Me and Isaac

By Roby Johnson

Published on Mar 25, 1999



Okay, this story is fan FICTION. Hints, it didn't happen. I have no idea about the sexual preferences of Isaac, Taylor, or Zac, and I don't care. I just have a fantasy, and an imagination, and I felt like putting it in writing. If you are under the legal age of reading m/m sex, then don't read. Otherwise, enjoy.

I was there. I was so there. All I wanted that summer was to go see Hanson, live in concert. Taking part in something I've only seen on videos and TV. My dream was to stand with a crowd of screaming fans, and join in. I was hoping that I could see them walking to and from places and that I would be able to see them, wave at them, and maybe even shake their hands. There was even that slight possibility that I would be lucky enough to go backstage, but that was near impossible, but, hey, anything's possible.I arrived at their concert, and I was overly excited. I had to park some distance away, so I walked as fast as I could to the gate. When I got there, I noticed that they were not open, so I decided to hang out and mingle with the other Hanson fans. I felt like the only guy there, but that didn't bother me one bit; however, it would have been nice if I could meet some other guy, preferably my age, to hang out with, and get to know. I looked around to see what was to buy. I so wanted the HUGE poster of Hanson to put in my room so I could stare at it and lust for my guy, Ike. Yes, I like Isaac Hanson. Almost all of my friends think he is the ugliest one, but I think he's one of the sexiest men alive, and he's only a year and two months younger than me, too, which was really stimulating. Not to mention, I love guys with beautiful long hair, and Ike's got it.After browsing a little, I noticed a lot of fans gathered at a fence screaming, and that usually means one thing: Hanson is in visual range, so I ran over to see, and there was a guy with a camera shooting the crowd. I managed to get in front so the camera could see me, and I started screaming with the rest of the fans. The camera man must have noticed I was the only guy there with Hanson T-shirt screaming for Hanson, so he decided to get a close up of me. I froze for like two seconds, then really let him have it with a scream for Hanson that was higher pitched than the other girls put together.After the camera guy left, I hung around the gate with other fans to see if Hanson would come out of the back door for moment. I met some cool girls, and we talked forever and a day about Hanson and our favorite one. We had the right combo: I liked Isaac, one liked Taylor, and the other liked Zac.

Someone hollered, "Get back!"

We all stepped back from the gate to let a big, muscled guy (no doubt a security guard) out. I watched him squeeze through the small opening of the gate, and come towards me.

"Were you the guy screaming at the camera a while ago?" he asked me with very deep, security guard type voice.

". . . . . . Yeah," I eventually said, shaking because I didn't know what was going on.

"Would you please come with me?" he more demanded than asked.

"Sure," I said, as I turned around to my new friends and shrugged as if to say, I had no idea what was going on. They returned the shrug, and I turned back to follow the guard. I followed him through the gate, and across the lot that lead to the back door of the backstage area. We walked up the wooden patio type stairs and through the door. He led me inside, and down the hall. More and more, I felt nervous and scared. What the hell was going on? I was just screaming my head off at the camera, and I didn't say anything, except a endless chant of Hanson. What did I do wrong?

He stopped in front of a door and knocked. He opened the door and motioned for me to enter. Looking very confused, I silently agreed by walking into the door. As I rounded the doorway, I looked the room over to find three guys. I forced my mind back to reality, because I couldn't believe that I was in the same room with Clarke Isaac Hanson, Jordan Taylor Hanson, and Zachary Walker Hanson. The group I know as Hanson.

After I few seconds of silence, Taylor motioned for the guard to leave. He complied, and closed the door behind him.

"Oh my gawd!" I said with much enthusiasm. I had the happiest look on face. My face become a permanent smile. I couldn't do a thing but stand there. I was a loss for words.

Isaac decided to speak up, "I'm sure you know who we are, but we have no idea who you are."

Wait a minute, Isaac said something. And he said it to me!

"Ummmmmm, yeah, well, uhhhhh," I tried to say something. "Yeah, I know who you are. My name is Roby."

"Just Roby?" Zac asked.

