
By Amy Brett

Published on Jun 24, 2000



Panties By Amy Brett

"You did what?" Linda said in her typical no nonsense pushy way.

"Wish I'd had a choice but I didn't."

"You could at least call me before you invite somebody for dinner," she fumed as she paced back and forth across the kitchen, her heels clicking on the floor tile. "You are such a pussy, Andy. You can't even say no to someone like Paul." She didn't know the half of it.

The doorbell rang as I started to open my mouth. Saved by the bell, you might think. I knew better.

"Well, get the door," she said disgusted. "I'll try to figure out something for dinner." Knowing, like everything today, I had no choice, I went to the front door.

"Andy!" Paul said, his normal over the top exuberance greeting me from the inside of the storm door where he stood. He didn't wait for me to invite him in but stepped in, took off his coat, and handed it to me to take care of. He didn't wait for me to take care of the coat but simply walked on into the kitchen. Just short, he turned to me. "A martini will be fine."

So how had this started? You won't believe it. You won't believe how stupid I was.

Linda had been gone when I got out of the shower that morning. That, I thought, left me free to look through her dresser drawer. If I'd just left it at that, or tried the panties on and left them there, I would have been okay. But I got daring instead.

I not only put the tiny red satin and lace panties on to look at myself in the mirror, I got brave. One of a few times I'd gotten brave and, I vowed now that it was too late, the last time. It was just that they were so damned sexy. The three inch satin butterfly on the front surrounded by lace was just so cute I couldn't stand it.

What I thought was that I could wear them under my suit pants and no one would be the wiser. When I got home, I could get out of them in the bathroom and either put them away or in the hamper without Linda noticing. She isn't a detail sort of person and simply wouldn't notice something like that.

So, to make a slightly longer story short, Paul saw the flash of red at the urinal in the office before I got everything in place and zipped up. Men wear red underwear, I knew, but he'd seen something (or perhaps just knew me well enough) that he didn't consider that. Maybe he'd seen the lace. I don't know.

With his typical loud bluster that I wanted more than anything to lower the volume on, he first got me to blush with embarrassment and then to undo my pants to show him. His laughter seemed ten times louder in the echoing bathroom than it even would have been in his office. In my effort to shut him up, I promised I'd do anything if he would just shut up.

"Invite me to dinner tonight," he said, surprising me. I don't know what I expected, but that wasn't it.

Back in my own office, I thought about calling Linda and telling her we would have a guest but I just couldn't figure out how to prevent a veto that I knew, absolutely, she would exercise. "No" would have been her simple answer to my statement if I'd made it on the phone as it had been when I got home and told her.

Going into the kitchen, I stopped as if my brakes had locked up. Paul stood, almost a foot taller than Linda (or me for that matter), with his arms around her from behind, his big hands resting on her stomach as she grinned her "patient but pissed" smile.

"Go sit down, Paul," she said, struggling in his powerful arms a little. "I can't get anything together for dinner with you ..."

Knowing that if either of us could handle Paul, it was more likely to be Linda than me, I went to the cupboard where I kept the booze and started making a pitcher of martinis. We usually didn't drink martinis on week days and usually only small ones on a "special" weekend night, but I was pretty sure I would want one and, now, thought Linda would probably want one, too.

He chuckled rather nastily, let her go, and sat down at the kitchen table. I poured a martini for him and sat the pitcher down at his elbow as I got a glass for myself.

"Did Andy tell you about this afternoon?" he said.

"No. What happens in an accountant's office is pretty boring."

"Ah but today wasn't. And he didn't tell you about it? Interesting."

I decided I wasn't going to open my mouth unless he said something that was outrageous. Well, anything he might say would be outrageous as far as Linda was concerned.

"I always suspected about little Andy but until this afternoon I wasn't sure."

"What?" I was pleased that she was busily hustling around with the food and hoped that she wouldn't listen at all.

"You didn't show her your pretties?" he said, looking at me. I looked at Linda, who was starting something on the stove, and shook my head. "You haven't? She doesn't know you wear pretty red panties?"

