Raven's Last Day

By Erik The Red

Published on Apr 18, 2001



A HISTORY: THE MAKING OF THE MODERN WORLD Chapter 37 The Eugenics Act: Its Precursors and Impact

Certainly the Eugenics Act is the single most important government action within at least the past century. Few of us can imagine the state of the world before its enactment and its many benefits were created. The violence, poverty, and illness, which have been nearly erased within the past three generations, are amazing to consider in the light of the many centuries of effort that had been made to mitigate them. This one simple law and its consequences have accomplished in a few short years what millenia of other efforts have failed to do.

The Eugenics Act as we currently know it was not enacted out of nowhere, however. In order to understand it, it is necessary to look first at its precursors both in legislation and in the greater society as a whole. We will also need to look at the later amendments that extended the original act to its current status. Following that, we will look briefly at the impact of the Eugenics Act on other nations of the world, mostly beneficial, but occasionally baleful in instances where it was misconstrued or intentionally misapplied.


The origins of the Eugenics Act can be seen clearly by the end of the twentieth century. Americans were becoming far more risk averse. In a time of declining crime, there was a great increase in prison construction. The United States soon had more of its population imprisoned than any other country in the world. The death penalty was increasingly imposed and prison terms for violent crime continued to increase in length. Prison terms for nonviolent crime also increased, soon including, in most states, life in prison without possibility of parole for a third nonviolent offense. Despite the fall in the crime rate and the rapidly increasing prison population, there was continued call for the construction of yet more prisons for yet more prisoners.

Finally, during the presidency of George W. Bush, who as governor of Texas had presided over more executions than any other governor in American history, there came to be a national discussion on the causes and prevention of crime. The long-standing debate between those who believed in a genetic cause of criminal behavior and those who sought its causes in the social environment reached an important denouement in the understanding that either long-term imprisonment or execution was a solution for either possible cause of criminal activity, or for any combination of them. Either penalty reduced the reproductive ability of those convicted of a crime. If the cause was genetic, criminals had fewer offspring, especially if they were convicted of a crime at an early age and served prison terms through all or most of their biologically reproductive years. If the causes of crime were environmental, removing criminals from the environment would help to reduce their influence, their social reproduction, on other potential criminals.

The prevention of reproduction, whether biological or social, by criminals came to be seen as a major route to crime reduction. Toward the end of President Bush's first term of office, he proposed and Congress quickly passed the Long-Term Violence Reduction Act to prevent the genetic reproduction of criminals and to greatly lessen their chances of social reproduction by providing a very visible example of the results of criminal behavior.

The Long-Term Violence Reduction Act provided that any criminal sentenced to prison could opt, of his or her own free will, for permanent and irreversible sterilization in lieu of incarceration. Male criminals would have their testicles removed and females their ovaries. Sperm and egg specimens would be maintained in case the individual was later determined to be innocent of the crime for which he or she had been convicted. Since most violent crime was committed by males, the loss of testosterone would also aid in their rehabilitation by calming them down once they were returned to society.

The law was immediately attacked by a small minority as constitutionally "cruel and unusual punishment." The case moved rapidly to the Supreme Court, which had become far more conservative since the appointment of three new justices by President Bush. The court noted that the criminal was not compelled to accept sterilization, but had it as an option to avoid the long prison sentence that was generally accepted as a just punishment. Since there was no compulsion, and the criminal had a clear alternative punishment available which was historically and socially acceptable, sterilization was not cruel and unusual.

While a small number of criminals decided to remain in prison for life, prison hospitals were soon performing frequent castrations and ovarectomies. Within only a few years, the majority of prisons could be closed and taxes dramatically reduced. Only a few criminals who had been released committed any further crimes and needed to be returned to prison.

Within only a few years a great reduction in the crime rate was clearly apparent. Nearly all former criminals who were released became responsible citizens. Without testosterone, few male criminals ever committed another criminal act, and then almost never a violent act. The application of the act to juvenile criminals was especially useful in reducing violent crime, as young males, with overabundant testosterone, were responsible for the majority of violence in society. Sterilizing them before they had any children was also seen to aid in the long-term reduction of all criminal behavior. The lack of reproduction by criminals helped to reduce the poverty rate as well by reducing the number of children of those at the bottom of society, those who would be born into poverty and likely to remain in poverty.


Within only ten years after the passage of the Long-Term Violence Reduction Act, its powerful effect on the crime rate in America was apparent to all. The rate for all criminal activity, both violent and nonviolent, had dropped to its lowest level since statistics began to be kept in the middle of the nineteenth century. The reduction in reproductive frequency of those who had been convicted of criminal activity, resulted in the birth of fewer children into poverty, greatly reducing the poverty rate as well. With the benefits so clear in such a short time, discussion began on ways to extend these benefits more widely in society.

Attention began to be paid to those persons in society who became less fit parents and to ways to reduce their fertility as had been done for those who committed criminal activity. Discussion included both coercive and non-coercive methods and focussed primarily on tax incentives in the early discussion, before deciding that unfit parents paid little in taxes anyway. They were already receiving more in tax subsidies than they were paying into the system. They did not deserve even greater subsidies. The result of this debate was the passage of the Eugenics Act to prevent those who would clearly be unfit parents from having children.

The Eugenics Act, as originally written, required the examination of all children, nation-wide, during their fourteenth year to determine whether or not they were fit to reproduce. The decision was made to permanently sterilize all children, both boys and girls, who were in the bottom 10% in intelligence as determined by their school records; to sterilize all who were carriers of genetic diseases; and to sterilize all who were judged to be mentally or psychologically unstable.

Age fourteen was chosen so that the children would have already become fertile, but not yet have reproduced. The law provided for the freezing and preservation of all testicles and ovaries that were removed. This was partially to guard against any errors in judgement that had been made-a remote possibility. It was also to ensure that should any of these children decide at a later date to pay the full social costs of a child, they would be able to have one. Full social cost was set at the cost of health insurance from birth to age twenty-one and the full cost of education through high school. The fee was to be paid in full before the testicle or ovary would be retrieved from long term storage and the fertilization take place. It was expected that fewer than one in ten thousand would take advantage of this opportunity, but that it was important psychologically to provide it.

Despite the clear benefits that we now, in retrospect, perceive for this law, there was a long and vigorous debate in Congress before it was passed narrowly by both houses. The president expressed some reservations before signing it, but it did finally become law, to take effect on July first of the following year.

The following months were spent establishing surgical clinics throughout the country, accumulating data on all of the children in the neighborhood of each of the clinics, and notifying all parents that their children would be required to visit the clinic on their fourteenth birthday for a full physical examination. During the month of June there was, of course, a great deal of media attention paid to the new law and its potentially beneficial effects. Television and newspaper reporters were at nearly all clinics nationwide on the morning that the first children arrived for their examinations. This was clearly the most important news story in the world for that date.

The standards required about one boy and girl in six to be sterilized, and the news media was filled with interviews of children both before and after their visits to the clinics. Within a few days there were thousands of boys nationwide who had had their testicles removed and thousands of girls who had had their ovaries removed. Despite the initial enthusiasm, negative reactions to the Eugenics Act began to be seen in many communities, especially poor, inner city communities.

The first Anti-Eugenics Riot began in the Mexican barrio of Chicago three days after the first sterilizations. A large mob attacked and destroyed the neighborhood clinic. The televised scenes of the Chicago riot provoked similar riots in several other cities, most notably Los Angeles, where the rioters destroyed seven neighborhood clinics on the following day. The National Guard was immediately called and thousands of rioters were arrested. The riots that began so spontaneously ended abruptly within hours, however, after the Attorney General announced that the Long-Term Violence Reduction Act would be applied to all who were arrested. Most rioters were male and there were over 10,000 judicial castrations and over 500 judicial ovarectomies during the next few months.

While there were scattered non-violent demonstrations after the riots were suppressed, there was no major protest other than a small armed uprising by the Aryan Brotherhood, a militia group in northern Idaho. This uprising required nearly a month to put down with the ultimate arrest by the National Guard of all residents of the militia compound. All militia members over the age of eight were tried and convicted under the Long-Term Violence Reduction Act. This was the last time that the Act has needed to be applied to any large group, though it was still applied on very rare occasions for several years after this event.

As the Eugenics Act began to be refined in actual practice, clinics began to evaluate school records of standardized tests, school grades and intelligence tests to determine the bottom 10% in mental ability. School psychologists provided information on basic mental health of all children. Family health histories and a physical examination on the date of the fourteenth birthday were used to determine physical health and the status of any genetic defects. Nationwide about 15% of all boys and girls were being sterilized on their fourteenth birthdays, though the rate varied somewhat from neighborhood to neighborhood.


Only three years after the application of the original Eugenics Act, the first amendment was passed. The date of the physical examination and determination of genetic status was changed to the eighth birthday. This allowed ample time for reconsideration of all decisions. Parents and teachers were able to present any additional information to clinics that might change the determination. The first amendment, because it moved the actual sterilization operation to six years after the determination, required some permanent means of indicating which children were in each group. The act provided for small tattoos to be placed in an inconspicuous location on each child on his or her eighth birthday. Boys were to receive a honeybee (drone) tattoo if they were scheduled for sterilization and a bull tattoo if they were not. Girls were to receive a tattoo of ivy (a rarely flowering plant) if they were to be sterilized and a rose if they were not. While the bull and drone tattoos are still in use, the ivy and rose tattoos can be seen today only on elderly women.

