Nightcrawler- X-Men

By J Miller

Published on Jan 13, 2007




This story contains graphic descriptions of sexual intercourse, incest, and Dominant/submissive themes between adult males. If this offends you, is not appropriate for viewing in your location, or you are not of legal age, do not read it. Any resemblance of characters in this story to the living is purely coincidental. Please put the title of the story in the subject line. All usual standard disclaimers apply. X-Men and all other related elements are properties of Marvel. This work is purely fanFICTION, and may also contain sexual of situations of the homosexual nature, not suitable for minors. All usual standard disclaimers apply. X-Men and all other related elements are properties of Marvel. This work is purely fanFICTION, and may also contain sexual of situations of the homosexual nature, not suitable for minors.

This is the first porn story I've ever written. If you like it, please tell me. The X-Men are fertile ground for more fun. Contact me at to comment.


It's dark in the city as I walk home; even the homeless have crawled into their crates for the night. Nothing is left but predators and me. The wad of bills in my pocket crosses my mind quickly, but I push the thought away and focus on getting to my apartment as quickly as possible. It is useless for me to listen for irregular noises in the dark. The pounding bass of the music I've been dancing to for the past several hours has dulled my hearing. The fact that I danced at all was unnecessary. All I had to do was send a bare minimum of energy out and the men would have crawled on their knees toward me, drooling. I danced for my own pleasure. After the bar closed I had to stay, rebuffing my admirers gently, but firmly. With my ability, I have to be very careful with these men. As I walked into the streets, they were pressing all their money into my jeans, several of them letting their hands go deep into my pants to give me a pull or a pinch. For the last half hour I have ducked through alleys trying to lose the followers in the night. I must be very careful. I trail lust behind me. Lust is a dangerous emotion to inspire.

I have been in the city for a few weeks, yet I have several thousand dollars already; easy takings for a mutant like me. It is the most useless, dangerous mutant power of all- Lust. If there is a mutant power lottery, I have won the booby prize. I have heard of mutants that can walk through walls, reduce mountains to rubble, or command the elements. I am able to put any animal into a state of powerful sexual excitement. It sounds like a ridiculous plot device in the hands of a porno writer, not a super power.

So far, it has been more a curse than a gift. I think of my father's face before he banished me. He couldn't look me in the eyes any longer. His expression mingled anger, shame, and, yes, lust. I kept crying, "It was an accident!" It didn't matter to him. He sent me away.

Everyone hates mutants, but I think most boys dream of having the power granted the homo superior. They dream of the miraculous powers they see on the nightly news. I know that I did before the power began to manifest itself. For a moment I entertain the idea of dressing in a tight uniform, going out into the world to combat evil, but it is laughable. I can see myself swinging into the middle of a bank robbery, dressed in bright costume, my fists propped against my waist. "Take that!" I yell in the fantasy, flexing my power at the ruthless bandits. They drop to their knees and whip out their cocks, forgetting the loot and everything else, taken over by animal greed. Greed for sex makes them writhe on the bank floor, semen spraying. I don't think it would make the newspapers as a heroic effort. What would be my hero name? 'Whack-man'? I could have a sidekick. Whack-Man and Fuck-Buddy. My emblem could be a stylized erect penis. Right. I'm not a mutant; I'm one of the 7 deadly sins. At least that's what my father told me before he and the deacons of his church kicked me out of the only home I knew. It wasn't my fault. I didn't mean for it to happen.

I'm in a dark alley lined with dumpsters and garbage cans. Lights hooked to the walls above cast linear shadows on the narrow landscape before me. Dark pools linger everywhere. I don't even remember walking into this place, so unconscious is my need to lose anyone who might be following me. My ringing ears hear cats yowling for sex in the night. Sex seems to follow me like a shadow at noon, never far away.

Suddenly, in the shadows cast by a garbage-filled dumpster, there is an explosion. The noise isn't loud, more like a firecracker that detonates under pressure, too much energy in a small space. The air reeks of sulfur and smoke. The flash of light accompanying it is swallowed like a depth charge exploding under water. I spring back against a rough brick wall; my power flexing out instinctively like it used to before I learned some control; before I knew what could happen. I feel the waves of energy leap from me.

"Don't be afraid," a voice speaks from the shadows.

I strain my eyes but there is no one there.

"I mean you no harm."

The voice is deep and smooth with perhaps a touch of a German accent. I strain my eyes into the night but there is no one there!

"My name is Kurt. I represent a group of mutants. We have been following you with our sensors. I am here to help you," his voice is growing husky, "Do not run away from me."

This sounds a little less like the voice of a friend.

"Please. Show yourself," I beg. "I can hear you but I can't see you. Where are you?"

