MacCauley and Jonathan Taylor Thomas

By NiftyWriter

Published on Jul 16, 2005



Disclaimer: I know nothing about the the two young men in question besides the characters they play.

MacCauley and Jonathan Taylor Thomas

Jonathan Taylor Thomas stood nervously by the door of his dressing room. "Nervous? Why the heck should I be nervous?" he asked himself. He certainly shouldn't be; after all, he's the star of the most watched sitcom in the country, he's just as famous as the next kid star out there...

"Aw, quit fooling yourself," he chided to himself.

No one under the age of 16 was as big as MacCauley Culkin as far as show biz was concerned. And now, the blond-headed megastar was about to make a guest appearance on Home Improvement. We're talking intimidation here.

But was that the only reason he was nervous? Was there more to it than just potential rivalry? Lately, as 12- year-olds are wont, he ws having some rather unusual and disturbing feelings, directed towards his young co-stars, of all people. The more he interacted with them, the more he grew... well, fond of them, in a rather strange way. Maybe it was the fact that they were acting as brothers on the show, which was carrying over into real life. Yet, he couldn't help but noticing, as certain hormones started their early course through his veins, that his young friends were becoming increasingly... attractive to him. It was hard to put a finger on it exactly, but sometimes when he was looking at them, a strange, tightening sensation overcame his solar plexus, and he felt it difficult to even look away to catch his breath.... He supposed this is what usually happens when a cute girl walks by; in fact it was very similar, but somehow more intense....

Now, he was about to be faced with someone who really had been sending his feelings off in wild directions: MacCauley. Ever since he'd seen him in The Good Son, he'd been oddly attracted to him. Maybe it was something about the red feminitity of his lips and mouth; or maybe it was the thin, corn-silk blond hair atop his 13-year-old head... Or better yet, maybe it was the thought of that hot mouth against his own...

"Stop it, dammit!" Jonathan thought angrily. "What the hell is wrong with you, thinking like a fucking fag!?" But such thoughts only increased his nervousness. Of course, the studio door chose that opportune moment to burst open and reveal none other than the object of his recent desires. "Shit," he muttered to himself.

"Hey, Jonathan, whatup?" Mack grinned as he strode over to the afflicted 12-year-old. "Dude, I know you'll never believe this, but I watch your show every chance I get! No, seriously, it's way cool." He stuck out his hand.

"Gee, uh,... thanks, Mack." He grasped his hand firmly, and not without a little jump of his heart. This hand he was shaking right now... what potential did it hold...

MacCauly was not the typical 13-year old. What kid would be, after starring in hit-movie after hit-movie. He was constantly surrounded by glamorous people, famous people, corrupt people... people who generally didn't value the innocence of a child over anything that yielded them seven digits. Thus, he knew of Things earlier than most people his age; one of those Things being details about certain "alternate life-styles." And, as the hormone levels started to increase, he began to realize that certain of said lifestyles were becoming more and more appealing to him.

These desires were, ironically enough, manifested in an overwhelming obsession with Jonathan Taylor Thomas. When he was faced with the proposition with guest-starring on the show, he put on his best innocent puppy-dog look that no adult could possibly resist, and accepted.

The fantasies got rather intense at times. He loved to watch taped episode after episode, and imagine Jonathan with no shirt on. He imagined the young, boyish pectoral muscles flexing against his own as they embraced. He imagined running his hand up through that perfect brown hair, parted down the middle, and pulling his cheeky grin to his own red lips, and feeling thier young tongues intertwining. He could feel the bulges of their small yet rock-hard cocks pressing against each other, rubbing back and forth in youthful passion. He could taste the warm, smooth boy-flesh of his perfectly small nipples, as he squeezed the tight, pliable flesh of his 12-year-old buns. He could feel the desperate thrusting of his hips, as Jonathan drove his 4 inch cock into the warm, moist regions of MacCauley's red mouth, while Jonathan's hand, the one he was grasping now...

