Navy Stories III

By ten.pils@hgadrab

Published on Apr 24, 1996



Semi-Standard Disclaimer

The following story is based (loosely) on events that took place many moons ago; names/events have been changed to indict the guilty. If the subject of male/male sex offends you, one has to wonder just what the hell you're doing in this newsgroup...go find someone else to bother, okay? On the other hand, if you are interested in this subject, but, are under the age of 18, the law requires that you not read the following story; personally, I don't give a damn whether you do or not!

Favorable comments always welcome (e-mail me if you'd like); unfavorable comments aren't as welcome, but, as long as you're polite, I'll take your criticism.

Now, on with the show...

Navy Stories III Howard of the Purple Cock, Part One

During my four-year tour of duty aboard the U.S.S. Ashtabula (the Great Gray Whale), I had the opportunity to meet many good-looking young sailors; fortunately for me (and, for these stories), several of my ship-mates were interested in a bit more than casual friendship. Over the course of my first two years on the "Happy Ash," I'd fallen in love for the very first time, and, had my young heart broken when that love was taken away from me by the Navy's damned transfer regulations.

But, since I was taught to make the best of a bad situation, I assuaged my hurt feelings in the only way I knew: complete and total physical gratification. In other words, I turned into a slut. If it was male, had a bit of hair in the appropriate places, got nice and hard, and, could pump out a healthy load of sweet, juicy spunk, I wanted it in my mouth and/or in my ass.

Now, of the dozen or so fellow sailors that I had sex with, I would guess that no more than one or two of them were actually gay or bi; most were merely incredibly horny teenagers who weren't all that picky about the sex of the mouth giving them pleasure. At the time, I really didn't care that most of my sex "partners" weren't reciprocating; all I wanted was their cock and their cum.

However, as I've related in previous stories, every once in a while, I'd encounter another young man whose interests more closely matched mine. Such was the case with a boy named Howard.

Using the term, "boy," requires a bit of an explanation, I guess; after all, at this time I was just barely 20 years of age...not exactly an old man! But, Howard's parents had signed the papers to allow him to enlist in the Navy at the young age of 17 1/2...once I got to know the boy, I fully understood, and, agreed with, their reasons.

The term, "boy," applies in another manner, as well. While Howard was then a month past his 18th birthday, he didn't appear to be a day over 13 or 14. Short and skinny, without a shred of muscular definition to his boyish body, and, with scarcely more hair on his thin frame than you'd find on an egg, Howard looked like he belonged in the Cub Scouts rather than the U.S. Navy.

Perhaps that's the reason Howard's personality was so...ahhhh...."abrasive." No, that's really not a good description, to be fair to him. Howard seemed to want everyone to know that he was old enough to be a sailor, and, he went to great lengths to accomplish this. If sailors swear, then Howard's language would be the saltiest. If sailors drink, then Howard would try to drink his ship-mates under every table. And, if sailors had a "girl in every port," then, Howard would....well, here we come to a slight problem.

Despite his bravado and posturing, Howard was really a shy, insecure kid. He was still a virgin (not all that unusual in the mid-70s...although it was unusual in a sailor!), and, was scared to death of girls. More than that, though (as I found out during my "relationship" with the boy), Howard was harboring feelings towards guys that he felt would be more proper if directed towards girls. In other words, he was terrified that he was gay.

Added to Howard's shy, insecure personality was a rather cruel joke played by Mother Nature: not only did his crotch have the hairiness of a 7 year old boy, but, that same 7 year old would have been embarrassed with the size of the penis. While I wouldn't describe Howard's cock as "microscopic," it was a little thing...perhaps an inch long and quite skinny.

Howard bunked directly across from me in the berthing space, so, every day, I had more than ample opportunities to get as much of a look at his body as I wanted. And, before you think that I'm being too disparaging about this young sailor, let me add that, despite looking like a misplaced Cub Scout, Howard was very cute. He didn't appear old enough to use the word, "handsome," but, in his boyish way, the young sailor was quite attractive.