This first amendment greatly reduced any anxiety that physicians and school officials had about possibly making any mistakes in their determinations. The six years between the determination and the actual sterilization operation was reassuring to everyone involved. What little opposition there had been to the original Eugenics Act now seemed to disappear.

The genetic improvement of the American population was clearly underway. It was generally acknowledged that the rates for both crime and poverty would fall further yet. Genetic disease, and all of its associated social and economic expense, would decline dramatically. The state of public health would improve. It was expected that the improved intelligence of the population over the next two or three generations would allow for even more rapid economic and social advance.


Based on the success of the Eugenics Act and its first amendment, there began to be a movement to further improve the population by increasing the percentage of the population who fell under its provisions. The second amendment extended the act to include the bottom 25% in intelligence and the bottom 15% in physical health. This brought the number of children to be sterilized to slightly less than one third of the population.

The second amendment also provided tax incentives for fit parents to have more children. While a stable, or even slightly falling, population was desired, sterilizing one third of the population would still require fit parents to have an average of slightly more than three children.

An unforeseen consequence of the Eugenics Act was found only a few years after passage of this second amendment. An increasing number of fertile women preferred to marry drones, rather than unsterilized men. While these women were happy to produce children through artificial insemination by fertile men, they felt that drones made kinder, gentler husbands. They felt that they made both better husbands and better fathers than did fertile men, even though they were acknowledged to be less intelligent and less healthy than were breeders.

Women and drones soon became a powerful lobby posing questions which led to the third amendment to the Eugenics Act.


Within only a few years after the passage of the second amendment to the Eugenics Act, it came to be generally realized by the American populace that even humans require only a few male breeders in order to reproduce. For nearly 10,000 years, humans in most areas of the world have been consistently working to improve the genetic strain of many different animal species, making them both stronger and healthier. In the case of nearly all of these species, it became the practice as early as four or five thousand BC to castrate all but the finest male specimens and to use only those remaining few as breeders. With the invention of modern artificial insemination in the twentieth century, it became necessary to preserve even fewer intact males to use as breeding stock. As a result of choosing only the very finest breeding males and being able to send their frozen sperm worldwide, vast improvements in the genetic stock of most domestic animals became possible. For the best results, only about one or two percent of males were used for breeding purposes and the rest were rendered sterile, though they still remained useful.

In the case of dogs and cats, which were the animals best known to most people, those which had been sterilized seemed to lead both happier and healthier lives than those which were kept fertile for breeding purposes. Castrated male cats lived longer and healthier lives than unaltered toms. Castrated dogs were clearly happier and gentler around humans than those that retained their testicles. Retention of testicles was clearly not important for either health or happiness, and might actually lead to a lower quality of life.

The improvement in both the genetics of other animal species and the increased health and happiness of those individuals which had been neutered to remove them from the breeding pool was apparent to all who considered it. Only humans had not been subject to such careful, intelligent genetic improvement. The Eugenics Act and its first two amendments had clearly been steps in the right direction, but more could and should be done if the human race were to be improved as much as had been done with sheep and cattle. There seemed to be general agreement that human genetics should receive at least as much consideration as that of pigs and dogs. The third amendment to the Eugenics Act was passed to ensure the intelligent reproduction of humans and the increase in health, happiness and intelligence of all Americans.

It was decided that only the minimal number of genetically superior males would be used for reproduction, but that to maintain genetic diversity nearly all females would remain fertile. This was necessary because females can produce only a limited number of healthy babies during their lifetime while males can produce an almost unlimited amount of healthy sperm. Through use of artificial insemination, only those females judged worthy of reproduction would reproduce, and the sperm could be selected for ideal offspring in each case. In order to foster genetic diversity, no female would be allowed to have more than one child sired by any single male.

Since the sterilization of females is much more complex than that of males, the existing clinics would actually require fewer resources to sterilize ninety-five percent or more of all males than they had required to sterilize only about one in three of the total population turning fourteen years old.

During the transition to the new system, while all boys from eight to fourteen were being reexamined for suitability for genetic reproduction, all boys were required to report to their neighborhood clinic on their fourteenth birthdays. School records and existing health reports were used to select ninety percent of these boys for immediate sterilization. Of course all boys who had been selected to become drones at their eighth birthday examination were castrated, but so were a majority of those boys who had thought that they were to become breeders.

In order to speed the transition to the new and improved system, large tax incentives were also made available for all males over the age of fourteen who agreed to be sterilized. As an additional incentive, first the government bureaucracy and later large companies made it clear that males who retained their testicles would not be hired, and if already hired, would not be promoted. Over the next five years, nearly eighty-five percent of adult males visited their neighborhood clinics during extended evening and weekend hours so that they might be sterilized. It had become clear during the years since the original passage of the Eugenics Act that drones were much more productive than breeders. They had fewer distractions and worked much harder and more efficiently at whatever task was set before them. They were also happier and had fewer illnesses than breeders and companies had found them to be superior employees.

With nearly all reproduction now produced through artificial insemination, it was possible to select the optimum parents for each child. While it was decided that no two children should share the same set of parents, women were permitted from zero to five children depending on their genetic qualities. The sperm from breeders was frozen for wide distribution so that no two children sired by the same male would be born in any one community. Each breeder was expected to sire from two or three to over one hundred children depending on his genetic qualities. As other developed countries enacted legislation similar to the Eugenics Act, frozen sperm began to be shipped internationally as well and the offspring of any one breeder might be found in several different countries. For example, high quality Swedish and Italian sperm is now widely used in America and American sperm is used in France and Poland.

The intelligent selection of optimal parents for any child has meant the gradual disappearance of racial and ethnic distinctions within the developed world, not just America. The scourge of racism has disappeared in all modern countries and people today have a difficult time understanding how distracting and destructive it was in the past.

We have found that drones make much more caring and nurturing fathers than do breeders and that few women today are willing to marry a breeder, even after he has served his commitment as a sperm provider. Nearly all drones become fathers providing a loving and stable home for their children (produced by their wives and anonymous sires). They also provide an effective role model for their sons, most of whom will also become drones on their fourteenth birthdays.

Within only fifty years since the passage of the original Eugenics Act, America has seen the near elimination of genetic disease, a large increase in the general intelligence of the population, and an elimination of the scourge of poverty. Americans are truly happier and healthier than ever before in their history. The Eugenics Act has been the most important political decision in the history of our country.

While even after fifty years of enforcement of the Eugenics Act most boys initially seem reluctant to become drones on their fourteenth birthdays, nearly all of them quickly realize the advantages soon after the fact. It is mostly those boys who are selected to become breeders who are unhappy about their fate by the time of their twenty-first birthday.


Within only a few years of the initial adoption of the Eugenics Act in the United States, similar measures began to be adopted in other developed countries. The clear genetic advantages of such legislation made adoption imperative if other countries were not to all too far behind America in health, economics, and intellectual capabilities. While there was strong opposition within several countries, similar legislation was adopted in the entire developed world and nearly all developing countries within only twenty years.

The resulting reduction in crime and improvement in quality of life was quickly apparent wherever eugenic legislation was adopted. In the fifty years since the first Eugenics Act was adopted in America, there has never been an armed conflict between any two countries with such legislation. The world is looking forward to universal peace and prosperity as the few remaining countries see the advantages that will accrue to them through such laws.

While the effect of eugenic legislation has been similar in most countries, there have been some interesting differences both in original application and in the consequences of the various laws. Some of these differences are instructive as we consider how the Eugenics Act has impacted American society during the past fifty years.

Germany was the first European country to consider adopting a eugenics law. Because of the German experience under Hitler, there were violent street protests against the law in Berlin and other cities as it was under discussion. Several prominent historians pointed out that, while similar in title and actual wording to the eugenics laws passed under the Nazi regime, the intent and the potential impact would be far different. Germany was now a democratic country and the law would be uniformly and fairly applied. After lengthy debate and the inclusion of safeguards against aribitrary enforcement, a eugenics law was finally passed. The new German law was closely modeled on the American legislation after its first amendment, but with a ten year expiration date to allow for thorough reconsideration once its impact became known. The clear success of the law in Germany resulted in passage of permanent legislation even before the original law expired. The current German legislation is essentially identical to the American law.

The very large Turkish immigrant community in Germany was especially wary of the legislation, fearing that it would be unfairly applied to them as the earlier Nazi legislation had been applied to minority ethnic groups within Germany. Within days after the law was passed, nearly three-quarters of all ethnic Turks in the country moved back to Turkey. While there were minor economic problems in Germany for a couple of years after these mostly manual laborers left, the German economy was able to cope much more easily than was the Turkish economy which had a sudden influx of thousands of recent emigrants and children and grandchildren of emigrants who had left for the west a generation or more earlier.

The immediate reaction in Turkey was the passage of its own eugenics legislation. While largely patterned after the original Eugenics Act in the United States, it added a provision that all immigrants to Turkey within the past five years were to be automatically sterilized. This included the entire group which had returned from Germany.

The Italian eugenics law, which was passed only two years after the German law and modeled closely after it, was soon amended to allow parents to choose immediate sterilization as soon as a son was determined to be a drone on his eighth birthday. There has been a consequent flowering of Italian music with a return to the stage of castrati. Italian popular music has swept the world and the opera is again dominated by Italian voices. The most popular singers in the world are mostly Italian. While no other country has as many boys being castrated before puberty as Italy, several other countries, notably India, and the Philippines have increasing numbers of parents making similar choices.

