
By K E

Published on Nov 24, 2002



Hilde looked out from behind the window curtains. There, that must be... No, once again it was only wishful thinking on Hilde's part. Like she could ever mistake another person for Nina.

She had taken everybody by storm. Her beauty and charm had all the guys on their knees for her, and her incessant, though innocent, flirting didn't make things better. Even the old headmaster seemed to have a crush on her. Whenever they met in the corridor, he would smile awkwardly as he desperately tried to strike up a conversation with her in his stuttering English. Nina didn't seem to mind though, she revelled in all the attention she was given.

The other girls were less happy about the new turn of events. They had all settled in their various roles. Katrine was the leader in the class, and the other girls seemed to have found their orbit in her field of gravity. Although Hilde would never be part of Katrine's clique she hated her with all her guts she too felt she'd settled somehow. She'd settled with the idea that she'd just have to endure this last year in high school before she could go to college, and a new world would open up to her. Hilde would think about all the things that awaited her once she finished high school, and she would go all dreamy. In less than one year she would be able to meet other girls like herself. Fall in love. Hilde had never really been in love, but it was something that was on her mind all the time. What would it be like to feel the soft lips of another girl against her own? To cuddle in her arms? Or to make love to her? Hilde had so many questions, but they'd never be answered in this small town, she reckoned. She couldn't imagine that any of the other girls in her class had feelings like herself. And anyway, Hilde wasn't really interested in any of them. Why did they suck up to Katrine all the time?

So Hilde kept social life at a minimum. As her family lived on a farm 20 miles away, Hilde stayed in a small room in a student house, and rarely went home. Instead, she spent her time studying and training. She was a very talented athlete; a more than decent handballer and an excellent skier, both alpine and cross-country. She'd come to focus more exclusively on cross-country, and although she would hate to admit it, part of the reason was her desire to beat Katrine. Katrine was regarded as the most talented cross country skier in the county, and widely tipped to make an impact also in the youth nationals later this season. Hilde wasn't far behind, and occassionally she had beaten her rival. But mostly, she would be unable to respond to Katrine's incredible finish. This only increased her determination, though, and training took up most of her spare time. She loved long runs on the trails in the forest. The feeling of freedom as she left the miles behind her. And it provided such great occassions to let her mind wander. It seemed to always end up in the same place. What would it be like to be with a girl? In a year maybe I will know, she thought, as the prospect of going to college conjured up all kinds of images for the 18-year old.

Just as winter was setting in, rumours started buzzing that a new girl would be joining her class.

"Ukraine? What's that? Sounds like the name of a disease or something."

"I don't believe for a sec that her mother's an engineer. She's only coming here to live off the Norwegian welfare system."

"Or to sell her body. All these women from Eastern Europe, they're all prostitutes, aren't they?"

"And they steal a lot, don't they? I'll be careful to lock my things up during the lunch break and phys ed from now on. I think we need to get new locks for the closets. We should speak to the headmaster about it."

It was just as much as Hilde could take, but she didn't say anything. She knew what would follow if she did. Funny, because they didn't really have anything on her at all. She'd never kissed another girl, much less had sex. She never glanced at other girls' bodies in the locker room or ever really showed any signs of her persuasion. It was more a case of what she DIDN'T do. Boys was the number one topic among the other girls in her class, but Hilde never took part in those conversations. And when the other girls started hanging out with guys and getting boyfriends, Hilde retreated further into solitude. This set off the rumours. There was little doubt in Hilde's mind who was the architect behind them. Although Katrine never herself called Hilde names, Hilde was certain that when one of the other girls called her "dyke" or worse things, Katrine was the one pulling the strings.

Hilde was strong though, she could deal with not having Katrine on her side. But the new girl... Coming from such a different country and trying to find her place in Hilde's class. Well, Hilde reckons, if she behaves well and sucks up to Katrine just like all the others, she might just find a little spot for herself.

Thinking about it now four weeks later, Hilde knew that she had been lost from the very first moment Nina appeared in the room.

"So, everybody, this is our new student, Nina Semonyova."

The girl smiled.

"Actually, it's Semyonova, not Semonyova."

Like Hilde herself, Nina was a petite girl, 5' 3 at the most. Her slender body and A-cup breasts gave her body the appearance of someone younger than 18. She wore her black hair swept back. Hilde, however, did not take notice of these things until later. From the moment Nina appeared in the classroom, Hilde was transfixed on one particular aspect of Nina's looks. Her eyes.

They were the most amazing sight. At once, Hilde knew she had been wrong. This was not an apologetic girl who would come crawling to Katrine and the others and beg for their friendship. Hilde had never seen such determination in a pair of eyes before. She looked so strong! Her gaze was not wavering for a moment. It was like she made a statement to everybody present. "Don't think I'm going to change just a fraction just to become accepted by you. If you don't accept me, that's your problem, not mine."

It wasn't as though she was unfriendly towards anyone. Quite the contrary, during the following weeks she proved to be such a pleasant, jolly character, and a person who could light up even the Norwegian winter just with her radiant smile. She didn't have to be rude to gain respect from anyone. Why, she seemed to excel in everything! Her English was excellent, and she was picking up Norwegian at an incredible rate. And she was such an amazing athlete. Handball, table tennis, gymnastics - Hilde marvelled at the Slavic girls' command of her body. Her fellow students seemed to be baffled by Nina's wide range of talents, but Hilde wasn't surprised. What she had seen in Nina's eyes was such strength, such self-confidence. It had to come from somewhere.

Could there also be another source for Nina's self-confidence, Hilde wondered. There had to be! A girl couldn't be that self-assured unless she'd had lots of sex. At least, there was no way she could be a virgin like Hilde herself.