When Howard first reported aboard the ship, he displayed a habit that led to an incident long-talked about. He slept in the nude. Now, while this may seem an innocent thing, keep in mind that we're talking about a ship-full of horny, young sailors (and, some horny older ones, too, I might add), where homoerotic jokes and actions common; more to relieve the tension than to actually initiate more serious activities.

One of the older Navy jokes/traditions is "sea-pussy:" the youngest member of a division, so the story goes, has to "give it up" to his older other words, let them fuck his tight, young ass. After Howard's first few nights aboard, the jokes began, with Howard as the target. And, in truth, having seen the boy's ass, I must admit that I wouldn't have been adverse to fucking it!

But, it is just a joke; no one actually expects to be doing any butt-fucking (although, some of us did!). However, in Howard's case, given his smart-ass attitude, things went just a bit further. He'd been asked, in a nice manner, to wear undershorts to bed; Howard declined. He was warned of all sorts of dire consequences should he continue sleeping in the nude; Howard ignored the warnings. Sooo....

While I hadn't been a party to the plans, I wasn't sleeping well the night the plan was put into action, and witnessed the entire thing. I suddenly became aware of several figures sneaking along the darkened area between bunks, making their stealthy way in my direction. Through slitted eyes, I watched them move closer and closer, wondering just what in the hell was going on. One of them was carrying a red-lensed flashlight, and in the dim glow I recognized several members of Howard's division. And, to my intense curiosity, one of them was carrying an egg. An egg?

They reached the narrow space between Howard's bunk and my own and stopped, facing away from me. As usual, Howard was naked, sound asleep on his stomach; at some point during the night, his blanket and sheet had been pushed down, fully exposing the tight, firm globes of his 18 year old ass. I had no idea what the sailors were planning, but, I did know it was going to be funny--in a cruel sort of way. And, it was.

My eyes widened in shock as one of the sailors dropped his pants and began fondling himself; spitting in his hand, the young crewman smeared the slippery fluid onto his rapidly stiffening cock, getting himself hard and wet. Were they actually planning on fucking Howard?

But, in true Navy tradition, it was all a practical joke. With a swift movement, the egg was cracked, and the contents spilled into the cleft between Howard's ass-cheeks; instantly, the sailor with the hard-on leapt onto Howard's bunk, straddling the naked boy, and reached out to spread the teenager's cheeks, as if he'd just finished fucking Howard.

Waking up to find a boy with a hard-on grabbing your ass, and feeling sticky fluid on and in your ass, what is one to think? Yep....Howard was quite convinced, for a few moments, at least, that he'd just been butt-fucked!

General laughter broke out....while Howard called everyone present every name he could think of. It might have turned ugly, but, fortunately, the totally ridiculous nature of the incident was too much for Howard's anger, and, within a few minutes, he was chuckling about it as well.

And, he began wearing undershorts to bed.

My ship, the good ol' Ashtabula, was making another cruise of the Western Pacific (a WESTPAC, if you want the Navy term), and we were slowly approaching The Philippines. This was considered just short of heaven to most sailors, since, if you couldn't get laid in the P.I., then, there really wasn't any hope for you; just go out and shoot yourself, and be done with it. (If there are any Filipinos reading this, my apologies; but, let's face it: the girls living around the base at Subic Bay were both cheap and easy!) For just a few dollars (and, I seriously mean a few), a sailor could take his pick of hundreds and hundreds of willing young women, to do with whatever he pleased.

Howard eagerly drank up all the lurid sea-stories about the P.I., obviously thinking that this was certainly going to be his best chance at losing his "cherry." On the other hand, the boy still had his doubts and fears...

In what has to be one of the greatest examples of either youthful naiveté, or, blatant stupidity, Howard had told everyone that he was a virgin. His fellow ship-mates, being the kind-hearted, considerate souls that they were, rode him shamelessly about this. To his credit, Howard gave back almost as good as he got, but, I could see that it still hurt the boy. At this point, I really didn't know all that much about Howard; I certainly didn't know that he thought he might be gay!