With only a very few exceptions, adoption of the principles of the Eugenics Act has had positive consequences around the world. Today, only a handful of countries are yet to enact similar legislation. Most have acted responsibly in looking to improve their populations. Only a very few have misapplied the principles for political gain.


The most brutal misapplication of the basic principles behind the Eugenics Act took place in Africa. In both Burundi and Rwanda, two small countries in East Africa, a deliberate misinterpretation of the Eugenics Act did lead ultimately, however, to the end of each country's centuries long civil war.

In Burundi the Hutu tribe gained military dominance, though by no means full control, of the country. On orders from the military command, the army went on a month long rampage killing or castrating every male they could find, including infants and small children, of the now subordinate Tutsi tribe. Only after the fact, did the military commanders declare that their intention was eugenic and that the Tutsis would now cease to exist within a single generation, leaving behind a peaceful country which would be entirely Hutu. All future children born of a Tutsi mother would have a Hutu father and be treated and cared for as a member of the dominant Hutu tribe. For the most part, this has happened. There were only scattered rebellions of Tutsi and half-Tutsi over the next thirty years that were easily put down by the Hutu troops. In each case, all male rebels and any sons that they might have were immediately castrated. About half the male population is still selected for sterilization at puberty, but the decisions seem to be made on health and intelligence grounds, rather than by ethnicity. The country is extremely fertile and had been badly overpopulated. The civil war, killings, castrations, and subsequent population reduction allowed for the economy to grow dramatically on a per capita basis and Burundi is now wealthier than any of the surrounding countries.

The case in Rwanda was similar in effect, but quite different in application. The long civil war between the Hutu and Tutsi tribes had gradually been brought to a somewhat peaceful status through large-scale use of outside forces. Both the United Nations and the adjoining countries of Uganda and the Congo, whose rulers are closely related to the Tutsi, sent troops to put down a Hutu rebellion and to restore Tutsi control of a country in which they were a slight majority. An act, which on paper, looks very similar to the original version of the Eugenics Act in this country, was passed with the approval of this outside support. Application, however, fell entirely on the subordinate Hutu population and only a very few, mostly politically dissident, Tutsi were ever sterilized. Within only a few years the vast majority of the adult male Hutu had been castrated and most young sons of Hutu or part-Hutu mothers (almost entirely now with Tutsi fathers) still continue to be castrated at about the time that they reach puberty.

Rwanda does maintain the fiction of a neutral and dispassionate examination of all children at the time of the traditional coming of age ceremony, however the decision to sterilize falls almost entirely on part-Hutu boys. A few Tutsi boys are sterilized, as are a very few girls from both tribes. Each year a very few part-Hutu boys are allowed to keep their testicles and become breeders. These boys, as well as those few Tutsi boys who are castrated, are featured prominently in the Rwandan news media as evidence of the neutrality of the decision-making process. Few outsiders believe that the process is non-racist, however.

The Chinese example is another misapplication of the principles of the Eugenics Act. At the time of the passage of the Eugenics Act in America, China was embroiled in yet another interregnum. The fall of the Communist Party had led to a power vacuum. The county had splintered into a series of warring states, each contending to dominate the entire country. The new small states on the periphery, with majorities of non-Chinese peoples, such as the Tibetans, Mongols, and Uighurs, declared their independence and sought political and trade ties with the outside world.

Once the political unit centered on Guangdong Province in southeastern China achieved dominance over the other Chinese states during fifteen years of civil war, they began immediately to re-take the border areas that had slipped from Chinese control. The new Chinese government looked at the American Eugenics Act as if it were a modern version of the ancient Chinese method of expansion of governmental control. One which had first been used during the great push south over three thousand years ago and which had continued to be used effectively until less than three hundred years ago.

In that early Chinese expansion, which lead to their domination of East Asia and the clear subordination of the few remaining other peoples within their territory, they had used highly effective methods to gain both cultural and genetic control. In the early Chinese state, there was both polygamy with wealthy men having multiple wives and primogeniture where the eldest son inherited the entire family property. This left all younger sons of the several wives to find their own fortunes through either warfare or scholarship. A few sons, of course, studied hard to become scholars and government bureaucrats. But, most joined the army to seek their fortune. They knew that their only hope for the future lay in the success of their military campaigns against the non-Chinese peoples on their borders.

It was Chinese policy to settle successful soldiers in the territory that they had added to the country. Any successful military operation was concluded with the execution of all adult males and elderly women and the castration of all small boys of the defeated group. The castrated boys were mostly sent as eunuchs to guard the harems of the central part of the country or to be trained for the palace bureaucracy. The young women of the tribe were then married to the successful soldiers and their children were raised as Chinese. In this way the relatively small number of militarily superior Chinese quickly engulfed most of East Asia.

Chinese histories are filled with documentation of this practice and its success may be clearly seen in the vast Chinese linguistic and cultural area. The most frequently cited case in Chinese history is the well-documented conquest of one of the Hmong tribes in what is now southern China during the reign of Emperor Ying Ts'ung in the mid-Ming Dynasty. Detailed historical records from the period show that all males past puberty and all old women of the tribe were killed and that 1,565 young Hmong boys were castrated and sent to serve in the imperial palace in Beijing. Some of the younger boys who had been castrated at five or six years of age eventually became well educated and influential in palace administration. The soldiers took the young women as wives and settled to farm the new territory, which has remained Chinese to this day. The policy was used successfully against several other Hmong tribes in the region, causing most of the remaining Hmong to flee south toward modern Laos. Most of the descendants of these survivors of Chinese expansion migrated to America in the late twentieth century, where their sons are now mostly castrated on their fourteenth birthdays, rather than as small boys.

The expansion policy was highly effective and many prominent Chinese officials over a period of nearly two thousand years were eunuchs from the periphery of the country who had been castrated when their tribe or area had been conquered. Cheng Ho, the most famous admiral in Chinese history, for example, was the son of a prominent Moslem scholar who was castrated at the age of eight along with hundreds of other boys when the part of modern Yunnan Province where he was born was captured by Chinese troops.

As the newly reunified Chinese state gradually retook those border regions which had declared independence, it declared all adult males as suspect and either executed them as traitors or castrated them as violent criminals. The Chinese version of the eugenics act was imposed on the newly reconquered territories and nearly all boys who were of non-Chinese ethnicity were also castrated as soon as they came under Chinese control. In addition, the Chinese version of the Eugenics Act was also applied within the territories occupied by the ethnically Chinese people though primarily as a means of population reduction. Children of political dissidents do seem to be selected for sterilization at a very high rate, however. The population of China, both as a result of the long civil war and the eugenics act is rapidly approaching the optimum number set by the government and the minority populations of China have by now nearly disappeared.

Fortunately, few countries misapplied the lessons of the Eugenics Act in such ways as these three examples. In most of the world, versions of the Act have served both to improve the overall quality of the population and to limit population numbers to that sustainable by the environment. The American Eugenics Act has spread worldwide to the greater benefit of mankind.

Raven's Last Day-1

Raven looked really cute in his soccer uniform. His soccer team, "The Stormtroopers" had just won the championship game. Raven himself had scored the winning goal just seconds before the end of the game and was having a mental high as his teammates chanted his name and carried him around on their shoulders. They finally put Raven down so that the team full of twelve and thirteen year old boys could take possession of their huge trophy. Later on each boy would get a smaller one with his name on it to take home.

Afterwards, the coaches and parents treated the team to a huge pizza party full of typical kid fun of pigging out on pizza, sodas, and video games. But, soon it was time for Raven to go home. Even though it was only mid afternoon, he had to leave early and could not stay for all the fun. Tomorrow was his fourteenth birthday.

Raven said good-bye to all his friends, who were sad for him since they all knew what was going to happen to him in the morning, though some only learned it for certain today. Since he was the strongest player on the team and one of the best students in his class, they thought that he would be one of the few of their number who was spared the fate of most fourteen year old boys.

The boys all wished him well, as they all also all knew that most of them would be having the same experience once they reached their own fourteenth birthdays. Boys don't really talk about it much, but Raven thought that David, one of the twelve year olds, and Terry, his best friend, were the only boys on the team who were not waiting for their fourteenth birthdays with trepidation, and he wasn't that sure about David. Of all the older boys who had been on the team when he first joined it two years ago, only two had been spared. Terry and some of the other boys even hugged him to say goodbye.

Raven's mother even kissed him in front of all the team members. She and Dad were going to stay to help with the party and would leave him home alone for his "Last Night." She said there was food in the refrigerator for his favorite dinner and that there were plenty of snacks in the kitchen. She told him that he would have the entire house to himself for the night. She even embarrassed Raven in front of all his friends by telling him what he should do to make the most of his Last Night. She told Raven that she and Dad and the other kids would come home about six or seven in the morning to fix breakfast and help him get ready for the next day's events.

Raven slowly and sadly walked home and went straight to his room. Once in his bedroom he started to strip off, for the last time, his boys' soccer uniform. He undid his soccer shoes and then pulled down and off his black knee socks. Next came his black Umbro shorts with the white strip down each side, and then his black with white lettering and numbers, soccer jersey. Never again would he be number 37 on a boys' soccer team such as "The Stormtroopers". Raven turned to look at himself in the full length mirror he had on his bedroom door.

All he was wearing now was his jockstrap. A quick thought flashed in his mind that this would be the last time he would have to wear the jock and its protective cup. Raven took hold of the waistband of the jock and pulled it down and off of his sweaty body. He dropped it in the wastebasket and stood back up and looked at himself once again.

