My X-perience

By Sebastiaan

Published on Apr 24, 2009



First off, I know nothing of the sexuality of any person mentioned in this story. And I don't know any of them and never will.

Secondly, X-Men and all its characters are created by Stan Lee. Copyright of Marvel Comics and 20th Century Fox.

This story is based off The Ultimate X-Men comic strip. The story, however, will be quite different from the comic book. So read on if you want.

Italic indicates a person thinking to himself {Indicates communication over a comlink.}

What you leave behind.....

It was getting dark when I finally arrived at the busstation. I bought my ticket and decided to wait outside as my bus wouldn't be arriving for another twenty minutes.

I found a nice spot on the curb, sat down and lit a cigarette. As I inhaled is started looking around the somewhat deserted station, the few people awaiting their transports seemed to be preoccupied with themselves. I guess every one of them has a story to tell, and where I normally would love to listen to them I myself was to busy dealing with my own fairytale turned nightmare.

The greyhound finally arrived and the passengers started boarding the bus. I found myself a nice spot in the back of the bus and sat down placing my backpack on the seat next to me.

As the bus started driving I felt myself relaxing a bit watching the scenery flying by at increased speed. It wasn't untill now i'd noticed myself being so tense, I slid down in my seat, and pulled the hood over my head. A few minutes later the scenery outside as well as the muffled sounds inside the bus all started to recede as I drifted off to sleep....

{good for nothing....}

{He's a waste of time and effort....}

{No i'm not....}

{They should've kept you in that mental ward..}

{Why are you sa.....}

{Are you still here?!...}

{Get the hell out...}

{Get him!}



''Hey kid are you ok?'' An older man asked me as he shook my shoulders trying to wake me.

''Huh, uhm..yeah sorry bad dream..uhm it's been a long day, I'll try to keep it down.''

The man eyed me strangely, or maybe it was concern and went back to his seat.

[ Well that's nice on top of this being probably the worst day ever, I'm now the crazy screamer in the back of the bus. What do I even care, these people don't even know me, and why should I always be the one to apoligise? Why is it always my fault, I didn't do anything. It was an accident, damn it. ]

I was broken out of my private thoughts as the bus started slipping, people started screaming and ducked in their seats preparing for impact. I couldn't believe it, not only was this my worst day ever it was gonna end with me wrapped in scrap metal, crap.

Just then the bus took to the air as it went over the edge of the canyon, I held on tight to my backpack foolishly believing it might soften the impact , as I felt the feeling of weightlessness

I closed my eyes preparing for the end..

As I heard muffled screams followed by a loud crash, I opened my eyes.

I'm alive, but why, why am I here, what happened, who did this?

I couldn't believe what had happened, this was impossible, this was too much.

I looked down in the canyon as I saw the fire burning what remained of the bus...

As tears started forming in my eyes, the sorrow was overwhelming, so many lives...

I blacked out.....

At the same time. Westchester, New york.

''Welcome Professor''

The computervoice sounded as the doors to cerebro opened.

As the professor came to the center of the room, he put on the helmet connecting him to cerebro and went to work.

He'd felt as if someone was trying to reach out to him, but none of the studentbody seemed distressed. As the familiar lights indicating the humans and mutants came into view he started focussing on the feelings he'd felt, and went to search the person in need aided by the enhancement cerebro provided.

After twenty minutes the professor finally pinpointed the location of the mutant, though his lifesigns were very weak.

The professor disengaged cerebro, and headed back to his office.

''Storm, Wolverine please report to my office!''

As the professor sat back behind his desk Storm and Wolverine walked in.

Wolverine: ''What's up, Charlie?''

Storm: ''Logan!''

The professor: ''I need you two to pick up a mutant, and you need to be quick.

I've got no further information about the mutant as his lifesigns were to weak to get a full read. I've downloaded the co"rdinates to the blackbird, you must leave immediately, goodluck.''

Storm: ''Yes sir.''

Wolverine: ''hmpf, another late night run.''

The professor: ''good luck.''

With that the two headed for the blackbird to go pick up the target.

Leaving the professor to sort out his feelings, as he'd been filled with sorrow after scanning for the mutant in question. Though he ussualy never experienced an aftereffect of scanning with cerebro, he found himself puzzled as to what the mutants capabillities were, and why he was affected this much...

E.T.A. two minutes

As the blackbird was nearing the co"rdinates of the target Storm started scanning for a clearing to set down the blackbird.

