
By Author Jonah

Published on May 28, 2013



Usual disclaimers apply.

I have been considering writing for a while now because I have a lot of ideas in my head including a book series that I am not ready to tackle. I figured if I start putting some short stories out there I can get some feedback to grow my writing skills as well as having things under my belt to motivate me to keep writing.

Please do not copy my work or use it without my permission.

This is not a true story, just something from my imagination. If you have any constructive criticism for me I welcome it because I think I can only get better by learning from my mistakes.

10:30am the alarm goes off. As usual I can't stand the sound but I have to let it keep buzzing. Even though I set the alarm last night, it was for Will's benefit instead of mine.

I have been awake since 7:05am. I was too wrapped up in thought to fall back to sleep, and the feeling of his body wrapped around mine made it too comfortable to get up. I could have gotten up, I could have been getting ready, last minute adjustments to plans, but I know that it wasn't necessary. It was going to be a good day.

10:33am. He sighs in my hair to let me know he is waking up followed by slow stretching his 6'5" frame. The friction of his skin on mine is electric as he untangles our bodies and I can finally reach over to shut of the alarm now that I know he is getting up.

"Good Morning," he yawns into my ear.

I turn to see his smiling face and it makes me smile as well, "You too. How did you sleep?"

"Like a baby," he responds with a half asleep grin, thoughts of last night must still be fresh on his mind. "why did you set the alarm though, I can sleep for a few more hours."

"I made plans for us" I reply as I pull myself away from him and slide out of bed. I pull on some boxers and open the blinds to let in the daylight. He recoils from the sun, the bright light causing his eyes to squint and his strong frame to tense. Years of farm work and the military had sculpted his body into something that would make most guys envious. Not me though, I considered myself lucky.

"Come on, Jonah. I just got home on leave yesterday; we should just relax all day." He looks a little annoyed but I expected that, he doesn't like surprises or losing sleep.

"I promise it will be a good time." I slip on a t-shirt and shorts.

"You know what else would be a good time?" He looks at me innocently and then down at his crotch still under the covers but obviously sporting morning wood.

I laugh and roll my eyes, "Come on dude, we have to be outside in five minutes. We can take care of that later."

Will sighed again feigning his frustration with me and flung the covers off the rest of his body. Then he stood up from the bed and raised his arms over his head and proceeded to stretch the rest of his body; his inflated phallus pointed proud and angrily into the air. He looks at me again expecting results from his display but we didn't have time for me to give in. Instead of the response he wanted from me he was greeted with shorts flung in his face and my laughter. That woke him up.

He circled around the bed and tackled me to the ground before I knew what was happening. My own 6' athletic frame is usually a match form most guys but to him I am short and he likes to remind me. I struggle futilely but with his sneak attack, strength, and long reach was pinned under him in a few seconds. He rested his full body weight over mine and held my hands above my head so I couldn't struggle anymore.

"You give up, fag?" He says with a grin as he tries to go in for a kiss.

I turn my face away, "dude! Stop fucking around."

"Stop?" he asks pretending to be confused. "I thought you liked it when we fucked around" he emphasized his point by poking me in the ass with his still eager cock.

"Haha, very witty." I respond dryly and look seriously into his hazel eyes. "Can you please get some clothes on so we can go?"

"Ok, fine" he says reluctantly and let go of my wrists. "I didn't want to kiss you anyway because your breath smells" he joked and attempted to tickle me for a second before letting me up.

Suddenly feeling very self-conscious I got off the floor and made my way to the bathroom to brush my teeth. A few moments later Will walked into the bathroom with me dressed in the shorts I threw at him and a t-shirt. He stands behind me and reaches around me to grab his toothbrush and wets it in the still running water. I put some paste on his brush for him and he starts to brush beside me.

I am not sure what it was about that moment, standing there watching us brush our teeth together in the mirror, but it made me feel so happy and validated I couldn't help but smiling. His eyes met mine in the mirror and he couldn't help but smile as well.

"What are you smiling about?" He asks.

I spit the toothpaste into the sink. "I am excited about the day" the first response that came to mind. Rinse and spit again.

He walks over to the toilet, still brushing his teeth. "What do you have planned?" he asks as he starts to relieve himself. There was a time when I couldn't help but stare at his cock if it was out, and although it still held a lot of wonder for me I was glad I had more self-control now that I was more familiar with it.


Will and I had been friends for a long time before anything else happened. He is two years younger than me and I actually had become really good friends with his older brother, Eric, in high school first. I remember my first impression of Will being a scrawny kid a few inches shorter than me who always needed to hang around his brother when I was at their house. Over the years I got closer to their entire family and I learned that Will and I had much more in common than I did with Eric. Even though I went away to college I stayed in contact with Will the entire time, and he came to visit me a few times at my school.