"I am here," he says, the voice suddenly much closer than before.

In the light cast by the dented light fixture above he appears, though there was no sign of him before. He is a demon. A demon with blue skin, rather than the blood red devils my father pointed out to me in his books, but a demon nonetheless. He even has a pointed tail that is twitching behind as if he were a cat in heat.

"I am here to take you" he seems confused, searching for words, "There are people who..."

He shakes his head, as if there is water in his ears.

"I am going to take you," he says at last, decisively.

His eyes trace over my body from head to foot, then back again. I silently curse the loss of control that unleashed my power. At the club I use only the barest amount of energy. Kurt got a full blast. He is no longer in control of himself and I can't undo the process once it is started. He is already feeling the surge of testosterone and sensations rushing through his body. It will take hours to expel them. Until then, he will be at the mercy of his raging hormones. Unless I get away, I will be at his.

He steps further into the light and I get my first good look at him. I know immediately that he is not a demon, or human. He is a mutant. Most mutants look like plain old Homo sapiens, but some of us go through great changes. Sometimes the results are hideous. Not this time. Kurt is beautiful.

His skin is deep indigo blue and his curly hair is an even, solid black. His body almost disappears into the darkness behind him, despite the tight costume of red and black. Almost.

The stray light in the alley is strong enough to coat the surface of his muscles, accentuating them. They bulge and stretch with every movement he makes. His eyes and teeth glow from the bottomless blue of his face, the teeth flashing like fangs in an old Christopher Lee movie. It is the smile of a lion watching a wounded gazelle enter his territory.

I run. There will be no reasoning with him in this state. I have always been athletic and the dancing keeps my body in fine tune. My feet fly over the ground. I tear around the corner of a building and ahead streetlights show the way back to the streets and people. I push my legs for more speed. I got away from him!

Or so I think. Without warning the air in front of me explodes. My last-ditch burst of speed carries me through a cloud of sulphurous smoke and right into Kurt's arms. He appeared in front of me! I struggle against him, trying to twist my body out of his grip. It's no use. He is too strong and his hands grip my arms like a vise. He forces me against the alley wall and his mouth is all over me. It is like being devoured. Devoured by an incubus.

He is kissing and biting my lips, darting his pointed tongue in and out of my mouth, guttural groans pouring from his throat. I make a feeble attempt to push him away. It makes him angry.

"Damn you," he yells, baring his teeth at me, "I'll keep you from running!"

His thick tail lashes around my body like a whip, binding my arms together behind my back. It is not the unconscious, skinny tail of a feline. It is muscular and powerful. He could break my arms if he wanted. I lean my head back and he latches onto my throat, grabbing a bit of skin between his teeth, shaking it like a dog with a toy. A quick lunge downward and he sinks his teeth into my nipple, biting it hard and pulling on it. I gasp and my knees weaken. His powerful tail pushes me down to my knees.

He stands above me. The rounded mound between his thighs grows and bulges beneath the thin layer of spandex covering it. It is barely an inch away from my face and I can feel heat radiating from it. He grips my chin in his strong fingers and lifts my head so I am looking into his face. The grip on my chin isn't gentle. Neither is the look in his eyes.

Now that I am on my knees and bound by his tail, he lifts one hand to the other and begins to remove his white gloves. In the frenzy of running and our sudden struggle, I hadn't paid attention to his hands. They are deformed, larger than normal; they consist of two fingers and a thumb. Each digit is three times thicker than a human finger and half again as long. With one hand free from the glove, he plugs my mouth with a hairy finger.

"Suck it!" he commands.

I am too stunned to react and he begins pressing it deeper, feeling the back of my tongue, rubbing the entrance to my throat. I start to gag and cough. He laughs and pushes deeper.

"Better get used to it, mein Herr. I'll be deeper than that soon."

I am looking into his eyes as he explores deeper and a change comes over me. I am beginning to enjoy it. I swirl my tongue around the thick digit, licking and sucking at it as he pushes it in and out.

He begins to croon softly, "Soft mouth...that's right, suck it."

From my fear a new emotion emerges; Lust. I am as confounded by lust as he is.

He pulls his finger from my mouth and I feel empty, desperate for something to fill me again.

"Please," I whisper softly, "let me suck it. Put it back."

It embarrasses me to say this but hunger over-rides all other feelings. I strain forward and kiss his hands, darting my tongue to the fingers, tempting them to return. He denies them to me.

"Don't worry, liebchen, we'll feed that hungry mouth."

His voice is melodic, like a mother taking to a crying child. His hands go to the seams of his skin-tight costume, searching nimbly for the hidden catches. I focus on the bulge beneath like a bird hypnotized by a snake: a bird praying for the strike. Spittle drips from my mouth.