She looked out through the window again. The heavy snowfall obscured the view, she could hardly make out the shape of people walking by. "Forget it, she's not coming," she told herself, and returned to her thoughts.

18 years old and still a virgin. It didn't trouble her as much as it used to. After meeting Nina, Hilde had come to realise that when she would give herself to another girl for the first time, it had to be someone special. Someone like Nina. Wow, imagine making love to HER! That must be...

No, Hilde, she stopped herself, you promised yourself not to even THINK about that, remember? Because it will never ever happen. You've seen it yourself, what a teaser Nina is when there are guys around. She's into guys, not girls, and that's it! Or...

Hilde's mind took her back to the first time they'd talked together just the two of them. They'd been playing handball in phys ed, and Nina and Hilde had struck up some really good combinations. As Hilde was on her way into the locker room, Nina came over to her. Hilde was surprised, as Nina would always go straight home after phys ed was over. She lived just a couple of minutes' walk from school, so she would shower and change at home. Hilde remembered her initial disappointment, followed by relief, the first time she learned this. After all, seeing her naked... that would just have been too much!

Nina's striking black hair, wet with sweat, clung tightly to her face. Her cheeks were slightly flushed, her face animated.

"Hey, you're one great handballer. How did you get that good?"

"I... I used to play from I was seven until last year," came Hilde's reply. "But I'm not really any talented," she was quick to add.

"You don't have to be so modest," Nina smiled. "You know, joining the handball team was one of the first things I did after arriving here. But I have to say, none of the girls on the team have your skills."

Blushing, Hilde tried to come up with anything to say. Nina laughed.

"You Norwegians are so funny! But seriously, why don't you come and play with us? Just a couple of nights per week won't hurt, although I know you take skiing very seriously."

Hilde was surprised.

"How do you know that?"

"I kinda noticed you in class, you seem to stick to yourself all the time. I got a bit curious, I guess, so I asked some of other girls about you. They told me you were a very dedicated skier."

"Yeah, I guess I'm a bit of a... sports-nerd."

"They didn't use that word," Nina laughed. "Not more than once or twice anyway," she added mischiveously. "But hey, I think that's cool. And..."

She lowered her voice, looking around her.

"...may you kick Katrine's butt. She's just SO self-absorbed!"

She laughed again.

"So, you're coming to handball tonight then?"

Hilde knew her coach wouldn't have approved of this. With all the training she did for skiing, there really was no room for another sport.

"Er... I'm not sure..."

"Hey, do I have to beg you?" Nina's eyes locked with Hilde's. Hilde had never seen that look in another girl's eyes before. Was she... she was! She was flirting with her. Wasn't she?

"... I guess maybe I could..."

"That's my girl! 8 o'clock tonight, then." Not allowing Hilde a single opportunity to change her mind, the Ukrainian quickly made her way towards the door. Hilde just stood there looking at her, baffled, when, amazingly, the Slavic girl turned around and gave her her brightest smile.

"See ya tonight!"

On the way home from school, Hilde was lost deep in her own thoughts. What was that? Ever since her arrival, Hilde had noticed how Nina would tease the guys with her incessant flirting. She could drive them crazy just with the way she used her eyes. Some of the other girls, when they liked a guy, they would laugh inanely at all his jokes or thrust their tits at him or something. Nina didn't have to do any of those things. All she had to do was be herself. Her radiant smile and irresistible laughter. Even the most self-assured guys got weak in her presence.

There was one little thing, more than anything else. Hilde recalled the recent image of Nina talking to her. With just the tip of her little tongue she would wet her upper lip. Not in a suggestive way or anything, but... to Hilde, it was the most sensuous sight ever. And Nina had done it while talking to HER.

As 8 o'clock drew nearer, Hilde started getting second thoughts about going. Maybe Nina was just playing with her? What if she wouldn't show up at all? Or maybe she was sharing their little encounter with Katrine and the others. Right now. "You should have seen her. All I did was give her the eye, and she was like totally under my spell. She's such a pathetic little dyke!"

Oh, give it a break, Hilde, the Norwegian teen said to herself.

As soon as they started playing, gone was all her nerves, and she resumed her excellent partnership with Nina. She also enjoyed playing with the Ukrainian on the opposite team. Nina was incredibly quick in her movements. The only way for Hilde to stop her was to try to read those movements. She was quite successful, but the Ukranian did get past her a couple of times. But Hilde got the better of Nina as well. Her speciality was to open up the defence by feigning shooting, then scooting between them. It always surprised her how easy it was to fool a defense like that. After all, being so small, shooting from a distance wasn't really an option to her anyway. But they always seemed to fall for it. Nina not so easily though. It was amazing, staring into Nina's eyes, trying to outwit her.

Anywhere but on the handball pitch, there was little question of who was outwitting whom. What does she want? Hilde was full of questions, but Nina's mischiveous eyes provided no answer. They did hang out a lot toghether at school, but Hilde was always careful to keep a lot to herself as well. What if Nina's gets tired of me, she reasoned. Or worse, finds out about my true feelings for her.

Hilde's self-imposed reservedness was part of the reason why it had taken almost a month before she'd invited Nina home to her place. Only proves I was right in keeping a distance, she thought, noticing it was past eleven and still no Nina around. Why would Nina at all want to hang out with me? The 18-year old looked over at the little table in front of her combined bed and sofa. She didn't know quite what to do with the large bowl of fruit and snacks. Maybe better after all she didn't show up. "She's only coming around on a Friday night, and I prepare like it was a fucking Royal wedding."

Just then she heard a weak knock on the door.

There she was. In her left hand she had an almost full bottle of wine.

"For us," she smiled.

Hilde didn't know what to say.

"Hey," Nina said, "I understand if you're pissed off with me."

"No, no, I'm..."