His black hair was short and still a little damp from his sweat, his ice blue eyes looking back at him were almost hypnotic in nature. His small and pert upturned nose had a few fading freckles on it. As he looked at his full red lips, he could just catch a glimpse of the braces on his teeth. He looked down to his chest. His nipples were about the size of nickels and because of the cool air in his room from the air conditioning, they were hard as rocks. Raven did not have an ounce of fat on his strong body. He had always loved sports and played hard, so his body was always very trim.

Raven used his hands to rub his stomach and worked his way up to his hard little tits. He took hold of his nipples and started to rub and pinch them as he looked at the rest of his body. Raven looked at his boy cock. He had a very nice two inch soft, uncircumcised dick. His dick looked small though, as it rested on a large set of balls that would be big for a man, let alone for a boy of not quite fourteen. His scrotum was still hairless but he had a few wispy black hairs above his penis.

As Raven looked at his strong and hairless legs in the mirror, his penis started to respond to his tit treatment. His nice, little two inches soon grew into a very nice four and a half inches. He had a small foreskin, so when his dick was fully engorged with blood, its head was fully exposed to the world, and the feeling of the cool air on his moist glans sent a shiver up his spine.

Ravens eyes traveled back up and locked onto his hard cock which was now pointing nearly straight up. Raven lowered his right hand and rubed his small patch of pubic hair. He felt the moisture in the hair as his hand rubbed through the hair on its way down. Raven took hold of his hard dick with his right thumb and two fingers and started to slowly stroke his cock.

Raven let go of his left nipple and while still slowing jacking his hard cock, he lowered himself on the soft carpet of his floor. Raven leaned back on his bed and spread his legs so far apart, that he was almost doing the splits. He then cupped his large balls and started to rub and pull on them. A small moan escaped his lips as Raven felt an orgasm start to build. Raven grabbed his prick with his whole fist and started to pump his dick a bit faster. He let go of his balls and started to rub his exposed anus with his left index finger. Raven brought his finger up to his mouth and got it all wet and lowered it down to his butt. He slowly started to push his finger up and into his love tunnel. Another moan left his mouth as he started to thrust his finger in and out of his love chute while continuing to pump his stiff cock.

Raven is starting to really feel the orgasm build up. His face is fully flushed and his chest is raising and falling with his rapid breathing. Raven shoves a second finger up his butt and he picks up the speed of his jacking. Raven's thigh muscles tighten up, and he starts to gasp for air. Raven closes his eyes as tears start to drip from his eyes from the feeling he is giving himself. He feels his balls become super tight next to his body and he knows it's not long before he gets his reward. Raven's right hand is only a blur of motion on his now red dick and his whole body is shaking. Raven pulls his fingers out of his butt and he grabs a handful of carpet to support himself. His exhaled breathes are coming out now in a ragged grunting sound and he has arched his back. Finally Raven lets out a earth shattering scream as his back fully arches and his abused teen dick starts to fire off his cum. The first big glob of spoo shoots out of Ravens piss hole and hits Raven right on his forehead. The second glob hits Raven on his lips and Ravens tong licks it into his mouth without Raven even thinking about it. The next five spurts land all over Raven's chest and tight six pack, and the last three dribbles form a small cum lake in his inny belly button. Ravens dick gives one finally twitch and a small bead of white teen seed oozes out. The bead hangs off of his cock head and lands in his pubic hair. Raven calms down a bit and his body relaxes in the after glow of his jack off session. Raven strokes his cock and milks out a bit more sperm which dribbles into his pubic hair. He then lets go of his dick and rubs his cum into his chest and tummy. With a big shit eating grin on his lips, Raven falls asleep.


Raven woke up about a hour later, his cum mostly dry now. He got up and opened his bedroom door. He walked naked down the hall to the bathroom and on the way stopped to get a clean towel from the hall closet. Once in the bathroom he started up the hot water in the shower. Once the water was perfect he climbed in and he let the hot water glide over his slender body and relax him.

He then took the bar of soap and starting at his boy feet he worked his way up his body. He washed his legs, and admired the light dusting of hairs that were starting to grow on his lower legs. He worked his way up and washed his now relaxed and low hanging balls. He made sure to pull back his foreskin when he cleaned his dick. This caused his dick to get hard once again, and he thought about jacking off once again, but decided to save it up for another long wank later on. Raven soaped up his hands and arms and did under his armpits. He noted that he was still hairless in his pits. Raven then finally washed his chest and stomach. Only when his body was clean did he shampoo his hair. After he fully rinsed his hair and body clean did he feel the need to stay in the hot water for just a bit longer, so he grabbed the soap again and this time started at his neck and worked his way down to his feet. Once he was rinsed off did he shut off the water and climbed out of the shower. He took up the big terry cloth towel and dried himself from head to toe. He took his hair brush and brushed out his short black hair and used just a small spritz of hairspray to give his hair the perfect part in the middle.

Since Raven knew his parents and his brothers and sisters would still be out until tomorrow morning, as the full custom of a boy's "Last Night" required, Raven dropped the towel into the hamper and walked fully naked downstairs into the kitchen.

Like all boys his age he seemed to be always hungry, so he went straight to the refrigerator to look for what his mother had left for him. He quickly made himself a huge steak and cheese sandwich and grabbed the big bag of sour cream and onion chips which had been left on the counter for him and went to watch some TV. Raven watched a couple of quiz shows as he ate his dinner. Just as he was putting his plate in the dishwasher he heard a knock on the front door. This pissed him off since he should of had this night all to himself. His parents had even left a big sign from the clinic on the front door telling everyone that this was his "Last Night." Raven grabbed a small dish towel to cover himself and went to answer the door. When he opened the door he was a bit shocked to see his best friend Terry standing there.

Terry was still in his soccer uniform and probably just returning home from the pizza party. Before Raven could ask what he wanted, Terry pushed his way in and closed the front door. Raven was a bit embarrassed since all he had was a small towel covering his most private parts. Terry told Raven he was sorry that he was pushing his way into his last day, but he wanted to share the last night experience with his best friend. He had told his parents in the morning before he left for soccer that, since tomorrow was a school holiday, he was going to spend the evening with Raven. He didn't have any homework to do for tomorrow. They certainly didn't know it was Raven's "Last Night" or they wouldn't have let him come, even for a short visit.

Terry said it was just not fair that he had been selected to be a breeder and stay a whole man and that Raven had been selected to be a drone. Terry said he wanted to give Raven something very special for his final day.

Terry then quickly stripped himself naked. Terry was a very good looking boy also. Terry has sandy blonde hair cut in a very short flat top. Raven always joked with his friend that if his head was a bit bigger, someone could land one of those remote controlled helicopters on it. Terry always laughed at the stupid joke, which always made Raven feel good. Terry also had blue eyes but they were a soft and light blue in color. Terry also has braces. Terry's body is still completely hairless. He does not even have any pubic hair yet, but he has good size boy balls that are about average for a thirteen and a half year old. They can already pump out a large amount of boy cum. Unlike Raven, Terry was circumcised at birth and has a nice three inch penis, just a bit bigger than Raven's already and destined to grow much larger than Raven's over the next year or so.

Raven saw the small tattooed bull that Terry had on his upper thigh right were his leg connected to his torso. The tattoo that indicated that he was to remain whole and serve as a breeder. He glanced down at the honeybee which he had tattooed in the same location and envied his friend. He remembered how proud he was of his bee tattoo when he first got it on his eighth birthday and how proudly he had shown it to friends and relatives for a year or so before he realized what it meant for his future.

Terry has a nice six pack starting to form from all his swimming and he has nice legs from his soccer playing. Terry reached forward and pulls the towel away from his friends dick. Raven's cock had gotten hard from looking at his friend's nude body. Terry's dick raises up to its full five and a quarter inches as he soaks in the sight of his naked friend. Both boys are nervous and they drink in each others bodies.

The teen boy hormones becomes so thick that it seems like testosterone should be dripping off the walls.

