Night With Taylor - Installment

By Nigel B

Published on Feb 23, 2001



Night With Taylor By Nigel

Disclaimer: This story is complete and utter fiction. I do not know Hanson, and I do not mean to imply that Taylor or any of the Hansons are gay. I don't know their sexual preferences. The only truth in this story is that I actually did go to the concert... I just didn't have front row pit seats.

Night With Taylor: Installment 1 __________

"Holy shit, you will not believe this!" I said into the phone one morning at 10 AM on August 16.

"This better be good," Seriate groaned. "Or I will have to kill you for waking me up on the one morning I don't work on."

"Ok, don't worry," I replied. "This is good. I got tickets to the Hanson concert in October!"

"Well woo hoo, looks like I'm gonna have to kill you now, sorry Nigel. I mean, you could have at least waited a few more hours before telling me that... you have tickets that are two months from now... could have waited."

"Just listen," I told her. "That wasn't the best part, which is that I got front row tickets!"

"Front row orchestra?"

"No, even better! I got front row pit seats! You know; the kind where you're sitting in a closed off area and you can touch the stage. The concert is on October 12th at the Louisville Palace Theatre. Wanna go?"

"Go?! Me?! Hell NO!"

"Oh, come on Seri... babycakes..."

"Absolutely not! Do you remember the last concert we went to together? What was it... oh yeah, it was Jonny Lang. Nigel, you don't understand how gross it was to see you get horny over him. I told myself `never again!' and I plan to keep this promise to myself. I do NOT want to see you get horny over these Hanson guys, who, by the way, are gorgeous enough to be girls!"

"Oh, please. There's bound to be another lesbian at the concert."

"At a Hanson concert, nuh-uh, I don't think so!"

"Seriate, I got up at 5:30 this morning and waited at Kroger at 6 to get these tickets. I'm down on my knees begging you... go with me, please?" I knew she could never resist begging, even from guys.

"Well... ok," she huffed.

"You are the greatest!" I exclaimed. "Oh, and Taylor Hanson is one HOT mother-fucker."

"One hot mother-fucker, my ass," she said, "he looks like my last girlfriend. __________

One month and twenty-six days later (Or is it twenty-seven? I was never good at math), Seriate and I drove to downtown Louisville Kentucky. We planned to stay in a hotel because it was a two-and-a half-hour drive back, and the concert ended at around 10:30-11. We figured we'd be tired and unenthusiastic about driving back at night.

Speaking of unenthusiastic, Seriate was in a grumpy mood all day.

"I don't like Hanson," she grumbled. "They should have at least one girl in their group."

All of the hotels in downtown Louisville were booked full, excluding the very expensive Seelbach. Well, that's not true, because the Marriott had a room, but it was a single, and Seriate didn't want to share a bed.

"No offense, I just don't like sharing beds with guys. Even if they are gay."

"S'ok," I said. I don't really enjoy sharing beds with girls either. Even if they are lesbian.

We went to the Seelbach, and they had plenty of rooms, however, they didn't want to rent it to "minors without adult supervision".

"Listen sir," said Seriate, getting royally pissed. "We may be underage, but you are going to give us this room because all the other hotels have no vacancies. And we don't particularly want to drive home at midnight just because some asshole wouldn't give us a room! Now do you take Visa?"

They gave us the room.

We went up to it. It was a nice double with two big beds and a Jacuzzi tub in the bathroom.

"It's nice," Seriate remarked after we were finished inspecting it.

"Yeah," I replied. "Oh, and thanks," I added.

"For what?"

"For coming with me and getting us this room."

She blushed a little. "I was a bitch to him, wasn't I?"

"Well," I said, and she punched me lightly.

"Asshole," she laughed. __________

The concert was to start at 7:30 PM, so after picking up some Wendy's, we walked up to the Palace Theatre at around 6:45.

In and around the venue, it was packed with excited adolescent girls.

"This would be my idea of heaven," said Seriate, "if they were all lesbians."

"Yeah, then you would have a massive lesbian orgy, right?" I replied. I must've said that a little loudly, because some of the girls who were standing near us gave us funny looks.

"Oh, look," said Seriate. "I think I'm going to go to the bathroom before the concert. Why don't you go stand in that big line to buy a $50 glow stick?"

I stared at her.

"It was a joke. Ha ha. Well, I'll be right back."

