Med School Exams

By if.tenep.nona@121642na

Published on Jul 19, 1995



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This story is totally fictionals, but could have happened. I am a new writer and want to thank others for the "literature" they presented on the net. If it offends anyone - don't read it.

Medical School Exams

It was the beginning of the first year of medical school and we were all getting accustomed to classes and the incredible work load. I was used to working hard, as I spent almost all of college studying so that I could get into a medical school. I didn't date and I didn't have any girlfriends, but it was worth it because I got into the school I wanted, to achieve a life long dream. I always felt like I was missing out on something, but I figured that eventually everything would work out.

The school wanted to introduce students to patient care as soon as possible, so courses in physical diagnosis were started at the beginning of the year. It was tough because we were learning about disease, anatomy and we were trying to put it all together treating real people. First we had to learn basic techniques.

The class was broken up into laboratory groups and within each lab group we were divided into smaller groups of six. As the course in physical diagnosis progressed, we started with the ears and eyes and worked down. We examined each other because it was convenient and certainly no one would be more tolerant of inexperienced technique than another student. This was fine as we all we working very hard together and became good friends. I must have had my blood pressure taken twenty times, heart and lung sounds listened to daily, eyes and ears examined and probed, and abdomen pushed and prodded by everyone in the group at least a dozen times. We did this to each other so that we could practice and no look like an idiot the first time we saw a real patient. I knew what was coming and I was too busy to think about it. Shortly before Thanksgiving, we got to the male genitalia part of the exam and I wondered how it was going to be taught. When we got to our lab, the head of Urology came in and told us that he was going to teach that section of the curriculum. He was an intimidating old fellow with a white beard and mustache. He had reputation as a world class surgeon and everyone was in awe of him. He looked like a cross between Colonel Sanders and General Schwartzkopf. He entered the lab and said, "I am going to teach you boys everything you need to know - the old fashioned way. Pair up, and I hope that no one here is too modest".

We immediately paired up as he had said. He turned to the young man closest to him, "Phil", and told him to drop his pants and underpants so that he would demonstrate an examination. Phil's face turned red, but he did what he was told to do, and the doc proceded to demonstrate how to palpate testicles, check for hernias and other abnormalities and signs of disease. Phil was in obvious discomfort, but the doc proceded quickly and was totally oblivious to Phil's mental distress. He examined him with the casualness one would examine a fruit in a grocery store. After thirty years of doing this, the procedure was was routine and it did not bother him that his student might be uncomfortable. After he was finished his demonstration, he told each us to do the same with our partner. Slowly you could hear the sound of belts being opened and pants being dropped. There was tension in the air and we all resolved to get through this as best we could. My partner volunteered to be examined first. He laughed nervously and said that he was a swimmer in college and did not mind being naked in a group. I sat on a stool in front of him with his penis at my eye level. As gently as I could, I retracted the foreskin, checked the urethra, felt along the cords, and rolled each testicle to feel for lumps. He seemed normal enough and I was trying to hide the fact that I had become hard as a rock. When I stuck my finger into his sac to feel for a hernia he winced with pain. The old doc saw this and said "son let me show you how to do that" and came over to demonstrate the technique. He took my hand in his and put my finger in the proper place and said "cough". "See, that is all you have to do!" With a pat on the butt, he said "pull up the pants and we can get on to the next part". At that point we we were ready for the last part of the examination which would be the prostate. Unfortunately he was standing next to me and told me to bend over the table so that he could show the others the technique. I started to protest, but I knew it would be of no help. I turned towards the examining table and dropped the pants trying to retain as much dignity as possible. Within seconds I could feel the KY being spread and him twisting and probing with his finger. When he finished my partner got to do the same. The old doc observed my partners timid technique and took his hand with his own and two index fingers were pushed in simultaneously. "Does that hurt boy?" the old doc asked? I did not know whether to say yes or no because I did not want them pushing any further. Finally the examination was over and I was so rattled by the experience, I deferred on examining my partner. When the lab was over, I went straight to my dorm room with a very sore bottom, but at the same time with a strange sensation that I had never experienced before.

My room mate Ben was there stretched out on his bed. He was in the same year as I, but in a different lab. He had the same "lesson", but earlier in the day. He asked how it went and I told him that I did not like being the patient. Throughout the year, after a lab, we would practice whatever technique we learned on each other. He laughed when I told him that my prostate got a double digit dose, and nodded to the gloves and KY on the desk. I told him that I did not want to practice this exercise, but he insisted and asked me if I had anything to hide...I turned red and explained that I had never been examined and that I was embarrassed about a problem in "that" department. This got Ben's curiousity and he insisted that I comply with the exam. He wanted to check me out - particularly if there was something unusual. I removed my pants and underpants, hoping that he would change his mind, or that there would be a fire alarm in the dorm. When I finally removed the last layer, I stood before him naked with a very normal appearing cock and sac, but in miniature. Actually, I looked like a boy of about fourteen - even though I was twenty two. I was relieved that he had finally "seen" me as I had always been very protective of my modesty - which is tough in a small dorm room. He was very kind and tried to act as professional as he could, but I could see a reaction in his own pants. I sat up on a desk, with legs spread and with a strong light he probed every crevice with his fingers. He was very gentle and felt each part of my anatomy. He rolled each testicle between his fingers and ran them up and down the cord. He spread the opening and touched the precum. By then, I was almost hard (about four inches for me) and he said that the last test would be to see if it works. It was fine with me because I knew that he was going to be the next examinee. He put me on my back and carefully stroked me while rubbing my anus with his other hand. I had never had this kind of attention before and all the sensations were new. Within seconds, I came with copious quanitities of semen which spurted in the air. We collected some of the semen to take to the lab. I cleaned up and told him that it was my turn to be doc.

He said "fine" and within seconds we were both standing stark naked in the room. He sat up on the desk and I had the opportunity to examine his massive erect organ. I did everything he did to me and I was envious of his tool. After I was done, he remarked to me that he forgot to do the last part of the exam on me and that it was not fair to switch roles until the whole exam was done. I rolled my eyes and turned around to bend over the desk. My anus was still loose and lubricated from earlier. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain and then a full feeling. I could not imagine what he put in there until I could feel his legs touching the back of mine. He wispered in my ear "you might as well relax and enjoy it. Soon you will have an opportunity to use your little tickler on me. In a moment, I could feel his cock spurting its contents into me and I knew that life would never be the same again for me. I came just in anticipation of where my cock was going to be in a few minutes.

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