Redheaded Stepchild

By Bill Hudley

Published on Feb 17, 2016



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Written by Bill Hudley

Born to a mother who married for love and well below her family's station in Maryland society, I was never included in any of her family's gatherings. I know who my maternal grandparents are, but I also know that neither my father nor myself were welcome in their home. My mother would get a neighbor lady to keep me when she went to visit her parents. My father was an Over-the-Road truck driver and was away from home for four or more days each week during most of my childhood. My dad's parents both died before he married my Mother, when I was ten years old, my Dad was killed in a highway accident. My Mother went into a deep depression, which took years for her to overcome. My grandparents hired a woman to care for me while my Mother struggled to get back to being herself again.

Her parents took my Mother back into their home but at ten years old, I was a major embarrassment to my grandparents, their solution was to ship their low-bred grandson off to Military School in Virginia. Out of sight and out of mind to them. They could then explain my absence easily and be revered and respected by their acquaintances for providing me with a good education.

I always thought it odd that my maternal Grandparents thought so little of me. After all I am almost a carbon copy of my Mother's father. Red-orange hair, freckles and once grown, the same height and nearly the same weight, I looked enough like him that the few people who had seen us together thought I was his son. However, I can only remember meeting my maternal Grandparents once or twice, the last was just before I was first sent away to VMS at the tender age of ten years.My Mother and Father eloped against her parents wishes. Her parents eventually forgave my Mother but my Dad and I were always `persona non grata' with her parents. My Mom and Dad further irritated my grandparents by naming me Stephen McCaulay Sarratt. McCaulay being my mother's maiden surname.

To my grandparents credit, I did get a excellent education. I sent letters to them twice per year, furnishing them with copies of my grade reports and a note expressing my gratitude for their continued support. I was sure that my Mother was the only one who read the grade reports and I know she gave my grandparents the thank you notes. She had made sure that I learned to send the proper handwritten notes expressing my gratitude for any gift or favor they chose to give me.I received a letter from my Mother once every two weeks and twice per year she visited me at school. I never was allowed to come to my grandparents home for Holidays or vacations, The Virginia Military School was my home.

At Holiday time there were six of us in the school that always stayed on campus. I always received a Christmas Card signed in my grandmother's handwriting from them, along with a check for $50. My mother always sent new underwear and clothing which I wasn't allowed to wear on campus, it was virtually useless since I had no way to leave the campus.On my sixteenth birthday, I was introduced to gay sex by an upper class cadet. I wasn't shocked nor disturbed by it at all. I had heard about it for the entire time I had been at VMS. Honestly, I truly liked it, it was my only intimate contact with another person since my Dad died. Even now, there are often times that I crave the touch of another person. I was fit and healthy physically but emotionally starving. I gladly participated in gay sex at every opportunity that arose. Feeling anothers touch was like a gift from heaven.

The word got around that I was a good a good sex partner. I eagerly participated in anything my partner wished to do. My favorite activity is still lying together naked, bodies pressed together and kissing. That is such a tremendously intimate act, I crave that closeness with another person. While I remained noncommittal when we were together sexually, in truth, I was madly in love with each guy that I've been sexually intimate with.

I was worried as I started my senior year, knowing that it would be my last at VMS. I imagined that at 18, I would be set out on my own and would have to find work and make my own way. I've never known how it was accomplished or what my Mother did to make it happen, but I was accepted and enrolled at Radford University, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. When I received the acceptance letter, it was the first I had heard of my going to college. I assumed it was a combination of my very good grades at VMS and my Grandfather's good name plus his checkbook that secured my enrollment.

The Parker McCaulay family of Gibson Island, Maryland (my grandparents) are what is called an `Old Line Maryland Family,' very well established and respected statewide. By arrangements that I never knew of, I went straight from graduating at VMS to the Campus at Radford, there was a period of approximately three weeks that I had free. No Classes and nothing much to do. The town is small, with the population nearing 16,500, not counting the University students. I've heard some compare Radford University to Stanford University in California, mostly because of the young and readily accessible professors, and there is a palpable air of nonconformity about the entire campus.

