Sail Away

By Dan W

Published on Dec 12, 2002



"Sail Away" by Alicia_boston

The contents of this story are the sole possession of the author and may not be distributed or reprinted in any form without the written or electronic permission of the author. The story contains graphical descriptions of sex between consenting adults of the same sex. Please check with local laws before reading this story because it is not permitted to read this story in communities where such activities are prohibited by law. It is also prohibited for minors to read this story . (Alicia_boston)

Comment and feedback are welcome.

"Sail Away" by Alicia_boston

For Cassandra, this was an exceptionally easy crew assignment. She had been to sea now for a day, crewing on a 60 foot Swan sailboat out of Miami for a married couple in their forties. The couple, Lena and her husband David, had turned out to be very easy passengers. Both knew how to handle the boat, and they cared for their own needs for the most part. Many times the most unpleasant aspect of crewing on a private boat was that the expectation of the passengers that the crew are actually slaves required to respond to every request for a cocktail or snack.

The way crewing is supposed to work is that a couple or group of passengers could charter a boat and crew for a pleasant sail in which the passengers would enjoy the experience of sailing without the worries of handling the boat or navigation, and in some cases meals, depending on the arrangements. In Cassandra, Lena and David, had a more than competent captain for their boat, as well as an outstanding cook. She was also surprisingly discreet, which is important on any size boat.

The reality of sailing on a sixty-foot boat is that the quarters are tight, and it's important for the crew to be almost invisible to the passengers. The passengers want to feel alone on the boat, and the best crews make them feel that way. Both Lena and David would remark to each other that even on this sized boat, sometimes they didn't even know where Cassandra was, and then as if by magic the raven- haired 22 year old would with a tray of freshly grilled scallops. She seemingly was able to do her work, including the navigation, without interfering with the privacy and enjoyment of the passengers. David was also an experienced sailor, and with very few hints from Cassandra, he enjoyed handling the boat for long stretches.

From the cockpit, Lena looked forward to see Cassandra making fast the forward sheets. She reminded Lena of herself twenty years ago. As Cassandra crouched to her work Lena could see the taught muscled thighs below her modest khaki shorts. The skin, browned by the sun, was smooth and unblemished. Cassandra wore a white collared "crew" shirt and Lena could see the veins on her forearms as she worked the lines, her fingers deftly and speedily winding. She had a wild mane of curly black hair that came down off her shoulders and was held back in a bandana. Her dark glasses hid her coal black eyes. Lena smiled to herself, `My goodness, to be young and beautiful again.'

In fact, Lena was still quite beautiful. At forty-two she had lost very little of the muscle tone that she had developed as a Division 1 College track and field star at Penn State. She had surprised Cassandra early in the voyage by her display of swimming strength in a fair chop. Cassandra had discouraged her from swimming in the rough waters, but Lena swam for an hour without difficulty, as she had done every morning as part of her regular exercise regimen. Her body still looked fantastic in the white bikini that she had been wearing for most of the trip, her breasts still firm and large enough to display a beautiful d^colletage without artificial enhancement.

When Lena had first met Cassandra, to interview her for the crew position, she had first been a bit wary of having a beautiful young woman on the same boat with her and David. But after speaking with her, the maturity that Cassandra displayed eased her concerns completely, and in fact, the voyage so far had been a delight. Only a few times had Lena caught Cassandra eyeing David in his Speedo as he worked the boat. David had a fantastic body from working out regularly and he looked great in his red Speedo that more often then not provided a clear outline of his ample manhood. His athletic tanned body allowed him to move easily around the boat and he really enjoyed working the details of trimming sails and handling the ships wheel.

Over the next two days, Cassandra settled into the life of crewing a charter. David and Lena were really delightful passengers and Cassandra tried to make herself as invisible as she could. She would awaken early in her aft cabin, separated by the salon from the main cabin where David and Lena slept, and shower quickly. She would complete her morning checks in the next hour and prepare the boat for the day's sail. Another hour was spent with the navigation charts checking and re-checking her position with the GPS. By 7:30 AM the coffee was brewing, and croissants and fruit were readied for breakfast in the main salon. Cassandra would then go topside with her mug of black coffee and enjoy the morning solitude, and give privacy for David and Lena to wake up and enjoy their breakfast. In the evening, she would finish her final navigational computations early, and secure the boat. She liked to turn in around 8:00PM in order to give the couple the run of the boat in privacy.

The second night, as Cassandra lay in bed, drifting towards sleep, she could hear David and Lena laughing and swimming in the moonlight. She smiled to herself, sure that they were skinny-dipping in the warm gulf-stream waters, something she liked to do herself, but which was out of the question on crew assignments. As she lay there in bed she heard the regular rhythm of the waves lapping at the hull. But soon there was a sound she didn't recognize, and irregular pounding that sounded like a floating object striking the hull in the waves, regular but not the same as the waves. She sat up listening further. A smile crept across face as she heard another sound, a low moan, unmistakably David's voice. David and Lena were making love on the deck of the boat under the moonlight. Cassandra lay back in bed, picturing David's lean muscular body over Lena. He was probably feasting on her beautiful breasts and Cassandra was sure from the sound of things that David was rapidly reaching his moment of orgasm.

Cassandra's fingers roamed over the tee-shirt she had on, feeling the hardness of her nipples. Her breasts were small, much smaller than Lena's, but her nipples were extremely sensitive. She could achieve orgasm on her own by merely fondling her own nipples. But not tonight, even asleep, she was crewing. She took her hand away and lay back, closing her eyes just as she heard David's guttural utterance of pleasure accompanied by Lena's throaty shriek of pleasure as they achieved their mutual orgasm and collapsed on the deck.

Day three broke sunny with a fair wind from the southeast. When Lena emerged from belowdecks in a white robe holding a mug of coffee she found Cassandra already pulling anchor and setting the forward sail. "What a beautiful day."

"Yes ma'am," replied Cassandra. "We'll have a really nice day today for sailing, nice breeze to take the heat out." Cassandra looked aft at Lena, seeing what she imagined was a look of satisfied calm on her face. David was a lucky man, she thought to herself. She hoped that when she was Lena's age she still had the looks and body that Lena had. Cassandra quickly finished setting the forward sails just as David emerged, in a white tee shirt and white Speedo. "Well," Cassandra thought to herself, " Lena is pretty luck herself."

"Hi Cassandra, do you need a hand?" he called forward.

"No, I'm managing, we are almost underway." As she said this she turned aft to see David making his way forward. There was still a fair amount of dew on the fiberglass deck and as Cassandra watched she could see David's body twist awkwardly as his foot slipped. In trying to save his coffee, David landed hard on his hip on the deckrail, and loud crack sounded. Immediately his face screwed up in a twist of pain and he uttered an anguished scream.

