Movie Night

By Andrew Thayer

Published on Dec 5, 2002



Hi! My name's Drew. I just graduated from college this spring and started Medical School this fall. I wanted to write this down and share with people, as it was a lot of fun. It is totally true. If the participants read this and recognize anything, get a hold of me. I'd love to catch up.

Well, by the time I became a senior in college, I was getting pretty uptight about my social life and impending sexuality. I have known for quite some time that I was probably gay, but I didn't want to deal with it. I just pushed it down further into my consciousness and tried to cover it up with as much bravado as I could muster.

In high school, my best friend and I discovered at an early age how much fun we could have together. We screwed all the time. The kicker was, he was my minister's son. That gave us a lot of freedom to be together and do what we wanted without people asking too many questions. However, when I got to college, I didn't know anyone, and I didn't want to reveal that part of myself until I knew people better. Eventually, it became easier to hide all of those feelings and not deal with them, than it was to be honest with myself. My school was conservative enough - a small, private college in Southern Indiana. But, all of my friends joined a fraternity, so I did also. That is not the best environment to come to terms with one's own homosexuality and expect a lot of support from your surroundings. So, I did all the right things - dated and slept with girls, made fag jokes, and generally buried my own feelings under pounds of testosterone and conservatism.

But, by my senior year, I was really starting to have a lot of trouble. I was looking at guys all the time! I even had a crush on this guy in my fraternity - he was gorgeous! But, alas, he was not attainable. However, this brought a lot of turmoil to my mind, and caused me to lose a lot of my concentration on school and work. One of my best friends at Sigma Chi, my Fraternity, and I started having movie night on Wednesday nights. Thursdays on campus were light days for everyone except Science majors, as most of our labs were scheduled for Thursday. That meant that Wednesday was a party night on campus, and most of the houses had a pretty good party each night. Eric and I didn't feel like partying all night in the middle of the week, and besides, I had labs the next day. So, we started watching movies each week. We'd rent a couple of movies, get some pizza and beers and generally have fun and a nice night off. (This sounds pretty tame, but it was a welcomed relief each week and it became something I looked forward to.) My girlfriend would usually come over and so would his. It all started out very innocently.

My room in the house was one of the best, because I was a senior. My roommate Mark was also a senior and majoring in history, in anticipation of going to law school. We got along great, but he would usually go over to his fiances house on Wednesday night and spend the night, especially when Eric and I started having our movie night. I had discovered soon after the year started that my roommate had a porno stashed in his bookcase among some other video tapes. It was straight porn, but it was still arousing and usually did its job when you needed it. I was always careful to put the tape back in the same spot and make sure I rewound it to the same point as when I started using it, so as not to arouse suspicion. Thinking back, it was pretty foolish, as I was using it for the same reasons he had it, I'm sure. Anyway, I mentioned it to Eric one night that I found this tape of Mark's. He was pretty interested in it, as neither of us had a lot of experience with porno movies.

One Wednesday, after we watched a couple of movies and had drunk a few beers, we walked our girlfriends home and met back in my room. We were drinking another beer and just shooting the shit when he brought up the porn. He wondered out loud what it was like and if it was "good to watch". I told him it was pretty good, with lots of action and good looking people in it. He got all excited and nervous, and suggested that we take a look at it. I was feeling little pain after the number of drinks I had that night, so I said, "What the hell!" and put in the tape. It started at the beginning and was your usual porn fare. The first scene was around a pool, with the pool boy screwing the lonely housewife, who happens to be sunbathing without a top by the pool as he cleans it. The tits totally did nothing for me, but the pool boy was cute and had a great ass, as it pounded his dick into the woman's pussy. I was getting pretty aroused by the film, and kept readjusting myself in the seat and subtly moving my hardening rod into a more comfortable position. I glanced over at Eric, and I could tell he was having a similar problem. I was getting more interested in the events taking place next to me on the couch than in the movie in front of us, but I kept it as cool as I could. I was trying to figure out a way to bring up letting our cocks free and maybe, at least, engaging in some mutual masturbation. I was struggling with this when Eric piped up and said,

"Gosh, I feel like masturbating."

My jaw dropped and I looked at him stunned as hell. I guess the direct approach does work the best. Underneath, I was jumping up and down, excited at the prospects of having my first gay sexual encounter in a long time.

I said, "Sure. I could use some relief."