"You see, I was invited to this party over at Katrine's. I tried to reach you this afternoon, but there was no answer, and then I just.... Well, you know what parties are like."

She'd been to Katrine's party?

"Anyway, I nicked this bottle of wine as I left. Fancy some..."

Hilde was about to say something, but Nina read her mind.

"Yeah, I know you want to beat Katrine and win the Olympics and all that, but a glass of wine or two won't hurt you." She leaned closer, Hilde could smell the red wine on her breath. "Besides, it's stolen from your arch-enemy, you know. Maybe this little act of theft will contribute to her downfall?" She laughed, and sat down next to Hilde in her sofabed.

Hilde was taken aback by the Ukrainian's surprise appearance, and still struggled to find things to say. The words flowed easily from Nina's mouth, though, as she recapitulated her evening. She'd obviously had great fun. But how far did she go?

"Hey, not all the guys in our class are total jerks. What do you think about Fredrik?"

"Well, I guess he's handsome..."

"Handsome? He's really attractive, I'm tellling you. And he's got a good sense of humour. Plus he's a good dancer."

"You danced..." Hilde felt a twinge of pain inside. Somebody had been dancing with Nina. Somebody had felt her body heat. Somebody's body has been in synchrony with Nina's.

"I love dancing, don't you? Most guys are crap at it, though. But Fredrik..."

Did she have to talk about this? Hilde tried to shut her ears, focussing on Nina's image instead. Nina took an apple from the tray. Hilde's eyes followed her fingers as they approached her mouth. Hilde had a thing about Nina's mouth. Ever since she'd played that little trick with her tongue for her. It was the most sensuous thing Hilde could imagine. Just watching Nina open her lips gave Hilde a thrill. Like now. She slowly opened her mouth and took a greedy bite of the apple, a trickle of apple-juice running down her chin.

She couldn't... she had to pull her eyes away. What would Nina think?


The Norwegian almost shuddered with surprise. I can't even look at her for a second without losing myself completely in her, she thought with embarrassment. But Nina hadn't noticed? Her mouth was still working on the apple.

"There's a party at Anne's next Saturday. You coming?"

Yeah, and watch you and Fredrik make out, Hilde thought. No way.

"You know I don't like..."

"Why? It's gonna be fun and..."

"Hey, I'm not like you, I'm..."

Hilde's agitated reply was followed by abrupt silence, as Hilde regretted her words.

"What do you mean, you're not like me?"

"I mean, you like to be around people all the time and all that, and everybody loves you because you're the hottest girl in school and..."

Oh no, Hilde thought, I wasn't really supposed to say that either.

"Me the hottest girl?" Nina laughed. "You can't be serious...."

"Katrine is nowhere near as good-looking as you, Nina."

"Well, you might think small, dark and flat-chested beats tall, blonde and 34c, but I'm sure the majority of this world's male population would disagree with you. And anyway..."

She took a last bite of the apple.

"...I wasn't thinking about Katrine."

Hilde was puzzled.

"Well, who then?"

Nina laughed.

"You're just the cutest. Who? You, silly."

Hilde felt her heart skip a beat. Nina leant closer. Her eyes were like magnets, not allowing Hilde to look away for even a fraction of a second.

"I've always dreamt that I could look like you, Hilde. It's not just your blondeness or perfect body, but your face has so much character, it's like... I don'think I could ever mistake anyone else for you. Your eyes, I'm so intrigued by them. You know, with some people, their eyes tell you immediately what kind of mood they're in, whether they're sad or happy or whatever. But with you... your eyes don't give you away, they force anybody to look deeper into them, to search..."

Hilde wished she could do something to reduce the speed and intensity of her beating heart. But it was out of her control now. She felt totally at Nina's mercy.

She had to say something. She did, but it turned out to be something other than what her mind had told her.

"I can never compare to you, Nina, nobody can... you... you're..." I have to stop this now, Hilde ordered herself, if I start telling her how beautiful I think she is, how I could look into her eyes for ever, I know I won't be able to stop in time. "I mean, you're good at everything, school, sport, dancing, languages everything."

Nina smiled.

"Okay, I'm pretty good at sport, but so are you. But you know what? I have no talent for music. I mean, I would love to be a great singer or piano player or something, but I have no talent."

"I'm sure it's just because you haven't tried."

"But I did, Hilde. I played piano for a long time, but didn't really make any progress. It really pissed me off, I'm telling you. And I wanted to sing, but I have no voice."

Hilde loved Nina's voice.

"Prove it to me."

"What do you mean?"

"Sing somehing for me."

For the first time, Hilde saw Nina blush.

"Oh no, I can't do that. It sounds so awful."

"Please, Nina," Hilde begged. "Otherwise I won't believe you. Prove to me you're not a superwoman."

Nina smiled, and fixed her eyes on Hilde's as she started to hum the intro to a song from a cd Hilde had lent her just the other week. It was "Tracks of my tears", one of Hilde's favourite songs. Why did she pick that one?

"People say I'm the life of the party 'cos I tell a joke or two Although I might be laughing loud and hearty Deep inside I'm blue"

Nina was no Aretha Franklin, but Hilde could have listened to her forever.

"So take a good look at my face you see my smile looks out of place If you look closer it's easy to trace The tracks of my tears"

Nina burst out in a fit of laughter.

"Oh god, I can't believe I did this. I don't think you'll ever lend me one of your cd's again."

"Nina, it was..." Hilde had to keep herself from crying, what Nina had just done somehow touched her so deeply.

"So you believe me now that I am no superwoman?"

"I don't know."

"You're cute," Nina smiled. "Hey, put on a cd, so we can get these false notes out of our heads as soon as possible."

Hilde browsed through her stack of cd's. Tonight, the choice was easy. Only Smokey would do. She put on one of his late 70s albums. The mellow, funky sound filled the room.

