
By Angel Delight

Published on Jun 8, 2002



Ok, normal crap people. If you're under 18 and not gay then don't bother reading this, it's got all sort of nasty gay stuff in it which all you nice "str8" people don't want to hear about do you? Hehe, this is all just a total figment of my imagination so enjoy and don't forget to have fun! Email all death threats/rants/raves and all associated madness to if you REALLY REALLY want to comment on this story, but if not enjoy and don't forget the tissues!

Something or another

Ok, looking back on it, it perhaps wasn't the best of ideas working at a gay club which had a reputation! I mean, lets face it. They guys go there for ONE thing only, and for most of the time its nothing more than a glorified place to drink, meet and if you get lucky, meet someone special and just plain FUCK! The bar-staff are supposed to be impartial in all this, well, that's the rules at least! Really though, who gives a fuck!

The bar was one of the seedier bars in Manchester at the time, it had a nasty look about it on the outside and made you think of old men and brown blazers with olive green and shit brown cardigans. The inside... was something different. The inside had a nice "modern" look about it, with the bar being a square in the middle of a rather large frame. There was a seating section at the top and a "dancing" section in the left middle and most of the bottom, while the right was just for people to "hang." It was all VERY nice once you got past the fact that there were lots of different types of people that went there. There were the typical young scene queens of 20 with their labelled clothes, and the "newbies" who were hiding in the corners flinching if even anyone should so much as Look at them! There was the typical amount of old men complimenting the younger types. Also, since this WAS Manchester, were the sports obsessed types, wearing nothing more than Nike, and Adidas, they ranged from the young sports types who actually worked out, to the types who just wore it to feel younger! It was a typical mix of people who went out every night to get laid and hopefully met someone special. There was also a special something in downstairs in the basement for "after-hours" not that many people knew about it!

I started working at this bar shortly after I first came to Manchester for uni. I must have spent HOURS looking for a job in the town centre, but no one seemed to want me. I had very little job experience and my hours were just plain fucked, so I was growing desperate when I walked pas a bar with the sign saying...

"Young types looking to work for a hot bar, wages/hours negotiable, apply inside and ask for "Mike"

I was so desperate for a job I found myself walking straight in even thought I had no job experience working in bars or anything of the sort! I walked in and was rather shocked! As already mentioned, it was a nice bar inside; it was just the outside which really put people off. I walked up to the counter and asked the bartender for "Mike." As the bartender (who looked about 16 going on 13!) rush off to get Mike, I had a good look around. It was only midday and there were quite a few people in the bar already! Though they were mostly business types with young boys/men, I didn't pay them much heed till I looked at the back in one of the more secluded areas and saw of the young guys give the business man head! I was slightly shocked! What type of fucking bar was this!

"Hey! You here to apply for the job?" Someone behind me asked.

I started around to see a man of around 30 going on 40 looking rather hefty, but a rough mix between fat and muscle come over behind the bar where I was standing. He had tattoos all over his arms and his chest from the looks of things.

"Sure," I replied "You DO know that one of your `customers' is getting served another way over there don't you?" I pointed over to the guy getting a blowjob and from the look on his face, getting rather close as well!

"What the fuck... The dirty little basturd!" Mike said and stormed off to the customer.

I watched with a sense of amusement as Mike proceeded to pick up the young guy and frog march him towards the door, while another HUGE bouncer appeared out of nowhere picked up the business type, and with his cock still hanging out, threw them both out into the street with shouts like "You're fucking barred now both of you! Fucking arsewipes! If I see you around here again I'm not gonna be so fucking nice!" What type of man is this "Mike?"

Mike walked back over and gave his apologies to me for being "such a prat" and asked me again if I STILL wanted the job, he explained how the bar works and what type of it is i.e. gay! He asked me did I have any problems with it and with getting hit on by men sometimes three times my age! He told me that the bar is opened 24 hours a day catering to pretty much everyone, including rent boys and "escorts" like the one he had just threw out.

