are working into my tight ass.

Vacancy.followed by a hot touch.hand returning to my waist and sliding into my groin.

"Oh Jason.let me.I need to.want to feel you inside."

I'm always super tight when I haven't been fucked in more than a week, and I relax as much as possible when I felt him begin to press his hardness into my ass.

"Damn you're tight," Jason said, still pressing into me.

"Oh.ohhhh," I cried, as my ass yielded to his cock and I felt it close around the penetrating head.

"Oh wonderfullyyyy tighttt." Jason's cried moans joining mine as he slowly pushed.

I had always read about it, seen it in porn flicks and dreamed several times this happening, but all that is no comparison to the real thing. Leaning against the shower wall and getting my ass filled with another guy's cock.. and I reach a new level of eroticism.

With slow perseverance, I feel his cock slide deeper inside my ass. I push back, wanting more of him and am rewarded by his own thrust.

"Oh god," I cry as I feel the last of his cock enter me, feeling his crotch pressing against my cheeks.

With just the occasional moan from the two of us, the only other sound is the continuous spray of hot water against our bodies, and Jason begins to slowly thrust his cock in and out of my tight and hungry ass.

At first I just stand there, slight leaning forward, my hands still pressed against the shower wall. I am content to just feel him sliding, pumping deep inside. I thrill to the sensation of his cock sliding inside, watching as my own cock bounces with each inward thrust of his own.

Yet it isn't enough and I push back against him, impaling him deeper until I am able to bend over farther, letting my hands now rest against the tubs' faucet.

Soon I am swept up in another intense wave of erotic pleasure as I feel his hands sliding up my back. His body bends over mine and as hands grasp my shoulders, I feel his body being pulled into mine.

Cock slides deep inside and his chest presses against my back, our bodies more or less spooned together. Maintaining our closeness, Jason only makes little micro-thrusts, yet each one makes his cock press against my prostate, eliciting louder cried of pleasure each time he does.

Letting up on his hold a bit, he begins taking longer thrusts. I nearly squeal each time he pulls back enough so that the head of his throbbing member is at the point of nearly popping out of my ass; only to moan when I feel him plunge back inside.

Before long his thrusts become a bit less long, but he makes up for it with increased rapidity. Now I can hear his breathing, getting faster and shallower as he rapidly plunges his cock in and out of my ass.he must be getting close.

One.two.three more minutes pass, "Stand up," Jason cries out.

Releasing my hold on the faucet, I stand up straight, feeling his hands slide downwards. Across my sides and under my arms, hands soon against my pecs, and I feel it as he pulls up and into me.

"Oh.its.its.commmminnnnggg," Jason moans.

Swelling.getting harder.his cock presses against my button. My whole body shakes as I am overcome by an awe-inspiring orgasm and for the first time.I truly see fireworks. I can't see it, but I can feel my balls pulling up into my groin as my own cock swells.

Balls overflowing, muscles tensed, my ass tightening around Jason's swelling cock, I feel the cum flooding up my shaft, exploding from my cock.surely striking near the ceiling, it feels that powerful.

"Ahhhh," Jason screams.

I feel his body spasm, his cock swelling and bursting forth. Intense heat.flooding my ass. flowing outwards, seeming to fill my entire body as I feel the pleasure and passion consume me. Jerking accompanied my moans of pleasure; I feel pulse after pulse as he shoots deep inside, filling me with his lust.

Recovered enough, I bend over a bit and put my hands against the wall once more, allowing Jason a more comfortable position so that he can stay inside me. He takes the offering in silence, only the sound of his breathing do I hear as I feel his chest once again pressing against my back.

I luxuriate in the feeling of not just his body against mine, but in feeling his cock soften while still buried inside. It is a wonderful feeling and one that I don't often get to enjoy. We stand there in silence for a couple minutes, as we both recover from our orgasms' and let our breathing return to normal.

Finally, as the saying goes, all things must end. I moan my loss as I feel Jason pull out, immediately feeling the vacancy of his presence, only to smile when I feel his body pressing against mine.

As much as we want to, we are both too tired to really enjoy it as we haphazardly lather each other up and rinse off the remnants of our endeavors. None too soon, for as we finishing rinsing the soap away, the water begins to cool off.

Grabbing one of the thick terry cloth towels, I reach out and gently begin drying him off, while Jason does the same to me. Our exhaustion is quite apparent, for even the tender lovingness of this fails to regenerate our ardor.

Hair short enough that we don't have to bother messing with it, we toss our wet towels over the curtain rod and head for the door.when I see a smile on Jason's face.


As we enter the room, I look up and see twelve smiling guys in just their briefs, and they begin clapping.

"Welcome to the family," Jason tells me, placing his smiling lips against my stunned lips.

Wait now for the next Chapter: {Chapter Four - Family}

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