Lee's BingHole Training Part1<M/M>

By if.tenep.nona@043763na

Published on Aug 31, 1995



From agate!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Thu Aug 31 09:44:35 1995 Message-ID: 075346Z31081995@anon.penet.fi Path: agate!spool.mu.edu!howland.reston.ans.net!EU.net!news.eunet.fi!anon.penet.fi Newsgroups: alt.sex.stories,alt.sex.stories.gay X-Anonymously-To: alt.sex.stories,alt.sex.stories.gay Organization: Anonymous forwarding service Reply-To: an367340@anon.penet.fi Lines: 480

I screwed up the last post, I can't blame anyone but myself. So, I try again, and again, and again until I get it right.

This is another story based around the time I worked in a bingo hall. This is a work of fiction, it is a story, although some events are based on actual fact.

The story contains details of consenting sexual intercourse between males, homosexual intercourse. If you are offended or otherwise disturbed, below the age legally entitled to read such material in your territory, or you are a member of any law enforcement agency, please skip to the next article NOW.

As I said in my last post, if you enjoy this, write and let me know. That way I might write something decent!

Lee's BingHole Training.

Working in a Bingo hall is an interesting life. You get to meet all manner of interesting people from all different backgrounds. Learning to think fast and on your feet is a skill that you soon develop, as well as coping with some of the gorgeous people you'll see. Lee was an incredible guy to look at. I'd been working with his elder sister, Helen, for a few months now and it seemed that the whole family were great to get along with. And also very attractive.

I'd first seen Lee when he came for his interview. He was standing by the phone outside the managers office. Waiting. He was there for quite a while and I had a good chance to take a good look at him. From where I was - at practically the other end of the building - he couldn't see me, but I had an uninterrupted line of sight. If I could have gone to heaven then, I'd have taken him with me.

I was 22 at the time, not a bad looker myself. I'm tall and slim with shoulder length blonde hair. I have a sweet face that normally gets me mistaken for a 19 year old. Lee, on the other hand was actually 19 but looked like a grown up of 26. He was the same height as me with a fuller build, fresh out of school and I could tell that he'd been into athletics. He was drop-dead gorgeous. I know we say that about a lot of men we meet, but this guy really was. I'm not sure whether it was the beautifully rounded face or the black hair. It was the current style for it to be kind of gelled forward, raising it off the scalp but so you could see each tress of hair. There was a small, youthful patch of baby fluff on his top lip. His deep set dark eyes also held great mystery. Many a girl had fallen for this hunk, and many a guy as well!

Lee got the job. I was on holiday the week he started and when I came back no one told me there were any new staff. I was calling that night and had gone to program the calling rig for the first session. It's a simple task which normally takes 2 minutes, providing no one else is trying to use the other attached terminal. The rig is in the middle of the hall, facing a central aisle. Looking up to say hello to someone, my eyes caught sight of Lee walking down the central aisle toward me. Our uniform was black trousers with a white shirt. He hadn't put his tie on yet, but he was wearing a black leather jacket. A bikers leather jacket no less! The sight of this Adonis walking toward me was too much. My mouth dropped. My pulse started to race. Then he nodded a greeting to me. I popped an instant bone. =46inishing off my task, made harder by shaking fingers, I raced to the office dying to tell someone about this guy.

He was on the same shift pattern as me so I was assigned the task of training him as a change giver and claim checker. His sister shared a few of my shifts, but it was thought a bad idea for her to train him. When I heard this, my head and heart sang in unison, "Yes! Yes! Yes!" I was told to be gentle with him, he would be a good worker and a fast learner and will learn much from me. I was going to ask whether he was gay, but chickened out because his sister, Helen, was there and I didn't want to offend her.

Joanne was alone in the staff room. I went in to have a drink and a smoke before we started work. Our usual telepathic link fired up, as usual.

"I knew you'd like Lee." she purred, "Isn't he sweet?"

"I wish he was an ice-cream so I could lick him all over." I replied.

"I think he's straight, though." she went on, "but that's never stopped you before!"

"You bitch!" I half laughed, "That was only once, and I had been drinking all day. I was pissed out of my head."

"And that wasn't all he got out of you, if the rumours are true."

I had to laugh at this, I reminisced about that occasion.

"Hmm, sure was a pity he was straight. Still, get 'em drunk enough and they'll eat the shit out of your arse."

We both started laughing uncontrollably.

The door opened and in walked a nervous Lee.

"Hi, I'm Lee" he offered.