"So you in then?" He asked.

Like I really gave a fuck about old men hitting on me and escorts! I was from London and if he thought THIS was bad, then he should visit there sometime and go into some of the REALLY seedy bars in town! I told him that would be fine and that when could I start?

"Just come around the back first to fill out some forms and you can start tonight if you want." Mike said. "They're nothing much, just a formality, but one that I like to get out the way, and I want to explain some things about the bar in the back if that's ok with you?" I didn't like the sounds of this, but went along anyway, wouldn't be the first time that I fucked someone for a job.

As we walked into the backroom office, Mike asked me if I wanted a coke or anything, I told him no thanks and asked him what he wanted to talk to me about in the back which he couldn't do at the front.

He laughed and said, "The look on your bloody face! No, if want your thinking is `oh God, I'll probably have to fuck his flabby arse now to get the job' then you're wrong, I just want to explain that sometimes things in a bar like this can go a bit wild.

`And what I mean when I say wild is plain and simple, the "boys" that work for me are a rather mad and horny bunch, the oldest is 21 and have been known to do some stupid things while working. You ever see that film "coyote ugly"? Well think that except without the Hollywood trappings. The bar staff in here, strip, play and even fuck in full view here depending on the night and who's here, do you think that you could handle that or do you just want to work the day shift when NOTHING ever happens?'

I thought it over and just thought "I can't work bloody day shifts, I got lessons! But I'm not sure if I want to be some stupid old mans play thing. Fuck it, I'll take it anyway" And I told Mike so, I'll take the damned job providing that I work the shifts around my uni schedule. He agreed and told me to go next door and strip, he needs to take some measurements... Oh dear.

I walked into the room next door which seemed to be some sort of storage room full of beer and spirits and thought about it for a second and then just stripped down to my boxer shorts. There was a mirror in there which I thought was rather odd, but then again, this entire fucking job just seemed odd! I called out "I've stripped, now what?" and then just waited.

"Just a minute, I've got to find the measuring tape." Mike called back,

Just great, Mike then walked in with a form and told me to fill it out and he'll be back in a few secs with the tape measurer. I looked at the form and started to fill it out.

Hair colour = Black. Eye colour = Blue. Body type = Slim/defined. Age = 18 and blah blah blah. Boring stuff like that, I was fairly good looking, always get told that I look "arrogant" when I'm not really thinking about stuff and also I've been trying my best to make sure that I get myself a good body in the gym for the past few weeks while I've got no money to go out at uni and it has certainly been paying off! I've got pale skin and spiky black hair and LONG eyelashes. Often told my best feature, also been told that I've got a "nice" nose, who the fuck says that sort of thing! Mad basturd!

Mike just walked in with the tape recorder soon and sat down with a note pad. He told me to come over and started taking measurements of my arms, legs etc. he DID surprise me when he actually asked me my dick measurements and whether or not I was cut! I didn't know what to think then so I just told him.

"Erect it's about... 7 and a half, about 2 inches thick? I dunno! I've never measured before!"

Mike just looked at me and laughed "what do you mean you've never measured it! Christ! You're like the only guy I know who's never measured it!" He kept laughing and just plain asked me "I'll need a proper measurement, do you want me to do it or do you want me to wait in the next room?"

I thought about it and then just said "Nah, I don't mind if you it, you said you're gonna see it sooner or later! May as well be sooner!"

Mike just looked at me funny and said, "Well... Take off those shorts then and get hard and I'll come back in when you're ready."

Well, I had been horny all day and since Mike wasn't THAT bad looking, I thought "fuck it" and put my hand inside my shorts and starting wanking myself off in front of Mike. "Welllll, you could always give me a helping hand Mike? After all, it's easier with another person doing it!"

"I thought you would say that" he said.

He put his hand on the top of my shorts and started to drag them down bringing out my semi hard on.

"Put you're hands over your head." Mike said.