After a while, no matter how many other friends I made at school it was obvious that Will was the person I was closest to in the world. It got to the point that I would stay in my room playing video games over the internet with him on skype instead of going out. We confided everything in each other and he always came to me for advice, especially with girls. And there were a lot of them. As Will got older he wasn't scrawny anymore, he grew taller than either of his two older brothers, developed some muscle to fill out his clothes and got more handsome by the day. It got frustrating because there was always a girl after him, but they never lasted long. He always found something wrong with each girl and I had an easy time convincing him to break up with them. He even had me do the break up for him a few times over texts or instant messages. (I know that isn't a cool way to break up with someone but it's what he did, and I was selfish so I didn't care)

The biggest shift in our relationship happened when his family asked me to go on vacation with them to Myrtle Beach for spring break. We were there for a just over a week and his family had rented a beach house with lots of extra room but I still ended up having to share a room with will. It wasn't the first time we had shared a room or even a bed because he always slept in my full sized bed when he visited me at my apartment at school.

Three days after we got there I ended up losing my wallet somewhere with all my money, my ID and my bank card. The rest of the week Will treated me to everything, we got bored of the rest of his family and explored a lot on our own. He paid for food and everything we did, no matter how much I protested or told him I would pay him back. "I like paying for you," He kept insisting.

After that trip whenever I saw him he would treat me the same way, he would look down at me and tell me that he thought I needed someone bigger to watch out for me.

After high school Will went to a local community college for a year but he didn't think he was ready for it yet and ended up joining the air force. I ended up moving to upstate New York after school to start a job which was a few states away from home. It seemed like I never had time off when he had leave to go home to visit his family so we didn't get to see each other for over two years. Luckily, because of internet gaming, we still got to spend a few hours a week talking to each other.

It was almost a year ago that he surprised me by showing up at my door one Saturday. I had just finished a morning work out when I heard a knock on the door. I answered the door wearing just a pair of basketball shorts, sneakers and a layer of sweat. Before I could comprehend who I was looking at he had me in a bear hug off the ground.

"Holy shit!" I exclaimed as I realized who it was and he put me back on the ground. I was greeted by his classic sly smirk which rapidly evolved into a big toothed grin as he saw the comprehension bloom across my face. "What are you doing here?"

"Are you not happy to see me?" I took in his handsome familiar features, and the t-shirt and jeans he was wearing were kind of snug over his muscled physique.

"Of course," I replied with a huge smile on my face. "I just wasn't expecting you."

"That is because it was a surprise, dumb ass."

"I see that, but I am still curious what the details of this surprise entail. Shouldn't you be in Arizona?"

"I was," he laughed. "But I have three weeks off for leave and it's been too long since I got to see you."

The brain is such an interesting organ; it releases and regulates so many chemicals in us which can have a myriad of effects on your body. Those chemicals it regulates tend to spike during different activities, such as working out or being really excited. My brain chemistry must have been going crazy because at that moment, when it hit me that after years my closest friend had driven hundreds of miles to see me it was like a tingling euphoria washed over me. I tried to respond to him, I wanted to say how happy I was to see him and welcome him in, but instead I almost threw up on him.

It turns out that is common after getting up from hard work out, and I was lucky enough to make it to the bathroom before I lost it. He stood in the bathroom door laughing at me after deciding I was going to live. He left me to clean myself up and I jumped in the shower. When I got done washing up and brushing my teeth a few times I wrapped a towel around my waist and stepped out of the bathroom to find him watching TV in my living room with his shoes off on my coffee table.

"Feeling better?" He asked looking up from the TV.

"Yeah, much. Sorry about that."

"Sorry for what?" he asked.

"Uhh," it was clear from my expression I didn't have an answer.

"I have something to make you feel much better, anyway." He leaned back and looked at his crotch and then back at me.


He started to laugh and reached into his front pants pocket and pulled out a small medicine tube.

"What is that?" as soon as he opened the top I could smell the weed. "I thought you get drug tested all the time in the military."

"We do, but like I said I have three weeks until I have to go back and this will be out of my system by then." He put his feet down and started to crush it up on my coffee table. "Do you have something to smoke this out of?"

"Not really," I wasn't much of a smoker.

He smiled "That will make it even more fun." I didn't know what he meant at first but he was like McGuiver with homemade smoking implements, and since then I have seen him make everything from vaporizers to gravity bongs.

"I am cool with smoking that, but we need to do it on the back porch so it doesn't smell in here."