"Hello Lee, I'm Andy." We shook hands, definitely straight symbolism there.

"You're the guy whose going to be training me." He was quite enthusiastic.

"I sure am" I said, both Joanne and I still laughing.

Joanne stopped for a few seconds, then spluttered back into hysteria. I, of course, joined in with this. Poor Lee looked at both of us in confusion.

"Sorry Lee," I explained, "Joanne and I have just been having a disgusting conversation, it's nothing personal at you, honest." He looked relieved.

"May I?" he asked, pointing to a chair.

"Be our guest." I responded, the calmness in my voice belying the fact that I was as horny as hell having him sat next to me.

He was already wearing his money pouch round his waist, so I couldn't see what kind of basket he packed. Joanne looked at me as if to say "slow down there boy! You've got all night, don't frighten him away" I hadn't put my pouch on yet. Thank god for the bagginess of the trousers I was wearing.

"Right, Lee. Let's start your training. Have you set your money up yet?" I enquired.

He gently shook his head.

Starting to stand, I said, "first thing to do is make sure your pouch is tight, you don't want it falling off if you start to run."

I gestured him to stand, he did and I turned him round to look away from me. The pouches had a "slip buckle" on the back of the waist band. He'd tied it in a knot.

"Lee," trying to sound authoritative, "Don't use a knot, 'cos you'll need to take this off quickly during the night so it can be checked."

I started to fumble with the knot. Joanne, red faced, observed silently. Making sure I got a good feel of his firm back, I undid the knot. I turned him round to face me.

"Watch what I do with the buckle."

I took the pouch and wrapped the band around my waist. Putting the pouch behind me so I could deal with the buckle from the front. I explained the system and showed him how the band went around the two rings of the buckle. Then I slid the pouch round so that my crotch was covered by it. I could feel the heat, his heat, from it through my trousers.

"When you get used to it, you'll be able to buckle it from the back. Ok," I said starting to remove the garment, "now it's your turn. Turn round again."

I prayed that Helen wouldn't come in. With the pouch side between us, I stepped in close behind him, pushing my upward pointing dick against his rump though the pouch. I took the waist band and wrapped it round him. Putting my arms around his waist as I did so. His body heat was starting to turn me on through the thin fabric of our shirts. His breathing changed as well, the fucker was enjoying this attention, straight or not! Our ears grazed as I looked over his shoulder watching my hands meet at his front. Gently, and methodically, I did the buckle, making sure he could see every action. He could probably feel my aroused member poking at him, and I probably did grind it a little but he didn't seem to mind.

When I'd finished, I slid the pouch round to his front, "testing" the tightness of the band with my fingers between it and his body.

"Good." I said, "you think you can do that on your own?"

"no problem, and to get it off again, I just pull at the rings"

"That's right. Now for the hard part, where you put the money." I grinned, Joanne knew what I was plotting.

We sat down again and Lee picked up his money bag from the floor beside his chair. It dropped heavily onto the table in front of us.

"Open it up and empty it on the table, Lee."

He complied emptying the bags of coins onto the table.

"This sheet of paper is very important. Don't loose it, it always stays in this bag." I said moving the bag out of the way. "This says that you've got =A3150 here. First thing to do is check it. There are too many coins to coun= t in the green bags, so just total up what it says on the bags."

"=A390" he calculated.

"You do open up the red bags and count them. Only do one bag at a time, each bag should have 20 coins in it"

He opened the bag into his hand and slowly counted one by one back into the bag.

"There's a quicker way." I said when he'd finished.

I took another bag and emptied it into a pile on the table. Holding one hand at the edge of the table I slid the coins, 2 at a time into it until they were all gone.

"That's much faster, I didn't think of that." He counted the third bag. "It's all here." he said, "90 plus three 20's is 150"

"Nothing wrong with your math!" Joanne chipped in

"Ok, so you sign that slip and put it in the window of the bag. You don't want to carry all that round with you all night. It'll crush your nuts if you run!"

"I've carried 200 and ran. My nuts are still intact!" said Joanne.

"Yeah, that's 'cos you ain't got no nuts, honey!" I responded.

Lee started to laugh, but stopped when I gave him a hard stare.

"What next Andy?"

"Empty four of the green bags into there," I said patting the front right pocket on the pouch. I waited 'til he'd finished.

"Then you want to put two of the red bags in the back." I picked up a bag, undid the top, put my hand in the pocket and tipped out the contents.