I looked back toward Linda, hoping she hadn't heard that either, but no such luck. She was frowning at Paul.

"What?" she said.

"Yeah. The little sweety was wearing pretty little red panties this afternoon." He turned to me. "You didn't change out of them did you?" I couldn't speak for choking around my embarrassment.

"What?" Linda said again. But this time it wasn't that she wasn't listening or couldn't hear it was that she wanted to make sure what she'd heard was true.

"Yeah, sweety here is wearing a cute little pair of panties. Butterfly on the front?" he asked looking at me.

"Andy?" she said looking at me with confusion playing across her frowning face. I blushed and tried not to move. "Andy? Is that true? Are you wearing my panties?"

"Your panties? Hmmm, I figured they were the sweety's. Well bad sweety," he said with a mock irritation. "You shouldn't steal Linda's things. That's not nice."

"Andy?" I was really getting tired of being the center of attention. "Is that true?"

"What I figure is that Don is going to be really upset about this. You know I bet he'll just get rid of you. He doesn't need any hint of scandal around the office. Right? Anyway ..." He shrugged.

"Okay," I said. "What do you want? Money? We don't have much. We're just making it but ..."

"Linda," he said simply.

"What?" both of us said simultaneously this time.

"Linda. It's simple. That's what I want and I'll let you skate, pussy." He looked at me. Up and down. It made me very uncomfortable to say the least. "Start by showing Linda your cute panties. Take everything off while you're at it."

Wanting to divert things back to me as much as I possibly could, I quickly undid my clothes and was soon standing in front of both of them in the bright red panties.

"That's disgusting," Linda said, not appreciating what I was doing to divert his interest from her. I wondered if I could convince her that's what I was doing later when Paul left.

"Naw. It's cute," he said with a laugh. "So come here now. Let's see if you look better in them."

"No, Paul," I said, trying again to change his interest away from my wife. "I'll do whatever you say. Just leave Linda alone."

"What the fuck do you think YOU could do for me? Linda." He didn't leave any room for argument in his statement. I stood there with my hands in front of the panties I still wore and watched as he caught her wrist, pulled her toward him, and began unbuttoning her blouse. She struggled to get away from him but couldn't do much except try to deflect his hand.

"Andy! Help me!"

"Take a step and the whole thing is all over the office. Starting with Don." I'd actually started to take a step toward them but that stopped me cold.

With a flick of his wrist, he had her blouse out of her skirt. A second flick and it was wide open. A third and her front opening bra was undone. He gently brushed it aside of her left breast and put his mouth over her nipple as he opened the side toward me and clamped that nipple between thumb and finger to roll it. Since I'd been her first lover, I was the only one in the world who knew how sensitive Linda's nipples are.

She squealed, maybe with the suddenness of what he was doing but maybe with the infusion of pleasure that surged through her. The focus went out of her eyes and, as I expected her to say something more to object, she bit her lower lip.

I watched his free hand move to the zipper down the back of her skirt and definitely expected her to feel it and do something before it dropped around her ankles. She didn't do a thing, even when he brushed the blouse off her shoulders before he did the same with the straps of her bra. Except for a kind of internal vibration that I could only see with a few moving muscles, she didn't move at all to resist what he was doing.

Instead, she stood there with her eyes closed, her arms at her sides, her skirt around her ankles, covered only by a pair of panties that were the pink twins of the ones I was wearing and a pair of thigh high stockings.

The free hand went into the top of her panties and she arched away from it but not nearly far enough to keep his hand out. His hand dove further down and, rather than making any move to block him, she bent one leg to balance on tiptoe, giving him better access between her legs.

She gasped as he very obviously found her pussy. Her head even went back and mouth opened as her hand went out to his shoulder to balance herself better. Within a long minute, she was reacting sensually to his probing finger and mouth.

I prayed that when he stopped directly stimulating her, she'd insist he stop but when he took his hand out of her panties and started working them down off her, she opened her eyes and looked at him without any negative reaction. She even seemed to cooperate with him as he pushed the panties down, sticking momentarily between her legs, and down until gravity took them to the floor.

