Published on Mar 18, 2013



The story below is a work of fiction, set in the format of reality. Any resemblances to real people, alive or in the hereafter, is entirely coincidental in nature. It is not meant to accurately reflect upon persons, of continents or islands, in countries, counties, cities, towns, villages, neighborhoods, streets, cul-de-sacs, nor governmental or non-governmental areas, which the story is staged. If a sexual scene involving male-to-male relationships offends you, then why are you here? Seriously, if guy-to-guy sex stuff makes you barf or is going to screw up your mind, you should not read this story. Additionally, if you are under 18 years of age in any state (21yo in Alabama, Mississippi, Wyoming, Nebraska), or in most countries, you are not allowed to read this story, by law. Check with your local laws regarding such.

Following, pages of this story contain adult material', intended for an adult audience'. Bypass this warning at your own risk.

% Sexual safety matters. Remember guys, this is fiction. In real life, use protection.


Hey dudes, remember, Nifty needs your donations to provide these wonderful stories. http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html

FYI: I don't get a hefty paycheck from NiFTy at the end of the month. I write about horny dudes because it helps get my rocks off. Take your hand off your stick shift for a minute and dig into you wallet. It's costs to keep these stories coming to you.


RiTCHiE & UNCLe RiCH 01 WriTten by T. Chase McPhee


"Happy birthday, Ritchie!"

He was doing his homework, putting the finishing touches on a high school senior project. Watching what looked to be stadium tickets, a little oversized, drop down his smooth chest, Ritchie's eyes followed the soft landing in the creases of his stomach.

Gloating, he picks them up, one in each hand, exclaiming, "Oh cool! Is this what I think it is, Uncle Rich?!"

Laughing it off, Uncle Rich says, "You've been pestering me since you were 16-years old to go there?"

"Yeah, well, how would you feel if they had father and son day at school and you honestly could not accompany your kid to school, because of..."

"You know you're really getting to be a wise little ass, Ritchie?" his uncle replies, both knowing the nature of Rich's business venture.

Ritchie smiles, swiveling around in his chair, the two exchanging quick eye contact, before bursting out in laughter. "I can't believe I pulled it off. For sure I thought someone was going to be wise to our scheme."

Rightly, Ritchie Rangler and his Uncle Rich were not father and son, but indifferent to some other students at Ritchie's school, pairing off with appointed guardians. It never bothered Ritchie any. In a lot of respects, Rich measured up to be the epitome of a parent's care and nurturing, switching off maternal and paternal roles.

What made matters perplexing, at times like these and during PTA meetings, was passing off Rich's job at the gay club for something more respectful; manager of an online website, dealing with dignified' merchandise, instead of what Rich was used to signing a manifest, for dildos, buttplugs, guy' magazines of various titles, dvd's, other toys of interest, plus working his way into a management position at the BOGO club.


Rich didn't have the privilege of living in luxury as he did now, an upscale, year round, beach home on the New Jersey shore, in a gated community, a wrought iron fence, which when kept secure only a welcoming guard could bring you inside.

He and his brother, Michael grew up in Florida and although not born with a silver spoon in their mouths, they soon reaped the benefits when their father struck it rich in the business world.

Michael, older, had the misfortune of his mother passing, upon which his dad married his office secretary shortly thereafter. From this union, Rich was born.

Four years younger than Michael, it was when the two were separated by his older brother heading off to college, Rich conveyed he had something very important to tell Michael, when he returned home.

That very day, a few days before Christmas, Michael confronts his 16 year old bro, "Now, what is it that is so important you could not text, nor call me about, dear brother?" Michael removes his hoodie, jumps onto Rich's bed, places hands behind his head, relaxes.

Rich bit his lip. His brother looked damn good lying there, but with more important matters on his mind, "I don't know how you're going to take this, but..."

Still biting his lip, Michael jokes, "You're pregnant?"

"No!" Rich shouts, jumping on top of his brother.

Before Michael left for college, the two still had one last romp, wrestling each other, but with what was on Rich's mind, this could have a different meaning.

"I missed this!" Michael says, getting ready to turn his brother over, pin him to the bed.

"No... Wait! It's not about that!"

"No?" Michael says, looking up at his brother, Rich straddling him, his knees to the sides of his obliques, leaning over Michael, pinning his wrists to the bed.

If both were nude and not wearing tees and jeans, it would be the perfect vision of a bottom ready to go down on his top.

"I went over and over this a million times, but it kept on being the same thing... I'm like," Rich swallows, "Gay?"

"Uh-h, okay," Michael slowly replies, "like are you asking me or telling me you are... gay, Rich?"

Whether it had registered with Michael or not, Rich blurts out, "You won't tell dad, will you? You know how he hates homos!"

Rich sounded desperate, however Michael was not at all bent out of shape over the news, making it sound `everyday', "Sure. No problem, as long as you give me a blowjob!"

"Are you kidding?" Rich replies, relieving his grip on Michael's wrists.

"Of course," Michael replies.

"Are you kidding about me giving you a blowjob, or you're not kidding?" Rich paws his hands down Michael's shirt.

"You lost me!"

Last ditch effort, possibly for Rich to detect the same thing, his fingertips skate down the middle of his brother's tee shirt.

Michael, feeling Rich's knees scrape the sides of his bod, grabs Rich by the shirt, keeping his bod from slipping down over his shirt and jeans, says, "Don't even think about it, bro!"

It became a stalemate.

Long before Michael's car hit the driveway, Rich was thinking of a clever way to tell his brother his lifelong secret. He wasn't sure how the scenario would pan out, playing it out as their conversation rolled along. Possibly it were their boyhood play which drove him to jump on Michael.

"Uh, you want to let me up?" Michael asks sweetly.

"Do you want to let go of my shirt?" Rich replies.

Letting go, Michael reiterates, "You want to let me up now, bro?"

Confession in store, Rich says, "Y'know, every time we wrestled I wanted to... To do more?"

Even though in this day and age much is not done in the way of sex and having the knowledge of it, still Michael tried debunking his brother's notion, "Brothers don't have sex... Together..."

Rich gave up, shimmied his way down Michael's bod, dismounted and straightened his shirt as he stood next to the bed. Secretly, he was after a bit of information. His brother not going for the hints, he settled on Michael not having the `gay gene.'

Hopping right out of bed himself, Michael says, "But don't worry baby brother, I still love you!"

"Like oh my god, Michael!" Rich exclaims, wipes his lips off after the mushy kiss!

"I can't wait to get out of these clothes!" he exclaims, walking away from Rich, unfastening his belt.

Startled out of his gourd, Rich questions his brother's motives, "Michael?"

"And into something comfortable for dinner?" Michael gives his brother a smile of deceit!

"Oh," Rich's cock stops pulsing, "I thought you meant something else, Michael." How could Rich not, watching his older brother peel off his tee shirt, pry a sneaker from each foot, toe to heel, then drop his pants, waiting and watching to see if anything else comes off.

"Hey," Michael lingers at the door to Rich's closet, clothed in only briefs, shopping for something to wear, "I'm going to level with you, bro... More than once I've felt sorry for some gay dude at college and let him suck me."

His head lying on his own shoulder, peering over it, Michael looks for Rich's reaction.

Walking over towards the closet, Rich slips his arms around Michael's waist, "Can't you pretend I'm one of those guys?"

Looking down himself, Michael watches Rich's hand. Like one of those gay dudes at college who work him', smiles, thinking it, upon reality he might have to warn, Getting close there, bro?'