"That's cool. How do we get out there, and do you have an apple?" he had made himself so at home I'd forgotten that he had never been to my place. It was a small place, and the door to the porch was through my bedroom and I pointed the way before grabbing a pear from the kitchen.

"No apples, but does this work?" I asked tossing him the pear.

"I think I can manage it" he said and pulled out a swiss army knife and got to work carving.

I realized I was still in a towel, "I am going to find a lighter and throw some clothes on."

"Good call, lighters are good. The clothes are not an issue for me though," he replied, not looking up from his creation.

I stepped through the glass door into my bedroom and threw my towel onto my bed and walked over to my dresser. I grabbed a pair of gym shorts because this was turning out to be a relaxed day, and as I turned around I noticed Will was looking at me with his mouth open. He looked back at the pear as soon as he saw that I noticed him looking. After searching for a few minutes I found an old lighter in the living room and walked back outside.

"Sweet, you found one." He said taking the lighter out of my hand, "perfect timing."

He handed me the pear to inspect his handiwork, "impressive."

"What did you expect from me?" he smiles cockily. He took the pear out of my hand and lit it up. As he inhaled he held in the smoke for a few seconds before handing the pear to me and exhaling in my face.

I ended up coughing a few times but before long we had finished it off and I was feeling great.

"How is your stomach now?" he smirked.

An involuntary laugh escaped my lips "way better." He then took a huge bite out of the pear pipe and offered it to me, "Naw, dude. I don't want that shit."

"Come on, you have to."

"I don't think so," I replied and turned to go back into the house.

He grabbed my shoulder before I could get far and pulled me to turn me back to him. I didn't put up much of a fight in the state I was in, "just one bite" he said waving the pear in my face.

"Ok" I reached up to take it from him but he pulled it out of my reach. When I put my arm down to give up he brought the pear back to my face offering me a bite. "I can feed myself."

"Yeah, but I will do it better." He says laughing.

"Pass," I enjoy him trying to look out for me but I had to draw a line. I turned to walk inside again but his hand was still on my shoulder.

"Fuck, you can't take a joke." He pulled my back into his chest and wrapped his arms around my bare torso. He dropped the pear and pulled me close enough into him so that his cheek was touching my face. The warmth of his body felt amazing and safe and I didn't struggle as much as I should have. Maybe it was because I was because I was definitely high at that point, or maybe just years of pent up desire for his touch but after a few seconds like that I was obviously pitching a tent in my shorts.

When I realized I was standing there being held by my best friend with an erection I pulled away from him. He let me pull away easily and when I turned to glance at him he seemed lost in thoughts of his own.

"I'm sorry, I..." was all I could get out before his mouth was on mine.

He came in quickly, but his lips were soft and gentle. I can only imagine the look of surprise on my face that met the look of hope in his eyes.

"I have wanted to do that for so fucking long." He whispered to me as he pulled away.

"Really?" I ask, surprised and a little annoyed.

"Yeah," he replied sheepishly. "Maybe I am the one who should say sorry."

"Sorry? You asshole. You wait to kiss me for years and that is all I get?" I say as I punch him in the arm playfully to know I am fucking with him.

I don't think I will ever forget the way Will's face lit up when I said that. He looked like an eight year old boy that just got told that every day will be Christmas this year. He pulled me into his chest and picked me up and walked us back into my bedroom, the entire time his mouth was on mine.

As we stood there in the middle of my room kissing the shy reluctance we had shown before was gone. When his tongue broke past my lips it was like a switch went off in both of us and we were overcome by the pent up carnal desires we had for each other. I had never been kissed like that before and I couldn't get enough. The way his hands felt on my skin and the way his body felt in my arms was better than I could have hoped.

When we pulled away to catch our breath all I could think to say was, "I got to taste the pear after all." We both started laughing and I could see his shoulders relax with relief at my comment. I also noticed he hadn't let me go yet, and I was determined to not be the first to let go.

"I can't believe we did that," he panted catching his breath and letting his hands slide down my back to rest just above the waist of my shorts.

"Yeah, me too." I grabbed his t-shirt and started to tug on it. "But I don't want to stop now." I kissed his lips again.

"Yeah, me too." He replied, breaking the soft kiss. "Whatever happens, I want to make sure we will stay friends after this." He said while raising his arms to let me pull his t-shirt off.

"Yeah, me too." It was the first time I had seen him shirtless in so long, I was really impressed by how muscular he had gotten. His chest and stomach were like an artist had sculpted him out of marble and then framed it with his biceps. His perfect, quarter sized, nipples flanked a little bit of chest hair and poked out begging to be sucked on.

