
By Midwest Blue

Published on Aug 12, 2007



This happened when I was in college, during a topsy-turvy time in my life when graduation loomed on the horizon and a vague future with a lifetime of work lay ahead.

It was a Wednesday night during a first couple of weeks of the fall quarter. My friend Todd, who had known since freshman year, invited me over to his apartment to watch the baseball playoffs. Todd and I both enjoyed sports and we had been in several pre-law classes together. Occasionally we'd head out dancing to Darlene's, a bar that played alternative music, and sometimes we'd head out and get as drunk as possible together. When we both had girlfriends, we would include them in some of our socializing and when only one of us had a girlfriend, the other would tag along sometimes without any of those feelings of getting in the way. In short, we had developed a really cool friendship.

It was close to 8pm when I showed up at Todd's place. He answered the door in what fairly standard attire for him when he was home. He had on a ratty Ohio State t-shirt and a baggy pair of plaid boxers. He was barefoot and his hair was a mess, like he'd been sleeping. He also wore these round glasses that looked really cool on him.

"Glad you dressed up for the game," I said.

"Piss off," he said (that was one of his favorite phrases, along with fuck me running). "Get in here. I've decided tonight is pay-off night."

"Pay-off night," I said.

I followed Todd into his small apartment. Todd didn't like having roommates, so he rented small apartments that he could afford to live in alone. He sat down on the couch and I started to sit down on a lawn chair that served as part of Todd's furniture.

"Hold on," he said.

"What," I said.

"Shirt and shoes off," he said.

"I don't understand," I said.

"You owe me a blow job," he said. "I've decided tonight is payoff."

"Fuck you," I said. "I don't owe you a blow job."

But I remembered that a few weeks ago we had bet who could make the most free throws out of twenty. He made eighteen and I made seventeen. The bet: a blow job. But we had always made those types of bets over the three, going on four, years that we had been friends. I looked at Todd and he had that snarky grin on his face that always gave away when he was up to something. For the record, Todd was not a gorgeous guy by any means. He was ugly either. He still had some acne even though he was going to be twenty-two and at times he was a little on the chubby side, being one of those guys who easily put on and lost weight. He did have a very magnetic energy about him. I was surprised the number of girlfriends he had. The joke among some of our other friends was that Todd could walk into an empty room and in five minutes he'd be best friends with all four walls. I was taller and skinnier than Todd. My personality was quieter, not shy particularly, but not overly out-going either. Todd had been a soccer player in high school and I had run cross country and played baseball. Todd planned on going to law school, to save the world, as he would put it, against all the fascist pigs. He dressed in clothes he bought from resale shops and preferred to be as mis-matched as possible. As a biology major, I was into hiking around the woods and environmental causes. I had started wearing hiking boots and I also wore a lot of flannel shirts unbuttoned with a long sleeve t-shirt underneath. I thought it was a good look for me.

"You do owe me a blow job," he said. "It's pay back tonight."

"Are you serious," I said.

"Tonight I am," he said. "It will be good for you. Give you some perspective."

"Great," I said.

"That's your problem," he said. "You've never sucked a cock."

"My problem," I said.

"Yes," he said. "But we are going to take care of that right now."

"I didn't know you cared."

"Now you do."

"I'm flattered," I said. "And you're a clown."

I realized I was still standing in the middle of the room. Todd and I looked at each other for a second, both of us with smirks on our face. He motioned with his hand at me.

"Shirt and shoes," he said. "You'll be more comfortable."

I thought for a moment and figured this was one of Todd's games. Among everything else, Todd was an amazing bullshitter who could make people believe the most absurd things. I thought, OK, let's see how this plays out.

"Are you sure," I said. "You want me to suck your dick?"

"That would be the pay off," he said. "Yes. And a growth opportunity for you."

"This isn't something I had planned on," I said. "You know."

"Right," he said. "I decided it would be better if I sprung it on you."

He smiled at his unintentional pun.

"What do you want me to take off," I said.

"Shirt and shoes," he said.

My flannel shirt was not buttoned, so it was easy to pull off. The shirt underneath was a plan gray long sleeve shirt. I pulled it up over my head and tossed it over on the lawn chair. I stood up and rubbed my chest. I winked at him. I figured I would have to move over toward him, maybe even get down on my knees before he'd say what the hell are you doing. I bent over and undid the laces on my hiking boots. They were brown leather boots that were perfectly broke in. I could walk forever in them without having to worry about getting blisters or turning an ankle. When I had the laces on both boots undone, I stood up and toed off the boots.

"I'm glad I showered before I came over," I said. "I didn't know you were going to want to check me out."

Todd pointed at my feet. "Socks off too," he said. "You can't wear socks when you're giving head. That would just be gross."

"You're demanding," I said.