Breaking off, disgusted, Rich says, "Sure... You can let your bosom buddies at college suck your cock, but your own flesh and blood?"

"Exactly, Rich. It's like so different and..."

Michael had turned from the closet, so when Rich turns back around, he's faced with, in his own estimate, the hottest man he's ever laid eyes on, "God, you're beautiful!"

Dropping the whole issue, Michael caters to his brother's wishes, "You're not so bad yourself, bro."

"You know when we wrestled, there's so much I wanted to do to you... I mean," Rich gulps, "for you?"

"You're stronger than you think are," Michael replies.

"In what way?" Michael plays along, already sure of what the outcome could be?

"Well, judging from the gay dudes who I um, had the pleasure of a blowjob from, they went at foreplay with a passion, but so driven to wind up between my legs. I imagine for you, it took great stamina to... not want to... do whatever it is you had it in mind to do, Rich?"

Rich smiles, saying, "You're nervous about it now, aren't you bro?" he steps closer.

"It's hot in here. You should open a window," Michael replies.

"Or maybe," Rich touches the middle Michael's hairy chest with the back of his knucles, feeling sweaty manfur, "You're right, bro. It is hot in here!"

"I think I'll try your favorite American Apparel shirt?" Michael, who already had his eyes on the red shirt, whips it off the hanger without even looking. Stepping back, he watches, almost sinister, placing it over his head and firming the tee down over his pecs.

Hands on activity, Rick lifts it up over his brother's stomach.

Lifting it over Michael's shoulder, he badgers Rich, "What are you doing?"

Smiling, Rick addresses his brother, "Anytime you want me to stop, let me know, bro," he switches from staring at Michael's chops, to his fuzzy chest.

He could have fended Rich off, collected himself and left the room, but for whatever reason, Michael stood there, allowing his 16-year old brother `manhandle' him!

"How come you're not running away?" Rich asks as he helps Michael out of his shirt.

"I dunno," Michael says, feeling thumbs enter the sides of his briefs. "Maybe you're not the only one who felt something when we were wrestling on the floor?" A nervous laugh follows.

Eyes beaming up at his 20-year old brother, Rich smiles.

"What?" Michael questions the look.

"Michael, are you gay?"

"Nonsense!" Michael brushes the very idea away, along with Rich's chance to pull down his brother's briefs. "I've done chicks at college!"

Rich balls it, "Damn, Michael! We were so close to bonding. Wait!" Rich makes discovery, "Maybe you're bi?"

Turning around, making a beeline for Rich's closet, Michael says, "I'm not `gay', if that's what you're trying to make me out to be? C'mon, let's get decent and get something to eat."

Taking the psychological route, Rich says, "Well thanks for getting me all horned up, bro. I can't believe you!"

Slamming the closet door shut with a bang, Michael turns about, "You mean, conveniently being `gay' for you?"

"No. Being `gay' for yourself, Michael!" A little immature for Michael's game-playing, Rich storms out of the room.

"Shit!" Michael condemns the scene. Sitting down on the foot of Rich's bed, he lies back. He finds truth to what Rich was trying to get across, his hand on his briefs.

"Damn!" Michael again goes at himself. Lifting up the elastic, he peers into the pocket of his pubes, finding his cock consistent with being turned on.

Unknowing to Michael, Rich has paused right outside his room, hand on the doorknob, all ready and willing to either forgive himself or forgive his brother, maybe just reason things out with apologies. Entering, he didn't make mention of Michael, lying there on the bed, legs draped over the edge and a hand down his briefs, just, "I'm sorry I yelled at you, bro."

Looking up, tilting his chin forward till it touches his chest, Michael realizes his own hand in action, withdrawing it quickly, "Oh. It's you."

Making his thoughts known, Rich says, "You're lucky it's not dad catching you with your hand down your pants. What was it you were thinking of while making yourself hard, your girlfriend or one of the gay boys who blew you?"

He smirked and with instant decision, "I was thinking how much of a big deal it wouldn't be, letting my brother give me a blowjob, if it's what he wants to do?"

"Of course I want to, Michael, but I don't want to if you don't want me to do it?"

Michael knew the silent language a gay guy could project, like what Rich was doing just now, slowly running his tongue back and forth over his lip, like trying to keep it wet during a sandstorm!

"You can't tell dad."

They both heard Rich's play on the door behind him, the lock secured, "My lips are sealed..."

"Not for long!" Michael joked.

Flinging his tee shirt off, tossing it wherever it landed, Rich goes for his gym shorts. In seconds both were naked, except for Michael's briefs.

Kneeling at the bottom of the bed, Rich says sarcastically, "I can't suck you through the briefs, bro?!"

Smiling, Michael replies, "One guy did... that is until he got dry in the mouth!"

He couldn't believe he was laughing along with Rich, being nervous as all hell.

"If you still don't want to do this Michael, we don't have to. I mean, I'm a little nervous myself, this being my first blowjob, at least with you?"

More said, because Rich didn't want to come out and say it, Michael replies, "I was wondering why you were more worried than me. Um, like, I've done this before?" finally picking his ass off the bed and peeling his briefs down over his ass, allowing them to drop to his shins.

Sitting up, he was ready to shuck it off his thighs and legs, Rich says, leaning forwards, "I got it, Michael."

Kneeling on the floor, after he undresses Michael's briefs from around his ankle, Rich holds them up to his nostril and takes a whiff.

"Uh, Rocky Road or Cherries Jubilee?"

Wise to Michael, making fun of him, Rich replies, "More like vanilla creme. Uh, like you didn't happen to masturbate into these last night, did you?"

Stealing them out of Rich's hand, Michael tosses them to the side, "Are you gonna blow me or what?"

Their faces were inches apart.

"You want to make out?" Rich asks, feeling stoopid right after.

Leaning back, Michael says, "Why don't we let nature take it's course?"

Rich crawls back up his bro's bod, except he passes right over the meaty part, "I want you bro."

In his thinking, allowing his brother to give him a blowjob, was something quite ordinary. Kissing his brother was something Michael was totally unsure of. With a girl it was okay. As for the gay-boys who gave him blowjobs, it was all pubic action, solely for filling a guy's stomach and watching how much he could turn a guy on, by how much fluid erupted. He gave in this far, so figured `all the way', as far as oral play would go, he would be adventurous himself, "Whatever."

Halfway to Michael's lips, Rich pauses over his brother's chest, "Since when did you grow all this, bro?"

"I used fertilizer. What'dya think?" Michael laughs at his brother, picking at his thatched chest hair.

Smiling, Rich asks, "Alright if I... touch it?"

Placing his hands behind his head, Michael was starting to mellow out, thinking on what a moment of discovery this could be for both of them, "Do whatever you want!"

Right off his lips, whether Rich wanted to or not, he challenges, "Can I fuck you?"

"Except fuck me!"

"Any of the gay boys at college try to?"

Michael grimly mocks, "I kept the back door locked!"

It made Rich chuckle. When he was done, he slowly lowered his teen bod. An inch from Michael's lips, he retorts, "Aren't you going to close your eyes for our first kiss?"

"I don't know. I'm not feeling it."

Sitting up, which at this moment in positioning, brought Rich's chute almost on top of Michael's pile of junk, "I sure felt that!" Michael jokes.

"If you want to, you can feel more?" Rich says.

Not sure how to get out of it, Michael says, "I thought you were going to suck me off?"

Smart kid, Rich knew he was getting the blow off, "Yeah, I know. Can I do just one thing?"