"Step out, honey," he said softly. She looked down and stepped out of the panties and skirt with one foot before kicking them away with the other. "Now spread wide."

She looked down at herself as she stepped wide, still on one tiptoe. His hand went between her legs and they both looked there as his index and middle fingers slid into her. They both stared at that spot as he began stroking in and out of her. He helped her keep her balance with the other hand, its finger and thumb still clutching her nipple.

"Just got to taste you," he said, turning her around to sit on the table. She looked at me and pursed her lips with dislike before letting him help her to sit up on the table. She was looking directly into my eyes as she leaned back and spread her legs wide. Her dislike stemmed from the fact that I simply couldn't bring myself to put my face down there between her legs, even though she'd asked me to do it several times. The look on her face plainly said to me that if I wouldn't do it, she'd let Paul do it.

My face, I'm sure, showed my personal disgust even as his mouth went between her legs and began licking and sucking at that nasty part of her. Even though I was disgusted, I couldn't look away as she arched her back, threw her head back, opened her mouth wide, and began to vibrate all over.

I could easily see his tongue licking at the top of her nasty trench across her too large clitoris that I thought was gross but, apparently, he liked a lot as he moaned with pleasure. More, she squeaked and moved her hips as I'd never seen her do before. She not only seemed to like it, she loved it. In fact, she loved it so much, she dropped down onto the table, took her hard nipples in both hands to massage them, and lifted her stocking covered legs and the black high heels almost straightened into the air over his shoulders.

She squirmed and rolled and gasped and moaned as he continued licking until she squealed and orgasmed. Not pausing for a second, he dove down to her oozing pussy and stuck his fat tongue into her. I could see the disgusting discharge from her as he licked and sucked wetly. The only saving grace, as far as I was concerned, was that I'd never seen her so totally hot looking.

His mouth covered her pussy and made awful wet sucking noises at her, her heavy smells filling the room. That smell had sent me to another room more than once and would have again under different circumstances. In fact, I couldn't leave or I would have. The sight and smell very nearly made me sick to my stomach.

When she came on his mouth this time, the smells were overpowering and the wet sucking sounds even worse, making my stomach churn.

Then he did the worst thing I'd ever seen or heard of. Plainly visible to me at my position beside them, he hardened his tongue and dove into her asshole. I had to turn my head and still had a battle with my stomach to keep from losing it completely. Linda screamed and it was obvious it wasn't with any kind of disgust but with still another orgasm and this one seemed out of control as I looked back at them.

"That's it," Paul said as if he'd made some kind of decision. The chair scraping against the tile as he pushed it back and stood, he undid his pants, dropped them quickly, and stepped out of the combination of pants and boxer shorts with one leg. Since I was looking again to see what could possibly be next, I saw him flop loose from the clothes.

His cock was soft enough that it curved downward, something I thought odd if he liked the tastes and smells of my wife. But even soft or only partially hard, it was both longer and much thicker than mine when it was hard. Dark and capped with a notably larger mushroom head, he took it in his hand and stroked it a few times as he looked down at my wife. She looked up at him with a gentle smile on her lips and her eyes glistening.

Now he was hardening steadily and pointed toward her body. Still at a 45 degree downward angle, it had to be 9 inches and thick. When I heard her soft "oh", I knew she'd seen it too. And her reaction definitely wasn't negative. In fact, her eyes were big with wonder and anticipation.

He stroked a few more times, looking down at her spread body, and it steadily hardened though I didn't really think it got much bigger. When he let it go, it was standing straight out from his body.

"Okay?" he asked her and she raggedly nodded. "Bet you're not used to quite this much." He turned to me, standing there in the panties that had gotten me in all this trouble. "Let's see, studly." Both of them looked at me until I realized I wasn't going to get out of this. I tugged the panties down and looked down at myself. For whatever reason, I was rock hard and pointed up at my bellybutton though not nearly that long.

His laughter echoed off my kitchen walls and, as I watched my wife look a me and then back at him, heard her chuckles join his laughter.

