Road Rules--The Real Story

By Justin Miller

Published on Aug 17, 2003



This story is fiction. The cast of "Road Rules" are real people, but I know nothing about their innermost feelings and passions. Although a boy can dream. If you're not into boys sucking face and other more intimate acts, then use that nifty little "BACK" button to get away from this story, 'cuz you're not going to like what's written here. Consider yourself warned.

The room was uncomfortably silent, except for the soft humming of the air conditioning fan. The group waited with trepidation while the producer reviewed the tape one more time. In one corner of the room, Donnell paced back and forth, all the while glaring intensely at Abe, obviously still fired up from the earlier incident. On the other side, on the window ledge, Abe was hunched over, his forehead in his hands, reflecting on how inappropriate his actions had been just a few short hours ago. He really had been enjoying the camaraderie of being with these folks (at least most of them) and knew that his emotions had put his time with the group in jeopardy. The three women were huddled together in a small circle, holding hands and whispering to each other every so often. Dave was standing behind each of the girls in succession, giving them a calming shoulder massage. His hands were fidgety, so he figured he should at least put them to good use and try to ease some of the tension on the room. Within his own mind, he was beating himself up for not acting upon the increasingly apparent signs of discord between Abe and Donnell; he felt that his inaction had contributed to the eruption in the dance studio earlier. He had gotten so turned on while trying to restrain Abe, pushing and grabbing onto his muscular body while trying to separate the two of them. But had he let his lust cloud his judgment and possibly endanger the team? Now all they could do is wait.

After an agonizing hour, the producer came back into the studio. Abe came back over the circle and sat indian-style on the floor in front of Christena. Dave took a seat to her left; Donnell joined the circle, sitting directly opposite from Abe.

"As you know, we simply can't tolerate a situation where the Road Rules teammates can't be civil to one another. We've talked with you all as a group, spoken with each of you individually, and reviewed our own videotapes regarding today's incident and the events that lead up to it. It is obvious to me, and probably to each of you as well, that the disdain that Abram and Donnell have shown for one another is not likely to be resolved in the short term, and we don't have the luxury of time for the two of you to work things out."

"Abram, you're a fierce competitor, but you've got to figure out a way to express your emotions in a less physical manner. Throwing a punch, no matter how strongly you're provoked, should not be your answer."

"However, Donnell, your actions have been far more subtle, yet equally dangerous. In reviewing your actions, the other producers and I have noticed a growing trend of disparaging remarks towards your teammates and a particular hatred towards Abram, who has told you in no uncertain terms on numerous occasions that your opinions of him were unfounded. Yet you persisted in aggravating the situation. In short, we have found you to the be the instigator of the earlier altercation and firmly believe that if you were to remain on the team, you would continue to alienate yourself from your teammates and further instability that would lead to future problems. Donnell, you need to head back to the RV, gather up your personal belonging, because you're heading back home effective immediately."

"What the fuck do you mean, instigator?" screamed Donnell. He pointed at Abe. "It was this asshole who swung at me. It's not right. He's racist and, and, he had no right to hit me."

"Donnell, although we're not condoning what Abram did, we're all frankly surprised that it didn't happen earlier. You've been baiting him since the day you met, despite his efforts to get along with you. We've spoken with the entire group, and they unanimously agreed that you should be the one to go. Abram isn't off the hook--he's on probation as far as we're concerned. One hint of problems out of him and he'll be joining you on a non-stop flight outa here. But for now, our concern is getting you away from this group. Hopefully, away from this situation, you'll have some time to reflect and see that this was the best for all involved."

Donnell stormed out of the room, issuing a stream of profanity unmatched in modern times. He was quickly escorted to the RV and then to the airport. No one from the group ever had contact with him again.

The remaining 5 team members all got up and hugged each other after Donnell left.

"Thank God he's gone!" sighed Christena. "He was such a drag."

Abe held Christena's hand in between his. "I know that I'm not blameless in all the problems that we had. In fact, I'm damn lucky that I wasn't the one kicked out. But I want to promise each and every one of you that I'm going to try harder than I ever have before in my life to be a model team member."