My hand felt a lump. The guy had a pleasing bone! Realising how forward I'd been, I tore my hand away in embarrassment. Joanne was shocked, as was Lee, but he didn't fight it. Shit! I thought, now Helen will will get to know I've tried to molest her brother!


"Sorry, mate, just trying to speed things up a bit" I apologised.

"Hey, no problem!" he beamed.

"Now to sort mine out." I said as I got up and searched for another pouch.

Lee was a good student. He was quick to learn and said when he didn't understand. His training wasn't over yet, though, not if I had my way!

We started the session that night. I was calling the first session so Joanne explained to him about giving out change. Periodically, I'd tell Lee that somebody wanted change to my left. It was only so I could see how quickly he moved. I liked to watch the way his arse wriggled as he walked and ran. Such a cute arse, what did it feel like? I just had to find out.

We took our break together, later on.

"How did you find it?" I asked.

"Great he said. You see that nice pussy at table 53. Man, I'd like to pork that!" He said.=09

Oh dear, I thought, he's not interested after all.

"Yeah. She's 40, married with three kids." I said

"Shit!" he exclaimed, "straight up?"

"Straight up, guy. She's a big slut, so keep away. She'll chew your tackle right off!"

"But she looks so young!"

"Looks can be deceptive. Did you see that couple on table 60?"


"It's actually two men. One always comes dressed in drag. His ID card has his male name but you always call him Candy."

Lee started to laugh. "Candy, what kind of name is that?"

"I know, but we got to treat them all the same way."

Even through the thick material of the money pouch, I noticed a lump growing in his crotch while we talked for a while about Candy, and what "he" and his friend did. Maybe I mistook some of the things he said, but I was sure he was trying to hit on me. I could be on to something here.

Our short break was soon over and we had to get back to work. Back to another uneventful shift. When my watch told me we had 20 minutes before it was all over I was glad. I was planning to go out after work that night, try and get myself a man. I started to day-dream.

Bump!! I was brought back to reality by an arm shooting up beside me. Someone had a claim. I waved Lee over and told him how to check it and what to say, making as much body contact as I could. I could be a shameless hussy at times. The night went on and was soon over.

The customers left and I went into the staff room for a drink and a smoke before I got changed to go out. Lee came in shortly after and fell into the seat next to me.

"That was good. When are you on next Andy?" he asked

"I'm on tomorrow night. You did well with that claim, I'll babysit another few with you until you get the hang of it."

He noticed my bag of clothing and asked whether I was going out. I replied that I was and was just catching my breath before I changed.

"Where are you going to?" he questioned.

"Oh, just somewhere in town, I haven't decided yet." I lied. I knew where I was going to go and what I was going for.

"You ever been to a gay club?"

"Plenty of times, they're a good laugh. Have you?"

"No, I'd like to one night though. Helen's been."

"Yeah, Helen came with me and Joanne."

I began to recount the tale of the night when Helen got chatted up by this woman. Helen thought it was a man because it looked burly and had a deep voice. Joanne and I knew better though. Lee laughed when I'd finished.

"She's never told me that one."

"And don't say I told you." I warned, "It was so funny but We got such a mouthful from here after they'd parted. She'd reached down and not found a dick."

I finished my drink and was about to stand up to get undressed. I wasn't ashamed and had nothing to hide. Anyway, I'm sure he'd seen it all before.

"Sounds like you have a good time when you go out." he said

"I enjoy it. I get to meet some really nice people." I was going to say men, but thought I didn't want to scare him off. "Why don't you come out with me?" I offered.

Shocked, he said, "Well I've nothing to wear. I can't go out in this, it'd look stupid."

"This bag," I said, pointing, "has about three different outfits in it. I can never think of what to wear until about now. Take a look."

He did. He had a rummage round and pulled out a pair of skimpy underwear. Oops! I thought I'd taken them out.

"You wearing these tonight?" he enquired.

"Erm....erm....I could do."I said with embarrassment, "or do you want to wear them?"

"M....Me? I...I've never....never worn anything like that before. There's hardly anything to it!"

He was right. There was a wide band of black elastic and just a strip of black netting to cover the crotch.

"What do you normally wear? For underwear that is?" I asked. The poor love was actually embarrassed about all this.

"Just boxers normally, but I sleep nude."

"The best thing about those is that the netting is so tight, but comfortable that you feel like you're not wearing anything."

They were my personal favourite, but I wasn't going to let on. I was going to be wearing something much more revealing.

