Perfect Harmony

By moc.loa@zttaKraeB

Published on Apr 19, 1998



Subject:Perfect Harmony M/M

Thanks to everyone's feedback on my last story. Hope you enjoy this one as well.

Romance - M/M

NOTICE - The following story contains explicit depictions of M/M sex. Please read no farther if you are underage, 18/21, or are offended by explicit sexual stories.

Comments welcome to Bearkattz

"Malicon Corporation, how may I direct your call? One moment, please. Malicon Corporation, how may I direct your call?" Sean's busy fingers flew over the high tech phone system as he transferred the numerous calls. A couple of gentlemen entered the glass doors and stepped up to his plush, marble inlaid receptionist station.

During a brief lull, the larger of the two men spoke, "Shaeffer and Hawkins to see Mr. Tarninger." Sean looked up to acknowledge them and his heart started beating faster at the sight. The man who spoke was incredibly good looking with short blond hair, hazel eyes and he must have been at least six feet four. The expensive dark suit draped broad shoulders and slim hips. He looked like he was in fantastic shape.

"Certainly, sir. If you'll have a seat, I'll let his secretary know you're here." Sean swallowed as he forced himself to look away. He could feel the other man's eyes on him as he intercomed Mr. Tarninger's secretary. As the two men were led away by Rhonda, Sean leaned over his desk to get the backside view. He gave a deep sigh. It was just as good as the front.

The rest of the day, he couldn't get his mind off of Michael Hawkins, CEO of the Hawkins Corporation. During a break, he pumped Rhonda for as much info without trying to sound as desperate as he felt. But she smirked anyway. "Aha! The Ice Queen has melted, eh? Well, if you must know, Sean, Michael Hawkins is very single, 39 years old and very successful with his own company." Rhonda smiled at Sean's hopeful smile. "Now, get out of here. I've got work to do even if you don't." But there was no malice in her voice. She wondered if she should mention that Michael Hawkins had made a couple of discreet inquires about Sean. Nah. The course of true love....

At 5:00, Sean packed up a few things and headed toward the elevator. A couple of people were going out for a drink and invited him along but it was two days until payday so he graciously declined. His stomach rumbled and he mentally wondered if the bologna he bought at the end of last week would still be good for one more day. He was still mentally reviewing the contents of his refrigerator and not really paying attention to where he was walking when he bumped into a person stepping out of the elevator. "Oh! I'm sorry...." he started to apologize and his voice trailed off as he realized to whom he was talking. "Mr. Hawkins! I'm so sorry! I wasn't looking where I was going."

But Michael held up his hand and brushed off the apology with an easy laugh. "Please, it's ok. I was actually a bit in a hurry myself. Are you ok?"

"Me? Yeah, I mean, yes, of course, Mr. Hawkins," Sean stammered, his heart thundering at the nearness of the man who had occupied most of his afternoon daydreams. He mentally shook himself. "Well, I don't mean to hold you up. Sorry again." and Sean stood aside to let him pass.

"It's Michael and well, I was on my way to see you as a matter of fact." Michael smiled. "I wanted to catch you before you left. I guess I was cutting it a little close." Michael noticed Sean's eyes grow wide with wonder and not a little worry which he quickly decided to alleviate. "I was wondering if you were doing anything tonight. I thought we might get a drink or some dinner if you weren't busy."

Sean swallowed in disbelief. This hunk, this fantasy of two legs wanted to go out with him? Oh be still my heart...

Michael could tell Sean was stunned by his invitation. Didn't he know how gorgeous he was? While only about 5 foot eight inches, Sean had pale, milky white skin, straight black hair that hung well past his shoulders, an absolute gorgeous, slim body, and the deepest blue eyes he'd ever seen. It was the eyes that caught Michael's attention at first. He felt like he could lose himself in them if he stared long enough. He thought back to Rhonda's conversation about Sean. Sean, who was now 28, and his gay brother had lived together after their parents had disowned them for their homosexuality. Richard, Sean's brother was diagnosed with AIDS just half a year later. Sean and Richard lived decently until Richard got sick and couldn't work anymore. Sean worked full time and took care of his brother as best he could with the help of several friends until Richard died about two years ago. Sean had several boyfriends who had broken his heart - they wanted his body but left his heart behind. Apparently Sean was looking for more than just sex. He wanted a relationship and so he'd froze a lot of people out of his life who didn't. That suited Michael just fine. He didn't enjoy the gay scene, or the straight scene for that matter, that suited the people who were looking for a good fuck and nothing else. Rhonda had hinted with a veiled warning to beware anyone who broke Sean's heart again. Michael smiled at the devotion Sean was held by those close to him.

Sean saw Michael smile and he felt his knees grow weak. No, NO, NO! I can't go through this again. and he mentally steeled himself for his standard Thank you maybe some other time, speech. Michael saw it coming and moved to forestall it.

"Look, Sean. Just a drink and some dinner, that's all. You can call all the shots." Michael began and wondered how to put Sean at ease. "I...I just wanted to get to know you a little better," he said, looking a little embarrassed.