Whether through unconscious design on my part, or, just because I was one of the few of Howard's ship-mates that didn't fuck with him all the time, the boy began to talk to me. And, to my surprise, I found that, beneath the smart-ass exterior was a boy who was...well....still a smart-ass, but, not all that bad a kid.

Just a few days before the ship pulled into the base at Subic Bay, Howard did something that pissed off the rest of his division; I haven't the slightest idea what his transgression was, but, it must have been a dilly, given the response.

As luck would have it, I walked into Howard's working-space (CIC, or, Combat Information Center) just as retaliation descended on the young sailor's head (in a manner of speaking). Six or seven of Howard's fellow Radarmen were holding the boy down on the deck, while two others made short work of removing Howard's pants and undershorts; all of this, naturally enough, accompanied by screams and howls of protest from the manhandled youth. Being "pantsed" was only the first step, however.

When they had the boy naked from the waist down, another sailor approached with a small jar; he opened it, knelt down beside Howard's crotch, and began to pour the contents out. As soon as I saw the purple fluid, I knew what it was: the dye the ship's laundry used to mark clothing! Once applied, the stuff wouldn't wash out...couldn't be rubbed wasn't called "permanent" for nothing!

The entire flask was emptied over Howard's crotch, turning his teen-flesh the most God-awful shade of violet I've ever seen.

But, they had gone too far. The boy was in tears, as he looked down at his purple groin; how long would this stuff last, he demanded, sobbing.

Needless to say, there was some serious ass-chewing for the group. Albeit, with a somewhat disguised smile...

In the perverse nature of human beings, Howard, who had been the target of so many cruel jokes, was now the darling of the division. The very same ship-mates who had turned the boy's crotch purple, now determined that they were going to get Howard laid, no matter what the cost.

Howard wasn't so sure. As he confided to me, "Who's gonna want to fuck a guy with a purple dick?"

He had a point.

As soon as the ship hit port, the division was off on it's "pussy-hunt," with every single member having as his primary objective the finding of a woman willing to be fucked by a human grape. Given Howard's natural shyness and genuine fear of women, it would have been a difficult mission; with the boy looking like someone who would shoot spurts of grape Kool-Aid, it was a mission doomed to failure. Especially given the superstitious nature of the Filipinas.

Not that finding women was difficult; all you had to do was walk into the first bar outside the gate. But, finding one and having Howard fuck one were two entirely different things. The first young woman willingly led Howard into a back-room, only to run, screaming, back into the bar a few moments later. After hurling what I can only assume were Tagalog obscenities in our general direction, she departed, hurriedly, for parts unknown.

The same result, or, variations thereof, occurred in the next few bars, as well; this was getting serious. Howard was becoming more and more disconsolate, quite sure that he was going to go through the rest of his life a virgin with a purple dick. But, the American sailor is known for his perseverance and love of a challenge; we weren't going to give up so easily!

We tried offering astounding amounts of money...we tried explaining the entire, sorry affair...we tried everything our fevered brains could conceive of to get Howard laid...all to no avail. The closest we came was a young girl (mid-teens?) who agreed to give Howard a blow-job, after seeing the eighteen year old in all of his purple majesty. Unfortunately, just before was about to slip him inside her mouth, the girl was overtaken by a case of the giggles; she rubbed salt in the wound by walking back into the bar and calling Howard an "inch worm."

She did have a point.

We had failed, and, as all good sailors will do when feeling downcast (or, when feeling upbeat...hell, when feeling anything at all!), most of the group decided to drown their sorrows in booze. I, on the other hand, had a few stops of my own to make; having been to The Philippines on my first WESTPAC cruise, I knew that there were Filipino boys every bit as willing as the Filipina girls...and, I knew several places to find them!

I made an excuse to the rest of the group, and headed for the door of the last bar we'd explored, when I felt a hand on my arm. It was Howard.