Eric went to the bathroom and got each of us a few paper towels and came back into the room, turning off the lights as he closed and locked the door. He handed me the paper towels and sat down at the other end of the couch. I started obviously rubbing my hard-on through the shorts I had on, trying to figure out how to start things up. He stood up and pulled his pants down and off, sitting back down on the couch with just his t-shirt on. I followed his cue and we were soon both staring at the T.V. stroking our erections, sitting next to each other. I kept glancing over at him, watching his manipulations, but being careful not to get caught staring. As far as I could tell, he never looked at me any more than to see what I was doing, paying a great deal of attention to the T.V. and the action in the movie.

This lasted for a while, me stealing glances at Eric jacking off, as he stared at the porno in the T.V. in front of us. I really wanted to go further, to feel the silky hardness of his erection, which, at about 7" of cut dick, wasn't anything to be ashamed of. But I dared not push it, afraid that my secret would get out and I'd face a fraternity full of people pissed that they are living with a fag. He was stroking his cock, alternating between slowly pulling up and down on the shaft and massaging the head to full out jacking it like a madman, his hand a blur of movement on the shaft. His left hand was massaging his balls and the area of his crotch between his balls and his hole. His legs were stretched out in front of him and his toes were curled, looking very tense. He was actually quite a sight sitting there. His tight chest and belly (by this time, he had taken his shirt off), with very little hair on them, were glistening lightly with sweat. His light brown hair was pulled back and under his hat he was wearing backwards. His light blue eyes were shining in the glow of the T.V.

I was getting incredibly turned on by this show, and I was paying little attention to the T.V. I was jacking on my cock, matching him stroke for stroke. He either did not notice my staring at him or didn't seem to care. Either way, he didn't acknowledge it until he was getting close to cumming. His breathing quickened and his muscles tensed up; he was stroking very fast and started lightly moaning. He turned his head to me and looked me right in the eyes, then sprayed his chest and belly with cum. Seeing him get off pushed me over the edge, and I sprayed myself, from my chin to my belly button. We both sat there for a few minutes coming down from our high, basking in our post-orgasmic bliss.

He reached for the table and grabbed some of the paper towels he brought into the room earlier, and wiped up the mess he made on his chest. I couldn't help but stare more. Every move he made was a sexy as hell, and I wanted to help him clean up, but I didn't say or do anything, just kept looking at him. I eventually cleaned myself up and got dressed again, sitting back on the couch and stopping the tape, making sure it was rewound to the spot it was earlier. We both sat there in silence for a few minutes, not sure what to say or do. Eventually, he stood up and made his way to the door, turned and said,

"Same time, same place, next week? We could do a Die Hard marathon."

"Sure, Eric. Sounds great." I slurred through my half- drunken/half-horny stupor.

Our weekly movie nights continued in the same fashion, with the same outcome, for a few weeks. Nothing was ever really said about it, but we both looked forward to it each week, and when our girlfriends would leave, the movie would come out and our shorts would drop to the floor. Lines were never crossed; we never engaged in anything more than masturbation while sitting next to each other on the couch. I continued to stare at him, and he continued to concentrate on the movie. We eventually got bored with the movie of Mark's, so we started renting them when we got our other movies, making sure that our "Special Movie" was hidden.

On Eric's 21st birthday, we all went out to the bar in town (it was a small, Southern Indiana town, so there was only one bar) and got smashed. My brothers and I got Eric completely wasted, and he was a mess as we rode back home in the back of our sober friends SUV. I helped him into my room, and I noticed that Mark was not there. He must have stayed at his woman's house. I put Eric down on the couch, and took off his shoes. I put his legs up on the couch and laid him flat on his back. We all slept in a cold room in the attic, and his room was on the second floor, so mine was the easiest to get to. I was getting ready to go to bed, when my drunkenness started playing tricks with my mind. I looked over at Eric, quietly lying there, breathing regularly and deeply. His bulge was showing really well in his jeans, and it became almost irresistible. I had taken off my shirt and shoes, and I walked over to him on the couch and looked down at him. I said his name a few times and he didn't reply. I shook his shoulder to arouse him, and again there was no response. I lightly drew my finger from his shoulder down his chest to his belly, brushing across his pecs and abs to his belt. I went further down and drew the outline of his cock on his jeans with my finger. He did not respond, so I massaged his dick through his jeans, feeling the softness through the material. I noticed that his dick started to stir, getting stiffer with my attention. I kept this up until he was fully hard, the head of his cock sticking out of his waistband.

