
By Jwo

Published on Sep 12, 2000



Disclaimer: This story and stories to follow are fictional, and based on the general stereotypical aspects and characteristics of the members of 'NSync. The sexual orientations of the group members (Justin Timberlake, JC Chasez, Joey Fatone, Lance Bass, or Chris Kirkpatrick) is not known, not will it be known until made known by them and/or their management only. Under 18 (or 21 in certain states) individuals may not view this story. If homosexuals or homosexual activities offend you, this story is not for you, and you should not read on - doing so might endanger your sexual orientation.

Please send feedback. Tell me if you like the story or not. Or better yet, tell me what I should add or remove to make it better. What would you like to see happen, whatever, just let me know if people actually read this.

Author's note:

This is my first story I have written. I read nifty all the time,

and there are some things I just wished would happen in the

stories, so I finally decided to write my own. Now I can make it

exactly the way I want. This is not the typical "Justin and JC"

or "Lance and JC" story. This story also has a happy ending, so

if you're a person who hates happy endings, this isn't the story

for you. There isn't going to be any violent scenes, and nobody's

going to backstab, or cheat on anybody. BSB might be brought in

sometime. This is a happy story. Live with it.

  • Jwo

Opposites Chapter 1 By: Xetes (xetes@hotmail.com)

Right after the MTV Video Music Awards 2000 ended, the members of 'NSync walked out gracefully as their limo pulled up. The five boys waved one final time to the cameras before entering the limo. Once in, their modest appearances completely disappeared.

"Oh my god!! That was so cool to win three awards!" screamed Justin.

"Yeah, I know, too bad Eminem won the best video award," said Chris.

"What sucked is that we only get to put one video in - It's Gonna Be Me woulda won something," complained Joey.

"Hey, we already got three," said Lance, "that's already a lot. It's more than what most people got."

"Lance is right guys, we should be proud of what we got," said JC.

"Ok, whatever Mr. Moral Conduct, whatever you say," said Chris.

"That's right. Now, let's get back to the hotel and let's celebrate!" yelled JC.

When the limo pulled up to the expensive looking hotel in New York, the five band members basically had to sprint to the elevators. Somehow, the entire teen female, (and 10% of the male) population knew which hotel 'Nsync were staying at. Once in the elevator, the guys just looked at each other and started laughing at how badly they were mobbed.

"Damn, I nearly lost an arm," cried Chris.

"Some guy was grabbing my crotch!" complained Justin.

"Oh shut up, you know you enjoy it," said Joey.

Justin played along, "Hey, man, you promised you weren't going to tell anyone about that," and then pretended to be embarrassed.

Their suite was on the 24th floor of the hotel. It was like a huge apartment, with 5 bedrooms and a living room. Once all settled down, JC decided to call room service to bring lots of food and drinks. They had a few hours of fun as good friends, not as the group 'Nsync. Near the end of the night, everyone was really drunk. Even Lance who usually doesn't drink a lot got really plastered.

"Hey, how 'bouts a game of truth or dare?" suggested Joey.

"Hey, we haven't played that in a long time," said Chris, "I wanna play."

Soon the boys were sitting in a circle on the floor in the middle of the room.

Joey asked Justin first, "Truth or dare, Justin?"

"Truth," replied Justin.

"Ok.. how many times have you jacked off in the bus while we were on tour?" asked Joey.

"Umm... umm... like, what do you mean how many times? Like how many times total, or how many times a day or something?" asked Justin, without thinking about what he said. Suddenly he realized what he said and blushed a little.

"My gosh, Justin. You do it several times a day? On the bus??" asked JC.

"Hey! I'm a young male teenage, I get horny a lot ok???" replied Justin blushing even harder.

"So answer the question Justin, how many times a day?" said Joey.

"Two to three times a day, ok!!??" a now bright red Justin replied.

"Geezes, damn!!" said Chris, "that kid's got spunk (and lots of it)."

"Ok, go Justin, it's your turn," said JC.