"Where ya goin'?" he asked, his voice betraying his disappointment.

I was about to give my "normal" excuse of having a "steady" girl (as many sailors did), but, looking down at the sad, mournful expression on the boy's face, I just couldn't do it. It was obvious that Howard needed someone to talk with more than he needed drunken companionship; and, it was equally obvious that it was going to be me. I mean, he couldn't very well go to talk to the Chaplain about this, now, could he?

"No where special," I answered with a friendly smile. "C'mon."

"Where we goin'?" Howard now asked, falling in alongside me.

"Well, I don't really feel like going back to the ship, do you?" Howard shook his head. "So, how 'bout we get a room in a hotel somewhere?"

My young companion was agreeable, and, we quickly found a room in one of the nicer hotels in the area; even this relative luxury came cheaply enough. It also came with a small refrigerator, well-stocked with San Miguel beer; we both quickly opened bottles and sprawled onto the beds.

The conversation was desultory for several minutes, but, given Howard's "condition," it naturally turned to the predicament he was in.

"Fuck, David, I ain't never gonna get laid!" the teenager exclaimed, taking a deep pull from his bottle. "And, right now, I'm so fuckin' horny, I'd settle for a damned hand-job!"

"I'm sure it will wear-off pretty soon," I tried to reassure Howard.

"Yeah, sure," the boy muttered, taking out a pack of cigarettes. After lighting-up, he looked over at me. "You know, I went down to the laundry...talked to Chief Johnson...he said that dye could stay on there for six to eight months!"

"It'll fade, though, won't it?"

"Shit, it ain't faded yet," Howard stated. Then, standing up, he unfastened his jeans, letting them drop to the floor. "Look!"

Yep, his little-boy crotch was still that horrible purple, all right. I made an appropriately sympathetic noise, and Howard sat down on the edge of his bed in disgust, leaving his jeans down around his ankles.

"Fuck..." he muttered, staring down at his colored crotch. "That bitch in the bar was right...looks like a fuckin' inch-worm."

"A purple caterpillar," I offered, smiling to show that I wasn't serious.

Howard grinned back. "Oh, fuck you, David," he chuckled, shaking his head.

"I'm sure you'll be able to find a girl that won't care...once you explain what happened and what it is."

"Yeah, sure I will....Shit, man, would you suck on a purple dick?" Howard asked, then, realized what he'd said, and blushed deeply. "Oh, fuck, man, I didn't....I mean...I'm not saying that you'd...."

I just laughed, then stubbed out my cigarette. "That's okay, Howard," I told him, sitting up on the edge of the bed across from him. "Besides, you never know what I might do," I added with a smile.

Howard's eyes were instantly locked on mine, as the eighteen year old youth tried to determine if I was serious, without actually asking me. In his gaze, I immediately recognized something new: an expression of hope and anticipation.

Well, what the hell, I asked myself. If I made myself plain to the boy, and, he rejected me, it would be his word against mine; and, given Howard's place in the crew, I was certain which of us would be believed.

"Of course," I began, "if I was going to do something like that with another guy...especially one that's purple," I added with an evil grin, "then, I'd have to be sure that he was gonna do some things for me, ya know?"

Howard's hand shook as he raised the cigarette to his lips; after he'd exhaled a stream of smoke, I saw the youth swallow, hard. "You'd have to do you, too?"

"Well, that's only fair, right?"


Howard crushed out his cigarette and took another deep breath before looking back over at me. "Are you serious?"

"If you are," I told him.


Slowly, I got up from the bed and knelt next to Howard's; placing one hand on his skinny chest, I gently pressed him back onto the mattress. Then, still keeping my movements slow and relaxed, I slid my hand down the boy's stomach and covered his crotch. As I cupped his smallish balls in their tight sack, Howard let out a soft, shuddering breath and then began to moan quietly.

The boy's cock began to respond, and I bent over Howard's crotch to take his teen-meat into my mouth, savoring the musky aroma and taste flowing into my mouth and nose. I started to work my oral magic on the young sailor, lavishing it with attention from my lips and tongue, knowing that I was giving the boy more pleasure than he'd had in his young life.