My own surname of Surratt is notable only for a distant ancestor who was the first woman executed in the United States. She helped to harbor John Wilkes Booth after he shot Abraham Lincoln. Thankfully, only the most devout historians of our country's early days know of my father's family connection to that part of the past. Now that I am older I'm certain that my grandfather knew and that was a big part of his not wanting anything to do with me or my Dad.

I am a good student and my Military School background made college life an easy adjustment. Being a gay man, I was careful to associate myself with only what society would consider the best fraternal organizations. I wanted to join the LGBT organization on campus but knew that it could come back to haunt me after graduation, when prospective employers did their background checks as I applied for jobs. I didn't forego my gay sexual activity, I just made sure to keep it confidential and stayed determinedly in the closet all through college. My future depended upon it.

At Radford I was rushed by Phi Kappa Sigma and pledged in December of my first year. Being a Phi Kap is a lifelong association, I was honored and humbled to be selected to join the Brotherhood at Radford. Radford has excellent Professors and I was truly surprised that they were all so accessible to their students. Many of the discussions groups during breaks at the Student Union building included one or more of the professors. Most of them were only a few years our senior and I know I learned as much in these groups as I did from my structured classes, life at Radford was a refreshing change from the rigid military style of VMS.

I thrived in the academic atmosphere at Radford, my grades were great and I made the Dean's list every semester for four years. I made another list too, but this one is ultra discreet, several of my fraternity brothers often sought me out for sexual escapades. I wasn't a slut about it, and I didn't just pull them into my room and have sex. However, once we were in bed, my enthusiasm for the act kept all of them coming back for more. I must add here that at no time were my partners there for one way sex, they all reciprocated my favors and a couple of them introduced me to the joys of anal sex with me as the top. Later that first year I learned to enjoy anal sex in the passive role. (I find that term amusing as my enthusiasm for the bottom role was and still is anything but passive.)

Needless to say, I loved college life, My brain was constantly stimulated and my libido sated at least twice weekly, often more. I ended my undergraduate career and immediately applied for Graduate School. As an undergrad, I had majored in Business Management and Finance, I added German and French languages to the Spanish I had learned at VMS. I knew that with my this type of degree there would be a wide range of specialties to pick and choose from, plus there could be opportunities to travel abroad which I wanted to do very much. .I graduated from Radford University Summa Cum Laude with a 3.97 GPA. My Mother came to my graduation and we had two days together that were very awkward. With semi annual visits for the past twelve years we were virtual strangers. If it were not for the red hair and fair complexion I'm certain my mother would have a hard time picking me out of a crowd of fellow students.

The old saying that time goes by quickly when you're having fun' was so very true in my case. All too soon I was graduated, I had $6,353.32 in my bank account, plus an amazing amount of money in my stock brokerage account. I invested the money fI had earned from tutoring to odd jobs of yard work, cleaning, etc. in my plentiful spare time at both VMS and Radford. During the last two years in my undergraduate studies, I started making small investments in stocks and bonds which accounts for the bulk of the money I have accumulated. At Radford, I spent more money in my first year there than I did the entire four years at VMI. I knew that I would now be on my own, responsible for earning my own living, I passed out resumes right and left to the headhunters that swarmed over the campus the last few months before graduation. My mother departed soon after the Graduation Ceremony was completed, I had introduced her to a few of my professors and a couple of friends then she left for her hotel with a splitting headache.' The next day she phoned to say that she was returning home.I knew that it would be necessary, however, to get at least a Master of Finance Degree to be a viable candidate in any chosen field. I knew I would have to apply for grants and scholarship money to afford a Masters Degree. My grades were the ticket to me securing a funded scholarship. I stayed at Radford and managed to get my Doctorate in six years.I heard from classmates that a Headhunter was on campus and looking to meet with me. I made myself visible,standing near the speaker's podium most of the afternoon. More than an hour after I was told someone was looking for me a harried gentleman in his late twenties approached and asked if I knew the whereabouts of Steven Sarratt. I don't know why I did it but I told the man yes, Steven Sarratt was over by the podium talking with a gentleman in a dark suit.The man thanked me and took about 3 steps away then turned and slowly walked back to me. With a look of exasperation he said.