I couldn't control myself any longer, I went for it. I started to gently lick and kiss his left nipple before slowly licking my way over to the right one. I couldn't believe how good he tasted and as my need for more of him took over I started suck and bite a bit harder. He let his strong hands roam across my skin as I enjoyed his chest, and as much as his grunts and sighs turned me on, his grip tightening on my body when the pleasure was overwhelming him was much more exciting.

As his breaths increased their pace his put one of his hands on the back of my neck and applied a little pressure to push me lower. I dropped to my knees and kissed down his stomach as I undid his belt and shorts. His hands joined mine to help me with his zipper, his sizable bulge didn't make it easy to get his shorts off and it was obvious why when they finally hit the floor. His ridged cock stood strait out from his body, swollen, proud and eager.

I took it in my hands and studied it. I felt every inch between my fingers, feeling the burning hot velvety skin stretched out over his steel hard shaft. I caressed the mushroom head and inspected the difference between the textures. And when my hands and eyes were no longer good enough I used my tongue to trace the pulsing veins up the shaft.

His spongy head popped into my mouth and I knew I was hooked. The salty taste leaking out of the slit as I tongued it, the way the ridge around the head felt in my mouth and the retrained strength pushing the shaft farther into my mouth; I loved it all.

"Holy Fuck!" he shouted, "your mouth looks so fucking hot around my dick." I wasn't sure why that comment turned me on so much, but it did. I rewarded him by doubling my efforts and started to jerk his shaft as I licked and sucked. I was rather inexperienced back then and I could only get about half of his cock in my mouth before gagging, but his moans and body trembling told me that he was still enjoying it. It couldn't have been more than a minute before his grabbing my hair trying to slow me down.

"Oh fuck, dude. Slow down or I am gonna cum!" he pleaded, but I couldn't. I wanted him to cum, and I wanted to know it was because I made him. I kept going at a fast pace and tried to use my tongue a bit more to rub the underside of the shaft of his thick cock. True to his word, his body started to spasm and he rested his weight on my shoulders to steady himself as he came in my mouth a few seconds later. He tried to pull away as he came but I wrapped my arm around his ass and kept him in place. It never looks like that much cum when you shoot, but it was gushing in my mouth and I hadn't considered that when I decided that I wanted his load. I swallowed as much as I could but it still leaked out onto my lips and chin.

His cock slipped out of my mouth and I looked up at him, "was that..."

I didn't get to finish my sentence because his mouth crushed against mine. He reached down and put one arm under my shoulders and lifted me to my feet like I weighed nothing, never letting his tongue leave mine in the process. He put his hands on my lower back and pulled me in so our chests touched as we kissed. His still hard cock rubbed against my stomach and left wet spots where the head poked me. His hands hit the top of the towel and pushed it down off of me before double palming my ass. The shock of someone else grabbing my ass pushed me closer to him and before I knew it I was on my tip toes with his digits exploring my inexperienced ass cheeks. We continued to kiss as he found my hole and he prodded and massaged it gently with his fingertips.

"Do you like that?" he spoke into my mouth, hardly taking his lips from mine to do so.



"Huh?" I responded coming back from my day dream.

"I said there is a limo in front of the house."

"Is there?" I stalled.

Will reentered the bathroom fully clothed except for the buttons on his shirt still open. He slipped behind me and pulled me into him grabbing the front of my shorts. "What's going on down here, dude?" I see him smiling at me in the mirror, "what got you so excited that you have a hard on and didn't hear me calling you?"

"I was thinking about that first time we..." I didn't have to finish my statement he already knew.

"That first time we fucked?" he said in a cocky tone. I elbowed him in the ribs and he laughed it off, he knew I didn't mind him being vulgar, it was actually a turn on most of the time. "I'm guessing you have something crazy planned for the day, but we could just stay here. You know, get naked again and make last night go all day."

"Dude, this is going to be a big day and I don't think you will want to miss it." I turn around to look into his face. "Besides, we can do that stuff later."

"Why exactly is there a limo outside?" he asked quizzically.

"Good question, maybe you should find out."

He sighed, "you know I hate surprises right?"

"Yeah, but don't you trust me?" I ask, giving my best puppy dog eyes.

His eye roll was all the answer I needed. "You are lucky I love you so much." He said before kissing my cheek and turning to leave the bathroom.

As I reached my hand into my pocket to grasp the little envelope that has been on my mind the past few weeks I thought about his words. I knew he wasn't kidding, he really did love me, and I did feel lucky. As I let the little gold band fall out of the paper and into my hand I hoped my luck would continue.

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