Sean knew he was lost at that moment. That brief hesitation from such a powerful, successful businessman - a little window into the soul of the man who stood towering above him. "Ok." he agreed quietly.

Michael grinned and after a moment's hesitation of his own, Sean smiled back. Michael motioned with one hand toward the front door and with the other, gently placed it on Sean's upper back to steer him toward it.

"Do you have a car?" Michael asked.

"No, I take the bus, but there's a nice quiet little place just down the street we can walk to, " Sean volunteered. Michael inwardly chuckled at Sean's assumption. "No, I have a car. I just thought we might want to take care of it before we left," he murmured as they stepped outside into the cool dusk and motioned toward the limo that was awaiting them at the curb. He almost slammed into Sean at the younger man's abrupt halt.

"This..." he squeaked, "is your car?"

This time Michael did laugh. "Yes, Sean, this is my car." But Sean just kept staring at the black, stretch limo whose chauffeur was patiently waiting, holding the door open. Sean turned and looked up into Michael's laughing eyes. Michael sobered at the intense look Sean was giving him.

"Remember, Sean. You call the shots. We can take a taxi, if you'd rather." Sean continued to probe Michael with a stare until he almost began to feel uncomfortable.

Sean gave a shaky laugh, "And give up a ride in a limo! No way, man." He turned and entered the door, while presenting the tightest little ass to Michael's admiring gaze. He could feel his cock acknowledging the picture as well.

"Thanks, Peter. Chez Bistro, please." Michael instructed the limo driver as he climbed in behind Sean.

Sean was trying hard not to stare and poke his fingers into all the cabinets and consoles that surrounded him. "Wow. TV, VCR, fax, a full bar. Michael, this is incredible." Sean turned to face him.

Michael smiled. "I like that."

Sean shook his head, "You like.....?" he questioned.

"You just called me Michael. I like that." Sean could feel his face flush and cursed his pale complexion.

"You still ok here?"

"Well, this is a little overwhelming," Sean acknowledged.

"You just say the word and I'll have you back home before you can click your heels three times, " Michael said seriously. "Although I would be very disappointed."

Suddenly Sean began to laugh. Michael smiled at the genuine amusement but it was his turn to be confused as Sean tried hard to stifle his laughter. "What's so funny, Sean?" Michael smiled and chuckled. Sean's laugh was infectious.

"" Sean gasped as the tears began to fall, "must be a Judy Garland fan!" he finally managed to say amid desperate attempts to breath.

Michael stared at him for a moment before he caught on and began to snicker. But before long, he was holding his side as the laughter threatened to overwhelm them both. Peters looked at the two men in the back, who were obviously having a good time. He smiled. He was glad his boss was getting the opportunity to enjoy himself. It had been too long for the hardworking man whose company consumed his life.

By the time they reached the restaurant, Michael felt like he'd known Sean all his life. He could tell Sean felt more comfortable as well, but there was still some reserve. Michael vowed to breach those barriers even if took some time.

The evening went well. Sean saw the restaurant and immediately began to backpedal claiming he wasn't dressed for it. He saw the open admiration in

Michael's eyes, as the older man looked him up and down and declared him just perfect. Sean willed his blush to recede with every fiber in his body. The night passed too quickly for both men. Sean had never enjoyed a meal more or had the undivided attention from so many people at once. They had their own waiter, who hovered a discreet distance away and served them the most fantastic food. Sean had let Michael pick the food, since he didn't recognize anything on the French menu anyway. They both talked and told each other a bit about their lives but Michael had to keep prompting Sean to talk about himself since Sean was fascinated by Michael's travels all over the world and would have been happy just to let Michael talk about that.

When Michael finally had to put a halt to it and told Sean he wanted to hear more about Sean's family. "But your stories are so much interesting, Michael," Sean protested. "I don't have anybody but a father and a sister who don't speak to me. I've lived my whole life in this city and never traveled beyond the state." It could have been made to sound pitiful but Sean said it with a matter-of-factness that broke Michael's heart more than the pitiful cries would have.

"So, tell me more about your travels to Africa," Sean prompted eagerly. And Michael sighed at the boyish enthusiasm his companion evoked and began another tale. The rest of the evening passed quickly and it was with some amazement that both men noticed the late hour. It was 1:00 am! They both reluctantly headed out to the limo and Sean gave Peters the direction to his home. They were silent for several minutes enjoying the passing lights in the night.

"I enjoyed tonight, Sean." Michael began turning to face the younger man. Sean's heart started to pound.

"I did too."

"I'd like to see you again."

"Me, too." Shit, shit, shit. Can you please put together a sentence of more than one syllable words, you idiot.

Michael smiled with not a little relief and didn't seem to notice Sean self admonishment. "Are you available tomorrow?"

"Yes! No!" Sean began and Michael looked confused.

"I mean, yes, I'd like to but I can't, Michael." Sean paused, "I have to work tomorrow night." Oh man, he did so not want to get into this.