Both Lena and Cassandra were quick to his side, checking for injury. Cassandra had first aid as part of her training and immediately she didn't like what she saw. David was pale, almost as pale as his white tee shirt. His skin was clammy to the touch. As he tried to move his face would turn up in pain. Cassandra pulled the Speedo down off his hip, and could see the swelling already beginning. Lena looked over at Cassandra, trying to ascertain how serious the situation was, but as an experienced college athlete familiar with leg injuries she already suspected the worse.

"Broken hip?" questioned Lena.

"I think so, or dislocated anyway. We've got to get him off the boat. He needs more medical attention than I can give him here," replied Cassandra.

"How long till we can get to a port?" rasped an anguished David.

"Too long. We are two days out under the best conditions. We've got to get the Coast Guard to take you off the boat, I'm sorry."

"Wait, you must have pain killers on the boat, I can last until we get in."

"David, I'm sorry, it's the risk of infection I'm worried about. You leave now then you have a two month rehab and you can come back and sail with me again. If you wait, and your hip joint becomes infected you could require an artificial hip or worse lose a leg, then your sailing on some fucking cruise line with the rest of the AARP crowd."

David managed a smile at this, and Lena looked over at Cassandra and said, "Let's call."

Cassandra went below and made the call to the Coast Guard rescue. A helicopter evacuation was too risky with the tall mast of the Swan, and a cutter was nearby on regular patrol. In two hours the cutter would be there, and they would airlift from the cutter to Miami. Returning topside with some pain medication she found David almost incoherent from the pain. As she gave him the pills to ease his misery Cassandra looked over at Lena. "I'm sorry your voyage had to end this way."

David stirred, "Lena, you stay on board, and help Cassandra sail back to Miami."

"David, don't you worry about that, I'll get her back on my own."

"No." David was vividly lucid now. "Lena, this boat is to much for one person. You need to stay."

"David's right Cassandra. He'll be fine back at the hospital and I can't do much for him there. You either turn this boat over to the Coast Guard to be brought back, or I stay on board."

Cassandra considered this. The boat was a lot for a single hand to sail, and Lena was certainly proficient. Weather forecasts were for fair weather for the week. She decided quickly.

"Okay, Lena thank you for staying. Today is Tuesday, and we won't get much sailing done, so we'll start back on Wednesday and be in Miami late Thursday or early Friday depending on the wind." Four hours later the Coast Guard cutter pulled away from their boat and as Lena and Cassandra watched from the deck they saw the Air Rescue Chopper leave the helipad aft with David and head North to Miami. The ship's doctor had confirmed that Cassandra had made the right decision. Best case, David had a dislocated hip, but the doctor thought perhaps a broken hip or fractured ball joint. Either way the injury required immediate medical attention.

It was 2:00PM before Cassandra had cleared the decks. At best there would be 4 hours more of sail, which given the circumstances and events of the day would probably be pushing it. She made the decision to stay put, and work on the new navigation and headings she would need to get back to Miami. She checked on Lena, who seemed concerned, but fine, especially after receiving word that David was at the hospital in Miami and that he would be fine: a minor but painful fracture of his hip that would lay him up for six weeks. From belowdecks she heard a splash and she immediately went topside to check.

From the deck she could see Lena swimming about 30 yards off the starboard side. "Hey", called Cassandra, "You need to let me know if you go swimming. There are only two of us now and the rule of this boat is we need line of site to each other when we are topside. I can't have another accident."

Lena called back, "Sorry, it's just so hot." It was extremely hot in the sunlight when the boat was not under sail. Lena had been sitting topsides baking in the heat and she had sought relief in the cooler water. As she glided through the water her body began to relax and her muscles seemed to unwind from the tension of the morning. After about ten minutes she swam back to the swimming ladder and climbed out of the water. She stood for a moment shaking the water out of her hair. The white bikini was plastered to her body and as she bent her head down to shake the water out she could see her breasts and her nipples poking clearly through the bikini top. She wondered to herself whether she was permanently aroused after last night's lovemaking with David on the deck. She looked up to see Cassandra staring at her with a curious look on her face, her lips pursed almost in a question.

"It's so hot Cassandra. Look, now that it's just us girls, it's okay with me if you want to relax the dress code." Cassandra looked up at her. It was hot, and Lena's amazing body perfectly shone in the sunlight. Each drop of water was like a tiny diamond glistening. For a second, she wondered what Lena's facial expression had been like as David made love to her last night.

"You know, I think I'll take you up on that if you don't mind. It is damned hot out here." Cassandra stood and pulled the white crew shirt over her head. Then quickly she stripped off her khakis and tossed them below through the deck hatch. "Oh my, that does feel better. Thanks Lena."

Lena stood motionless for a moment, awestruck at the site of Cassandra in her bra and bikini panties. Under the crew shirt and shorts she hadn't realized what an exceptional body Cassandra had. She wasn't tall, 5'2" or so, but her body was lean and chiseled. Her abdomen was flat, with clearly defined muscles across her belly. Cassandra's breasts were not as large as her own, quite small actually, but through the simple white cotton bra Lena could clearly see her nipples outlined large in proportion to her breasts. The matching white bikini panties rode high on her hips. As she had suspected Cassandra could see firm thighs, and flawless brown skin that ran up and around to her ass. "Oh my" thought Cassandra, "this girl has no idea how beautiful she is."

For the rest of the day Lena eyed Cassandra as she went through the preparations of the boat for the next day. She was still amazed at the lithe young body as Cassandra moved quickly and athletically over the length of the boat. Dressed in just a bra and panties, Cassandra looked like a dancer moving in the sunlight, a sleek and beautiful animal moving by instinct over terrain she knew well. "It's a good thing David never saw her like this," she thought to herself, "he'd never have been able to resist, and I'm not sure I'd blame him."

The rest of the day went quickly and before going below, Cassandra and Lena both jumped into the warm ocean in the waning light of the day to cool off. Lena emerged first and handed back a towel to Cassandra. Now Cassandra stood practically nude before Lena's gaze. Her bra and panties were now transparent in the evening light, and Lena could clearly see the half dollar sized nipples that seemed to cover most of Cassandra's small breasts, and below, the darkness at the juncture of her thighs was clearly visible. Lena could even clearly see the dark curly down covering the young woman's pubis. Lena felt odd watching Cassandra as she wrapped the towel around her magnificently curly hair and began to make her way below. What about this girl made Lena want to just look at her, gaze at her? Sure, she was physically beautiful, but there was something else, something deeper. She wrapped herself in a towel and followed Cassandra below.