Rich didn't say it, but Michael thought nothing suspicious, his brother leaning over his chest, taking a slurp off his left nip, responding, "Oo-o-o-oh!"

"Tickles... All this... Fur?" Rich scratches under his nose.

Michael didn't say a thing, only did what he did with one of his gay-boys back at the dorm, reaches up and brings Rich's head to his other pec.

Rich had never done anything like this, only saw it on online trailers. They were enough to get his cock going, balls churning and in no time shooting off his teen creme. He played up his bro just like in the flicks, tonguing around the pointed tip, licking at the matt of fur, wetting down Michael's chest.

"Feels good, bro... Really good," Michael patronized. Whether Rich did a satisfactory job or not, and Michael has had enough blowjobs to tell the difference. Whatever panned out, he had it in mind to award his brother the highest level of achievement.

They went at it and it came to pass, nature did take it's course, the brothers kissing each other, but mostly Michael lying there in the bed, Rich licking all that luscious man fur, right down the stripe of Michael's abs, daring himself to enter the deep navel, taste treasure trail and take on his first sibling cock!

Once during the cocksucking, Rich emerges, choking, "Like oh my god, bro! You almost asphyxiated me!" However, the breathing incident was compromised by Rich looking upon his brother, fully extended, "Whoa! What are you... A perfect 10, Michael?"

"A what?" Michael didn't get it.

"This?" Rich held Michael's tall stalk in his hand.

"I don't know. I'm not gay. Do you think I think of these things?"

Rich went back to work, thinking it, `Yeah right, Michael. You're not gay!'


For a while, Michael coming home for college breaks, until he graduated, he and Rich had constant sex when one of them were not at work or out. At night they slept together behind locked door.

Then, when Michael graduated from college and went out into the world to seek happiness and fortune, their get togethers at home ceased. It wasn't much of a surprise to Rich, knowing it would come to pass. Yet, he looks back on those days and nights of sucking, whereas he even got Michael, after returning from a party and drunk out of his skull, to touch his bro's lips to his own cock.

Next morning, Michael claimed he knew he was doing it.

Rich challenged him and it was the first and last time the two brothers did a 69.

Two short years later, Rich graduated from high school and went on to college, majoring in business management. It was in college Rich got the big let down, his brother getting married... To a woman!

Rich remembers the day of the wedding, their father gloating all over Michael, egging Rich on about someday meeting the perfect girl.

When he got Michael alone, Rich, now eighteen, yelled at his brother, "How could you?"

Like years before, Michael replied, "I'm not gay!"

It was his wedding day and no use pressing the issue, Rich at least got his dibs in, "I hope you know what you're doing!"

Before they left the garage, Michael said, "I do," kissing Rich on the lips, "I've always loved you bro... Always will!"

Into his first year at college, their father had a mishap aboard a luxury liner, passing before help could arrive. Rich's mother, Michael's step-mother, was ready to disconnect life support at the next convenient moment, upon recommendation from the doctors.

Michael knew there were prenuptial agreements, but as an `in case of' plan, he and Rich drove to the bank, both withdrawing their savings. Michael, older, had a bigger bankroll, but Rich had no qualms about pocketing $600,500.00. Driving right around the corner, they opened accounts at another bank.

"Can't we spend some of it?" Rich asks, his mind on a cute little silver Porsche.

"No. If I know you, you'll spend it on boys. You have to think of your future. You don't spend any of this on anything except college expenses," Michael warned, like he was their father advising a client.

"Yes, sir!" Rich replies with attitude.

Even though he would, with all of his heart, Michael says of it, "Well, if you spend it down to the last dime, don't come crying to me. I don't intend on supporting you, bro!"

Anyone else, Michael probably would have punched the guys lights out, Rich provoking him, "Why not? You can dump that dumb bitch and we can live together. It'll be real sweet!"

"You're lucky I like you bro. Get in the car!"

Taking Michael's advice, Rich didn't spend more than a few thousand of his savings, rather finding a job and trying to meet college expenses through that route.

In his first semester, he had been dancing at a gay bar, when some guy stuck a bill in the waist of his pants. Thinking it was his tee shirt, coming unstuck from his waist, he found the bill. His eyes lit up, seeing the numbers `100' on 2 corners!

His head was swishing back and forth, all over the packed dance floor, all to no avail. His mystery tipper could have been right beside him, which Rich checked, getting a dirty look from the dude's boyfriend. Forgetting about it, he tucked the $100 in his pants pocket.

Later on, getting a drink at the bar, a dude next to him asks, "How would you like to make ten times that amount in tips, dancing at my club?"

"You're him!" Rich pulls the bill out of his pocket.

Addressing the dude, who looked to be late twenties, Rich's eyes fall down his bod, checking out the surface between the flaps of the leather vest he was wearing. Instead of it leaving him snagged, checking the man out, Rich says, "Nice vest." He wanted to also comment on the leather pants, but didn't want the stranger thinking he was checking out the bulge as well - then again, maybe it `was' the proper thing to do!

"Thanks. What're you drinking?"

Rich jokes, "You?"

Smiling at Rich, he motions for the bartender to put the 2 beers he ordered on his tab.

"And who's tab would that be going on?" Rich beats around the bush.

"The name's Vince," he pulls out a card, "manager at the Grotto."

"How come you're not there `managing'?" Rich chuckles.

Vince says, "Because I'm here checking out some new, `hot' talent?"

"Hot?" Rich catches. "You think I'm hot?"

Putting his hand behind the 19-year old's neck, Vince leans in, pulling Rich into a kiss. Purposely he makes sure the flesh on their fronts connect!

Breaking, Rich was left in a state of euphoria, saying, "You're pretty hot yourself!"

Sliding the business card along the edge of the bar, Vince says, "Here's my card. If you're interested in a job, drop by the club after you leave here tonight."

He left without even touching his drink, Rich having no problem gulping down both, wondering if the past fifteen minutes were a dream or reality.

Leaving the gay bar around midnight, he knew he had an exam the next day, but `fucked it', drawn to Vince's incredibly good looks and soft-spoken invitation.

Standing before the door, which wasn't all that far away, he walked, rather than having to explain the whole situation to the guy he was with, dropping him at another club.

Looking up and spotting the sign, `The Grotto', he first whipped his shirt out of the security of his pants waist and put it on. Readjusting his baseball cap, lid backwards instead of head on, he turned the knob and walked in.

Many were on their way out, the check guys busy handing out belongings which were not permitted in the club, or shirts.

Waiting his turn, even though entering, Rich was met with, "Number?"

"I'm not on my way out. I'm on my way in. Is Vince around?"

Out of pure curiosity, the hatcheck boy asks, "Business or pleasure?"

Rich read the devious smile, saying, "He offered me a job, dancing."

Smiling, the dude says, "I'm Derek. Walk right up to the bar and ask for Vince. You'll get directions from there."

He didn't give his name, probably a little out of being nervous. On his walk over to the Grotto, it kept on falling back on him, Michael's words about saving his money, finding a job and being careful spending. But how can a dude go through 4 years of college cooped up in a dorm room? A guy's gotta get out... Mingle!

Mingling he was doing right now. Quite a few steps up from the gay bar he just left, the clientele here reeked of money. He smiled, seeing no less than 4 stations, short-boxed platforms, guys in next to nothing, dancing their booties off!

"What can I get you?" Rich lingered too long at the bar without popping the question.

"Vince," Rich replies.

"You know Vince?"