He went back to digging in my bag. I'd hit a nerve and knew not to push any more. My outfit tonight, I decided was going to be the cut-off shorts - cut off extremely close to the crotch! - with the short tight t-shirt, the one that stopped just above my stomach. I couldn't wear the net's anyway, the waist of the shorts is quite low and and waistband on the net's is pretty high. I left my choice of underwear for him to discover at the bottom of the bag.

Kneeling down beside him I start to explore the bag with him. Pulling out the garments I wanted as I found them. Pulling out a pair of old ripped jeans I looked at them. Then I looked at Lee. I take my hand and squeeze his thigh. He looks at me with a start, then goes back to his exploring. I was getting to like this guy, and he seemed not to mind me either.

"We're about the same size Lee, these should look great on you." I said, offering him the jeans.

"I'll try them." he enthused, "but I need something el..."

He stopped himself. Yep. He'd just found my underwear for the evening. It's only small but why did it take him so long?

Slowly, he brought it out of the bag. Exploring it's feel, curious as hell about how you wore it. Skimpy is not the word used to describe this garment. It was something Joanne had bought me once while we were out shopping together. It was white, all white. There was a narrow loop of elastic. At the break of this loop was a piece of material like the netting of the black underwear discovered earlier, but shaped into two cups, one long, the other wide. I started to giggle.

"That's mine!" I cooed, "You can use it as a catapult as well!" demonstrating.

This broke his confusion and he started to laugh.

"You're gonna wear this?"

"I sure am."

"But...How do you get into it?" he was mystified

"You'll see." He was going to get a private showing, or is that a showing of my privates? "We've still got to sort you out though. Lucky dip time," I chorused, "make a wish."

I dug into the bag and came up with a garment. He was lucky. The garment, honestly pluckedat random, was a light blue t-shirt with a darker ring around the neck, It had been lightly shredded all the way round from about halfway down. At least he hadn't got the see-through, guaranteed draw men like flies on shit.

There was some relief in his eyes. He'd obviously seen some of the other stuff in there. Now for the bit I'd been waiting for. Let's see whether this guy has the guts to strip for me.

"Ok, let's get changed." He looked at me, his head slightly cocked, "together? now?"

"Why not, I've seen it all before, honey." If he hadn't twigged by now that I was gay, there was no hope for him. "Don't be shy, I don't bite.....much." The glint in my eye diffused the situation and he started to disrobe.

I watched in wonder as he slowly unbuttoned his shirt. His chest was smooth and hairless. The pureness of his skin was heavenly. My mouth watered at the sight of his dark nipples. I wanted to tongue them there and then. He caught me staring.

"Sorry, I was just looking at your chain, I've never seen that symbol before."

He seemed pacified at this and continued undressing.

I'd started with my shoes and socks first. As I took off my shirt I noticed him giving me a sideways glance as he tried to take his shoes and socks off without falling over. I stretched and rubbed my chest, finishing off by bringing up my hands across my body and up through my long hair. I noticed a swelling in his groin and smiled inside myself.

Pretty soon I was completely naked. I used to be a dancer and had found that I could do stretching exercises much better without clothing getting in the way. I walked around the room extending my legs with each delicate step. Still undressing, his eyes followed me around the room. I put a leg up on the table and started to bend over into it. I'd made sure that he'd be able to see my meat as I did this. The thought of this show started to get me hard. It had a similar effect on Lee, who'd stopped short of taking his boxers off.

"Come on, Lee. Get 'em off." I called, still stretching.

"But Andy, I've got something I don't want to show off."

"I know, you're dick is hard." The astonishment in his face was a picture. "Lee, boxers hide a stiffy very well, except to a trained eye like mine."

At that he stripped completely. We were both completely buck naked. My own dick is 8 inches long when hard, it wasn't fully hard now. I was trying to control myself. Lee, however, was pointing straight up. He had a beautiful 8 inch uncut cock. Same smooth white skin as the rest of his body. His low hanging balls were covered with a soft dusting of dark hair. His bush was also dark, the smooth looking hair fading to a thin line between his navel and pubic bone.

"That's a mighty fine tool you've got there." I winked.

"Yours is pretty impressive as well, Andy."

Lee's innocence and timidity endeared him to me greatly. I was falling in love, but was gonna have some fun first. Many of the men I've had have said what a beautiful prick I've got, so the complement normally just rolls away. But from Lee, his sweet voice and kissable mouth, it was a heartfelt comment. I knew he'd never had a guy before, but I could sense the stirrings of his adolescence. I knew it'd end up in his mouth before the night was over.


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