"You have to work tomorrow night." Michael repeated slowly. "You have another job?"

"Yeah, this was my only night off and I don't finish till midnight tomorrow," Sean said trying not to sound as depressed as he felt. The medical bills from his brother's hospital stay were enormous and he had to work two jobs to make ends meet and pay off the bills. Although, the way he figured it, he'd have to live to be 120 to meet his financial obligations. But he didn't want to dump this on Michael, especially on their first date.

Michael was quiet and Sean wondered if this was going to be the last date. "So, let me understand this. I can't see you until next Thursday?" he finally asked.

Sean felt a glimmer of hope rise in him at the sound of the sad note in Michael's voice. "Well, I don't have to be at work until 3:00 on Sunday."

Michael looked a bit brighter. "Well, can I see you on Sunday then? I could pick you up for breakfast?"

"I'd like that. A lot." The two men grinned at each other like kids and the arrangements were made by the time the limo pulled up at Sean's apartment. Sean couldn't help but note Michael's disapproval at the shabby neighborhood as he held the door open for him. Michael waved goodnight but watched until Sean opened the door and was inside before leaving.

Perfect Harmony Part 02/03 by

The next day saw two dozen white roses sitting on his desk as Sean sleepily arrived in the morning. At the sight of the exquisite flowers, Sean suddenly felt wide awake and his heart leapt as he quickly reached for the card which simply said, "I enjoyed last night." Sean felt like singing the rest of the day and Rhonda gave him a knowing look when she saw him. During a couple of brief lulls in his day, Sean managed to conjure images of Michael and felt his cock twitch as he pictured himself naked on a bed of rose petals as an equally naked Michael strode toward him with his cock pointed straight toward Sean growing larger and ....the phone rang harshly jerking Sean out of his pleasant daydream. That evening as he waited tables at a local gay restaurant, Sean couldn't help but compare every man he saw with Michael. Needless to say, they all lacked one way or another.

When he got home from his long day, he found a message on his answering machine from Michael who said he was sorry to call but he missed him but he couldn't wait until Sunday. Sunday seemed light years away but Sean managed to put on a brave face while his inner demons seemed to assail him and keep him from what little sleep he got. He's going to use you and abuse you just like the others did. You don't deserve somebody like him. He's handsome and rich, why would he want you? You're just going to be his twice a week date. What do you think he's doing the rest of the week? Who's he with the rest of the time? Can you be just a part time plaything, a part time boytoy? He probably won't even show up on Sunday.

When Michael rang Sean's bell Sunday morning, he tried to keep his dismay at the dark smudges that circled the azure eyes. But he greeted Sean brightly, "Good morning. You feeling okay?" Michael asked, with concern in his voice as the young man showed him the apartment. While it was small, the apartment was clean and neat, furnished with the hodgepodge of items that made up most single mens apartment where money isn't to be wasted on such minor things.

"Yes, I'm fine, thank you." Sean said trying to keep the relief at just seeing Michael from his own voice. Michael was dressed casually in jeans and white shirt with comfortable leather loafers but Sean thought he'd never seen anyone more handsome. "Let's go. I'm starving."

Michael laughed and led the way. Michael thought the few days away from Sean would put his own feelings in some kind of perspective but the moment he saw Sean they all came rushing back. He wanted Sean, he wanted to protect him, to put his arms around him to keep him safe, to cherish him. As the morning progressed, he could tell Sean was enjoying himself even though he seemed fatigued. They had breakfast, went to an art museum where Sean felt a whole new world open up to him with such a knowing and informed teacher and ate a lunch of hotdogs in a local park. They sat with their backs to a huge oak tree watching the patrons take advantage of the beautiful fall day. They both felt such a peace and serenity that when Michael reached over to clasp Sean's hand, it felt like the most natural thing in the world for both of them. Sean looked up at Michael and smiled and the older man was torn. He knew Sean was tired and had been on the verge of suggesting that they head back to the apartment so Sean could rest up before he had to head to work, but he didn't want to miss a minute with this beautiful guy. But Sean tentatively rested his head against the older man's shoulder and Michael knew it would take a nuclear blast to get him to give up this up now. As the minutes went by, Michael felt Sean's head grow heavy on his shoulder and he slowly eased the head down to his lap where Sean murmured before settling quietly in sleep. Michael stroked the satiny black hair and felt amazed to find that he would willingly give up his extraordinarily busy schedule, which to date consisted mainly of his work, his company and more work, to sit quietly in a park watching this man sleep. He'd plenty of men and women who were willing to satisfy his sexual needs, but he'd never felt any desire to pursue them or to give up his precious time. Until now.

When Sean woke because a nearby child had fallen off a swing and was bawling at the top of his lungs for his mother, he was horrified. Michael couldn't help but laugh at Sean's apologies for falling asleep and how could Michael have let him do that and what the heck was he laughing at? Michael let the tirade continue while casually picking out pieces of grass that had been captured by the long hair. Sean finally wound down and a small chuckle escaped.

"Some hot date I've been, huh?"