Dave put his arm around Abe's shoulder. "Abe, you've been our rock for all the competitions thus far. You've just gotta work on bonding with us more during the in-between times" He reached over and grabbed Cara's hand as well. "We ALL have to work on bonding better."

"I agree," said Cara. "So do I," said Christena "I'm so happy to hear you all say that" smiled MaryBeth, and they all hugged again.

"I'm glad to hear you all say that, because you still have a mission to complete," explained the producer. "And now that there are only 5 of you, you're going to have to work extra hard to pass this challenge. In case you've forgotten, the goal of this mission is to get 50 customers to attend a go-go dancing show put on by the guys at a gay club here. Ladies, you still have to promote the show tonight, although you'll obviously need to change your signs to only include the 2 guys. As for you, Dave and Abe, you've got some moves to learn, as well as a wardrobe fitting, before your big show. Time's a wasting, so let's get started."

The 3 girls headed out to the streets to get new signs made and make sure that they were well hung. Abe and Dave started their session with Niles, the local man who taught sexy dancing to the local go-go boy wannabes in the city. After a few quick stretches, Niles got down to business, teaching his eager pupils how to grind their hips, shake their butts and work the now-imaginary crowd.

Dave took to the training nearly effortlessly. His lean body was well suited for the twisty maneuvers and gyrations. He was smiling and joking during the entire session, clearly enjoying the chance to indulge his naughty side. Abe, on the other hand, was much clumsier and needed the bulk of Nigel's coaching ability. The boys were both stripped down to just their board shorts. The room was warm, and both guys had a slick layer of sweat covering their hunky bodies.

Nigel gave them a five-minute break before starting on the second session. This time, he had them strip down to their underwear. "It's in preparation for the next level," he grinned as both guys climbed out of their shorts and threw them into a pile in the corner.

Dave had on pair of tighty whities, which hugged his crotch tightly. They were already damp from the first session and the outline of his semi-hard cock was noticeable to the eager eye of Nigel. He told himself that he should work Dave harder this session in order to get him even sweatier. Abe had on a pair of jet-black boxers that were baggy on his solid frame. The boxers served as a sharp contrast to Abe's pale skin, and within minutes of starting the session, they had slid down his hips, showing off the tops of his firm butt cheeks.

The second session focused more on them dancing together instead of separately. Nigel positioned Dave behind Abe and showed them how to bump and grind in unison. Their sweat-slickened bodies moved together in tandem. Dave ran his hands along Abe's strong chest, as Nigel showed him, and Abe humped his ass back into Dave' crotch, also per Nigel's instructions. Dave was having so much fun learning the moves that he didn't really even notice how aroused he was getting while dancing so close to Abe. Abe, on the other hand, was painfully aware of the boner that he was sporting as Dave rubbed and grinded against his taut torso. He was really confused why he was getting an erection, because he had never had sexual thoughts about guys. However, the closeness of Dave's sweaty body certainly was having an effect on him. He tried to focus harder on the dance moves, but he kept finding himself distracted by Dave's sexy moves.

Nigel liked what he saw. For the short amount of time that they had to learn the routines, both Abe and Dave were now passable as go-go boys. Dave exuded a sensuality that was captivating, and Abe's raw sexual magnetism made up for his somewhat mechanical moves. When dancing together, they tended to accentuate each other's strengths, resulting in a very erotic duo. Nigel knew that the guys would be able to score well on the stage--it would be up to the girls to achieve their portion of the mission.

It was an hour before the big performance, and the girls had returned from handing out flyers and trying to convince anyone and everyone to attend the big event. Nigel handed the boys a small bag containing their outfits for the show. Dave pulled the tiny G-string out of his bag and bust out laughing. Abe didn't look nearly as amused as he stared at his tiny leather jockstrap. Dave stretched it out and held it in front of his shorts-covered crotch, shaking his moneymaker while laughing hysterically. Abe began to blush as he thought about dancing in front of a crowd of horny gay men in such a skimpy outfit.

"Good thing Donnell isn't here," Dave chuckled. "I'm not sure New Zealand would be ready for him in a banana hammock!" The gang joined him in the laughter--it was the first time since the fight that they had all shared a laugh--and they all hugged again, feeling the closest bond that they had since their journey had begun.