Later that night, as she lay in the darkness of her cabin, Lena's mind drifted to the evening before. She imagined David's touch on her again, the way he held her, caressed her. Her fingers drifted down to the front of her panties, lightly caressing as she remembered the feeling of his body against hers, the tip of his cock beginning to enter her, fill her and rhythmically move within her. As she drifted towards sleep Lena fingers felt the moistening at the front of her panties indicating her arousal. Her memories mixed with her dreams and as she felt David's tongue against her innermost self, in her dream Lena roused from her rapture to reach down and push his head more deeply against her. Instead of David's short trim hair, her fingers roamed through a curly mane of hair, and as she looked down she looked into Cassandra's eyes as the young woman pleasured her with her tongue.

Lena awoke with a start, soaked in sweat, and panting. "My God," she thought to herself in the darkness and solitude of her cabin, "What a dream, Jesus." Her body was coated in sweat, the sort of sweat generated from the heat of passion. She could smell the musky aroma of her own arousal that the wetness between her legs confirmed. She could hear her own heartbeat in her ears like a drum. She peeled off the soaked tee-shirt that she had worn to bed and lay back, pulling the sheet over her, and drifted off into a troubled sleep.

The sound of Lena's voice had awakened Cassandra, and she sat up in bed trying to recall if she had really heard it or just imagined it. No, she was quite sure that Lena had cried out in the middle of the night. The day had been a lot for her, and maybe she was more worried about David than she had at first appeared. But the middle of the night cry hadn't sounded particularly anguished. In fact, it more reminded Cassandra of the sound that Lena had made the night she had made love to David. Cassandra smiled to herself for a moment, "No, it couldn't be." Cassandra lay back in bed smiling and silently giggling. At least Lena had given the okay for the relaxed dress code. She guessed Lena felt that perhaps that gave the okay for unrestrained midnight acts of self-pleasure. As she drifted off to sleep Cassandra felt the tingling sensation of arousal in her nipples.

The next day was another perfect day and Cassandra awoke early to make preparations. By the time Lena emerged topside they were underway and Cassandra was sipping coffee with one hand on the ship's wheel. Cassandra looked fresh and young in a yellow string bikini tied at the hip in perfect loops. Her skin glowed in the morning light and Lena immediately remembered her dream from the night before and felt disturbed as she looked at Cassandra's body.

"Good morning," beamed Cassandra. "Coffee's right there in the carafe. Did you sleep well."

"Ugh, no as a matter of fact. I was thinking of David a lot, kept me up a bit." The coffee smelled wonderful as she sipped heartily.

"In an hour we'll make a ship-to-shore call to the hospital so you can talk to him." Cassandra looked over to Lena and saw that indeed she looked a bit worn and tired. She hadn't slept well apparently. She was sitting in her robe leaning against the cushions of the salon looking out over the ocean slipping by the boat. As Cassandra watched she could see where the front of Lena's robe pulled way and from her angle Cassandra could see almost her entire breast. They were much larger than her own, which she had known already from the many times she had seen Lena in a bikini top. If she could have larger breasts, Cassandra thought to herself, those would be the ones she'd want.

"Does is still look like Friday into Miami?" Lena's voice startled Cassandra and she flushed when she realized she was still staring down the front of Lena's robe while Lena was asking her question.

"It'll be close. Thursday evening possibly, but I won't sail her at night with the big cruise ships coming in. I'll try my best though." Cassandra turned back to the task at hand, one eye on the compass, the other on the horizon and the sails. Today would be an easy day, fair wind, warm temperatures and a straight course, it didn't get any easier than that.

Lena wandered below, eating yogurt and granola in the ships galley, and then a quick shower. In her cabin she searched through her belongings and settled on a Speedo training suit, green with red piping. The bathing suit top, a sports- bra style, fit comfortably over her breasts. She wanted to do some hard swimming today to work off her tension. It had been a strange and restless night.

As the morning wore on the wind died down a bit and Cassandra set the auto-pilot. She could relax a bit now. They were still making good headway and there wasn't much to do but enjoy the sun and the occasional dolphin that would swim alongside. She turned to Lena, who had been sitting near, reading. "I'm going to go get some sun." Lena looked up and around.

"Can I come too? Or is that too risky?"

"No, that's fine, you can come forward, autopilot is set and the radar will give warning if there are other boats nearby that we have to watch out for. You never know what the next day's weather will be like so you might as well enjoy it while you can."

Forward, there was a flat expanse of deck covered in dense but soft padding that was perfect for two people to lay side by side and sunbathe. Lena was already sitting there when Cassandra came forward with a tiny crystal bottle. "What's that?" asked Lena as she eyed the rose colored liquid in the bottle.

"It's my Greek grandmother's own private recipe for suntan oil. Our family has used it for generations and never one sunburn," laughed Cassandra. "Don't even ask me about UV protection, I have no idea," she added. "Here, let me put some on your shoulders." With that, Cassandra opened the bottle and poured out the oil into her palm. After rubbing her hands together she began to rub the lotion into Lena's shoulders. "You might want to change tops. You are going to get the strangest tan lines with this bathing suit top."

"Oh, you know, I think you are right. Do you care if I just take it off?" asked Lena.

"No, go ahead, then you don't have to worry about his stuff staining your suit or anything either." Lena quickly pulled her top over her head, carefully folding it and placing it aside. She rolled over onto her stomach and lay down next to the seated Cassandra. Lena thought for a minute to take off her bottoms too, but that might be a bit too much, and instead she pulled the bottoms down well below her tan line and rolled them at her hips to make the smallest lines possible.

Cassandra drizzled the lotion down Lena's back and began to work it in. Her hands felt wonderful on Lena's back and the scent of the lotion was heavenly. Cassandra worked the lotion all over Lena's shoulders and down the small of her back. Her hands caressed the white skin below the tan line of Lena's bottom. Cassandra marveled at how smooth Lena's skin felt. Cassandra couldn't help staring openly at Lena's exposed breasts when the woman had removed her top. Her breasts were firm, and as beautiful in their nakedness as Cassandra had imagined them to be. Her fingers lingered for a moment at the top of Lena's thighs, massaging the oil into the older woman's skin. Her gaze was drawn to the covered "v" between Lena's legs, which were slightly parted. The bathing suit bottom was cut wide over Lena's buttocks and as if she had been adjusting her own, Cassandra reached out and moved the Lena's suit bottom back over her buttocks, exposing the smooth skin of her ass to the sun. Cassandra noticed Lena's sharp movement when she did this. "Oh, sorry, I just was trying to help your tan line."

