By moc.liamg@sucofraeb

Published on Jul 19, 2020



"Ok you can lay down now," she said after sliding across a clean sheet of film.

I nervously walked over, holding the thin robe around me.

"Lay down on your stomach and hold the handles at the top. There's a screen you'll be able to see through that hole in the platform. I'll step out so you have some privacy," she said closing the door behind her.

"So you won't see me naked?", I asked. I was still pretty shy about my body. I hated getting dressed in the locker room for football practice.

"No," she said. Her voice coming out of speakers in the ceiling.

I looked once more at the platform. It was basically one of those water massage beds you see at the mall that had been modified. I hung the robe up and climbed inside, on my belly and reached up to grasp the two handles above my head. The door slowly came down and I shivered when the upper plastic panel touched my back. The panels weren't that bad they felt more like soft sheets than plastic.

Warm water started flowing under and over me, but I was dry cause of the plastic. After a couple minutes I hardly felt the plastic at all. It felt nice and comfortable.

The viewer came on and I heard the Dr's voice, "Ok we're gonna start now.. just relax and let the images wash over you."

I was a little nervous. I mean when my buddy had told me it was a sex study I never thought I'd do this shit. But it beat the hell out of making burritos at Chipotle, man I hated those fucking customers. The Dr had told me they were building a neural network that could understand sexual response... and that it was ok if I got hard or even came.

"Dude you're gonna blast a load in that machine... it's like the best internet porn ever while you're getting a handjob", Mark said. "I come back wiped out each time."

"You don't think it's gay getting jerked off by the same fucking machine?" I asked.

"Fuck no... ", he said. "They play some great stuff on that screen. Beautiful tits, and pussy for days... Does that sound gay?"

The images were mostly just colors at the beginning.. blending into one another, then faces started appearing... women, men, old, young, mostly smiling... then it started and the water began to swirl softly around my body. I could feel the hair standing up on my arms and legs like someone was touching my body.

Ok, so I wasn't that experienced I only had sex with a couple girls in high school and so far college has been a bust. So even though I was nervous about this, I was really horny and the idea getting off in this machine was pretty hot.

The Dr checked in on me once more asking if I was comfortable. Then soft music replaced her voice as the images started fading in and out. The first was a really nice chick who seemed to be smiling right at me. The images changed randomly most were really good looking women, but occasionally there was a dude too. I kind of chuckled to myself about that... Mark hadn't mentioned it but the Dr told me not to worry it's totally random but will eventually narrow it down to what gets the biggest reaction and since I was hetero it should eventually be all women.

After the first few girls I gotta admit I was hard already... at 19 my cock was on a hair trigger. So it was weird having a guys picture smiling at me the same way that the pics of the girls had. But it didn't last long and then we were back to a really nice girl again.

The swirls and movements of the water somehow seemed to notice that I was hard and concentrate on that part of me. Which got me even more worked up... and honestly I wasn't in that machine more than a few minutes and I shot my load on that plastic sheet thing... I could feel blast after blast of it squirting up under my belly and smeared in my chest hair. I pumped into each blast with my legs like I was fucking a hot chick, grunting each time.

After a few minutes I felt kind of self conscious. Luckily the Dr came back on the speaker. "That was an excellent reaction!" She said. "I got some great data. We'd definitely like you to come back again".

I felt kind of good, I had shot a huge load... and here she was happy and going to pay me for it. How could you beat that huh?

When I got back Mark asked me how it was, and I told him I'd liked it. I tried to downplay it and went to shower. In the shower I rubbed out another load... It was really pretty hot, the whole scene. Physically it felt really good, but it was kind of hot knowing the Dr was in the other room reading her dials and graphs as he shot a huge milky load up under my belly.

Mark and I agreed not to talk about the details.. The Dr had suggested that to us. She didn't want us to skew the results by comparing notes.

On my next visit I felt more comfortable and even joked a little with the Dr before I got in the machine. The session started like before. Same kinds of images, and once in a while a dude. But I was so into the chicks and I knew the dudes would go away eventually. Again I shot a huge load, but I was really proud of myself for lasting about three times as long. The Dr told me it was actually 13 minutes... the images had started getting a bit more revealing... instead of images of just the girls heads and faces you could see their necks and shoulders.. It was pretty hot... Each time I came the images got larger revealing more of their bodies. We were about to start seeing some boobs. There was still occasional guys. But now it didn't even bother me cuz I was into the groove and really enjoying the girls.

One night after I got home and jerked off, yeah that kind of become a tradition now... I was laying in bed, watching some videos on my phone and it suddenly occurred to me... shouldn't the dudes have gone away by now?

On the next visit I started closing my eyes when a guy would come on the screen... the images were now revealing full on titties and I was really enjoying it... I'd end up with just a glimpse of the guys before I closed my eyes and waited the 4 seconds until it switched to the next image. The images were still pretty random though, I tried to figure out the pattern so I could close my eyes and keep them out completely but it never worked. I always caught at least a glimpse of them. Usually hairy chested... and built. They reminded me of football players like me. I needed to get good at it though... because we'd be getting to the crotch soon... and last thing I wanted was pics of dicks getting in the way of me shooting my load. I cringed a little just thinking about it.