"Mr. Sarratt I presume."

I laughed and then apologized, telling him that I had been monumentally bored with the entire graduation process, and I asked his forgiveness for my bit of fun at his expense.

"What Sir, may I do for you?" I asked.

He gave me his name and told me he represents a Wall Street Brokerage Firm and that his company would like me to come to New York (at their expense) to interview for a position with their firm. He stated that his firm hires only the best available graduates available and my Summa Cum Laude honors put me near the top of his list. He gave me a packet of information about the company and I told him that I would certainly consider his company.

Over the following week I received eighteen invitations for an interview with companies in Europe as well as at home here in the States. The European offers were tempting but I finally accepted a Job with the oldest brokerage firm in the States. I started as a Sales Assistant to a Financial planner, in only three months time I was promoted to be a Financial Planner/Broker(I had expert coaching and my decisions were all reviewed at first.) My career path seems to be set.Word spreads from client to client when their Financial Planner/Broker hits a mother lode for his client, in just under a year's time my client list grew to sixty active accounts, a total unheard of for a first year Planner/Broker at my firm. Seeing my quick success and growing client list, the firm assigned a Sales Assistant to facilitate quicker responses to client inquiries. I had been on my job about fifteen months when an invitation only, Planning Meeting of the Board of Directors took place. Of course the hottest stocks and commodities were showcased, mainly for the high volume fees that they would produce for the firm.

I was chosen to give the first speech of the meeting, detailing the company's progress over the past fiscal year. The CEO introduced me and listed my credentials as well as my rise from Assistant to Planner/Broker in a mere ninety days. When the CEO called my name I walked from the back of the room to the head of the table where our guests were gathered.When I stood at the head of the table, an elderly gentleman came halfway out of his seat. I saw a look of shock on his face. The elderly gentleman with fading red hair and a stoop to his once tall frame was none other than Parker A. McCaulay, my maternal grandfather. Someone next to him got him settled down, but he stared directly at me for the entire time I was giving the presentation.

I later learned that after my departure from the meeting, my grandfather, whom I had only seen three times including today, made an announcement that their employee Stephen McCaulay Sarratt, is his grandson. Oohs and ahs went around the table. Several attendees noted the striking similarities in their appearance. About an hour after I had made my speech,there was a knock on my door . Without looking up from my work, I said `"come in."

In a moment I stood and turned to my guest, I stood face to face with the man who had never wanted to see me, who in fact, has paid handsomely to keep me away at boarding schools since I was 10 years old. We just stood there for an embarrassingly long silence. He spoke first.

"May I sit down?"

"Certainly, please excuse me, I was at a loss for words when I turned and saw you standing here in my office. Please have a seat; might I get you something to drink, Sir"

"Your Mother told me that you looked a good bit like me, and favor me in your mannerisms and temperament, but I never expected you to be so much like me in physical appearance. It was quite a shock when you walked to the head of that table, at first your name didn't register. I certainly wasn't expecting to see you at that meeting, but as soon as I looked at you, the hair, just like mine, your physical build, just like mine, and finally your father's unfortunate surname. I knew it had to be you.

Since your days at VMS, you've made a habit of exceeding any expectations I've ever held for you. I never considered that you could have inherited so many characteristics from the McCaulay genes. The red hair in our family goes back hundreds of years. You have an inner drive, something that makes you need to excel in whatever you do. Your Grandmother says you're determined to prove that I was wrong about you and your father.

I've kept up with how you performed at VMS and at Radford. Your Mother has always shown me your grades and accolades, and now I feel badly about some of the choices I've made concerning you Stephen. I've come to realize that my actions have been more of a punishment to myself, rather than denying you your birthright. You've done very well on your own without using family connections to further your future. What you've accomplished, has be done in the Sarratt name entirely without any influence by your McCaulay family connection. I think I might have that drink now if you don't mind."

"Certainly Sir, what's your pleasure?"

"Scotch, neat."

"All I have Sir is Johnnie Walker Blue Label."He chuckled, "That will do splendidly, I've heard about it but have never had the pleasure. At $230.00 a bottle, it remains quite elusive."