A touch on my cheek startles me because his hands are in front of me. I turn my head and see the triangular point of his tail waving in the air. I didn't even feel it release my arms. They are still behind my back as if held there. I leave them that way. The tail comes from behind his back and caresses my face, feeling like a warm flap of suede petting every nerve ending. Men were fools to allow their tails to evolve away, I think deliriously. The tail rubs my mouth and I kiss it. He spanks it against my lips firmly, making them tender. I pucker to kiss it again and it lunges, popping into my mouth. My lips are open in a reverent 'O' to receive it. The surface is rough and I feel the muscles working underneath the skin. It is delicious.

Kurt is watching me as I worship it, moaning softly. He kneads his bulge with his large hand as he explores deeper with his tail. I start to gag a little when it goes deeper, but he holds up a finger and scolds me.

"Nicht! Bad! Relax your throat, let me in!"

He is deadly serious. I relax the muscles in my neck as best I can, though I almost lose it when the tip of his tail pierces into my esophagus. I barely manage to maintain control and he rewards me by withdrawing a bit then stabbing deeper still. My entire consciousness is focused on the dark tube connecting me to him. He withdraws it completely, letting me see how much of its length is wet and shiny with my saliva. It seems impossible.

"Please...Kurt," I beg, my voice rasping from the assault, "Put it back."

He thrusts it deeper still in one fast plunge. I massage my cock and, with a quick jerk, he pulls the tail free. He grabs me and shakes roughly.

"Did I tell you could touch yourself," he snarls, anger contorting his face.

"Did I?!" he demands.

"No," I stammer. "But..."

"No SIR!" he barks into my face, "Don't argue with me. Not if you want this."

With a sudden movement he jerks the waistband of his tights down and his thick cock springs from the confining cloth, striking me in the face. It splats a dollop of clear fluid by my nose and my head swims with the musky scent. Again I am hypnotized by hunger. I watch his cock intently as it moves with the secret motions of the blood pulsing beneath the skin. The foreskin pulls away as it expands, exposing shiny glans of cornflower blue.

I place my hands behind my back. "It won't happen again, Sir. I'm sorry."

"That's better," he says.

The wonderful tail wraps around my neck once again and the tail pops back in my mouth. It is like a pacifier. I close my eyes and suckle immediately and am rewarded by Kurt's words of encouragement.

Finally he says, " Take a look. Isn't this what you really want?"

He takes his tail from my mouth and I open my eyes. Kurt's big hand is wrapped around his cock, stroking it. His foreskin is sliding over the head with a wet, crackling sound and his body is exuding a scent into the air. A strong male scent I can feel more than smell. My nose tingles and the sensation spreads to my mouth.

"Please, Sir. Let me," I say.

There is a dollop of precum hanging from the end of his cock. It is thick, but so much has collected it will fall to the ground and be wasted.

"Please," I say again. "Let me have it."

The tail pulls me closer. The pointed end of his tail wraps around his foreskin and collects the mass before it drips. He milks his cock with his hand and squeezes more onto his tail. It is like watching honey drip onto a spoon. I am like a bear. I will do anything to get it.

"Is this what you want so much?" he asks.

He milks again and puts more honey on.

"Afraid you'll miss it and have to lick it off the ground? You'd do that wouldn't you? Lick it off the ground?"

"Yes, Sir," I moan, embarrassed, "I'd lick it off the ground."

It is true.

"Good," he says, approving. He turns so his buttocks are in front of me, "But that won't be necessary."

With the extra room turning around gives him, the tail wraps further around my neck. Kurt's big fingers appear on either side of his asscheeks. He spreads them till I see the tiny pink bud of his anus winking at me from the midnight blue of the surrounding skin. His tail pulls me closer, until I am looking cross-eyed at it. The triangular end of his tail flips up, smearing the collected cock juice over his crack in a shiny, thick layer.

"Lick it off," he says.

His voice is a soft moan but I know it is a command.

I think again of the illustrations my father thrust in my face as he preached against sin and me in the same breath. One showed a witch kissing the Devil's anus to prove her loyalty. Kurt resembles a demon. I can hear my father's voice screaming to the heavens as I join my lips to his ass in an unholy kiss. I dig in with gusto, licking the honey from his hole in wide sensuous strokes, smacking my lips at the treasure I find. I scrub my face up and down the surface before zeroing in on the epicenter and spearing into him with my tongue. His tail pulls harder on my neck until I am bound to the monster's ass. I burrow until my tongue is straining at the base. I can go no deeper. At least that's what I think, until Kurt pulls me away from my meal to replenish the supply of nectar. This time, after he deposits the juice on his tail, he pierces deep inside the hole and deposits the treasure there.

