Park Plaza Hotel

By TJ Welker

Published on Jun 20, 2005



This story is complete fiction. The story in no way should be considered an implication of the sexual orientation or actions of any of the characters involved and this is not a reflection of their lives. Please do not use this story without my permission.

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Park Plaza Hotel By TJ Welker

The dashing athlete quickly drove his Black Hummer down Arlington Street and up to the Park Plaza Hotel valet. He was running late, as usual. He jumped out, tossed the keys to the star struck young valet attendant and made his way toward the front door of Boston's most prestigious hotel.

Waiting in the lobby for him was his agitated publicist Francine, who franticly approached him and said in a whispered lecture, "Tom, where have you been? The event started an hour ago. I have been been getting the third degree from everyone and you didn't answer your cell phone!."

Tom Brady, the two time Super Bowl champion quarterback of the New England Patriots had grown accustomed to glitzy, glamorous high class functions with household name celebrities and socialites. Showing up late was the standard procedure for the type of people such events attracted. In fact one wonders how such swanky parties ever really take place, when everyone tries to outdo everyone else by arriving as late as possible and with the most fanfare.

But Brady hadn't done it on purpose. "Fran, I'm sorry, Bridget had a family emergency that I couldn't ignore and in the hurry to get over here, I left my cell at home."

"Well all right, nothing we can do about it now. You only missed the introductions. They are about to serve dinner, so get in there and sit down. You are speaking during dessert. I am going home to my husband."

"Thanks Fran. I appreciate your help. Have a good night, say hi to Walt." Brady said as she shook her head and waved behind her on the way out the revolving door.

This was a fundraising benefit dinner for the Baystate Children's Hospital and Tom Brady had been the co-host of the event for the past three years. For the first two he had shared host duties with Boston Red Sox pitcher Derek Lowe, but now that Lowe was no longer in Boston, the organizers had asked the team's captain, catcher Jason Varitek to do the honors, to which he had graciously agreed.

Tom entered the elegant banquet hall to the soft hum of civilized chatter. As he entered, the chattered hushed for a moment as all eyes seemed to instantly turn in his direction. As his presence enveloped the room, Brady smiled a beaming, toothy grin and began to snake his way around tables, waving, shaking hands, kissing ladies and exchanging brief pleasantries with many of the folks at the tables along his path. He made his way to the head table on a dais in the front of the hall, walked around to the side to climb the stairs to the second tier. From there he shook hands with the other folks at the head table, which included a brief smile and hug shared with Jason Varitek. Brady found his place next to the baseball star and sat down as clicks and flashes from cameras continued to come from all directions in front of him.

"You seem to handle all that better than I can", Varitek said as he leaned over to speak into Tom's ear.

"After you guys win two more World Series, you'll get used to it, trust me." Brady said sharing a laugh with Jason.

"Sorry I'm late, as I was leaving we got the call that my girlfriend's aunt died today. We were making arrangements to fly down for the funeral." Brady said.

"No problem. That stuff is always more important." Varitek said.

"So what did I miss?"

"Nothing spectacular, I just introduced all the big shots and announced the million dollars the Red Sox and Patriots are donating to the hospital." Jason replied.

"Cool. You baseball guys report soon huh?" Tom queried.

"Yup. I'll be in Florida on Friday." was the reply.

"Be careful. The first season after the first championship is a nightmare. You get so famous, so fast, that its inevitable that everyone is going to gun for you on and off the field." Tom said.

"Thanks. I think most of the guys are grounded enough to handle it, but this is going to be a different team without Pedro and Derek anyway, so its going to be interesting." Tek replied.

"Yeah. Just be careful. No matter how prepared you think you are, shit happens...This is Boston after all, the media is going to be looking for something to bitch about.."

Jason nodded.

"Hey, you in town right now or just blowing through?" Tom asked as the waiter placed plates of chicken marsala in front of each of them.

"My wife is already down in Fort Myers getting our place down there ready. We sold our place here in December and found a better one but we don't close on it 'til next week, so I just got a room here in the hotel." Jason said.

"That's cool. Bridget was catching a flight tonight down to Louisiana where her Aunt lived. So I am debating trekking back out to the suburbs tonight. I feel like staying in the city and partying." Tom said.

Jason laughed between bites. "Superstar" he said sarcastically.

"What do you say? We're both bachelors tonight?" Tom urged.

"I'm not a big partier Tom." Jason said with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh come on, there's a great little out of the way bar just down the street, its fun, we can check it out for a while, have a couple beers, talk about winning championships, flirt a little with the locals and crash back here." Brady said with a twinkle in his eye and that irresistible smile on his face.