"Ok, let's see. Lance, truth or dare?" asked Justin.

"Um... Truth," said Lance.

"Ok..." smirked Justin, "what is the furthest you have gone, sexually?"

"I don't think I should have to answer that," said Lance.

"But you gotta, it's the rule!" said Justin.

"No, Justin, that's something that is private and sacred. Choose another question," declared JC.

The rest of the game wasn't as interesting as it started since it couldn't "make anyone uncomfortable." Lance wasn't as open as he used to be. JC was concerned about Lance. Usually Lance was Mr. Smooth, being able to handle any sticky situation. Something was bothering Lance, and JC had to find out what that is. He treated Lance like a smaller brother, and only wanted the best for him. At around three o'clock in the morning, they all decided to turn in, since they had to get on an airplane to LA the next morning.

At 10 o'clock in the morning, the five very grumpy, and very hungover boys were at the airport. In the VIP lounge, Lance gave a run down of the schedule.

"Ok, be ready to board the plane at 12 o'clock. The plane will land in LA at 2 o'clock Los Angeles time. We're staying in the Disneyland Hotel. Tomorrow, we have to head into Disneyland to do an interview, and a small live performance, just two songs. Then we will have to do a sorta "Big Brother" thing. We will go around Disneyland as regular people, but they're gonna have a camera crew around us, taping us. Our voices will be broadcasted over the radio live."

"So now, we've all got about an hour to do some last minute shopping in the airport, and to grab something to eat if you want. We won't be getting dinner in about 10 hours, because of the time difference, so..." Lance stopped talking as he realized that upon hearing about not getting food, Joey Justin, and Chris have already sprinted off.

"So you want to go get something to eat Lance?" asked JC.

"Yeah, sure. I think there's a good cafe around here somewhere," replied Lance.

After finding the cafe, and then finding a table in a sorta secluded area, they began to eat. They chatted about their tour, and the awards show, and other stuff like that. Then they talked about their families, and wanted to go visit them. JC finally asked Lance what has been bothering him the last couple of weeks.

"What do you mean?" asked Lance.

"I mean you seem distracted, like there's something on your mind that you are thinking about a lot," replied JC.

"Well, that's very true. I do have a lot of things on my mind, but I really don't want to talk about it. Don't worry, I'm not dying, and I'm not quitting the band," smiled Lance.

"Ok," smiled JC, "when you are ready to talk about it, I want you to ok? I want to help you, and because I care about the well being of my bestest friend," said JC.

"I thought Justin was your "bestest" friend?" pouted Lance playfully.

"Not when he's Ms. Bitchy," laughed JC, "God, I don't know, I think he hasn't jacked off in a while."

JC and Lance laughed and talked about more personal things. When it got to current girlfriends, Lance just avoided the subject.

"That's one of the things on my mind that I have to work out first before I tell you ok?" asked Lance.

"Oh sure, that's fine. Just know that I'll always be here for you ok?" said JC.

"Thanks, I appreciate it. Oh gosh, look at the time, we have to hurry or we'll miss the plane!" cried Lance.

The two boys threw their trash away, and ran to the terminal as fast as they could. They reached there out of breath, and saw the shocked faces of their 3 other bandmates.

"Oh my god!!" cried Justin, "Mr. Responsible, and Mr. Dependable were late!!"

"Yeah... cough... wheeze... whatever... just... let's board... the plane," puffed Lance.

The flight on the airplane was relatively uneventful. Chris and Joey almost started a food fight with peanuts. Justin went to the bathroom to "relieve" himself. When he came back with his face flushed, the other four just looked at each other and then at Justin, then all cracked up laughing. Justin blushed for a moment, then ran to his seat, and tried to hide his embarrassment from the other passengers, hoping they didn't figure out what happened.

The touch down of the plane jolted Lance from his nap. He was glad they were back in LA. It was like a second home to them. Lance looked around and saw the other guys starting to wake up. After about half an hour, they finally got off the plane. They were escorted to a limo that would take them to the Disneyland Hotel.