I did end up waiting in line at the merchandise stand. There was nothing better to do while she was gone. So I bought a concert program and a concert note that had a picture of Hanson and the day of the concert on it. Then I waited by the exit of the bathrooms, eyeing the gothic décor of the venue.

Seriate emerged a few minutes later, which was just in time, because they had opened the doors to let people in.

The Louisville Palace is a rather small venue, so virtually any seat in the house is good. However, we had the best!

The usher led us to the very front, where the seats were closed off by barriers and security guards who checked our tickets before letting us in. Seriate and I were front row, slightly to the right.

I was getting really excited. I couldn't believe I was going to be so close to Taylor Hanson! __________

It grew louder in the venue as it grew closer to 7:30. Every so often, individual groups of worked up teen girls would start shrieking for no apparent reason and it would set other girls off screaming.

Seriate looked sullen. "I should have brought earplugs," she complained.

"Oh, you are such a party pooper," I replied. "You are going to have fun tonight if it kills you."

I sat back and flipped through the concert program.

"M2M is the opening band," I announced.

"Who the hell is M2M?" said Seriate.

The words were barely out of her mouth when the lights in the house began dimming, and every girl in the place began screaming bloody murder. A couple of girls came out on stage. One of them was armed with an acoustic guitar, the other sat on a stool behind the keyboard.

"Hi, we're M2M from Norway," they said. They both looked about 16. They said a few more words and then launched into their first song.

"Now they are cute," said Seriate. I shrugged. No offense to M2M, but I just wanted Hanson. I actually prayed for M2M to hurry and get off the stage, as mean as that sounds.

Well, they did eventually, after what seemed like an eternity. However, it was a long half-hour wait before Hanson finally did come out.

"What are they doing, taking a big dump?" I said.

"I wouldn't be surprised," said Seriate. "But I also wouldn't be surprised if they were all backstage having and orgy with those cute girls from M2M."

"No," I said. "Gross. But even if they are, I bet it would be only a foursome, because Taylor is gay, and he wouldn't want to be in on it."

The girl on the other side of me overheard and said, "No way is he gay! You are sick!"

I ignored her and rolled my eyes.

Finally, Hanson ran onstage. A huge wave of volume was issued from the audience. I glanced at the girl next to me, the one who had gotten mad when I said Taylor was gay. She was crying and screaming her head off. It was gross. Everybody (except Seriate) got to their feet. I tried to get her to stand, and she did reluctantly, covering her ears.

The band started into the first song. I could have sworn Taylor made eye contact with me, but it was probably my imagination.

They played through their first set of songs. I was mesmerized. Taylor was so damn sexy. I wanted to jump onstage and tackle him behind his keyboards and make love to him. However, it wouldn't be a very rational thing to do.

Don't get me wrong, I don't like Hanson just because of Taylor. Zac and Isaac are cute too. I love the way Ike caresses his guitar and the way Zac beats on his drumset. But neither of them have that, well, how should I say it, quality that Taylor has. I don't know how to put it.

During the second set, the band was positioned even closer to the edge of the stage. Taylor was almost directly in front of me, and it was to the point where I had to keep a hold of myself during "Sure About It" so I didn't reach up and try to grab his ankle or something. It was incredible how his face is so filled with emotion when he sings. He gets so into his performances. I love it; it's such a turn on. And his voice is so... indescribably wonderful.

And his hair! I just want to run my fingers through it. It looks so soft. He is so beautiful.

I almost fainted when he came out wearing a white wife beater during the next set. He was soaked with sweat and was the perfect picture of an exhilarated rock star. He was dripping and flinging sweat everywhere.

"Where's his armpit hair?" shouted Seriate over the noise of the band and the audience.

"What?" I shouted back. I looked up at Taylor, who was holding his microphone in one hand and was away from his keyboards, a mere 5 feet away from me, doing that one-handed arm-wave thing that the girls in the audience were copying. From where I stood, I saw no trace of armpit hair, and for some reason, it turned me on even more.

Oh God, Taylor was a foot away from me! He was reaching into the audience, shaking hands with the crazed girls. I HAD to touch him. I leaned towards him, bumping into the girl next to me, who scowled, and put my hand out along with the other fans, only feeling slightly foolish. And he grabbed it briefly.

I sat down dazedly.

"What's wrong?" yelled Seriate.

"I touched him!"

She shook her head, probably thinking that I sounded like an obsessed twelve-year-old girl.

The concert went on. I was buzzed from Taylor's touch. His hand had been so big and warm and soft.