"Well Sir, I must confess, that although it is always here, only a select few get the privilege of drinking it."

He lifted the glass to his nose and breathed deeply, looked at the glass then slowly, he raised the glass to his lips. As he swallowed that first taste, I saw him smile for the first time, setting his glass on the side table he looked to me and said.

"That is a special drink Lad, and appropriate for this special day. I've come here to apologize to you for my bad behavior concerning you and your father."

"My father was a good and honest man, Sir. He taught me right from wrong and to always seek out the good in the people we meet. I have always hoped that I could make you proud of my accomplishments, Sir. Without knowing it, you've pushed me to excel in my school work as well as my modest sporting activities. It is my fondest wish that one day I will hear you call me your grandson."

He seemed to be shocked, then opened his mouth but no sound came from him. He lowered his head and looked at his shoes.

Remembering, I went back to my desk, opened the center drawer and pulled out a check. I handed the check to him.

"Here Sir, I want you to have this. I've done well in investing since I was at VMS, over the years I've learned a great deal about money and how to make fistfuls of it. This check, payable to you, is a full reimbursement of the money you've paid out to VMS and Radford University for my education, plus the interest it could have made if I were investing it for you. There are no words to convey just how much I sincerely appreciate what you have done for me. Please accept this check as reimbursement of the money you spent on my behalf."

I gave him my personal check in the amount of $323,000.

I saw his eyes open wide as he read the amount on the check. He turned to look at me.

"How could you have possibly made this much money so soon out of college?"

"Well Sir, I was making stock investments in my second year in college, at graduation my portfolio was nearing $200,000. Starting at VMS I did odd jobs, earning money tutoring, yard work for townspeople. I would do just about any and everything that I could to make money, legally that is. I knew from the start that repaying you for my education would be the first goal I set after college."

"I am stunned Stephen. Stunned and shamed, I judged you and your father without ever getting to know either of you. You've shown me how terribly wrong I've been. You Mother and Grandmother are here in the city with me, they're out shopping this afternoon. I would very much like it if you would have dinner with us this evening. I know that it is a lot to ask of you considering the fool that I've been over the years. It is high time that I work on rebuilding familial relations."

"Before you commit to rebuilding our relationship there is something I must tell you Sir, and I do fear that you will not like it. However if we are to become a whole family, I must tell you that I am Gay, a homosexual. I will assure you that I have always been discrete and in college, I restricted my liaisons to my fraternity brothers, knowing that I could rely on their silence where sexual activities were concerned. If you can accept that about me then I will be overjoyed to have dinner with my family, you, my Mother and my Grandmother."

"I'm neither shocked nor surprised Stephen. I know well the pitfalls of male only Prep schools, I myself had a similar education as well as a similar agreement with my own likewise inclined Fraternity brothers. It is a part of the road to becoming a man for some of us." My Grandfather said, staring directly into my eyes. I was truly shocked. My grandfather is telling me that he had homosexual encounters himself during his own time at Prep School!

Grandfather drained his glass, let out a sigh and stood up. I rose from my chair beside him. He offered his hand and I took it, his handshake was remarkably firm for a man of 80 plus years. As he turned to leave he said.

"Dinner will be at 8:00 PM in our private dining room at the Four Seasons. Your Grandmother will be impossible to live with if you do not come, as for my part, I only wish to spend some time with my Grandson."

"Then eight o'clock it is...Grandfather."

He turned to look at me, then smiled and said.

"I'm quite proud of you in my own way, Stephen. I've never been one for sentiment and now, as an old man, I realize that I have missed out on so many things that were so much more important than making money. Take it from me Stephen, there's more to this life than making money. Late in life, I've come to understand that there is nothing wrong with making money as long as you balance your life with the same effort at love and affection, as you do making money."

When the door was closed and Grandfather was gone, I fell into my chair, smiling as tears streaked down my cheeks. I looked over to where he had been sitting and saw that the check I had given him was sitting atop his drink glass. That day changed my life. I have a family! Our dinner at the Four Seasons turned out to be wonderful reunion. I wished that my father had lived to be here with us that night. We had lingered over dessert and coffee for two hours after our dinner was finished and it was time to go. I hugged my mother (for the first time in my memory) as well as my Grandmother. Grandfather and I shook hands and he clasped his left hand on top of our two joined hands. He was absolutely beaming.