Naturally, I expected Howard's dick to get hard; after all, I know that I give very good head, and the boy had to be exceptionally horny. But, I didn't expect what I felt happening in my mouth. The teenager's cock was, indeed, growing...and, growing...and, growing...and, growing! In fact, after just a few minutes, I found myself going down on what can only be described as a big dick!

Pulling away from Howard's crotch, I gazed in wonder at the transformation that had taken place. The teenager's "inch-worm" had turned into a fairly thick, rather lengthy piece of meat! I'm not saying that Howard was huge, mind you, but, his dick was at least six inches in length, I judged, and more than respectable in size.

"Damn, boy," I murmured, wrapping my hand around the shaft and slowly pumping it.

"I know," Howard softly whispered, still breathing heavily. "I got a little dick, huh?"

"Shit, babe, you don't have a little dick!" I quickly countered. "You ain't got nothin' to be ashamed's just not that big when you're soft....but,'s just fine!"

With that, I eagerly bent once more to my task, and Howard was quickly incapable of talking; soft moans, whimpers, and groans of ecstasy were all the boy could manage.

Knowing that the teenager had to be exceptionally horny, I wasn't at all surprised that, within minutes, Howard gave every appearance of being ready to shoot. He began to grunt and thrust his hips upward, driving his dick deep into my throat, and I was eagerly anticipating his first spurt of sweet teen-spunk.

Again, though, Howard surprised me. When the boy started cumming, it wasn't with the typical spurts of jism. Instead, a nearly continuous stream of cum poured from the teenager's cock-head, rapidly filling my mouth with delicious fluid as I enthusiastically milked his dick with my tightly pursed lips and roving tongue. Howard's entire body convulsed, and I rapidly swallowed the mouthful of spunk, just in time to receive the next incredible gusher from the teenager's fountain of cum.

Nor, was the youth finished. There were two more of those amazingly long, steady streams of love-juice, followed by an unbelievable amount of teen-spunk delivered in more "normal" spurts into my rapidly overflowing mouth. In the four or five years that I'd been giving head, I'd never been with a guy who climaxed so heavily; Howard must have been storing his cum for years!

When Howard's copious flow finally subsided, I kept the boy inside my mouth, since I love the feeling of a spent dick slowly growing flaccid while wrapped in the warm embrace of my lips. And, as I always do when making love to another boy, I continued to gently suck on Howard's dick, savoring the sweet flavor of cum and cock-flesh. But, the teenager wasn't finished surprising me, I soon discovered; although, considering that I was making love to a virgin eighteen year old, I really should have expected him to be more than ready to continue.

Indeed, Howard showed absolutely no signs of getting soft; his sweet dick was every bit as hard as it had been, and, from the sounds he was making, the teenager was thoroughly enjoying what I was doing to him.

"Ohhhhh, yeah.....yeeeaaaahhhh.....mmmmmmmmmm, suck me....oh, yeah, David, suck it!"

Well, if he wanted to cum again, I told myself, I might as well show Howard another way to enjoy himself. Releasing my lip-lock on the boy's dick, I quickly stood and got undressed; Howard's eyes widened when he saw my erection spring free of my jeans, but, he immediately reached out and wrapped his hand around me, slowly pumping my shaft. I took his dick in my hand once again, matching his tempo.

Raising up from the mattress, Howard bent towards me; a moment later, I felt my cock-head surrounded by the warm, moist pressure of his lips as the inexperienced boy began to suck me off. I had intended to guide Howard's sweet, young dick inside my ass; I wanted this boy to feel the ecstasy of fucking a man. But, instead, I found myself being pulled onto the bed next to the eighteen year old, as Howard decided to return the oral ministrations I'd just lavished on him.