Michael leaned over and hesitated in a silent quest for permission asked and received, gently kissed the full lips in a chaste kiss, "I wouldn't have changed a thing." The blue eyes closed at the contact and stayed that way for several seconds after the soft lips withdrew. When they opened, they men stared at each other for a long moment. At that instant, Michael knew he couldn't live without Sean in his life.

The next several weeks passed with Michael growing more and more frustrated at only being able to see Sean for several hours each week. Sean grew more and more fatigued as the time he spent with Michael for those few hours, were the ones he usually used to catch up on much needed sleep in order to keep his two full time jobs. It also didn't help the situation that Sean felt his sexual needs spiral downward with his fatigue and Michael's skyrocket in his frustration. He was tempted to find a quick release with someone but knew he wouldn't be satisfied with anyone but Sean now. He thought about approaching the younger man but quickly discarded that idea. He wanted their first time to be special not quickly grabbed in their few free hours with a clearly exhausted lover.

Michael had even tried to spend the evenings at the gay restaurant Sean worked just to be able to be near the man. But Sean put up with a lot of sexual advances and gropes from the men who thought the small, attractive man was easy prey. Michael inwardly seethed and soon stopped going.

Sean felt Michael's tension and wondered how long they would last. Michael hadn't even mentioned having sex yet although they managed some passionate kissing and petting in the back of the limo. But Michael continued to be attentive and caring, showering Sean with flowers and some much needed new clothes. Sean was confused and tired. He thought he might love Michael but this relationship was so different from what he was used to. First came the sex, and then came the relationship, well, hopefully came a relationship. He had to admit that since this was the first person he'd really dated since he'd had to work two jobs, that there was a time constraint that he didn't have before. All these thoughts went through his head, as he got ready to leave Malicon Corporation for the day. But he brightened when he saw Michael come through the glass doors.

"Hi baby. I missed you." Michael said as he placed a quick kiss on Sean's lips, noting the deepening circles under his eyes. That's it. This is enough Michael thought and all plans of the evening flew out the door. He held the door open for Sean and they walked to the elevators.

"So, what's on the agenda this evening?" Sean asked, desperately trying to smother a yawn.

"Sean...," Michael began but was interrupted as the elevator door opened and several people emerged. Sean heard the seriousness in Michael's tone and his heart dropped. This is it. he thought. He's gonna dump me. Why do I let myself open up only to get hurt again and again? What is it about me? Sean thought with despair. I can't even say I got a lot of good sex out of this relationship. They rode the packed elevator in silence and it continued as they headed to the waiting limo. Michael held the door for the dejected Sean and climbed in after him.

"Where to, sir?" Peters asked.

"Just drive anywhere, Peters, please." Sean felt his heart plummet even further.

"," Michael began hesitantly, "I don't think we can continue this way."

Sean, trying to make it easier for him interrupted, "It's okay, Michael. I've been expecting it. I understand. I really do," he swallowed. "If you could just tell Peters to stop here, I'll catch a train home," he said quietly.

"What?" asked Michael in confused shock.

"I know things have been a little strained and I don't blame you at all. I just want you to know that and I've had a wonderful time." Sean said, but he couldn't make himself look at Michael.

"Sean, honey, I think we're at cross purposes here," Michael put a finger under Sean's chin and turned the thin face toward him. I don't want to break up with you, unless that's what you want." he finished hurriedly.

"You don't? But when you said we couldn't continue on this way, I thought you meant you wanted to finish it." Sean said, the blue eyes wide with confusion.

"Well, it's true. I don't think we, you or I, can continue like this. Look at you. You've lost weight, you're exhausted." He dropped his hand from under Sean's chin and took the smaller hand in his larger one. "I want you. I want to have sex with you. I don't want to see you just for a few hours every week. You try so hard to do what I want, honey, and you're just so tired that you don't enjoy it."

"But I do...," Sean protested, "I love every minute that I spend with you, Michael. I do!"

"I know you do, babe, but it's driving you to exhaustion. Rhonda told me you almost passed out the other day. Why didn't you tell me?" Michael said with concern and a hint of reproach in his voice. He trailed a finger down the side of Sean's face and touched the full lips. "Why, baby?"

"I didn't want you to be worried. It wasn't anything, really. I was just tire....." Sean's voice trailed off.

Michael had the decency not to gloat over his hard won point. He just leaned over and kissed Sean. He took the slender hand in his and looked into the azure eyes, "Sean, I want the chance to get to know you, to love you the way you deserve to be loved. I love you. Let me have the chance to prove it to you. I want us to spend real time together. And we can't do that with you working two jobs. I want you to quit your jobs." Sean was caught up into the spell of those hazel eyes, in the words that spoke to his heart, that he'd been waiting for somebody to say to him for such a long time.

When the last sentence pierced his brain, he drew back in shock. "What? You want me to quit? How can you ask me to do that? You know I can't. If I can't pay those medical bills, they'll go after my dad for payment and Richard would roll over in his grave if I did that. I promised him I would take care of it, Michael. I can't just quit my jobs so I can have time to go to museums with you!" The last sentence broke on a sob.

