Morning walks

By redwheels

Published on Mar 7, 2002



Gay Male / College / Morning walks

Scene 1

Sunday morning in the dorms. I got my robe on and took my bathroom stuff down the silent hall. After shaving, showering, shampooing, and rinsing, I dried off and went to my room to get dressed. Since I was shy, sober, and liked sleeping, I was usually the only one up before 6. Today was different.

"Hi James."

I turned to see him in his turquoise/black robe walking my way.

"Morning." I didn't know his name. He had been saying Hi to me all year, but we didn't have any classes together. He lived on the other side of our floor too.

"What is your name anyway?", I asked, feeling friendly.

He smiled and said "Geoffrey. What are doing up so early?" His clear voice sounded pleasant in the empty hall.

"I like to take a sunrise walk after breakfast. I've never seen you up this early before."

"Yeah, well..." He was clearly thinking of something to say. "I was awake anyway and thought I might as well get the day started."

Geoffrey was 5' 9", lean, and attractive. His golden forward-combed crewcut was shorter than my simple blow-dried to stand up in front 3/4" dark blond hair. I liked that he said Hi to me, but I didn't know if there was a good way to tell people I was gay, or to ask others if they were. I didn't think people wanted to know, so I played it safe.

"Well, see ya later. Good to finally know your name Geoffrey."

"Okay James. Later."

Scene 2

I was having cereal alone in the dining hall when he walked in. He looked over, briefly raised his eyebrows, and waved.

I waved back. Please God don't let him be straight! Not that I was desperate for a boyfriend, but the last thing I needed was to mask my true self away for the millionth time.

Geoffrey came over and set his tray down across from me.

"And how're the Cocoa Krispies today?", he asked.

"Good." Great... another monosyllabic conversational dead end.

"Just good?" He looked me in the eyes to get a more honest reaction. I couldn't help but begin laughing.

"No, they're really, truly great. We're lucky to get them before they're gone. Really lucky." We both held eye contact a half second longer than usual.

He broke away with a little grin and poured his mini cereal box into the milk bowl. Was he flirting with me?

"So," he asked, "where do you walk in the morning?"

"Just around the tennis courts, the towers and back." Since I was finished eating, I lingered over my 10 page campus newspaper.

"Hmmm. Maybe I'll do that someday."

"You want to go with me? I'll wait for you to finish."

"Yeah." Geoffrey and I looked up. I didn't hide anything with my glance. "I'd like that."

"Good." I felt my dick start to grow in my tight grey corduroys. There was a light, fluttery feeling in my heart.

We were both grinning.


"Geoff. Just Geoff."

"Okay. Geoff. So... how do you like this college?"

"You want the truth?"

I nodded, still reading the little ads in the back pages.

"I was a little surprised how easy freshman year was. 4 of my 5 finals were multiple choice tests. Overall..." He briefly sneered and shrugged his shoulders.

"You mean you... don't like it either?" I asked with a growing smile and fake drama in my voice.

"No...", he whispered. "I hate it!" We both tried to hold in laughter. My half-hard cock felt so good then. I squeezed my legs together and moved my right ankle up and down. I took a deep breath, holding contact with his gentle blue-grey eyes.

Scene 3

Geoff and I walked in the cool morning air. The white towers were bathed in rose light. There were big shiny puddles on the tennis courts. The past-full moon was setting in the blue/pink haze.

Neither of us had said anything to confirm our gay status. It felt nice to let it be in the background. There was a chance he was just a nice regular guy, and I didn't want to freak him out.

We walked. And talked a little. I didn't know what more to say. I was too busy wondering what he might be working up to. We rounded the last tower and headed back to our building. Along the long tennis court chain link fence.


"Yeah Geoff?"

"Do you have a boyfriend?"

I stopped. Swallowed. Looked up at his honest, friendly face.

"Why do you..." Why was I playing for time? Answer him!

"No, no I don't. I've... wanted to find someone though."

Geoff nodded and gave a cool, subtle male smile. "Same here. Can we... see each other sometime? I don't know if it will work out, I just... have liked you for a long time."

"Yeah. I was..." We were both feeling so happy and relieved that one of us brought up what we were both thinking. But there was still a healthy tension as we faced the unknown. I know I wasn't an expert at picking up guys.

"I was wondering how you knew my first name before. A part of me was hoping you were checking me out." I started walking slowly. Geoff came alongside.

"Mm. Yeah." He looked down shyly. "I saw a package at your door one afternoon, and read your name... I was hoping you'd give some obvious sign of being gay when I tried to talk to you. I was hoping you'd come to the gay/lesbian association some night."