"Oh no, that's fine," replied Lena. "It just tickled. Do you want me to do your back now?"

"You know, I think I'm going to lay on my back a bit, just in case I need to look around. Don't let me fall asleep." Lena looked over at Cassandra and smiled as she watched the young woman untie the strings of her bikini top. She casually flipped it aside and sat in the lotus position and beginning at her feet began to massage in the homegrown suntan lotion. Lena watched the young woman's firm strong fingers work the oil into her muscular calves and thighs. Cassandra's hands moved quickly over her thighs and spread legs. She held herself upright and slathered the oil over her midsection. Lena could see Cassandra's naked breasts in the sunlight. The nipples were dark, and indeed they coved three quarters of the surface of the woman's small breasts. They looked perfect on the young woman's athletic frame and as Lena watched she saw Cassandra begin to massage the oil into her breasts.

Lena wasn't sure whether Cassandra knew she was watching, but as she looked it appeared to Lena that Cassandra was caressing her breasts. The young woman's hands cupped her own breasts, finishing in a pinch over the nipples, the way Lena would do to her own in self-pleasure. Cassandra seemed completely oblivious to Lena's presence as she continued to massage the oil into her breasts, tweaking the nipples to their peak state of arousal. Lena could see them poking out from the young woman's chest, enhancing her beauty. Finally, Lena watched as Cassandra lay back in the sun amidst the sounds of the wind in the sales, and the waves slapping as the hull moved through them on its course.

The sun felt wonderful to Cassandra, seemingly covering her in a blanket of warmth. Her whole body tingled whether from the heat or the absent-minded caresses she had just given herself. Even now, her sensitive nipples were like points of fire on her chest. "Thank God," she thought to herself, "that Lena was laying on her stomach and didn't see." Touching Lena's smooth body had definitely and unexpectedly had an arousing effect on her. Before she knew it she realized that she had been no longer applying oil to her own body, she had actually been caressing her own breasts. She stopped as soon as she realized what she had been doing, but now she could feel her own arousal as she lay in the sun and she ached inside. Could she be attracted to a woman? She thought not, but in this case she didn't feel just attracted to a woman, it was really Lena that she found to be attractive. There was something powerful and yet deeply feminine about Lena that Cassandra wanted to get close to, to touch somehow, to share. As she lay in the sun Cassandra acknowledged a deeply powerful desire not to make love to a woman, but to join herself in some deep, complete, and meaningful way with Lena.

After 30 minutes or so Cassandra awoke to the caress of Lena's finger on her cheek. "I'm sorry, I let you sleep." Lena was sitting cross-legged next to Cassandra. Cassandra sat up and quickly looked around. "Don't worry, I just wanted to give you a rest, I've been watching. We are on course, and doing 4 knots. I don't think we'll break any speed records into Miami."

Lena had brought a pitcher of ice water forward and now the two of them sat together in the sun sipping the cool water. Cassandra's eyes were drawn to Lena's full breasts, still naked in the sun. As she watched Lena move around the boat Cassandra saw the older woman's breasts move in perfect unison with her movements. They were firm, with small nipples, thick and rounded. Cassandra spoke, "Lena, you have a beautiful body for someone your age." In an instant she realized how awkward that sounded and Lena feigned scorn. "No, no, I mean any age. What I'm trying to say is I think any woman would love to have your body."

Lena blushed at the compliment. "You are too kind. But thanks, I try to keep in shape. Enjoy your youth while you can, it gets tougher and tougher as you get older. Pretty soon these, " and as she said this Lena reached down and cupped her breast in her hand, " I'm sure will start sagging all over the place. But I'll enjoy it as long as I can." She smiled and as she did she released her breast, but not before casually caressing her thumb over her nipple, which became instantly distended and aroused. Cassandra stared at her and her breasts and seemed to flush all over. Again, she had that tingly sensation in her nipples, and realized that they were beginning to become aroused. Lena couldn't help but notice Cassandra's reaction and looked at her with a quizzical expression. "What was going on here?" she wondered.

Cassandra quickly turned over and lay on her stomach. Lena applied the lotion to her back and legs. Cassandra's bottoms were already pulled into her ass, "thong style" and she didn't flinch when Lena applied the lotion to the smooth skin of her bottom. Lena couldn't help but caress her fingers over the young woman's smooth bottom. She applied the lotion liberally, and massaged it deep between the young woman's thighs, coming within a centimeter of the young woman's center. Did her legs part a bit more? Lena thought the heat was getting to her. She stood up. "I'm going to take a dip." She walked aft and turned the boat up into the wind and dove into the refreshing water. The water felt cool and caressing over her almost nude body. Rather than clearing her mind of thoughts of Cassandra's beautiful body the water over her naked breasts seemed to only increase her arousal. After a few minutes she came back aboard, set the boat back on course and went below.

That night, they ate in silence above deck, watching a beautiful sunset undisturbed by any man-made objects. Cassandra gave Lena a brief lesson in navigation as she charted the course for the next day's sail. "Well, the good news is that I think we'll have one more day's sail and be into Miami midmorning on Friday. Best I can do."

"Well I just got off the ship-to-shore with David and he is doing fine. The doctor said he can leave on Saturday so it looks like the timing will be just right. You've been really wonderful Cassandra. Thank you."

Cassandra just stood smiling at Lena. "You've been a great passenger, I've enjoyed it too." Lena smiled again and then leaned in and gave Cassandra a kiss on the cheek.

"Okay, let's get some sleep. I'll see you in the morning for the final day's sail." Lena found it momentarily difficult to go, a brief hesitation, nothing more. Cassandra looked at her expectantly. Lena then turned and went into her cabin. Dizzy for a second, sitting and then lying on the bed.

Cassandra followed the graceful movement of Lena as she made her way to her cabin. She found herself wanting to ask Lena to stay a bit longer, but what for? Just to be in her presence? This was crazy. Cassandra secured the boat and went aft to her cabin. She stripped off her shirt and lay in her panties, letting the cool evening air coming from the open hatch drift over her body. She could not get the image of Lena's hand cupping her own breast out of her mind, and the heat that she felt inside her that afternoon began to return to her.

She could see almost in slow motion Lena's long fingers holding the fullness of her breast in her hand and the her thumb slowly drawing across the milky whiteness to her nipple. Cassandra had watched as Lena's thumb drew her nipple to hardness in an instant and then it had stood out starkly making her aureole appear smaller and puffier. It had been one of the most arousing things Cassandra had ever witnessed.