Raven is the first to break the spell. He reaches forward and takes hold of Terry's hand and pull him close to him. They can feel each others body heat. Raven leans forward and the boys kiss. The boys soon open there mouths for each other, and there tongs start to dance together. Raven pulls Terry closer as they kiss and now there bodies are rubbing together as they hug and kiss. There bodies move in a slow rhythm, dancing to a music that only they can here. Raven breaks the kiss and while still holding hands, he leads Terry up the stairs to his bedroom. Terry tells Raven that today is his special day and has him lie down on his back. Terry then starts to kiss and lick Ravens body. He starts to kiss Ravens forehead and then works his way down to his eyes. He give each of Ravens closed eyes a light kiss which makes Raven give out a little giggle. Raven can't help himself and giggled again as Terry first kisses the tip of his nose and then sucks on it for a second. He stops giggling as he feels Terry's lip meet his once again, and the boys kiss again. The kiss does not last long as Terry then moves down to his neck. Terry kisses and nibbles Ravens neck until he reaches his ear. He then nibbles Ravens ear and then kisses and nibbles his way over to Ravens other ear and again nibbles that ear. Terry then works his way down to Ravens hard nubs and lightly chews on first his left and then right nipple. Raven was in heaven. Raven thought he could die right then and be happy. Terry then kissed and tongued his way down Ravens torso until he reached Ravens belly button. He used his tongue to probe the special little place. He then headed south once again. When he had his nose in Ravens small bush he took a sharp intake of air and smelled Raven's sex. He used his tongue to wash the small hairs like a cat cleans itself. He did this until every hair was damp with his spit. Terry had to push Raven's hand away from his dick when he bypass it to make sure his friend did not set himself off. Terry took Raven's man balls into his mouth. He was surprised that his best friend had such big balls. They were so big he could only hold one at a time in his mouth. Terry sucked on one and then the other ball like he was sucking on a jaw breaker. The heat of his mouth had caused the balls to relax fully. Terry let Ravens ball drop out of his mouth. The balls were hanging so low, that he had to use his hand to lift them up and out of the way so he could lick that special spot between a guys balls and his asshole. Raven was in heaven, he arched his back and let out another moan of bliss as his best friend licked the magic spot. Terry started to kiss and lick his way down Ravens right leg. He stopped at Raven's knee. Terry lifted his head up so he could look at Raven's knees. Raven had real sexy knees, he had only a few small boy scars on his knees that just added to there good looks. He the dived back down to his work and started to kiss and lick and nibble on Raven's knees until they were all wet with his spit. He then worked his way up Ravens left leg. Finally Terry took Raven's hard boy cock into his mouth. Raven almost passed out when he felt Terry's hot mouth swallow his hard cock. Terry started to slowly swallow all four and a half inches of tube steak. Terry knew he had all of Raven's love toy in his mouth when he felt his nose once again in Raven's small bush. He then just rested his mouth in place and used his tongue to rub all over Raven's dick. While his hot and moist mouth and tong stimulated Raven's dick, he used his right hand to rub and pull and play with Raven's balls. Terry started to really suck on the hot tool in his mouth. It only took a few sucks and then Raven's legs became all ridged, his breathing sped up and the rest of his body began to shake. Terry felt Raven's penis become even harder in his mouth and knew his friend was about to shoot. He pulled up so just the tip of Ravens cock was in his mouth. He had pulled up just in time because Raven grabbed hold of his head and screamed as he started to fire off his large globs of semen. Ravens big balls pumped what felt like to Terry a gallon of cum into his mouth. He tried to swallow, but the cum was just pumping to fast into his mouth, and he soon had cum dripping out of his mouth. The cum made a long string from his lower lip to ravens scrotum and then ran down and dripped onto Ravens bed. Ravens orgasm finally calmed down, and his body relaxed. Terry let Ravens now soft dick slip from his mouth. He then licked up the cum that had dripped out of his mouth onto Raven's scrotum. When he was done he crawled up to Raven and gave him a big kiss on his lips. Raven returned the kiss to his best friend. Both boys then hugged together for a short time. Raven then started to crawl down to Terry's dick, so he could return the favor his best friend just did for him, but Terry stopped him, stating that this is Ravens last day, and it was him who gets all the pleasures since after today he won't have any more, and Terry will have sexual pleasure for the rest of his life. This statement made Raven both very happy, knowing that his friend loved him so much, but he was also sad to be reminded that he won't have any more sexual pleasure after today. Raven came back up and both boys kissed once again. The boys pulled apart again and Terry sat up fully. He took hold of his very hard and cut, five and a quarter inch dick and started to pump his fist. Raven watched his blond haired friend jerk off. He wanted to help in some way, so he reached over and took hold of his friends balls. Terry's balls were not as big as Ravens. They were a normal size for a thirteen year old boy, but Raven had seen his friend cum before and he knows that he could pump out a good sized load. Raven watched Terry pound away on his dick. Raven pulled and rubbed Terry's balls and soon could no longer do much with them since they had pulled so far up and tight to Terry's body, that he could not grip them. So he just rubbed the scrotum until he heard his friend give a grunt. Terry's hot and sweaty body became all ridged and then his cock started to fire large globs of spunk all over his tummy. After Terry's dick shot out it's load, he collapsed back down onto the pillows and enjoyed his after glow. Raven rested next to his friend and both boys nodded off for a short nap.


When the boys woke up, it was now dark outside. They looked at the clock and saw it was only just after eight PM. Both boys were sticky with dried sweat and cum, so they decided to take a shower together. The two naked boys walked down the hall, and Raven watched his friends tight and firm butt as they walked down the hall, he felt his dick respond and it started to grow to it's full hardness once again. Once both boys were in the shower, they soaped up each others bodies. Once there bodies were all covered in suds, they embraced and kissed. They started to rub there soapy bodies together. There boy tools became super hard and rubbed together. "Fuck me Raven," Terry said to Raven while he turned around. Terry bent over and spread his butt cheeks far apart. Raven used some liquid soap on his index finger to lube up Terry's butt hole. His finger slid in easily and he pumped it to make sure the hole was well lubed. He then used some more liquid soap on his dick to make it extra slippery as well. He then took hold of his dick and aimed the head of his dick right at the entrance to Terry's love chute. Since this was his first time, he did not know what to really do, he just pushed in hard and all the way in one large thrust. Terry bit his lip to keep from yelling out. He did not want to scare his friend. Raven did not know what to really do, so he just let his instinks kick in, and he just let his hips thrust his cock in and out of Terry's silky ass. Raven had never felt anything like this before, his mind was going blank as he saw fireworks going off in a million colors in his vision, as he felt the hot moisture of Terry's ass, grip and rub his dick. Raven thrust his dick faster, in and out of the tight love chute, and Terry stood up. Raven reached around and took hold of Terry's hard penis in his right hand and Terry's balls in his left hand. Raven jacked Terry's dick with the same rhythm that he was thrusting his dick into his hot ass. He used his left hand to pull on Terry's now low hanging balls. Raven picked up speed, and soon the slapping sound of two wet bodies colliding together was drowning out the sound of the boys grunting sounds. Terry reached behind himself and Raven and took hold of Raven's butt cheeks. As Raven thrust his hips forward to push his cock back up and into his ass, he would pull to try and get more of Raven inside him. The feeling of Ravens cock inside him was giving him feelings he had never felt before, and he wanted more of his friend in him. Raven was in love with the feelings his dick was giving him. He leaned forward and started to kiss and nibble Terry's neck, and then Terry turned his head and leaned over a bit and both boys started to kiss. Both boys were starting to get weak in the knees, so Raven stopped his fucking. While keeping his dick deep in his friends bowels, they slowly sank down onto their knees. Raven then laid down fully in the bath tub. Terry lifted himself up just a little bit off of Raven, so Raven could lie down and so he could turn himself around. All this happened slowly so Raven's dong would not pop out of Terry's ass. Terry now took over the task of fucking himself on Ravens tool. Raven rubbed his hands all over Terry's strong upper legs. Terry was fully enjoying the feeling of Ravens hands rubbing his legs as he fucked himself. Terry took hold of his hard penis and started to pump it once again with the rhythm of his fucking himself on his friends hard tool. Raven could feel the muscles in Terry's legs move and tighten with there efforts to raise and lower the sexy boy on his dick. Terry took hold of his balls with his left hand and started to pull and rub them. He started to feel his balls pull up, so he slowed his wanking hand down. He wanted to cum when his friend cummed. Raven slid his hands up his friends legs and the stomach and up to Terry's chest. Raven took hold of Terry's nipples and started to rub and pinch them. Well that was to much for Terry. He sped up his jacking and gave his balls a hard pull, and started to spray cum out of his piss hole. Terry kept on pumping his dick as he sprayed his cum. His cum shot all over Raven's face, chest, and stomach. The hot water from the shower quickly washed the cum off of his face and body and down the drain. The muscles contracting inside Terry's ass drove Raven over the edge and Raven started to fill Terry's guts with his cum. Even though Raven had cum so much already, his over large balls still pumped out so much cum, that sperm started to leak out of Terry's ass, as Ravens dick kept on thrusting in and out of Terry's hot and no longer virgin ass. Soon Raven stopped shooting, and Terry lied down on his friend. Both boys started to kiss, and Ravens dick became soft and popped out of Terry's ass. More cum leaked out of his ass, and was washed away by the hot water from the shower. After a short time, the boys stood back up and washed themselves again with soap to make sure all the cum was off there smooth teen bodies. The boys got out of the shower and dried each other off. They walked naked to the kitchen. The boys made some food and sat down to eat. While eating the boys kept rubbing there legs together and every once in a while would let out a knowing smile and giggle. After they finished eating, they went to the living room and played video games on Ravens Nintendo N5000. Both boys had fun playing games, but soon the boys sitting so close to each other and having there bare knees rubbing agenst each other had both boys rock hard. The boys lost interest in the game they were playing, and dropped the game controls. Raven leaned over and kissed his friends on the lips. Terry returned the kiss with all the love he had for his friend. Raven hugged Terry close to him as they kissed and leaned back on the couch. Both boys just enjoyed there closeness to each other as they kissed and hugged. There hands rubbed and explored each others bodies. After a while the boys stood up and walked hand in hand to Ravens bedroom once again. They lied down on Raven's bed and stated to kiss again. The boys hard dicks rubbed together. This time the boys were not having sex, but instead made love to each other. The boys let there love for each other flow between them as they kissed and there hard cocks rubbed together. Time flowed slowly for the boys and a hour after they started both boys hit the peak of orgasmic bliss at the same time, and there boy toys started to shoot out big globs of cock snot. The white seed spurting out of there dicks and mixed together all over Ravens chest and stomach. Terry rolled off of Raven. He broke the kiss and smiled at his friend. The last thing Raven saw before he fell asleep was his best friend Terry smiling a big braces and toothy smile at him.