Nina was looking at her again. Her eyes had a dreamy expression.

"That music is so charged with sensuality." She put her hand on Hilde's shoulder. "Hey, you know how to set the mood, don't you?"

Hilde's heart was beating like a bass drum. What did Nina mean?

"Hilde." Nina leaned closer, whispering in Hilde's ear. "When I hear music like this, I can only do one of two things, make love or dance." Nina's husky voice had Hilde in a daze. "Let's dance."

Hilde felt Nina's slim little hand grab hers. Hilde hadn't danced with anyone since she was 15. She was a bit nervous, but as soon as she felt Nina pull her closer, her body took over. Hilde had never felt anything like this before. Nina's movements were so smooth, so soft, it hardly felt like she was moving at all. Even if she'd turned deaf that very moment, Hilde would still have been able to hear the music. The rhythms, the lush strings, Smokey's velvety voice it was all there in Nina's movements. Though nervous at first, all tension vanished as Hilde's body learned to move in perfect harmony with Nina's. It was like their bodies were melting into another, like they were one body, not two. It was magic. This was not the reality that Hilde recognised, this was a different world. She didn't think she would be able to go back again.

"I love it when we're cruisin together..."

The next thing she could remember was sitting with Nina in the sofa again, only that Nina was even closer now. Her amazing dark eyes were looking deep into Hilde's.

"Wow, Hilde, you're such a great dancer, this was.... mindblowing, it was more than dancing, it was like..."

Like...? Hilde waited, but Nina did not complete the sentence.

"Hey, what do you say?" Nina said, her voice suddenly changing its tone back again. "Fancy going skiing tomorrow? I'd really like to try out the cross country tracks around here. Besides, I'd like to check you out, you know, whether you're such a hot-shot skier like everybody says."

That night, Hilde couldn't sleep. It all felt so unreal. Had Nina really danced with her. All that passion she had felt in Nina's body, was it for her or for the music? Or both? Hilde found it impossible to imagine that Nina could be turned on by her. She couldn't believe that Nina bestowed even a fraction of the passion upon her that she bestowed upon Nina. Why? Because... she was just an ordinary girl, while Nina was... she was NINA, just something... someone... completely different.

"Hi, you kept me waiting."

She was there. On time, even, a rare occurence when it came to Nina. She wore an off-white skisuit, not to tight, but definitely sexy. And she looked so cute in her bubble-hat.

Off they went. Nina was an excellent skier, and had no problems keeping Hilde's pace. They ventured off the usual route the tracks were useless anyway after all the snow that had fallen that night and off towards a small lake several miles away. They didn't bump into any other skiers, the morning was all theirs.

"Hilde, these footprints, are they deer or something else?"

"It's not deer, it's "

Nina's laughter was ringing as she crammed a handful of snow into Hilde's face.

"Nina, stop --- mmmpf!." Another hand packed with snow muffled Hilde's protest.

In a matter of seconds, Hilde had taken off her skies, and was chasing her mischiveuos friend in the snow. Hilde was very quick, but Nina somehow ducked away. She giggled as Hilde failed in another attempt to catch the elusive Ukrainian. The two 18-year olds rolled around in the snow, giggling and shouting at each other, both trying to inflict as much mischief as possible on the other. Finally Hilde managed to pin down her girlfriend, finding herself on top of Nina. All the noise abruptly ceased, only their ragged breath remaining.

Nina's eyes... Once more, they were looking into Hilde's. Lying on top of her Ukranian friend, Hilde could fell Nina's chest heaving as she was chasing her breath. Hilde was struck by the contrast between Nina's beautiful black hair and dark eyes, and the white snow. It made her beauty even more intense. Black. White.

"You know, Hilde..." The cold winter day made Nina's breath feel hotter than ever. "...when it's cold and you're agitated, your nose is sprinkled with freckles. It's very cute."

Nina's hot breath... her radiating face... her zealous body squirming under Hilde's... her eyes that said, come on, kiss me, kiss me if you dare.

She wants me to kiss her, she wants me to...

No, she wasn't strong enough. Collapsing in the snow next to Nina, Hilde knew she had missed her chance.

Very few words were uttered on the way home, and they parted without making a new appointment.

"She's had enough of me," Hilde thought. "Can't blame her."

A thousand thoughts raced through Hilde's mind as she stepped into the shower. The image of Nina lying in the snow, that look in her eyes. What did she try to tell her? That she could kiss her... make love to her. No, she was just playing with me, Hilde tried to convince herself, like she's been playing with me from the very moment she noticed my fancy for her. That's Nina - she loves attention, and who gives her more attention than I do? She tried to settle with that reasoning, but the same image kept on haunting her. Those dark eyes told a different story. They told her that Nina wanted her..

"No, please, no..." But the teenager couldn't help it, the image of Nina lying in the snow came alive before her. It was like she was here, and she could see her, feel her, smell her... hear her... "I'm yours, Hilde. You may undress me if you want..." Slowly, Hilde would remove every garment from the Ukrainian's tender body, a vision of enchanting beauty unfolding before her. She would kiss her softly, then slide her tongue all over the Slavic teenage-girl's hot body, savouring the salty taste as she licked the sticky sweat from her skin, cleaning her, replacing sweat with saliva. And then down her body, stopping for a few seconds at her belly-button, cleaning it too, while a strong, intriguing smell reminded her of her destination. She would take in its visual beauty with her eyes, deeply inhale its raw, tangy scent, before burying her face in Nina's cunt...

Inadvertently, her hand had brought the shower handle down to her pussy. The forceful stream of hot water on her special place felt so good. She didn't use her fingers, this was only as much as she could take. Dreaming of Nina's pussy, she pressed the handle tightly to her crotch, letting the water caress her.