"Man, I wouldn't be caught dead there. Not that there's anything wrong with that..." We both laughed. "But I'm too shy even about normal stuff, and I'm not about to... broadcast my feelings when I don't have to."

"Hey, it's not so bad. But now that you mention it, the queerest of the queer do tend to dominate the discussions. But you can't blame 'em. It's kind of fun to play with the upperclassmen's heads and give 'em the old snubberoo if they come on too obviously."

"You know," I said, "when I visited here as a high school senior, I was so relieved to see the GLA ad in the paper when I had lunch with my parents. Going to college seemed ten times cooler after the realization hit me that that group could exist. Totally different from high school."

"Growing up gay", sighed Geoff. We shared another smile and glance. We had the whole Sunday ahead of us. Our long shadows followed us home toward the blinding sun.

Scene 4

We were alone in a study room off the main lobby. Sitting together on the couch, not knowing quite what might happen.

"Geoff. I don't want to give you the wrong impression. I've been pretending to be cool about all this, but the truth is, I have no idea what comes next." I took a deep breath, knowing I had to be myself from now on.

"Well," Geoff said, "I've never.. had a real.. boyfriend before. I mean.. I've had two sex affairs with guys in high school, but that's all it was. I think we should, I don't know, try going on a date and taking it from there."

"Dating you sounds good. I've never been on a real date before."

"Why not?" Geoff really wanted to know. He wasn't drilling for information like girls did.

"See, I have three older brothers. And uh, I saw how ridiculous it was for them to put so much energy into what they wore, where they were going, and how they would impress their girls. And I knew I would never take dating that seriously. When I heard a comedian say it was just a job interview for a relationship, I knew dating wasn't for me."

"Were you still a little confused about being gay?"

"Hmm. I knew I was different, I'll tell you that. I wasn't competitive or interested in sports at all. I guess I just didn't like how all this sexuality and sex education was forced down on me in school and church, which was twice as creepy. I knew I didn't want to make a baby, so I just wanted everyone to shut up about it."

"And then?", Geoff asked, grinning and running his hand back through his soft hair.

I smiled at the memory.

"And then I met Kyle."

Geoff started caressing the top of my hand.

"He was the first person I ever felt... attracted to. He was so beautiful!" I closed my eyes and tilted my head back.

"He was just everything, everything, I could ever hope to find, even though at 16 I hadn't even started looking. I tried to split my... penis feelings away from the friendship I wanted, but it was hopeless." I smiled and rubbed my jaw.

"These feelings in my heart... God it was a rush! The fantasies came so easily. I knew then that if wanting Kyle meant being gay, then being gay was exactly right for me."

"So what happened?"

"He... noticed how I was looking at him. I was way to shy to make a move, but he, and his friends, saw me, entranced in the lunch room. The place went silent as I finished a sigh. I thought I was safe sitting in the corner by the windows. But... You can imagine. Big joke for everyone. Luckily it died down after a week. No one could prove anything. I felt so small and embarrassed. The whole thing only made me more shy too."

There was a pause. Geoff took his turn. Slowly, he began.

"I was lucky to... start being gay during the summer. For me it was a totally natural feeling. I had always noticed good looking guys, and I knew I wanted to be... boyfriends when I got older. My first time with a guy was in the hot tub of a Wyoming hotel. I've never told anyone this."

"I was 14, and there was a 15 year old there. He was clearly gay, but, you know, a top. We were alone in the small pool room, under the suds. It was so much fun to just be with another boy. A boy who wanted to look at me and smile. When he suddenly went to the middle and stood up naked I was in heaven! In five minutes, we were naked and jacking each other off under the hot bubbles."

"I couldn't believe I was DOING IT at last. And to go so wild basically in public added even more of a thrill. We got together later and kissed in the stairway, but it wasn't as great. The hot tub was our place. But it was always crowded after that. We had no choice but to let it end."

"It's funny, no one ever suspected I was gay in high school.

I guess I looked too 'manly' because of my face and short hair. If only the people knew how I started buzzing it down."

"I'd like to know", I said. His style was lovely, the way his pink skin delicately showed through the shining 1/4" carpet.

"It was all a mistake, the first time. Short hair was definitely not in for guys my age in my town. But I was getting tired of it falling in my eyes and having to brush it out of the way every time the wind blew. It's hard to believe it was ever 6 inches long."

"There was this haircutting kit in the basement. I read the instructions, and thought it looked easy. I was 16. Summertime again. I didn't have a barber cape, so I just did it in the upstairs bathroom, nude."

