Night at the Club

By moc.liamg@88enyawb

Published on Jan 6, 2008



This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives properties or possessions.

Adam Levine and Tyson

Having just left the MTV Awards Adam Levine of Maroon 5 went to attend an after party at a bar for all the musicians that were at the awards.

Adam sat at the bar watching the crowds for some nice little skank he could hang on his arm and take home later to fuck her brains out. Adam couldn't see anyone in this entire club who was fuck worthy and what a bad time he hadn't had sex in two weeks because he's been recording. He watched the dance floor and noticed a couple in the middle of an argument and watched intently.

"What are you talking about I wasn't looking at him" Tyson of All-American Rejects yelled at his lady friend who knew he was bi.

"Who are you kidding you are a pig" she yelled back before slapping him and storming off.

Tyson made his way to the bar and squeezed in near Adam not noticing who it was.

"Get me double shot of tequila" said Tyson to the bartender.

"I saw that tussle you just had" said Adam "that had to hurt" Adam continued as he rubbed the spot on Tyson's cheek with a hooked index finger and quickly withdrew it not knowing why he had done it.

"Yeah... Women can't live with them-"said Tyson taking his shot and looking at Adam "Oh dude what's up I'm Tyson Ritter."

"Adam Levine" said Adam holding his hand out.

"I know who you are you're in Maroon 5" said Tyson excitedly shaking Adam's hand "I'm with All-American Rejects you probably haven't heard of us."

"Nah I've heard of you" said Adam "Move Along that song rocked."

They sat around drinking and talking for hours until the party started to clear out. They both got up a little tipsy and went outside and hailed a cab.

"Would you like to share this cab with me?" Asked Adam reminiscent of when he would pick up chicks.

"Sure" said Tyson "but my place is just around the corner though, you wanna go by there and hang out for a while."

"Sure" said Adam waving to some other people to take the cab.

Adam followed Tyson a short way down the street and made their way to the building that held Tyson's suite. They both got into the elevator and made their way to the top floor where Tyson's room was located.

"So that party was kind of a drag wasn't it" Adam commented.

"I don't know why I went all I did was get slapped" said Tyson.

"I went to get laid" said Adam.

"I should have gotten laid" said Tyson.

"And we both end up together getting no pussy" said Adam "I've been stuck with this load for two weeks" Adam continued as he grabbed his crotch.

"That sucks" said Tyson "I thought you bang the shit out of those girls in your videos."

"Nope" said Adam as the elevator came to a stop and they walked out "my ex-girlfriend was in the `This Love' video."

"Here we are" said Tyson reaching the door and opening it.

"Dude I am exhausted now can I stay the night here" said Adam less drunk tired then he was pretending to be.

"Umm... sure" said Tyson "you want something to drink."

"Water's fine" said Adam.

Tyson got two bottles out of the fridge and sat down next to Adam and turned on the T.V. a Girls Gone Wild commercial came on.

"Dude that is just not right" said Adam "I can't take it."

"What" asked Tyson.

"I need to jerk off or something you got in mags" asked Adam.

"No I just have DVDs" said Tyson pulling a box from underneath the couch.

"Dude that is a gay one" said Adam pointing to the one out on twenty DVDs that was Tyson's for when he was in the mood for men.

"Yeah my friends got it for me as a joke" said Tyson trying to play it off even though none of his friends knew he was bi.

"Let's watch it... for kicks" added Adam seeing Tyson's surprised face.

Tyson got up put the DVD it in the player and sat back down next to Adam. They watched the credits and the video started.

"Dude look at that he is going down on that guy would you ever do anything like that" Adam asked Tyson wondering how he would try to avoid the question since Adam suspected that Tyson was in the closet that's what the fight had been about.

Tyson looked away "Maybe for the right guy" said Tyson jokingly not noticing Adam pull his hard dick out of his pants.

"Do I look like the right guy" asked Adam holding his dick.

"Uhh..." said Tyson staring with his mouth open.