In a moment, Cassandra realized that her own fingers were tracing over her abdomen. Her nipples tingled in the night air, and as she held the image of Lena cupping her own naked breast in her mind, Cassandra felt her own fingers begin to circle her own breasts. The young woman couldn't help but moan as her fingertip began tracing a circle around her nipple, and she immediately felt the warm waves of arousal spreading through her body. The ripples of pleasure began at the white-hot nerve endings of her nipples and began to flow down over her body like the evening air to break gently between her legs. As she pictured Lena's nakedness in her mind Cassandra cupped her own breasts, small by comparison, and wondered to herself what it would be like to hold another woman's breast in her hand. No, she thought to herself, not another woman's breast:: Lena's breast.

As the reality of the object of her desire hit her, the ripples became waves and the fingers of her left hand slid beneath the front of her panties, gliding through the soft down tracing lightly over her pubic mound. The first sensation of moisture surprised her. She wasn't just aroused, she was soaking wet. Her finger easily slid between the lips of her sex and traced over the distended bud of her clitoris. This time she heard herself moan loudly as one finger entered her, and the she squeezed her naked nipple between the fingers of her other hand.

In the galley, Lena heard a low moan coming from the aft cabin. She had gone back to the galley to pour herself a final glass of wine. She stood motionless in the galley for another minute waiting, the silence broken only by the steady beat of the waves against the fiberglass hull. She stepped quietly to the door of the aft cabin, Cassandra's cabin, and inclined her head towards the door. It was closed, not latched, but Lena was sure that Cassandra was asleep. As she turned to return to her cabin, Lena heard another muffled cry, this time definitely from Cassandra's cabin. Lena looked at the door lock and placed a finger against it, pushing gently. The door eased open a fraction of an inch.

Lena peered into Cassandra's cabin through the tiny opening, but it was enough to allow Lena to see the beautiful, young girl lying on her back on her bed, naked but for her tiny panties. What caused Lena to suck in her breath sharply was the realization that the young woman wasn't asleep, but that from where Lena stood she could see Cassandra's fingers working feverishly in her panties. Cassandra's other hand was pulling and teasing on her nipples, and the young girl was writhing on the bed, her hips rocking against her own fingers. Lena could see clearly the young woman's fingers beneath her panties thrusting in and out, and from this near distance Lena thought she could even hear the sounds of Cassandra's fingers entering the thoroughly wet and aroused lips of her vagina.

Lena felt a warmth flood her insides. She stepped back stunned for a moment, considering whether to return to her cabin after accidentally intruding on the young girls privacy. For some reason she did not step back. She remained rooted where she was, watching Cassandra tease and tantalize her body in the moonlight. Lena stared at the young girl's nipples, now distended in full and complete arousal and absentmindedly Lena's hand drifted between her own legs, gently cupping her own mound through her panties. She had never seen another woman masturbate before, or in a state of arousal as complete as this young beauty. Lena's fingers gently cupped her own sex as if to relieve the heat that was building there, but finding only that the heat increased with every touch. Lena lightly traced her lips through her panties, which were already becoming moist. She slipped her fingers beneath her own panties, and her forefinger traced down over her soft fur, lingering a moment at the fleshy hood covering her clitoris then slipping past into the wetness between her outer lips.

Lena staggered and almost collapsed as she felt white heat begin to emanate from between her legs. Almost immediately she felt a flood of pleasure spreading over her. The sight of the young girl, nearly naked, pleasuring herself, and the ministrations of her fingers as they caressed her own sex quickly accelerated the pleasure she was feeling. As her fingertip rolled over the tip of her clitoris, circling it, covering it with the wetness of her own arousal, Lena could hear Cassandra beginning to breathe in the regular rhythms indicating an impending orgasm. The sound of Cassandra's regular panting, and the sight of the increasing undulation of her hips brought Lena rapidly to the peak of pleasure. As she heard Cassandra begin to cry out, Lena felt vibrations of pleasure became explosions deep within her womb and spread out over her whole body.

Her legs gave way, and silently, Lena crouched to a sitting position with her back against the cabin wall, trying to breathe quietly as the waves of pleasure subsided. For minutes she stayed like that, waiting for her heart to stop racing, praying that Cassandra wouldn't get up and find her here, expended after spying on the young woman's private pleasures. After what seemed like ten minutes. Lena could hear nothing but the regular breathing pattern indicating sleep coming from Cassandra's cabin. Lena waited two more minutes and then silently crept back to her own cabin.

In her own cabin, Lena lay restless. Her emotions were a mixture of self-loathing and wonder. The self-loathing came from the feeling that she had betrayed a great trust by spying on Cassandra. And there had been no accident about it, Lena had opened the door, and then stayed after discovering the source of the nocturnal moaning. The wonder came from the sheer sexual excitement of the moment. Lena admitted to herself that it was one of the most sexually exciting moments she had ever experienced. Cassandra's body had been beautiful in the moonlight, and now as Lena lay in bed, she realized that she would love to have her sexually, a thought that brought her back to self-loathing. She was married, heterosexual and twenty years older than the young girl.

"This boat better get to Miami fast," she thought to herself as she fell into another troubled sleep.

The final full day of sailing was an uneventful one. Cassandra, noting time and distance decided to wait one more evening before coming into Miami. It would be perilous if the wind should die, and they got caught in the shipping lanes after dark. Or so it seemed. Cassandra noted that she probably could make it with ease, but inside there was something else, a reluctance to say goodbye to Lena.

They had spent a wonderful final day together, working the boat, and relaxing in the sun. Cassandra could see in Lena the woman that she would love herself to become. It wasn't just the physical beauty, which this morning was highlighted by the yellow bikini that Lena wore, but it was also the confidence she exuded from every pore of her being. Lena's bright green eyes were filled with life, but also with wisdom of experience. As Cassandra looked at Lena, she was reminded of her own powerful orgasm the night before. She had never imagined herself with another woman, but now as she looked at Lena, her skin golden against the yellow bikini, Cassandra imagined her own hands on the older woman, caressing her. Had she really decided to spend an extra night at sea with Lena just to stay around her? What was she hoping would happen? Cassandra turned to the sea, gazing out at the horizon, but soon her gaze inevitably shifted back to Lena's body.

That evening, after they had shared a final meal in the early evening sun, Lena and Cassandra sat silently looking at each other. The trip had taken some unintentional turns, both physically, and emotionally. Cassandra spoke first, "Lena, you have been great to sail with, and really wonderful to be around. I don't know how to say it, but I'm really going to miss you."