Taking a crumbled card out of his pants pocket, Rich presented him the `key', "He gave me this." He kept his cool about why he was here.

"Here," he handed Rich a pen, "write your name on the back."

Not responding to the request, Rich replies, "Why don't you just phone him up and tell him I'm here. Damn, I just met him an hour ago. If he doesn't remember who I am, then he should just.... Fuck it!"

"Nice attitude," the bartender gave Rich a wink before walking away.

It could have been the three beers he drank at the gay bar, but an impression he was getting about himself is that he was too easy,' not something he wished to be popular for. The other impression, was Vince's slip of memory', Rich toying with himself, "The very idea!"

However, seeing Vince wade through the crowd, greeting patrons, much of what he thought began to melt. So, when Vince was upon him he greeted him with a smile and a cordial, "Hey."

Never expecting it, Rich gave in, Vince drawing him in for a friendly kiss. Then, right off, like they were old friends, going back years and years, began introducing Rich to his patrons.

Reaching a door, the one Vince came out from, he asks, "Feel like doing some dancing tonight?"

It was after midnight, Rich saying, "I've got to go soon. I've got an exam tomorrow."

"Well that settles it," Vince opens the door, the crowd pushing them inside. "Let's get you out of those clothes, showered and into something decent."

"How about indecent?" Rich felt the comfort of his surroundings.

"I could go for that," Vince peels the same leather vest off his shoulders.

"Wow, you're beautiful!" Rich compliments the sheathing of hair covering Vince's chest, short stripe opening up to more hair, embedded trail which doesn't stop, traveling over the deep innie, thin line slipping into the leather pants.

"Not any more than this," Vince approaches Rich, picks up the tail of his shirt, lifts it off overhead.

"Oh-h-h-h-h!" Rich reflects on the nonstop action, Vince cocking his head, sucking on his nip.

Except for a little fuzz midchest, Rich was stunningly smooth, right down to the growing-in treasure trail, something acquired as of late, which he's prided himself in having, a path to the treasure!

"Mm-mm," Vince murmured, licking all the way across Rich's chest, taking on the other nip.

With loaded reaction, Rich exclaims, "Oh damn, you know how to work a guy!"

As he said it, he feels a hand on his crotch. Hey, if Vince was feeling him up, why not reciprocate!

"Oh yeah," Vince broke silence, "work me."

Suddenly, a whimper flowed from Vince's lips, a feeling of disappointment, "Oh-h-h. What's up?" he confronts Rich.

"If payment for me dancing is going to be sex, I'd just as well seek out other employment."

"Well," Vince not a novice at how gay sex scenarios can go, "you fooled me. I thought you had wanted as much as me?"

"Yeah, well," Rich told it like it is, "happens when you happen to meet up with an incredible hot, sexy man."

Picking up his vest, Rich's shirt, Vince hands it to him, "Next shift comes on in half an hour. Are you good with working from midnight until 2?"

"It's 1:30."

Putting his vest on, walking over to his desk, Vince replies, "Don't tell the others you're getting paid 2 hours for a 1/2 hour's dancing?"


About to dial a preset number on the phone, Vince asks, "Proceed with caution?" He smiles.

"Out of all the hot guys in the gay bar tonight, and there were many who could out do me on the dance steps, why me?"

Smiling, Vince, rather than express his weakness for Rich, tells him, "I liked your sexy treasure trail!"

"I like," Rich looks down, feels his own wormy trail to his pubes with one finger, "almost don't have one, but you're still willing to hire me, even though you didn't get to travel down it?"

Picking up the phone once more, Vince says, "The way I figure it, you missed an incredible blow job from a hot man!"

"Modesty," the college freshman says with sarcasm, "love it!"

After dialing that one number, connected to inside the club, Vince tells Rich, "Norman will show you around."

"Norman? I thought you were going to give me the guided tour?" Rich asks.

"I have to keep our guests happy..."

"Oh. Giving them blowjobs!" Rich mocks.

"Me?" Vince giggles, "Only a select few get these lips wrapped around their hot sausage!"

A knock on the door, Vince yells, "We're decent... Come in!"

"Hey, how's it going," Norman says, entering.

"You! You're the other guy at the door," Rich reconnects.

"Other?" Vince questions.

Norman says, "You know Derek, always eager to meet any new hot guys who drop by the club!"

"Not to mention tips?" Vince replies. Then, very quickly, he's out the door, after saying, "Show Rich around and give him some dinner, Norm."

"Great. He didn't even say goodbye," Rich jokes. Then, turning right back to matters at hand, "So Derek thinks I'm hot and you don't?"

"I get my tips the old-fashioned way, with a handshake and thank you," Norman replies.

Wasting no time, because Norman was pretty hot too, something which seemed to run rampant at the Grotto, from what Rich could tell, "Vince was just about to show me the shower."

"He didn't get very far."

Like there could be two answers to what seems a fairly easy question, Rich asks, "Meaning?"

"You're not the first hot guy Vince has given his card out to," Norman replies. Holding the door, "Ready for a hot shower?"

His first steps to working at the Grotto, Rich found out something none of the other workers caught onto, how Vince could treat some workers better than others, simply, playing `favorites'. Sure, Rich knew Vince slept with other guys, but when they were together in private, he found there many partners in the man's life, but only two who were more special. Fortunately, just for being cute, witty, smart, a conscientious worker and other pluses, Vince saw something in him which he yearned to have.

Rich didn't solely make Vince his love interest though, because he had an inner intuition someday Vince would be riding out in the sunset, another man on his white stallion.

At the club, Vince wasn't his sole admirer. From their first shower together, Norman and he became quick friends. More than friends, when Norman invited Rich to live with him, off campus, in an apartment shared by four guys, he jumped at the chance. With four, the rent split four-ways, even Michael thought it dirt cheap, advising him of it being a sound idea. Of course, when Rich told him about moving off campus, going on and on about Norman posed a problem, Michael wanting to meet him.

Rich could have lay on his bro, he was `old enough to be his own man,' but he still had this deep down love for Michael and wanted to never disagree, where it would put their brotherly friendship at odds.

Meeting at the restaurant across the street from the Grotto, Michael had his wife with him. When Norman went off to the mens room, he was surprised, but not totally surprised, Michael excusing himself to go piss as well.

Rough for him, he didn't really cater to liking Michael's choice of women, plus he didn't want to accidentally drop any bombs, regarding how the two got it on in bed on regular basis. What Michael did with his life was his own business, as long as it made him happy.

Watching Michael and Norman come back from the mens room, it's Michael's wife who asked, "You were gone for a long time. Plumbing problems?"

Rick was anxious to hear the answer, wondering if indeed Michael had said anything to his wife.

"Nothing more than a broken pipe," Michael replies.

Afterwards, with departure, Rich got Michael alone, "Hey, you didn't say anything to your wife about you and me fuckin' around?"

"We didn't fuck," Michael says.

"Well, sucked each other. Regardless, you tell her you were gay with me?"

"I'm not gay."

"Well, whatever you are, did you mention to her," Rich got right to the point, "that I sucked you and you sucked me?"

"No. Though I almost slipped, I referred to my experience as an old girlfriend."

"You're a coward, Michael!" Rich accuses, with laughter.

Knowing Rich was kidding, Michael replies, "I'm too pooped to wrestle you."

"Right," Rich replies, "I might actually forget you don't want to be fucked!"

The two joking, Michael replies, "That'll be a sorry day for you, if you ever try, bro!"

"I miss our wrestling."