"Dude I was totally kidding" Adam said quickly putting his dick back in his pants thinking he had been wrong in his assumption "we should go to sleep."

"You can have the bed this couch isn't that long and you're taller than me" suggested Tyson hurried to change the subject as well.

"No, I don't want to put you out its no big deal" said Adam taking off his shoes and socks "just get me a blanket and a pillow and I'll be fine."

Tyson ran off to his room and got the pillow and blanket. When Tyson came back Adam was sitting on the couch in only his boxer briefs. Tyson loved the way Adam looked and would love for him to be the first guy he'd ever been with but Adam wasn't gay or bi and Tyson would have to live with the fact he would not be with Adam.

"Here are those blankets" said Tyson throwing the blanket and pillow on Adam "need anything else?"

"Nope" said Adam "good night."

Tyson went to his bedroom and laid down completely awake staring at the ceiling wishing he could get a chance to just touch Adam's crotch and wondering what Adam was doing in the next room "probably beating off" thought Tyson rolling onto his side and trying to fall asleep.

Adam lay on the couch unable to sleep because of his raging hard-on he needed to beat his meat no he needed it to be fucked or sucked out of him. He had seen the way Tyson had stared at his dick like one of those sluts he brings home from time to time. A lot of women loved Adam's large eleven inch cock and Tyson had the look that all of them had when they wanted his dick and Adam was sure horny enough for a blowjob from anyone. Adam really needed to get this load out so he thought of a plan to get Tyson to help him out. He got up and headed toward Tyson's room.

Tyson lie on the bed still awake staring at the ceiling when he saw Adam enter the room with only a pillow and a rather noticeable bulge.

"You were right about the couch being too small I can't get comfortable at all can I sleep in here with you" said Adam.

"Sure here you go" Tyson said scooting over on the full size bed to make room "did you bring that blanket or are you sleeping under this one."

"This one's fine" said Adam.

"I had better put some boxers on then" said Tyson.

"Don't bother I don't want to put you out" said Adam "besides we're both guys not like I haven't seen a cock before."

"With a cock like yours you put all us average guys to shame" Tyson said to Adam as he got into the bed.

"Ahh... you liked those eleven inches of fun" said Adam "it is only that big hard I am more of a grower than a show-er."

"Wow eleven inches I'm barely nine" said Tyson.

"I think I'll get a little more comfortable" said Adam going under the covers and coming up holding the black cloth that were his boxer briefs.

They both fell silent as they got comfortable under the covers rubbing together in the small bed. They slept so that Tyson was on his side facing Adam and Adam on his back with only about three inches of space between them.

"I haven't been in a bed with another guy since I was in high school" said Adam.

"You've slept with a guy before" asked Tyson hoping he could be the second.

"No get your mind out of the gutter Tyson" answered Adam calmly "we did experiment a little."

"What kind of experimenting?" Tyson asked hoping he'd be the next lab rat.

"You know just like looking at each other's cocks and touching a little" said Adam rolling on his side so that their faces were only an inch apart and his cock was touching Tyson's leg "that's all... you ever do anything like that?"

"Nope I only peaked a little in the locker room to see how I sized up" answered Tyson feeling his cock hardening from the feeling of the precum from Adam's cock and thought it had to of been rubbing against Adam's leg but Adam didn't seem to notice either occurrence "I was kind of a loner in high school."

"That sucks" said Adam rolling back onto his back "good night."

"Good night" said Tyson bummed out that that was the end.

Tyson laid there wide awake not knowing that Adam was feigning sleep. Tyson wondered why Adam had come into the room and insisted on sleeping under the same covers with Tyson while he wasn't wearing underwear. Adam moved his hand so it brushed up against Tyson's hard cock making Tyson jump a little while Adam continued to fake sleep. "What if he was telling the story because he wanted something to happen, what if he is awake, what if he meant to touch my dick, what if he beats the shit out of me for being a fag" thought Tyson "I don't care I'm going for it".

