Robert's Hobby

By Aaron Wilson

Published on Apr 23, 2011



Of all the crazy dares we could come up with, if it involved removal of clothing, we didn't need to say it twice to Robert. It started off pretty tamely when Brian dared him to pull down his pants in the garage.

Paul was helping me fix a puncture on my bike while Robert and Brian waited not very patiently. It was the beginning of summer holidays and while we didn't have any fixed plans, we figured that with bikes and good mates there was no way we could ever be bored.

"Go on, I dare you. Pull them down"

"What for? Do you want to look at my undies?" asked Robert.

"Yes, I want to look at your undies. Pants to ankles"

...and so he did. Damn, I wish I had thought of that. Robert had the cutest little butt, and his brown skin looked great against the bright yellow of his bikini briefs.

"Woohoo, you da man" said Brian as Robert shuffled around in the shed, his board shorts pooled around his ankles. All of us were laughing, and I swear I could see a tent forming in the front of Brian's shorts.

"What are you boys doing in there?" It was Paul's mom. Rob pulled his shorts back up and jumped onto his bike just as she rounded the corner.

"Nothing Mom, just fixing Aaron's bike. He got a puncture."

With that I picked up my newly repaired machine and flipped it right side up. "Morning Mrs G" I said.

"Hello Aaron, hello boys" she said nodding at Rob and Brian. "So it looks like your bike is back in commission. That's good because I was hoping that you boys could go to the store for me. I need some flour and icing sugar for Paul's cake."

"No problem, Mom."

We all knew that it was Paul's 14th birthday tomorrow, and that Mrs Gordon made the best birthday cakes. She handed Paul a $5 note and a slip of paper with the shopping list written on it.

"We'll be back in about an hour."

First stop on the way to the store was Glenn's place. His Dad was in the front yard messing about with one of the old cars that he always seemed to be fixing for one friend or another.

"He's in his room" he said, gesturing to the back of the house.

We let ourselves in through the back door, and found Glenn playing records on his battered radiogram.

"We're going to the shop for Mrs G. Do you want to come?" I said.

"Robert pulled his pants down in Paul's garage and almost got caught" said Brian.

"Sure...what?" said Glenn, looking back and forth from Brian to Robert.

"All the way his ankles" added Paul.

"Go on, do it again" said Glenn. "Dad's outside and Mom's next door so no-one will know"

"OK" said Robert, and down they came. Only this time, they didn't stop at his ankles. Rob stepped out of his shorts and kicked them away, then started dancing and gyrating in just his underpants and shirt.

"Ow wow, cool" said Glenn. "Go on, take off your shirt. Strip for us"

Glenn put on another record, and Robert started making the moves like he was going to strip. I didn't think he would do it, but the idea made me pop a boner straight away. I noticed that Brian and Paul were also rubbing the fronts of their shorts as Robert slowly undid his shirt buttons. He may have only been 13, but boy could that kid move. With the buttons undone, Rob pulled his shirt open, flashing his nipples, then turned around with his back to us and shook his cute little ass. Then he shrugged the shirt off his shoulders, and whirling it around, threw it out the bedroom door into the hallway.

When he turned back around to face us wearing nothing but a tiny pair of yellow underpants, his boner was plainly visible. Rob hooked his thumbs into the waistband of his undies, and I was sure he was going to go all the way, when the doorbell rang.

"Shit" said Glenn. Robert scrambled to grab his shirt and shorts and quickly dressed while Glenn went to answer the door.

"Man, that was awesome" said Brian. "Were you really going to go all the way? You know, get totally naked?"

"I guess so" said Robert. "It felt great. With you guys watching, I totally wanted to get it all off. Pretty weird huh?"

Glenn came back into the room and looked a bit disappointed to see that Rob was once again fully dressed. "Just some dude collecting for the Red Cross. Gee, does he ever know how to kill a party. Come on Rob, I'll put on another record."

"Maybe later" said Robert. "We promised Paul's Mom we would go to the store. You said you would come too. And I've got an idea."

As we cycled to the store, Paul, Glenn, Brian and I kept asking Rob about this idea of his, but all he would say was "You'll see".

It wasn't far. We parked our bikes out front and headed in. Robert's cousin Mark was behind the counter. "Hey little dudes, what's happening?" We all knew and liked Mark. He was 18, tanned and blonde and I don't think I was the only one who had a secret crush on him. He was also incredibly good looking and all of the kids whispered about how Mark had enormous balls. I didn't know if it was true, but there was surely a lot of bulge in the front of his tight shorts.

