Quarantine Needs

Published on Apr 30, 2020



Quarantine Needs

Dale stared at the large bedroom closet doors which were covered in mirror. He typically thought they were tacky but at the moment the muscled black man who was about to fuck him had instructed him to watch as it happened.

Dale wasn't sure it was going to happen. The man's cock was very large. Probably 8 inches long, curving upwards. The intimidating aspect though was the girth. It was thick, Dale figured the size around of a Budweiser can. He sure hadn't been able to wrap his hand around the dick, and he didn't have tiny hands. Dale felt the cock poking at his hole.

"Open up that pussy," the man said somewhere between a whisper and a standard tone. He had a very deep, sexy voice, Dale thought. It was one reason he had agreed to leave the speakeasy with him. When the man had introduced himself as Jonah, Dale had felt his heart flutter a little as he listened to him.

It had been four weeks since the government had shut down the bars and restaurants. Three weeks of not being able to go to the gym, see a movie on the big screen, even go to the neighborhood pool. Dale had begun to feel trapped. When he saw that someone was advertising a speakeasy on a reddit site he trolled, he got excited. How amazing would that be, he thought to himself. I could go get a drink or two and meet some folks in person. Once he had found the first one, he was able to search and find one not too far from his neighborhood. It seemed others had already found a way to host a regular party and gather a few folks together.

Dale had followed the directions he had been given. He had to park a block or so away and walk. The guy didn't want a huge amount of traffic giving away the place. It made sense. Dale didn't figure anyone would actually call the cops, but you never knew. Weren't other people going stir crazy too? He hoped there would be a decent crowd. He really wanted a drink, some talk, and some sex. Being trapped for three weeks with no sex was the toughest part. He and his hand had gotten reacquainted, but it was nothing compared to feeling another man with him, beside him.

Once he got to the place it hardly looked like a bar. Of course, what had he expected? It was a residential neighborhood. The place looked dark from the street. He rang the doorbell as he had been instructed. He could see a camera above the door. After what seemed like several minutes but was closer to 10 seconds, the door opened, and a man let him in. The lights were dim inside and curtains kept the small amount of light inside.

"Head on into the great room area, to your left," the man had said. You followed the sound of the crowd and the house opened up into what had been transformed from a family's great room to a pretty nice-looking bar. An iPhone had been recruited to play music through a speaker system of some kind. It wasn't loud, but you could hear jazz playing underneath the sound of people talking. "There is no charge for the drinks or space," the man continued. "A suggested donation of $25.00 can be dropped into the jar on the counter. There's beer, some wines, and a few standard cocktail liquors. Help yourself." He then wandered off to join a couple by a fireplace.

Some folks had on masks, but most didn't. You hadn't thought to bring one, though you had stocked up before the quarantine had started. There were probably 20-25 people in the room. Most of them men. There were a couple ladies, but you weren't looking for them. You were seeking a man, as always, to take you home and screw your brains out. It had been too long. Grindr had dried up. People were chatting but not following up. This place seemed like a good place to find what you needed.

Most bars were rather anonymous. There was someone serving drinks, an exchange of funds for a drink, maybe a few words about the place or the locals. Here it was all on you. You made the drink and you were responsible for meeting people or not. You looked around the bar and found a glass. Then you found the wine and located a sauvignon blanc, your favorite. You'd been told it was a girly wine, but so what? You knew you were definitely not the butchest man around. As you poured a glass you glanced around the room. No one was sitting or standing by themselves. They were all in groups. Did they arrive like that or had the groups formed after they arrived? You recorked the bottle and grabbed your glass. As you started to figure out where you were going another man came over to the bar area. He had been in a group over by the fireplace.

"Hi," he said. He almost reached out his hand to shake then caught himself. He chuckled then stuck out his elbow and you smiled, doing the same and bumped elbows. "Tough remembering all the rules," he said.

"Oh god! I can't, I just can't. I'm really over being at home all the time. At least I have work to distract me some. I'm Dale by the way." Words just flowed out of your mouth. You weren't sure when the last time you had heard yourself speak.

"Scott," he replied. "I needed to get out of the house too. The kids were driving me crazy," he added.