"Stephen, we'll be returning to Maryland in a couple of days. Please come for a long weekend as soon as you can. We've a lot to catch up on and not a lot of time to do it."

"Yes Sir, I'll let you know when I can come."

We stood in the lobby waiting for Grandfathers driver to bring the car around. Once again I kissed Grandmother and my Mother, and shook hands with Grandfather again. He was almost giddy, finding out that I'm not the low bred Sarratt offspring he had believed me to be was a revelation to him. He was intent on making the most of the time we have left with each other.

After they drove away, I retrieved my car and headed home to my high rise apartment a couple of miles away. As I was slowing for a stoplight, the door of a parked car opened just as I pulled up, with a loud crash, my right front fender hit the opening door and the car door was flattened against the car's front fender. I pulled over to the curb in front of the damaged car. When I got out of my car, wallet in hand and for a brief moment I was certain that I knew the man getting out of the damaged vehicle. Before I could think of where we may have met I heard him exclaim.

"STEPHEN! My god! Is it possible? Stephen Sarratt! Who could ever think we would meet again like this. Our days at VMI seem so long ago."

Immediately after his reference to VMS I recognized him, J. Stanton Bridgeford, a year ahead of me and the person who introduced me to sex on my sixteenth birthday at VMI. Now grown from a cute, attractive and popular VMS Cadet into a very handsome man. With the restrictions placed on us, there was little time or opportunity to have sex at VMI, however, with careful planning, a rendezvous after lights out can be arranged. Stanton and I managed to get together several times before his graduation.

A passing police cruiser saw the damaged car, turned on his Blue Lights and and pulled over to help us. The flashing brilliant blue lights snapped me out of my reverie of remembering Stanton and I at VMI. The officer took statements from both of us and after writing his report and calling for a tow truck to carry Stanton's car away, the Officer offered to take Stanton home. I spoke up and told the officer that we knew each other from our days at VMI and I would see that Mr. Bridgeford was taken care of.

I saw Stanton's eyebrow raise and a silly smirk of a smile crossed his face when I told the police officer Mr. Bridgeford would be taken care of. After the officer was gone, I turned to Stanton.

"Do you need a ride to your destination or would you accept my hospitality and share my bed for the remainder of the evening. We've never managed to get together in an actual bed before."

I saw desire in his eyes as we looked at each other. Stanton spoke quickly.

"Yes! Your bed! What a phenomenal coincidence that we should meet again this way. I think about you more often Stephen than I should say. I've never forgotten those last two semesters mostly when I'm naked and in my bed. I remember how we seemed to devour each other when we managed to get together at VMI. Yes, I think you and me, together in your bed is exactly what I need tonight."

Stanton was raving about the view of the city from my apartment window that overlooks Boston Harbor I asked his drink preference and like me, he preferred Gin on the rocks with a twist. We sat and talked a while, catching up on our lives since VMS. Stanton told me that he had just moved to the city, mainly because he and his partner had split up a few months ago, and it seemed that each time he was ready to meet someone new, his ex would reappear, sometimes trying to get him to try getting back together again, then the next time they met, his ex would be with a young man half his age. In the end, he decided that he should move.

I told him about my life in college and that I had almost taken a job in London, but decided to stay in the States, mostly for the business contacts I've made in college and working. I did ask Stan about his relationship, since I've been curious myself and these past few months I find myself wanting someone to share things with, outside of the bedroom; for the first time on my life I've felt loneliness, a need to be with someone.

On a business trip to the west coast, I met a passionate young man who introduced me to kissing during sex. I know that this may sound a bit odd, but I found kissing another man to be among the most emotional and erotic feeling I have ever encountered, an act of passion on a level I never knew existed. When Stan went to the lavatory I picked up our glasses and moved them to the bedroom. When he came out of the bathroom I pulled him into an embrace and we shared a long and satisfying hug, then a more passionate kiss than I had ever imagined possible, his kiss lit a desire down deep inside me. At VMS and at Radford, I had a very active sex life, considering there was precious little time to be alone, but never in all that time did any sex partner try to kiss me.