They sang MMMBop and This Time Around, and everyone in the audience sang along loudly. Well, they had already been doing that, but you know what I mean, because Seriate even knew the words.

Eventually the end of the concert came. I was really disappointed, because I wanted the night to go on forever. Or at least for another hour. But it was inevitable; I'm not stupid enough to believe it could have happened.

Hanson came out for their encore.

Seriate stood up straight as the opening bars for "I Want You To Want Me," a Cheap Trick cover, played.

"Shit a brick, this is my SONG!"

Zac was actually out from behind his drumset because Taylor had taken over that duty. Taylor looked so sexy beating on the drums, his hair getting messed up and in his face. I couldn't wait to go back to the hotel to whack off over the image.

When the song was over, they said goodnight, bowed, and shook hands with some audience members.

Taylor started to reach into the audience, and I grabbed his hand before anyone else, and for a second, he looked straight into my eyes before letting go. Then he grabbed the hand of the girl next to me, and was nearly sucked into the audience because she yanked on his hand. __________

My ears were ringing as we left the venue. Some geezer was stationed at the exit doors and wouldn't let us out until he had handed us each a Hanson sticker.

"Trade you," I said to Seriate. She had a blue one, I had an orange one.

"Uh, that's ok, you can just have mine," she said.

We began to walk back to the Seelbach. We paused as we watched the blue tour buses pull away.

"There goes my future boyfriend," I sighed jokingly.

We got back to the hotel. I sat back on my bed and flicked on the TV. Seriate went into the bathroom to take a hot bath.

I was halfway through the Rocky Horror Picture Show when there was a knock on the door.

I got up reluctantly and opened the door a crack.

"Yes," I said.

"Dad, do you have the shampoo," said an unfamiliar voice.

Dad? Huh? I peered out through the crack in the door.

"Excuse me?" I said. A young man was standing outside in the hall.

"Oh shit," he said frowning, as he focused his eyes on me. "I mean, damn, I must have the wrong room. This isn't room 137, is it?"

"Well, actually, yeah, it is," I said, confused.

"Damn," he said again. "Could I possibly use your phone?"

I looked him over again. "Ok," I replied. The guy seemed pretty harmless.

He strode in and picked up the phone. I closed the door after him and sat back down on the bed, turning the volume on the television up a bit. I figured that maybe he was making a private phone call and didn't want to be overheard. The TV was at my favorite part of the movie, where Frank en Furter has everyone dressed as transvestites and they are having and orgy in the pool.

I snuck a peek at the guy. He looked about a few years older than me. He was pretty cute, too, with blonde hair. He finished with his call and put the phone back on the hook looking dejected. He started to turn toward me, and I hurriedly focused back on the TV, hoping that he hadn't caught me staring.

"Hey, isn't that the Rocky Horror Picture Show?" he said.

"Yep it is," I replied.

"Great movie," he said.

"So," I said. "What's going on with the room mix-up?" I hoped he didn't think I was being nosy.

He sighed and sat down on my bed. "The front desk won't tell me my dad's room number."

"Why not?" I inquired.

"They said they're not allowed to give information about their customers."

"That sucks," I said. "But are you sure the room number was 137?"

"Positive. Well, I WAS, but now..."

"Yeah," I said.

He looked around. "Are you the only person in this room?"

"No," I replied. "My friend Seriate is staying here too. She's just taking a bath right now."

Seriate chose that moment to stroll out of the bathroom clad in only a small bath towel.

"Can I borrow your hairbrush, I can't seem to find- oh shit!" she said, spotting the guy, and hurrying back into the bathroom.

"I take it that was her," said the guy. "She is pretty good looking."

"Oh yeah, I guess she is but..."

"But what?"

"Well, I wouldn't try anything cuz she is a lesbian."

He raised his eyebrows. "Must be hard for a guy to share a room with a lesbian as good looking as her."

"Oh not really..." I began without thinking.

"Oh?" said the guy, raising his eyebrows again.

"Well, what I meant was that... that..." I stuttered. "That she is such a close friend that I couldn't even begin to think of her like that. By the way, I didn't catch your name?"

"Oh..." he said. "Sorry. I'm George."

"I'm Nigel."

He smiled, and spotted my concert note and stickers sitting on the bedside table.

"Did you go?" he said.

"What? Oh, yeah, Seriate and me went. In fact, we had front row pit seats."

"Was it fun?"

"Hell yeah! It was great! I got to touch Taylor Hanson."

"Really?" he said. "That's cool."