The shock when the doorbell rang almost had her slipping and crashing her head in the wall. She felt so dizzy it was hard just to close the distance between the shower stall and the bathroom door. She managed to get into an old pair of jogging trousers and a pullover, and opened the door. Her hair was still dripping.

"Oh, sorry, didn't mean to interrupt your shower," Nina smiled.

Hilde was still too shaky to come up with a reply.

"See, I couldn't find the key to our flat, although Mum said she'd leave it outside. So, I kinda wondered if I could use your shower..."

Nina... shower... Hilde was still in a daze.

"Sure," she muttered.

"Are you okay, Hilde?" Nina inquired. "Your cheeks are all flushed."

Before Hilde could muster a reply, Nina was off to the little en-suite bathroom in Hilde's room.

"But have you got anything to wear....?"

"Well, you just have to find me some clothes," she replied from inside the bathroom. "I mean, you wouldn't..."

Hilde almost shuddered when Nina stuck her face out again, and gave her one of her trademark mischiveous smiles.

" wouldn't want me flying around in your room in just my birthday suit, would you...."

Hilde crashed on her bed. Inside those bathroom walls, Nina was undressing herself. As she heard the water start to run, she knew Nina was completely naked... What is she doing now, soaping her pussy?...? Just a few footsteps from where Hilde lay the hot water was carressing Nina's naked body. To be one of those drops of water washing over Nina's nakedness. She was gripped by a sudden envy of everything that made contact with Nina's naked skin. Her underwear, her towel, her bedsheets... Nina's own fingers.

It was unbearable. She couldn't stay in this room for a second longer without going insane... She rushed out to the kitchen, tried to think of what she might offer Nina to eat.


At first, Hilde thought her bemused state was playing another trick on her, but as Nina called her name a third time, Hilde asked her what it was.

"Can I borrow your shampoo?"

What kind of question was that? Of course she could.

"But I don' know where you keep it."

"It's right there on the shower shelf, I just used it myself."

"No, there's nothing here."

"But I used just a few minutes ago..." This made no sense at all. "Er... maybe I put it back in the closet then, look there."

She heard the stream of water reduce to a trickle as Nina stepped out of the stall to search Hilde's bathroom closet.

"Nope, still can't find it. Sure you haven't flushed it down the toilet or something, just by accident?"

Hilde heard Nina's laughter. She loved making fun of Hilde's incurable absentmindedness.

"Hey, I really need to wash my hair. Can you find it for me?"

Did she mean that......?

"Hilde? Hello.... are you still there? I said I can't find your shampoo, so maybe you could find it for me?"

Hilde searched desperately for a way out. Some excuse.

"Er... maybe I don't have one."

"You mean, you don't wash your hair?"

"No, but maybe I ran out."

"And forgot to buy a new one? Hmmm. You're not hiding something from me, Hilde, like maybe you have a special shampoo for dyed blonde hair or something? Knew that stunning blonde hair of yours was too good to be true."

There was nothing stopping her...

When Hilde opened the door to the bathroom, she wanted to look away, but there was nowhere to look. The little Ukranian had placed herself right in the center of her vision. A towel was wrapped around her waist. She looked at Hilde, beaming.

Hilde desperately turned her attention to the bathroom closet, trying to erase the image of Nina's beautiful small breasts. She had the most wonderful pair of nipples, small but perky, standing out perfectly against the immediate backdrop of her small, dark, perfectly circular aerola. They were quite dark, in fact she could make out their perfectly circular shape even though the bathroom mirror was blurred with condensation

The bathroom mirror! Hilde realised that she was trapped by the image of her half-naked girlfriend. If she turned around, she would stare right into Nina's eyes. If she didn't, she would still meet those very eyes in the reflection in the bathroom mirror. If she closed her eyes...

"Maybe it's further in, behind the moisturising cream."

Further in... Hilde tried to focus on the task at hand. Her heart was gallopping wildly.

"Further in, Hilde." Hilde thought Nina's voice had a husky streak, though, clearly, that could not be the case? The Norwegian heard something make contact with the bathroom floor. Something told her not to look down, but she did. It was Nina's towel.

It was like facing her destiny. Hilde did not even try to resist when her eyes were pulled towards the mirror. There it was. The image of Nina in all her naked glory. Although the edges were blurred with all the condensation, that was definitely a black triangle between Nina's legs. Nina was naked. And she was standing right behind her, so close that Hilde could hear her breathing.

A violent clamour followed, and the next moment the entire content of Hilde's bathroom closet was floating around in the sink and on the floor. Hilde hardly noticed, she had no idea what was happening anymore.

"Hilde, is everything okay?"

No response. Just the violent beating of Hilde's heart.

"Hilde, are you still there?"

Something gripped her around the waist. It was Nina's hands. And the warm tickle on her neck was Nina's breath.

"You're trembling, Hilde."

She was. For how long had she been trembling? Hilde didn't know.

"Why are you trembling? Are you scared?"

Hilde felt Nina's hands move under her pullover, a finger tickled her navel.

"It's only me, Hilde. You don't have to be scared."

Nina's hands slowly massaged the young Norwegian's belly, paying special attention to her belly- button. At the same time, Hilde could feel small kisses being planted all over her neck and shoulder. Very slowly, she felt the tension in her young body go away.

"That's it," Nina cooed, "lean against me."

The Ukrainian girl's hands continued to move in small circles all over Hilde's taut belly, exploring new territory as she slightly expanded the radius with each new round. Hilde sighed deeply when Nina's fingers brushed against the soft flesh of her braless breast. It was the lightest of touches, but the sensation it produced was immense. It coincided with Nina's lips being supplemented with her tongue on Hilde's neck. Small, quick licks with just the tip of her tongue; then gradually more of Nina's little tongue was extended, leaving wet trails all over Hilde's neck. Hilde was moaning softly now, she couldn't help it.