I was trying to decide if I should go further or leave it at is was, and go to the bathroom to jack-off before I retired to bed. My beer-induced poor judgment won out, and I reach up with my other hand to undo his belt, button and drag his zipper open. I reached into the fly of his open jeans and found his cock, covered by the thin material of his striped boxers. I brought his dick out, through the fly of his boxers, and lightly manipulated it with my left hand, slowly stroking it up and down, my eyes shifting between his dick and his face, making sure he was still asleep.

I put his hard dick back in his boxers and pulled both his pants and boxers down a bit, so I could get better access to the good stuff. It was hard to get the pants over his butt, as he was out for the count and didn't offer any assistance. Once they were down to his knees, I reached back up and started where I left off. I was stroking him lightly, squeezing the head on the upstroke. I noticed that we starting to make a little pre-cum, and it accumulated in the piss-slit and around the head. I couldn't resist. I leaned in and licked the pool of fluid off the tip if his cock. Wow! It was like it was three shots of alcohol at once. My head spun and I got all light headed. I swallowed what I collected, and went in for some more. I took the head of his cock into my mouth and licked around the head, tightening my lips around the ridge below it, and twisting and licking all over. As I got warmed up, I started going lower, taking more of his length into my mouth, I soon got all the way down, my nose nestled in his pubes and my chin rubbing his balls. It felt so good - I hadn't done that in years! I was really getting into it, bobbing up and down on his shaft, spit running down his shaft and collecting around his balls. I completely closed out all of my surroundings and concentrated on all of the sights, sounds, smells, tastes and felling I was getting and making with Eric's dick.

All that changed, though, when I heard him moan. He let out a little, satisfied moan, but didn't move at all. I stopped for a moment, looking at his face to see if there were any changes, but I didn't see any. I slowly reached back over to his cock, which twitched when I touched it. I stroked it for a few minutes, convincing myself he was asleep. His dick was getting harder, so I thought he may be getting close to cumming. I leaned back over and wrapped my lips around his head again, stroking the shaft and sucking heavily on the tip of his cock. I dropped my head all the way down, engulfing the entire length of him into my mouth, and all of a sudden, his hands went to either side of my head and pushed me further down, as he thrust his hips up, driving his cock as far into my throat as it would go. He then held still and blasted his thick cream into the back of my throat, spraying my mouth with 6-7 globs of salty nectar. I swallowed greedily, not wanting to waste any of his gift.

After he settled back down and let go of my head, he was evidently back asleep, as he didn't stir. I let his dick plop out of my mouth and cleaned any residue off of it, before pulling his pants and boxers back up and putting him all back together. When I stood up I was still hard as a rock, and I was not sure what to do. I sat down in the chair in our room, watching Eric sleep soundly, and jacked off, tasting the left over semen in my mouth. My orgasm was one of the biggest I had ever had. I cleaned up and went to bed, leaving Eric to sleep it off on my couch,

The next morning, I got up to get ready for Chemistry lab, and found that Eric was up and out of my room. I didn't see him that morning at breakfast, but when I came home for lunch, he was in the living room of the house, watching T.V. He saw me and walked back into my room with me, while I got my stuff put away and changed for a basketball game. He couldn't stop talking about how much fun he had last night at the bar. He said he didn't even remember the ride home, let alone where he slept or how he got there. When he woke up this morning, he got up and left, not wanting to cause me any trouble by being in my room while I was getting ready for class.

Our Wednesday Movie Nights kept up just as they had previously, although they changed a little. The next week, while we were jacking off on the couch, Eric reached over and grabbed my cock, stroking it for me with one hand while he stroked his with the other. I was shocked as hell, and it took me a second for all of tit to register. Then, I quickly reached over and moved his hand out of the way and took over, and we brought each other to orgasm that night on the couch. From then on, that's how it went. We'd jack each other off watching our straight porn. There were a few other nights that we'd partied it up pretty well and ended up crashing in my room, and I'd suck him off while he "slept" on the couch. It was a great time for me, and I really felt like I had the best of both worlds - a straight life without all of the drama of being gay in a small school, with regular sex with one of my sexy fraternity brothers.

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