You looked him over once or twice. Nice dad body, you thought. The theme of the reddit post had indicate LGBT. You wondered if he was partnered, married, escaping a wife, what was it? "Aren't you scared of taking something back to them?" you asked. "The kids and the wife?" You wanted him to be straight. Straight men were so hot!

"Just dropped them off at the ex's place. We are doing a couple weeks on and a couple weeks off now," he said. "What with the home-schooling, no activities, and a 14-day period for symptoms we figure it gives us a day or two to get out someplace before we are back inside again."

"Wow, you've clearly thought that through. I am happy to be childless in this period."

"I'm sure," he added, looking you over. "Nothing to worry about. You live alone?"

"Yeah. I'm usually okay with that, but I realize I went out a lot," you laughed. "I was driving myself crazy. I might consider a housemate after this is over," I confessed. "Especially if the government thinks we will have to repeat this process in the fall."

"Don't even suggest it," he said. "I'm not ready for that."

"So... your ex," you began before Scott finished.

"A man. I've always been out. Yeah, the two kids throw folks off sometimes, but we both wanted them."

"Cool. I just wanted to be clear. I didn't want to make any assumptions."

"No worries. I'm not looking for anything tonight," he added. "Just so we are being up front. Just wanted some in person adult conversations. The kids can leave me batty after a couple weeks."

"Makes sense," you agreed.

"Hey, why don't I introduce you to a guy over here. He might be your type."

"What do you mean my type?"

"Well, I'm just guessing," Scott said. "No offense, Dale, but you are, well, you're pretty obvious. You know, flamboyant."

You hated it when you got called out right away. How was it so easy for some men to just KNOW what and who you were? You could be just as butch as they were, just as much a man. You had fucked plenty of guys. It wasn't like only jocks could do the fucking. How dare he call you flamboyant!

"This guy is a real man's man," Scott continued. "He seems to be looking to hook up tonight and well, you seem to be someone he might want to meet."

You were steamed. On the one hand, yeah, you were looking to hook up, so meeting people was the point. Yet, it irritated you that Scott assumed you'd be the one getting fucked. Why couldn't two men just get together for a nice 69 on an evening? What made him think you were the bottom? Of course, you were a bottom, but it wasn't that obvious was it? You checked yourself. Your clothes were not flashy or feminine. You had a couple days of stubble to demonstrate what, that you could grow a beard? It wasn't like you had a manicure or were wearing makeup.

You followed Scott over to a group of 4 other men. He was definitely hot looking, even if he was rude to make assumptions about you so quickly. The guys were all sipping a beer of some kind, you were the only one with a glass of white wine.

"Hey guys," Scott interrupted their conversation. "Wanted you to meet Dale. He just arrived." Scott pointed at each of them one at a time and gave their names. "Ed, Noah, Jake, and Todd," he said. No other information was given. Ed was a ginger. He had freckles on his face as well as his hands. He was covered in a what you imagined was soft, orange hair. So furry it was cute. Noah was a well-muscled black man who wore glasses, very handsome you thought. Jake was not very tall and was what you might say was a twink. He certainly wasn't the guy Scott wanted you to meet. Todd looked more of the type. A bit older than you and well-groomed. He looked like he had a comfortable job in a corporation of some type. All of the men in turn said hi to you and you waved when introduced. No handshakes today.

Talk continued. Mostly about adjusting to the quarantine, the ridiculousness of it all. Sure, they all understood the chances they were taking but humans were meant to be social, not hiding away in the home. Everyone kept their voices at a respectable level. It wasn't exactly like a bar you noticed. The neighbors might turn you in, so people were quiet and respectful of the host it seemed. You tried to start a conversation with Todd. He was someone you thought might be interested.

"Are you still working, Todd?"

"Yes, all at home for the last week. The company was still having some of us come in before that. So, I haven't been stuck home for too long. What about you?"

"Yes, thank god I am still working. I don't know what I'd do if I were stuck at home alone with no work."

You spent a few minutes with Todd relaxing a little, getting into the heat in the room. Was it just your heat? Or, was everyone here horny? The experience of seeing people again was thrilling. Other than a clerk at the pharmacy and some anonymous masked people in the store also, you only seen the grocery delivery guy in the last couple weeks. Just as you were thinking about those stupid online meeting platforms, Todd brought that up.