Melancholy response, Michael stares deep into Rich's eyes, "I miss you too."

They hugged, lighting out the front door, meeting the others on the sidewalk.


Living with Norman was a joy. More a slave to Rich's wishes, even though Rich didn't mean it to be so, Norman waited on him hand and foot. Sometimes knees!

As Rich saw things, he wasn't the only one, 27-years old, auburn to dark brown hair, Norman wore his hair closely cropped, gelled and spiked up on the top. Around his chops he wore a fairly dark beard and stache. His chest sported 2 red nips, encrusted by a dark matt of matching hair. Down his abs ran a stripe, right through a massive bellyhole swirl, narrowing off to a more defined happy trail.

One thing stood out in Rich's mind about Norman, which they would both laugh about till this day, Rich's `first fuck'. However, Rich wasn't the only one doing Norman, his 2 other room mates using his hole whenever they felt the urge. He wasn't into orgies, frankly Rich being scared of them, but wasn't opposed to watching.

On one particular night, he witnessed one of the weirdest things he's ever seen. Four rooms, each suite off of a common room, the four had gathered in the main room for this particular evening.

Norman had cautioned Rich, "Some weird stuff is going to go down tonight. If you're not sure how it all goes, just sit on the side and stroke yourself, but don't interfere... Unless you want to join in."

"Like what weird stuff?" Rich asks.

However, he didn't get an answer when the door is keyed, their two roommates entering, followed by two other guys.

One of the other guys barks, "Where's the slaveboy?"

Rich didn't miss Norman for a minute or so, him coming out of the common jon, saying, "I'm right here, sir."

Soon enough, from chatter within the room, in addition to their roommates, John and Tyler, the other two tough-looking guys were Jake and Kareem.

Jake, more the profile of a redneck, messy appearance, long hair, to his neck, beard, stache, walks up to Norman and socks him right in the stomach with his fist!

"Oh shit! You bastard!" Rich yells out, running right up to Jake's back and, tit for tat, throws a punch right into Jake's lower back!"

"Argh! Oh shit!"

No weakling, even though he didn't work out and didn't sport six-pack abs, Norman, who had been put to his knees, held onto Jake's leg, Jake dragging him towards Rich, who kept backing off.

"He didn't mean it, Jake," Norman continued to have his cock and balls dragged against the rug. "Rich doesn't know how we like to have fun!"

Stepping in, because they knew Rich didn't have a clue to what was about to happen, one of their roommates, Tyler weaves himself in between, claims, "Norman's right. Rich," Tyler shields Rich with his bare bod, "he doesn't know anything about what we're going to do tonight."

Reaching behind himself, rubbing his lower back with his hand, Jake says, "Hmm-m, you keep him out of my fuckin' way. I'm only saying it once, boy," he addresses Rich.

Turning right around, Tyler says to Rich, "Like Norman said, some stuff is going down tonight. That sucker punch to the gut is only a taste of what's going to happen."

Looking over to the others, already their other roommate, John and the other guy, Kareem, were fastening Norman down to their dining room table, which they never used to eat off. Placed in the center of the room, Jake had opened one of two toolboxes.

To get a better picture of what was in the toolboxes, Rich got up and looked over the sofa. Suddenly, eye contact met with Jake, he softens, "Um, like I'm sorry for punching you in the back..." he gulps, "Jake."

All Jake did was snarl, baring half of the teeth in his mouth, but sending a zap of fear shivering through Rich's bones.

"Have it your way!" Rich went and sat down in a corner.

Having tied Norman down to the table, eagle-spread, the others began taking their clothes off. `Like omg!' Rich thought to himself, watching Kareem unveil a long, thick cock!

He really thought it funny, Jake holding up a big buttplug, saying, "Then again, maybe we won't be needing this!"

Meanwhile, John had removed some metal poles from a long cardboard box and like an erector set, was putting it together, metal tubing and wingnuts. Tyler helped and before long they were able to slip the upright unit under the middle of the table.

Totally in the dark about what it was for, he rose up out of his chair and snuck over to the table. He stood midway between John and Tyler, their bare backs to his shirt.

"No sense wasting time!" Jake laughs, producing 2 clamps, attached to a long chain.

"What the hell are they for?" Rich asks, more inquiring of his roommates.

Before John nor Tyler could reply, Jake is telling him, "Get that shirt off boy and I'll show you what they're fer!"

First time he sees any of the guys stand up to Jake, Kareem says, "You wanna give the guy a break, Jake?"

"You want me to shove my log up your ass, Kareem?"

"Dat puny thing. It'll do no more than tickle me, Jake!"

Kareem laughs, as does Tyler and John, so Rich didn't see any harm with going along. Again, he got the snarls and grumbles from Jake, which didn't really antagonize him, not with John and Tyler there.

For a period of an hour, Rich spent more time reporting to his corner, then hopping up out of his chair, every time they did something `weird' to Norman. More than once he caught himself saying, "Like omg, that's gotta hurt!"

Out of all the stuff they did to Norman, clamp down on his nips, stretch them, via the apparatus above the table, place a leather collar around both balls, stretch his balls, put clothespins all over his bod, drip hot wax on his hairy chest and stomach, then pull some off, leaving gaps in the hair, then as Jake nixed the use of the buttplug, Rich had to get up for this one, watching as the tip of Kareem's shaft was ready to torture Norman's asshole!

"You'll take it boy!" Jake ordered Norman. "You'll take all 10 inches!"

"Yes, sir. I'll try," Norman replies in a shaky voice.

"Try?" Jake stare into Norman's face. "You'll take it all boy, or there'll be hell to pay!"

For once, not paying much attention to Norman, instead Kareem, he watched, his cock going inside Norman a tiny bit at a time.

"Just shove the goddam fucktool in to the hilt, Kareem!"

"More pain, slowly," Kareem egged everyone on. "We come this far. You think I am going to lose my bet?"

It seemed like Rich was the last to know, "Bet?"

Tyler fills him in, "Yeah, we always bet. So far Jake stands to lose $500, if Norman doesn't give in and use his safe words."

"Safe words?"

There were many things Rich didn't understand about all of this, however he couldn't be more happier than when Kareem had fed his entire shaft all the way in, till his balls were slapping against Norman's own balls and watching Jake lay out 5 crisp 100-dollar bills.

After pulling out of Norman's ass, Kareem's spent cock two-thirds of what it was when it went in, speaks up, "You forget something, Jake?"

He was, but played dumb, "You got your 5 bills!"

Kareem says, "You owe me one hot fuck!"

"I ain't giving you no ass," turning to Rich, Jake snottily rebukes, "Tear his ass apart!"

"Kareem's right. You owe him Jake," John says.

"Fuck you," Jake gets nasty, tucking in John's gut with his fist, being a big bully.

Like when he confronted Vince over sex paying for his dancing career at the Grotto, it rubbed him the wrong way, the unexpected punch to the stomach and wherever the moxie came from, Rich jumps to the cause, kicking Jake right between the legs.

"Oh-h-h-h-h-h-h-h-fuckin' shit!" Jake calls out, falling to the floor, clutching his family jewels.

"Damn!" Tyler says, watching Jake squirm.

"You all right?" Rich helps John to his feet.

"Yeah, but if I were you, I'd run... Run as fast as you can!"

"I got a better idea," Rich got real brave. Walking over to the toolbox, he picks out a pair of metal handcuffs. Standing over Jake, his balls still stunned, he yells, "On your gut, asshole!"