"Ooo... looks like they were expecting us," said Justin.

The suite was arranged to the boys' likings. The hotel must have remembered what they requested the last time they were here. The suite was furnished with a piano and beanbags. JC was impressed they went through all the trouble again to get that piano into the room. Chris jumped into one of the beanbags as he remembered the last time he asked for beanbags. Four carts full of food were already in the room. At first, the room service was skeptical that five people could eat so much - they learned.

After dinner, the boys decided to just lounge around, and see what movies were on TV. Justin and Joey argued over what to watch.

"I'm gonna pass. I have to check my email, and do some work for FreeLance," said Lance.

JC thought he would see if he could talk to Lance again about this unaddressed issue of Lance's. JC quietly knocked on the door to Lance's room.

"Come in," said Lance.

"Hi Lance," said JC shyly.

"Hey, what's up? Not watching the movie with the others?" asked Lance.

"No, I'm getting tired. I just wanted to check up on you, that's all," said JC, "I was actually wondering if you worked out those issues you had yet?"

"No, don't worry though, I'll be fine. Like I said, I'm not going to die, it's nothing for you to be worried about ok?" said Lance.

"Ok, well, get some rest. Good night." Said JC as he closed the door.

Lance got up and went to the bathroom to get ready for bed. He crawled into bed and started thinking. He did have some issues, and they weren't small things. One of which is that he was gay. It was only a few months ago that he completely accepted himself as gay. In his teens, Lance would see other guys and be attracted to them. The thought of homosexuality never even crossed his mind. It's not that he thought it was normal, it's just that he never thought about it. He even logged on to gay porno sites, and jacked off to images of men. It didn't even faze him until one day he really thought about it.

What am I doing? If I'm attracted to guys does that mean I'm gay? I don't want to be gay. Only after visiting a lot of online support groups did Lance finally come out to himself.

"That issue was finally over," thought Lance, "but now, the second issue at hand. How am I going to come out to the other guys? How will I know if they will hate me or not? There must be some way to do it pain- free."

After much thinking, he got it. Lance got out of bed and started writing a note on a piece of paper. After he was done, he as quietly as he could, tiptoed out into the living room of the suite. He looked around and listened to make sure everyone else was still asleep. He placed his note on the living room table, and then quietly went back into his room. Now, all he would have to do is wait until morning.

~ Next Morning

"Hey, everyone wake up!!" yelled Joey.

"What, where?"

"Fire? Where's the fire?

"Who died?"

"Who's died in a fire?

"No, it's this note," explained Joey, "I found it on the table this morning when I got up."

"Well, are you going to let us die of anticipation or what Joey?" complained Justin, who was very grumpy in the mornings.

"Ok, geeeez, don't get your panties all bunched up," said Joey. "Ok, it reads:

"Dear My Band Members, This is a note from one of us. I want this to be anonymous so that you guys won't all hate me. I have to get it off my chest and tell you guys the truth. It's been eating me up inside for a few weeks now. I'm gay, and I want to know how everyone feels about that before I decided to reveal my identity. - Your Friend"

"Oh well... let's see... it can't be Joey or Chris because they would never be able to come up with something this clever," said Justin.

"Hey!!" both Joey and Chris said at the same time.

"Justin, I don't think the writer of this note wanted us to guess who it was, he wanted to know what we felt," said JC.

"Ok, ok," said Justin, "I guess I'll start then."

"Ahem," Justin clears his throat, "I love all of you guys no matter what. Something like sexual orientation doesn't change who you are. You are still our friend."

"Hey, it's totally cool with me. I mean, it just means more women for me!" said Joey.

"Yeah, I mean, it like doesn't bother me a single bit. Come on, five good looking singers/dancers? One of us has got to be gay right?" said Chris.

"Well, I just want him to know that we all love you no matter what you choose. We all support you in your decisions, and we will always be there to give you a hand for support if you need it," said JC.

"What about you Lance? What do you think?" asked Chris.