"If I have to attend another Zoom meeting when this thing ends, I'll lose it. I can't stand that. Already this past week it was two or three a day."

You laughed with him, thinking maybe you were getting somewhere.

"I told Jake he just has to adjust. He was used to being home all day by himself."

Jake smiled and blushed a little as Todd spoke about him. Now you knew the score. Jake was Todd's boy, or husband, whatever. No sense in talking much to them, you figured. You were here to find a man after all, someone to hold and touch tonight. Four weeks was way too long to go without the big C in your life. You said a few more niceties and they departed hand in hand. How lovely, you thought, not meaning it.

You turned to face the others, but only Noah was left. Maybe you'd start the conversation differently this time.

"Oh, where'd your boyfriend go, the ginger guy?"

`Oh, Ed? No, not my boyfriend," Noah said in his deep baritone voice. "Just someone I've met before. He's not nearly as good looking as you," he added with a grin on his face.

You could feel yourself blush a little. He was being quite forward all of a sudden. You looked up at him and he was smiling big, his teeth showed and were beautifully white. "Thank you. It's been a while since I've heard anybody say anything," you told him. "You're very handsome yourself," you added.

Noah moved a bit closer to you on the sofa. He reached over and touched your leg with his hand. You glanced at his hands. They were large hands, long fingers with well- trimmed nails. He could easily place a hand on your head and grab a hold, you thought.

"This quarantine is crazy," Noah stated. "I am all for protecting myself from it, but I need to get out. I can't hide indoors away from everyone all the time."

"I don't understand it," you jumpred in. "If we are the least likely to suffer illness from it, why aren't we able to decide ourselves what is best? Even if I have it, and no one knows since we can't get tested, I'm only going to go home and to work. I live on my own, I am not going to be out spreading it."

"Except when you go out looking for a man," Noah said smiling again.

You felt your face redden again. He was right. Here you were, out at a secret speakeasy, potentially spreading something or catching something all because you needed some dick. "Well, you're here too," you told him, dropping your eyes to the floor.

"Don't I know it. I am not going to be at home all alone for god knows how long. A man has got to get some pussy now and then."

"Oh, but I thought... "

"Your pussy is just what I'm looking for," Noah replied. "There's no difference as far as I'm concerned." He leaned closer to you, toward your ear and he whispered as he licked at your ear. "I bet you have a real nice pussy, boy. Why don't we go on back to my place and find out just how good your pussy feels on my cock?" His tongue flicked at your ear as he nuzzled close letting you know his plan. It felt amazing. You hadn't realized how sensitive your ears were. You gave a little shiver in response as you turned to face him.

"Yes. Please let's get out of here. I'm ready to leave."

Noah stood up and placed his hand on yours. Instinctively you let him grasp your hand and you stood as he began pulling you up. You hadn't held hands with anyone in ages. Tom, your last boyfriend was the only person you'd allowed to do that in public. Yet, this was a very public setting as far as current life existed. Noah taking your hand and leading you toward the front door.

He smiled at the man who had opened the door to the home. "See you again soon, John,"

"Likewise, Noah. Thanks for stopping by," the man replied.

"I only live a couple blocks from here," Noah explained. "We'll walk over there. It will easier all around. No cars, no parking hassle."

He didn't release your hand when you got outside. There was no hesitation from him, he held it firmly as the two of you turned left at the end of the sidewalk. He walked slightly ahead of you, which made sense. He knew where he was going and you didn't, you needed to follow him.

"Is it safe to, well, you know, hold hands here. I don't really know the neighborhood."

Noah turned his head towards you. "Do you see anyone else out here? Even if someone else passes us, they are going to stay six feet away or more," he said confidently. His voice sounded so assuring. "Besides, I'm here to protect you. You're with me tonight."

You smiled at him. He was offering protection as well. You weren't so assured, obviously, but he sounded as if he was in control.

"You stick with me and you'll be fine," Noah continued speaking. "I'll be sure of it. No one messes with my bitch."

You'd never been called someone's bitch before. It didn't sit quite right. "Why did you call me your bitch?" you asked. He just smiled at you.

"You ever go home with a man, stick around and cook him breakfast at his place in the morning," he asked?


"You ever clean a man's place just to surprise him or because he said he had other stuff to do?"