"Shit!" Kareem yells out, watching Rich, with all his might, kick Jake in the ass!

It rolled Jake over, from on his side, clutching his sore balls, to lying on his stomach. When Jake started to get up, pushup position, Rich yells, "Oh no you don't!"

Kareem awards Rich "That boy... He's got moxie!" With what was unfolding, Kareem's hand was busy, thinking about how intense the scene!

It only caused Jake's bruised balls to hurt more, driven into the wooden floor.

With haste, Rich figured `not turning back', fastens a cuff around each of Jake's wrists, pinning both behind his back.

"This is good," Kareem slaps Rich on the back with a congratulatory tap.

Standing up, Rich gloats, saying, "He's all yours!"

Throughout Norman's whole ordeal, the four were stripped, working their cocks, though for himself, Norman's yelps didn't really turn Rich on. More, he went on what John had told him, Norman liking the pain, it streaking through his bod, till it connected with his balls, jacking up Norman's freed up cock, making it stiff and leaking.

Ready to witness Kareem driving his shaft into Jake's crevice, Rich notices a stroking hand, half-jokes, "Too bad you're not as pumped as when you did Norman, Kareem!" He laughs.

Standing, after fingering Jake's hole, Kareem says, "That is why I am going to turn his ass over to you!"

Well, Jake might've been in pain, but worse pain was now ringing in his ears, "Fuck that idea, Kareem. The agreement is `you' do me!"

Now, not afraid to speak out, not with Jake lying faced down, hands cuffed behind his back, John says, "That's not entirely true."

"Stay out of this, fuckwad!"

Always on the upbeat, Rich says, "Whew! If he spoke like that in front of my mama, she'd wash his mouth out with soap!" he laughs!

"He is right," Kareem says.

"Really?" Rick is skeptical.

Jake wasn't a college man. Rather, he helped run the service station at the edge of town, fixing cars, sometimes in lieu of cash he took ass, pumped gas and cum, did other menial tasks which did not require too much thinking power.

Rich realizes just how powerful a man Kareem is, with exception of how much force he can project standing behind a man, watching him now reach hands around Jake's arms and pull him to his feet.

"Take these cuffs off... Now!" Jake says with rough, back woods attitude.

Walking Jake over to the corner, to the chair Rich sat in over and over, he forces Jake's arms over the back.


"Um, a little problem," Rich wasn't afraid to point out to the tall African-American and resigned to the fact he will given the opportunity to stretch Jake's ass, "like how am I supposed to fuck him, sitting down?"

The mention of Rich fucking Jake set him into a frenzy of squirming, cursing, Kareem trying to stabilize things, grabbing a ball gag out of a toolbox.

"Oh man!" Rich is about to cut another joke, "Like, why is it so quiet in here?!"

Not total in quietness, Jake still trying to protest beyond the orange ball in his mouth, Kareem then tells them, "I wait long time for this moment."

Tyler says, "Looks like the shit is about to hit the fan!"

Rich asks, "Am I missing something here?"

John, no longer scared of reprisal, tells, "You see, Jake and Kareem are a team. Everyone knows that."

"Except me!" Rich quips.

"Everyone who is into what we're into," John continues, "so when Jake decides to team up with another guy and `not' tell Kareem about it, money goes into another guy's hand."

Cutting John off, Kareem continues, with clamps in his hands, adjusting the little screws, "And then I find out... This man is stoopider than he looks!"

Rich, not a sadist, thought it comical, seeing the whites of Jake's eyes, staring at the open rubber jaws of the clamps Kareem holds open, closer and closer to Jake's nips, hidden by the covering fur.

"You!" Kareem shouts.

"Me?" Rich responds, seeing he's the one picked out by Kareem's stare.

"Single out his nips."

"Single out his nips? What's that supposed to mean?" Rich says, looking helpless.

Tyler replies, "Brush the hair away from his nips."

"How's that?" Rich asks, after doing so.

Backing off, closing the clamps, Kareem replies, "Not good. Rip it out!"

"Rip it out? Rip what out?" Rich is stymied.

Tyler again explains, "Kareem means rip the hair out around Jake's nips."

`Rip the hair out around Jake's nips?' Rich mouths the words for his own benefit. Regardless of whatever Jake has done or said to Rich, he protests, "That's insane!"

"Never mind," Kareem says, "I will do it myself!"

"I'm outta here!" Rich starts walking.

Caught by a hand grabbing him by the tee shirt, Kareem says, "No don't go. You need to finish. We shave him instead."

He really couldn't go anyplace. Matching his cock, Kareem had big hands too and one of those kept Rich a prisoner in the room, a fistful of the back of Rich's tee shirt crumbled up. Moving his head back and forth, like a little kid would answer, Rich decides, "Oh-h-kay."

Assembling a brush, a tin of shaving soap and razor, borrowed from John, Tyler and Norman, now relaxed on the table, Kareem decides, "We do it in the tub."

Of course Jake flinched, tried to dart out of his predicament, but finally they got him into the shared mens room. Still, his hands cuffed behind his back, they place him, sitting, in the tub.

"Always happen," Kareem has his cock lying in his hand, "I have to piss after fuck!"

"Like omg!" Rich said, both hands to side of his head in astonishment. Then, since they all had the advantage, jokes, "I don't think Jake is going to li-i-ike this very much!"

Right before standing there and taking a piss in the bath tub, John asks, "Should we swap out the ball gag for this?"

"What's that thingymabob for?" Rich asks of the wiry thing in John's hand.

"You do it," Kareem agrees, bending down, placing one hand over both balls. "You let me know if he does not cooperate!"

Totally astounded by all which was taking place, Rich was feeling a little excited himself. After all, they weren't causing Jake any pain, other than the anguish of manhandling his pride.

Suddenly, it's John who notices, "You're hard."

"What?" Rich's eyes shoot down to the crevice between his legs.

"You're hard. Don't be shy. Stroke it a few times. Enjoy yourself."

Looking to John, then down at his cock, Rich holds his hand, like he's reluctant to touch himself.

"Here, let me help you out," the blond says, dropping to his knees.

"Okay," Rich didn't refuse him, "if you want to," which was passe, since John had already fallen to his knees and with a lending hand fed `Rich' into his mouth.

For a few short moments his attention was divided, between watching Tyler forcing the ballgag out of Jake's mouth, Kareem having to keep Jake's mouth open with a firm squeeze of the orbs, then this wiry thing take shape, keeping Jake's mouth wide open.

New to him, he didn't comprehend it, when Tyler says, "Thirsty, Jake?" and laughs.

Looking down upon John's blond mane, very busy keeping him hard, he asks, "What's Tyler mean?"

John was too busy enjoying himself to answer.

Soon his question was answered, watching Kareem slowly piss into Jake's mouth. With Tyler pulling the long locks on the back of the redneck mechanic's head, it became impossible for him to spit the piss out, which meant it only had one tributary to flow into!

"Ewe," Rich drew his attention away momentarily, from John's caressing lips.

For a few short moments there were gurgling sounds, Kareem pissing away, Jake occasionally choking.

"Swallow or drown!" Kareem orders.

It seemed like Kareem had a gallon jug's worth of piss. Some of it wound up streaming down Jake's chest, into the ripples of his stomach, soaking his pubes, but not all.

When Kareem squeezed the last few drops out, he instructs Tyler to change places.

"I think I'm gonna be sick!" Rich says.

Rich feels cool air, instead of hot slime, graze his cock, attention drawn to his feet.