"Well, I'm completely fine with it now, since I'm the once who wrote it, and since now I know that you guys are my true friends," said Lance.

"Yeah!! See? I knew it was Lance!" yelled Chris.

"Well, of course we all knew, we just wanted to give him time to come out by himself," said Justin.

"Um, excuse me, why are you guys using the third person? I'm still here you know? And what do you mean you all knew?!?" a shocked Lance asked.

"Come on Lance, it's not that hard to tell," said Joey. "I mean, when we go to clubs, I'm busy putting moves on women, and you are chatting with the bartender."

"I sorta knew what was bothering you all this time. I just wanted you to tell me yourself, instead of pushing you to," said JC.

"Yeah, and like how you're always looking at me lustfully when I come out of the showers naked," said Justin.

"I do not!!" said Lance.

"No, it's ok Lance, just admit it. I mean, with my totally hot body, nobody can resist a peek," proclaimed Justin.

"Yeah, and like on the Nifty Erotica site, every single story that's about Lance, he's gay in it."

"What's Nifty?" asked Joey innocently.

"It's a site with millions of gay erotic stories......" said Chris.

Chris suddenly stopped as he realized what he just said. He saw all four other members stare at him with wide eyes and open jaws. JC was the first one to speak.

"I see... so Chris... what exactly are you doing at these gay sites??" asked JC grinning.

"I umm... uh... was just... like... but... I... well.... well, I... never said I was straight did I????" said Chris.

After laughing about it, everyone started talking. The other three asked about things like how long they knew, and who else they told, and who they have had sex with.

"No, I'm still a virgin," replied Lance shyly.

"Awwwww.... isn't that cute??" cooed Joey.

"Well, I haven't had sex, but I did mess around with-" Chris stopped. "No, never mind, if you guys don't mind, I don't want you guys to know who I messed around with, because it's someone that we work with."

"Ok, we respect that person's privacy," said JC.

"Hey!!" yelled Joey. "Lance and Chris should get together!!"

"Ewwwww!!! With that freak?? I think not," said Lance.

"Hey!!" cried Chris, "besides, I know you're into that really kinky stuff Lance."

"What!!?? I thought I hid those magazine?!?" Lance played along.

"Ewwwww!!!" yelled Joey and Justin.

"If we wanted to know about your secret lives, we woulda asked," said Justin.

"Oh Justin, it's ok to be curious. You don't have to hide it," Chris said and then winked at Justin.

"You... well... I... I don't even want to think about a comeback right now. I've done way too much thinking before my breakfast already, it's starting to hurt," said Justin in defeat.

"Ok, let's all get ready to leave then. The limo will pick us up and take us to Disneyland. We'll have breakfast there, and the tech's will give us a run down of the exact schedule, and how things are supposed to work. Ok, now, we've got about half and hour, so let's go, on the double!!" said Lance in his military voice.

"Yes Sir!" cried the other four boys in unison.

Chris was about to leave when Lance pulled him aside.

"Hey Chris," said Lance.

"Yeah, what's up?" asked Chris.

"So, why exactly were you reading erotic stories about me??" asked Lance innocently.

"Um.. uhh... I was...." stammered Chris.

Lance grinned mischievously at Chris. Then Lance did something that completely threw Chris off his feet. Lance leaned over, and quickly gave Chris a peck on the lips, and went back into his room before Chris could even react to what happened. After watching Lance enter his room, and standing for a few seconds, Chris regained his posture.

"Damn, what was that all about??" asked Chris to himself.

Chris was really confused now. "At first, Scoop wouldn't even think about going out with me, but then he kisses me. At first I didn't want to go out with Mr. Serious either, but now I'm deciding to think it over," Chris thought to himself, "oh well, I gotta talk to him later about this."

With that, Chris went back into his room confused, dazed, and ... slightly horny.

.. to be continued...

<< End Part 1 <<

Does Lance have a crush on Chris? Does Chris like Lance?? Who's the person Chris messed around with? Does Chris still like that mystery guy? More info is revealed in the next Part. Stay tuned.


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