Afterwards, Howard swore up and down that he'd never given head before in his life; if that's true, then, I can only say that the boy was a natural. While I'm not hung huge, I'm certainly in the "average" range in length, but, Howard easily slid my erection down his throat, letting his lips and tongue glide effortlessly up and down my shaft in what can only be called an outstanding blow-job.

While I was already highly aroused from giving the boy head, Howard brought me to even loftier heights of ecstasy as he intuitively lavished attention on the super-sensitive areas around my cock-head; his tongue was doing things that I hadn't experienced in months, and I was rapidly losing what little self-control I had remaining. As if he knew the state I was in, the closer I got to my orgasm, the more intense Howard's sucking, licking, and, kissing got, until I was reduced to a whimpering, quivering puddle of protoplasm, sprawled across the bed.

Dimly, I was aware of someone screaming; dimly, I knew that it was me; dimly, I knew that I was in the midst of the most intense orgasm I'd had in many months. Each time my balls churned, another huge spurt of cum exploded from my cock, and, every time, Howard would take every inch of my dick down his throat, then drag his lips upwards, pulling yet another spurt of spunk from my heaving balls.

Unlike my younger bed-mate, though, once my orgasm subsided, my erection began to shrink, and Howard, somewhat reluctantly, I thought, released my dick, letting it fall, limp and drained, onto my abdomen. Flopping onto his back, I watched Howard lick his cum-streaked lips; he obviously liked the taste, I thought.

Looking over at him, I saw that Howard hadn't lost an inch of his erection; if anything, the boy's cock was even longer and harder than it had been before! Well, I certainly knew what I wanted to do with it!

Navy Stories III Howard of the Purple Cock, Part Two

The eighteen year old sailor emitted a soft growl from deep in his throat when I wrapped my fingers around the rigid cock-flesh jutting up from the boy's slender loins. Howard whimpered with pleasure as my hand began slowly pumping up and down on his shaft; the teenager's penis had fairly loose skin, almost as if he were uncut, allowing me to grasp his meat in a tight grip while I stroked him, without having to worry about any lubrication.

For what I had in mind, though, some sort of lube was going to be necessary; even though Howard wasn't a hugely-hung boy and I was an experienced "bottom," I didn't relish the thought of having a horny teenager trying to "dry-fuck" me! But, since this had been an entirely unplanned sexual interlude, I was going to have to "make-do" with the lubricant nature provided: spit, and, lots of it.

And, as long as I was going to use saliva, I might as well apply it in the most enjoyable fashion possible, I decided. Raising up slightly, I laid my head on Howard's flat, hairless belly; the slender, mushroom-shaped head of the boy's dick was nestled against my lips. Barely touching him with the tip of my tongue, I began to do my impression of a mother-cat cleaning her young: every sweet inch of Howard's luscious teen-sausage was lavished with my oral ministrations.

Judging by the ecstatic noises the teenager was making, Howard would have been quite content if I'd merely continued sucking him off to another orgasm; but, I wanted more, and knew that he would enjoy cumming in my ass. Consequently, once I'd gotten the boy's wet and slippery with saliva, I raised myself and straddled his body, reaching behind me to guide his turgid erection into the proper position. Howard's passion-glazed eyes watched as I lowered myself onto his pole; as the incredibly hot pressure of my ass surrounded his dick, his eyes closed and his mouth opened to let out a long, drawn out gasp of pleasure.

For my part, I was in heaven, as well. While the teenager was certainly not the largest boy I'd had fucking me, it had been a while since I'd had a cock up my ass, and Howard's felt absolutely great as it pushed deeper and deeper into my body. Once I'd gotten every inch of his hot, young-man-meat stuffed inside me, I ground my ass against his crotch, dragging another groan of ecstasy from the boy's lips.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I began to raise and lower myself over Howard's groin, moving up until the head of the boy's dick was just barely encircled by my sphincter, where I paused for a moment before once again taking him within me. As I moved up and down, I alternately relaxed and tensed the ring of muscles surrounding Howard's dick, making them grip the invading spear with a tight embrace as I pulled myself upward.