I did, I put my hands over my head and he started wanking me off slowly, playing with my foreskin and licking the tip of it. He also started pulling my foreskin up the furthest that it could go and then sticking his tongue down cleaning out my head. I was feeling VERY good as he started doing this and then he stopped!

"One sec," he said, "just let me measure it and we can continue!"

"Fine" I said curtly, feeling VERY pissed off since I was getting pretty close, but not close enough to hold off for another few minutes!

He took the measurements and told me "Wow, big boy! You're closer to 8" than you are 7!" Right now, I couldn't give a fuck. I thought and then took the "offensive," I basically shoved my dick in his face!

He laughed and started wanking me off again while tonguing my head through my foreskin; he ran his hands up and down my dick pulling my foreskin back and forward. He put one hand on my dick, slowly wanking me and putting his other hand on my chest and playing with my chest, playing with my nipples, not tweaking them hard, just slightly brushing across them.

He kept this up, wanking my dick, playing with my head through my foreskin, and moving his hand up and down chest. Just as I started to feel close to cumming, I started to moan and move a bit more, he stopped tonguing me and then moved his lips to cover my entire head and moved his other hand down to my balls, cupping them in his hand rolling them around. I started moaning a lot more (I'm a BIG moaner!) and I started moaning to him saying "I'm cumming! I'm fucking cumming!"

"I don't care," he says, "Just shoot in my mouth."

I started to totally lose control and just SHOT!


As I shot he moved his mouth to deep throat my dick which made me shot another load down his throat, he went up and down my dick milking out the last drops of cum till it started coming out the sides of his mouth.

"Wow! Someone shoots a lot of cum don't they!" He said with a smirk on his face, "Christ, looks like we're gonna need a towel when you perform ain't it!"

"Perform?" what the hell did he mean when I "perform" he never said anything about bloody performing!

Mike stood up and said "right, get dressed and come by later and we'll get you sorted with the rest of the lads and then you can start work tonight! I'll speak to you about pay and shit later ok?"

I just nodded, and got myself back in my shorts and clothes. "Aren't you gonna cum then Mike?"

"Don't need to, I'll get my boyfriend to do it for me later!"

I was shocked, boyfriend!? Oh fuck, guess I could have screwed this job up before it even got sorted! I got my stuff, said my goodbyes and ran the fuck out of there!


I was VERY nervous about what was gonna happen tonight. I was still pretty ashamed about get that blow job/wank from Mike earlier but thought he wouldn't have done it unless he knew what he was getting himself into! Just make sure that I don't mention it to his boyfriend IF I met him!

I got into what I considered my "pulling clothes" a black and red "flame" tank top and some tight black jeans with just a white jock strap since boxer shorts would have made me look fat! I spiked my hair up and put some small sliver glitter bits in it just to make it look better! I got my jacket and pocketed my keys and stuff and walked out my dorms hoping that things would get better once I start work!

I got into my new workplace and was bloody surprised on just how busy it was! It was only 6 o'clock on a Friday night and it was already quite full! The guys behind the bar were wearing even more revealing more clothes than what I was wearing! One of them was just wearing some ultra tight white and black boxer briefs and that was it! It even looked he had a semi down there! They were all cute and looked around 16 to 21. I took one look at them and gulped, Mike wasn't kidding when he said that this was something like "Coyote Ugly!" The guys behind the bars were acting like totally fucking sluts! One of them was kneeling on the bar wearing some sort of white waistcoat and tight white hot pants and grinding his groin into some guy's face! The lengths some guys will go for a tip... Hehehe, looks like fun!

I walked up to the bar and somehow managed to get one of the tenders' attention and asked for Mike and told him that I was the new "help." He gave me a knowing smirk and told me to go through to the back.

I managed to thread my way through the fairly heavy crowd into the back where Mike was supposed to be waiting. I walked into the office after knocking and saw Mike behind the desk sweating rather heavily for some reason. I didn't see what could be wrong so I guess it was something else and NOT me!