Storm: ''initiating landing sequence.''

As the blacbird landed on solid ground, thrusters shut down, and flightsystems disengaged.

The cerebro powered scanner indicated the target to be a hundred foot away from the blackbird. Storm lowered the ramp and they both walked outside in search of the target.

As it was dark they had to rely on Wolverine's sense of smell.

Wolverine: ''sniff sniff, smells like a party gone bad.''

Storm: ''There, I see some light coming from over there.''

As the two started walking towards the source of light, the smell became worse.

As they came to the ramp they saw the crashed bus on the bottom of the canyon, with plumes of smoke still billowing from it, though there were no sounds indicating life.

Storm: ''What an awfull way to die, all those people..''


Wolverine: ''Storm over here, here he is, he's unconscious. Let's get him home, there's nothing we can do here.''

Storm: ''Affirmative, I'll start the pre-launch sequence and notify the professor we've obtained the target, and inform him of the accident.''

That said Wolverine picked up the unconscious kid, and his backpack and they headed for the blackbird. As Storm went up to the cockpit Wolverine secured the kid, and checked for any injuries as he didn't seem to have any he sat down besides him in case he woke up mid-flight.

As the blackbird lifted of the ground Wolverine searched the kid for his wallet or any other document to identify him. He found his wallet in his backpack.

Sam Lessing, nineteen years old, born July twentieth 1989, Los Angeles.

A bleeping sound indicating the five-minute E.T.A. to the mansion alerted Storm they'd be home soon. She opened a channel to the mansion requesting permission to land.

Professor Xavier: ''You're cleared for landing, I'll meet you in sickbay.''

Storm: ''Affirmative, blackbird out.''

In the medbay.

Jean Grey was in the medbay preparing for the arrival of the new mutant as Wolverine entered with a boy or rather adolescent and Storm followed.

Wolverine: ''where do you want the kid?''

Jean: ''Over here, does the kid have a name?!''

Wolverine: ''Name's Sam Lessing, he's nineteen and unconscious.''

Wolverine put Sam down where Jean had said and Jean started scanning him, There was no physical indication that he was subdued, He was probably overexerted by what had happened.

Jean: ''It would be best to let him sleep it off and talk to him after he's awake.''

Storm: ''I think so too, he was probably in a lot of strain considering the accident.''

Wolverine: ''Yeah, I'd like to know what made him the sole survivor of the accident?''

Jean: ''The professor is on his way, to see if he can determine what his powers are. Maybe it had something to do with the first manifestation of his powers?!

Wolverine: ''Well I'm satisfied hearing about those in the morning, I'm going to bed.''

Jean: ''Goodnight Logan.''

Storm: ''Night Logan''

As Wolverine left professor Xavier came in.

Professor Xavier: ''Goodnight Logan.''

Wolverine: ''Night.''

Professor Xavier rolled to the bed where Sam Lessing was placed. Storm informed him he was like this since they had picked him up. And Jean informed him he was ok and just asleep.

The professor thought it best to leave him for now and perform the tests in the morning.

As Storm and Professor Xavier head out, Jean went to finish up and head up herself. Alarms were set so the minute he woke someone would be alerted.

04:00 hours..

As wolverine's nightmares still kept him awake sometimes, he had that misfortune this night.

As he sat up straight in his bed he decided to get something to drink.

As he got out of bed he just grabbed his jeans and pulled them on commando style, though he suspected no one awake he put on his signature white wifebeater and went downstairs.

As he arrived in the kitchen he got a coke and decided to check upon Sam.

Strolling thrue the mansion, and down the elevator Wolverine arrived in the med bay.

It seemed Sam was still sleeping, though as he came closer he noticed Sam was talking in his sleep but he couldn't make out what.

Wolverine: ''Hmm guess I'm not the only one having a bad night, bub.''

Wolverine turned to head back up when Sam mumbled something and turned in his sleep causing the covers to fall to the ground. He picked them up and covered up Sam, when he noticed he had a few tattoos. Snickering he thought this kid might have some rough edges, it would be fun to see Scott handle this one, he sure as hell was opposed to smoking and he'd already found a pack of cigarette's while searching for his identification.

With a smirk on his face he went back up to the mansion they'd probably have a briefing about the kid first thing in the morning so a little shut eye wouldn't hurt.

Early bird....

[Oh my poor head, I must've blacked out after the....]

