Re-revised Benny

By Allen Marks

Published on Jan 16, 1998




By Allen Marks and Daryl Dille

It was a hot summer day, the dust hung in the still air. The short dip I had taken in the river did nothing, but if for only the moment, to cool me off after climbing out of the lake. Stuffy and just as hot as before my swim I considered the long walk home through the bushes. It was alright though. Sometimes, I would stop along the way and relieve myself of built up sexual urges that I often got while swimming! I was only wearing my Speedo bathing suit with white, blue and green stripes and carrying my towel. I started for home.

The first part of the trip was the most difficult consisting of a long climb up the ski hill. It got steeper as you approached the top. I took my time and picked a few wild strawberries that grew on the side of the hill during the summer. The smell of the sun baked fruit was almost over powering. After reaching the top I took the path that lay straight ahead of me through some scrub brush. There were many tall ferns and small bunches of Poplar trees. As I got hotter from the sun's rays, I started to think about getting out of my bathing suit even though it was hardly anything at all.

I had a few favorite spots where I went after work or after sun bathing for my own masturbation games. One of them was close by. Taking a left and two right turns later, my manhood started to swell with the thought of what I was going to do. Speedo's are not much for hiding stiffies so it showed itself clearly through the small film of cloth. I was walking along thinking to myself and contemplating my soon to be fantasies when I almost walked right into a young guy who was coming from the other direction.

He startled me and I jumped back. I didn't recognize him as anyone I knew. He was about my height, probably around sixteen and his head seemed to be a glow of light as the sun's rays filtered through the trees being behind him. I could not make out his face because of the sun's position. He could see me clearly and he stood right in the path, not moving. I thought he was waiting for me to move. I said I was sorry and that I had not seen him. I also said I had been thinking of something else and didn't see his approach. He said that was okay and we started to edge past each other on the path. I looked at him after he had gotten by me and the sun was out of my eyes.

He had light brown hair that was short and must have once been a brush cut but was now past the stiff bristly stage. His slim profile testified to a well kept body and when he turned to face me his dark brown eyes held my attention. He was quite hand- some. His camouflage colored shorts and Nike sneakers had contributed to the fact that I had not seen him before. His hands were in his pockets. I asked where he had come from and he gestured with his head while at the same time, his hands made small movements in his pockets that caught my interest. He said his name was Benny and that he was visiting some relatives and would be in town for a short time on vacation.

We just stood there. Immediately, I told him a little about the area around the town and where he could find a place to swim if he was interested and he started off in the direction I had indicated. I was eager to move on to complete my fantasies, but still thinking that it might be interesting to see him again. I continued to the spot in the bushes not far away. I carefully walked into the undergrowth. I did not want to leave a definite path that someone else might find and follow while they were hoping to find a Blue Berry patch. What a sight that would be! I would be surprised and embarrassed, quite literally as they. When I had gotten far enough off the path I spread out my towel and lay down on it.

I lay there for a while just listening to the sounds of the summer insects and soaking up the sun. A fly or two going by stopped to see if there was anything they could eat and then bussed off. The sun felt good but I could not open my eyes because of the brightness. After laying on my back for a time I rolled over on my stomach and looked at some of the crawling bugs that inhabit the floor of the undergrowth. A sharp piece of something was sticking into my thigh and I moved the towel around to see what it was and to remove it. I could feel myself completely hard now. The head of my cock was oozing precum through the material of my suit. I rolled onto my back and slipped the suit down. The brilliant sun felt hot on my revealed tool and it felt good. I removed the bathing suit and lay with my legs spread apart so the sun could brown every inch of me.

As the sun baked my balls to well done, I gently played with myself to savor all the pleasure I could get. This was the way to be natural, I thought, and became more aroused feeling my tool getting harder than before. The little prickly things under the towel only heightened my sensations and I started to rhythmically get down to business. I was lost in a world of my own and enjoying every minute of it. Concentrating on the wonderful pleasures and fantasies in my head prevented me from hearing a thing. All I felt were wonderful sexual sensations and the sun's rays.