Raven woke up with the sun streaming into his window and onto his face. He became sad as he realized that today was his fourteenth birthday. He felt the dry cum on his body. He opened his eyes and looked at his alarm clock. He saw he had a little time left, so he decided to have one last masturbation as a boy. He knew that he would still be able to masturbate after today, but it would never again be the same feeling once he was a drone.

Raven pulled back his duvet and took hold of his morning hard on in his right hand. Raven slowly pumped his hard cock. He lowered his left hand to his balls and started to give them a farewell rub. All to soon, Raven felt his balls become tight in their bag of hairless skin. Raven's legs became so straight and tight, you could see the muscles in his legs. Raven sucked in a huge lung full of air and held his breath. His back arched and lifted his butt up off the bed. His back arched even more and now only his heels and his head were touching the bed. Raven let his breath out in one large gust of air as his dick gave a large twitch in his hand. Raven gave his hard dick one final pull and then let go, so he could use both hands to help balance himself. He just got his hands down onto the mattress as support just in time. Thick White ropes of boy sperm shot out of the piss hole in Raven's dick. The cum was white and thick as it splattered all over Ravens face. The orgasm finally ended and Raven relaxed fully onto his bed. He milked a few more drops of cum out of his dick and then rubbed the cum into his skin. He lifted his fingers to his mouth and tasted his boy cum for the last time.

Just then Raven's alarm went off. Raven got up out of his bed and walked across his room and turned off his alarm. He opened his bedroom door and walked down the hall to the bathroom, only stopping to grab a fresh towel. Once in the bathroom he got into a nice hot shower. Raven washed himself from head to toe two times to make sure he was super clean. He started to feel a bit depressed as he washed his balls. His balls were hanging nice and low from the hot water.

Raven had a quick thought about running away, but he dismissed it as soon as he had it. He knew he would be hunted down and get castrated anyway. And then as punishment for running away, as soon as he was healed, he would be publicly caned. Since it was assumed that all runaway boys were destined to become drones, they were all scrutinized carefully by the police whenever they were spotted. Raven knew that he would be caught very quickly. He knew it wasn't worth the cost to have another few hours or a couple of days with his balls.

Raven finished his shower and dried off. He tossed his towel into the dirty clothes hamper and walked back to his room. He noticed his mother had been in his room while he was in the shower. Clean sheets were on his bed and his bed was nicely made. Sitting on his bed was the package of clothing the clinic had sent him last week with the clothes he must wear today.

He opened the package and inside was a white T-shirt with writing on it. He held up the shirt and on the front was a big colorful honeybee design and the back had writing on it. All the writing said was, "Today is my 14th Birthday" in large blue letters. Raven pulled this up and over his head and then pulled it down. The shirt ended up just above the root of his penis. The next item was a pair of navy blue gym shorts. Raven stepped into them and pulled them up. Raven liked the feeling of wearing the shorts without a jockstrap, though they were very short and his balls just peeked out the bottom. The last item was a pair of regular white, calf length tube socks. He pulled them up all the way until he put on his high tops, and then he pushed to socks down so they were bunched up at the tops of his shoes.

He then looked at himself in his mirror. He admitted to himself that he looked petty cute in his PE type clothes. He was glad he had masturbated before his shower because the sight of his balls was almost enough to give him another erection. He didn't want to be too embarrassed on his walk to the clinic. It was bad enough that everyone would know where he was going because of the T-shirt and that everyone would get a peek at his balls. It would be much worse to have an erection showing for everyone to see.

He then opened his door and went to the kitchen. His parents and his brothers and sisters were super nice to him and even spared him the normal singing of "Happy Birthday." They all gave him his gifts and birthday cards. He gave his dad the checks to deposit into his savings account and held onto the cash for himself. He thanked his parents for the new games for his nintendo and the new rollerblades and new clothes. Since the letter that came with his clothes stated he should not eat in the morning of his castration, all Raven had was a large glass of apple juice.

James, his eight year old brother, didn't seem to understand what all the fuss was about. He had just had his birthday a few weeks ago and was still proud of his new honeybee tattoo. He'd even said how proud he was to have a tattoo just like his big brother Raven's. No one wanted to spoil his excitement by telling him what it meant. He would find out soon enough.

Kevin, the eleven year old who had the bull tattoo of a future breeder, insisted on sitting next to Raven at the table. When he thought that no one other than the two of them would notice, he reached over under the table and gently squeezed Raven`s balls. He then put Raven's hand on his own crotch. Raven could feel his stiff and hard little penis through his pants, though it couldn't have been two inches long stiff. Raven knew that he would have to show Kevin his scar as soon as it healed. Maybe even sooner. Maybe he could exchange a chance to play with Kevin's balls for the look. He wouldn't have his own to play with anymore.

Raven's two sisters, ages sixteen and twelve, sat on the other side of the table and expressed their sympathy with their eyes, rather than through words. They didn't want James to understand what was to happen any sooner than necessary.

While Raven was putting his new clothes and blades away in his room, his friend Terry arrived. Terry had gone home to shower and get dressed for the day. He was dressed in a blue and green striped shirt, Hunter green docker shorts, white calf socks and his high tops. Terry gave Raven a gift certificate to the kid`s fun center good for a free round of miniature golf, and $20.00 worth of video game tokens. Both boys talked a while and then went back into the kitchen.

Raven talked to his parents and said that he was sorry but instead of choosing one of them, he wanted his best friend to be with him when he was castrated to become a drone. Both parents were a bit disappointed, though Dad seemed especially disappointed. He had really wanted to watch his eldest son becoming a drone. He said that he hoped that James would invite him to watch his castration in six years. But his parents knew it was their son's right to choose who was with him for this important event in his life. They had no say in the matter. Plus they also knew that the castration would be recorded onto a DVD disc and Raven would be given a copy to bring home to his parents. Raven's important coming of age could be celebrated later by the entire family, if they wished.

Dad had never talked much about the operation, but he had given Raven a few hints about what was about to happen. He, of course, was a drone and all five of his kids had been sired by anonymous breeders. A couple of times when he had taken Raven and Kevin fishing in the past couple of years, he had insisted that they go skinny-dipping in the lake. Raven realized early on that that was his dad's way of showing his two older sons his castration scar and indicating that it was no big deal to have your balls cut off. A couple of Raven`s older friends from the soccer team had shown off their castration scars on sleep overs as well, though they had both insisted on feeling Raven's balls in exchange for showing him that they didn't have any. Both commented on how much bigger Raven's balls were than theirs had been before they were cut off. George had even let Raven masturbate him to show that it would still be possible after he was castrated.

Raven's mother had been permitted five children because of her excellent stock, though each was with a different sire. She was a wonderful and loving parent, as was his dad. Raven hugged his sisters and brothers, kissed his mother good bye and shook his father`s hand, and then he and Terry left.

Since the clinic was nearby, they decided to walk, rather than to take a bus or to ask Raven's dad to drive them over. The walk to the clinic took only twenty minutes, and during the walk both boys enjoyed the warm weather and the feeling of sun on their bare legs. Most of the people they passed smiled when they saw Raven's shirt and a number of them, both men and women, even stopped to congratulate him on his fourteenth birthday and to wish him well at the clinic. One lady even gave Raven some money and told him to have a big Ice Cream cone later on.

All the boys who were about Raven's age seemed to stop and stare at his crotch as Raven and Terry walked by. They all knew what was about to happen to his balls and some of the boys clutched their own as they saw Raven's peeking out of his shorts. .

When they arrived at the clinic, they stood at the door for a while as other fourteen year olds, mostly with parents, entered. They also watched the younger boys coming in with their parents for their eighth birthday exam. Raven thought back to that day six years ago when his mother brought him to this same clinic for his exam. She had made it a cheerful event and had taken him out for ice cream after the exam and his tattoo session.

He thought back on that eighth birthday exam and wondered if he could have done something different that would have changed his fate. He knew that the doctor had looked over all of his school records and the result of a psychological test before he had given Raven his physical. Maybe if he had studied harder in school he would have had a bull instead of a bee tattoo. Maybe if he had exercised as much when he was seven as he did when he was twelve and thirteen he would have rated a bull. He knew that he had been a chubby little boy. But it was too late now to change his fate. He was destined to be a drone, not a breeder. Only about one boy in twenty was chosen to be a breeder. One of Raven's brothers had been chosen as a breeder, but the other one was also going to become a drone when he turned fourteen.

Terry could tell his best friend was scared and he could see that Raven was on the verge of tears. So he took hold of Raven's hand. Raven looked into Terry's face, and Terry gave him a big smile. Raven did his best to return the smile and then he took in a deep breath of air. He then opened the door and while still holding Terry's hand, they walked in.

The large waiting room was almost filled with boys dressed the same as he was. He noticed that most of the boys had either a mother or father with them, but he was glad to see that he was not the only boy who had chosen someone other than a parent to be with him. Several boys had a girl friend or a boy friend with him. Raven walked up to the window and gave his name and handed over his ID card. When Raven left the clinic his sex on his ID would be changed from Male to Drone. Raven was handed a well used plastic card with a number on it and told to have a seat and wait for his number to be called. He saw his number was number thirty seven. He was both surprised and pleased that it was the same number that he played on the soccer team. He knew it was only chance, but it lifted his spirits. He later learned that it meant he was to be the thirty seventh boy to be castrated that day, in this particular clinic.