"Right! There you are! Just do me a favour and go outside for a sec will ya? I've got some paperwork that I need to sort out and then I'll cal Matt who will help you out tonight ok?"

I was kinda getting a feeling why exactly he was nervous! The dirty fucker was getting a blowjob under the desk! Ha! I guess the old boy was more active than anyone realised! I just hoped it was his boyfriend this time...

I walked into the main club and waited for about five minutes feeling like I was on a meat rack due to the sheer amounts of looks being thrown in my direction but determined to wait for a while till one of the guys around the bar walked over and told me:

"You might be waiting a while, the dirty fuckers getting a blowjob again isn't he?" The guy shook his head and laughed at the rather shocked look on my face, "Don't worry about it, come to the bar and have a drink ok? He'll be about another twenty minutes if he's true to form!" Hmm... this could be interesting! I like the rather casual attitude in which these guys have around sex!

"One sec," I said "I've just got to run to the toilet and I'll be back in a sec ok?"

He nodded sure and walked his way back towards to bar batting off more than a few guys who went for his arse! I also had to do the same when I walked to the toilet from all types of guys and in the toilets... it was like a bloody fuck fest! Some of the guys weren't even so casual about the way in which they were either cruising or fucking! Looking in the toilet I could see at least three pairs of guys just plain fucking in the cubicles, and at the urinal there were guys with their trousers down around their arses just pissing, or not in some cases. Fuck! What type of pub was this exactly!?

I had a quick look around to see if there was anyone that I fancied and I saw two guys, both rather dark looking in the corner just eyeing each other up with a opening between them so I thought "fuck it!" and just walked over and stood right between them and fished out my dick and let it just "hang" there semi erect, it certainly got a lot of interest!

The two guys, both dark looking and wearing dark blue jeans and white "poppers" tracksuit bottoms with a muscle shirt on and a shimmering black silk shirt, had both stopped pissing and now were just plain "looking" to see what I would do. I wasn't as obvious as some of the other guys, but I DID play with myself more than I usually do at a open urinal! When I'd finished I was actually getting REALLY hard so again, I made the first move and just put out both of my hands and grabbed the guys' dicks! Both of which were rather semi, nothing special but fun to play with when they grew up! They both smiled and then looked meaningfully at the closest empty cubicle and then without even bothering to zip up or pull their tracksuit bottoms up, just walked over to the cubicle waiting for me and once inside started snogging! Like I was going to refuse something like this! The action in the rest of the room had kinda died down as a lot of the other guys left, it was just another few older guys cruising in the corners and at the opposite end of the cubicles another group of guys fucking and being REALLY verbal about it at the same time!

I walked into the cubicle with the other two guys who were tugging on each others dicks, I walked up to the cuter of the two and locked the door and thought "Let the games begin!"

When the door was locked, I lied back on the door and moved my trousers down to my thighs giving the other guys total access and at the same time allowing my dick to spring up for the guys to play with. The sporty type (who wasn't REALLY that cute close up!) made a grab straight for my dick and started yanking on it straight away, while the other one in denim, took my head in his hands and started to kiss me, and rather well which was a plus!

The sporty one, tired of just giving me a wank, shoved his own tracksuit bottoms down to his knees and then got down on them trying his best to deep throat me and wank me off at the same time. The one in denim kissing me opened his shirt to reveal a rather nice chest! I started to move my hands up and down it feeling the silky texture of his skin, and the slight bits of hair which he had tried to shave off it seems! I moved my hand down to his dick and slowly started wanking him off while giving him a good snog at the same time! I opened my knees abit more so that the guy on the floor could get better access to my dick, and moved my body closer to the denim guy so that he could get a good feel in as well!