Nigel reminded them that showtime was fast approaching. The boys headed off into the dressing room while the girls went outside to see if they could entice any last-minute partiers. Dave and Abe both stripped to their underwear.

"I don't know if I can go out in this, um, thing," said Abe, nervously. Dave swung his G-string around on his index finger. "Don't sweat it, Abe. You'll do fine, and I'm sure that you'll look great in your outfit. We've gotta win this mission, and to do that, we've gotta be entertaining. So relax and let's just do it." Dave then pulled down his shorts.

Dave's body was tanned all over and well proportioned. His pecs weren't pumped up, but had the definition of a man who was naturally athletic. His midsection was tight-he had even brought his Ab-Wheel with him on the trip to keep up his ab workouts while on the road. His chest was naturally smooth, but a furry happy trail started right around his navel and led down to a well-trimmed crotch. Dave's penis wasn't erect but was several inches long flaccid. A pair of low hanging balls dangled prominently from beneath his cock. Dave had strong, firm thighs that were much hairier than the rest of his body. Dave stepped into his fluorescent yellow G-string and pulled it up to just beneath his balls. He pulled the waistband out and tucked his package into the tiny outfit. He adjusted the back around his asscheeks and wiggled his body, getting used to the constricting fabric.

"Geez, that looks tight, dude!" smiled Abe, as his eyes were focused on Dave's tight package. "I hope mine is a bit bigger. The outfit, that is." Abe chuckled nervously

"Only one way to find out there, buddy. Drop your shorts and try `em on." Dave could hardly contain his excitement at seeing Abe naked again. It had been several weeks since he went skinny-dipping and Donnell snatched his clothes. After that, Abe had been reluctant to show off his body too much to the rest of the group. Dave had a serious case of the hots for Abe, and was really looking forward to sharing the stage with the sexy hunk clad in virtually nothing.

Abe's pecs were square and firm, with dark nipple rising up from his freckled skin. Abe's six pack was well defined, although Dave had never seen him do a crunch or leg lift since they had met. As Abe pulled down his boxers, his meaty cock flopped out. It was a monster--Dave guessed that it was 5" already and not really hard at all. He knew that Abe had good reason to be anxious about being in the jockstrap; there was little chance that the tiny garment was going to leave anything to the imagination. Abe's jock was black leather and looked to be a little larger than Dave's own tiny getup. But as Abe slid it up his legs and up to his crotch, both of them knew that this was going to be an extremely revealing outfit. Abe pulled out the pouch and jammed his junk into the leather jock. It bulged out obscenely and Abe blushed as he looked down as his crotch. He was comfortable with being naked in general, but this outfit made him feel like a piece of meat. Which, of course, was the point of this mission. But he knew how important that it was to the group that they win this mission, the first without Donnell there to complicate things, so he swallowed his pride, stood up tall and put his arm around Dave. Dave pulled him into a bear hug, putting his hands onto Abe's strong back and pulling the two of them closer.

"Let's knock `em dead, Dave! This town ain't seen nothing like us on stage." "Remember--Nigel said that we really need to camp it up. We have to lose ourselves in this role. That's what's gonna win over the audience, and the judges." They broke their embrace. "No holds barred!" Abe high-fived Dave and they headed out of the dressing room.

The show was a huge success. The girls had packed the place with hot locals, curious tourists, adventurous frat boys and man-hungry women. The boys had downed a few shots to squash any lingering apprehension about their performance. Promptly at 10PM, the stage lights went dark and "It's Raining Men" blared from the speakers. The crowd hooted and hollered as Abe and Dave, glistening in oil that they had just applied to each other. Dave had savored every minute of rubbing the warm oil over Abe's broad back and shoulders. His hard-on got more intense with the contact against Abe's warm skin. Thus, when he went on stage, he was rock hard, which delighted the crowd.

On stage, the boys were all over each other. They thrusted their pelvises together and ran their hands along each other's nearly naked body. Due to the shots and the competitiveness of his nature, Abe really got into the whole performance. Throughout the show, his hands caressed his own asscheeks and ran along his leather-bound package. He worked the crowd like a master, allowing the judges and customers in the front row to paw over his hard body.