"Well, yes."

"You go out looking for dick, even though you just had some a few hours ago?"

"It's been 4 weeks since I've had anyone even hold my hand," you tried to explain.

"I'm not talking about right now, boy. I'm talking about in the usual times. I'm just guessing you are the type of boy who is horny like a dog in heat and try to get as many men inside you as possible."

"You're being mean," you told Noah. "I just have needs sometimes," your voice trailed off.

"You're just being you," Noah said quietly. "But I can tell the way you carry yourself, the way to react to me, you're a bitch in heat. Nothing wrong with that, it's just who you are."

The two of you continued walking. You thought about what he said. You had been called out by two men tonight and were going home with one of them. There WERE times when you felt you needed cock. Was it possible you went into heat like an animal? Is that what drove you to go out tonight, during the quarantine? Some animal need to be bred?

"Here we are. Let's get you inside so I can see what I found."

You followed him inside and had barely gotten there when he pinned you to the wall. Pinned you there and began his probing. His hands and his mouth roamed over your body. At some point, he closed the front door and stripped you naked, but you weren't sure what order it happened in. You were sprawled on the large sofa in his living room. His tongue darting in and out of your ears, whispering his discoveries to you. His hands grasping, twisting, pulling, poking.

"You'd look good with these nipples pierced," he said as he licked and bit. "You have a fine ass, can't wait to get in there and taste that pussy."

He lay on top of you, your arms pinned under him. He was spreading your cheeks, trying to probe inside with a finger or two. He was still fully clothed, but you could feel his cock hard against you. He slowly backed off away from you, standing. He unbuttoned his shirt slowly, smiling as you lay there not moving, just watching his show. He had already done more mauling of your body in the last few minutes than you'd had done in the last few months. He had a broad chest, with an abundance of dark curly hair across it and running down his abs. His arms were muscled, but he wasn't a gym rat, nothing was so taut that it looked fake. He reached out an arm and pulled you up off the sofa. You shivered a little as the air ran over your skin.

He embraced you deeply massaging your back and moved his hands up to your face. He kissed passionately, you thought as you let him continue his touching. All over, his hands were all over and his lips, those full lips were intensely attractive as they ranged over your face.

"You're so beautiful, baby. I just can't get enough of you. I want to taste everything on your body. Your lips, your ears, your neck, mmmmmm, I'm gonna eat your pussy so well, but you need to start with my dick, baby. I just got to feel you on my cock for a while."

The pressure on your shoulders from his hands drove you to your knees. You were hungry, 4 weeks of hunger was being let out tonight. You undid the buttons on his jeans, he had on boxers. You puled the jeans down his big thighs and licked at his boxers. You could feel the heat from his crotch, see the outline of his cock. He was already hard, you'd gotten him that way. When you reached to pull his boxers down, he spoke again.

"You think you're ready for this?"

"Yes! Yes, I'm ready. I need it. It's been so long."

"That's a good boy. Go on."

You ripped his boxers down and he stepped out of them. The cock that emerged from the cloth was unlike any you'd seen before. The length wasn't surprising, you'd seen 8 inches before. The upward curve was also a familiar sight. It was the girth that made you stare, made your lips part in anticipation. This was the thickest cock your eyes had ever had the opportunity to see so close up.

"Go on, boy. You need it. Get to work on it. See what you can fit in that pretty mouth of yours."

Lord knows you did you best trying to fit that cock in your mouth. Your lips just didn't stretch that wide. You felt bad when you scraped the cock with your front teeth. He didn't strike you, didn't complain. When you looked up, he was always smiling down on you. Maybe it wasn't going as bad as you thought it was. You could only get down about have of his cock. It was slightest at the tip and then just thickened out from the head all the way to the base where it was thickest. You tried wrapping your hand around it, but your middle finger couldn't touch your thumb it was so big.

"You look even prettier with my cock in your mouth, baby. I know it's a big one. Haven't met a boy yet who could get it all in his mouth."

You kept trying though, you really wanted to taste his cock, watch him cum. You bobbed on the half you could fit in your mouth. You could feel the power of this cock, the firmness, the utter size of it that you kept trying to swallow. It seemed like only a few seconds had passed as you sucked his cock, but he stopped you, pushed you down on the sofa and turned you around.