"Oh come now, don't be silly." Lena smiled at the young girl. As Lena looked at Cassandra she saw in the young woman her own self from 20 years ago. She saw the youthful exuberance, but also the deeply embedded lack of self- confidence that derived from having had so little life experience. "If I knew then, what I know now," thought Lena to herself. She gazed adoringly at the young girl, wishing she could somehow give her those life-experiences that would speed her learning curve. The innocence was still there, and still beautiful as Lena admired Cassandra in her shorts and shirt.

"Let's go for one final sunset swim," announced Lena.

"Okay, I'll get changed. Don't go in until I'm back topside."

"Oh, stop Cassandra. Let's just skinny dip. It's only us."

Cassandra looked at Lena. It was true, it was just them, and Cassandra did enjoy the feeling of the water caressing her body when she skinny dipped. As she spoke, Lena had already peeled off her shirt. Her bare breasts glowed in the purple light of dusk. Cassandra unbuttoned her own shirt and tossed it to the deck, then her bra. The evening air felt heavenly as the gentle breezes caressed her breasts. She watched as Lena eased her panties off her hips and naked stood before Cassandra. Cassandra eased her own shorts off and then her black string bikini panties. She looked at Lena's body, and the dark juncture between her legs. "Yes," she thought to herself, this is natural, it is just us." With that, Cassandra dove off the side of the boat, cleanly slicing into the water. She broke the surface as Lena dove from the side, cutting the surface ten feet from her.

The water felt wonderful over both of their naked bodies. The warmth of the waves caressed them into a pleasurable state of arousal. Lena marveled at the young girl's body as she glided through the waves. In turn, Cassandra marveled at Lena's strength and perfect stroke as she swam through the evening seas.

After a few minutes, they returned to the deck of the boat. "I'll get some towels," said Lena as she went below, dripping and naked. She returned in a minute, and stopped, breathless. With her back to her, Cassandra stood naked facing the sun as it disappeared below the horizon. Silhouetted in the setting sun, she looked like Venus, powerful, yet with a youthful innocence. Lena found the sight beautiful, and arousing. She walked up behind Cassandra, holding the towels, but not handing them out yet. She was now five inches from the young girl, willing herself closer, wanting to feel her own skin naked against Cassandra's. There was an awkward silence as Lena continued to stand behind the young girl.

It was Cassandra who broke the silence, by moving gently back against Lena, wordlessly, as if the wind itself swept her against the older woman. Cassandra could feel the softness of Lena's breasts against her back, the warmth of her belly against her. Cassandra was acutely aware of the heat coursing through her body. Her blood pounded in her ears and an ache began in her loins. She felt her head incline against Lena's shoulder. As if someone else had gained control of her body Cassandra sensed more than directed her hands to her sides, to hold Lena's hands within her own, and then began to draw them up over her body. Holding Lena's hands in her own, she covered her own breasts, tingles of pleasure sparking from the tips of her nipples as she felt Lena's fingers begin to caress her. A tear formed at the corner of Cassandra's eye and began to fall over her cheek.

Lena could see the tear on Cassandra's cheek, and pursed her lips to cover it with a kiss. The older woman was shocked at what had just happened, but as she stood there, her hands caressing the young woman's breasts she felt lost in desire to be with this young woman. The first touch of the young woman's breasts sparked a blaze within her. Cassandra's breasts weren't large, but as her fingers found her nipples, Lena gasped at how stiff the young girl's nipples were. Cassandra was obviously aroused and as Lena squeezed the girls' nipple between her thumb and forefinger, she felt the young woman's body tremble against her.

Lena's hand dropped to Cassandra's hip and turned her towards herself. The young girl looked away as their bodies folded into each other, breasts caressing each other, nipples tracing across each other's chest. Lena's hands snaked around Cassandra's waist and pulled her against her warm body. Lena's lips traced over the young woman's cheek, her fingers dancing over the smooth skin of her back. Where there bodies were joined heat emanated from the contact. As Cassandra moved against her, Lena could feel the different contours of the girl's body, the softness of her thighs, the points at which her nipples rubbed against the smoothness of her own breasts. Lena reveled in the smell of the sea in Cassandra's hair as her tongue traced over the young girl's earlobe.

Cassandra's mind was a whirlwind of pleasure, and nervousness. She felt that the pounding of her heart must be heard for hundreds of yards around the boat. She hung onto Lena in desperation, enjoying the pleasure of pressing her body to her, but holding too for strength, which for the first time in her life she felt she lacked. Indeed her whole body felt on the brink of some collapse. She could do no more than enjoy the feeling of Lena's tongue tracing along her neck, and the feeling of the older woman's full breasts against her own, soft, comforting.

At the moment when she felt she could stand no longer, Cassandra allowed Lena to step away for a moment, take her hand and lead her back to the deck salon. Lena knelt on the soft cushions and Cassandra knelt opposite her, close, knees touching. Cassandra felt Lena's fingers in her hair, and for the first time looked at her face. Cassandra would think for the rest of her life, that Lena's face that night, bathed in the rose-purple light of the setting sun, was the most beautiful face she had ever seen. Her eyes sparkled like the sea, with a deep smoldering desire and something else too. Cassandra could see the absolute trust and care and gentleness in Lena. For what seemed like three minutes the two women did nothing but stare into each other's eyes, searching. Cassandra finally turned and kissed the palm of Lena's hand as it caressed her cheek.

Cassandra felt Lena's fingers trace down her neck and over her shoulder, down her arm to her own hand. Lena drew Cassandra's hand into her own, and brought it up to her own cheek. As Cassandra watched, Lena kissed the young girl's palm, lightly tracing her tongue along the center of her hand. Looking directly into Cassandra's eyes, Lena brought the girl's hand into her own, and drew it over her own breast, cupping her hand over her nipple. Cassandra stared in disbelief as she watched her own hand curl around the fullness of Lena's breast. Unlike her own, they were much fuller, and Cassandra cupped the breast in her hand, feeling its fullness and the searing heat emanating from Lena's nipple. She yielded to her own inner desire as her fingers closed on the older woman's nipple. Cassandra's forefinger traced a circle over Lena's aureole, feeling the changing texture, watching as the nipple became even more distended under her touch. Finally her finger traced over the hardness of Lena's nipple, closing it between her forefinger and thumb eliciting a moan of pleasure from Lena.