Dave, on the other hand, used this opportunity to paw all over Abe. He could barely control his lust as he chewed playfully on Abe's earlobe, pinched his oversized nipples and simulated fucking his taut ass, all in the name of the mission. He was not shy in showing off his own sexy body to the crowd as well. He jumped and gyrated and slithered on the floor, showing off his firm butt for the horny onlookers. Abe had grabbed a bottled water from one of the customers and poured it over both of their heads while they were dancing together. The water made their skin glisten even more in the disco lights, and Dave's G-string, when wet, was virtually invisible. All 7" of his cock was now on display for everyone in the room to see, but Dave didn't really give a fuck about anyone but Abe right now. His performance was fueled by pure desire for the sexy redhead.

The crowd ate them up and they scored high on all marks from the judges. Combined with the sufficient number of attendees to the function, this allowed the team to earn another tattoo for their RV, another step closer to the final prize. Backstage, the girls joined the sweaty, sticky guys in a celebratory bottle of champagne.

"You guys were da bomb!" exclaimed Christena. Mary Ann agreed. "I've never laughed that hard in years. Abe, you were freakin' hysterical. You too, Dave" "It was like you two had been doing that all your life," smiled Cara, giving Dave a peck on the cheek. "At least you know you have a career to fall back on." "Well, we should shower and get changed," said Abe. "How's `bout we meet you out front in, like, half an hour?" "OK" said the girls in unison, and they headed to the bar to checkout the action.

In the dressing room, Abe had removed his robe and was again clad only in his leather jock. "You kicked ass out there, Dave. You got nearly perfect scores from all the judges."

"You weren't so bad yourself" replied Dave, shedding his robe as well. The tension in the room was thick. The two boys looked each other over, staring at how tightly their underwear clung to their bodies. Their bulges were both obvious; the g-string and jock left nothing to the imagination. Dave was overcome for desire for his teammate and reached over to massage Abe's throbbing dick through his jock. He knew that he ran the risk of getting slugged, but Abe had been exuding a vibe all day that Dave instinctively read as curiosity. Indeed, Abe didn't reach over and club Dave, but instead slid his hand over top of Dave's hand and helped guide him along his bulging jock. Abe was about to say something, but Dave put his index finger in front of Abe's mouth as whispered into his ear. "Just go with it."

Abe let out a soft moan as Dave's fingers touched his exposed cockhead, which had extended out the side of the jock. Dave rolled his palm along the shaft, then pulled down the jock, exposing Abe's meaty staff. He leaned in and nuzzled his lips against Abe's cheeks and neck while gently sliding his fist along his buddy's erect cock. Abe leaned his head in towards Dave and they began a deep, soulful kiss.

Their tongues tangled as their hands massaged each other's taut torsos. Both boys were still oily from their performance, and Dave was able to glide his hands effortlessly all along Abe's muscular pecs and shoulders. Dave felt the fine layer of chest fuzz that covered the central part of Abe's chest; it was matted down from the oil and sweat. It was so light that it was barely noticeable except when up close. Abe's nipples were much darker than the rest of his pale skin, and quickly became erect nubs as Dave ran his fingers around them. Abe was already leaking pre-cum from his veiny pole.

"Damn, this boy really needs to get off," Dave thought to himself, sensing the urgent desire in Abe's body language. "And I'm just the guy to do it to him."

Dave broke their kiss started to lick and kiss his way down Abe's neck and torso. He sucked gently on each of Abe's tender nipples, causing Abe's breathing to intensify as his entire body wriggled in response to the passionate tonguebath that Dave was giving him. Dave continued downward, running the tip of this tongue all along Abe's taut belly, tracing the perimeter of his sexy navel and then travelling down Abe' faint happy trail. Dave knelt down in front of Abe and pulled his friend's fleshy prick out completely from its leather confines.