Jonathan realized that he and Mack had been staring at each other in unwitting silence for several seconds. What the hell...? Looking directly into Mack's eyes, he could have sworn he felt some sort of spark zap between them. The air was suddenly very warm, and he felt a flush coming to his smooth cheeks. Abruptly, he broke the handshake and lost eye contact. "Yeah... well,... definitely cool to be with you in an episode..." He sensed Mack shake himself out of a similar reverie.

"Huh? oh, yeah,... should be fun. Um, the script sounds pretty funny.."

"Yeah." What was with this kid? For that matter what was with him? He shook himself again and gave Mack a quick once-over, wondering why his gaze felt compelled to rest on his crotch... "C'mon. We start filming in a few minutes."

The episode was actually pretty funny, with Mack playing the role of a visiting long-lost cousin from Tucson (of all places). The highlight of the show involved a food- fight and a wrestling match between the two. To be sure, both boys went at it all with gusto, wreaking the appropriate havoc on the set. However, as hilarious as the scene was, both of them were intensely aware of the other's contact with their own body. Was that leg placed against the groin on purpose? Did that hand linger slightly after a fake punch? By the time filming was done, both boys were slightly giddy about the whole ordeal.

Afterward, Jonathan was pondering the day's events as he was changing in his dressing room. All of sudden, the door opened and in walked MacCauley. "Mack! oh, um, hi..."

Jonathan suddenly felt a little self-conscious, as he was only wearing a pair of boxer shorts. But then, there was something about the way Mack was looking at him that caused his heart to quicken a bit...

"Oh, gee, sorry, Jonathan, I thought this was my dressing room..." He just stood there, though, making no move to leave. Jonathan stood up.

"Oh, it's just around the corner..."

"That's what you think, bud!" Mack exclaimed, and then proceeded to tackle Jonathan and wrestle him to the ground as they had done on TV hours earlier. Embarrassingly for Jonathan, all these antics, combined with a myriad of undefined urges, were simply too much for his young cock; by the time they quit rolling around, his 4 inch boner was sticking straight out of the hole in the front of his boxers, in plain view. Strangely enough, he felt no urge to hide it from Mack.

MacCauley's gaze fell onto his friend's throbbing erection, and he smiled. "Hey, Jonathan, you ever jack off before?" Jonathan frowned. "Actually, no. What is the deal with that, anyway? I've tried before, but never seemed to get much out of it."

"Maybe you need a little help." Mack slid over so he was propped up on one elbow beside Jonathan. "Don't worry; this'll feel good." Jonathan was expecting Mack to go straight for his dick, but instead he leaned over and looked him in the eyes.

"I can tell things about you, man. You're like me, aren't you?"

"Uh,.. yeah, I guess..." He was starting to breathe faster, still uncertain of what was going to happen. Mack just grinned that sweet grin of his and leaned over slowly until his warm breath was coming directly onto Jonathan's mouth. Jonathan's mind lost control of all rational thought, and he parted his lips instinctively. Mack placed his red lips over Jonathan's, and for the first time felt the inside of the mouth of another boy. Jonathan's whole body shuddered in ecstasy as he felt Mack's sweet tongue probe into his depths. He reached up a hand and caressed his silky blond hair while his other hand traced the warmth of his torso. Mack, with a swimming head, sat up and ripped off his shirt, revealing a smooth, white, boyish chest that begged to be gently licked and kissed. He then quickly shed his pants, and proceeded to straddle Jonathan's midsection. Jonathan gasped at the sensation of Mack's hot, hairless crotch land on his stomach. He raised his hips without thinking, searching for somthing to rub his dick against, but Mack was sitting above it. Mack reached behind him and trapped Jonathan's cock against his own back. He then slowly stood up just enough to let Jonathan's cock snap back so that its head was just grazing the underside of Mack's tight, pink ballsack. He then re-lowered himself onto Jonathan, letting the surfaces of both thier immature dicks rub together in the process.