"Sure, Why not" Varitek relented, suddenly captivated by the handsome quarterback.

"Good! I gotta show you baseball guys how to loosen the fuck up!", Tom said.

After dinner, the local sportscaster who was emceeing the event stood up and began to introduce Tom Brady. He gushed the typical home town cheer leading glee that should otherwise make any grown straight man cringe and indeed most gay men as well. Instead the social elite in the room ate it all up like school girls vulturing looks at the latest issue of some teeny bop rag, and they wanted more. They settled for the custard dessert that was being served to them as Tom Brady stared out at them and began hurling in perfect spirals the charming, innocuous clichés and anecdotes he had memorized for such occasions. A cynic might expect that if Tom Brady stood there and professed to be the devil incarnate, as long as he smiled and twinkled, the crowd would treat his words as if uttered by the Creator himself.

Jason Varitek sat in silent amusement at the spectacle before him. He had been around sports stars like Nomar Garciaparra, Curt Schilling, Manny Ramirez and Pedro Martinez for years. He'd met models, movie stars and politicians. But never had he seen anyone who could simply mesmerize a crowd with a simple smile, like Tom Brady was doing right here in front of him. He believed it too, Brady had just used that same tactic to get Jason to agree to go out after the event. Tired from the flight up, going out was something Jason had no real inclination to do until Tom smiled at him like he was doing right now, as he finished his speech to a standing ovation from the assembled sycophants.

Jason stood up and joined Brady at the podium as they posed for more photos together, waved and smiled at the crowd and then slowly worked their way out of the banquet room, leaving the people to finish their desserts, drinks and conversations.

In the lobby, Brady took off his suit jacket, loosened and took off his tie and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his dress shirt. "Ok I am ready, you?"

"I'd like to go upstairs and change. You wanna come up or wait down here?"

"That's true. I should get a room. Or would you mind if I crashed with you? It would save the hassle of dealing with hotel people trying too hard to make sure I am happy and pissing me off in the meantime. That always happens here." Brady said.

"Uhmmm. Its a big room, if you don't mind crashing on the sofa, its cool with me." Varitek said.

"Cool man. Ok, I'll come up, maybe use your bathroom?"

"Sure. I'm on the third floor." Tek said as they made their way into an elevator and he pressed the appropriate button.

Once they got into the room, Tom went into the bathroom, while Jason began to change his clothes. He was down to t-shirt and boxers when Tom emerged from the bathroom and caught the sight of the large and solid ballplayer. He grinned, walked by Varitek and sat down in the suite's living room sofa in mock exhaustion.

"Man, suddenly I am feeling mellow dude. You mind if we don't hit the town tonight?"

Varitek, relieved, said, "No, not at all. We can call room service, have them bring up some beer." Much more Tek's style anyway.

"That'll work great." Tom said as Varitek grabbed the hotel phone and waited for the attendant to take his request for domestic beer and munchies.

It took less than five minutes for their order to arrive. This efficiency prompted an even larger than normal tip from Tek to the kid whose eyes had bulged out when he realized that Tom Brady was with Mr. Varitek.

"He's gunna crash here. I expect that won't be a problem for the hotel?" Varitek said in a rather authoritative voice.

"Oh of course not Mr. Varitek, no problem at all. If either of you need anything else, please let us know."

Brady and Varitek began sharing stories from their respective lives and careers as they slowly began to get drunk from the high volume of beer they were consuming.

Jason watched Tom Brady intently, taken in by his enchanting whit and charm and slowly realizing that there was something about this man that had new feelings and emotions brewing just beneath the surface of his consciousness. Jason feared these feelings and tried to suppress them, but as the minutes went by, he began to slowly let the whisper of reality seep into his thoughts. He was attracted to Tom Brady. And when Tom said something about being '"too damn hot" and took off his shirt, revealing his smooth, chiseled chest and abs, Jason could no longer deny it to himself, he wanted Tom. He wanted him bad.

For his part in the matter, Tom Brady was no fool. He knew full well how easily he could charm his way into and out of just about any situation. To say that Tom had planned the evening to go this way would be inaccurate, but he certainly was aware of what was happening and he was in full control.

The truth is Brady had always been fascinated by the Sox catcher, his large, solid body, hairy chest and tough guy, no nonsense, gritty persona. Brady had been watching Varitek and had been looking forward to meeting him.

"So where'd you meet your wife?" Tom asked.

"We met in college at Georgia Tech." Jason replied.