The guy on the floor seemed to know what he was doing! He was doing what Mike was doing earlier and playing with my foreskin while at the same time gripping my shaft and wanking it up and down, he was also using his other hand to grab and play with my balls, pulling them at one point, and then pushing them into my body... FUCK! Boy knew what he was doing! I started moving my hips in time with the guy on the floor, and moved my hand which was feeling up Denim's guy chest onto the head of the trackie guy and started to grip hard enough so that he would do what I say! I started to move my hips in a regular motion kinda forcing him to move his head forward when I put my hips forward, basically fucking his face in the rhythm that I wanted! I stopped kissing denim guy for a second and looked at him properly, he was probably fucked off his face but he looked so CUTE! And his dick was rather fun to look at and play with! It was thickish and around 7" long but he was cut? That was a surprise! While still face fucking the guy on the floor, I bent my body over and started to lick the head of Denim's cock which was making quite a lot of pre cum! Because of the angle I couldn't do much to it other than lick around the head and parts of the shaft but I was determined to do the best damned job that I could!

I forced the guy on the floor to put his back against the wall and just put his head against the wall flat and started pumping away and if anything he seemed to enjoy that more than doing all the work! His tongue was doing WONDERS down on my dick! I started to really face fuck the guy on the floor, noticing vaguely that he was starting to wank himself off fast and then turned my attention to the guy leaning back. I leaned over and started licking his nipples and wanking his dick, using the massive amounts of pre cum that he was making! He started moaning about, pumping his hips back and forward in time with my wanking while the guy on the floor was really getting into wanking himself off and moaning madly around my dick, I was getting close myself so went back to Denim's lips and started kissing him madly again while I was getting rather close!

I moved my hips more madly into the guy on the floor and started wanking the Denim guy faster and faster till he arched his head upwards and I started kissing his neck, giving him a major hickey! I felt my own balls tense up and started to moan loudly as well as the guy on the floor (who I found out later had cum a few minutes later all over my trousers!) and grabbed his head in both my hands and used his head as I would an ass and pumped madly till a few seconds lately I came A LOT in his mouth! I was still wanking the Denim guy as well, and he started gibbering madly and shot a rather smallish load over my hand! Fuck! That was nice!

I slowed down my pumping on the guy on the floor who was lapping up all the remaining cum on my dick, and gave the Denim guys dick a few more tugs and grabbed a few tissues to wipe up all the cum all over my hands and the cum I just found all over my trousers! The denim guy gave me a quick kiss and a embarrassed smile and then walked out, the guy on the floor however, didn't want to take my dick out of his mouth! I stepped back a bit and let my softening dick out of his mouth. I gave his face a small caress and then stepped back and walked out the door buttoning up the files on my trousers to a lot of smiles out there! I looked back and then saw another two or three guys walk into the urinal in which I had just been in! Well, guess this guy must be the local slut!

I washed up best that I could in the toilet sink and run my hands through my hair and walked out through the door to the guys down the bar wondering how long I was in the toilet! I walked over to the bar and asked the guy behind it for a Reef (I KNOW they're nasty, but I like them!) and paid for it cruising the local guys and seeing what there was to offer. There were some VERY nice guys out there! I could see that I was going to be looking forward to working here!

Mike came over and told me that I should get behind the bar and go and speak to Tim, the guy in the boxer shorts!!! Wow...I like this place already! I called behind the bar for Tim and he came over, he was even better looking close up! He had blonde spiky hair and a semi toned body, but it was pretty obvious that he was getting off on being looked at by all those guys!

"Heya mate! Wow! You're nice!" Tim said to me once I was behind the bar, "Right this is what you have to do, and learn fast!"

I spent the next night just learning what I had to do and get some fairly outrageous comments and remarks from the guys on the other side of the bar! I WAS getting a lot of tips though! I must have made around twenty quid in that night alone! But from what I learned earlier, that was nothing compared to what the other guys got! Ahh well, guess I'll be wearing less next time I go to work!

I left at 3 in the morning with the rest of the guys, a few of them were staying behind to clean up, it turns out that two of the other guys were boyfriends in an open relationship in which they brought pretty much anyone home who they liked! And the other two were just your typical post teenager slappers!