After sitting for a while, Raven was starting to get nervous again and his leg started to bounce up and down in that all too human fashion when someone was bored and nervous. Terry put his hand on Raven's bare thigh, and gave it a reassuring squeeze. Raven looked over at his friend and smiled. Terry smiled back and then gave a little hint with his eyes to have Raven look at the boys sitting across from them.

Raven looked and saw what Terry was hinting at. He could see the boys' balls and dicks for all of the fourteen year olds across from them. Without any type of underwear on, when a boy sat down in his very brief gym shorts, the shorts rode up, and let everything hang out. Raven looked back to his friend and gave him a big smile and a wink of his eye.

Being able to check out what the other boys had helped Raven pass the time. He even got up and took a slow walk through the waiting room. He saw that some boys had smaller dicks than he had, but most seemed bigger. He saw that some were uncircumcised like he was, but that most penises that he could see had been circumcised. He noted that none of the boys seemed to have balls as big as his. Though, of course, that wouldn't matter in only an hour or so.

A couple of boys even had erections as they sat waiting their turn to be castrated. He almost got one himself looking at them. Especially when he realized that a couple of boys, including one with a very large and very visible erection, were checking him out too. The boy with the big erection was holding his boy friend's hand. He smiled at Raven and then looked down at his own stiff cock. The boy with him was clearly already fourteen, but he was wearing shorts and no jock. He had pulled his shorts up so that his soft uncircumcised cock and lack of balls was visible to everyone in the waiting room. Raven almost got an erection looking at it and thinking that that was how he would look in only a couple of hours, He had to stare at the wall for a while before he could look at the boys again.

The boy who was sitting directly across from Terry had the very small penis and testicles of a little boy, though it was certainly his fourteenth birthday today. His T-shirt even said so. He also had a very stiff little erection as he was waiting to be castrated. The boy even reached down and started to play with his erection until his mother slapped his hand. Raven thought that he might be happier not knowing what pleasures he was about to lose when his little balls were cut off.

One by one their numbers were called and the boys went in for their operations. Most seemed very reluctant, but put on a brave face as they walked to the door. The boy with the little balls and penis was number seventeen, and he started crying and had to be dragged to the door by his mother when his number was called. The boy with the big erection was number twenty-nine and he smiled again at Raven as he and his boyfriend walked hand-in-hand to the door. He still had a huge erection that held up the bottom of his shorts and let everyone watch his balls as he marched in to have them cut off.

The boys' places were quickly taken by other boys and their parents as each one's number was called so that Terry and Raven had a new set of balls and penises to check out. But all too soon he heard his own number called. He stood up and while holding Terry's hand for support, he walked to the male nurse who stood by the door.

The nurse introduced himself as Samuel and led Raven to a scale just inside the door. There he took Raven's height and weight and wrote them down on the chart he was carrying. He then took Raven and Terry into one of the small rooms down the long corridor. As soon as they were inside, he asked Raven to strip fully naked. Raven removed his clothing and handed it all to Terry, who placed all of Raven's clothes into the large plastic bag the nurse handed him. Once fully naked, the nurse then gave Raven a minor physical. Taking down his temperature, blood pressure, etc.

Once all that was recorded into Raven's chart, Samuel then had Raven go stand in a corner of the room. Just below Raven's feet was a large drain in the floor. The nurse took a small hose out from under the sink and attached it to the water tap. He set the water to warm and then gave Raven several warm water enemas to make sure Raven was fully cleaned out and empty.

Once the enemas were done, he used the hose to rinse off Raven, and while Raven was still wet, the nurse produced some shaving cream and a safety razor. He then carefully shaved off the few pubic hairs Raven had. He even ran the razor all over Ravens scrotum to make sure there were no hairs there. The nurse then rinsed off Raven and handed him a towel to dry off.

Once he was dry the nurse had Raven sit on the exam table and told him that one of the doctors would be with him in a short while. He couldn't tell Raven which doctor would be in, because they each took the next patient in order as they finished their previous castration. The nurse then left with the plastic bag that contained Raven`s clothes. Terry was so glad he was wearing short pants, because the exam room was kept very warm so the boy's scrotum would remain relaxed. Raven and Terry talked about the shaving and enemas he just received.

Terry said that he had gotten very hard while watching Raven get his enemas, and then gotten even harder as he watched Raven get shaved. He thought he was going to cum his shorts without even touching himself. He noticed that Samuel had taken a good look at his crotch, checking out the visible erection that he had. The two boys guessed that Samuel was a drone because he wore his pants far too tight to have any balls under them.

As the boys were talking, the doctor knocked once on the door and walked in. He introduced himself as Dr. Martin Miller. He said that the boys could call him Doctor Marty. He said that all the boys called him that. He asked Terry if he were already a drone and seemed surprised that he was a breeder. He said that he had just castrated one boy who had come in with his friend who was already a drone. The older boy had even thanked Dr. Marty for castrating him only three weeks ago. Dr. Marty said that that was one of the things he enjoyed most about his job-boys recognizing him on the street or in a store, and thanking him for castrating them. Even boys who, at the time, were very reluctant to have their balls cut off realized later that it was much better both for themselves and for society as a whole that way.

Dr. Marty also said that he was proud to be a drone himself, working for the good of society producing more drones and not passing on a genetic disease which had been in his family. He and his wife had two sons by anonymous sires, such as Terry would become. They were both healthier and more intelligent than children that he might have produced as a sire. They were both selected to be drones, and his grandchildren were healthier yet. He hoped that Raven understood the importance of the new role that he was about to assume. Doctor Marty then listened to Raven`s heart and took his blood pressure again, and listened to his lungs to make 100% sure he was fit for his castration. He had Raven stand and he carefully felt his balls and had him cough twice as he checked for hernias.

The doctor wrote all his findings on Raven's chart, and then checked the appropriate box and signed that he had determined Raven fit, and able to safely undergo minor surgery. Doctor Marty then sat down and explained everything that was about to happen to both Raven and Terry.

He started by saying that he had been only twelve years old when the Eugenics Act had been passed nearly fifty years ago. He remembered the anti-eugenics riots that had taken place in a few towns and cities and remembered watching on television the troops marching in to put them down and round up the hundreds of rioters. He said that he still remembered how surprised he was when the riots ended so quickly. He said that they ended almost everywhere the day after the Attorney General announced that the Long-Term Violence Reduction Act would be applied to all those convicted of taking part in the riots. The act, which needs to be only rarely applied now that it has served its function, called for the immediate castration of anyone involved in a violent crime. Dr. Marty reminded the boys that there was a brief mention of the anti-eugenics riots in their history textbooks at school, but most boys probably only remembered that they were followed by over 10,000 judicial castrations of the rioters.

The clear success of the Long-Term Violence Reduction Act in reducing crime by preventing the breeding of criminals had led to the Eugenics Act to improve the quality of the entire population. The Eugenics Act had, in only two generations, greatly improved both the health and intelligence of the population. Within a few more generations, most hereditary diseases should become extinct as well. Raven's castration was necessary for the improvement and greater good of the population as a whole and his small sacrifice would be honored by future generations. As a drone he could, of course, marry and have children who would be both healthier and more intelligent that he would be likely to produce as a sire. The past fifty years had clearly demonstrated that drones made much better fathers than did breeders. They were far more nurturing and caring as parents.

Dr. Marty then told them that when he had been castrated on his fourteenth birthday, they still used knives rather than lasers for the surgery. Everything was much better now than it had been then. Raven should find the whole procedure painless and he should be completely healed in only a day or two.

Doctor Marty then described in detail how the operation would take place. He could see both boys reach protectively towards their balls as he talked about cutting open the scrotum and pulling out the testicles. After he was done, he asked Terry to help him strap Raven down to the exam table with his feet and legs strapped to a couple of stirrups raised at the end. Both boys now knew the straps were for Raven's safety so he would not move during the surgery. When all the straps were in place, Raven could only move his head.

The doctor then gave Raven a shot in his leg. The shot was a muscle relaxant, and very quickly, Raven's whole body felt like Jello. Terry took hold of Raven's hand and held it tight so Raven could feel him and gain support. The doctor lifted the top half of the exam table so Raven could see everything the doctor would be doing. The doctor then pushed a foot peddle and Raven`s legs were pulled way apart. Sensors in the table were able to detect when his legs were far enough apart, and stopped the table from causing Raven to do the splits.

The doctor pulled up his stool and sat down between Raven's legs. Both Terry and Raven watched as the doctor pulled out a drawer just below the table were Raven's butt rested. Only the doctor and Terry could see all the tool and equipment the drawer held, but Raven became a bit nervous as he felt Terry's grip tighten a bit on his hand.

The heat in the room plus the muscle relaxant had done their job well. Raven's scrotum was very loose and low hanging. Both testicles lay on the bottom of Raven's scrotum.

The doctor picked up a syringe and filled it with a clear liquid. Raven gave Terry's hand a hard squeeze and sucked in a lung full of air as he felt the needle pierce his scrotum. The doctor made several shots all over Ravens scrotum, so it would be fully numb. A few minuets later the doctor gave Ravens balls a hard squeeze and asked him if he could feel it. When Raven told him that he did not, he knew the boy was ready. Doctor Marty put down the syringe and picked up the laser scalpel. He turned it on and the small blade of red light came out. While holding Raven's balls in his left hand he proceeded to cut down the center of Raven's scrotum. Raven did not feel any of the cutting, but the sight of the light blade cutting into his flesh, plus the smell of burning flash, made Raven tighten his grip on Terry's hand. Terry could feel the slight increase of Ravens grip, but it was not as much as Raven thought it was since he could not do much with his body swimming in muscle relaxers. Once the first cut was made, both Raven and Terry saw the doctor do some small and careful cuts inside his scrotum.