"Come on, baby, I want to be inside you and your mouth isn't gonna stretch that far. Your pussy will though."

He wasted no time assaulting your ass with his tongue. He really enjoyed his effort too, moaning and munching away at your hole, telling you how good it tasted. His tongue had a variety of speeds. Quick flicks, slow licks, tense teases, and little thrusts as he worked his tongue inside you. All you could think was `thank god I cleaned out this evening.'

"Oh god, you're really good at that," you let him know you were enjoying it.

"Yeah, I enjoy eating out a nice tight pussy. Only problem is it won't be so tight once I am finished tonight," he told you grinning at you.

Your moaning was loud, but he never said to be quiet. Maybe he didn't care if the neighbors heard. It wasn't anything you seemed to control, it just emerged from you when you felt good.

Eventually, Noah stopped eating your ass. It took a moment to realize what was not happening. His face was gone, the tongue was missing. You glanced behind you and saw him heading over to the kitchen. You weren't sure if you were supposed to be following him or not. You were just standing up when he returned.

"You on PrEP, baby?"

"Yes." Men rarely asked you, but you were. You liked it bareback.

"Good. I hate condoms, I break them half the time," he said."

"I've never taken anything as thick as your cock, Noah. I'm not sure," he cut you off before you could finish.

"Don't worry, baby, I'm gonna go real slow. You'll be just fine. I'm in no hurry and your pussy will be taking it in to time at all, you'll see."

"Why do you call it a pussy?" You wondered. "It's an asshole."

"Well now, I figured you'd heard that before. Men like to fuck. I fuck pussy. I don't care whether that pussy is on a girl or a boy. Because I'm fucking it, it's a pussy. Besides that, when I'm done fucking you, that asshole will look like a girl's pussy and you'll understand why I call it that."

"I'm still kinda scared you'll hurt me," you admitted. "Look, I can't even get my hand around it."

Noah just smiled at you. He had brought something back from the kitchen with him. A jar of coconut oil. He opened the jar and took some out, rubbing it on his cock. Then he reached in for some more and turned you around. He stuck a finger in your hole, and you gasped. You hadn't expected that so soon. The oil quickly went from solid to liquid. You felt his finger sliding in and out easily. You could tell you were well greased now. Noah wiped his hand off on a kitchen towel, then moved in close behind you. You suddenly felt the tip of his cock at your entrance. His arms wrapped around you from behind.

"Here we go, baby. I'm gonna go slow. You let me know if it hurts."

"Okay," you responded.

"Okay, what?" he asked.

"Uhmmm... "

"Call me Daddy," he said.

Oh god. He wanted you to call him Daddy. That's' why he was calling you baby. You thought he was older than you, but you weren't sure how much older. Old enough to be your Daddy? Or was this a sex game he played? His skin was so much darker than yours, you doubted he could actually be your Daddy. And he was hairy, where you were hairless. You smiled thinking about how you must have taken after your "mother" if he was Daddy.

"Oh my god," the sounds escaped from your lips. He had started entering you. His arms embracing you tightly. You definitely weren't going anywhere. His hands roamed your chest, pulling and twisting your nipples. His tongue caressed your ears, licking and flicking to distract you.

"See, baby, see how good it feels. You're gonna open up for Daddy. I'm gonna go real slow. Here's a little bit more, baby."

He pushed harder and more of that thick monster went inside you. Your hole stretching to accommodate him. You moaned but you weren't sure if it was because of the cock or his talented tongue.

"See? I going nice and slow for you. You can handle it."

"It's so fucking big, Daddy. You're so thick."

"You can handle it," he kept whispering in your ear. Licking and whispering, you shivering as he continued to slowly press forward. "See, there's a little more for you."

"SSSssssshit," you mumbled. You tried to move forward to get away from that cock. He held you in place, his arms wrapped around your chest.

Then he slowed, and backed up. He started a fuck session with what you thought may have been half the length of his cock. In, then out. Sliding easily with the coconut oil.

"Just let me loosen this up a little," he said. He grabbed your cock and you noticed for the first time how incredibly hard you were.

"See, baby, you can handle my dick. We'll get in all in there soon enough."