''Huh where the hell am I? What the is this place'' Sam said as he quickly sat up and surveyed his surroundings, but just as quickly laid back down as he'd never experienced a headache like the one he was nursing right now.

Just then Jean Grey walked in the med bay, a gentle smile on her face as she saw the new arrival had wakened.

'' Good morning'' Jean said as she walked towards Sam

'' Ugh, well that's a matter of opinion.'' Sam said still holding his head.

'' Headache? I'm Jean Grey by the way.''

[Hmm if it wasn't for my appetite of men, I'd definitely be tenting the covers.

Jean was beautiful, she could be a model, with that long red hair flowing down over her shoulders]

'' What? How?.'' Sam said with a surprised look on his face.

'' How did you know what I was thinking?''

'' I'm telepathic, so when you..''

'' Telepathic? Are you for real?'' Sam said with disbelief in his voice.

Just then Professor Xavier came in.

'' Are you telepathic too? And if you brought me here does that mean I can do the same thing or what?'' Sam couldn't help but get a little excited.

Professor Xavier greeted Jean and seated himself next to Sam. As Sam sat up straight the sheets dropped in his lap. Jean proceeded to take off his monitor hook ups, as the professor started.

Professor X: ''Good morning Sam, and to answer your question yes I'm also telepathic and Jean here is telepathic and telekinetic. If you'd allow it, I might be able to find out what your mutation allows you to do.''

Me a mutant? I've never had any powers, did I? The only mutation I've got is being gay and oh yeah of course I attract misfortune. Nothing to envy here.

Sam seemed to be thinking it thru, not sure how to respond. He seemed hesitant at first but after nodding his approval the professor rolled to the head of his bed.

Professor X: '' Please Sam lay down so we can get started.''

As Sam laid back down the professor put his hands over his head. Not sure of what to come Sam started feeling a bit nervous, as he felt a slight tingling in his head.

It was like a sort of static feeling, not at all painful.

After a few minutes of silence the professor finished.

''It seems you've got a remarkable mutation Sam, you're powers seem to grant you command over ethereal energy and to a very high level at that.'' The professor said seating himself back in front of Sam.

'' And how does this work? Cause I can't remember ever using any powers.'' Sam said with a questioning look in his eyes.

'' Are you familiar at all with ethereal energies?'' The professor asked.

With a sort of blanc expression on his face, as though searching his memory Sam started.

'' Well I've always had an interest in the occult, you know like witches and stuff and different types of energy healing. The texts describe ethereal energy as inherent to everything known in existence.'' Sam said surprising himself at the total recollection of the subject.

The professor and Jean both nodded in agreement.

''So now what?'' Sam asked, his mind reeling over the information he just digested.

The professor: ''Well I'd like to offer you a chance to learn about and control your powers here at the mansion. You're also given the chance to further any education if you're willing to abide by the rules and the standard of morality we apply here at the mansion.''

''Uhm Professor, don't get me wrong but who's gonna pay for all this cause I gotta tell ya I haven't got any money?'' Sam said. The excitement replaced by sadness when reality hit him as he thought off what had happened these past few days.

'' It will all be taken care off.'' The professor said with a reassuring smile.

'' Come on I'll show you to your room, and get you acquainted with the mansion.'' Jean said handing me some grey sweats with matching hoody.

Sam put on the clothes and the three of them headed up. As Sam walked the halls of the basement he couldn't help but get a trekkie feel of the place, it was all metal, very futuristic, very cool. When they entered the elevator Jean activated it with a voice command and a security code. When the elevator pinged and the doors opened Sam's jaw dropped, he exited the elevator and headed out into the hall.

''Oh I'm definitely gonna like it here, this is beautiful.'' Sam said looking at the woodwork, walking ahead watching the ceiling, more then watching where he was going.

His gawking was ended prematurely when he walked into someone.

''Oof, oh I'm sorry, I was a bit preoccupied.'' Sam said as he looked in the face of a really attractive rugged man.

[Oh I'm sorry I think I'm drooling is what I wanted to say.]

Jean couldn't help but snicker. The professor remained stoic at hearing the same as Jean had.

< Sam sweety it's me Jean could you focus for a moment, cause you kind of are drooling>

''Uhm hey I'm Sam.'' Sam said holding out his hand with a sheepish look on his face.

'' Logan, we already met though you were taking a nap at the time.'' Logan said as he shook Sam's hand.