"No, I have a last name, it's [NOT GOING TO BE REVEALED TO READERS].

"Cool," Zac responded. "The camera guy showed us the footage he just got, and we were very inspired to see a guy your age . . . how old are you?"

"18," I said.

"Wow, you're older than Ike." Tay added.

"Only a year and two months," I said. I looked over to Ike, and saw him laugh. He was sitting on a love seat couch all alone. I looked over to Tay and he was in a chair, and Zac was on a stool.

Zac continued, "Anyway, a guy your age screaming at much louder level than the younger female fans."

"So, we asked the guards to go find you because we had to meet you, and let you know how much your kind of support is appreciated." Tay said.

"Well, I've been a fan ever since I watched ya'll in your MMMBop video. I thought it was so cool when I saw your ages, and your talent, so I did some background checking, and found out you even write your own songs, and that inspired me even more."

Isaac must have noticed I was still standing, "Here, sit down." He moved a pillow out of the way on the coach he was on, I took the message, and sat down next to him. Not too close, because the last thing I wanted was for them to know how I really like Isaac.

They asked me questions, and I answered them the best I could. The time just flew by, because someone came in and told them it was time to get ready. I hated that person, but I did get to meet them, and I knew it wouldn't last forever, so I got up and said my good-byes.

"Hey," Isaac said stopping me. "Why don't you sit in the front row, so you can watch us better, and I . . . I mean, WE can keep an eye you." He handed me a new ticket, and a backstage pass. "When the show is over, come back and hang out with us some more." He added.

"You bet!" I couldn't believe how excited I was that Isaac wanted me to sit up front! I sat in my seat, and the show began. I was so excited to be at the concert, not to mention in the front row, and that I had met Hanson, plus, I was going backstage to hang out with them after the concert. It was all really happening.

The concert was so fucking awesome. Isaac sang a song by himself that was so wonderful. His singing reminded me why I liked him the way I did. He looked at me several times during the concert, and even more during that song. I really began to melt when he did that, and I'm sure he saw it. I was kinda scared to go backstage considering I was soaking wet (yes, Zac got me with his watergun, and he wouldn't stop shooting me, too, plus, Isaac come by and throw water on me from his water bottle), and I was really being a flaming queer during the whole concert. I was more feminine than the females sitting around me.

The concert ended, and I went backstage as instructed, not knowing what to expect. As I walked in the door of their dressing room, they were stuffing their faces.

"Rob, come in and join us!" Tay said, so I sat down and grabbed some chips. I didn't even notice that I sat down next to Ike, until he said something.

"Did you like the concert?"

"Man, ya'll we so awesome, I loved it. A dream come true. I loved that song you sang from Boomerang, More than Anything.' I never heard it before, and I was so glad that you sang it tonight. I wish I had the first two CDs."

"Oh, that's no problem, remind us later, and we'll get you your own autographed copies." Tay said.

"Kick ass!" I said. "Ya'll really knew how to make someone feel at home."

"Bullshit," Ike said, "If we were good hosts, Zac would have gotten you towel since he's the one who soaked you."

Zac looked over, "Me? Ike, you're the one who wanted him all wet!"

Ike gave Zac the harshest look I've ever seen. "Go get him a towel so he can dry off, before he catches a cold."

Zac apparently said something to upset him, but I let it go by for the purpose of not wanting to cause anger in anyone, especially Ike.

"C'mere, I'll get you towel." Zac led me to the other room, and got me a towel.

I decided to take this opportunity and ask what happened back there.

"Hey, Zac, what happened back there?"

"I shouldn't say anything."

"No, please tell me. Is Ike mad at you?"

"He might be now, but don't worry about it."

"I wanna help, what's going on? I hate to see Ike like this."

"You really care about him, don't you?."

I looked at him and nodded.

"Okay, but don't tell him I told you, because he will kill me."

"I promise."

"Okay, the real reason we wanted you back here was because Isaac thought you were really cute on that tape, and he wanted to see you in person. He asked me to soak you, so he could see you wet. He really does like you, and we've noticed how happy he was all the time tonight."