"Oh godddddd. Oh shit." You had never felt anything like this. You knew he wasn't anywhere near all the way in but you felt stretched out, cored out a friend had once said to you. That was it he was coring you out. "It's so big, Daddy."

His hands continued to manipulate your nipples and cock. Your hole continued to be stretched. He slowed his fuck and then began pushing harder against you. You gasped sharply.

"Fuck, oh fuck, please, it's so big. I can't. I can't take anymore."

"I'm going slow, baby, but I'm not stopping. Not until it's all the way in," he told you. "You'd be so disappointed if I stopped now. You could never say you took it all."

Shit, he was right of course. You went out tonight to find dick, you just happened to find the biggest one you'd ever seen before. Now it was trying to fight its way inside you. You reached around to feel his cock entering you. Oh god, it was big. You ran your finger around the hole he was opening in you. You could still grab the base of his cock in your hand, so you knew there was a lot left to fit in. When you brought your hand back around to look at it, you saw no blood. Even though you could swear he was ripping you a new one, maybe he was right, maybe he was going slow enough.

"Here we go, baby. I'm gonna feed you a little more."

Everything in your senses was now tied to your asshole. You could feel the burn of the stretching. A circle of pain as Noah sunk more and more of his thickness inside you. Yet your own cock was leaking pre-cum in a long strand dangling in front of you. You were harder than you eve recalled being, even as your gave up your ass to this man, this cock.

"Relax, I'm almost there, baby. You've nearly taken all of it, just let the rest of me inside you." he said. He sounded excited at the idea.

"Oh god, oh, oh fuck, it's ripping me open."

"No, baby, you're fine, there's nothing wrong. Just that you are opening up to new abilities. You take my cock, and there is nothing you can't take."

What he said was probably true. If you took this cock, this one big fat cock, you could handle all cocks. Your asshole would be stretched forever to handle something like this. Noah reached down and took hold of your dick. He played with your nipples, stroked your dick, and all the while, kept pushing, straining your hole to open just a little more.

"Just a little more, baby. You are leaking something fierce, baby." He pulled his hand from your stiff dick and stuffed his fingers into your mouth. You recognized the taste of your own drippings. Would you recognize your ass after this? You gasped and moaned, talking about how big it was, how it couldn't fit when finally your felt Noah's balls brush up against you, his hips meeting your ass cheeks.

"Yeahhhh, that's nice. You got it all now. You wanted that cock, didn't you? Horny little ass, all filled up now."

He took one of your hands and brought it back to your hole. Pushed it down there so you could feel the base, feel it all in you.

"Oh fuck, it's all inside. Fuck I feel stretched out. It's like a ring of fire."

"Your pussy feels so good baby. So tight right now on my cock." Noah licked at your ear more, whispering everything that was happening to you as he did it. "I'm gonna leave it in you right here for a little while, baby. Just gonna let you feel full while you adjust to me, adjust to being my boy tonight. Don't worry, once you are ready, we are gonna fuck. I'm gonna fuck your pussy till it feels so good you just shoot your load."

"Oh, fuck Daddy, your big cock has me leaking already," you admitted. "Can't believe it all fit inside."

Noah wrapped his arm around your neck and pulled you back tight to him. He didn't choke you, just held your neck in the crook of his arm. He continued playing with your nipples, running his hand on your cock, moving you around, loosening you up.

"I can feel you relax, baby. You were so tight as I was entering you. Every muscle tight. I can feel you loosening up now. You're ready to fuck," he announced.

You felt the sudden space between you and Noah, felt every little centimeter of his dick as it moved out of you slowly. Then back in again slowly. No big strokes, just letting you know he was gonna use your ass, no, he called it your pussy. God for a cock like that it probably was going to be your pussy when he finished, but it was what you wanted tonight. Some contact from someone, someone touching, holding, fucking you. You felt another slow in and out. Everytime he pulled back you felt a little relief, everytime he pushed in you felt so damn full of cock.

"Yeah," he caressed you with his whispers and his tongue. "Your pussy feels so good, baby. I needed this tonight. Needed to fuck."

"Oh god, I'm so full, I can't believe it, can't believe it fits in me, Daddy."