I was biting my lower lip thinking about the big mistake he would make. But he sounded happy to talk about it.

"It was just... impossible to make it work right. The spacers just pushed the hair away from the cutter. I had cut off way too much in the front. I had 1 inch bangs sticking out and big edge lines on the side because I had no idea how to blend one length into another."

"I had no other choice. I just took the smallest spacer and buzzed it all down to nothing. Well, a quarter inch. But it was a very shocking change, to say the least. All my life I had had 'normal' length hair."

I uncrossed my legs to make room for my hardening dick.

"When I saw myself in the mirror, I... was so different. And so beautiful. I liked seeing all that new skin. The roundness of my head was excellent. I was like a new person. Older and younger at the same time. My eyes looked bigger. When I moved my head, my hairs all moved with me, perfectly still. Needless to say, I discovered I liked the look of short hair. Since I was nude, I was totally hard by then."

"In the freedom of the moment, I jacked away to my exotic new reflection and had a hot, wonderful orgasm. From then on, I cut my own hair, loving the daring statement it made."

"Thankfully, after the first day, nobody else cared. I even started a little trend the next fall in school. I would go totally bald, but, you know, for a white guy... I don't want to give the wrong impression. Maybe if I have another private summer..."

"You're a very interesting guy, Geoff", I said.

"Well, if you can't talk to your boyfriend, who can you talk to?"

I leaned forward, slowly at first. Geoff raised his hands to my shoulders and we pulled in for our first kiss. Soft, tender, warm, lovely. My first real boyfriend kiss. I blinked slowly and we made out. I loved it.

Scene 5

We were walking home from the movies. A week had passed. We had dated, talked, held hands, eaten together at the dorm, gone on morning walks... I was really in love with him. And I loved being a boyfriend. So much better than being single and unknown.

Where to have sex? It felt so wrong to say goodnight and go to bed alone, knowing how much we wanted to be together. Thank Goodness for the GLA.

Geoff knew a gay Resident Assistant in the towers. It was the baby bust, and he had keys to the empty rooms. He was happy to help us out as long as we kept the arrangement quiet and cleaned up before we left.

We brought our backpacks to the tower and rode up the 15 floors in the graffiti covered elevator. I was shaking a little, and too nervous to kiss Geoff. Playing it cool, we found our dark room and locked ourselves in.

I spread my soft blankets out on the single twin bed. The college had given up on bunk beds three years ago. I pulled out the pillows from his backpack and stacked them on the bed's free end. Geoff opened the curtain to reveal the black night and glowing lights of the other towers.

"I've wanted you so bad", said Geoff.

I breathed in as we tightly embraced. Just to hold him, knowing we had all night, private, together, was bliss.

"I'm so glad we found each other."

By the soft light of the tower windows, we kissed. This was passion. I untucked Geoff's shirt and pulled it up. He let me kiss his chest as I undid his belt.

He stepped out of his shoes and socks as I stood up and reached around his waist. Reaching down, I caressed his hot ass, letting his unzipped jeans fall at their own pace. Between minty-fresh kisses, Geoff got my shirt off. After a beautiful moment of hugging and exploring, I pulled his boxers down, lower and lower from his waist to the base of his ass. Quickly, he completed stripping.

I kept my light grey sweatpants on as I led him down to the bed. My symbol of dominance. I kissed his shoulders and caressed his sides as I worked my way down. Soon I was kissing the area between his navel and pubic hair. I took his cock head in my mouth. Only for a second. I straddled him and kissed him on the lips. He tasted his own pre come on my hot tongue. I pulled away quickly, then quickly kicked off my Nikes and socks. I returned to his dick, went down an extra inch, closed my eyes, and licked up and off. I pulled off my sweats and briefs, throwing them to the other side of the room.

I tortured him by sucking for no longer than 5 seconds at a time, then kissing his body up and down. Squares of light glided across the pale green walls as traffic passed below. I felt so great having Geoff at my command, going half on instinct and half on my sex-story fueled imagination. His hot, salty come tasted and felt perfect in my mouth.

"I love you."

Realizing just what we were doing--naked, together... Oh it was heaven. I loved the scent of his cologne. The masculine scents of his slippery cock... The heat and shape and way he filled me. How I knew how much ecstasy was flowing from my lips and tongue straight into him, my... boyfriend! My lover!

No time for games now. I sucked and licked Geoff, going up and down his pulsing penis of love. He was breathing hard and clutching my shoulders. I felt his leg muscles tense as he raised his pelvis up. Steady, steady, I lovingly took him higher. At last, the taste of ejaculation. I felt sperm heat slip over my gums and coat my cheeks. I kept licking and pressing his cock head to the roof of my mouth, knowing how sensitive he must have been right then.