"No, I guess you're not used to this." He looked down at her open body where she lay with her legs spread at the edge of the table and hanging down almost to the floor. "You deserve this, honey," he said as he took the massive cock in his hand. Both of them concentrated on the purple tip as it went to her widely spread slit.

"Ohhhhh," she moaned as it touched her sensitive skin. "Please," she moaned again and I wasn't sure whether she meant "please fuck me" or "please don't split me in two" because both were implicit in her widely opened eyes and mouth and the way she spread her legs further. He pressed his hips forward and the massive cock seemed to bunch against her as I imagined it might against a wall.

"Ohhhhhh," she began again as it seemed to make some small progress into her open pussy. "Oh!!" she almost screamed as I saw the head pop into her body. "Oh! Oh!" She was getting louder and spreading further, if that was possible. Her moan was long and ascending in pitch and volume as he clenched his teeth and pressed forward into her. She just panted as he stopped, perhaps half of the massive organ inside her.

"Uhhhh," she moaned again as he pulled back slightly and both arched and screamed as he pressed forward. Another three times and her body had swallowed his massive tool as he leaned into her widespread legs. As he started moving almost all the way out and all the way back into her, she released long sighing moans.

He grinned nastily at me and put his finger on her clit. Winking, he started rubbing it almost wildly as he started moving his cock all the way in and back out of her. Her body arched up until I wondered if her shoulders would touch her butt as she repeated "Oh oh oh oh oh oh" endlessly. Endlessly until the air stopped propelling her words and her body began clenching with orgasm after orgasm.

He never slowed his stroking into her or moving his finger on her clit until he grunted and froze deep in her. I was sure he was cuming and not making any movement toward moving out of her. When he did finally take another long stroke out and back in, foamy white cum squeezed out into her blond pubic hair.

Looking totally satisfied with what he'd done, he grinned and slowly removed himself from her pussy.

"Come here, studly," he said with a grin. I took a step forward, wondering what he was going to do, and cringed when his big hand caught the back of my neck and pulled me closer. "We've got an awful mess here needs cleaning up." I looked at her gushing pussy as she lay there catching her breath, totally relaxed. It was easily the most disgusting thing I've ever seen. Open more than an inch, white foam bubbled out and down between her ass cheeks. A mass of it clung to the matted hair of her pubes and a slick of it glistened on the inside of her thighs.

"Get right in here and clean up, sweety," he said, pushing me forward and down to it. I couldn't do anything but drop to my knees. His hand on the back of my neck pressed my face into her open pussy. I thought I was going to die before he moved my face away enough that I could breathe again. I gasped and realized that my face was coated with their cum and gagged. "Didn't get it cleaned up that time, we'll have to try again."

Again and again, he moved my face into her wet and smelly cunt. Even when I began licking, knowing this was going to continue until I did something, there was so much I couldn't see any change. Surprisingly, the more I did it, the more I enjoyed both the taste and Linda's increasing enjoyment of what I was doing.

When she came and added her own fluids to the sticky mix, I found that I not only didn't mind but that I loved the taste. Somehow, hers made it sweet while what I had been licking from her before was more bitter and salty.

I really didn't notice when his hand left the back of my neck or when I'd actually taken care of the majority of the liquids that had been so impossibly abundant before. She finally pushed me away from her with a "Stop. Enough" that, with her hand on my forehead, I couldn't resist.

When I looked up at her, she was totally exhausted and unmoving. Paul, grinning, was looking at me from a chair at the side of the table. Apparently he was completely dressed then.

"We have things to discuss," he said as he slowly got up from the chair.

Linda had finally recovered from her multiple orgasms and was bright eyed and flushed down to her nipples as she sat at the table between Paul and me.

"Okay friends," Paul said, totally in charge as I sat there in just the panties that I now wished I'd never touched. "This is the way it's going to go.

"Linda. Plan on dinner for three unless I call and tell you different. Not just tonight but all the time." The smile on her face didn't fade. Obviously the promise that he was going to be here regularly didn't bother her at all. "I don't want you to wear either panties or bras any more. Besides, your little sweety here needs them. Right?" She didn't look particularly happy about that and I could see her mind moving around that thought.