Lena could bear it no longer. The feeling of Cassandra's hand on her breast had ended any reservations she had about what was about to happen. As she felt Cassandra squeeze her nipple a dam burst within her, and her desire flowed freely now within her body from her breasts down in the depths of her stomach and poured forth from her aroused loins. She leaned into Cassandra, who lay back against the cushions, her hands going around Lena's back, pulling her in. Lena's mouth immediately found the young woman's, and her lips eagerly tasted. Cassandra's lips parted and Lena could feel for their tongues make contact for the first time, again, a wave of pleasure flowed from the broken dam of restraint within her. She hungrily tasted the young woman's sweet breath and could sense the passion building within her.

Lena covered Cassandra's breast with her hand, squeezing the nipple until she felt the sharp intake of breath as she kissed the young girl. Cassandra's hips were moving wildly under her own, as if they had a desire in them that could not be controlled. They maneuvered their thighs against each other, and Lena could feel the wiry texture of the Cassandra's pubis as she drew her thigh over the young woman. She also felt Cassandra shudder beneath her as her leg drew slowly up over the girl's sex.

They continued moving together, searching for mutual pleasure, finally Lena felt her own sex make contact with Cassandra's. As she looked at Cassandra's face, Lena could see her mouth form a silent "Oh" as Cassandra's sex pressed against her. As Lena felt the wetness of the contact between them, and the waves of pleasure began again. Cassandra moved beneath her, thrusting her hips against her, and then, Lena felt the lips of the young girl's sex against her own, their most intimate selves, touching, seeking the other. Lena could feel the lips of their vulva fit together, sliding against each other in their own wetness, pleasuring each other in a most intimate kiss. And as the lips of the young woman's vulva made contact with her clitoris Lena felt a tidal wave of pleasure flow up through and over her body and break against her every nerve. Her body shook uncontrollably as wave after wave of pleasure rolled through her. It seemed impossibly hot between her legs, as if a fire of desire had exploded into an inferno of pleasure. Lena was dimly aware through this of Cassandra rhythmically writhing beneath her until the young girl gasped and Lena felt her shudder against her. Lena held the girl tightly against her as her orgasm shook her, their breasts slippery with sweat moving easily over each other.

For a few moments neither woman spoke. The only sound to be heard was the gentle slapping of the waves against the hull, and the ringing sound of the halyards as they knocked against the masts, and the heavy breathing of the women into each others' ears as they clung to each other. The weight of Lena's body on Cassandra was wonderful, and Cassandra could feel every spot where their bodies were in contact with each other like tiny flames on her body. Her orgasm had been the most powerful she had ever experienced, and Cassandra lay awestruck and frightened at what had just occurred. She clutched Lena to her both to maintain the pleasure of the feeling of contact and to avoid looking at her. She was sure that Lena had achieved orgasm with her, and her body tingled with both nervousness and pleasure.

Lena moved first, rising up onto her hands, over Cassandra, looking down into the young woman's eyes. Cassandra looked searchingly at Lena. She saw the flush in face, the dreamy look of pleasure so common after a powerful sexual experience. Cassandra looked at her, into her eyes, but could see nothing but the dreamy half-asleep look of sated desire. Cassandra saw too Lena's breasts, full, the nipples still impossibly hard hanging inches from her own. They glistened in the moonlight from the musky sweat of their pleasure. As she stared at Lena's breasts, she felt Lena move closer, and her nipples came in contact with her own, just the hard points of her own already aroused nipples. Lena's eyes closed as she moved gently back and forth, dragging her own nipples over Cassandra's.

The feeling was electric, and Cassandra closed her eyes. She was briefly disappointed when the contact stopped for a few seconds, only to be replaced by a new sensation, one of warm wetness closing over her nipple. Cassandra's eyes flew open and she stared down in time to see Lena's tongue draw her nipple into her mouth. Cassandra shuddered with pleasure, but was unable to look away as she saw Lena's mouth begin to suckle her breast. She stared as she saw her own nipple, distended, wet with saliva, disappear inside Lena's mouth. She sensed the suction and tweaking of her nipple as Lena gently took it between her teeth. She felt the waves of pleasure begin within her self again and they became inevitable vibrations of pleasure as she saw Lena gently suck her whole breast into her mouth.

Her second orgasm left her gasping for breath and her nipple, now open to the cool even breeze felt like an exposed nerve. She could stand it not longer, and covered her own breast with her hand. She sensed Lena moving away from her, kneeling up, when another sensation overtook her. This time she felt Lena's finger tracing along her vulva, already soaked from her earlier orgasm. Cassandra opened her eyes and looked at Lena. Lena no longer had that dreamy far off look in her eyes. Now there was the look of determination. Lena never broke her gaze from Cassandra as she leaned over the young girl, and covered her young sex with her lips.

For one instant, Cassandra had the urge to run. For one instant, she thought to stand up, push Lena away, and step back from this "point-of-no-return." For one instant she thought life could be normal again if she closed her legs. Instead, as a warm fire engulfed her loins she closed her eyes, laid back, and gently opened her legs, opening herself, opening her core. She felt Lena's tongue on her, gently probing her depths, tracing along her lips. Her hips shuddered involuntarily as she felt her clitoris being engulfed between Lena's warm lips. Never in her life had she felt so vulnerable, or so excited. She felt the familiar waves of pleasure begin to build within her, the warmth beginning to spread throughout her body. "Oh my god," she thought, "I'm going to cum again." At that moment as she felt her orgasm beginning to build she felt a need deep within her sex. She wanted something. She wanted to be filled. She reached between her legs and covered Lena's hair with her hands, moving her, guiding her. Then she felt it. Lena's tongue entered her depths. Cassandra moaned as she pulled Lena more deeply inside of her, feeling her tongue fill her depths. Cassandra's orgasm exploded within her with a force she had never experienced before. She heard herself screaming in ecstasy, tears flowing freely now down her cheeks as her body trembled with pleasure.

For ten minutes they lay in each other's arms, gently caressing each other. Cassandra heart began to beat at a near-normal pace. She sat up slightly, next to Lena, who sat up and looked into Cassandra's eyes. "I don't know what to say," Cassandra began. Lena put her finger to the young woman's lips, quieting her, smiling. Cassandra looked at Lena's beautiful face, her full breasts, glistening in the moonlight. Cassandra reached between them, and held Lena's breast in her hand, caressing it, feeling it's weight. Cassandra felt the need deep within her, to please. Lena had taken her to a completely new level of physical pleasure, and now Cassandra wanted to do the same for her. But hesitation arose within her. It was one thing to be seduced, and to experience pleasure at the hands of Lena, but it was another thing to take an active role, to pleasure another woman. She looked at Lena, into her eyes, and realized that this was not about just physical pleasure. For the past twenty minutes she had felt one with Lena, and she wanted to feel that again.