I reached down and pulled one foot up and pulled off the sock, a gray wool sock. I tossed it over to the lawn chair and reached down and pulled off the other one.

"How's that," said.

I felt very sub-conscious standing in Todd's living room shirtless and barefoot, only my jeans and the boxers under them keeping me from being naked. I watched Todd look me over. He smiled.

"You look hot he said. You have a nice chest. And I've always thought you had really sexy feet."

"Thanks," I said, then I had to ask because it was Todd. "What makes my feet sexy?"

"Well," he said. "You cut your toe nails. Your feet aren't too wide. And the tips of your big toes turn up slightly. Your other toes sit flat on the ground. It's hard to explain. But we are not here because of your feet. Let's get started on my blow job."

I took a step toward him. I said, "This is your last chance. I'm going to get down on my knees, pull out your small cock and suck it until you cum. Ready?"

"That my friend," he said pausing. "Sounds like a plan."

Somewhere in between thinking this was a joke and deciding to play around I decided that I if it went far enough, I would suck his dick. I was a little excited at the prospect. I had always considered myself straight, but had told myself if the right opportunity ever presented itself, I would have sex with another guy. I was much more liberal and open to new things than I had ever been growing up. I had never discussed this with anyone. I was taken a little aback when Todd told me my problem was that I had never sucked a dick. I guess deep inside I thought the same thing.

I moved in front of Todd. He looked at me and licked his lips. I slid down to my knees and put my hands on Todd's knees.

"You'll call out my name when you come," I said. "Then I'll know you love me."

"Love," he said, in a mocking tone. "Let's just keep this physical."

"I'm going to do it," I said. "I'm not backing down."

"Me either," he said.

I tentatively slid my hand from his knee up to the fly of his boxers. I reached in the opening until I found his very warm and semi hard dick. One voice in my head was asking me what in the hell I was doing. The other voice said, just do it. I thought to myself, things may never be the same after this. You will have sucked another guy's cock. I looked up at Todd. He slowly nodded his head. He had a look on his face of concentration. It was like he was somewhere else. I slid my hand up and down the shaft of his dick.

"That feels awesome," he whispered.

And then I did it. I moved my mouth to within an inch of his dick. I leaned down and swirled my tongue over the smooth head and his cock seemed to grow another inch. He was perfectly hard. The taste of cock was a little acidic but not all that bad (in some ways it seemed very similar to pussy). I lowered my mouth down on this dick and felt his presence in my mouth. I pursed my lips and started moving them up and down the shaft of his dick. I really had no idea what I was doing, but was trying to mimic some of the blow jobs I had received. I paused to swirl my tongue on this head. Then I went back to bobbing up and down on his cock. I felt vulnerable. There was something about kneeling in front of Todd sucking his cock that I sort of liked. I felt his hand go to my head. He twirled my hair in his fingers. He moaned. I sucked a little harder, picking up my pace some. I wanted to make him come. I felt him trying to push into my mouth with the rhythm I had established. We were working together on this. I thought here you are barefoot and shirtless kneeling on the ground sucking a dude's cock. I felt my own dick want to explode in my pants. Todd moaned again. "Oh Jeff," he said, "I'm coming." I felt his cum shoot into my mouth. I swallowed without really tasting too much.

"Holy shit," Todd said after a moment had passed. "Have you done that before?"

I looked him in the eye. He smiled sweetly at me.

"Nope," I said. "I can't believe I just did that."

"Dude," he said, reaching out to me in a very gentle way to brush the hair on my forehead. "Don't sweat it. That was amazing. You made me feel so good."

"Glad you liked it," I said.

"Let's not ruin this by trying to deconstruct it," he said. He asked me if I wanted a beer and he got up and went into his bathroom before going into the kitchen a couple of seconds later. I had not cum, and in the moments after Todd had come and I thought about the whole thing, I wasn't really turned on any longer. I was more shocked than anything, although I wasn't sorry I had gone through with it. I crawled up on the couch and turned my head and attention to the baseball game, which had already started.

When Todd returned, he sat on the other end of the couch and handed me a beer. He took a good look at me.

"Are you ok," he said.

"Yeah. It's all good."


"Yep. You?"

"I'm great," he said. "I just got an awesome blow job."


"Nope. Serious. It was great."

"Glad you liked it."

I turned to take a look at Todd. He was looking at me with a very sincere look on his face. When our eyes met, he smiled. He nodded his head. He sat his beer down on the small table beside the couch and reached out and rubbed the top of my foot. His hand was a little cold from his beer. He wrapped his thumb around to rest on the sole of my foot. I felt it move and he caressed my foot up and down the sole. It felt tingly and nice and gentle and affectionate. He reached out with the other hand and raised up both of my feet and placed them in his lap. I felt him tracing my toes and the soft soles of my feet.

"Just relax," he told me. "We're friends and everything is totally cool."

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