Slowly Noah was picking up the pace. He was sliding out and back in at a regular fuck now. A nice slow fuck, with his hands and mouth continuing their roaming of your body. He walked you forward to the sofa and released you from his firm grasp. He placed a hand on your back and bent you over. Your hands rested on the cushions and he grabbed your hips. Now he was going to fuck you. Slowly at first, his strokes became longer. At a certain point as he pulled back you wondered if he was still inside you. His cock was so thick so big around that when he pulled back it felt empty, though the head of his curved cock was still inside you.

"I love seeing your pale white ass, baby. So creamy and smooth, with my dark brown cock splitting you open. Those two colors look so good together." You just moaned at his words. All you could focus on was your hole. It no longer hurt, just throbbed from the workout he was giving it. Your moans were low and guttural. "That's it. I knew you'd really enjoy this. You're in heat like a bitch and I knew you needed this cock."

"Ohhhh, god, so full. So big."

You couldn't say much else, it's all you were focused on. That cock that had stretched you open. Noah pulled out and you suddenly felt like you were missing something. He pushed you down on the couch and told you to turn over. You rolled onto your back and now you were looking at him, at his cock. It bounced in front of you. He pulled your legs up onto his shoulders and he moved closer. He aimed that fat cock at your hole and he sank back in, in one long slow push. You moaned again, filled until you couldn't take any more, but that was better. Better to have your pussy stuffed full of this cock.

Now you watched. Watched Noah fuck your pussy. It really looked like one now. He would pull out and your hole gaped, quivered, waiting for that cock to re-enter you. Your hole looked stretched, looked like it had lips like a pussy. You watched his dark cock entering your white ass, seeing what had made him mention it earlier. Watched as his thickness just created a new pussy for him to fuck.

"I knew you wanted it, you needed it, didn't you baby?"

"Yessss, yes Daddy. I needed your cock." Suddenly it seemed perfectly normal calling him Daddy. "Oh, god, it feels so good, Daddy. I, I didn't know if I could take all of your cock. It feels so damn good inside me."

`That's right, baby. Show me what a needy bitch you can be. Show me some appreciation for feeding your pussy tonight."

His words sounded right. He did feed your pussy, fed your heat. He gave you a pussy meant just for his cock. It fit so well in you now. You lifted your head off the sofa to watch as his cock went in and out. You saw him pull all the way out and slam it back inside. You watched as your hole expanded to take hold of his cock and tried to close when he pulled out.

You barely heard your moaning and whimpering as he fucked you. You heard sounds but they hardly seemed to be coming from you. What you focused on was his need, his cock. His thrusts felt like they were slamming into you, his hips bouncing off your ass. It mattered little what sounds you were making because this was about taking care of the heat coming from you, your need, his need.

"I'm cumming, bitch. I'm gonna fill your pussy up. Been a long time since I've been able to breed to bitch like you."

"Yes, Daddy, please breed my pussy! Give it to me."

"Who owns this pussy now, baby? Who does this pussy belong to?"

"You, Daddy. It belongs to you."

"That's right, baby and I'm gonna use it now whenever I want."

He was right. You'd give it up to him again and again. All he needed to do was tell you when and you'd be there for more of his cock. You were a bitch in heat for him. His pounding got harder faster. You felt him trying to cram as much of his cock in you as deep as he could. Your hole was lose, sloppy, worked over. You hoped it would close again after all this was done.

"Awwww, fuck, baby. Fuck Fuck FUCKKKK!!!!"

He roared as he plowed into you. Cramming and stuffing it deep. Despite the battering you swore you could feel his load landing on the walls of your cock tunnel. You definitely felt his cock pulsing inside you, emptying its load. Then he collapsed on top of you. He took your dick in his hand and went back to licking at you ear.

"Give me a load, baby. Shoot it for me."

He continued whispering. About how his cock now belonged inside you, how Your pussy was made especially for his dick now. How you were changed after taking his load. It really didn't matter. All it took was a few strokes of his hand and a few well-placed licks from his tongue on your ear and you shot your load in the space between the two of you. You thought you should leave, but he was laying there, breathing slowing down. He was falling asleep, your pussy still stuffed with cock, still stretched beyond belief. You suddenly felt calm, felt almost euphoric. You'd taken his fat cock, done what he wanted, and received what you had set out to receive today. Everyone had needs during a quarantine.

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