"Turn around, please."

It was unreal. Was that Nina's voice? As if hypnothised, Hilde turned to face the person behind her.

Nina was beaming. She took Hilde's hand and placed it on her cheek. She was so hot. Hilde'd never imagined a cheek could exude so much heat. At first, Hilde's hand was completely lifeless, but slowly, her fingers woke to life. She ran her fingers all over Nina's face. Her cheeks, her mouth, her nose, her eyes, her lips. It was like discovering a new sense. It was like seeing for the first time.

The Ukrainian snapped Hilde's index finger with her teeth, and let her tongue caress it's tip. Looking at her Norwegian friend, Nina pushed back her shoulders and stuck out her perky small tits, then moving Hilde's hand down her neck until it rested on her left breast. Behind the soft flesh, the Slavic girl's heart was beating fast and hard. Hilde wanted her hand to stay there, but Nina had other plans. Slowly, Hilde's hand was led down her taut belly. She emitted a giggle when Hilde's finger tickled her little belly-button. Then she was all serious again, almost burning a hole in Hilde's head with her probing eyes. Hilde's hand was about to reach it's destination. At the same time, Nina moved her lips closer to Hilde's. Even closer...

It was perfect timing. At the very moment Hilde felt her fingers make contact with her girlfriend's wiry pubic hair, Nina's lips locked together with her own in a soft, sensuous kiss. Hilde's first. It was all lips and no tongue at first, but that changed a few seconds later or it could have been hours, Hilde had no idea when the Ukrainian's hot, energetic little tongue pushed itself into Hilde's virgin mouth. In a matter of seconds, Nina was tonguing her mouth so forcefully that the Norwegian almost had to exert force to push her own tongue past Nina's lips.

For a short moment, they broke the kiss and looked at each other. This was real. Nina was here and she wanted her.

Hilde buried her hand further in Nina's pubes. There. She was touching Nina. Her hand was cupping Nina's soft, wet folds. Hilde pushed her tongue deep and hard inside Nina's mouth, and less than a second later her middle finger did the same to Nina's pussy. Nina started humping Hilde's hand while they were still making out wildly. It was so intense, and when she came, Hilde had to muffle Nina's loud moans with her mouth.

Nina was so spent she just collapsed on the bathroom floor, chasing her breath. Hilde supported herself against the wall. "I did this," she thought, "I made Nina feel like this." It was more than she could grasp. But it was true, and it completely overwhelmed her.

"Oh my God, oh fuck, that was so awesome, it was... I'd never believe it would feel like this..."

"You mean.." Hilde couldn't believe it, "you haven't..."

"No," Nina tried to laugh, but her breath was still to heavy, "I've made out with guys on a few occasions, but nothing more." She paused, then added. "Actually, it even feels like you gave me my first kiss too, I mean... it was just so much better than making out with a guy, although I like that too."

Hilde's face lit up. She was Nina's first lover. Nina chose me.

"What is it?" Nina inquired. "You're laughing at my miserable state?"

"No," Hilde shook her head, "no, Nina, it's..." She wanted to convey her gratefulness to Nina, but was afraid the Ukrainian wouldn't understand. Instead she took her hand, and motioned her to come with her.

"Lie down," she told her. Bemused, the Slavic teenager lay down in Hilde's bed. Her beauty was almost blinding.

Hilde knelt down on the floor next to her bed. She looked at Nina's small, perfect feet. Having no idea anyway where to start, Hilde took Nina's foot in her hand and lifted it to her face. Nina gasped as the Norwegian began making love to her feet. Hilde alternated between sucking and licking her girlfriend's tiny toes, worming her tongue inbetween them.

"Oh, Hilde, oh fuck, I can't believe this," Nina murmured, "you're doing this to me."

Hilde felt Nina draw her foot away, just to replace it with her other, almost pushing it into her mouth.

From her feet, Hilde moved upwards, across Nina's slender legs. A smell was calling for her attention. Hilde knew where that smell came from, but she carefully avoided all contact with the Ukrainian's sex. For the time being...

The Norwegian crawled into the bed with her lover. Her tongue rested for a moment on Nina's belly-button, before licking her way up her belly. Then she replaced her tongue with her nose, just dragging her little nose all over Nina, inhaling her. It was heavenly, but she felt a bit selfish. After all, she guessed Nina wanted her tongue there. So she stuck out her tongue to have a go at Nina's breasts. They were just a mouthful, and those nipples... could nipples be that hard? On an impulse, Hilde placed her hand at her own little breast. Oh yes they could...

Like a painter inspecting her masterpiece, Hilde pulled back to see if she'd left anything out. Wet trails were all over Nina. Detecting a neglected spot, Hilde went down again and gave her girlfriend's outstretched arms a little wash, all the way from her wrist to her armpits. Nina responded by stretching her arms even further back, making soft purring sounds as her girlfriend savoured the salty taste of her fresh sweat.

When their tongues met again, it was much softer, though just as deep and intense. They both knew what would happen next. Hilde was overwhelmed by the weightiness of the moment. What surprised her, was that Nina seemed to be too. Hilde studied her girlfriend's eyes. For a moment, Hilde believed she could see right into Nina's beautiful soul. It was all she ever dreamt about.

She closed her girlfriend's eyes with her fingers.

"You're like a dream," she whispered in her ear, before leaving her for just a second as she changed her position. The next moment, she found herself only inches away from the treasure that lay between Nina's legs. A thick tuft of pubic hair couldn't hide the aroused state of Nina's quivering young pussy. It was so beautiful. Small, thin lips that flared open. For me, Hilde thought. She glanced up at Nina. Her eyes were still closed. Hilde inhaled Nina's muskiness before burying her head in her crotch, worming her tongue inside the Ukrainian girl's cunt.