Michael put a finger to Sean' lips to stop the tirade. "Sean, I'm sorry. Shhhh. I didn't explain that very well. I love you, baby. I want to take care of you. I want you to move in with me and I've already taken care of the bills. They're paid for - in full. Even if you say no, I want you not to have to worry about those damn medical bills for the rest of your life. Please let me do this for you. I really do love you."

There was a pause and Michael could hear Sean's rapid breathing. "You want me to move in with you?" he whispered. Michael nodded. "You love me?" Michael nodded again with a twinkle in his eye. "But we haven't even had sex yet? How can you know you love me?"

Michael felt something twist in his stomach. He raged against those people who've hurt Sean in the past, who taught him that love equaled sex - no, that sex equaled love. He just shook his head and drew Sean tightly into his arms. He was glad that they hadn't been able to have sex yet. He hoped it would teach Sean a very important lesson. "Soon, baby, soon. Does this mean yes then?"

"Yumph!" came the muffled reply from Sean as he was held tightly against Michael's chest. Sean pushed himself away and repeated, "Yes!" and looked up into the handsome face.

Michael leaned down and kissed the open lips. His tongue began to explore and suck Sean's mouth and tongue. He pulled back and moaned in frustration. "Move in with me tonight, Sean, please? I can't wait much longer. I'll take care of everything, I promise. I'll call Malicon and talk to the old man myself so you won't have to give your two weeks notice. I'll even hire a temp," he added quickly as he saw Sean's frown. "I'll do the same for the restaurant, too. And I'll have the movers pack everything in your apartment, so you don't even have to go back tonight. Please say yes, baby?"

"Tonight?" Sean repeated but he saw the hopefulness of Michael's face and quickly agreed.

"Oh, baby, I love you so much," Michael whispered as he bent to ravage the sweet mouth. Sean felt he was in a daze. He had gotten into the limo thinking he was being dumped and within the course of thirty minutes, his whole life had changed. No more bills, no more jobs, no more worries, and.... Michael. He felt like he was in a dream and he did not want to wake up.

When they both came up for air, Michael hit the intercom and told Peters to take them home. "Yes, sir!" came the enthusiastic reply.

"I think you've had another conquest with Peters, baby. He thinks the world of you, too. He's constantly asking me to make sure I've sent you flowers." Sean met Peters smiling gaze in the rearview mirror and returned it with grateful glance. Michael hauled Sean into his lap so he could kiss him easier but as Sean's enthusiastic wiggling brushed against his swollen cock, he moaned. "Oh, baby, what you do to me!"

"Well, the feeling is mutual, I can assure you," Sean murmured as he buried his tongue into Michael's mouth and placed Michael's hand on his own burgeoning length. "I want you."

Michael drew back so quickly, Sean almost fell off his lap. "No, Sean. Not yet, not here, ok? You're still so tired. I... I want this to be special." And with those endearing words, Sean felt the first stirring in his heart even as his cock diminished. "Let's go home, to our home, and I'll put you to bed so you can get some rest, ok?" Sean nodded and placed his head on Michael's shoulder as he felt the tension and adrenaline from the last half hour leave him and his eyes closed.

Michael smiled and petted the smooth hair all the way home. When they arrived, his attempts to wake Sean were futile. The weary man just mumbled and buried his head closer to Michael's chest. So Peters held the door open, while Michael gathered Sean in his arms and managed, rather gracelessly, to get them both out of the limo. He carried Sean up the steps where his butler, Jameson, silently held the door open for him. Michael brought Sean to his master bedroom and deposited the still sleeping man on the huge king size bed. And between Jameson and himself, managed to get Sean undressed down to his boxers. It was Michael's first sight of a nearly naked Sean and he felt his cock stir at the beautiful body before him. He covered Sean with a light blanket and began stripping his own clothes off in preparation for a shower - a cold one. But the image of the nearly naked man of his dreams would not leave his mind and he slowly stroked himself under the hot steam and pulsating jets of the huge shower stall. The corded veins in his neck stood out as he came silently while he imagined his cock buried deep within the ass of the man sleeping peacefully in the other room. He quickly finished his shower, and padded softly to join his fantasy in bed.

When Sean woke in the middle of the night, it was to utter confusion. He felt a large body pressed against his back, and a large arm thrown protectively over his chest. He wiggled to lay on his back and could make out the handsome features of Michael laying beside him from the silvery moonlight that shown through a nearby window. A very naked Michael. He feasted his eyes on him from head to toes and when he reached the face, he started to see a pair of gleaming eyes smiling at him.

"Do you like what you see, baby?"

"Very much," and he deposited a swift kiss on the smiling lips. "But unfortunately, I have some business to take care before I can get back to....cataloging those fine features."

"Oh. Here, let me show you where the bathroom is."

Michael stood and held out his hand to Sean who shyly took it. "Hurry, please."