In the next session, I don't know how I missed it... but I was so focused on getting good at closing my eyes the minute a dude showed up on the screen that I didn't realize they were showing more. It was just a random image once in a while when we started. Now I was spending a good portion of a session closing my eyes to block them out.

I released the handles and the door opened up slowly.

"Everything ok?", the Dr said.

I pretended I had a charlie horse in my thigh and rubbed it out a little. Now I felt embarrassed and I didn't want to admit why. Then I had an idea... maybe closing my eyes had made it worse. Maybe the machine was thinking that meant I liked it. I figured I would just try it without closing my eyes for this session and see if that helped. When I was ready again it wasn't long before a dude came up on the screen... at this point you could see dick root... and the top of the pussy. I just decided to relax let the images wash over me like the Dr had said. It really wasn't that bad... and the chicks sure were hot, I tried to concentrate on getting to see them completely, and putting up with the dudes was just gonna have to be part of it. At least until they started going away.

It wasn't long and I blasted a load... this one felt like a big one too... It seemed like I had gotten used to the bed or the images or something and I felt like I blasted more times when I came. I'd even been holding off all week before my session so it would be huge. A guy popped up right about the last blast that came out of my cock and I kind of winced at that... it kind of ruined the finish. Later on at home I didn't jerk off in the shower. The lasting image of that hairy dude kept coming up and I tried to laugh it off.

The dudes didn't go away... and now I was seeing full on dick. They were mostly soft... just hanging there... but I was seeing the whole thing. The pussies too of course, and that was great... I kept going. Mark and I would joke about how calm and relaxed we were all week cause of these sessions. It was like having a regular hot girlfriend but you didn't have to put up with her shit.

I think the eye closing had been part of the problem... cause the dudes reduced a little. It was noticeable... Now the girls in the photos were sometimes touching themselves in the pics, which was pretty hot... I didn't think the images could get that much hotter but it felt pretty great... the swirling water, and all, it felt like you were getting with these girls... now of course... the dudes were getting less and less, but there were still a lot of them... they were touching themselves and all had boners. I figured I would have to wait it out til they stopped since I had caused the results to go off like that.

The images started to have movement.. I mean they always had a little zoom in or out going on like a lot of modern advertising... but now they were moving their arms or hands a little and you could see their fingers sliding up into their pussies... The first time I saw it I came right then... The dudes were still showing up and they were now jerking off, or one or two would reach up and squeeze their own nipples kind of hard.. I was shocked by that, I mean I'm a regular dude I've seen tons of porn but this was worse. They were stroking their cocks now. I couldn't wait until these were over.

The chicks were hotter than ever... Mark was right this was better than internet porn. I shot huge loads in the machine each week watching these hot chicks playing with themselves.

The guys were down to just the really hairy ones now... which was kind of interesting, cause I was kind of a hairy guy, and I was always fascinated by other guys who were walking carpets like me. I was glad they were almost gone.

The girls were hotter than ever and doing more and more things with their hands... always slow and subtle, not like some whore in an internet porn... the girls were getting narrowed down to about 6 that really turned me on and just two guys.. the clips with the girls seemed too short to me though... I wished they would drag them out more... still I shot a huge load in each session... The Dr was always ultra professional and thanked me for doing such a great job. I often wanted to ask her about the eye closing and if she could just skip that part forward to get rid of the dudes but it was kind of stupid and I was having a great time and didn't want to fuck it up or disqualify myself. This machine sex porn was the best sex I'd had so far.

The girls narrowed down to three, and the dudes dropped down to one, the hairiest of them, the bearded one. At least the girl parts got a little longer now that there were only three.

Mark and I didn't talk about our sessions much. It had become just a regular part of our week. The Dr asked us to keep it quiet too since she didn't have any more open slots. But we were both calm, our grades were pretty good and coach was happy with our progress on the field. So it was a win-win for everyone.

"How long did the dudes last on yours Mark?", I asked one day.

"Huh?", he said... as he was folding his laundry.

I felt like he had not really heard me... and it had taken a lot for me to even ask that. The last thing I wanted to was to say it again... so I let it drop.

Now other hands inserted themselves into the images or clips or whatever you'd call them... On the women it was mostly guys hands... drifting in, caressing them touching, their breasts or tracing around their lips... once in a while a woman's hand... But with the dude it was kind of half and half almost from the beginning. That kind of surprised me but I let it go... probably because I resisted the dudes at the beginning. Soon the hands on the guy were more men than woman... I was still enjoying the women, the scenes were getting hotter... we'd dropped down to only two women now... but all the hands were male touching her... and on the dudes too. I was still blasting a huge load and getting better and better at timing it so it happened while the chicks were on the screen and not the gay dude..