Looking up, John asks, "Want to fuck me?"

It was a choice, whether to stand there and watch Jake guzzle down piss, his stomach looking distended, Kareem chugging down beer, or...

"Yeah. Sounds like a plan," Rich replies.

Before the two leave the room, Kareem instructs, "You do not leave the apartment. We still have a score to settle with Jake and you!"

"Uh, yeah... okay," Rich tells him, saying to John as they go to his bedroom, "like where else do I have to go!"

Passing through the main room, Rich asks, "Should we untie Norman?"

"No. Kareem might still want to play with him. I don't want him coming after me, if he found out I did. I mean, not with a weapon, like that?" Siding with Jake, John says, "Trust me, you don't want to fuck with Kareem!"

Scanning over Norman's bod, Rich says, "Like what else can they do to him?" seeing wax covering Norman's perky pecs, apparatus still clutching his balls.

Instead they duck into Rich's bedroom, where he knew where the condoms and lube could be found, in a draw, right next to his bed. Though, fucking wasn't immediately on the menu, more preferring an oral workup.

Strange it seemed, if he was following this authoritarian thing, thinking it through, if right now he was the man in charge, why was it John was giving all the orders...

"Turn over," he commanded Rich, after throughly licking his whole chest, small patch of hair and the skimpy treasure trail, spending an enormous amount of time keeping Rich `enormous'!

Yet, he had no complaints, after John tells him to spread his legs.

Stretched wide apart over Rich's mid-leg section, John knelt in the middle, slipping his bod down until his stomach was flush against the bed, at the same time stimulating himself, his extended cock was ruffed up by the bed covers.

He giggles when he feels John's tongue on his ass, "Don't suffocate yourself!"

However, John had his own way of going about this, which to Rich, showed it wasn't John's first ass in which he pulled two cheeks apart and dove his tongue in like a dive-bomber.

First time for everything, Rich hurries his accolades, "Oh-h-h-h-shit-that-feels-like, awesome!" when he feels wet tongue at his asshole. Same time he was feeling a little queasy, thinking of a tongue on his shit-chute, but the goodness won out!

With suddenness, John stops, slapping Rich on the ass.

"Owch! What was that for?" Rich rubbed his ass, looking over his right shoulder.

"Turn over. I'm getting close. I want to suck your cock again."

Forgetting about the sting to his ass, Rich flips over, "With pleasure, my dear!" he laughs, ass sting fading.

He didn't think it was the end of moving about, already picturing John on his knees, himself coming up behind him and digging his cock deep into the ditch. Only, as soon as his cock reached rigid state, he found John turning about, "Like, what's up John?"

John worked out. His bod was muscled, which made it no imposition to turn around, sit and as he was doing so, with a free hand, lined Rich's cock up with his own hole.

"Oh damn!" Rich realizes what's about to go down, too late thinking about reaching in his night stand draw for protection. Then again, vowing to never have sex without it, "No! Wait!"

"What the fuck?" John exclaims, sitting, not on Ric's cock, but his balled up fist!

Holding his own cock, keeping the tall shaft from piercing John's ass ring, he cautions, "Sorry, but I never leave home without it," he tears open the little square package.

It could have been a comedic scene, John jack-knifed over Rich's pubes, hands flat on the bed, like he was trying to self-suck himself, looking at his own cock and balls hanging. In fact, to gain a clearer view, John used one of his hands to hold his junk to the side.

On account of he preferred not feeling rubber get in the way, John inquires, "I don't suppose you ever go bareback?"

Last Gay Pride Parade, Rich had picked up a bunch of condoms, literally by the handful. In regards to size, some were not exactly his fit, with the ability to stuff 8.5 inches of cut meat into.

"Rats!" he says with frustration, pulling the small latex fitting off, whereas he had threaded about half of the condom onto. Tossing it on the floor, he reached for another, "I know one of these have got to fit!"

It wasn't too erotic for John, hand driven to keeping himself hard, while waiting for Rich to figure out which condom matched up to his size.

"Too..." he uttered the sounds of sex, when a man can't hold his emotions in any longer, "late... oh fuck!"

Rich got a little shock, "What tha?"

Shocked indeed, John not being able to hold back, ass falling to Rich's chest, sitting about midchest, equidistant between both nips, and with uncontrollable fervor lets loose his stream of man-creme.

Fortunately for Rich, he was able to scoot his arms out of the way, abandoning all efforts to encase his hard shaft with the elastic covering.

Deeming it a total failure, no matter how much John apologized or offered to suck Rich off, he protested, "No, no... the moment is like gone forever..."

Or so it seemed.

Opening the door to take his leave, John became the doorman for Kareem and Tyler, hauling Jake into Rich's bedroom.

"You didn't think I forgot about Jake owing you?" Kareem says.

"Yeah, I mean `no', I mean..." Rich is a little lost for words, but not oblivious to what's going on.

"We cleaned him up," Tyler says, helping Kareem bring Jake's big, burly bod to the bed.

However, it's Kareem who rules the scene, "How do you want him?"

Purposely, when they hosed Jake down, with clean water, not their own `hoses', in the process Tyler had removed the brace which kept Jake's jaws wide open.

Jake knew the drill, about how painful it could be, feeling teeth while massaging a hot cock, not that he's done it himself. First time for everything, taking the threat for real, if Kareem felt teeth, he would feel the pressure on his balls. Immediately, all Jake could think of is how Kareem had grabbed up Norman's balls and squeezed them till they looked like they were ready to pop out of their sacs.

Even though Rich was smaller than Kareem's big canon, Jake's jaws had just taken a harsh workover, not to mention Tyler, stroking to the rhythm of Kareem savagely working his cock in and out of Jake's mouth, stunned at seeing it bob up and down Jake's throat. He was ready to come right after Kareem stuffed his cock in and held it there, like his creme was going right into Jake's stomach. But he had to wait, joking, "Think Jake can fit two in there?" Too late, Kareem had expended his full load, but it was still tight, Tyler exclaiming, when he stuffed himself in Jake's mouth, "Oh cool! Still tight!"

As for Rich, he laughs out loud, telling the bunch, "What have you been doing to keep Jake hard?"

Still in denial of his predicament, wrists cuffed behind his back and being forced to do anything, with or without his consent, he protests, "Fuck you!"

Standing right behind, Kareem extends his arm behind himself and flinging his palm forward, there's a crack of thunder, his hand lightning fast to caress Jake's hairy asscheeks.

"Ahkk-k-k-k-k-k-k-k!" Jake's whole bod takes a leap forward.

Which, right at the foot of the bed, he falls straight ahead!

Tyler jokes, "Tim-m-mber-r-r-r-r!"

Lining up, their heads side by side, Jake's scruffy beard rubbing against Rich's 5 o'clock shadow, "Oh man," Rich says, "you wanna get Jake a breath mint?"

He saw Tyler react right off, hauling Jake up by the arms. Since he was already `on' the bed, Tyler set the muscle bear on his knees, hovering over Rich.

In a good mood, a bit nervous, Rich feels up his pecs and stomach, "Checking for any broken ribs!"

Nastily, Jake badgers, "You're going to be checking for more than that, so get used to it... That is if you can feel!"

"Move, Rich?"

"Huh?" Rich question Tyler's motives.

"Move your ass out of the bed?"

He did, without question, but Rich did have one question, "Hey, where did Kareem and John go?"

"You probably didn't notice, but John and Kareem, they `hang' together?"

"But John, he wanted to get..."