Michael chortled and led the way to the unseen doorway which melted into the paneling that covered the room and held the door open. Sean gave him a grateful smile and disappeared into the room. Michael smiled when he heard the stream hit the bowl and Sean's answering sigh of relief. He heard the faucets turn on and off and then the door opened. Sean stood for a moment staring at the picture Michael made, standing silently naked in the moonlight.

"You're like a god standing there like that." Sean murmured.

It was with some surprise that Michael saw Sean had taken off his boxers and was now equally naked as well. "And you, baby, are beautiful."

Their cocks twitched together in response to each other's bodies. "Michael, don't make me wait anymore, please." Sean whispered as he drew nearer the taller man.

"No, baby, no more waiting." He leaned down to kiss Sean and then swiftly picked him up in his arms and carried him over to the bed. He gently placed him down and then began to worship the body beneath him. He kissed and licked every inch of the compact form from nipples to navel. He marveled at the smooth chest and lack of body hair on his lover except for the trimmed blue black hair that surrounded the cock that was his next destination. Sean lay writhing on the bed, his fingers grasping the sheets much like a cats kneading paws. As Michael's mouth completely engulfed his cock, his back arched completely off the bed and he gave a soft scream of delight. Michael sucked and licked and caressed the engorged cock with such intensity, Sean knew he wouldn't last long.

"Please." Sean begged as he tried to reach for Michael's body, any part of Michael's body. He wanted to reciprocate what he was feeling, what Michael was making him feel.

"No, baby, this is for you. I want to do this for you." He gently pushed the reaching hand away. And Michael renewed his efforts on the cock bobbing in front of him, making his jaw ache while wetting his fingers with the copious amount of pre-cum and spit that was now flowing from the purple, swollen cockhead. He gently inserted a single finger into Sean's anus and carefully began to finger fuck and stretch Sean's asshole. His finger continued to stroke and probe while his mouth sent Sean into overload.

When he managed to find Sean's prostate, Sean jumped, "Oh yesss, right there, right there. God, yesss!" he cried. "Oh, I'm going to come, Michael!" Sean warned as he felt the orgasm build. Michael moved his mouth away from the cock but then completely sucked in the tightening balls as he continued the intense finger stroking in and out. With a shout of delight, Sean came with thick spurts of cum all over his chest and face for what seemed like forever. Michael stopped and watched his lover's body spasm in the joy of orgasm as his own hand sought his hardened cock and began to stroke it seeking the same relief.

"No, Michael!" Sean cried weakly. "Please fuck me." When Michael shook his head, Sean lifted his knees to his chest and the last bastion fell. Michael leaned over to the nightstand drawer and grabbed the condoms and lube and both men fumbled with the items in their hurry. "Hurry, Michael. I need you in me so bad." Sean moaned.

With the condom on and Sean's anus filled with the lubricant, Michael placed his cockhead on Sean's hole and gently pushed. The cockhead slipped in and Michael, with strength from somewhere, waited until Sean nodded his permission to proceed. With a quiet cry of pleasure at the tight warmth that enveloped him, Michael slipped in the rest of the way and this time it was Sean who prompted him. "Come on, Michael. Fuck me, please."

But it was as far from fucking as Sean had ever known. Michael was making love to him. With the sweat dripping down his face, Sean saw the effort Michael was making to ensure the Sean was enjoying this as well. The long, slow thrusts that stroked his already sensitive prostate was enough for Sean to feel he could almost come again. "Come on, Michael," he urged, "come for me." Michael leaned over to awkwardly kiss Sean, his hips still undulating but when he straightened back up, he began to pump harder and faster. Sean ran his hand over the lightly furred blond chest and began to twist the hardened nipples.

"Oh, baby, I'm going to come." Michael warned and Sean began to squeeze his internal muscles. "Oh, God, baby!" Michael screamed and he felt the intense feeling wash over him. He slumped over Sean who held the larger man until he could feel the softening cock slip out. In his fog induced brain, he was amazed at how well they fit together. It didn't seem like a first time with all the little awkward moments that usually occurred with bumped noses and wandering elbows. It had been like beautiful music, like perfect harmony soaring to towering heights.

Michael slid off Sean and lay next to him breathing heavily. As his breathing evened out, he pulled Sean into his arms, the dark head resting on the broad chest and sleep claimed them both.

Perfect Harmony Part 03/03 by

The next few days were a dream, no, a fantasy come to life, Sean thought happily. They woke that first morning together still wrapped in each others arms while the sun light flooded in from it's perch high in the sky. Sean's first panicked thoughts were he was going to be late to work but a questing tongue laving his nipples quickly brought home the realization that he didn't have to go to work today or ever again! He sighed in delight and held the blonde head closer to his chest.

"I could suckle at your nipples all day, baby." Michael murmured into the smooth chest.

Sean gave a low laugh which reverberated to the lips at his nipples and Michael gave a chuckle in return. Michael gave up his treat with a sigh and rolled sideways off the bed. "C'mon, baby, let's get showered and I'll give you a tour of the house before breakfast, ok?"