"Hi Mark", said Paul, "we just need to get some stuff for my Mom. Where's the flour?"

"Right back there". Mark pointed to the back of the store.

There were only a few aisles, and apart from Mark and us, the place was deserted. Paul picked up the bag of flour then searched around for the sugar. There it was on the top shelf. He grabbed it and turned around. "Found it...what the?" Robert's pants were down around his knees and he was unbuttoning his shirt. "Don't do that, Mark can see you in the mirror." He pointed up at the security mirror that allowed the guy behind the counter to see pretty much the entire store.

"I know" said Robert. "That was my idea. I'm going to give Mark a show. Here, give him these." With that, he slipped his shorts all the way off and handed them to Paul.

"Hot Damn" said Brian. "are you going to get naked in the store?" "Nope" said Rob "that is, not unless you do too."

"Wicked" said Glenn. "Wait, Paul, give him these as well". He kicked off his sneakers, unzipped his jeans and slid them down.

"Man, you guys are going to get us in so much trouble". Paul took the two pairs of pants, the flour and the sugar to the front of the store and handed the $5 his Mom had given him to Mark.

"Whoa, is Rob stripping again?" asked Mark. "Tell him I'll give you all sodas if he goes all the way."

Paul looked mighty surprised. So this wasn't the first time. He raced back to where Brian and I were watching these two guys without pants and told us about the bribe. "That's awesome" said Glenn. "I'm up for it. Here, I'll give you my shirt. Come on, Rob. Brian, make sure no-one comes in the store".

Rob put his hands behind his head and swayed his hips as he let Glenn unbutton his shirt, then threw his arms back to let the shirt fall to the floor. Glenn pulled his T shirt off, picked up Rob's from where it had fallen and handed both to me. I couldn't believe they were doing it. Both Glenn and Robert stood in the back aisle of the store in nothing but their underpants and I was taking the rest of their clothes away to give to Mark.

When I got to the counter, it was pretty obvious that Mark was enjoying the show. His legendary bulge was now free of his shorts as he had unzipped behind the counter and was openly stroking it. Now I too could see in the security mirror as Glenn and Robert rubbed their undies clad boners against each other and Paul pulled down the back of first Rob's then Glenn's underpants. Glenn threw his arms in the air and said "Strip me naked" so Paul pulled his undies the rest of the way down and off, then did the same to Robert. Now totally naked and fully boned, both boys suddenly realized where they were and ducked down behind the shelves.

"Where'd they go?" I asked, but Mark didn't seem too worried, and still hadn't put his dick away. Paul and Brian came to the counter, Paul with two pairs of undies and Brian with 5 sodas. "You promised us sodas if they went all the way" but Mark didn't answer. He seemed to be swaying a bit, and peering over the counter, I could see why.

Robert and Glenn had crawled totally naked around the store to behind the counter and I could see Rob's fist around Mark's dick while Glenn was pulling on both Rob's and his own. It only took a few seconds, then all three were shooting quite an alarming amount of cum. Although still fully clothed, Paul and Brian had just been rubbing the front of their shorts which now seemed to have growing wet spots. Me too.

Mark handed Robert and Glenn their clothes and made them get dressed again behind the counter. "Thanks little dudes. Take these sodas, and careful you don't get caught."

Paul helped Mark bag his shopping and we left the store.

"Man, that was like the gayest thing ever. I can't believe you did that" said Paul as we rode back to his house. "And what did Mark mean when he asked if you were stripping again? Have you done that before?"

"I might have" said Rob with a smile.

"Well I haven't" said Glenn. "But I think I might have to do it again. In fact I think I'll do it again right now." He started unzipping his jeans and trying to get them down, but doing so while riding a bike proved to be quite a bit more difficult than he thought. "Bugger, I'll have to wear shorts next time."

As we rode past Glenn's house, he said "Wait up, I just need to go inside for a minute." He dropped his bike on the front lawn, then ran inside.

While we waited, Brian asked Robert "So come on Rob, are you gay or something?"

"Or something" said Rob. "I don't know, I just like taking my clothes off, and the chance of getting caught makes it much more exciting."

"You mean like streaking?" I asked.

"Not really. Streaking is like just running around in the nude hoping everyone can see you. I like it better when there's a chance of being caught, but there's a chance of getting away with it. And stripping for people is exciting because you know that they don't know if you'll go all the way or not, and you know that they're hoping that you will"

Wow. So my friend had this all thought out. He HAD done this before. "So this is like a hobby or something?"

Glenn came running out of his house, now wearing football shorts instead of jeans. Maybe it would be a hobby shared.

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