"Fucked. I know. Open relationship, but they only mess with guys they both have a connection with."

Rich slightly protests, "But I only met them tonight?"

Smiling, as he grinds Jake's face into the bed, "Kareem likes you. Trust me, don't do anything to jeopardize that or you'll wind up like Jake here."

Watching Tyler applying a knee to both of Jake's thighs, to keep him planted, Rich comments, "Um, you look a little too soft to..."

The tip of Tyler's cock was resting on Jake's hairy ass, but as Rich had noticed, wasn't in condition to do any major damage. What he had witnessed before, maybe 7 or 8 inches of sausage, ready to get barbecued, now it had diminished considerably, which led him to believe, "You and Kareem, you beat me to it?"

Laughing about it, reflecting on the moment, not himself, but seeing Kareem, revitalizing his fucking fervor, along with stiffening up for another go around, after filling Jake's stomach with cum, while Tyler stuffed Jake's mouth, he watched Kareem approach him from the other end, "You mean you didn't hear it?"

Two walls apart, Rich responds, "Hear what?"

Smirking, Tyler says, "You mean I have to say it in words what Kareem's hard shaft can do to a man's ass?"

Rather than feel stupid, only a fictitious picture in his mind, since he's never seen a nearly 10 inch cock pierce a man's ass, Rich changes the subject, "You look ready to do some damage?"

Giggling, Tyler says, "Yeah. You got me thinking about doing Jake at both ends and... Mind if I go first?"

His face in the pillow, Jake's protests came out only in mumbles, like he was speaking a foreign language.

Rich picks up on one thing, "Jake doesn't sound so happy over it."

"Oh don't you worry about that. Before the night is over Kareem and me, we'll have Jake begging for cock!"

Thinking on it, Rich figures, `Yeah.. Right...' He then goes on to say, "Well, you know what?"

"You want to go first?"

"Not what I had in mind," Rich replies, "rather, I don't think I'm really in the mood to do Jake."

Turning his head from Jake's ass, where Tyler as been playing up the 26-year old muscle bear, rubbing his cockhead up and down the hairy ass crevice, he smiles at Rich, "Oh really? Not from what I can see?"

Rich laughs out loud!


"Frankly, Ty, I more had my eyes on `your' ass!"

"Oh really?" Tyler shows interest, turning around and now using Jake's ass as a stool for his own ass, "And how long has this been a fixation of yours, Rich?"

He didn't mean it to slip out, but since his urge to act was out in the open, Rich confesses, "Ever since you helped me move in... Bending over to set all those boxes down?"

"Why don't we take care of Jake first and then we can work our differences out?"

The only thing which kept the two from being in sync with eyes staring at each other, was Jake, renewing his griping, "Wait till I get up... I'll fuck the living daylights out of both of ya's!"

Turning around, Tyler takes a turn slapping Jake on the ass, "Oh hush, Jake! You should be thanking Kareem and me for giving you your monthly bath!"

"Yeah, I noticed that," Rich replies.

Of course, the insult made Jake squirm on the bed, after he reacted to the sting on his butt.

Finding it funny, even though he wasn't into causing people deliberate pain, it's a feeling of camaraderie Rich senses, Tyler, even Kareem not doing anything life threatening, "I never saw a grown man get spanked!" He laughs.

Tyler divulges, "You gotta hang with Kareem and me more often, Rich. Hey, got a belt? I'll give you a preview of how much of a pussycat Kareem can be!"

"Um, probably," Rich didn't move, just stood there.

"The belt, Rich?"

"Oh sure," he wasn't sure, but managed to walk towards the closet. "I got this one, or this one," he holds out a wide black belt and thin brown.

"Oh nice!" Tyler says of Rich's stock of leather. "Black."

No one was wearing pants, let alone any article of clothing in which to fit a belt to it and based on Kareem and Tyler's ability to stimulate Jake's cheeks with their hands, "You're not?!"

"Do me a favor... Sit on Jake's back?"

"Um," Rich was unsure, now knowing what Tyler was going to use the belt for, "I think I'll see what Kareem and John are up to..."

"Trust me, Rich, if you can't take this, you don't want to see what Kareem is doing to Norman!"

"I don't?" Biting a lip, because now his curiosity was compromised, "Like, what are they doing?"

"Let's just give Jake what he has coming to him and then we'll join them?"

Things were happening, like pop-pop-pop, almost too fast for Rich to react... Going with the here and now, he surrenders to Tyler's orders, plopping his ass down on Jake's slightly hairy back, joking, "I think Jake needs a shave!"

He laughed, but Tyler was dead serious, other than holding the doubled in half belt in one hand, "Oh man that would humiliate the hell outta Jake, shaving his chest, stomach, pits... Yeah, do it man!"

"I was only kidding," Rich replies, focus on more than shaving Jake from neck to navel and beyond, his eyes keen on the belt laying across Jake's ass cheeks!

"Count them out, Jake!" Tyler, with dominant fortitude orders Jake.

"Fuck you!"

"Oh fuckin' shit!" Rich calls out, Tyler reaching his arm up, behind his own back, bringing his belt down on Jake's ass, "Like oh my god that was some ride!"

Strange, Rich immediately thought about himself, how this didn't seem to be anything malicious, more guys just playing around!

"Wanna try?" Tyler extends his hand, leather strap attached, offering it to Rich.

"Uh, no thanks. You're doing a good job..." he suddenly picks up on the rising welt, "Um, you think that's enough?"

"Enough? Get real Rich. I'm only getting started, but it's gonna be tough on Jake," Tyler heightens the volume of his voice, for Jake's benefit, "if he refuses to count out his sentence!"

Rich says, "He isn't talking."

Though, Jake was grumbling something, which sounded like it amounted to a bunch of four letter words sandwiched in between others.

"His loss," Tyler says indifferently.

Rich, he got quite the ride, trying to hold Jake's jerking bod down, with each lash Tyler delivered to the service station attendant's bare ass.

Jake never did count out the lashes to his own ass, but Tyler resolved, "Damn I'm so hard!"

Rich, by choice, didn't have the privilege of fucking Jake's wounded ass, Tyler stealing it all to himself. But it's not like Rich's pride was hurt. In reality the redneck didn't turn him on. Walking out into the main room, it got better...

There was Norman, still splayed out on the table, only he wasn't tied down. Oh, he was grabbing at the side edges of the table with both hands. What guy wouldn't, with his midsection folded over the edge, legs spread far and two guys planting their stems right in the middle?!

"Oh my god!" Rich stutters, looking down upon the two cocks, stuffed into Norman's ass.

"Climb on top," Kareem suggests to Rich.

"You don't mean?" Rich can only imagine two more fat dicks added to Kareem's humongous tube.

John speaks up, "Your loss, our gain!"

Laughing loudly, Kareem follows, but then concentrates on really sockin' it to Norman.

Always following the golden rule, Rich quips, "Would be nice, but I don't happen to have a rubber on me."

Truthfully, Rich had had enough of an education tonight. Walking out the door, he plastered his back to wood, sealing out thoughts of bits and pieces of what took place tonight. Exhaling, he says to himself, "Whatever happened to good ole fashioned mansex?"

It was late, but he knew he could find some meaningful action down at the Grotto, pick up a guy, perhaps go to his place and do the kind of getting off which did not require any extraneous material, other than human flesh and `muscle!'


Copyright 2013 T. Chase McPhee

`PaCKage DeaL', and developing segments of this story, may not be sold, nor made part of any collection, without prior consent from the author.

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