They all heard the hissing sound as fluid hit the blade of light and evaporated. When the scrotum was cut fully down the middle, the doctor turned off his scalpel and pulled the skin apart, just like he was pulling apart a freshly cracked egg. Ravens bluish white balls dropped out of the scrotum and hung on there cords. The balls rested on the table and Raven thought he felt there wetness against his exposed butt. The doctor moved very fast now. He picked up both testicles in his left hand and proceeded to pull on them. More cord came out of Raven's body, and when the balls were pulled about a foot away from Raven's body, the cords became taught. The doctor then turned his laser scalpel back on and with a fast and hard swipe of the blade severed the testicles life line to Raven's body.

The doctor then stood up and walked to the table next to the sink. He put Raven's balls into a special metal container full of special fluid. This container was then sealed very tightly with a lid and the doctor put a pre-made label on the container with Raven's full name, ID number, and the date of his castration on it.

The container would be sent to a special storage, and when Raven got married, he and his wife could, of course, have children by a sire chosen for compatibility with Raven's wife. If Raven and his wife wanted a child where Raven was both the father and the sire, they would have to pay a very large reproduction fee, plus the large child tax. They could then have sperm cells extracted from the balls and injected into one of his wife's eggs to make a baby. Very few drones ever did this, but the possibility was written into law to allow for very rich drones to have one biological child if they wanted. The reproduction fee was set at twice the annual average income for the country and the child tax included the full cost of medical insurance and of all education through high school.

Once the balls were safely sealed away, and the doctor was sure that the medical seal was in place so the balls would be safe in there container, he returned to Raven. What little cord was left from his cut, had been cauterized by the laser blade of his scalpel and retracted far up into Ravens body. Some boys got fake balls put in when they were castrated, but Raven's father had insisted that he didn't have them and could see no reason why Raven needed them. They were also expensive.

The doctor picked up a different tool and turned it on. This time superheated blue laser blade came out of the tool he held. He used this tool to close up the scrotum. Once the skin was fully closed, he turned off the blue blade and put the tool away. He picked up another tool and aimed it at Ravens scrotum. A pink light came out of it as the doctor pushed the button, and Raven and Terry saw the ugly scar on his now empty scrotum heal up fully. After a few passes with the tool, there was no longer a super big and ugly gash. instead there was just a small and slightly pink scar. The doctor turned off his skin regenerator and put it back in the drawer. He then closed the drawer and made sure he heard the click of the lock so no one could steal the tools. As he stood up he gave Raven a pat on his thigh and smiled at him. He told him he had been a very brave and good boy, stating that most boys were crying hysterically or begging him to not do it. The doctor then stepped to the side and pushed another floor peddle, and Ravens legs closed most of the way. The doctor pushed another button and Raven was lying down full again. The doctor then told Terry that he could remove the straps after he gave Raven one more shot to help him sleep for a couple of hours. Doctor Marty gave Raven the shot and Raven feel asleep. Terry removed all the straps from his friend and watched his friend sleep as he thought about what he had just witnessed. He was very sad for his friends, but he was also very honored that he was able to witness something that few people would witness or even talk about, since it is such a private event. As he had these thoughts, his love for his friends raised up another notch, and his feeling for Raven raised above the feelings of friendship, to those of a lover. A few hours later, Raven woke up and was in lot of pain. Terry pushed the call button and the male nurse came in. He was caring a plastic bag and a syringe. He handed the bag to Terry and then gave Raven the shot. The shot killed the pain right away. The nurse looked at Raven's now empty scrotum and said he could go home. He told Terry that Raven was to go straight home and to stay in bed for the next two days. In the plastic bag was a bottle of pills for his pain, Raven's new ID card and the video on DVD disk of Ravens castration, and some new clothes.

Since Raven would not want to wear any type of pants, his new clothes consisted of his shoes and socks, but the shorts and shirt was gone. There was now a longer all Black shirt, that went all the way down to just above Ravens knees. On the front of the shirt was the picture of a large honeybee and written on the back of the shirt in white lettering was, "New Drone."

As part of the custom, Raven and Terry got a free cab ride to Raven's house. The cabs were lined up in front of the clinic waiting for the boys as they came out. The driver first congratulated Raven on his operation and then asked where he lived so that he could drive him home. Raven went straight to bed the minute he got home. Terry and Raven's mother helped him to his room and helped him into bed. Terry took off his shoes and socks as he sat on the edge of his bed and his mother helped him to pull off his shirt. Raven could see that she was trying to see his castration wound and lay back on the bed so that it would be very visible. His mother brought him his favorite meal of a large steak and cheese sandwich and sour cream and onion flavored potato chips, and a coke. After he ate, he went back to sleep and his parents watched the DVD of their son's ordeal.

Raven's parents were so proud that their son was so brave. His father, especially, seemed proud of him and later told him how he had struggled and screamed himself when his turn had come to be castrated and become a drone. He told Raven that he wanted his younger brother to watch the DVD when his time approached so that he would know what to expect and could try to be as brave as his older brother Raven had been.

A couple of days later when Raven was completely healed and feeling better, he got dressed and called Terry. Raven put on his new roller blades and met his friend at the local park. All of their friends seemed to be there but neither Raven or Terry would talk about what happened at the clinic. The older boys knew and several of them came over and wordlessly hugged Raven. Most of the younger boys there would soon learn why when they had their fourteenth birthday.

Raven and Terry went to the fun center to use the Gift check Terry had given him, and Raven was more than happy to share his game tokens with Terry. Both boys had a great time and when they ran out of tokens they skated back to Raven's house to do the other thing teenagers loved to do. Have some food. Raven's mother cooked the boys up Steak nachos and the boys inhaled the food while playing Mortal Kombat 10.

After they finished the food, the boys went to Raven's bedroom. Raven's mother could sense the boys needed some time to themselves, probably to talk about Raven's castration and its aftermath she thought, so she made up some excuse about having to go out for while and would be back in a few hours. The boys closed and locked Raven's bedroom door and they stripped naked. They fell on Raven's bed and embraced each other and kissed. The kiss lasted a long time, and with this kiss, both boys knew that they were now more than friends. They were lovers.


Less than a month later Raven had his last ejaculation. He was now dry though he still had pleasant and gentle orgasms without any cum. About a month after that Raven had his last hard erection. He could still get stiff enough to play with, but it was not a strong teen boy erection like he used to get. Now his penis got about as stiff as a rubber hose. Both boys still made love with each other, but it was more of a mental type of love, with a lot of kissing and rubbing.

As a breeder, Terry got to continue to play with his sex. When he had his monthly checkups at the clinic, he was encouraged to masturbate as often as he wanted. The doctor always asked him how many times a day he had jacked off since his last visit. He always got a lot of praise when he told them that he averaged more than twice a day. On his sixteenth birthday, though, he was fitted for a chastity belt to keep him from spending any more of his sperm outside of an insemination clinic. He went to the clinic two times a week to ejaculate into a test tube. The sperm was tested for quantity and quality by the doctors at the clinic, all of whom seemed to be drones and very interested in seeing and handling the balls of all the boys who came in.

Finally, when he turned eighteen, Terry was approved as a breeder and sperm donor. Less than half the potential breeders were approved. The rest were castrated on their eighteenth birthday. On that visit, boys never knew whether or not they would still have their balls when they left the clinic. Terry was disappointed that he was chosen to keep his balls, though most boys hoped to keep theirs.

Terry still made two trips a week to the insemination clinic, but now it was to provide sperm to sire children with women whom he knew he would never meet. The insemination clinics all shipped the sperm they collected to distant cities where compatible women were chosen to breed the best possible babies. Each accepted breeder was expected to sire 50 to 100 children as he grew older. Terry no longer was happy that he had been chosen to be a breeder. He now envied Raven and wished that he had been chosen to be a drone too. While he still retained his balls, he could only use them to produce sperm with a mechanical ejaculator at the clinic. There was no pleasure involved in being a breeder. It was his duty to ensure the improvement of the gene pool, but it was not a pleasant duty.

When Terry turned twenty one years old, and was considered past his prime, he was no longer a breeder, though he was told that his sperm had sired over 80 healthy children scattered widely throughout the country. He now had the option of being paid to have a vasectomy so that he could be potent, though sterile, or to keep his fertility until he got married and he and his wife had the one permitted child through old-fashioned sexual intercourse. If he opted to have the one permitted child, he would then be castrated immediately after the baby was born.

Instead, Terry took the third option of having himself castrated immediately. He told the clinic doctors that he had had enough use of his balls to last him a lifetime. He said that he would be much happier as a eunuch.

Still to this day, Raven and Terry are very happy lovers. Raven studied biology in college and then was accepted to medical school. He now enjoys his work at a clinic castrating boys on their fourteenth birthdays. He can't imagine a more pleasant job than cutting the balls off of young boys so that they can become drones like himself. Terry also studied biology and received a PhD in the field. He now works in a medical research lab helping to develop new drugs. Together, in their spare time, they are doing research so they can someday combine their cells to make a baby that will belong to the two of them.

The End.

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