"Adam...Adam" said Tyson quietly.

There was no response.

Tyson slowly rolled onto his stomach laying his cock in the hand that Adam had moved in his sleep and his shoulder on top of Adam's and his hand resting on Adam's thigh. Tyson slowly slid his hand up Adam's muscular thigh and he felt Adam's hand twitch on his cock as Tyson continued to move up Adam's thigh. Tyson brushed the back of his hand against Adam's rather large balls before reaching Adam's cock which to Tyson's surprise was semi erect already sitting at about nine and a half inches. Tyson slowly jerked Adam's cock as it grew in his hand. Tyson slid so that Adam's hand was on Tyson's abs and Tyson's head was on Adam's toned chest and he began to lick and nibble on Adam's nipple as he jerked Adam's cock.

Tyson lifted his head "Adam" he said again to no response.

Tyson knew if Adam hadn't woken up yet he wouldn't wake up for anything or he was awake. Either way the situation boded well for him. Tyson slid down further on Adam's body kissing all the way down so that Adam's hand was no longer under him and so that Tyson's head was above Adam's cock. Tyson continued to jerk Adam's cock and took one of Adam's balls in his mouth. When Tyson was done sucking on Adam's nuts he began to lick up the shaft of Adam's large cock until he reached the plump head and tasted the salty precum. Tyson took as much of Adam's dick into his mouth as he could but continued to jerk it softly since he knew he could never fit the monster all the way in. Then Tyson felt something running through his hair and quickly jumped up.

Adam decided to play dumb and quickly jumped up as well so that he and Tyson were standing on opposite sides of the bed.

"What the hell was going on?" asked Adam fully aware of what had just transpired "were you-".

"No... yes... what was the question" sputtered Tyson.

"You were" said Adam pretending to have deduced something "are you-".

"No... yes... a little" Tyson sputtered out again.

"How can you be a little my dick is still wet with your spit" said Adam giving his still hard cock a jerk.

"I was dreaming" said Tyson.

"Of what eating the world's biggest Popsicle?" Asked Adam overconfidently knowing he had wanted it.

"You're not gonna beat me up are you" asked Tyson.

"No maybe if you blue ball me" said Adam back calmly.

"You want me to finish?" Tyson asked Adam a little surprised.

"To be honest you're better than most of the skanks I sleep with" said Adam "but were you lying about never being with a guy?"

"No" said Tyson "never done anything like that I am so sorry."

"Umm... no problem" said Adam "but that was pretty good for a first time."

"If you want to leave I understand" said Tyson.

"No I'm fine" said Adam lying back in bed "just no more surprises."

"Ok I think I can control myself" said Tyson getting back under the covers.

They both lay on the bed in the same positions they were in before with their eyes closed but Adam still needed to get off. Adam slowly scooted closer to Tyson till his shoulder was against Tyson's chest. Tyson placed his hand on Adam's chest and Adam grabbed Tyson's hard cock.

"Adam" said Tyson loudly "you said no more surprises."

"Who's surprised" Adam asked moving Tyson's hand down to his cock.

Tyson and Adam both began to jerk the cocks that were in their hands moaning in time with each other. Tyson slowed down a little knowing that if he kept at his pace Adam would be cumming in no time which meant their fun would probably be over for good. Tyson rolled on top of Adam and softly kissed Adam on the lips and withdrew.

"Now that was surprising" said Adam.

"Well then this will really come as a surprise" said Tyson wanting to try as much as he can with this very attractive male specimen "I want you to fuck me."

"What that's kind of gay isn't it" said Adam.

"No it's me being a good host" said Tyson feeling more open "I don't want to put you out you need to cum and what better way to do it."

"I'm not sure you and I are still kind of drunk" said Adam "we aren't going to regret this?"

"Never" said Tyson reaching in his bedside drawer and pulling out a small bottle of lube.

"I need a condom" said Adam getting up and going to the living room to retrieve one.