Sean agreed and threw off the tangled blankets amidst the mess of the bed. He glanced guiltily at the spots and stains. "Ummmm, Michael....," he began hesitantly holding the sheet between thumb and forefinger distastefully.

Michael quickly turned and held Sean in his arms tightly grasping the firm buttocks before lifting the smaller man up to eye level. Their cocks ground pleasantly together a second before Michael said, "Nope, babe. Don't even think about it. I've got a very discreet staff who takes care of such things and you don't ever have to worry about the day to day stuff." He hefted Sean farther up and kissed the bruised lips again, pulling the lower lip into his mouth to suck on. Sean sighed and wrapped his legs around the slender waist and his cock was squished nicely between the two bodies. But a full bladder finally protested and Sean pointed a finger toward the bathroom. Michael chuckled and carried Sean easily into the other room. Necessities taken care of, Michael turned on the taps to the shower and stood up just in time to see Sean bend over to pick up a fallen towel - his perfect ass too great a temptation. Michael stroked himself a few times before putting a hand to the white mounds of flesh tantalizingly before him. He pulled Sean to his chest, nuzzling his neck and ground his awakening erection against the smooth back.

"Oh, baby, what you do to me."

"Fuck me, Michael." Sean spoke quietly and leaned forward to give Michael access to him. Michael fumbled blindly in a nearby drawer for lube never releasing his other hand from stroking Sean's nipples or stopping the maddening rubbing of his cock along his lover's body. He quickly prepared his now erect rod and gave the pucker of flesh several circling massages before entering his lube-slickened fingers. Sean moaned his delight and the fingers were quickly replaced. Michael held Sean bent almost double at the waist, taking his entire weight on his arm as he began to pump into the delicious, tight warmth.

"You're so tight, baby." Michael murmured and Sean began to push back to meet the burning thrusts. The smaller man began to stroke his own cock and began to squeeze his ass muscles against the incredible fullness in his belly. Michael was not small but after the initial burning pain there was a fantastic build toward pleasure.

"OhGodohGodohGod," Michael spoke in time with his increasing tempo. "I'm gonna come, sweetheart!" Michael groaned. With several more quick hard thrusts he pushed in one more time and froze as he came within his lover's ass. He slumped over the sweating back and Sean's legs gave at the unexpected weight. They both sank to their knees. Michael pulled Sean back against him and reached for purple rod that spat it's precum, almost in anger at it's lack of completion. Michael pulled his softening cock out but Sean's dead weight was too much for his sensitive head so he turned Sean around. "Lay down, babe." He gently laid the smaller man on the thick, white rug and knelt between his legs. He stuck two fingers in the leaking rectum and grasped the steely flesh and began to pump it with his lubed fingers. Sean gasped at the sensations and grabbed Michael's arm as his lover began to finger fuck him and stroke his swollen cock.

"Come for me, baby. I want you to come for me, Sean." Michael crooned softly. He bent over and took the fiery cock in his mouth and searched for the nub of flesh within the ass.

He didn't think Sean would last long and just as he found it and gave a fierce suck and took the cock down his throat, Sean managed to gasp out, "I'm...I'm..gonna.." and he came with several hot spurts down Michael's throat. He swallowed it all and looking like the proverbial cat, licked his lips and laid next to the gasping man. He drew him into his arms and Sean placed his head on the hairy chest and sighed in absolute contentment.

"I love you, Sean."

"Don't wake me up, Michael." Sean whispered.

Whatever response Michael expected, it wasn't that. "What, baby?"

"This has got to be a dream and I don't want to wake up."

"It's no dream. You're in my arms, and while we're laying on the bathroom floor, I think this is a bit of heaven on earth as well." Michael said with a smile on his face.

"I love you, too."

They must have lain like that for at least 15 more minutes before Michael prodded Sean and turned off the now cold running shower. Neither was tempted to shower at the moment, so Michael suggested they do a quick wash up with a washcloth and head for the tour of the house while they waited for some more hot water. He saw Sean hesitate, "What's up, baby?"

Sean shrugged casually and tried to put Michael off but the older man wouldn't hear of it. "Well, it's just been perfect and I don't want to share you yet. " he began slowly as if searching for the right words to match his feelings. "I'm afraid once we step out that door and meet other people, this will all disappear." His voice trailed off as if worried Michael would laugh at him.

"Look, baby, why don't you get a robe on - there's several in the closet and I'll be right back, ok?" Michael grabbed a robe hanging on a golden hook and quickly left. Sean looked relieved that Michael didn't seem amused at his revelation but a little puzzled at the lack of response. He nodded and turned toward the closet, albeit slowly. Two hot bouts of passionate sex in one day was more than he'd gotten in several months and he wasn't used to it. He wiggled his ass and grinned, but he was sure he could get used to it.

He opened one of the cedar lined closet doors which revealed a revolving clothes rack and looked in amazement at the size of the wall length closet that held more dark suits and white shirts than he'd even seen at the local department store. He found a section that held casual clothes and found a cherry silk robe and was just belting it twice around his narrow waist when he was grabbed from behind and lifted up. He laughed helplessly as straying fingers found his ticklish spots.