"Wow, that was like... 800 orgasms??? A wonder you didn't drown down there." Nina motioned for Hilde to bring her face closer. "Hey, let me see that tongue of yours."

Giggling, Hilde stuck her tongue out at her friend. The 18-year old Ukrainian inspected it carefully.

"Very odd," she commented. "It has all the appearance of a normal tongue, yet it performed cunnilingus at such an intensity and for such a prolonged period that it would have worn out at least a dozen ultarpowerful vibrators."

"Didn't know you used vibrators," Hilde laughed.

"And it speaks, too. What are we talking about here, some kind of tongue-viagra? Normally, you shouldn't be able to utter anything but gurgling sounds by now."

Leaning closer, Hilde slid her tongue inside Nina's mouth. Their tongues washed together for another dance. Hilde gave Nina her tongue, and let her suck on it.

"Hey, be gentle," Hilde laughed, pulling back her tongue. "Do you wanna suck it out of my mouth or something."

"Sounds tempting," the Ukrainian responded. "And by the way, no, I don't use vibrators. I'm sure they're nice, but... they can't give you 800 orgasms in one day."

"And tongues are just so much better to kiss," Hilde added, pushing her tongue back inside Nina's mouth.

"You're so right, Hilde," Nina replied, pulling her mouth away from Hilde's for a brief moment. She caught her eyes with hers. "God, Hilde, what you did to me was so out of this world. I owe you one..."

"Not 800?"

"Sorry," Nina laughed, "800 is more like it." She gave Hilde's mouth another short stab with her tongue. "I'm at your service, Hilde, if there's anything you want me to do to you - just let me know and I'll do it."

Hilde recalled one of the fantasies that had reappeared over and over during her solitary late night sessions the past month.

"I might actually have a request for you."

Nina was all ears.

"It... no, I can't..." the Norwegian giggled.

"Tell me," Nina begged. Then she whispered huskily in Hilde's ear. "Bet it's got something to do with that little pussy of yours."

Hilde's couldn't help blushing. She'd never heard another girl use that word before. And the pussy referred to was her own.

"You're cute," Nina giggled. "So, does it?" she inquired.

"Well, actually it doesn't."

"No?" Nina smiled, looking genuinely surprised. Placing her hand on Hilde's hip, she whispered in the Norwegian teen's ear. "In that case, I guess it'll just have to wait a little."

Before Hilde could even think, her dark-haired girlfriend had buried her face in her pussy, and was doing wonderful things to her. One moment teasing her clit, the next sucking on her labia. But what blew Hilde's mind completely was when she felt Nina's hot, little tongue twirl its way inside her vagina. Along with the intense physical stimulation of having something so soft and flexible, yet so efficient and persistent as another young girl's tongue probing her sensitive tunnel, there was the idea that Nina was actually inside her, tasting her, feeling the walls of Hilde's vagina clasp around her tongue. It was enough to make her come.... and come... and come. Waves of pent-up passion flooded into Nina's mouth as Hilde pushed her girlfriend's face closer to her cunt, pressing her thighs tightly around her. What felt so weird was that this was never really part of her fantasies. Not with Nina. In her imagination, it'd always been her face between Nina's legs, not the other way round. Maybe it'd just been impossible to imagine that Nina would do such a thing to HER. Lick her.

"Oh fuck, Nina, oh my , what are you do ... oh yesss, I can't believe.... YESSSSSSSSS.....!...!."

It was like being carried ashore on a tidal wave. Hilde opened her eyes and knew she was no longer a virgin.

"You have stars in your eyes," a voice whispered softly in Hilde's ear.

"I feel like I'm floating in space, I feel completely... weightless."

"I know," the voice answered. "Hey, you can come back to planet Earth now. I'm here waiting for you."

Hilde was afraid to open her eyes, to find it was all a dream. But that voice sounded so familiar. That hot breath on her cheek. That warm little body snuggling up to hers.

Slowly, Hilde opened her eyes. A pair of chocolate eyes were waiting for her. Hilde had seen those eyes before. But now was the first time she could look into those eyes, and they would say, "Hey, lover." Hilde wondered if she'd ever have to open her mouth again. Was there anything their eyes couldn't tell each other? They could say, "We made love together." Was there really anything else to say at all? Whatever happened, the fact would always remain. Nina and she had made love.

"You liked that, didn't you? Thought you would."

"Thank you, Nina."

"Hey, you don't have to thank me. It was only fair after you went down on me. Besides, I loved doing it."

"No, I mean, not just THAT, but... for everything. You have changed my life completely, ever since you first came... you're just so... fantastic."

"Wow," Nina smiled, "you're still delirious, I can tell."

"It's not just because of what we did just now, it's... I could have said the same words yesterday, you know. You..."

"Hey," Nina interrupted her, "I am nothing special, I'm just a silly girl." She pulled a funny face.

"You're NOT, you are..." Hilde struggled like mad to find the right word. "You're..." She sighed with frustration. There must be a word that could convey at least some of her feelings for Nina?

"You're so cute," Nina laughed.

Hilde turned away.

"Hilde, what is it?"

Hilde buried her head in her pillow.

"Hilde, are you crying?"

The Norwegian felt a hand on her cheek.

"You're making fun of me," she sobbed.

"No, I'm not, Hilde."

"You think I'm stupid, but I..."

Nina cupped Hilde's chin, and looked her in the eyes.

"No, I don't think you're stupid. I really don't understand why you have all these feelings for me, but..." She paused. "...basically, I'm just happy that you like me so much. You know I like you too, you're my best friend, Hilde."

Hilde wasn't convinced. She still felt stupid. I shouldn't have said all those things, she blamed herself.