I had to step back and breathe. I couldn't believe that the Isaac Hanson thought I was cute, not only cute, but really cute! I made him happy, and he wanted to see me wet.

After a moment of silence, Zac said, "Are you ready to go back, or do you want to leave?"

"Huh?" I was still in shock. "Oh, no let's go back. I'm glad you told me."

"You're not disappointed or anything?"

"No, on the contrary, I am very happy and excited."


"Yeah, I really like Ike. Ever since I saw him on MMMBop, and then heard him sing on Three Car Garage I really melted away. Then to hear him sing tonight, just sent me to cloud nine, and after what you told me, I can't even explain how I feel."

"Cool, I want you and Ike to get to know each other, so I'm gonna get Tay out of there, so you two can be alone."

"Thanks, Zac, you're the best." I walked back in the room. Tay and Ike were finished eating. Isaac looked at me when I came in, and smiled. Zac stayed behind. As I walked in, Zac hollered for Tay to come the other room with him. I jumped when he did that.

"You okay?" Tay asked as he walked by, and hollered back, "What?!" I jumped again.

"You're really jumpy, aren't you?" Ike laughingly asked.

"Yeah, well, who can blame me? I'm hanging out the my favorite band." I sat down next to him, and there was complete silence. It was real awkward, I'm sure, for both of us. I really wanted to throw myself on him, and kiss him very passionately, but I couldn't. Even after what Zac told me, that would be a logical thing to do, but I just couldn't do it. Why?

I looked down and noticed Isaac's hand laying on the couch next to me. He had his ring on, so I used that as an excuse to pick up his hand.

"That's a cool ring. I always wanted to tell you that." I felt kinda stupid saying that and leaving it. I didn't let go of his hand. I put it back down on the couch, but didn't let go. I just keep mine on his.

"Thanks, I've had it forever." He sort of said.

He didn't do anything, but my hand was still on his, so I decided to feel his hand with mine. He looked down at his hand, and didn't pull away. I just keep my eyes on his, and then he looked right at me.

"Isaac, I really do like you a lot. I have for a long time. I have these dreams all the time about the two of us being together, and doing things together. I know I don't know you at all, but I want to get to know you." My eyes never left his, and he looked at me and smiled. I noticed that his hand was reacting to mine, and he began to caress my hand, and we did that for about a minute before we looked at each other.

"Roby, I don't know you at all either, but I do know that I like you. Not as long as you've liked me apparently, but I know I like you and I have thought about you all night. I'm very attracted to you. I want to get to know you, too."

I lifted my other hand and caressed his smooth, slightly stubbled cheeks. I was in heaven. My dick was hard as a rock, I'm sure it was very noticeable considering I was still a little damp. He looked down at our hands, then back up at me, and I leaned forward to kiss him. He adjusted his head to meet me and our lips met. I moved my body closer to his. I took my hand that was caressing his, and wrapped it around him, as I felt his tongue enter my mouth and find my mine.

I could've made out with this hunk of a musician all night long, but I was way too horny to just stop at kissing. Isaac's tongue was swimming in my mouth, as my mind was swimming with lust for this guy. I wrapped my whole body around his, and held on tight. Damn, this guy could kiss. He wrapped his arms around me and caressed my back. I ran my fingers through his long, sandy-blonde hair.

Both of us were so caught up in the moment that we didn't notice Tay and Zac had walked in.

Tay cleared his throat, and me and Ike both jumped, and separated. I was relieved, but still a little apprehensive, to see that it was Tay and Zac.

Tay spoke up, "I'm glad to see you guys have gotten to know each other, and I hate breaking you two up, but we do have to get going."

"Sorry guys, I know how much this means to you Roby, but we do have to go. I wish there was something we could do."

Isaac got up and walked over to the guys, and they huddle together like a football team. I was waiting for Zac to peak up. . . he did. I giggled. He can really crack me up sometimes. When they broke, Isaac come over to me and sat on lap. "How would like to come with us for the rest of the tour?"

My mouth was wide open and Ike shut it for me. I laughed and said, "Is that a trick question? Of course I will, if that's you want."