As Lena watched her questioningly, Cassandra slid off of the salon cushions onto her knees, and between Lena's legs. Cassandra could see Lena's mouth forming an "Oh" as if to ask a question as Cassandra's firm fingers spread the older woman's legs. Cassandra gave Lena one last look as she began to trace her tongue along the older woman's smooth thigh. Her skin tasted salty with sweat as Cassandra drew her tongue back into her mouth. She loved the feeling of the smooth skin of Lena's inner thigh against her cheek. She felt momentary resistance from Lena as she placed a hand on each thigh and began to spread the older woman's legs, but that moment of resistance faded away in a gasp from Lena's mouth.

There in front of Cassandra now lay Lena's exposed sex. As she briefly looked up at Lena she could see only the woman's upturned breasts as her head lay back against the cushions in abandon. Cassandra wasn't sure what she had expected, but there before her was Lena's beautiful flower of her sex, open, glistening with arousal. Cassandra could see the aroused swelling of her outer lips, the fleshy hooded covering of her clitoris, and deeper between the lips, the pink glistening folds of her core. Cassandra had always considered her own sex something to cover and hide, but this was beautiful.

As she stared in wonderment, Cassandra knew exactly what she wanted, what she needed. All hesitation left her as she lowered her lips to place the most passionate kiss in her life at the very core of Lena's self. She covered the soft fleshy lips of Lena's sex with her own, tasting at once the musky, pungent flavor of Lena's arousal. Almost immediately she felt Lena spasm in her mouth, and heard the older woman cry out. Cassandra loved the taste and sensation of soft skin between her lips. She traced her tongue along Lena's outer lips, eliciting another spasm and cry from her lover. She slowed her tongue over the firm bud of Lena's clitoris and Cassandra gently took it between her lips, feeling it grow larger with arousal, and swirled her tongue around the distended nerve of pleasure. This time, Lena's whole body convulsed with pleasure as she felt Cassandra tongue at her very core.

Cassandra continued to nibble on Lena's clitoris until she felt the waves of orgasm begin to subside in the older woman. Cassandra continued tasting, loving. Tracing her tongue along her outer lips, Cassandra parted them with her fingers, and placed her tongue against the soft pink ridges of her inner sex. She tugged at them with her lips and traced her tongue around the entrance to her vagina, tasting the tart sweetness of her aroused sex.

For the first time in her life, Cassandra felt she was giving in the way she was meant to give. She had abandoned herself with her lover, taking pleasure in providing pleasure. She loved the feeling of Lena's body in complete arousal before her, writhing in ecstasy as Cassandra penetrated her core with her tongue. Again, Cassandra felt the vibrations of impending orgasm begin in Lena, she sensed the minute ripples with her tongue as she held it against Lena's pulsing vagina. And then, in an instant, like a damn breaking, Lena legs began shaking and her body began to tremble. What began as a gasp of pleasure became a cry of ecstasy in the night. Cassandra held her tongue against Lena's core as she felt wave after wave of orgasm pass through her friend, to her own tongue and down into her own loins. For a full two minutes Lena continued her spasms of pleasure until finally, drained, she collapsed back against the cushions of the salon, her muscles powerless to sustain her. Cassandra remained on her knees, gently and silently caressing her.

After many minutes, Lena looked down at Cassandra, who looked almost asleep between her legs, except for the light tracing of her fingers over her thigh. It was here, only three nights ago, in this same place on the boat, that she had experienced the pleasure of her husband's cock deep within her. Now, and she squeezed her eyes shut in disbelief, she had experienced pleasure to a depth she had never felt before. She looked down at Cassandra in wonderment. The young beauty had given her pleasure beyond anything she had ever felt before. Beyond the physical pleasure, there was the absolute intimacy of what they had just shared. She had tasted Cassandra's most inner self, and Cassandra had tasted hers.

The next morning, when Lena awoke, she was alone in the bed. She remembered the night before, that they had gone below deck and slept in each other's arms. Now Lena was alone, but she sensed that the boat was underway and she soon heard the familiar patter of Cassandra moving topside managing the boat. Lena pulled on a tee-shirt, and a pair of panties and went above to the cockpit. Cassandra was there, dressed in a shirt and khakis, unshowered, but beautiful, thought Lena, in the morning light.

Cassandra didn't look over to her as she said, "Just another hour or so into Miami, you can see it now." Lena looked forward and indeed there was the Miami skyline. She watched in silence for a few minutes. She sensed more than saw that Cassandra stole glances of her.

"That was wonderful last night. Thank you." Lena let that hang out in the morning air. After a moment, a muffled cry began deep within Cassandra. Lena could see the tears begin to form in the young girls eyes. Lena rose and moved quickly to Lena's side, throwing her arms around the young girl. Cassandra buried her face in the older woman's shoulder, her body shuddering from the tearful sobs. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean for it to happen Cassandra. I'm sorry if I hurt you."

"No, no,,,Lena, please no. It's not that at all," said the young girl, regaining her composure. "Am I frightened by what happened last night? Yes, I am. Am I sorry? No I'm not. You made me feel so alive last night. I'm crying because in a few hours, you'll step off this boat and I'll never see you again. You'll go back to your own life with your husband, and I'll be here. I know it has to be this way, but no one has ever made me feel so whole before, and when you leave, I'll never have felt so empty."

Lena held the young woman tightly to her. It was true, and in fact in a few hours they did arrive at the dock. David, Lena's husband, was actually there, on crutches to greet her with a warm embrace. It was an awkward two hours unpacking their belongings from the boat. Lena and Cassandra worked silently side by side for the most part. David thought the two looked exhausted. He attributed the exhaustion to the fact that the two women had had to manage the boat on their own a few days, and he tried to help where he could.

Finally, the moment came to depart. David gave Cassandra a huge hug, thanking her for her quick action on board that probably saved his life. Cassandra helped him back into their rented SUV and then returned to the dock. She looked deep into Cassandra's eyes. She could see the pain and felt the emptiness in her own heart. She whispered softly to her, "That was so special the other night, I don't know what it means. I didn't expect it." Cassandra remained silent, her eyes glistening.

"I know, hey Lena, you better go. I'll never forget you, and I'll never be able to sit out on the boat in the evening without thinking of you. I want to make sure you know that."

The two women embraced, and Cassandra luxuriated in the warmth and smells and texture of Lena. Her own heart was breaking within her, but in this case there was no choice. Only time and the sea would bring healing. She turned away from Lena, without looking back and boarded the boat, not sure she'd able to bear seeing the SUV drive away. "Damn, I hate Miami." She began to rig the boat for her journey home, to the sea.

The End

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