Missed Shower

By Glen Williams

Published on Jun 17, 2004



This story is fiction, I made it up. It reflects nothing on real people and any similarities to events involving people living or dead is unintentional. The story itself involves sexual acts between two legally aged teen boys and involves raunchy elements throughout. If you are not of legal age to read this story in your area, don't. If you are, have fun and let me know what you think psycho_syndrome@hotmail.com

The stink permeated the room. It was the true smell of a real man. Having been stuck in the sweltering summer heat all day, Ben knew that there was no way the smell was coming from anywhere but him. It was so tangy and nasty; he really wished he'd taken a shower that morning. If only the alarm had gone off like it was supposed to instead of there being a power cut that shorted it. Instead, he'd gotten up late for work when his mum called him and had to run out of the house without showering since Saturday afternoon after his under 21's hockey match. It was now Monday evening. Feeling slightly uneasy because of the look the old woman sat next to him on the bus was giving him, Ben decided the easiest thing to do would be to just get off the bus early and walk the rest of the way home. He pushed the button on the bus, alerting the bus driver that he wished to get off. Pulling in about ten stops from Ben's home, Ben ducked his head as he got off the bus, knowing that the rest of the people on the bus were probably thankful for his decision and set off across the park, thinking that it was probably the quickest route home. As Ben came round the corner behind his old junior school and the rest off the park, he noticed a group of three sat in the small children's playground. He couldn't make out who they were from the distance but as he got closer he recognised Aaron, an old friend of his from school, although they hadn't actually spoken since the last day (now three years ago) and Scott, a guy he knew from a rival hockey team. He didn't know, or at least recognise the other guy. Knowing how he smelt, Ben decided to keep some distance as he passed. Aaron was bored; sitting in the park with some cider was all right when they were 15, but now they were 19 couldn't they just go to the pub? Well, the simple answer to that was yes, but no. It was all Scott's fault, on that stupid night the other week when he'd got far to drunk and got them barred from the local. Sure, they could go somewhere else, but for one it was too hot and for another it just required effort and the other two kept saying they had none. That was another thing that was annoying Aaron. Scott and him had become close friends in the past year or two, having gone to the same college, but now they were slowly drifting thanks to Scott's new mate Steve, who had moved in next door to him. It wasn't that Aaron didn't like Steve; it was just that he was a bit jealous of him. Scott and Steve had become really good friends in such a short space of time that he was finding himself feeling a bit superseded. Turning to look away from the two, Aaron saw his old friend Ben in the distance, feeling the need to even the odds, Aaron waved at his friend, hoping he'd recognise him after so long. Damn it' thought Ben as he saw Aaron waving at him, now he'd have to go over, else it would just look rude. Walking over, Ben tried to keep downwind of the three guys as he was acknowledged by Scott and introduced to Steve. Aaron asked Ben to sit down and talk with them, but Ben just felt embarrassed and decided to just explain why he was being a bit evasive. The three guys admitted they had noticed but just didn't want to say anything. Ben excused himself and started walking the rest of the way home, but Aaron had had an idea and called after him "hey mate, why don't you just nip in my house, you can use our shower and I'll lend you another shirt, that way you can stay out with us and we can catch up." This seemed like a bit of a strange suggestion to Ben, but at the same time, he didn't see and harm in it and agreed. Aaron told Scott and Steve to wait and that they'd be back in about half an hour. The two guys walked toward Aaron's house, which was literally two minutes from the little playground. As they did, the smell of Ben's body hung between them and Aaron was doing everything he could not to get excited because of it. That was the real reason Steve angered him, because he was jealous that Steve and Scott were getting so close when in truth, he had a huge crush on Scott. Ben however, was an old friend that he had liked at school that he was now hoping that he might get to know again, you know, just in case. Aaron also had a secondary secret, he was excited by how guys smelled. It didn't matter whether it was a good smell like that of deodorant or aftershave or whether it was the nastier raunchier smell of unwashed man, he just liked the smell of a guys body, and Ben's body smelt. Leading him into his house, Aaron told Ben to go upstairs while he sorted him some towels. Ben said cheers' and went on up the stairs, not knowing that Aaron's eyes were following his arse as he moved. Waiting a few moments longer, Aaron grabbed some towels and went upstairs, just in time to catch Ben coming out of Aaron's room, naked, and heading for the bathroom. Ben might not have even noticed if not for the audible sharp intake of breath Aaron took. As the two made eye contact, Ben felt bloody embarrassed, his mate seeing him naked and surly being able to smell his body, but Ben was also surprised to find that Aaron wasn't moving, wasn't looking away and was, in fact, coming further up the stairs. Froze in place by his embarrassment, Ben just stood stock