I said goodbye and walked home by myself just rewinding myself of all the things that I had seen that night, it had turned out that you were pretty much expected to check out and flush out the toilets every hour or so that you didn't have the guys in there cruising TOO much! Wow, this place has a VERY liberal attitude towards sex! And towards the end of the night it was obvious that Tim got a full hardon! And it was a biggum! Around 9"! Around closing time I was sure that I felt his hardon brush against the back of my thighs as he leaned in VERY close at the till or plain just at the bar!

I walked home and just got myself ready for the next night and what the hell would be happening on a Saturday night when they were open all hours!


I woke up at something like 12 the next day with a throbbing hardon and my boxer shorts covered in precum because I think that I was dreaming about Tim and those boxer shorts that he was wearing!

I felt like having a wank but I couldn't be bothered, I thought that if anything I would have some fun again in the toilets!!! It was already something like 5 o'clock, and I had to start work at around 10 so I had about 5 hours to get myself ready to eat, shave and stuff. I wondered what I would wear tonight as I got up and moved around, I thought that I would wear some boxer shorts like Tim was doing but... I didn't think that I would have the guts!

I got myself a shower and got myself sorted and when it was time, I got the bus to my job and got ready for the night ahead...

I done as I was told and turned up about half an hour early and found that the bar wasn't even open yet. I knocked on the door and was greeted by one of the not so cute guys from last night working behind the bar, he told me to come in and get my stuff sorted, he was wearing some REALLY tight shorts and a waist coat like the other guy last night, I looked around and saw that ALL of the guys were wearing shorts or boxer briefs! I asked the guy what was the deal with everyone wearing underwear and got told that tonight all the bar staff wore their underwear because it was the only way in which to get enough tips!!!

I walked around the bar and said hi to the guys that I remembered from the other night, and got a wink from Tim, which I was rather impressed with! The night was actually really shit =0( it was nothing but work work and more work, I did get some good new though! I was told that all the guys from after work went down to the local sauna to "unwind" Hehehe, this looked to be interesting!

The night was over and all the guys got dressed, so we all went to the local sauna and all got undressed... I kept a special eye on Tim! I was surprised that he hadn't seemed to pay much attention to me all night, but then it HAD been a rough night and he had been at the other end of the bar, or up on top of it and dancing! The boy took the lines of teasing and stripping to the utmost!

We all got wrapped up in our towels and got went into the big sauna bath tub and all started checking each other out, it was obvious that there was some guys who were eager to go around cruising and those who around just to fuck the others in the bath! I looked at Tim and saw that he was sitting opposite me with his legs right out and open, and his hands down in the water playing with himself! I thought about the four other guys in the tub and thought "should I make a move now?" then I looked in the corner and saw one of the other guys getting a blowjob and thought "fuck this!" and moved the short distance over to Tim and gave him a rough kiss on the lips and drove my hands under water looking for Tim's dick to play with!

As I already saw through the underwear, his dick was both thick and LONG! It must have topped off around 9 or 10 inches at most! I would have a mouthful getting this down my throat! Tim laid back and his hands found my dick as well and started playing with it, giving it a small tug every few seconds or so. I heard one of the other guys say "later" and pissed off, like I really cared! I roughly kissed Tim on the lips and quickly went down on his body, licking on his nips and stomach. Tim responded by grabbing my hair and pushing me down and then further down to his dick which his was thrusting towards my face. I went down and forced him on the top of the pool and drove down onto his dick and tried to get as much of it down as I could get! I got about 7 or 8" down my throat and then hit my gay reflex, the bugger was so thick that I couldn't fully swallow it or anything, I could only flex my throat muscles around the tip of his head and use my tongue to move around his head slightly and try to bring him off as quickly as possible! I couldn't have this down my throat for long or else I'd suffocate! I used every trick I knew how to on this FAT meat and used both my hands to grab around the base of his dick, I used one to try and jerk him off slightly and the other to grab his balls and pull them apart slightly. After about five minutes of this, Tim got other ideas obviously and pulled my head of his dick and started to kiss me roughly again moving his hands up and down my body and slowly jerking me off, using the water from the tub as a "make do" lubricate. After a few seconds of this he pulled my hips into his body and basically made me sit down on his lap with his hard on rubbing against my arse and back, I felt back on his dick and found that he'd put a condom on and then came into contact with another pair of hands down there? I looked back, and saw a rather old guy trying to swallow Tim's dick but without much success I might add, he kept this up for around 2 or 3 minutes and then Tim moved his hands and pushed him away from us.

