M/m, cons, whatever else, high school


Published on Dec 18, 1994



Newsgroups: alt.cosuard,alt.sex.motss,alt.sex.stories Followup-To: alt.sex.stories.d,alt.cosuard

Attention cosuarders: More gay stuff. If this squicks you, read no further.

Attention archivers: This goes in the high school directory, along with my other story, Object. Got it?

One last thing: This story is written more with a bemused sense of humor. "Object" was a story written with desperate need.

Oh, and "Everything Counts" by Depeche Mode is on the radio right now.


Oh hey, this story has guys in it. If you don't like that, como se dice tough shit. You're the one with the problem, not me. If you like this story, read alt.cosuard. If'n ya don't, don't. alt.sex.stories is for stories. alt.sex.stories.d is for discussion. That means you dumbasses on AOL too. Oh, and if you don't like my opinions, that's too bad too. Now on with the story... m/m, both 18 or under, high school. Oh, and if you are under 18, read this. Welcome to the net, where anarchy is strictly enforced.

It was a typical Denton day: boring. Not much fun either. The fact that I had to go to school didn't make it any more exciting. At least I had Theater Arts and could slack for a while. We were supposed to be practicing presentations for a semester grade, but the teacher had been sick, so...

I sit down in my chair, one of two seniors in my class. Commence slack! Whoohaa, this should be good. I listen to the the sophomores near me talk on and on at length about the football team. I interject only occasionally with my relevant opinions. That is, until the topic turns to Jed. Now Jed... Jed's a friend of mine. Well, I call him a friend. But I call a lot of people friends. He lived on my street for a while. It's a funny story about how we met. But that's not the story at hand. I'd had a crush on Jed for a while. He wasn't terribly sophisticated, and his table manners were simply atrocious, but he had a smile that could light a black hole. And his body... well, apparently he benched the most of the entire team, and he spends a lot of time working out. So I'm shallow.

"Man, I swear Jed can lift!"

"Jed's cool."

"Hey Andrew, is Jed gay?"


"I mean he looks gay..."

"Jed is not gay to my knowledge. Man, I wish!"

So I never got the chance to beat him over the head for the looking gay part. I certainly don't look gay, and I don't think Jed does either. And what the hell would a gay look like, anyway? There I go, rambling again. Well, I pretty much thought that was the end of it.

"Hey Jed."

"Hey Andrew, come here for a sec."

"What's up, Jed?"

"I heard some of those little sophomores were talking about me in Theater and you stuck up for me."

"Yeah, well those little twits don't know jack shit. They were mouthing off, and I figured I should put 'em back in line. They talk about Niles a lot too. No big deal."

"Hey, what are you doing Saturday night?"

That was odd. Jed was a bit of a homebody, and like I had said, we weren't exactly close friends, so this put me off a bit.

"Nothing that I know of, I guess I was probably gonna go up to Fry..."

"There's something at my house I wanna show you, so come on by, okay?"

He gave me the address and was on his way back to class. What the hell happened? I asked myself again and still no answer. Oh well. On to the next boring class.

Days passed like so much nothing, and I ended up on Fry Street Saturday night, hanging out with my friends.

"What's going on, Andrew?"

"Not a damn thing. OH FUCK! I just remembered I have to be somewhere! Dang."

I dash off and run for the car, mouthing a silent prayer that there be no more damage incurred to it this evening. Insurance rates are high enough as is. I drive off in search of Jed's house, leaving a group of confused friends. Nothing too unusual, they do it too.

"Hey Andrew, thought you'd forgotten about it."

"Uh, nah..." So I lied! I was only a few minutes late anyway.

"So what's this all about, Jed?" I asked, figuring he'd bought a computer or something, since I have this reputation for computers at my school. Another boring night of teaching someone how to use one. No big deal.

There was something strange about the place, but I couldn't put my finger on it at first. "Did you really say you wished I was gay, Andrew?" DING DING DING! First thought: Oh am I in deep shit. Jed sort of knew I was gay. Well hell, the whole school knew, I thought. I knew it came out at a party I took him to one time and he had asked one of my friends because he didn't believe it. But that didn't prevent me from expecting to get the shit beat out of me. And while I fight dirty in cases of necessity, I pretty much figured I was out of luck since he had 2 inches and at least 50 pounds on me. Not to mention muscles the size of my head.

"Uh, no?" It's worth a shot, I figured.

"That's not what Smokey told me."

"Uh, Smokey lied?"

"I don't think so. Not in the varsity locker room."

I almost laughed at that one, but the situation was too tense.

"Okay, maybe I did. Doesn't mean you are or anything, I just kinda think you're hot is all MMPH."

He had grabbed me, forcing my face onto his lips, kissing me like a man drowning in an ocean. I was sort of drowning myself, for various reasons.

Finally I figured I should bring a quick end to this and put my hands on the side of his head and pulled him off me. "Uh, Jed?"

"I've always wondered what that would be like. Better than I thought." he grinned coyly.

"Uh, Jed?"


"Uh, Jed?"

"I've been kind of curious for a while what sex with another guy would be like." That explains the fitness magazines that lay on the floor dog-eared the last time I had been in his room.

"Uh, Jed." I sighed. Yeesh, this was better than I had expected, myself.


I regripped the side of his head and brought him back to my face for another kiss. Entangled for a moment, then parted. "Jed, would you like to hear the truth? All of it?"

"Yeah, I would."

"Well, I want to spend my life with my head in between your legs. I want to have your children, that sort of thing." I said, and chuckled.

He laughed. "Deal."

A resumed kiss, less frantic than before, but just as passionate. He trailed his hands down the side of my head, down the side of my body, and around, pressed our bodies together. Coming up for air, I smiled. "I like a man who's forward."

"It gets better."

"I hope so." I exhaled, and began a quick trip down his body. "I love you, Jed. Do you understand?"

"Yes, yes I do."

I undid his fly. "Really?"


"You're not just saying that to get me to blow you, are you?" I queried, tugging his underwear forward and down. I was presented with a view I'd only dreamt of, alone at night. Finally, it was mine.

"No. I mean it, damn it. Now blow me."

"Okay, okay." I held his penis in my hands. It's amazing how something so... not insignificant. That's not the right word. Unimportant? It's amazing how something so seemingly unimportant can mean so much. Trivialized by society, perhaps.

I made a tenuous approach. Could this really be happening? It was.

I took his penis in my mouth slowly, much to his pleasure. He sighed as I bobbed my head up and down on his staff. I rubbed my hands over his chest, dimly aware that this body could quite possibly be mine.

Finally I owned a man I had wanted. I gave him the best blowjob I had ever even thought of giving, all the while running my hands over him, feeling his rock hard pecs, his beautiful nipples.

All too soon, it was over. The more I thought about it, the more it occurred to me he probably just wanted to bust a nut and walk away. Another hit and run love, not unlike my driving record. I held him in my mouth and swallowed. I loved him.

Then I let off and sat down. Laid back. Waited for the inevitable. ("See you later.", "Don't tell anyone this happened.", "I'm too tired to do anything else.", etc.)

Then I noticed his hands running up my thighs, undoing my pants. "But I thought -- ?"

"Think less." he said, a devilish grin on his face.

So I did.

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