Michael couldn't help but grin at the infectious laugh but then informed Sean of his decision. "Okay, babe, here's the scoop. I just let the staff go for the day - let's give them a few minutes to get out of here and the place is ours, all alone. How'd you like that?" Sean's mouth fell open in astonishment but quickly hugged Michael.

"It's perfect." Sean said thankfully, moving into the waiting arms. "Just like you."

They both laughed and wondered how such words spoken by anyone else would have had them roll their eyes at such corny dialogue. But somehow right here, right at this moment, it fit. They hugged and cuddled for a few minutes, rocking gently in each other arms. Sean raised his head and was quickly given a lingering kiss.

"We better stop or I'm never going to get you out of this bedroom," Michael laughed a little shakily. He wondered at his passion for Sean. It was as if his lack of involvement, his lack of feeling for his bed mates of the past, were set free all at once, to be deposited with a fiery, devouring hunger for the man in his arms.

He took the slender fingers in his own broad hand and led Sean toward the door. He had to tug a bit to get Sean to follow. Would opening the door cause the magic, the dream, to shatter? With a firm resolve, as well as a deep breath, he pulled Sean after him and opened the door.

Michael had worked long hours for many years to afford the luxury he lived in now. And Sean's mouth dropped in wonder as he was led from room to room of tasteful class and comfort; from sauna and indoor pool to the billiard room and library. They headed to the dining room where the cook had left a small buffet in the warming dishes for their breakfast. Michael's tastes for breakfast were usually simple - toast, yogurt and fruit and strong, black coffee. But at Peter's description of the love of the master's life; too skinny, too young and too beautiful, the older cook made it her purpose in life to fatten the young man up. Fluffy eggs, crisp bacon, round sausages, light pancakes and biscuits were waiting for them to feast on. Michael's eyebrows rose in astonishment. Sean had a made a conquest and he hadn't even met most of the staff yet.

They sat down after Michael heaped more food onto the plate Sean had hardly filled. "C'mon, sweetheart, chow down or Mrs. Halliard will be hurt." Michael said in an effort to get the young man to eat. Sean did need to gain some weight. He needed sleep, food and time to let his young body recoup from the months of stress he'd been living under.

Sean nodded but felt the magic return as they sat close together, bare thighs touching and rubbing together as they fed bits of food into each other's mouth. Sean caught one of Michael's fingers as they deposited a choice bit of bacon into his mouth. He sucked the finger and watched his lover's eyes grow wide.

"Oh Sean," he whispered, "don't get me going again."

Sean released the finger and laughed easily while patting his full belly. "I don't think I could do much right now, myself, love."

They headed toward the living room but not before Sean tried to clean up the dishes. "Sean, leave them. You're not a waiter anymore. In this home, you get waited on. Understand?"

Sean nodded and gave a shy grin and a short time later found himself laying on the soft leather couch with his head in Michael's lap, his hair being gently stroked and his eyes growing heavy.

"So beautiful..." Michael murmured. "And not just the body." His fingers trailed down to the robe that had fallen open and gently stroked the hairless chest. Sean felt so warm, so protected and loved and he slipped into a peaceful sleep. When he woke sometime later, he saw Michael reading The Wall Street Journal. He watched for several minutes before turning slightly to his side, feigning sleep. The hand which had been resting on his chest gently stroked his arm as if soothing him. Sean moved his head a bit so he could feel the lax genitals with his chin. He felt the hand hesitate and had to hold back a grin. He waited a minute before the hand resumed its stroking of his arm and once more nudged the cock. This time he got a flicker of response from the stirring cock and the hand stopped again. Giving up all pretense of sleep, he reached over and parted the folds of the robe to reveal Michael's generous endowments.

"Why, you little..." the words broke off in a gasping shout as Sean swallowed him in one swift motion. Michael was brought to a satisfying completion and lay back breathing heavily, half naked and looking utterly desirable.

"What did you expect having that gorgeous piece of flesh just inches from me?" Sean asked innocently. He reached over and finished licking his lover clean. The only response was a low moan from the still incoherent man as the tongue flicked lightly over his sensitive cockhead.

They lay quietly for several more minutes before Sean sat up only to be pulled into Michael's lap. Sean wrapped his arms around the strong neck and lay his head on the broad shoulder. This time it was Michael who edged his palm into the opening of the robe and parted the silken folds. He bent forward and began to suck on the tantalizing tit. For several minutes the only sounds heard was the peaceful ticking of the antique grandfather clock, the wet sounds of Michael's mouth on Sean's chest and the quickening breaths of the smaller man. Sean grabbed the head in front of him and breathed in the clean smell of freshly washed hair and pulled it up to kiss his lover. The cavorting tongues fought for dominance before they both had to come up for air.

They peered for what seemed like forever into each other's eyes and both began to speak at the same time. "I love you." They laughed together and knew this was only the beginning.

_________________________ End

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