"Let's go somewhere quieter" Tim whispered in my ear, and he took my hand and led me to one of the private rooms located in the back, near the dark room. It was a rather sleazy place and we could both hear in the background lots of other guys going at it! Muffled grunting sounds and the sounds of wet flesh smacking against wet flesh, it was rather arousing! I almost felt my dick grow another inch listening to this!

We reached an empty room and didn't even bother closing the door and just pushed each other down on the bed grabbing each others dicks and madly jerking each other off. Tim hadn't even bothered taking off his condom so it was hard getting a grip on it at first, then after about a minute or so of this, he pulled me onto his lap again and reached for some lubricant on the side table and slathered his dick with it. Using almost half the entire tube he covered his dick, and then used the excess to wet my hole and started to finger me rather excitedly! We were still madly kissing and then without warning, he stopped. He put his lips against mine and told me.

"Relax," he said "this'll hurt A LOT if you don't relax!" Like I needed telling twice?!

He put his head at the entrance to my hole and held it there for a few seconds, I could feel how huge it was and this was just the head! I felt my entire back shiver slightly at the thought of this thing going into me and at that exact moment I felt him push his dick right up! It was a fucking shock to say the least!

"Oh FUCK! Watch it mate!" I whispered harshly to him, "I'm not THAT loose!"

He smiled at me and whispered, "don't worry, that's only the head, the REALY fun starts now!"

Oh shit, I could feel that it was only the tip of his dick inside of me and it was already making me feel like I've been filled up already! I could feel his dick move up slightly with his hips and adjusted my body to try and keep up with it!

Tim grabbed my hips and held them in a tight grip and held me in one position as he moved his hips up further, going higher and higher up my arse with his dick. About halfway up I was covered with sweat and was literally moaning like a bitch, I couldn't believe it was like four in the morning and I was getting fucked by the guy of my dreams with a huge cock!

"You alright mate?" Tim asked me out of the blue, "Sure you want to keep doing this?"

I couldn't say anything, all I could feel was his dick up my arse and nodded quickly and started to lower myself down onto his dick! I put one of my hands on his chest and the other on his balls so that I could control just how far and how deep it was going inside of me. Tim lay down totally on the bed and I felt his dick come out of me till it was just his head inside of me, I looked down at him and I could see that he was enjoying himself! I moved myself further down, taking more and more of his dick inside feeling like I've never been this stretched before in my life!

As I got around halfway down I stopped for a second to catch my breath, Tim was moaning slightly and lying down and had his hands all over my body tracing down my muscles and stuff when I heard some guys whispering at the door. I turned around and saw that there were 2 or 3 guys standing at the door, I could see at least 2 of them standing at the door and another one or two on their knees "servicing" the ones standing up! I could see that there was one of them at least just casually jerking himself off and the other two were getting a blowjob from the some guy who I recognised to be the old man in the tub! He'd followed us to the private room! Tim's dick was about halfway up my ass and I just turned around and ignored the other guys and concentrated on taking all that Tim had to offer!

I looked down at Tim who was leaning up to kiss me again, I grabbed his balls again and leaned over, while at the same time lowering myself a few more inches so that all there was were the last few inches. We were kissing rather passionately and I finally thought "fuck it" and just squatted down on the remainder of his dick, and BOY wasn't THAT a mistake!