Seriate came out of the bathroom fully dressed. She peered at George.

"You know," she said to him, "you remind me of that one guy."

"Which guy?" said George smiling.

"You know," she turned to me. "That one guy!"

"Uh, that helps," I said.

"The guy we saw tonight," she said impatiently.

"Where at?" I said.

"At the concert! The one that you thought was sexy! The guy that you touched!"

Gulp. Seriate had just said that I thought a guy was sexy in front of George. Oh God, kill me now!

"Taylor Hanson?" offered George. He didn't seem to notice what Seriate had said.

"Yeah! That's who! You look just like him, hair and all." George blushed a little, staring at the picture of Taylor and his brothers on the cover or my concert program.

"Yeah," he said. "I get that a lot." He stood up. "Well, I guess I better be going now, if I want to find my Dad's room anytime soon."

"Now wait a minute," I began, getting up and blocking him from the door. "What do you think you're gonna do, knock on every door in the hotel, hoping it's your dad's room?"

He paused. "Well, it's a start..."

"Oh, that is stupid..."

"Well, what else can I do?"

I didn't answer. "Well, at least let me help you," I said finally.

He agreed, and we left. I was pissed at Seriate, and I would let her know later.

We walked along a little ways.

"Is your room near here?" I asked. "Because if you checked in with your dad, then you should probably have a room on the same floor and close by."

George thought about that for a moment. "I guess that's true," he said. __________

A half-hour later, we still hadn't found the room.

"This is retarded," complained George.

We gave up, and he asked me to come back with him to his room to keep him company. He figured that his dad might try to call his room or something.

We sat on the bed and turned the TV to MTV2. The If Only video came on.

I stared at it, then looked at George. "You know, you look SO much like Taylor."

He blushed again. "Well..."

"Don't worry, that's not a bad thing."

"Oh." George looked away for a moment. Then he said, "You seem to like Taylor Hanson a lot."

It was my turn to blush. "Well, um..." I stuttered. George stared hard at me.

"It's kind of weird that a lesbian would want to go to a Hanson concert," he said.

"Well, she went because I wanted someone to go with," I replied.

"Why do you like Hanson so much?" he asked.

"Well... I like their music a lot, and... well..." I didn't want to say the part about thinking Taylor Hanson was so damn sexy because first of all, that would mean that I like guys, and lastly, George would get weirded out because he LOOKS like Taylor.

"So how old are you?" he asked, changing the subject.

"I'm fifteen. I'll be sixteen in a while," I said. "And you?"

"I'm seventeen," he said.

"So what kind of bands do you like?" I asked.

"I like bands like the Red Hot Chili Peppers, the Foo Fighters, Radiohead. You know, those kinds of bands."

"I like all of them, I went and saw the Red Hot Chili Peppers on tour with the Foo Fighters twice. They were awesome! I got to touch Dave Grohl once too."

"You sure touch a lot of celebrities. Who else have you touched?"

I smirked. "Well, there was this local weather forecaster once..."

George laughed.

There was a knock on his door. Then-

"Taylor! Taylor! Open up, it's me!"

My eyes snapped from the door to George.

"Who is that?" I asked. George began turning and impressive shade of fuschia.

"Hold on just one second," he said, getting up. He went over to the door and opened it. I heard muffled conversation.

"Zac! What do you want now?"

"Taylor, I need your headphones."

"NO! I'm busy right now."

"I NEED them! It's really important!"

A guy about my age busted into the room. He stopped when he saw me, his eyes getting very round.

"Who's this?" he said to George. George looked like he wanted to die.

"I'm Zac," said the kid. "Are you Taylor's boyfriend or something?"

"Who's Taylor?" I replied. Zac looked bewildered. He pointed to George. "That's Taylor. If you don't know who he is, then why are you sitting in his room?"

"I thought that was George," I said, still confused.

Zac looked at George. "My ass that's George," said Zac. "Why'd you tell him that, GEORGE? What'd you tell him your last name was? Glass?"

George (or was it Taylor?) handed Zac a pair of headphones. "Zac, get lost," he said.

Zac left, stopping to look curiously over his shoulder at me. George/Taylor closed the door after him. Then he turned to me.

"Look," he said. "I'm sorry I lied about my name. I was just afraid that you'd go bezerk or something."

I just stared at him. No way... this was a joke.


"Yeah, I am," he said.

I gulped. How could I have been so stupid?

Taylor Hanson sat down next to me.