He kissed me for a few seconds, and then said, "I want you to come us so we can spend time with each other, and get to know each other."

I returned the kiss he gave me, and then I looked at the other guys and noticed Zac, pretended to gag himself. "Are you guys sure it's okay?"

Tay said, "Yeah, me and Zac we're talking in the other room, and we want our brother to happy, and you seem to make him very happy."

"He makes me very happy." I replied.

"So, it's set, let's go," Zac said, "We have to pack up, and get out of here. You know the fans are waiting at the gate for us to leave."

Ike got up, "C'mon, you can help us."

"Okay," I said. I got up and followed them out the door.

After a half hour of packing equipment, and luggage, we all got in the bus, and I looked around the inside of it. I walked past the set of beds in the side. They were really small and enclosed. Thank God I didn't have claustrophobia. I walked into the area with a TV and their Nintendo 64 was sitting on small table in the center. There was a couch surrounding the wall. I looked at the table again, and I noticed something that I didn't notice before: there were roses on the table. I didn't know who they were for, but my curious little mind took over, and I peaked at the card.

"To Roby:"

My mouth dropped to the ground, and I picked up the card to open it.

"Beautiful roses for a beautiful rose like you. I can't wait to see what the future has in store for us. Isaac."

I almost started crying. I couldn't believe that he got me roses, and the card was so sweet. And, he spelled my name right. I had to sit down. This was way too much.

The bus started moving, and we were off to the next city on the tour. Isaac, Taylor, and Zac, remained up front to wave at the screaming fans outside. After a while we were on the interstate heading towards our destination.

Ike came in and saw me sitting down on the couch, and apparently saw my emotional state.

"What's wrong?" he asked as he closed the curtain.

"Nothing's wrong. Everything's right. You have really touched my heart tonight. The roses, the card, and you spelled my name right."

He sat down next to me, and took my hand. "It's nothing compared to what you've given me. I gave the best performance tonight cause I knew I was performing for someone special. I've been down a lot, but you've brought me back up, with your enthusiasm for me and the rest of the group. And when we kissed . . . I can't even begin to explain how that kiss made me feel. I want to make you as happy as you've made me."

I sat for a second to take in all that he told me. "Isaac, you are too good to me. I don't deserve this. I don't deserve you. I shouldn't even be here, but something in my heart told me not to let you go. When I saw the roses, I didn't even think they were for me. I mean we just met, and you got me these beautiful roses, with a very touching card. This is our first night together, and I want it to be very special, and now I know it will be because you are special to me, and to hear you say that I mean the same really sends my heart into a frenzy."

I looked in his beautiful brown eyes, and I couldn't help but kiss him. I got as close as I could to him and wrapped my legs around his body, as we passionately kissed. Our tongues meet and swam around with each other in our mouths. As I pressed against him, I noticed his incredible hard-on, and I'm sure he felt mine.

Our lips parted, and he started kissing my neck. I leaned my head back and started breathing real hard. I was in complete ecstasy. My mind keep telling me I was dreaming. There was no way that Isaac Hanson was kissing me very passionately. My dick, however, believed every moment.

I ran my hands up inside his shirt, and caressed his smooth back. My fingers ran up and his spine. He stopped kissing my neck. With his lips free, I kissed him and we stayed locked for a while. I released, and moved my hands from the his back to his chest while still inside his shirt. I could feel his incredible smooth chest with some definition. The boy must work out. He just sort of watched my hands, and I watched him. His face was completely taken over by ecstasy, and I made my way down to his stomach. He had some hair on his stomach, and when I felt that, I nearly came. He had just the right amount. I needed to see this hunk, so I lifted his shirt, which he complied by raising his arms, and I lifted his shirt off of body, and dropped it on the floor. I took a moment to look over this sexy body. It didn't take me long to put my hands back to work. He was defined perfectly, and he had a very sexy tan to his skin. My hands moved up to his face and I caressed his face before I leaned over to kiss him.