It had only been a few months and the loads I was shooting felt great, I was doing better in school and on the field. The damned machine probably thought I was bisexual and nothing I could do about it. I never brought it up again with Mark. He was doing great too. It was probably the calmest I'd ever seen him. We weren't even partying that much.

Then it happened... I was in the machine, the scenes were getting better and better... but I had to put up with more and more gay stuff with the dude... I just "let it wash over me" because I was still getting off with these great orgasms... halfway through the session the girl didn't come back on the screen... I was so used to kind of humping that plastic soft mattress and the feel of the swirling water concentrating on my dick that I didn't want to stop - I knew I could let go of the handles stop the images and get out. But I needed to come... I watched the dude on the screen, two hands reaching around from behind him... playing with his hard cock and balls... while he had his arms crossed above his head. I blasted a huge load that day... I think just out of the pure frustration... I felt like the good run had ended, I knew I'd quit the program... My belly was all sticky with my spunk.. and I laid there a little while kind of rubbing it into the plastic mattress thing... The image of the dude slowly faded on the screen.

The Dr congratulated me on a great session.. and I went home as usual. Mark wasn't home and I went into the shower. I didn't jerk off, It just didn't feel right. Mark got home late and saw I was kind of quiet. I didn't tell him why, but did kind of mention that I think I was done with the study...

He was kind of shocked... insisted that he was still enjoying it and was gonna continue. He even joked that I must really miss making burritos for assholes or something...

I went in to the next session I was gonna tell the Dr I had to quit. She looked so disappointed... She begged me to do at least one more session, that she needed some final data and then I could stop any time I wanted. She'd always been so nice. I agreed to do this one last session..

As the images flooded over me it was all the one hairy bearded dude... being touched and handled and felt up... My cock got hard as I always did in the machine... I didn't waste any time and rubbed it against the soft warm plastic sheeting... I was hoping to get off and out of there as soon as I could... Now the owner of the hands started getting more and more into the scene... he was another hairy dude.. They were gripping each other, holding on to each other.. almost like wrestlers would if they were grappling on the mats... but they were kissing and groping each others cocks too. I tried to concentrate on my hard cock and the feeling of that water swirling against it from underneath.. bringing me closer to shooting my load. The guys on the viewer were gyrating against each other and the hairy bearded guy was feeling up the other's ass... He was fingering it... gently at first... and then harder.... It was pretty intense.. I'd seen clips of gay porn before. It was pretty gross... and funny in a way, me and my teammates would send it to each other sometimes as a joke like a gif on instagram or something.

But this was intense... slow... and deliberate... you could tell the new guy was really getting into it too... and they were building up to some serious assfucking...

Bearded guy was rubbing his hand and fingers up and down new guys crack... then he lowered himself down new guys body, kissing and feeling him up along the way... then turned him around roughly by his hips. New guys cock pointing up... and bearded guy started licking and sucking at the tip of it....

I blasted my load.....

The Dr thanked me and told me.. if I changed my mind i could just show up next week, she wouldn't fill my spot until next semester. She said I was the best subject she'd ever had... but not to tell anyone else that.

I was conflicted all week... I really didn't want to watch any more gay porn... and that's what it had become completely now. But man I would come so hard in that machine, and the last time it was just as strong... my body had become used to it and those water massage currents really knew what they were doing.

I skipped the next session... I had troubled dreams.. in the dream I was trapped in some building somewhere and the bearded guy was following me... not in a menacing way... but I could not get away from him. His dick was hard and pointed up a bit, but not as much as new guys had. In the dream I knew he wanted his dick sucked.. and that if I let him catch me I'd have to... at some point I finally stopped running and turned towards him. My dick was hard.

My body jerked violently as my cock blasted cum all over my belly and the sheets. I didn't get back to sleep and instead went and worked out at the gym.

i stayed away from the lab... and didn't contact the Dr, even though she was totally nice about it. She left me one message repeating her offer to come back any time.

I went home for break and on the drive I stopped at a rest stop to gas up grab a soda. While I was there this bearded guy was waiting across at the other pump. I felt like he was looking at me, like he knew about the images, the wet dream, all of it. I stopped filling the tank halfway, and got back on the road. I'd stop again somewhere else on the way up the 5.

Break was great, and I actually had a good time with my asshole sister and parents. Was looking forward to getting back to school and the study didn't seem like that big a deal any more. Things were gonna be fine...

At practice there was a new guy Jonah that had transferred in to the program, a little bigger than me and much hairier... you could see it poking up over the collar of his jersey, and hell even some through the mesh. I was still fascinated by other hairy guys... girls were so stuck on guys that shave. It felt good to be around other guys like me.

After practice I was leaving the locker room and slapped him on the butt as I passed by him. At the door I turned back for a second...

Jonah glanced up at me... his smile was just like the images in the study. I've never had my cock get so hard so fast in my life...

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