Mutation - Short story

By Marcus Aurelius Florus

Published on Aug 19, 2023



This is a Gay Authoritarian story about adult males. The story is set on a space station. The author is an adult and there are no children involved in this story; the story does not involve kidnapping or blackmail; the story does not involve murder or suicide. You can use my email address and I accept the terms. The text is in British English.

The narrative contains descriptions of forced confinement and references masturbation and anal sex, domination and submission. If any of these acts offend you or are illegal to read where you reside please move on. This is a work of adult fiction. Any resemblance to actual activities, real persons living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental. I welcome feedback on my first story.

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Leo's recollections faded, consumed in the mental fires that raged during his captivity. Within his mind a disordered labyrinth of ideas replaced coherent memories. Leo's recollections faded. The cage provided no room to stand fully while the iron bars enclosing him were unyielding, their edges cutting into his fragile frame. Placed alongside him, on either side, sat two fellow captives, Josh and Dan. Their naked vulnerability bared for all to see. Names were forcibly tattooed upon their right pectoral muscles alongside a grim barcode. The standardised way of identifying test specimens.

The men had been there for days although no-one could remember arriving. Fear, uncertainty and claustrophobia wore them down. Monotony was broken when water and nutrient was delivered three times a day. An access panel on the wall opened and a hose appeared. The hose was metallic and the head was shaped like an enormous penis. Each man had to put his mouth around the tip of the penis before the apparatus would slowly discharge fluid and then nutrient into the mouth of the prisoner. A faint sound of ticking commenced when the mouth enfolded the penis-shaped dispenser and the ticking went on for one hundred ticks before it stopped. When the ticking stopped, it was time for the next man to place his mouth over the dispenser and the ticking started once more. The dispenser slowly retracted after the feeding session and the access hatch closed. That was it. No more. The water and nutrient tasted bad. There was a chemical taste in the mouth when the feeding was over.

Leo glanced over at the man who had Josh on his right pec. This man was taller than anyone Leo had ever met. Probably a construction worker. He was muscular and imposing although he also seemed kindhearted and gentle. Josh filled the cage. Leo was drawn to Josh immediately although speaking was forbidden. Leo tried speaking on the first day and was punished by having his food and nutrient ration withdrawn. After a few hours Leo realised it was better not to break the rules again. The dry heat of the prison environment sucked water away from the body. It was hell waiting for the next time he was given fluids by the dispenser. No-one tried to speak after that although smiles and facial gestures were exchanged. Their sweaty bodies rubbed together creating an enforced intimacy that made up for the lack of words. Leo thought it was difficult to keep your distance from other guys when you were crammed into the cage and covered in their sweat and secretions.

The person most afraid was Dan. Leo could guess almost nothing about Dan, except that he was the smallest and seemed to be constantly on edge. Leo could tell that Dan had been through something traumatic before and the thought of the pain and suffering that he experienced was almost too much for him to bear. Noises heard outside the cell intensified and screams in the distance grew louder. Leo felt a cold knot form in his stomach when that happened. What was happening out there? They all heard rumours of what happened in off-world detention cells but no man expected to be caught up in it themselves.

Josh silently put his strong arm around Leo's shoulder offering some comfort. All Leo could do was worry and wait for whatever horror was next. In the midst of the chaos and uncertainty he found himself thinking of all the things he wished he could say, all the things he wished he could do. All the men could do was to cower together listening to the sounds of the space station. The only thing they could do was huddle together and hope for the best. After a time they were all accustomed to the smells and the sweat it was just something to live with.

As the sounds of machinery and screams reverberated through the station, Leo couldn't help but wonder what had led them to this fucked-up place. The space station had once been a beacon of hope Now it was a torture chamber. Leo gripped Josh's hand tightly, seeking solace in their shared connection. Josh didn't seem to object to being touched by another man and soon Dan was holding Josh's other hand. Three men sat in silence waiting for the next feeding. Josh was the alpha male and he took that role easily as if he was used to being in control before he got here.

In the dimly lit cell, the stench of unwashed bodies and despair hung heavy in the air. Leo's mind flashed back to the days when life had been filled with promise. He had a faint memory of being a bright-eyed student, eager to contribute to the advancement of "Human Sciences" and discovery at the University of Juarez. His blonde hair and piercing blue eyes caught the attention of many at the University although it was now Josh who captured Leo's heart. Josh spent his life working with his hands and was a pillar of strength to others. His towering height and strong physique shielded Leo and Dan from the harshness of the universe. They all quickly formed a deep bond, finding comfort in each other's naked flesh amidst the vastness of space.

The cage ensured they were always close together and like any guys they got an erection in the morning. At first they all tried to tuck their morning wood back but that wasn't working for long and soon all three stopped tucking it back and let it stick up. They became proud of their displays forcing the skins back to reveal the pulsating glans. In the silence of their increasingly dirty minds, all three men independently came to the conclusion there was something in the fluid and nutrition that gave them a more or less permanent hard-on without causing tissue damage or pain. After a few days they had permanent erections and no inhibitions remained. The cocktail of drugs seared away restraint and modesty leaving behind a quivering highly sexualised male. The only control on the men was fear of the captors.

In the midst of the turmoil and unease Leo found his thoughts repeatedly saying "We must stay strong," he said the words softly and to himself. "No matter what happens next we can't lose hope. We have each other." Leo wished he could say the words out loud but he feared losing another day's food and nutrient. Leo felt the almost unbearable desire to give Josh a blowie and Leo knew he had done this to other guys before. It sometimes hurt at University when he was called a cocksucker but now Leo didn't care. He'd be proud to take Josh's load.