Adam went to his pants and pulled out one of his condoms and went back to the bedroom. Adam opened the package and put the condom over his cock and lubed it up.

"Which way do you want to do this?" Tyson asked Adam.

"Doggy" said Adam quickly.

Tyson got on all fours and Adam began to lube up Tyson's ass hole. Adam began to play a little with Tyson's ass hole then started with his cock. Tyson felt a lot of pain as Adam stuck his cock into his ass but the pleasure he was already starting to feel outweighed it. Adam slid his cock head into Tyson very slowly.

"Damn your tight" said Adam "does it hurt?"

"A little" said Tyson.

"Do you want me to stop?"

"God no" Tyson replied.

When Adam had his cock head in Tyson's ass it was smooth sailing. Tyson began to moan as Adam pushed his dick in him deeper. Adam pushed till his balls were resting against Tyson.

"Are you ready" Adam asked.

"Hell yeah" Tyson replied.

Adam started slowly pulling out a little then plunging his dick back into Tyson's ass while Tyson moaned with a mixture of pleasure and pain. Once Adam got used to it he began to fuck Tyson's ass like he was one of those sluts he usually bangs. He loved the way Tyson's ass felt though better than the best pussy he's had. Adam felt he could fuck Tyson till the world ended as Tyson began to moan purely for pleasure as he got used to Adam's cock.

"Roll over" Adam said to Tyson.

"What" asked Tyson.

"Roll over" Adam said pulling his dick out and helping Tyson.

"Why" Tyson asked as Adam threw Tyson's legs over his shoulders.

"I want to see the pleasure I'm giving you" said Adam.

Adam pulled the condom off before sticking his dick back into Tyson's ass. Now Adam was in heaven this was way better than pussy. Adam continued to fuck Tyson letting Tyson's legs drop to his sides. Adam leaned in and began kissing Tyson's neck then started to bite softly. Adam began to jerk Tyson's dick with one hand and pinch Tyson's nipple with the other. Tyson had now abandoned moaning and was now pretty much yelling.

"Oh yeah... fuck me... oh god... Adam... fuck me... Oh Adam..." Tyson yelled and entangled his legs with Adam's and wrapped his arms around Adam's torso the feeling of Adam's cock rubbing against his prostate became too much "Oh shit I'm gonna cum".

Tyson began to cum between the two of them most of it hitting Tyson's abs but a few hitting Adam's as well. Adam continued to fuck Tyson hard while he continued to suck and bite on Tyson's neck. Tyson now began to bite and suck on Adam's neck as well now using both hands to rub over Adam's pecs and abs playing with Adam's nipples occasionally. Adam began to feel the signs that told him he was about to cum so he sat back up and continued to fuck Tyson's ass. Adam held his cum for a while until he was shaking from the pressure still continuing to fuck Tyson while yelling now as well.

"Fuck... yeah... yeah... yeah... fuck..." Adam yelled "ffuucckk" Adam yelled as he began to cum into Tyson's ass.

Tyson felt as Adam came inside him it had to have been at least eight shots of cum he felt hit his prostate and fill his ass. Adam collapsed onto Tyson after pulling his dick out and letting the torrents of cum leak onto the bed then rolling over so they were next to each other.

"Thanks" said Adam to Tyson.

"You're welcome" said Tyson.

"Did it feel weird to have a cock in your ass?" Asked Adam still a little awake.

"Not really" answered Tyson "but were you planning this all along?"

"Not this... I was just trying to get you to suck my dick" said Adam "because I noticed the way you were staring out there."

"I thought you seemed too comfortable with me sucking your dick while you were sleeping" said Tyson "you were awake the entire time."

"By the way you are the best host ever" said Adam.

They both laughed and began to fall asleep without noticing that both had given each other hickeys of considerable size.

That's the end hope you liked it hopefully everyone knows who these guys are. If I get enough feedback I'll continue working on it add some different artist or something if anyone has some suggestions just taking a little break from my Zac story.

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