I felt like someone had shoved a red hot poker up my ass! I didn't realise that the base of his dick was thicker than the tip! It hurt like hell for a few seconds so I grabbed Tims head and started kissing him again VERY deeply! After a few minutes the pain went away and it started to feel rather good!

I leaned back slightly and arched my back so that I could get him deeper (?!) inside of me and slowly started to move my hips and tighten my hole around his dick making Tim moan loudly, which in turn made the guys in the doorway moan as well! The sounds of the guys in the background were getting rather loud which was making me get even more turned on as well! I started to move up and down on his prick, taking one hand away from his balls and put it on my dick, slowly starting to jerk myself off slowly so that I didn't cum TOO quickly! I put my other hand on Tim's chest, but he took my hand and put it in his own and started to sit on, making me move downwards so that I was on my back, allowing him to give me a rather great fucking! He leaned forward after putting both of my feet in the air and steadied himself so that he could fuck me more easily and slowly started to thrust in and out again this time going all the way in and then all the way out again till just his head was in me and then thrusted quickly again making me grunt out because I was just SO not expecting that! I couldn't jerk myself off so I had to lie back and let Tim fuck my brains out!

After about five minutes off this, I could feel that Tim was getting ready to cum, mainly because he was now thrusting quicker and quicker inside of me. I hadn't been able to jerk myself off for the past give minutes and there was a whole POOL of precum made by me on my chest where it had been collecting for the past five minutes. Tim was thrusting quicker and quicker inside of me, making more precum shoot out of my dick with every thrust or so. I knew that if I was to jerk myself off now then I would cum within a few strokes so was determined not to until I was sure that Tim had cum inside of me! Just when Tim was reaching a fever pitch, he changed the position that we were in, he let one leg down and moved his shoulder into the hollow under my knee and started to fuck me again, one hand on the back on my neck urging me forward so that I could kiss him again, and the other started to jerk me off with light touches that were driving me mad!!

After a few quick strokes I felt the cum bubble and churn in my dick making me go crazy as I felt Tim also quicken inside of me! After a few more VERY enthusiastic thrusts I shot a HUGE load all over my chest! Mixing in with the pool of precum already left there by the enthusiastic fucking of Tim!

Tim was shouting out loud as he came DEEEEEP inside of me, it was making me wild as I shot at least four loads of cum all other my chest!

After a few seconds off pure ecstasy, Tim calmed down and so did I. I didn't feel his dick shrink or anything but I just so was NOT getting fucked by him again so I wiggled off his dick and looked him in the eye and gave him a quick kiss and a smile.

"Thanks," he said "guess I can look forward to working with you again I see!"

"Naturally" I replied smugly, "When you hire the best you get the best in EVERY respect"

He looked at me, and rearranged his hair and got off me and looking at the guys in the doorframe who were still going at it rather enthusiastically he laughed a little bit and whispered to me.

"We might have a little bit of trouble getting out of here alive if those guys decide that they want a bit of action!"

I looked over and swore slightly, there were at least 6 guys in the doorframe now! We both got up and put on our towels, and somehow managed to make it past the other guys in the doorway with the customary gropes and touches that you expect when you go to a sauna.

We made it to the front tub were we could see three of the guys that we worked with get it on, including the couple from the other night! I said my goodbyes to Tim as I had uni this Monday and had to get some sleep! He said goodbye to me and basically ran over to the guys in the tub leaving me alone in the doorway as I saw four of my workmates REALLY go at it in the front tub, and as I watched I saw the same old man who had been following Tim around all night try and get in back inside the tub trying to grab a quick feel of Tim again! I laughed at the lengths some people will go and went back into the locker room and picked up the rest of my clothes and then made it back to my dorms somehow at five in the morning covered with the sweat and cum of the night before, I hadn't even bothered getting a shower I was that hot!

As I feel asleep I kept wondering at what Mark had told me when he got me measured for the job, I wondered why he mentioned the words "perform?" I was just wondering what the HELL Mark had in future for me...

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