I'd asked her just to go out with me once without panties and she'd refused flatly, saying it was uncomfortable and lewd. Similarly, she'd found that even on weekends and wearing something like an unrevealing sweatshirt, not wearing a bra made her nipples hard all the time - something she said she didn't like. I was sure she'd refuse that demand and was surprised when she finally looked down at her nude body and nodded.

"On the other hand, I want you to wear panties, either a bra or camisole, and stockings all the time," he said to me.

"But ..."

"No buts. You'll do it and I'll check at work. Depend on it." I could see I didn't have much choice. "You can help HER pick things out in the mornings," he said to Linda who nodded. I'd plainly heard the HER and flushed.

Absently, her took Linda's nipple in his fingers and rolled it as her posture softened.

"I want you to know that I'm going to fuck every hole in your sweet little body, Linda. Tomorrow we'll break in these sweet lips and you'll learn how to take it all." He brushed her lips and her eyes looked at him strangely. Since she'd completely denied me that experience, I couldn't believe that she didn't object, even as fruitless as that obviously was for us.

"Day after tomorrow, we'll pop your anal cherry. Then we can do whatever we want. Right?" That statement made Linda's eyes get big and her nostrils flare but I somehow couldn't decide whether it was abhorrence at the idea or anticipation of the act. I frowned.

"As for you," he said looking at me harshly. "At home, I think you better switch to skirts and dresses from now on. Linda can help you with makeup. And start sleeping in a nightgown.

"Finally, if you have to you can masturbate but only in front of me or Linda. Otherwise you better not." I didn't like the way Linda looked at me then. "Other than that, plan on cleaning Linda out after I'm done or if she tells you to.

"Best of all?" he grinned nastily. "I think that Phillip would really like to come over some night. Don't you think?"

Phillip, though a nice enough guy at arms length, was our office's flaming faggot. An announced homosexual, he was disgustingly obvious with his gestures, references, and advances toward people in the office.

"In fact, tomorrow I want you to find a way to make sure that Phillip knows what you are wearing under your clothes. I'll be sure to ask him."

"Ohhhhh," I moaned.

Has my life changed? You must be kidding.

How do I feel about it? That changes from day to day.

How does Linda feel about it? She loves it.

It's been a little over a year since Paul caught me in the panties and I haven't been out of panties, except for baths, doctors' appointments, and with my lovers, since.

At first, I hated watching Paul with my wife, fucking her in every hole and every situation you could imagine. I hated even more watching her with Paul and one of his friends. I hated cleaning the massive amounts of male cum from her body. I particularly hated cleaning complete strangers' cum out of her when he would take us out and volunteer her services to them.

On the other hand, she's gotten so she loves all the encounters even when she's not the least interested in the specific people.

One of the best for me was watching her with one of Paul's old girlfriends. I got to clean them both and that was good for me too.

Strangely, Phillip may have been the best thing that ever happened to me.

That first day, he was unbelievably excited when I let him see that I was wearing panties. In fact, he had my cock in his mouth faster than I would have believed possible. Sharing my own cum with him, was the first time I'd ever kissed a man as well.

I'm sure that wouldn't have been the last encounter between us, even if I hadn't had to tell Paul how it went. But I'm also sure that he wouldn't have been fucking me that night if Paul hadn't insisted. I would never have guessed that I'd actually enjoy that. Just as I would never have guessed that I'd enjoy sucking him.

Now, such a short time after that first pair of panties, I spend my workdays in skirts, blouses, dresses, and women's suits, my long hair fluffed around my pretty - if I say so myself - face. The hormones have changed my perspective almost as much as my physical shape. Phillip, who loves me very much and lives with us now, is my savior.

He's totally behind the surgery that we tentatively plan for sometime next year or possibly the year after.

Perhaps the strangest thing of all, I really enjoyed it last night when Paul finally had me lay over the kitchen table so he could move my panties aside and make love to me as Phillip and Linda watched.

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