still and Aaron came ever closer. Suddenly springing to life, Ben moved his hands to hide his cock and balls and nervously laughed to try and break the moment. Aaron looked his mate over, and then began to sniff at the air. God man, you really do stink' Aaron laughed at his friend, making Ben blush and certainly not easing the tension. Stopping his laughing, Aaron continued, actually, as far as I'm concerned mate, you smell great.' Ben froze for the second time in 2 minutes, not quite understanding what Aaron was saying. `Yeah, just loving your stink, I'm so glad you walked past today.' Ben was beginning to get a bit frightened now, he didn't get what was going on, but that soon changed as Aaron finally reached him and put his hand on his chest, moving his hand down over Ben's naked body, tracing his fingers down towards where Ben's own hand was covering his groin. Ben suddenly snapped to life and pushed at Aaron, knocking him down, he followed Aaron toward the floor and knelt over him, grabbing him by the head and shouting at him for doing shit like that. Placing Aaron in a head lock, Ben was surprised beyond belief to feel Aaron begin to lick at his armpit, where his head was caught. Knowing full well that his armpits stank of his sweat, Ben was left again in a kinda daze as he tried to figure out what was going on. His arm moved by Aaron's, Ben felt his arm lifted above his head and Aaron really began to go to work licking and kissing his armpit. Confused as he was, Ben was taken by complete surprise when Aaron ducked his head out from his pit and kissed Ben full on, slipping his tongue inside. Ben didn't know what to do, but something inside him clicked and he lost himself to the kiss, it just felt so good, so warm, and so nice that he had to have it go on. Aaron however had other ideas, breaking the kiss, he moved quickly, not knowing how far he might get before Ben stopped him. Dropping to his knees he moved Ben's hand and quickly engulfed the whole of Ben's cock in one go, taking it to his balls and washing the dirty sweaty cock with his tongue. As it grew, Aaron moved his head with it, bobbing up and down and paying special attention to the head of Ben's cock, drinking down and playing with the precum that oozed from the tip. Ben couldn't believe his luck, he was getting a fucking good blow job and he was feeling great for it. It didn't matter it was from a bloke, all that mattered at the moment was that he was getting his rocks off. Aaron decided things needed to go further, as much as he loved nursing the nice thick cock in his mouth, he wanted more and he reckoned Ben was up for it. Standing up, he told Ben to watch as he began to slowly strip his clothes. Starting with his t-shirt, he slipped it up and off his chest, showing to Ben his thin upper body and erect nipples. Next he moved his hand down to the waistband of his Adidas tracksuit trousers, which did little to emphasise his rampant cock, which was clearly bulging out the front of them and the Calvin Klein underwear, of which the waistband was visible. Slipping his hand inside these, it was hard to tell if he was doing anything special or just doing what came naturally for the scally rude boy that he was. Yet, as he pushed his trousers and pants down using his hand, it was clear he intended to be as naked as Ben. Giving his cock a few tugs as it came into view, Aaron turned around and bent over. It suddenly dawned on Ben what was wanted and it decided that he was up for it, his cock certainly was anyway. Moving forward, Aaron grabbed hold of his cock and moved it toward his hole, slipping the head inside his teen boy pussy. Aaron was in slight pain from his self inflicted intrusion, but certainly felt a lot more as Ben shunted forward, slipping more cock in to Aaron's sweet ass. The two boys however soon found a rhythm and were pumping away, as Ben shoved his cock into Aaron, he found Aaron moving his own body toward him, so that his cock went even further inside. The two were soon groaning and moaning in their lust, with Ben sweating profusely, his stinky body moving all over Aaron, drenching him and now mixing with his friend's own sweat. As Aaron moved his head and stuck it once again into Ben's armpit, he shot his cum all over the place, groaning in pleasure as his head was encased in Ben smell and his prostate was banged by Ben cock. The orgasm that shook through his body caused his ass muscles to contract and massage Ben's cock, causing Ben to shoot his spunk deep inside his friend. The two teens collapsed on to each other, sweating all over. Ben withdrew his cock and the reality of the situation hit him as he looked down to see Aaron's ass dripping with his spunk and his cock slightly streaked with shit. Aaron noticed this and immediately changed his position, taking the dirty smelly cock into his mouth and cleaning the arse juices from it, causing it to swell up and drip a few remaining spunky droplets into Aaron's mouth. Letting the cock slip from his mouth, Aaron stood and told Ben to go take his shower, because he still stank, then smiled a real shit eating grin and went back downstairs. Ben walked into the bathroom, a little shocked but quite glad he missed his shower this morning and had to get off that bus early. However, what neither of the boys realised was that the house was not quite empty. Sat in his room further along the corridor, Aaron's brother Neil had sat silently watching and wanking as his brother got fucked by Ben, former captain of his school hockey team and one of Neil's heroes and secret fantasies.

To be Continued....?

Email me and let me know, cheers for reading psycho_syndrom@hotmail.com

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