Josh tightened his grip on Leo's hand even more. Sometimes Josh would take Leo's hand and place it around his own erection and from past experience, Leo didn't complain. Dan, though still visibly frightened, looked at them, his eyes reflecting a mixture of fear and hope. It was as if Dan was saying he had been through all this before. The three captives leaned on each other finding solace and support in the contact of their bodies with each other. The noise of the machinery and the screams of terror outside continued unabated but within the confines of their tiny cage they clung to each other fighting against the onslaught of fear. It was the same every time. The screaming stopped after ten minutes but it would start once more. It was the unpredictability of the time gaps that caused the most fear. Josh just wished they wouldn't scream so loud.

The captors were brutal and unforgiving although Leo, Josh, and Dan knew they could still be free in their own thoughts and emotions and they would not let themselves be broken no matter what was thrown their way. Leo, Josh, and Dan grew accustomed to the sight of their captors who each wore a helmet that protected their face with a visor concealing their face from view. Each guard was clad in what seemed like a strange spray-on silicone-based fabric The black, spray-on-like outfits, covered every inch of their bodies except for the area around the groin. The genital area was intentionally cut away. Genitals were genetically enhanced with freakishly large cock and balls giving each guard an eerie and primitive appearance. It all intensified the captives' fear of what would happen. Dan seemed to be most afraid when the captors arrived and provocatively pushed their erections against the bars as if he had seen this behaviour before. Leo and Josh guessed that the guards had used Dan for their own twisted pleasure and may do it again.

The captors arrived every few hours to hose down the captives in the cage. Electric prods flashed in the gloom as the captors went about their tasks with a cruel detachment. The guards were clearly excited as they exerted control over the prisoners, using their prods to deliver painful jolts without remorse. At point blank range high pressure hoses were pointed directly at each man's hole before the nozzle began a humiliating pre-programmed anal cleansing process. A needle jet of water and chemicals burned into the sensitive flesh of the hole flooding each man in turn. The guards hosed the stained floors and walls trying to reduce the spread of disease amongst the livestock. Waste water flowed away into the chipped and broken syntho-composite floor giving the area surrounding the cage the look of a workbench in an animal testing facility. Leo remembered he had taken men up his arse for years and enjoyed it but Leo wondered how Josh felt about being anally raped by his captors using the water jet in front of lower ranking males. Josh was so brave to take it like he did.

Like in any test facility, samples were being taken regularly and the captors inserted needles into the three captives through the bars of the cage and the captives couldn't refuse or say anything. To speak would mean a loss of fluids and nutrient and the men learned not to put food fluids and nutrient in jeopardy. The wound sites glowed purple for a few hours after the sample was taken and hurt like a hornet jabbed you. The captors roughly injected the men with a range of materials that made the men more docile, more pliant and less confrontational.

The prisoners worked it out early on, during those initial terrifying days, that they were constantly being recorded. Secret surveillance cameras throughout the station monitored every captives reactions, struggles and pain. Leo wondered if vids of their captivity were being shown in some far off world as a form of entertainment. Were people engaged in gambling about what would happen next. Were they betting on who would live or go insane?

Days turned into weeks and then into months of captivity and ritual humiliation and it seemed that the naked men would never survive. Then, one day, something changed. The routine of their captivity was disrupted as the guards were visibly rushing around with the captors receiving electronic messages that flashed and crackled on their visor. When the door to their cage finally creaked opened, Leo, Josh, and Dan were ready. They were barely able to stand together after being in such a small space for so long. Their eyes fixed on a guard as he motioned for them to come out. Leo, Josh, and Dan felt a mix of anticipation and trepidation as the captor gestured for them to leave the confines of their cage. Their bodies, weakened and battered from prolonged captivity struggled to obey the command. Every step was agony every movement an act of sheer determination. Their permanent erections and enlarged genitals flashing in the faint light. Each man found the weight of his chemically modified and enlarged genitals pulled down on him now that he was able to stand. Their ball sacks felt freakishly heavy and engorged with seed.

Despite the excruciating pain coursing through their bodies caused by their forced enhancements they summoned all their remaining strength and stumbled towards a tunnel as ordered. The captors walked behind them while filming, the guards with visible cattle prods being a constant reminder of brutality. Moments later, Leo, Josh and Dan emerged into a narrow corridor, the dim lighting casting eerie shadows along its walls. The air hung heavy with tension as they continued to shuffle forward. Tthe physical toll of their confinement was evident in every faltering step. Before long, the captor's patience wore thin and they unleashed a wave of savage electro-blows upon the captives. The sound of the impacts reverberated through the corridor with echoes of pain mixing with muffled cries.

Leo, Josh, and Dan clung to each other in silence, their hands interlocked drawing strength from their shared bond. The blows from their captors only fueled a shared determination to escape, to find a way to reclaim their lives from the clutches of their tormentors. As they neared the exit port they could see a faint glimmer of hope. The prospect of freedom lay just beyond their reach, tantalisingly close yet seemingly impossible to attain. With bloodied faces and battered bodies they refused to give up and continued their painful journey forward inch by agonising inch. The physical torment of their captivity was nothing compared to the mental resolve that burned within them empowering them to push past the limits of their endurance.

Defying all odds they reached the exit port from the detention area before noticing the array of cameras and recording devices on a rail situated over the door. The devices silently watched them, recording every moment of distress and pain as the men tried to walk with their enlarged genitals between their legs. The bright light that spilled into the corridor offered a stark contrast to the darkness that consumed their lives for far too long. They hesitated for a moment, their bodies weary, their spirits bruised but their will unbroken. They stepped forward into the unknown. Each movement took them away from the cage. They were no longer prisoners but genetically modified survivors united by their resilience and unwavering support for one another.

With each passing moment, the pain that consumed them began to fade. In its place, a glimmer of hope emerged, gradually growing into a radiant flame that illuminated their path to freedom.

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