"Now, I vaguely recall something about a request."

It took a few seconds before Hilde made the connection.

"Er... it's not so important..."

"Are you backing down?" Nina objected. "No reason to. See, I've always known that there lurks a kinky personality behind your polished exterior."


"Tell me..." Nina feigned a stern voice. "NOW!"

"Okay, I... I want you to... to touch yourself for me."

"Just that? By the way you blushed, I reckoned it would involve at least the contents of half a fridge and me dressing up as a nun or something."

Hilde couldn't keep from laughing.

"No, no. But... I want you to pretend you're all by yourself."

"It hasn't occurred to you that might be a bit difficult since lying right next to me is a stunning blonde girl, completely naked."

"Well, you just have to close your eyes and focus on the task at hand," Hilde smiled. "I'll keep quiet as a mouse." She put her hand over her mouth.

"Yeah, for how long?" Nina laughed.

Hilde felt her heart race as Nina lay down next to her. Closing her eyes, the Ukrainian put her hands on her small breasts and gently pulled at her nipples. The Norwegian stared intensely at the beautiful girl on her bed.

"No, don't!" Hilde was shaken out of the spell when Nina opened her eyes again. "Remember..."

"Hey, it's easier said than done, I'm telling you. As soon as I'm getting into it, the image of you appears, and... well, knowing you're here, I just have to open my eyes and see how gorgeous you are."

"But just pretend I'm not here... pretend you're back in Ukraine, before you'd ever met me."

"And you're just sneaking a peek?"

Hilde nodded intently.

The Slavic girl closed her eyes again. Slowly, she inserted a finger in her mouth. Hilde was in another world as her friend wet her own nipples with her saliva. Nina's slim hands swam in the soft flesh of her pert little breasts. Her eyes were closed. What is she thinking about?

Soft, low moans started escaping from her, just soft sounds from the back of her throat. Her left hand was still working on her tender breast, the other roamed wildly around all over her torso. Soon, her moaning was interspersed by some strange syllables. Oh my God, she's moaning in Ukrainian! Hilde almost wished she could dissolve herself, she felt as though she was violating something sacred. But at the same time she was completely lost in the sight and sounds of Nina masturbating. She felt almost frosen with fascination, not even able to move her hand down to relieve her aching pussy. Like Nina did.

"She's doing it, she's..."

Nina's moaning increased in pace as her hand stroked her tender pussy. Hilde's eyes took in every little detail. Like how Nina would squeeze her hand tightly between her thighs, just holding it there, and letting her thighs and her hips do all the work. It was amazing. And what was that... she stretched back her other arm... why? So she could... She was licking her arm, just like Hilde had been licking it a few moments ago. Nina's little tongue left wet streaks all over her beautiful arms and shoulders.

"Ooooh..." She threw her Ukrainian syllables all over the room as she gave in to her body's yearning. Hilde reached out her hand, hesitatingly, as though the beautiful vision would disappear the moment she touched her. Slowly, as Hilde's hand made contact with Nina's hot cheek, the Ukrainian opened her eyes. They were pure lust.

Next thing Hilde knew, the two petite teenagers were both rolling around on the floor, making out wildly, each trying to swallow the other's tongue. The passion was almost violent in its intensity. Hilde felt Nina force herself on top of her, penetrating her with one, then two fingers. It was like being nailed to the ground, as long as Nina kept her fingers there Hilde wouldn't move no matter what.

"Oh yes, Nina, YESSSSSSS, take me, Nina, just take me...!................."

Hilde moaned into her girlfriend's face as the Ukrainian thrust her fingers in and out of her soaking wet cunt. She gave herself over to her friend, gazing at her with complete trust in her eyes. Clinging to the Slavic girl's slick, sweaty body, she opened herself up completely...

Hilde gazed out of the window. The December morning was so quiet. It was snowing again, covering the fields and the hills with a white blanket. Ever since she was a kid, she'd had a puzzling fascination with winter landscapes. There was something so calm and serene about a landscape covered in snow. Hilde opened the window. No, she couldn't hear anything. The thick snowflakes landed on the ground without making a single sound.

She shut the window again, just leaving it slightly ajar. It was chilly and she was naked. She had a glass of water, and crept under her duvet again. Nina was sleeping. Somehow, Nina reminded her of the view from her window. She looked so calm and peaceful in her sleep. Like a winter landscape.

Hilde leaned over, touching her shoulder with her hand. She was so hot! Hilde brushed her skin with her nose, inhaling the faint, pleasant scent of Nina's skin. And leaning close, she could even hear Nina's heart beating, a slow, steady rhythm. The fields and hills were covered in snow and wouldn't spring to life again in months. But Nina, she was lying here next to Hilde, exuding heat, breathing, alive.

And she was much more beautiful than the most amazing winter landscape could ever be.

As Hilde lost herself in the wonderfu vision of Nina sleeping, the small town started to wake up. The Norwegian closed the window to protect Nina's sleep from the sounds of car engines starting up and doors slamming. To relieve the chill the open window had left on her naked body, she snuggled up to her girlfriend. The 18-year old softly put her hand over Nina's ear as if to shield her from the noise outside. She realised she couldn't hold on to the moment forever, though. Soon, Nina would open her eyes. What would they tell her?

There was no way Hilde could know. Would Nina feel embarrassed about it all, or try to play it down? Would she carry on just like before? Or would she become her girlfriend, like Hilde wanted?

Hilde searched for an answer in Nina's sleeping face. No, she was still a complete mystery to her. But whatever might happen, Hilde knew there was something that would always be there. Tonight, Nina had let her look into her soul, just a glimpse, but enough to convince Hilde they had something together that nothing could ever take away.

"Nina," Hilde whispered.

The Ukrainian girl slowly opened her eyes.


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