My Big Brother

By moc.loa@7pucaeTliLytterP

Published on Aug 27, 2001



Title: My Big Brother Author: Joyful ( )

Archiving: the DAE boards, Nifty, and anyone who wants it, if they ask first.

Summary: TxJ, unrequited. Taylor has a crush on someone who can't love him back, and needs comforting. Very short.

Rating: Um, PG-13, at most.

Disclaimer: I don't know, nor have I ever met Hanson, Jonny Lang, and/or his new wife. I do not mean to imply anything by this story, it's just my take on a possible reality. However, it's FICTION.

Author's Notes: This is for me, 'cause it's the first thing I've written in a long time that I didn't hate. Unfortunately, that probably means it sucks. This is also for all of the people who've asked me to update and finish "WABAT,OM!" I'm sorry, that story just kinda died in my head. But, here's a nice lil giftie-fic for you!

Feedback: YES YES YES, pweese? If I ask REALLY nicely? ..:gets down to grovel on the gravel and kiss your feet:.. Ooh, nice shoes. ;-)

~My Big Brother~ (Original, eh?)

I love him. I know it's strange, and wrong. I know that I can't say it out loud, since he's straight, and married, a but I love him. Yes, I, Taylor Hanson am in love Jonny Lang.

It started when he first started working with us on "This Time Around." He'd come in to the studio, and just play these unbelievable, mind-blowing, guitar riffs. His voice was so deep, and kind of scratchy sometimes, kind of like mine. It was the ultimate phone sex voice. Isaac caught me staring at Jonny one day. "Dude, Tay, cut it out, you can't be so obvious!" He whispered to me. He was right. He and Zac and Jessi knew I was gay, but our parents didn't. With their strict Christian morals, they either would have killed me, or had the antire church lay hands and pray for me. Or both.

I couldn't help it though. His beautiful, soulful eyes, and deep voice made me shiver with goose bumps. When our eyes met, I thought I had a chance, until that day. The day he announced hi engagement to Hallie. It's actually somewhat ironic. Everyone always thought that it was Isaac who was crushing on Jonny, because of the way he'd cover for me when I would talk him into taking me to Jonny's concerts, or buying me Jonny's CDs. Isaac takes so much flack for me, he always has. He sticks up for me, covers for me, and goes out of his way to make sure that nobody ever knows I'm gay. Even if people start to think that he is, in the process. I love my big brother. But not like I love Jonny.

When Jonny made his big announcement, we were there, because we had been invited to the engagement party, since he considered us friends. "I have an announcement to make," Jonny said to the room of his and Hallie's friends. "I've asked Hallie to marry me, and she said yes." And as everyone began to applaud, I ran from the room, not even waiting until I was in the bathroom for the tears to begin. Isaac followed me. He found me in the bathroom, sitting on the floor, against the wall, crying into my knees. "Sh, Taylor, it's going to be okay." He whispered in my ear as his arms enveloped me in a hug. I rested my head on his shoulder and cried, as he rubbed my back in that comforting, big brother way. Now we both know that there are so many of our fans who would like to think that we sleep together, but unfortunately for them, we don't. However, we do love each other, though not like that, and Isaac is the most amazing big brother there is. The fact that I'm gay and crying over another guy doesn't scare him away. Instead, he sat there and held me until I was done crying, and then he smoothed my hair and waited while I splashed water on my face and made myself look presentable. And then he never mentioned that day again.

I love my big brother.


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