I started thinking about Benny and what it would be like if he were here with me. I whispered his name. The fantasy in my head was really working overtime. I could feel his warm tongue licking my balls, the space between them, and my asshole. It was so real that later I thought I must have been sweating so the sweat began to collect and run down where gravity called them. I was working away in earnest now. Then some- thing happened that halted me in mid stroke.

My fantasy had taken a turn that I had not thought of. In my mind Benny had locked his hot lips on the head of my circumcised cock. In reality, something had taken my balls into its grip instead!

I opened my eyes and was immediately blinded by the sun. I thought that an animal was between my legs sniffing and licking. All I could see was a brown furry thing. I jerked back and sat up all in one motion. There was Benny in the flesh, and I mean in the flesh!! He had somehow found me and now I was caught with no escape or excuse and my balls in his mouth!

I started to try to explain by making up a story but didn't get very far. Benny said that it wasn't necessary. He looked at me and I could see he wanted to continue what he had started to do. He said he had forgotten the instructions I had given him and had started back to catch up with me to get them again. He had seen me head off into the bushes and had snuck in to see what I was doing. While laying down in the bushes a short stone's throw away, he had watched me at first. Then he had gotten excited himself seeing my rod shining in the sun and my exposed balls jostling up and down. He had been playing with his own cock when I had whispered his name. He thought I knew that he was there and had taken the whisper as a call to participate in the fun. He had removed his shorts. He was not accustomed to wearing underwear. He now laid his shorts at the end of my towel.

A moment ago, with my legs wide open and my balls dangling then tightening up, he had done the only thing he could think of. I confessed that I had only been fantasizing but that I was glad that it had worked out this way. He said he was happy too. He had not found anyone in the area to share good times with and he had already been here a whole week. With that I reached out my hand and drew him down onto the towel with me. I then explored his lovely body at closer quarters.

His cock had a beautiful heart shaped head and was long and thin. His thatch of public hair was not abundant but enough not to be ashamed of. It was soft to the touch and surrounded the base of his cock. His sack was nearly hairless. When I rubbed them gently they began to contract towards his body and I pulled them back to where they belonged. I couldn't stand it any longer and draped myself over half of his body rubbing my leg between his and against his bundle of delights. He groaned softly and rolled towards me. We embraced and felt each others heart beating while our own sweat stuck our skins together. I moved myself gently breaking the contact with his skin. It felt like two leaves must feel when a thin film of water is all that holds them together and you pull them apart.

I positioned myself with a knee on each side of his head and dropped my head to his waiting spike. My tongue slid down the length of it and I munched a mouth full of soft, sweat sweet flesh at its base. Then I kissed its throbbing head and opened my lips to let it slide down into my waiting hungry throat. I held it there suspended and waited feeling its jerk as it nestled in the back of my throat. Benny was rubbing his hands slowly up my legs, around my buns and then cradling my whole storehouse in his hot palms. It was delightful. I started to suck and tongue his prong. The taste of salty precum seeping from his slit worked up and out by my motion. Benny put his arms around my hips and put his face into my crotch licking the area around my sack until it tried to crawl inside my body.

We rolled over together onto our sides and both started pumping with easy hip actions. Our hands explored territory we could not see but felt by heat and familiarity with our own anatomy. We both felt what would please the other and did it knowing that our signals would bring a quick response. The rhythm escalated and instinctively we slowed down to ease the rising flood that threatened to burst the dam. We did not let each other go but ran our tongues slowly up and down the full length of each other cooling but not quenching the fire inside.

How long we had been joined neither of us could tell but finally as with all good things the end had to come. Both of us shot our pent up loads and swallowed the sweet nectar we had churned. Laying spent, we savored the last drops before allowing the other to be released. When finally we could bring ourselves to move and talk I asked how long he planned to be in the area. He couldn't give me a definite answer. He was not the one who made the plans.

I told him that I was out in the bush almost every sunny day that I didn't have to work and sometimes after work if the weather was fine. He said he should be able to find his way back into the general area where we had met but not back to this exact spot. I told him I used many other places because woods are full of them. I did meet him a few more times during the next week and each time was a time to remember. One day, I saw him no more. I guessed he had gone back to the city. I'm sure he would have said goodbye if he had known he was going to leave. Next summer I don't plan to break my habit and maybe he will return again, who knows.

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