My Pal John and the Potting Shed

Published on Mar 24, 2012



It all happened so suddenly and I was taken completely off guard, when John

Sutton came up from behind and asked me about my prize onions.

I was in my allotment at the time, bent over planting some turnips and, come to think of it, I reckon this guy had been standing there for some time, because I heard some rustling in the nearby hedgerow which I had assumed was birds, otherwise the allotment was deserted.

"I read about your onions, Pete" he said. He obviously knew my name from the local newspaper report. "I'd love to know how you make `em grow like that, do you user a sort of vegetable form of Viagra?" he grinned.

"I wish" I replied with a chuckle not realising his aim at that time, "but

it is not so easy as that, you need to nourish them from seedlings like I am at the moment."

"And where would that be?" he asked looking interested enough to be told more.

"In my potting shed", I replied - I start off by germinating seeds first and then, when they are about a millimeter high, I prick them out into small pots, about three to a pot until they are large enough to plant outside."

"Would love to see how you prick out" he said and I didn't have a clue at the time of what he was aiming at. He introduced himself as John and somehow I was immediately taken by him, his attitude, cheerfulness and manner was something I had not seen much of lately, so I was only too happy to take him into the potting shed to show him how I operate.

Inside it didn't take long for me to get the picture, the way he was sidling up to me, bending over my shoulder as I leaned over the bench to do some pricking out, and yet he seemed like a sort of an uncle to me, he must have been at least twenty years my senior round about fifty I would say but he had an attractive aura about him and, all of a sudden, I realised that after all this time, me thinking because I didn't like girls that I was odd.

It was going to be John that made me put that all behind me, and make me realise I was gay and do you know what?, it was all done so beautifully, just

the way we talked, enjoyed a cup of coffee together out of my flask, discussing all sorts of plants which led to other things.

"Have you ever been with a guy?" John asked, his eyes wide and lusty looking but very attractive for an older guy, that somehow I felt warmed by him.

"I haven't, never, John" "Have you ever felt like you wanted to -- be with a man I mean?"

I shifted as I perched on the bench, he sat on an old chair. Feeling sort of exited by his mode of conversation and realising what he was about and imagining how it might be to be with a man like him, I sort of nodded embarrassingly and it was then I felt his very first touch on my thigh. A tingle went up my spine as he started to move his fingers around to the inside of my thigh, prompting me to part them a bit and I instinctively did, like it was the most natural thing on earth . I said nothing but John seemed to know my thoughts, and I guess he knew I was enjoying his advances, especially as he began to finger- walk further up my thigh just barely touching my privates through my jeans.

The feeling was so wonderfully sensual, he made me feel so good teasing his fingers around and around in a circle and I could feel myself growing stiff quite unashamedly as he started to squeeze my all through my jeans.

"I think it would be a good idea if you removed your jeans don't you, then I can really pamper you, yeah?"

I had no need to reply, all I knew at that moment is I was being enticed by John's magical touch and wanted more, the thought of him touching me naked was so thrilling I couldn't wait to get my jeans and boxer shorts off and felt no more embarrassment with John, he was a beautiful caring and gentle man I was growing and growing to like him very much and I felt I wanted to share my all with him that afternoon in the potting shed.

"You ought to be proud of your legs and your bum" he whispered softly which was very alluring, you have the shape of a woman and I feel so attracted to you. Come, just lean across the bench for a bit and let me see your ass and balls."

All at once I felt I wanted to please this lovely guy, it just seemed natural to do so I did as he asked and soon I was enjoying the most wonderful exploring motions of his fingers and tongue as he fingered and licked me all over my ass cheeks, my balls and then, stretching my cheeks wide apart I felt the warmth of his breath there and then the feeling of his sucking motion as he really went to town sucking my hole.

It all seemed so wonderful, me stretched across the bench presenting my most private parts like never before and realising how this guy was so enjoying me there. I relaxed and simply concentrated on those wonderful deep feelings he was giving me and felt my cock rise hard, I wasn't only being treated to a very nice deep mouth tonguing in my ass but also the feel of his hand tantalising my cock and very soon him finding a method to get further forward underneath so he could take my cock into his mouth and give me a sucking like I had never had before.

By the time I heard him asking if he could fuck me I was in a deep frenzy, so much he could have absolutely done anything he wanted with me.

I just nodded and waited for that first feel of cock in my ass and John was

going to do it so gently at first, he asked if I would like to see him and that went without saying and soon he was showing me the most delightful spectacle of mature well sized and ample cock. He asked if I would like a ` taster' first by which I knew he wanted me to suck him. I'd never sucked cock before and yet then it seemed natural that I should do so, it felt so intimate to think that soon it would be inside my body so why not take a suck and taste, I opened my mouth and closed my eyes and got my first sniff of pure unadulterated stiff cock ready for the fucking, the fucking of me and found myself instinctively sucking it like a baby sucks its mums breast, it was lovely and pungent and earthy and after that I was breathless and just so ready to be fucked and feel his hard cock throbbing inside me.

He was soon up there, stretching me and easing it further inside as he gripped my thighs to help himself to what I had to offer, when he started to thrust my whole being submerged into a deep frenzy and I was completely away as he fucked me in different ways, I felt him cum inside me, heard his moans and his yell as he reached it and it all was so wonderful,

For my first fuck it would be the start of many more with my dear new pal, John.

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