"Stephen, I'm sure you've no idea but you are devastatingly handsome in your tuxedo. I'd wager that you left a group of women and a few men as well, wishing that you had stayed with them."'It was a family dinner but that's a story for another time Stanton, there is nothing on my mind but you at this moment. I've missed my friend."

I reached up and pulled at the end of his bow tie and watched as it morphed from an elegant tie to an odd shaped scrap of black silk. Emotions and feelings during sex are quite new to me. At VMI, sex was rushed and frantic, with the quickest ejaculation possible the goal. At college it was the thrill of the act, we rushed to our orgasms as if the world was ending in three minutes. I've learned the joys of making love since leaving college and this past year I've begun to experience new emotional sensations, which are foreign and confusing. I've lived my life with very limited physical contact to date.

The stiff formality of my Mother's family, matriculating through a Military environment for eight of the most formative years of my young life all combined to make feelings and emotions a completely new experience that I wasn't sure how to respond to. Tonight I've already experienced new emotions in meeting up with you, Stanton. I'm beginning to become anxious, there are many things I want to experience sexually and providence has provided me a perfect partner for the evening. I am elated to have this opportunity to be with you again this way.

I quickly moved us to my bedroom and began unbuttoning his shirt. Stanton seems to be just as excited as me, fumbling with buttons and kissing at the same time. I pushed his shirt off his shoulders and pulled his wife beater tee over his head. Stan's chest was perfect. Well defined pectorals, with hard, erect nipples that I rolled between finger and thumb, sending jolts of lust to his crotch, lots and lots of hair on each pec and a thick treasure trail plunging down his abdomen, leading to the object of my desire. I opened his belt and pushed his slacks and shorts to his ankles in one quick motion. I went to my knees and stared at his cock. It was no longer the boy's cock I remembered. Grown to manhood and beautifully shaped with it's thick blue vein snaking along the top of his velvet skinned cock, his uncut cock has a foreskin too short to completely cover his glans, plus it is long enough and thick enough to be remembered fondly long after the sex act is over.

Stan's beautiful cock is manicured, his testicles, perineum and shaft all shaved smooth and hairless, with only a small, well trimmed patch of pubic hair nestled just above his throbbing, pulsing cock. I raised up on my knees and looked up into Stanton's eyes then sucked both of his testicles into my mouth. A deep, loud moan came from deep down inside of him. When I let his smooth hairless testicles slip from my lips I immediately looked to his eyes and slowly sucked his considerable cock deep into my throat. I am blessed to not have any gag reflex and I took all of him into my throat and ground my nose in his pubic bush

I took all eight plus inches of thick cock deep into my mouth and throat, making swallowing motions that milked his cock. Stanton whimpered and gently place his hands on each side of my head, holding me gently as I made a feast of his glorious cock. When Stanton began to move his hips, I placed my arms around them and let him fuck my throat. He called out that he was going to cum and I drew him closer, and held onto him more tightly, I want his semen, I want to taste him again.

He groaned loudly and I began another suction motion milliseconds before his semen filled my mouth. Eagerly, greedily, I swallowed every drop of his semen. His cock began to soften while still in my mouth I made a cooing sound in my throat as I milked every drop of his semen from his spent cock.

Stan fell across the bed reaching for me.

"Come up here with me are magnificent! Give me a few minutes and I'll see what I can come up with for you."I pulled back and stood to rid myself of the wad of clothing wound about my feet and ankles. When I dropped my slacks and undershorts I heard Stan gasp.

"Oh my god, Stephen! It's grown into a monster. It's nearly twice as big as when we were at Prep School. I don't think I can manage to take all that down my throat...but luckily, I do have the perfect place to put it. Please Stephen, please fuck me, we've never done that and even though it's been more than a year since I've let anyone inside me, I want you there, I want to feel you in me, fill me up, I want your big cock, fuck me Stephen, please."