"Ah. Cool. She still get you off? Tom said, flashing the grin and twinkle Jason's way.

"Uhm yeah, when we aren't too busy with the kids and the baseball season." Tek said nervously.

"Yeah, must be difficult, especially during the season. Least we get to go home during the week in football, you guys play almost every day. And the road trips. Damn. It must be hard not to wander off a little..." Tom left it as a half question, half statement, raising one of his well shaped eye brows.

"Well baseball players are notorious for cheating. And yeah it is hard sometimes. But you deal with it."

"Oh please, I am not Bob fucking Ryan or some other stupid sports writer, you can cut the BS and tell me Jason...Does your cock need some attention or what? Brady said chuckling.

"If you ask it, it will say 'When don't I need attention?'" Varitek cracked back at him and felt his cock stirring at the mention of its name.

The drunken Tom Brady rolled off the sofa onto his knees and moved toward Jason's lap.

"What are you doing?" Tek raised his voice in surprise.

"I'm doing what you told me to do,I am asking your cock if it needs attention." Brady said sarcastically as he shot a mesmerizing smile and twinkle up at Jason, whose impulse to protest was thwarted by Brady's latest spell.

Tom got up close to Jason's crotch and said in an exaggerated voice, "Hey there big fella, have you been neglected lately?"

Just then Jason's cock uncontrollably twitched and moved the cloth around it, making the stirring obviously visible to Tom.

"I'll take that as a yes", Brady said, chuckling up at Varitek.

Jason sat there captivated, barely breathing, as Tom teased him into a growing state of embarrassment, not to mention a growing state of penile hardness.

"Well its a good thing your uncle Tommy is here to rectify the situation" Brady said down into Jason's groin as he reached his right hand over Jason's crotch and grabbed his cock through the boxer material.

Varitek, realizing this was going to happen and no longer caring to stop it, decided he had had enough of playing games. He reached out and grabbed Brady's hand and began to push it in the opening at the top of his briefs and down to his cock.

Tom came up off the floor and met Tek's lips with his own, an explosion of passion overwhelming them both as they began to kiss, lick and nibble on each other's tongues, lips and chins. All the while maintaining a rhythm of mutually stroking Jason's eight inch cock beneath his boxer shorts.

Jason began to tweak Brady's exposed nipples with his free hand, while Brady worked with his own buttons and zipper and managed to get his pants down past his ass.

Next Jason slid Tom's underwear off revealing his seven and a half-inch cock. A patch of dark hair sat above the shaft with two hairless balls hanging low beneath it. There was a drop of pre cum forming at the tip of his large dick head.

Jason took his hand out of his own shorts and wrapped both arms around Tom Brady's rear end, drawing the sexy quarterback closer until his cock was just at mouth level. Wasting no time at all, Tek licked off the pre-cum, sending a shudder of pleasure through Tom's body as Jason then took the entire shaft down his throat in one long, slow motion.

Tom moaned as Jason pulled him closer still, taking the entire length of cock into his mouth again and beginning an in and out rhythm. Tom began to rock back on Jason's backstroke, only to thrust back forward to meet the depths of Jason's hot mouth a moment later.

"Oh fuck man that's good," Tom said as he face fucked Jason.

As Jason continued to accept the cock in and out of his mouth, he grabbed Tom's ass cheeks and began to knead them in both hands, slapping them occasionally. Eventually he began to feel the crack of Tom's amazingly soft, yet firm ass. Jason searched for the treasure with expert skill, allowing his fingers to lightly travel close to Tom's hole, sending electric charges up the football stud's body.

Jason allowed his index finger to find the rosebud of Tom Brady's ass and began to massage it, teasing Tom's pucker. Tom redoubled his bucking into Jason's mouth as the catcher prodded, poked and finger fucked Brady's squirming rump.

"Yeah man. I want you to fuck my ass," Tom crooned as Jason continued to pump his fingers deep in and out of his ass.

Jason took the encouragement to heart and began to insert a second finger into the act, fucking Brady's tight hole. In fact Jason had a really intense rhythm going, as his mouth would deep throat Brady's cock on the forward thrust, while his fingers would drive deep into Tom's ass on the back thrust.

They were able to keep this pattern up for about a minute before Tom's moans turned sharper and louder, tipping Jason off to the fact that Brady was getting close.

"Tek...I'm gonna cum. Oh Fuck, I'm gonna shoot," Tom bellowed out, anticipating that Jason would back off his cock. But Jason wanted to taste Tom's load, and just sucked faster, keeping the pressure on Tom's asshole.