He barely has time to remove it before I am eating his ass like ripe fruit, sucking at the liquid inside. He no longer needs his tail to hold me in place. The night is full of his guttural moans and low howls. I root between his buttocks like a pig hunting for truffles.

He grabs my hair and wrenches my face away from his ass. The night air cools the saliva on my face, chilling me. He jerks me to my feet and tears at my jeans, ripping them from my body. When he has those out of the way, he pulls on the thong underwear I am still wearing from the bar. He snaps the strap across the sensitive bud of my anus like a rubber band, until finally he snaps the thong between his sharp teeth, exposing my naked buttocks. He pushes me back to my knees facing him, his clever tail teasing and slapping the hole between my legs. He jacks his cock in my face, dripping sweet slag onto my lips. In one coordinated move, he launches into my ass and mouth at the same time. His tail thrusts inside me while his cock spears into my mouth and hits the back of my throat. With a quick tug he pulls my mouth all the way down, till my nose is buried in the thick mound of hair at his groin and my lips are stretched thin around the thick base. He jabs upward with his tail till it punches against my prostate. I squeal, but the meat stuffed deep in my gullet muffles the sound. I am like meat on a roasting spit, run through from end to end. He grabs my head and fucks my face roughly, no thought in his head but to use my hot mouth for his pleasure. At times I think I will black out from lack of oxygen but I offer no resistance, so great is my intoxication.

He pulls from both ends at the same time with a popping sound like wine uncorked. He lifts me to my feet, moves behind me, and in one seamless move buries his thick cock balls-deep in my ass. The shock is so great I struggle and scream. He laughs and, giving me no time to adjust, he fucks me savagely. I fight to free myself from the thing between his legs but it only stimulates him more. His tail whips through the air, landing sharp stings on my ass. All through this he is deep slotting me, pulling all the way out only to stab back in to the hilt. Over and over again, he plunges. But even as I yell and fight, I know there must be some pleasure in this for me. My hard cock gives me away, jerking and spurting in rhythm with his thrusts. His cock hammers the pleasure spot deep inside me relentlessly and, each time it hits bottom, I throw my head back and squeal.

Finally I submit to this ordeal, focusing on the sounds his cock makes, the feel of his balls swinging to meet mine with each of his thrusts. He feels that I have given in and varies his stroke, anything to make my breath come in shallow pants. He pushes in from an angle, hitting my insides. Shallow insertions, followed by merciless fast jabs work me onto my toes. An orgasm builds within me like magma beneath a thin crust of earth.

Just as this happens, Kurt latches onto my shoulder with his teeth, holding on as he rides me like a rutting dog. His tail swings to my mouth, and I take it in gratefully, sucking till it is coated with glistening spit. When he swings the tail back between my legs, I have a sudden premonition of what he has planned. I try to stop him but only get out.

"Kurt, please NO!!!!..." before he thrusts his tail in next to his cock.

The shock overwhelms me, but when Kurt's tail starts to writhe inside me like a snake on hot pavement, I know I am going to cum.

Kurt lets go of my shoulder and bays at the night sky like a Devil exalting his triumph. When his cock grows and throbs inside me, my own orgasm overtakes me. It washes over me and I feel the first jet leave my own swollen member. I yell to the sky in unison with him. We are wolves howling at the moon.

"Let's go for a ride," he snarls, strapping my chest in his arms.

Kurt teleports us as we come. Each teleport is a small orgasm, dissolving our bodies and transmitting them across distances to coalesce elsewhere instantly. A dozen small orgasms on top of the big one we are both having. He sends us to rooftops, bridges, even to the middle of a crowded street. In each place I leave a strand of pearly semen.

Finally, we return to the place we started. Kurt releases me from his arms and I slump to the ground in front of him. His tail and cock slide from inside me with a wet, slurping noise. My elbows scrape across the grit in the alley floor when I fall. I can barely lift my head I am so exhausted from Kurt's brutal assault. Finally, I am able to twist to see behind me. Kurt is standing with his fists on his hips, smiling at me with gleaming sharp teeth. His cock stands erect and unsatisfied, as if he hadn't had an orgasm at all. Most men I have used my power on need several orgasms before the spell fades. He begins stroking his cock slowly and spears me again with his tail. As he stirs my insides, my erection returns, standing of its own volition from my exhausted form. Kurt sees it bobbing between my legs, twitching with excitement.

"Ja, liebchen," he says, "We have business to finish here. After that we will go to my friends. They will like you."

With a lascivious grin and another howl, he springs for me.

It is a very long night.

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