"In due time, Stan, right now I just want to lie here with you a few moments. I've always been alone and until recently I've liked it that way. No ties to bind me to anything nor anyone. However, in the past few months I've begun to yearn forhuman contact. Not entirely in a sexual way either, sometimes I just want to be with another person. I've never cultivated friends, at school you were the closest person I could call a friend and we were seldom around each other except for those nights after lights out. I love the feel of your body against me, the intimacy we're sharing. Meeting up with you again is such a happy coincidence. I've often thought of you and our escapades at VMI. I want us to stay in contact if that is agreeable with you. I have a hard time making friends these days."

"I know those feelings Stephen, it was very similar for me after college, before I met Eric, my partner. In the time that Eric and I were together I learned how to love someone. I missed him terribly at first, but eventually I came to accept the breakup as an opportunity to find `the one,' the man that will love and accept me as I am. I'm confidant that I'll meet him."

I snuggled up against Stanton and hugged him to me. The feel of his body, his scent, all combined to transport me to a state of content like I've never known. We didn't intend to drift off to sleep but it was daylight when I woke. I stretched and yawned and turned over in the bed, it took a few seconds for me to remember and I turned again to where Stan had lain, but he wasn't there. Seconds later I smelled the coffee and knew he was rummaging around in the kitchen. I pulled on my knit boxer underwear and padded into the kitchen, the sight of a naked Stan's backside took my breath away. His body is near perfection with wide shoulders tapering from his torso to his narrow waist and with the cutest bubble butt.. My cock started its rise just looking at his butt. When he turned to me, his smile brightened the room.

"Good morning Stephen, I'm sorry that we both drifted off to sleep before I could satisfy you as you did me. I promise to make it up to you after breakfast if you wish."

"Actually sleeping with someone is the biggest treat for me. I love it when we lie there together, naked bodies entwined. That is when I'm most content and truly satisfied."

Sitting a fresh cup of steaming black coffee in front of me Stan said.

"If my memory serves, strong black coffee is your preferred morning drink."

"You remember how I like my coffee?"

"Stephen, I've lots of memories of you, of us, back when we were so young. You've always stood apart from the crowd. Your ginger colored good looks, your joyful participation in our sexual liaisons, I've always had a sort of crush on you. I even felt jealous when I'd hear someone brag about being with you sexually, it all seems so silly now, but at 18 I was sure that I was in love with you."

Stan's confession caused me to choke on the coffee and I spilled some on my bare legs. Stan quickly doused a hand towel with cool water and rubbed my leg. While he cleaned me up, he was apologizing, saying that he shouldn't have told me that story. When he looked up to my eyes, I quickly pulled him up and into a heartfelt hug.

"I loved you too, back then. To this day I can't think or talk about VMS without remembering you and I sneaking off together.""I know I'm changing the subject Stanford, but why are you here in Boston?"

"I'm here looking for a job. After the split with Eric, I knew I needed a change of scenery. My parents live up at Marble head and they're getting on in years, Dad was 42 when I was born. I really don't have to work, when Dad sold his chain of car dealerships he pretty much set me up for life. But I know I can't just sit around and do nothing, I have to be productive in some manner."

"What would you like to do, what would be your dream job?"

He chuckled a bit. "You'll laugh at me and think I've lost my mind."

"I think I'd like to teach on the college level. My experience in economics should be enough to get me a position at the Junior College or State College Level."

"I think that is quite admirable Stanton, you know, we have more than a few colleges here in Boston. I have contacts with the Board of Directors at Suffolk University if you would like to explore that school or any others. Plus, you can stay here with me while you job hunt is you wish, or even longer. I would surely welcome your company. Think about it if you wish.""Stephen! That sounds wonderful, do you really mean it, about staying here at your place?"

"Yes I do mean what I said. Unless there is some drastic change, I may not let you leave, ever. We'll see how we get along together out of bed. We know we're both good with each other in bed."

"I can't believe this is happening Stephen, you and I living together is a fantasy I've run through my head at night trying to get to sleep."

Just the thought of having him here started my cock plumping up. Stan is still in his birthday suit and with a rapidly rising cock himself. I stood and took his hand. "Come, let's seal this deal before you change your mind."