''Yeah thanks for the whole rescue thing and all.'' Sam said with an appreciative smile on his face.

''No problem, kid.'' Wolverine said. He then turned and headed for the kitchen. Leaving Jean, the professor and Sam to continue the tour, though the professor excused himself. He needed to take care of something. Jean led the way up a flight of stairs. The same woodwork as downstairs covered the upstairs halls too.

She opened the door to a room and ushered me inside.

'' This will be your room, you'll be sharing it with Kurt Wagner.'' Jean said as Sam stepped into the room. There were two beds, two desks set up under a large window and there was an en suite bathroom. His backpack was already on one of the beds.

'' It's beautiful, thanks Jean.'' Sam said as his eyes teared up a bit. He was grateful for the kindness they'd shown so far, and a little overwhelmed. It was in sharp contrast of what he'd left behind at home.

''If you ever need to talk, I'm here for you.'' Jean said reassuringly, as she looked him in the eye.

'' Thanks.'' Sam said with a wry smile upon his face.

The professor: < Jean could you come to my office? >

Jean: < I'm on my way>

'' Sam I need to go see the professor, if you'd like I'll send someone to finish your tour of the mansion.''

'' No that's ok, I think I'll take a nice long and relaxing shower first. And then maybe go get some fresh air outside.'' Sam said as he looked outside the window.

'' Ok well if you need me, just think my name out loud.''

< Like this>

< Yeah that's it> '' You're a quick study, well I'll see you later then. '' Jean said as she walked out the room closing the door behind her.

Alone at last.

As Jean left I headed into the bathroom, it was nice and spacious. I turned on the shower and searched the cabinets for a towel. As I took of my clothes I stepped into the shower letting the water cascade over my body. As always the soothing water seemed to relax me instantly, clearing my troubled mind I leaned against the shower wall. After what seemed an eternity I stepped out of the shower, relaxed though still somewhat preoccupied I dried myself and wrapped the towel around my waist. Stepping out of the bathroom I walked over to my new bed and searched my backpack for some clothes.

I put on military green shorts, a black wife beater to top it off and some sneakers.

What to do next.

As Sam headed out, he walked down the stairs walking the corridors he came to a room he thought resembled a playroom. There were several tv's, a pool table, playstations it seemed like an arcade. But it was deserted at the moment, probably the students were all in class.

Sam kept on walking until he found a door leading outside. When he stepped outside the scent of the grass hit him, as he inhaled deeply. Sam always had an affinity with nature and nature was all around the mansion.

He made his way over to a grove of trees nearby the lake, as he sat down in the shade he started thinking about his mutation.

'' Command over ethereal energy.'' The professor had said. Maybe it's the same as energy healing where you have to become aware of the energy before using it.

As Sam relaxed and started to focus on his surroundings he found himself getting a bit lightheaded. He opened his eyes and looked around noticing the trees as well as the grass and the flowers had a certain glow emanating from them. He could see the aura's of the plant life and it was beautiful. The colors were the same but more intense.

Not knowing how to proceed Sam thought back to his biology classes.

Normally photosynthesis would make plant life grow, but if everything is fueled by ether increasing the amount of energy should have the same effect.

Sam started to focus on a small daisy right in front of him, he noticed the intensity of the aura increasing and the little flower seemed to grow slowly but surely right in front of him.

Excited by his accomplishment he tried to focus on a few more daisies and just like before they started growing.

Sam was so engrossed with his efforts he didn't hear the oncoming footsteps.

'' Hey Sam what are you doing?'' Jean said as she neared the trees where Sam sat down.

Taken by surprise Sam searched for the origin of the voice loosing his focus. He looked up at Jean and the grass around him grew three feet shrouding him in a patch of grass.

Surprising both him and Jean.

Stepping out of the grass Sam stared into the face of a bemused Jean.

'' Hey Jean, I was trying to get the hang of my uhm powers. Though I need a lot more practice.'' Sam said pointing to the tall grass.

''You'll be learning all about your powers soon enough, though this already is a nice demonstration of your powers. I think Ororo would welcome your help in the greenhouse once you get the hang over your powers.'' Jean said with a smile.

'' The professor asked me to come get you, so you can meet the rest of the teachers.''

''Ok let's go'' Sam said as they both started walking back to the mansion.

That's it for now

Comment's definitely welcome.

Mail me at

Chapter 2 will follow shortly

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