Oral Sex - A confession

By Joseph T. Hatfield

Published on Oct 22, 1990



Newsgroups: soc.motss,alt.sex

My roommates gave a party Friday night which was attended by many attractive college-age men; one of my roommates is a gymnast! In the past, I've always stayed in my room during these parties because I know that I would flirt like crazy with these guys, especially if was drinking.

This time, I decided to leave my door open. For over an hour a steady stream of people, mostly men, would walk by and look in on me. They were probably wondering why I wasn't partying with everyone else. This was fun for a while but I started getting aroused so I shut the door, put on some Kate Bush and tried to relax.

After a few minutes there was a loud knock on my door. I got up and opened the door. One of the sexiest guys I have ever seen was standing (with difficulty) in the hall. He was about 6ft tall with short blond hair (ROTC?), wearing white pants and sporting an enormous erection. I almost fainted. He mumbled something about wanting to get away from my roommates country-western music and stumbled into my room onto my bed.

I sat down beside him. He was fairly drunk and breathing heavily. I sat there for a moment and tried to think of something to say while staring at those wonderful white pants. My palms were sweating, my legs were shaking, I could barely breath. Suddenly, he rubbed his crotch and said, Hey, buddy, can you help me with this? After eight years of abstinence I couldn't think straight. I said, Oh my god, yes! and I blew him.

Afterwards, he left quickly, and without a word. I started to leave my room for the bathroom and I ran into a guy standing right outside my door. He said, what's your hurry? I said I was going to the bathroom. He put his hand on my shoulder and said I've got something for you, you want to see it? Pushing me back into my room at the same time. As soon as the door was closed he jumped on the bed and I jumped on him. Another blow job.

He got up and started to leave, but as soon as he opened the door, another guy shoved past him into my room. By this point, some part of my brain was beginning to think rationally and I pushed both guys out of the room and locked the door. There was some knocking and pleading for a while but it finally stopped. The party ended soon after and all was quiet.

I'm not sure if one of my roommates annouced that I was queer or what, but they haven't acted strange at all. I suspect that the first guy just saw my Soloflex posters, figured I was available and later told his friends.

In any case, I've had unprotected oral sex, twice, with two strangers and I'm really worried. Not only because of the danger of AIDS (and other ST diseases) but, more importantly, because I've gone without sex for so long that I was willing to engage in unsafe behavior even with full knowledge of the danger, and I still enjoyed it!! I know people are irrational and that this kind of thing does happen but I still feel like shit.

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