With a loud groan followed by a sharp gasp, Tom exploded into Jason's mouth, sending stream after stream of cum into Jason's throat and out onto his lips and chin. Jason continued to suck on Tom's cock as it began to come down from its euphoric orgasm until he was sure all of the spunk had been liberated. He then excruciatingly slow from Tom's perspective, slid the cock out of his mouth and down off his cum coated tongue.

Tom, breathing heavy and with a permanent, content smile plastered on his face, bent down to Jason's face, licked a drop of cum off his chin and then kissed the Red Sox slugger.

As he broke the kiss and took in some air, Tom looked intensely down at Varitek with the smile and twinkle and said, "Fuck me."

Tom stood up and went and laid on his back on the bed. He scrunched up his knees and showed Jason his puckered hole. Jason quickly ran to the bathroom and returned with some lube and a condom out of his travel bag. He squirted some of the lube onto his hand and massaged it around Tom's hole. He then applied a good amount to his throbbing cock and continued to jerk himself off with one hand while fingering Tom's ass with the other.

"Fuck me hard!" Tom growled up at Jason.

Varitek then grabbed hold of both of Tom Brady's strong, sexy legs and moved into position between them. Jason looked down at Tom and said, "Here we go!" He rested Tom's legs on each of his broad shoulders and pressed the cock head at his asshole. With all the lube, he missed and slid by it on the first try, but managed to find the promised land on his second attempt and just about skewered Tom in one quick motion in the process. His cock blasted passed Tom's anal ring and slid all the way in to the base all in one pop of motion delivered by Jason's strong hips.

"Holy Fuck!" Tom yelled out as a wave of pain passed from his ass across his entire body. He had not quite been ready to take the full thrust of initial entry quite so violently.

"You all right?" Jason asked, seeing the pain on the QB's face.

"Fuck yeah. Go for it!" Brady grunted as the initial pain was replaced by a feeling of fullness and anticipation.

Jason needed no additional prompting and he began to slowly slide his cock in and then mostly out of Tom's ass, increasing the velocity on his inward strokes while slowly pulling back off. Before long, Jason was pulling back tantalizingly slow and then ramming back in so hard it moved the bed off the ground. Tom would coo and moan on the back strokes, and gasp and grunt wildly on the slam strokes. While Jason was plundering his asshole, Tom stroked his own cock furiously, building for a second explosion of his own cum.

Jason began to move in and out faster, using the rhythm to drive his cock in as deep and as hard as he could, pistoning in jack hammer glory in and out of Tom Brady's amazingly tight ass.

Tom howled in ecstasy as he encouraged Jason to fuck him harder and faster. Something one would not believe was possible until Jason actually accomplished it, slamming wildly in a blur of passion and lust. Brady taking every punishing thrust with eager delight. This anal assault would make most men surrender, but Brady was a tough general, used to taking hard blows on and now off the field. He was a champion. Champions take the pain and turn it into pleasure and man did this feel good!

Varitek's fantastic fuck continued without much let up for quite a while before Brady just couldn't hold out any longer. As Varitek continued to ram his hole, Tom's balls erupted his second load through his raging cock, squirting shots of cum straight up into the air and back down onto Tom's shining chest and stomach, his ass uncontrollably squeezing and relaxing, squeezing and relaxing around Jason's cock, sending Jason over the edge as well. Jason pulled out of Tom's ass and yanked the condom off just in time to send streams of cum hurtling toward Tom's face, landing mostly on his stomach and chest, but some making it as far as his cheek. Tom rubbed their cum on his chest and stomach together as he moaned softly. The toothy grin and twinkle returned to his face as he looked up at the man who gave him the best fuck of his life.

Jason, completely spent, moved in and laid down next to Tom, rubbing Tom's body and licking the cum off his face. They held close for a passionate kiss and cooed at each other as they enjoyed the post sex euphoria. They drifted off to sleep in each other's arms.

In the morning Tom woke Jason up with the greatest blow job Jason had ever had. They managed another round of hot sex before parting from the hotel to go their separate ways once again.

The charity dinner and fuck sessions became a yearly secret ritual for Jason Varitek and Tom Brady. They looked forward to it every year and every year it seemed to get more and more wild and passionate.

The only other person who knew that it went on was a devout Red Sox fan who just happened to have stayed in the room next to Varitek and Brady one night. This fan had been in the hallway when the two entered their room and heard the grunting, screaming and tell tale bed shaking. He knew what was going on and he had a plan.

"Next year, they are going to get more than they bargained for." he mused as he watched Tom Brady's Hummer speed away from the curb of the Park Plaza Hotel.

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