"Oh! Aaaah! James! My... Oh... My God! Aaaah... Oh yes.."

He was still hard, still breathing heavy. As he slowed down, so did I. I knew he didn't want to feel the cold air on his dick right away though. I playfully finished sucking him, feeling his come go down inside me as I swallowed. Turning my head slowly, I gently sucked until only my lips surrounded his softening pink tip. A final few loving licks. I kissed his fallen flesh gently.

"James, that is so good. Oh..."

I inhaled deeply, loving his world of private fragrances. I massaged the tops of his thighs and kissed his balls, sucking each one in my mouth, taking turns as I kissed his beautiful cock and licked him dry.

Geoff was breathing deeply and slowly, recovering. I was glad to do such a good job for him. I climbed on top of him and rested on my elbows to kiss him. We kissed. Geoff fully shared the taste of come in my mouth. No kiss I ever imagined could have been this hot. Boyfriends, made for each other.

"Are you ready? Do you want..."

"Yes!", Geoff said, his eyes crinkling. "Yes, James. Fuck me. Yes."

I guided him, turned him over. He hugged the pillows and bent his knees under. I wasn't going to do him dry, but he didn't need to know that. Not penetrating, I positioned myself, touching my hard, aching cock to his wonderful crack. I massaged the sides of his hips. I bent forward to kiss the back of his neck, then his shoulders, then the center of his spine, down, down, down, to his waist. I positioned myself again.

"Get ready, girl."

I saw Geoff's body flinch as he processed what I said and how I said it. He was mine. I couldn't believe I was being this way, this... toppish. But I knew he was a bottom, and needed firm guidance.

I got the tube of K-Y from the backpack and bounced back into position on the bed. Geoff's ass swayed and circled as the bed rocked. He was so so so beautiful. My boyfriend was so perfect in the night.

I squeezed out plenty of lube onto his ass. I worked it in, gently, with my left pinky. Geoff began to breathe deeply again. His ass tightened on my little finger as I slooowly twisted my wrist back and forth.

I coated my throbbing red cock with clear jelly. I took a deep breath, realizing I was losing my virginity now. Geoff opened himself up. I pressed in and pushed and pushed and pushed forward in one long slow move. He was so soft inside! Oh! Geoff! Thank you!

Geoff's body was shaking. He was swallowing and breathing hard. I pulled out and felt him squeeze and shit my dick back. I reasserted my dominance and pressed forward when his squeeze got strongest. I wanted to selfishly do the fucking for awhile.

Geoff's ass loosened up as we rocked together. Holding his strong chest from the sides as I plunged and withdrew was so natural, so right. Feeling his strong back muscles flexing under my hands was... just amazing. His muscles. I was a boy too. Oh God, I loved being so totally gay!

Still half inside him, I squeezed on some more lube after the first few minutes. Oh. Oh yeah. Slippery buttfucking... Oh my God! I wanted to go faster, but something was holding me to this sloooow pace. I let Geoff fuck me back the next time he squeezed.

Together, we found our perfect rhythm. Him squeezing me so tight, me filling him again and again. In, out. Oh. Yes.

"Geoff, my love."

Naturally, faster and faster, we fucked hard. I was totally inside him, my balls pressed between us. Seeing him, nude, his glorious ass, waist, back, and shoulders... And I'm fucking him, so beautiful. Sliding deep in and out. Oh. Aaaah. Faster. Oh God. Now. OOOOH!

I gasped for breath as my trembling cock exploded with come.

I had never felt so ALIVE. I pictured my red, curving cock inside him, coming and sliding in come. Geoff squeezed hard and I wildly fucked faster.

"Oh! Oh! Geoff! Aah! Oh! Mo. I (haaah) love you! Oh. Yeah. Oh, Geoff."

I stayed hard for at least two more minutes. I was light headed from lack of oxygen. I had fucked my boyfriend. He had fucked me just as much. We were made for each other. Oh Geoff, you wonderful, beautiful man. I love you.

"I love you, Geoff."

Geoff hugged his pillows as I withdrew my slimy penis from him. He turned his body around under me. I relaxed and sat on the tops of his thighs.

"Oh James, you were so great."

We kissed and embraced, knowing we were fully united now. I drifted off to sleep, feeling his gentle hands caress my skin. His loving, passionate body mine to shower with affection. My One, my Love, my special, special boyfriend. _____________________________________________________________________ // free anonymous email || forums \ subZINE || anonymous browsing


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