Jonathan thought he was about to explode. He had never thought anything could feel so good, having a warm, smooth young body pressed against his own, feeling it moving against him, feeling Mack's own heart pounding against his own chest, feeling his sweet boy-breath on his face...

Mack slid over and began to chew gently on the left side of Jonathan's neck, wondering at the delicate substance of his friend's hot flesh, and the squirming, horny body under his own. He then slid downward, tracing a line with his tongue down to his small left nipple, where he paused to swirl wet, warm circles around the sensitive tip, while his the fingers of his right hand played and pinched the other. Jonathan was tossing his head from side to side uselessly, caught up completely in these new and incredible feelings that this gorgeous pre-pubescent boy was giving him. His rigid cock was now pressed tightly against Mack's smooth, pliable stomach. Every time Mack took in a breath, Jonathan felt the sweet pressure on his dick increase deliciously, causing him to moan deep in his throat. The vibration of the sound coursed through both boy's highly sensitive bodies, causing both of them to shudder with delight, in turn causing more endless cylce of boyish lust.

Mack's mouth continued to slide downward until his tongue came in contact with Jonathan's throbbing penis. With one quick move, and with no warning, Mack took Jonathan's cock all the way into his mouth.

"Ohhhh, holy shit, that feels good....oh man, so warm and slippery, aaaahh..., how the fuck...unnhhh..." Jonathan started to babble and groan ridiculously as his hips unconsciously began to thrust his young dick in and out out Mack's hot mouth, matching Mack's downstrokes. His tempo and groaning increased, and his vision blurred so there were several hot, half naked thirteen-year-old boys sucking away at his four-inch cock. Soon he couldn't control himself anymore, and felt his entire body: young-muscled legs, small, tight butt, and boyish shoulders, tense spasmodically as his dick twitched uncontrollably in its first orgasm. Mack notiecd that it was totally dry, though; not a drop of cum came out of his throbbing cock. That was fine with him, however; it just meant he could keep going. So just when Jonathan thought he was about to relax, he felt Mack's mouth increase in suction and start bobbing up and down again. Amazingly, and as only boy of 12 or younger can do, Jonathan had two more successive orgasms before collapsing in exhaustion.

"So, was that fun?" Asked Mack mischievously.

"Holy shit," was all Jonathan could softly manage. "Why the hell didn't I figure that out before? Good grief, they should teach this stuff in school! How could anyone not want to feel like that?!?!?"

"I dunno. But it's my turn, now!" Mack, still horny as shit, had a five inch boner sticking out from his body, no longer covered by the clothes he had managed to shed while sukcing Jonathan's sweet young dick. The sight of it caused a new surge of passion to sweep through Jonathan's young frame. He leapt up and grabbed the kneeling Mack by the ass, and drew the head of his young succulent cock into his cute mouth, wondering at the salty/sweet taste. Mack made a noise deep in his throat, and collapsed backwards, taking Jonathan with him. Jonathan was imitating what Mack had done to him by swirling his hot, juicy tongue around the swollen head of Mack's slender cock. His fingers could tell that there was a hotter spot where his asshole was, so he dug a finger deeper into Mack's puckered crevice, pushing upward further every time Mack's hips thrusted backwards. Jonathan paused to lick Mack's hot, hairless balls every few strokes, eliciting the appropriate moans of pleasure from his young lover. Soon, Mack couldn't hold back any more, and shot three quick spurts of boycum into a suprised Jonathan's mouth. He almost didn't feel the successive tightening and releasing of Mack's warm, moist asshole around his finger. He thoughtfully swallowed, and decided that the taste wasn't too bad. It wasn't the thick, stringy cum of an adult, but the sweet, spermless jism that only 13-year-old balls can produce.

Both boys leaned back, exhausted. They could still feel the warmth of each other's bodies. They looked at each other, grinning, knowing that this would be the first of many such sessions. -------------------------------------------------- Comments?

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