"We've had sex a good many times together over the years Stephen, but today is a first. We are going to make love now. Yes...there is a huge difference. Come, let's make love."

Once in bed and on his back, Stan opened his arm to me. Lying atop him, his arms holding me tight, I knew...this is what I need, to have someone want me like Stanford does, my heart's desire has always been to have a man who loves me. I can't imagine anyone I care for more than him, Stan Bridgeford is who I want.

Stan guided me in preparation, we substituted baby oil for a lubricant as I worked my fingers inside him. Throughout the preparation we were kissing, gently, lovingly and finally passionately. With his legs spread wide, Stan guided my cock to his anus, stopping a moment to run his fingers through my fiery red/orange pubic hair.

"I love your red pubic hair, it's like there is a fire in your loins. Come Stephen, put your cock in me. I want you there. Fill me, please."

Once my corona had breached his sphincter, I stopped still, the heat in his bowels was a wonderful surprise. Nothing I've ever known has felt like I did as my cock steadily sank into the depths of his rectum. When my cock was balls deep inside him, Stan's eyes flew open and a huge smile broke across his handsome face.

"I have you now! You're mine Stephen, you're mine at last.,"

A low guttural moan came from deep inside Stan as I pulled back, his sphincter clamped down on my cock to keep me inside him. Again, a bit faster this time, my cock slides its length inside him. Again he groans, again I pull back to the sphincter, falling into a rhythm, I began to fuck him faster. Like it came from nowhere, we were suddenly locked in the throes of passion. When I slammed into him as far as my cock could reach, his eyes rolled back. The look on his face told it all. We're very good at this.

I fucked Stan faster and faster, he began to cry out, our bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat, Stan pushing his pelvis up to meet my thrusts. We were like wild animals, each trying to get deeper, fucking harder. I don't remember it happening, but suddenly I was on my back and Stan was riding my cock sitting astride my hips. His motions became a blur as his hips and anus fucked the cock inside him. I never waned this to end. Please, just let this go on and on, I began to understand what Stan had meant when he said we would be making love. I reached up with a hand behind his neck and pulled him down for a kiss and battle of our tongues as his riding my cock intensified.

Stanton cried out. "'s coming, we're coming, Fuck me Baby, STEPHEN! NOW!

I had reached my limit. My body tensed, my legs pointing straight out behind Stan, him frantically stroking his cock when suddenly, with the first pulse of his cock his semen hits my forehead. There were three strong spurts of semen that all hit my face, others I'm sure hit the sheets and there was a considerable pool of his cum in and on my abs I felt my semen flood his rectum as his seared my stomach. Stan fell limp across my body, for the moment, I could move my arms, I felt nearly paralyzed from our orgasm. We slept, I haven't a clue as to how long we napped, I just remember opening my eyes and seeing the smile on Stanton's face. He spoke.

"And that my friend, was making love." Stanton said.

I leaned over and kissed him.

"I'll never be satisfied again with anything less. I'll always want to do that with you."

After a coffee and Cinnamon Toast breakfast, we showered together, one of those long, sensuous, showers, exploring each others body getting as close as possible to each other rather than showering to get clean. We enjoyed it until our fingers and hands started looking like prunes. We took our time, drying each other, between hugs or kisses and finally we dressed and walked from my apartment building down to the harbor. We spent an hour or so watching the birds, ships and people and decided that we would book onto a dinner cruise for this evening.

As we sat at the Christopher Columbus Waterfront Park watching the birds, then ships and the people I realized that getting our being together last night and this morning is the longest time I have spent being intimate with anyone. It's been about fourteen hours now since Stanton came home with me. I can't remember a happier fourteen hours than those just past. I kept sneaking looks at Stanton as he watched the water, In profile view he is even more handsome than I remember. As if he had read my thoughts he turned to me and smiled.

"You too! You're more handsome than I can ever remember. You realize I hope that I'm caught up in your spell. I'm in love with you all over again Stephen."

"That's the best news I've had in years Stanton, I'm more in love with you than I could ever have believed possible. I want us to be together. You are exactly what I need, someone to share my love and my life with."

The End

Bill Hudley

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