The teenager was beginning to thrust upward now, as Howard moved closer and closer to another climax. Feeling his dick swelling inside my body, I timed my own movements to coincide with Howard's, so that as he was shoving upwards, I slammed down onto his love-spike, impaling myself on the boy's shaft.

"Cum...cumming.....I'm cumming! CUMMMMIIINNNNNGGGG!!!" Howard suddenly shouted, ramming his prong in to the hilt just as the first huge spurt of jism exploded within my body. "Aaaahhhh......aaahhhhhh.....yessss!"

Howard's second orgasm was every bit as intense and copious as the first had been; I felt every massive eruption spewing into my ass, coating my love-tunnel with an incredible amount of hot, teen-spunk. I continued sliding up and down on Howard's spasming tool, using my ass-muscles to milk every hot drop of cum from the teenager's churning balls, until I felt the stiffness of his penis begin to subside.

Pulling myself up from the teen's now-flaccid dick, I quickly moved down his body, spreading Howard's slender thighs and raising them to gain access to his virgin ass. The boy's moans continued as I expertly rimmed him, delicately licking the musky-flavored flesh for several minutes before allowing my tongue to penetrate the relaxed hole. After a few more moments, I substituted my middle finger for my tongue, slowly and gently inserting it until every inch of it was inside the hot, tight interior of the teenager's ass.

Kissing, licking, and, sucking my way all over Howard's ass and balls, I began to finger-fuck him, listening to the sounds of pleasure emanating from the boy's lips; he let loose an ecstatic groan when I slipped a second finger inside him. He was almost ready; Lord knows I was!

Letting a large gob of spit fall into my hand, I applied the slippery fluid liberally to my rock-hard dick, then moved my body upward along Howard's, pressing the teenager's slender legs back with my upper-arms, until he was just about bent in half. The young sailor was still in that wonderful state of post-orgasmic relaxation; my oral and manual attention to his ass had helped, too, of course. So, when I pressed the head of my cock against Howard's virgin ass-hole, I encountered absolutely no resistance, but felt my dick sliding easily inside the teenager's incredibly hot body.

As soon as I was in to the hilt, I stopped, giving the boy a chance to accommodate himself to this novel invasion. Gazing down at his passion-enfused face, I lowered mine, pressing my lips against his. Instantly, Howard's lips parted and our tongues began to dance and fence frenetically. The last vestiges of my self-control disappeared and I started fucking the teenager hard and fast, slamming my cock into Howard's body with ever-increasing force until I was pounding him mercilessly. But, our kiss never broke, and the groans the boy was emitting into my mouth were definitely of pleasure, not pain.

Now, it was I who was groaning, though, as my balls began to spasm and shudder. My back arched, pulling our lips apart, and, with an especially savage thrust of my hips, I began cumming in Howard's ass. Again and again, I rammed my dick into the boy, each thrust harder and seemingly deeper than the one before, as I pumped spurt after spurt of cum into the teenager's body. My arms collapsed, dropping me down onto his body once again; our lips were instantly pressed together in an even more passionate kiss as my orgasm slowly began to subside.

We remained locked in our embrace, my semi-hard cock tightly grasped by Howard's cum-drenched ass, kissing deeply and passionately. I could have stayed in that position for hours, but, I knew that I was pressing down heavily on the slender teenager; after several gentle, questing kisses, I pulled my flaccid dick free of the tight embrace and rolled onto my back, emitting a long, drawn-out sigh of contentment.

In a move straight out of a '40s movie, Howard lit two cigarettes, reaching over to place one between my lips. Remaining propped up on an elbow, the teenager gazed down at me, a smile on his sensuous lips.

"You have to be back on the ship tomorrow?" Howard asked me.

It was Friday night, and I didn't have duty the next day, so, I shook my head. "Nope. Don't have to be back until Monday morning."

"Same here," Howard smiled. "Think we'd survive if we didn't leave this bed until then?"

"Fuck it, Howard," I laughed. "If we die, at least we'll die happy!"


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