Abe's cock was a whopper, 8" inches of meaty, thick manflesh. It was cut with a light pink tint to the head and a veiny shaft that protruded from a sparse bush of pubes. Dave spread the slick precum all around the bulbous head and then started to jack Abe's dick. The precum, mixed with the oil on Dave's hands from working Abe's chest, Dave reached down and freed his own meaty shaft from his tight underwear, tucking the waistband under his nutsack. This pushed up his own 7" cock, which immediately slapped up against his hard belly. He pushed it down with his fingers, then released it, watching it slap back up against his torso. He wanted Abe more than he had ever wanted another man before in his young life. Abe's cock was glistening with precum, beckoning Dave to it once again. Dave leaned in, grabbed a hold of Abe's thick prong and put it into his eager, hungry mouth. Dave bobbed up and down on the veiny cock. Abe put his hands in Dave's hair and gently guided him up and down on his joystick. Dave was slurping loudly, lost in his passion, kneading his own balls and sliding his hand along his cock while he opened his throat wider to take in more of Abe's massive pole.

Once he established a rhythm with his mouth, his tongue started darting all around Abe's pecker. It attacked every little sensitive spot. His tongue focused in on that magic spot where the head and the shaft connect. Abe let out a moan and Dave's mouth suddenly pulled away.

"Don't stop!" Abe looked down at Dave and saw the yearning in his eyes. Dave's face was glossy with sweat, and his eyes were filled with unquenched desire. Abe gently pushed Dave's head back into his musky crotch. Dave swallowed his fleshy meat once again. Up and down he went, twisting his head as he bobbed on Dave's stiff dick. Deepthroating Abe's shaft, Dave was in pure heaven. He pulled urgently on his own rigid cock as he covered his teammate's fleshstick with hot saliva. He felt Abe's bush tickle his nose as he engulfed the entire length of the rod. He shifted his focus to Abe's hairy, low handing balls, sucking the meaty orbs into this eager mouth. Abe could feel Dave's hands tickling his ass and he spread my legs to allow him access. Abe closed his eyes and gave into his passion as Dave worked a finger along the sensitive around his asshole, while Dave resumed his blowjob. Abe could feel the impending orgasm racing through his now-quivering body

"Yeah...Suck me, Davey. Take it. Oh yeah. MMMMMM. Don't stop. Use your tongue. Yeah. I'm gonna cum soon. Ohhhh Ohhhhhh!" Suddenly, a dry finger was forcefully rammed into his tight asshole. It felt like it was ripping him wide open. Abe's body tensed as he let out a loud yell.


A huge load of manjuice rushed out of Abe's rigid prick and into Dave's eager waiting mouth. Abe shot several spurts of hot, thick cum down his throat, more than Dave could swallow despite his best efforts. Some of the creamy load dripped from Dave's lips as Abe pulled his dick out and rubbed it along his buddy's face. Dave's tongue kept probing Abe's cock for more cum as Abe's attempted to catch his breath after his intense orgasm.

Dave was still working his own cock furiously. He was rock hard and his breathing was getting heavy as he neared his own orgasm. Abe urged him to stand up, and reached down to help jack off his buddy. They kissed feverishly while Abe worked his buddy's shaft faster and faster. Dave let Abe whack him off while he ran his hands along Abe's well-muscled torso and tender nipples. The rush of the evening's events, and the friction of Abe's jacking was too much for Dave, and he arched his back as the first spurt of cum erupted from his mushroom cockhead.

"FUUUUCCKKKK YEAHHHHH!" Dave moaned as ripples of pleasure shot through his body. Wave after wave of thick spooge shot from his pole, landing on Abe's midsection, crotch and upper thighs. Globs of cum kept spurting from Dave's cock as his breathing steadied. He leaned back in and kissed Abe deeply, putting his hand behind Abe's head and pulling him closer to his waiting mouth. They continued to kiss each other urgently, their tongues and lips hungrily devouring each other.

Several minutes later, a knock on the door startled the two of them from their embrace.

"Are you guys ready to go?" asked Christena from the other side of the door. "You've been in there forever. Let's get on out of here already!"

The boys scrambled to clean themselves up, get dressed and meet the girls for further adventures on their island paradise.

(Feedback appreciated--let me know what you think at

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