"I remember you from the concert," he said softly. "After the encore you grabbed my hand. I remembered you as soon as you opened the door of your room. And I have something to admit. I really do know my dad's room number. It's 173, not 137. I knew it had to be one of those. It's just that after I saw you, I wanted an excuse to talk to you."

I just gawked at him like an idiot. He continued.

"I'll understand if you're mad at me, I just thought you'd treat me differently if I had told you my real name."

I was speechless. Then I said, "How could you be here? I saw your tour buses pull away."

"We did that so that any fans following wouldn't follow to the hotel."

Oh. I got it. Taylor watched me closely to see my reaction to all that he had told me. The truth was that I didn't know what to think. I just sat there wordless.

And suddenly, Taylor leaned in close and kissed me. His lips were soft against mine, his mouth sweet, his tongue mingling with mine. When he pulled away I was left breathless. He looked deep into my eyes. His own were clear and bluer than I'd ever seen.

"Nigel?" he said quietly. And I'd never heard my name spoken by someone with such a beautiful voice.

He looked at me again, his beautiful lower lip quivering a little, and he got up and ran from the room, the door slamming behind him.

What did I do? I thought. I ran after him, opening the door and peering up and down the hall. I didn't see anyone. Then I heard a sniffle beside me, and I saw him huddled by the door of his room.

I sunk down beside him. "Taylor?" I said, "What's the matter?"

He wouldn't look at me. "What did I do wrong?" he said thickly.

"What do you mean?" I said gently.

He finally looked up at me. His blue eyes looked turquoise in contrast with the red rimming his eyes. "Why didn't you say anything? After I kissed you? Because it scared me. I thought that it meant that..."

Oh. I got it. He thought that I was rejecting him because I was silent after he kissed me.

"That's not true, Taylor," I said. "Truth is, you took my breath away. I was just surprised, that's all." And I took his face in my hand and kissed his soft pouty lips.

"Here ya go Tay!" said a voice above us. We broke the kiss and looked up. Zac was standing over us with Taylor's headphones. He dropped them on the floor beside us. Zac looked at us a moment.

"Whoa, gross, get a room!" he exclaimed.

"That's a good idea," said Taylor. I helped him up and we went back to the room and shut the door.

"Taylor you forgot your headphones!" came Zac's muffled voice.

"Keep them!" Taylor shouted back.

"Cool, thanks!" Zac replied.

Taylor turned to me and leaned down and kissed me. He was about five inches taller. He picked me up and dropped me on the bed and got on beside me. He laid on his side, looked deep into my eyes once again and kissed me. I felt his hands wandering over my body as we kissed, and I reached up and touched his face. When we pulled away I began stroking his beautiful hair. Just like I had always wanted to.

He rolled over on top of me, his closeness making me short of breath. He was hard against my body. He hovered above me just looking at me until I got impatient and pushed him back on me and kissed him, grinding my hips into his.

He groaned audibly, his body tensing, breaking our kiss and squeezing his eyes shut. I slid my hands under the back of his shirt. His body was burning hot with desire. I whipped his shirt off over his head and he sat straddling me as I admired his beautiful hairless chest. He wasn't muscular, but he wasn't scrawny either.

I moved him off of me and made him lay sideways on the bed. I leaned over his half naked body and kissed him, his lips sweet as I caressed his chest. He made the cutest whimpering noises whenever my fingers brushed his nipples. His hardness was visible; his pants were tenting impressively. It was my turn to straddle him, and he watched me silently as I unbuttoned his pants and slid them off his long legs.

He wore plaid Abercrombie & Fitch boxers. I reached down and rubbed the bulge through the fabric, then leaned down and kissed it. He sighed, then stopped me after I kicked off my shoes and began taking off my own clothes.

"Let me," he said.

He leaned me back against the pillows and bent over me, kissing me tenderly as he began sliding my T-shirt over my head. His hands brushed my nipples as he did so, and I shivered. He straddled me and kissed my neck and collarbone before kissing down my chest. He licked my stomach as he began unbuttoning my jeans. He unzipped them and slowly pulled them off.

My boner was poking out of the top of my boxers. Taylor leaned down and kissed the head before tucking it back inside my boxers.

"Not yet," he told it, and I was in agony. He rubbed his own crotch a few times just to tease me, then licked back up my chest. He planted his mouth over mine for a second, and then, with his nose touching mine, he said, "Soon."

Installment 2 coming up soon!

Feel free to email me with comments. I love hearing from you. ~Nigel,

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