Lips still together, Isaac ran his hands up my shirt as I did with his, and neither of us wasted any time getting my shirt off. He glanced at my smooth chest and semi-hairy stomach. I wasn't as defined as Isaac, but he didn't care. He leaned down and kissed my chest. He started kissing one of my nipples, and my body tensed up. He did it so well. He stopped, and came up to meet my lips with his. While we kissed, I laid back on the couch with him on top of me. I wrapped my arms his body. Our bodies rubbed together, and I really wanted to get his pants off. Before I had another thought about it, he started kissing down my body to my crouch. He stopped just short of my pants, then he undid my button. He followed by unzipping them, and I lifted up so he could pull them down. With one pull I was completely naked, and hard. My 7.5 inch dick pointed straight up for him. He stared for a moment, then he inhaled it. He went all the way down. I so awe struck by him, my body became stiff as a board. He sucked on it, and kissed all over it. He licked up and down my shaft, then went down to my balls, and he sent a vibe of pleasure straight to my head, and moaned softly. He stopped, crawled up to my face, and kissed me.

He pulled away and laid back on the other side of the couch. I followed him and positioned myself in between his legs, on top of him. I went straight for his mouth and kissed him. After a few seconds, I traveled down his chest, kissing and licking his smooth skin. When I got down to his hairy stomach, I ran my tongue through it. I felt his body tense up, and he inhaled a hissing a breath. I decided it was time to reveal Ike's treasure. I unbuttoned his pants and unzipped them. As I did before, he lifted his body up so I could remove his pants, and I more or less threw them off of him and on to the floor. I looked over Isaac's naked body, and couldn't wait any longer to touch it. My hands ran all over his chest and made their way, eventually, down his stomach to his very hard dick. I played with it for a while before I took it in my mouth. I went down on all seven inches, which made his body tense up again. I sucked his beautiful dick, it seemed, forever before I licked his head, and down the shaft to his balls. I moved up to his face and kissed him. We kissed for a long time.

I decided it was time for Isaac to be on top, so I leaned back down over to my side of couch, and he followed. Now, he was on top of me.

"Isaac," I said softly,

He looked in my eyes.

"I want you to fuck me." He didn't say a word. He just lifted my legs and rested them on his shoulders. He spit on his hand and rubbed that on his dick and my waiting ass-hole. He came down to kiss me before putting his dick inside me.

"I don't wanna hurt you," he said. "Tell me if it starts to hurt."

"Okay," was all I could say.

He took his hand and guided his dick inside my ass, and I could feel the insertion. I gasped in pleasure (with a slight pain, but it soon passed).

"You okay?" he asked.

"I'm fine." I said. He slid the rest of his dick in and got it all the way in. He stopped for a second to allow me to get used to it. He, then, started slowly pumping. I closed my eyes and cocked my head back. His dick felt so good up my ass, I couldn't get over how gentle he was. My breathing began to get more rapid. I opened my eyes to look at his face. I saw the expression of absolute sexual pleasure. He started thrusting faster, and as he did, some of his hair fell in front of his face. He took his hand and started jerking my dick. I don't know what felt better, him fucking me, or his hand jerking my dick. I was getting real close to cumming. He was thrusting as fast as he could and I could tell he was getting close, too. After a minute, or two, I started breathing and moaning very rapidly. He jerked my dick faster and faster as streams of cum came out. I shot all over his hand, and myself. My orgasm seem to be enough to cum because he took his dick out and jerked the cum all over my stomach and chest.

Both of us panting, he laid down on me, and we caught our breaths. He got up and walked over to small cubbie hole to get a towel. He throw it to me and I cleaned myself off, and gave the towel back to him. He cleaned himself, and sat down on the couch. I sat up next to him.

Isaac, that was so fucking amazing."

"I know, you are so incredible," he said as he looked at my body, and then kissed me.

I laid back and stared at him for a while. He noticed.

"What?" he asked.

"Nothing. It's just I was thinking that if I was dreaming, I don't wanna wake up."

He crawled over on top of me and said, "You're not dreaming."

"Thank God," I said, as I kissed him very passionately.

To be continued . . .

For any comments that you have, or any suggestions to make it better, please E-mail me at

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